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msvb-labHas anyone succeeded in dualbooting (via dualboot.sh) with Cyanogenmod 11?00:41
sergiusensrsalveti: ever seen something like: D/ACDB-LOADER( 1833): No existing ION info in ACDB driver ?01:08
rsalvetisergiusens: hm, not sure, but I'd guess so01:10
rsalvetisergiusens: why?01:10
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sergiusensrsalveti: can't make calls on this mako...01:12
sergiusensrsalveti: but I just swapped SIMs, my SIM scissoring might have busted the one I bought today :-P01:13
rsalvetisergiusens: right :-)01:15
sergiusensprovisioning worked, and it seems to be registered on the network as well01:16
sergiusensrsalveti: on another topic, is this common? E/MP-Decision( 1064): Error 13 setting online status to 0 for cpu3 ... have a bunch of those here...01:17
rsalvetisergiusens: yeah, that's because of ogra_'s changes during init01:17
rsalvetibut nothing critical, just annoying indeed01:18
ogra_you can disable the upstart job that forces the cores online01:19
sergiusensrsalveti: rsalvetiso I still get those weird errors when making a call, but seems to work now01:19
sergiusensrsalveti: we should suppress those at least01:19
rsalvetisergiusens: right, afaik some are coming from a binary blob01:20
ogra_sergiusens, impossible01:20
ogra_MP-Decision is a binary blob ...01:20
sergiusensE/MP-Decision is from the blob then?01:20
sergiusenssuppress them in logcat itself then :-)01:20
ogra_if you want it quiet to see logs disable /etc/init/no-cpu-hotplug.conf01:20
cwayneis there a dbus service to get the device's location?01:39
rsalveticwayne: there's location-service02:10
cwaynersalveti: how would you call that from a scope?02:11
rsalveticwayne: hm, not sure, better ping mandel or tvoss02:11
rsalvetinever used that interface02:11
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msvb-labIt seems Cyanogenmod 11 update (released yesterday?) messed up dualboot.sh, causing UbuntuInstall.apk to be put in the right location, but it's logic doesn't work.03:35
msvb-labThat is, no icon appears in the app list.03:35
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shuduoanyone know why 'run application on device' failed by Ubuntu-SDK?05:20
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dholbachgood morning06:16
nhainesdholbach: good morning.  :)06:18
dholbachhey nhaines06:18
nhainesI'm bummed.  I went to update my Miiverse webapp on Friday and it's completely broken.  And when I updated it to use the instructions given on developer.ubuntu.com it stayed broken.06:19
nhainesWorks on my desktop but not on the phone.06:19
nhainesBefore bed I'll reboot my phone into Ubuntu and capture some error messages.06:19
nhainesBut apparently webapp-container in trusty and in utopic are completely incompatible.06:19
nhainesLuckily I'm not as angry about it today, so I should be in a much better mood when I write on the list.  :)06:21
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* asac installs latest devel promotion \o/07:51
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Eat Your Vegetables Day! :-D08:12
dm1rithx :D didn't know there was anything like tah08:14
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ogra_didrocks, would you have time to drop by in the landing meeting ? there was a question coming up about why the silos are all configured to build without -proposed, do you know anything about that ?08:29
didrocksogra_: I can come, but the answer is easy I guess: I think it's just that it was not reenable after utopic opened08:30
didrocksogra_: I cut that off at release opening times as there are some troubles08:30
didrocksbut otherwise, it should pick them, so it's just an oversight to not reenable them08:31
ogra_didrocks, ok08:31
ogra_didrocks, thanks08:31
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la_juyishi dpm ! I forgot to "prepare for android update", and now it seems I can't neither update nor uninstall dual boot. any tip to at least uninstall so i can reinstall again?08:36
dpmhi la_juyis, does doing a regular dualboot install (i.e. running dualboot.sh) not work?08:37
la_juyisdpm, nope, didn08:38
la_juyist work either :/08:38
dpmla_juyis, what error are you getting, or where is the installation getting stuck?08:39
la_juyisdpm, that's the thing. I don't get any errors08:39
la_juyisit seems like it worked, but then either trying to update or reboot into ubuntu does nothing08:39
dpmla_juyis, have you got the SuperUser app installed?08:40
dpmon the Android side08:40
dpmla_juyis, and have you tried running the Dual Boot app on the Android side and reinstalling Ubuntu?08:40
