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pittiGood morning04:21
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jibelpitti, did you see http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-adt-killbots/1/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console ?07:26
pittijibel: haven't looked at that one yet; I fixed the autopkgtest bug with eglibc this morning, though07:26
pittijibel: oh, there's a reasonable chance that this works now, I updated to latest git this morning07:27
pittijibel: and I now have test cases/fixes for UTF-8 control stuff under LANG=C07:27
* pitti jumps through login stuff again to retry -- argh slow 2G network in train :)07:27
jibelpitti, ok, thanks. I'll restart the job07:28
pittijibel: thanks07:28
pittijibel: ça semble mieux \o/07:30
jibelpitti, yes, 1 more green \o/07:31
pitti*phew*, how could we live without killbots?07:32
pittijibel: btw, how's your ssh runner coming along? do you need a hand with this?07:34
pittijibel: after the recent Tests class refactorization I'm going to add support for parsing .click packages07:35
jibelpitti, the adt side is okay I think, it needs tests and documentation. I'm now writing the setup script for lxc as an example. but I must finish the work on hwe eol notifications this week before I can continue on adt07:36
pittifor now I'll test them in a hand-crafted schroot, but I'll soon need to test them in ubuntu-emulator or real iron07:36
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jibelpitti, did you already provisioned a precise VM with adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud ?10:22
jibelI tried and it fails with a timeout10:22
pittijibel: no, I'm afraid I never tried that; just trusty and utopic10:25
pittijibel: can you please file a bug? I'm happy to look into that once I'm back on a place with real bandwidth10:25
pittijibel: (LP is fine, no need to wrangle with the Debian bug tracker :)) )10:25
jibelpitti, I will10:27
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pittijibel: btw, did you see my q about helping with virt-ssh?11:33
jibelpitti, yes, I said that the driver is working, and I'm now on a setup script for lxc as an example, but I've to finish hwe eol notification tests before that.11:43
pittijibel: oh, cool! thanks11:43
pittijibel: right, was just wondering if you stumbled over other weird adt-run bugs which I should fix in the meantime11:43
jibelpitti, no weird bug so far :)11:44
jibelpitti, I reported bug 1330950 , for the provisioning error of Precise VMs11:46
ubot5bug 1330950 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud fails to provision Precise VMs with timeout in cloud-init" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133095011:46
pittijibel: thanks; probably just some missing feature/bug in older cloud-init which it needs to deal with11:47
pittijibel: that blocks you for the dkms tests?11:49
jibelpitti, that blocks me on hwe eol tests. I didn't want to use the old provisioning script and must test in VM to boot with the new kernel and fake system time11:55
jibelI think we need to special case Precise11:56
pittijibel: ack; I'll have bandwidth again this afternoon/evening (but will be out to visit my grandma in the afternoon)11:56
jibelpitti, don't worry I'll have a look11:57
pittijibel: can you use a manually built VM (from prepare-testbed, with purging cloud-init) until that?11:57
jibelpitti, of course, it is not urgent11:57
pittijibel: well, I'll fix it by tomorrow for sure11:58
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pittijibel: oh, thanks for the patch!13:01
jibelpitti, now cloud-init accepts cloud-config but run_cc_modules fails with No module named cc_keys_to_console and no module named cc_phone_home13:05
jibelhm, that's because cloud-init doesn't enjoy that its modules are being purged under its feet13:13
pittijibel: oh, is it being purged while it's not done yet?14:12
pittijibel: downloading precise cloud image now, I'll have a look14:12
jibelpitti, yes, so the 3 modules keys_to_console, phone_home and finale_message are not executed14:13
pittijibel: ok, so it's not waiting long enough, I suppose14:13
jibelpitti, but right now I'm writing a user-data file specific to Precise because write_files is not supported14:14
jibelreplacing write_files by runcmd14:14
pittijibel: ah, but runcmd works? I'll replace that then14:14
jibelpitti, it does14:14
pittijibel: ah, I see -- so I shouldn't purge cloud-init in runcmd, as during that time it's still running14:16
pittijibel: but instead should wait until it's done, and then purge/shutdown14:16
jibelpitti, right. and probably do a shutdown +1 instead of 'now'14:19
jibelfinal_message must be executed after the last runcmd14:19
jibelpitti, do you want me to replace write_files by runcmd or you do?14:20
pittijibel: I'm currently converting it14:20
jibelpitti, k14:20
pittijibel: I haven't yet checked how to see when cloud-init is done; do you already know an official way?14:21
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jibelpitti, when the hook cc_final_message.py is executed14:22
jibelpitti, the file /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished is created with a default message:14:23
pittidoes that write a file ... ah!14:23
jibel"cloud-init boot finished at $TIMESTAMP. Up $UPTIME seconds"14:23
pittijibel: so a runcmd could fork off a shell which polls for that file, purges cloud-init, and shuts down14:23
jibelpitti, the message is configurable in cloud-config14:23
jibelpitti, that would be perfect14:24
pittijibel: I'd like to do everything from runcmd, that avoids having to actively ssh in and do stuff14:24
pittijibel: do you know, can I put comments into the runcmd: section?14:25
pitti# do foo14:25
pitti- ...14:25
jibelpitti, not sure on Precise, but it seems to support multilines scripts even if it is not documented14:27
pittihmm, <<EOF doesn't work in runcmd, meh14:29
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jibela ugly: echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n### BEGIN INIT INFO\n# Provides:          autopkgtest\n# Required-Start:...">/etc/init.d/autopkgtest would work I guess14:50