la_juyisdpm, yes, I do have it installed.08:43
la_juyisdpm, how can i reinstall ubuntu? :)08:43
la_juyisdpm, in the menu i just see prepare for the update, uninstall and update storage use08:44
dpmla_juyis, you can use the "Uninstall Ubuntu" menu option (it won't remove your user data unless you explicitly tell it to) and then reinstall08:46
dpmla_juyis, also check that even if the SuperSU app shows in the list of apps, that you can run it too.08:49
ogra_dpm, so with the reverting of the split greeter a bunch of greeter translations are gone (i guess nobody bothered to translate stuff that was initially supposed to be dropped) ...08:49
ogra_is anyone looking into that ?08:50
dpmogra_, I had no idea, which translations? lightdm?08:50
ogra_dpm, nope, the greeter is part of unity8 afaik ...08:50
la_juyisi can run the app. and even after tapping "uninstall" it doesn't offer me the option to reinstall. rather the uninstall option keeps showing :/08:51
ogra_i see some of the "xx songs player today" messages not translated etc ...08:51
ogra_dpm, Saviq should be able to point you in the right direction08:51
dpmogra_, ah, that's not Unity, that comes from each app08:51
Saviqogra_, dpm, the infographics system is changing completely anyway08:52
ogra_oh, ok ... well, it was translated in the split greeter (or at least there were nore translated strings, it wasnt complete there either)08:52
Saviqalthough there's a compat layer for the old approach08:52
dpmogra_, so the translations should still be shipped from within each app, perhaps something broke the loading of the infographics translations in the post-split greeter?08:52
ogra_might be, i only see the symptoms :)08:54
dpmla_juyis, hm, weird. The only thing I can think of is to close and restart the app. If that does not work, then I'd recommend to ping ondra for dualboot help08:54
Saviqogra_, TBH I can't confirm what you're seeing, but that might be because I've never seen infographics translated from any app..08:54
ogra_Saviq, most (not all) were properly translated for me with the split greeter setup08:55
ogra_now there are less of them translated ... but it could indeed be an app regression08:55
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la_juyisdpm, thanks. no success on this side so i'll ping him09:04
sil2100dpm: hey!09:05
dpmla_juyis, argh, sorry to hear that, so yes, I'm sure he should be able to help09:05
dpmhey, morning sil2100!09:06
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nhainesAnyone know what the expected schedule for landing the bootsplash is?09:08
ondrala_juyis: have you updated android recently?09:08
la_juyisondra, hi! I don't  seem to be able to update, reboot or uninstall ubuntu after a -I must admit-  not careful android upgrade.09:09
la_juyisondra, indeed :/09:09
la_juyisondra, i don't mind reinstalling ubuntu, but i can't do that either ATM09:10
ondrala_juyis: no your Ubuntu and dualboot app is fine09:10
ondrala_juyis: Android update just wipe out SU, so dualboot app cannot gain su09:11
ondrala_juyis: you just need to reinstall SU and then everything will be fine09:11
sil2100dpm: could you help us out a bit? We would need someone non-english native-speaker to check which of our core applications are missing translations in our latest proposed image :)09:11
la_juyisondra, i have the superuser app installed. is there any other i need?09:12
la_juyisondra, i also tried running dualboot.sh so it could get whatever it needed, but no luck there either09:13
la_juyisso can't reinstall, can09:13
la_juyist uninstall :)09:13
dpmsil2100, sure, just give me a few minutes, I'm using dualboot and I'm having problems updating to the latest image09:14
ondrala_juyis: when you run SU app, does it say something, it needs su native binary which is removed by Android update09:17
ondrala_juyis: dualboot.sh should reinstall it though, can you paste somewhere output of dualboot.sh so I can have a look what is the problem09:17
sil2100dpm: thanks! :)09:19
la_juyisondra, sure, let me paste it09:20
la_juyisondra, pastebin.ubuntu.com/7657487/09:21
dpmondra, dualboot.sh does not seem to install the SuperSU app. I'm having that same problem myself: I used the option to prepare Android update, did Android update, ran dualboot.sh and SuperSU is listed in the apps list, but does not find a su binary09:22
dpmso rebooting to Ubuntu fails, as it cannot find the super user app09:23
dpmondra, here's my dualboot.sh output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7657498/09:24
dpmsil2100, I think in the meantime I'll start an emulator. Which apps should I be looking for for missing translations? And why do we expect translations to be missing?09:25
sil2100dpm: so, we know for instance that the dialer-app is missing translations right now, because we released a new dialer-app without the new translation enablement... with the dropping of the desktop translations we want to make sure nothing got missed out, and maybe make a list of which apps still need to work09:28
seb128ricmm, hey, do you know if that's a known issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7657512/09:28
seb128ricmm, robert_ancell is hitting that when trying to run unity8 desktop on current utopic09:29
la_juyisdpm, good eye!09:29
seb128ricmm, seems like platform-api ish09:29
la_juyisdpm, so I had installed superuser app, but now I've installed supersu and it's updating!09:29
dpmla_juyis, ah, cool. How did you do the SuperSU install?09:30
la_juyisdpm, via google play09:30
la_juyisi'll update the wiki09:30
la_juyis(unless there's a better way to do it?)09:31
la_juyisdpm, so instead of re running dualboot.sh just re install supersu app, right?09:32
ricmmseb128: cache = 0x7fff4b22dc24 "libubuntu_application_api_test.so.1"09:33
ricmmhe is probably using a mixed up set of platform-api/unity-mir/unity8-desktop-session packages09:33
dpmla_juyis, that does not seem to work for me, unfortunately. I've got SuperSU installed already, but it's still complaining about the missing su binary, so let's wait first for what ondra has to say09:33
ricmmsimilar to the time it wasnt working for you09:33
ricmmdue to an incomplete upgrade09:34
la_juyisdpm, what about trying to uninstall it and install it again manually?09:34
dpmla_juyis, yeah, tried that too, but dualboot.sh installs it in the system partition, so it cannot be uninstalled. I can only uninstall subsequent updates from Google Play, but not the version that dualboot.sh installed09:35
seb128ricmm, hum, ok, I was under the impression he dist-upgraded/was uptodate09:35
seb128ricmm, could it be a package missing?09:35
seb128ricmm, sorry, I don't much more info, doing debugging through other side of the world via email and a day delay in replies ;-)09:37
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ricmmseb128: right so his issue is that he didnt upgrade unity8-desktop-session-mir09:44
ricmmbecause thats the one that sets that wrong env var09:44
ricmmthe latest package in utopic does the correct thing09:44
ricmmso, I guess he might've done an upgrade but not necesarily a dist upgrade? not sure09:44
seb128ricmm, I've sent him an email, thanks09:45
seb128ricmm, it might be that he has a local hacked version as well09:45
ondradpm, la_juyis sorry was on call09:49
ondradpm: hmm, looks like script things there is already su on your device09:50
ondradpm: can you check $ adb shell09:50
ondradpm: and then su09:50
ondrala_juyis: ^^09:50
dpmondra, that seems to work09:51
dpmI get this prompt after running su  on the command line: 1|shell@mako:/ $09:52
la_juyisondra, i could get su09:52
la_juyisafter giving permissions from the phone supersu app09:52
ricmmseb128: probably, the change is only in the upstart job so it should be trivial to incorporate in his work09:52
seb128ricmm, yeah, I think I've enough info to write him an useful reply, thanks ;-)09:53
ondrala_juyis, dpm : so you can run su from shell and then call "ls /data" and it will show  you content?09:54
ondrala_juyis: OK that looks fine then09:54
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oSoMoNogra_, is it a known issue that when upgrading to the latest libgcc1 in the archive (1:4.9.0-7ubuntu1) all applications fail to start?09:54
ondrala_juyis: then go to SU app, remove permissions for Dualboot app and try to start ubuntu from dualboot app, it should request permissions again09:54
ogra_oSoMoN, nope ... Mirv had some upgrade issues too but different (he couldnt boot)09:55
oSoMoNogra_, I’ll file a bug then, it looks pretty critical09:55
ogra_i think sil2100 wants to build an image today, we should see then if it actuall yhappens on properly built images too09:56
ondradpm: can you get sudo in your shell?09:56
la_juyisondra, right09:56
dpmondra, I cannot get 'ls /data' to show the contents of /data, no09:57
ondradpm: then your sudo is broken09:57
oSoMoNogra_, I don’t see why it wouldn’t, I just installed a clean #85, verified that apps start, then upgraded only libgcc1 and all apps fail to start09:57
ondradpm: did you get request to grand permissions when you called su?09:57
dpmondra, no09:57
dpmso I did adb shell09:58
ondradpm: if not, just run "$ dualboot.sh full" that should reinstall SU09:58
dpmthen su09:58
ondradpm: yep09:58
ogra_oSoMoN, did you tell doko about it (in #ubuntu-devel) ?09:58