pittijibel: with a super-long line, yes; but I'm fighting with "Failure to shellify" cloud-init errors even for very simple files14:51
* pitti pokes14:51
pittiplus, apt_upgrade: false doesn't seem to work, annoying14:51
pittijibel: I tried putting the script onto the seed iso, but that's not mounted any more :/15:11
pittithis is ridiculously complicated :/15:11
pittiapparently I need to json-escape ':'15:11
pittior whatever that file format is; as soon as I have a : in the echo, it breaks15:14
jibelpitti, it's yaml, and : is used for associative arrays15:18
pittijibel: I got it, I can quote the entire command15:20
pittijibel: so http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/examples.html#call-a-url-when-finished is apparently also not yet supported in precise :/15:29
pittihttp://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/examples.html#reboot-poweroff-when-finished I mean15:30
jibela hack would be to create a script in a runcmd that do a "shutdown -P +1 & " and execute it15:34
jibeland purges cloud-init15:34
pittijibel: yes, I'm testing this now:15:35
pitti - (while [ ! -e /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished ]; do echo POLL; sleep 1; done; apt-get -y purge cloud-init; shutdown -P now) &15:35
pittiwhich kind of seems to work, I just don't get a serial terminal when booting the resulting VM15:37
pittiright, no serial terminal upstart job any more15:39
pittiin trusty I keep that15:39
jibelpitti, can you paste your diff?15:41
pittijibel: I just pushed the write_files -> runcmd update15:42
pittijibel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7659030/15:42
jibelI pulled it15:42
pittijibel: that disables some stuff which makes the iteration go faster15:42
pittiAUTOPKGTEST_BASE=`pwd` tools/adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud --cloud-image-url=file:///home/martin/download/ubuntu -v -r precise -o /tmp --no-apt-upgrade15:42
pittijibel: that uses the locally downloaded cloud image, and disables the dist-upgrade15:42
pittijibel: so I mostly need to retain the serial console now, other bits seem to work fie15:43
jibelI use the same command line15:43
pitticp /etc/init/tty2.conf /etc/init/ttyS0.conf &&15:43
pitti…………sed -i s,tty2,ttyS0,g /etc/init/ttyS0.conf 2>/dev/null &&15:43
pitti…………log "enabled console on ttyS0"15:43
pittijibel: that's in cloud-init-0.6.3/tools/uncloud-init15:43
pittiperhaps I just need to do that explicitly15:44
pittibut in utopic it's not just a simple s/tty2/ttyS0/15:45
pittijibel: I don't even know where utopic's ttyS0.conf comes from -- not from cloud-init15:48
pittijibel: got it15:57
pittiadt-run [17:58:24]: ERROR: unexpected error: "dpkg --unpack /tmp/adt-run.RCYtYo/adt-satdep.deb" failed with stderr "dpkg-deb: error: `/tmp/adt-run.RCYtYo/adt-satdep.deb' is not a debian format archive15:58
pittijibel: that might now be something xz related perhaps15:58
pittijibel: my current diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7659114/16:00
pittijibel: hm no, I also get weird tar errors for simple packages; I'm afraid that's something I need to look at tomorrow16:01
jibelpitti, thanks, I'll continue a little bit. we'll probably want to move cloud-config outside of buildvm and load precise specific version for precise only and keep it as it was for T and U. The previous version was much nicer and legible.16:04
pittijibel: I pushed both fixes now16:05
pittijibel: now I don't have a local delta any more16:05
pittijibel: I have no idea yet why virt-qemu's runcmd fails so badly on precise16:06
pittijibel: oh, problems with 9p perhaps16:08
jibelpitti, likely, adt-satdep is 0 byte on the guest and 688 on the host16:13
pittijibel: so calling something simple like "runcmd uptime" works fine16:14
pittibut stdin pipelining is b0rked16:14
pitti$ echo hello | /tmp/adt-virt-qemu.ashsl8a8/runcmd  cat16:14
pittino output16:14
pittijibel: interestingly, maybe this is just an aggravation of the race condition that we occasionally see in utopic as well16:15
pittijust that this one is perfectly reproducible for me16:16
pittijibel: argh, *headdesk*16:18
pitti$ python3 --version16:18
pittiThe program 'python3' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:16:18
pittijibel: so, need to use python2 for eofcat, at least for 12.04 (or more correctly, detect what's available)16:19
pittijibel: temporary hack for you to unblock you: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7659188/16:21
pittijibel: I'll fix this properly tomorrow16:21
pittijibel: maintenant, c'est l'heure de courier :)16:21
jibelpitti, merci beaucoup et bonne course!16:22
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DalekSecWhat's the bug number for the issue where the isolinux menu doesn't show for images not using maybe-ubiquity?20:34
gerry_hi does anybody know a good guide to quality / testing?20:53
thomigerry_: depends what you want. "clean code" is a good start20:55
thomialso "working effectively with legacy code" and finally "xUnit test patterns" for unit test focussed content20:56
gerry_Hi Sorry that is far above my head at the moment I have just been reading the quality page on the ubuntu site and thought I would like to contribute20:58
gerry_I what was written not very clear. I was searching for a step by step guide21:00
elfygerry_: to what exactly - testing for us? or something else21:01
elfytry and be a bit more specific about how you think you can help :)21:01
elfygerry_: did you see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Roles21:03
gerry_sorry I am just raising my question from what I read on the quality team page I was reading about bug triaging but found the explanation not  verz21:03
gerry_sorry not very clear21:04
elfyoh right - I'll not be of much help to you about bug triaging :)21:04
elfygerry_: did you see the triaging wiki page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Triage21:05
gerry_thats ok the link you supplied looks like what I was trying ineptly to ask21:06
elfygood :)21:06
balloonsgerry_, elfy :-)21:06
elfyballoons: hi there :)21:06
elfyjust imagine how much I'd get everyone into triaging :D21:06
elfyhow much trouble21:07
gerry_thank you :)21:07
elfyyou're welcome :)21:07

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