ondradpm: what did it say when you did su?09:58
dpmondra, it said nothing09:58
oSoMoNogra_, nope, let me do that09:58
ondradpm: yeah reinstall SU09:58
dpmondra, how? With 'dualboot.sh FULL'?09:59
dpmondra, 'dualboot.sh FULL' gives me "error: device not found", even though adb devices shows it10:00
ondradpm: yea " $ dualboot.sh full"10:00
dpmondra, so running 'dualboot.sh full' actually uninstalled SuperSU, I no longer have it listed in my apps :/10:04
ondradpm: what, that is even more strange10:06
dpmondra, but installing SuperSU from Google Play then fixes it10:06
ondradpm: can you send me please log10:06
dpmondra, which log?10:07
ondradpm: no it's OK, so it installed that needed su binary, that cannot be installed from store10:07
ondradpm: so is SU now working?10:07
dpmondra, yep, after I installed it from the store. I know what happened: 'dualboot.sh full' fails to download the SuperSU zip, but continues with the installation nevertheless10:08
ondradpm: OK10:08
ondradpm: yeah there is new version of SU, but I was hopping it will still succeed to download10:09
ondradpm: so is dualboot now working>10:09
dpmondra, so line 9 is where it shows the message that the .zip file cannot be downloaded: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7657668/10:09
dpmondra, yes, it's working now, but we should either update the wiki or fix the script to download the right .zip file10:10
ondradpm: yep10:10
dpmondra, can I leave it in your hands to do one of the two?10:10
ondradpm: if we update script, what is the process?10:11
dpmondra, from what I know Alex requests IS to upload the script to humpolec.ubuntu.com, but I don't do the releases, so best talk to him10:12
ondradpm: OK10:12
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dpmthanks ondra10:13
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ondradpm: but it download it fine from your script, and tested locally it also download it correctly10:24
ondradpm: there is bug in Android, that sometimes SU app disappears, I saw it happening before, it's good work around to install it from store though10:25
t1mpany ideas what can be wrong here? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7657726/10:26
t1mpI flash image 83, but then when the device reboots it is stuck in the Google screen10:26
t1mpand when I cat /etc/ubuntu-build (I can still adb to the device) it says it is image 8410:26
dpmondra, yes, but in any case, it seems that the Android update breaks su, so the full workaround is to run 'dualboot.sh full' and then install SuperSU from the store.10:26
ondradpm: normally that dualboot.sh full should be enough10:27
MirvoSoMoN: did you reboot after the upgrade?10:27
ondradpm: I think when SU disappeared it was more specific to your phone10:27
ondradpm: it did not happen to me10:28
oSoMoNMirv, no, does rebooting help?10:28
MirvoSoMoN: no, you just get everything broken at that point10:28
ondradpm: for me re-running dualboot.sh was enough to get SU pack10:28
MirvoSoMoN: downgrading gcc works10:28
MirvoSoMoN: since t1mp was also seeing the same, I just made a tarball http://people.canonical.com/~tjyrinki/gcc/fix_gcc.tar that has deb:s that can be dpkg -i *.deb:d on the device10:28
oSoMoNMirv, thanks, that’s handy10:29
ogra_Mirv, not true ... everything thats not C++ works fine :P10:30
t1mpwhere are click packages installed on device again?10:39
* t1mp is looking for notes-app source10:39
t1mpit is not included in /opt/click.ubuntu.com10:40
t1mpok found it10:43
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nhainest1mp: where did you find it?  D:11:13
ogra_nhaines, /usr/share/click/preinstalled/11:14
ogra_(i guess)11:14
nhainesogra_: thanks.  :)11:14
Laneyclick list --manifest should show you11:17
t1mpnhaines: click pkgdir com.ubuntu.notes :)11:19
* Laney learns11:19
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nhainest1mp: yay.  :)11:51
nhainesI'm actually getting some work done today using pomodoros.  I'm using an Android app to keep score, but on my second monitor on my computer I'm running the Ubuntu clock app and using that timer.  :)11:52
nhainesThere are a couple bugs that are kind of touchy but I guess they're not worth reporting since the app's going to be tossed out and restarted?11:52
nhainesVery useful to see a nice countdown on the screen though.  :)11:52
nik90nhaines: actually if they are feature requests, do report them since timer and stopwatch will be added in the clock app post RTM. Also we are moving code from the old clock app to the new one, so any improvements in the old clock app benefits the new one to an extent.11:55
nhainesnik90: that's very good to know!11:55
nik90nhaines: :)11:55
nhainesThey were actually more like interaction quirks.11:55
nhainesMaybe I should write a pomodoro app for Ubuntu then.  :)  I'll see if the existing app has any source code free.  Better to contribute to what's already working.11:56
nik90nhaines: we actually got some contributions to the stopwatch in the old clock app from some new contributors. The design for the old clock app has been opened up. So anybody can jump in and fix it.11:57
nik90popey: do you know who the welcome screen devs are?11:57
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popeynik90: no, part of unity8 so guess they hang out in #ubuntu-unity, Saviq may know?12:03
Saviqnik90, wassup?12:03
nik90popey: thnx12:04
nik90Saviq: I got a design for the clock app where I need to show full screen notifications in the welcome screen when an alarm is triggered12:04
nik90Saviq: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JvDyhsW17d1-Mz8OY1YMBKwfRI2z9qgyRjbujEsxEMk/edit#slide=id.g18895458d_0012:05
nik90Saviq: is that possible in the current implementation?12:05
popeysounds like one for MacSlow12:05
Saviqnik90, no, and it's not design that I got signed off yet12:06
Saviqnik90, so it won't happen for some time at least12:06
Saviqnik90, it's only being discussed now whether we should allow full-screen notifications on the greeter now, but it's not nearly designed yet12:06
Saviqnik90, so fall back to the standard bubble for now12:06
nik90Saviq: ok I just wanted to ask around about that12:06
nik90Saviq: ok, as long as it is at least being discussed that is fine12:07
nik90Saviq: I assume that means it cannot be ready for RTM? (I can let my designer know)12:07
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asacstgraber: you are not in -ci-eng?12:55
asacbarry: stgraber: can you help thostr_ to reconfigure a silo while sil etc. are afk?12:55
barrythostr_: i can try!13:04
thostr_barry: Mirv has done it by now13:10
barrythostr_: k13:11
sergiusensdbarth_: oSoMoNhey, any reason why I can't see attached PDFs in gmail?13:22
seb128mardy, hey, is signond supposed to run in unity8 sessions?13:47
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dobeyseb128: it's a dbus service that should only run as long as it needs to run, afaik13:49
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mardyseb128: yes13:53
dbarth_sergiusens: we miss download support in oxide right now13:53
Elleomy device has been stuck on the google image for a pretty long time (~40 minutes) after flashing #85 :/13:53
dbarth_sergiusens: that's the branch alex-abreu merged proposed recently; it's in review13:53
sergiusensdbarth_: but shouldn't I get the prerender of the pdf from the web as well?13:53
seb128dobey, mardy: trying on a fresh unity8-desktop utopic install, installing click fails, the score log has "Failed to connect to socket /run/user/1000/signong/socket: No such file or directory"13:53
dbarth_sergiusens: you mean on the desktop?13:54
dobeyseb128: ignore that "critical"13:54
dobeyseb128: if installing click fails, there is some other problem most likely13:54
sergiusensdbarth_: I'm talking about phone; then again, I'm asking as a dumb user13:54
dobeyseb128: did the progress bar in the preview fill up?13:54
dbarth_sergiusens: nw13:55
dbarth_sergiusens: it works on the desktop, the pdf pre-render13:55
dbarth_sergiusens: but i don't think they have it on mobile13:55
dbarth_let me check ios though13:55
seb128dobey, it displays directly a fully downloaded, but maybe the things I tried are just small, not sure13:56
dbarth_sergiusens: right, it goes to mail-attachment something, which is a link to the actual attachemnt, hence the need for download suppotr13:56
dobeyseb128: if you didn't get an error in the UI about needing to log in, and the progress bar filled up, then the problem is with the actual install of the downloaded click package, not the credentials or download13:57
dobeyseb128: ie, the "pkcon install-local" likely failed13:57
seb128dobey, ok, thanks, so we are probably back tot packagekit backend issues13:57
seb128dobey, should the click but in some .cache dir?13:57
dobeyseb128: i think it gets downloaded in ~/.local/share/ubuntu-download-manager or something like that13:58
sergiusensdbarth_: thanks13:58
dobeyseb128: definitely under .local/share/ somewhere, but don't remember the exact path.13:58
seb128dobey, nothing in there :/13:59
sergiusensdbarth_: one more; I can't do more than one login from the gmail webapp, is that on purpose?13:59
seb128dobey, I'm going to try to debug, I just got misleading by the signond error in the logs, thanks for pointing out that it's not the issue13:59
dobeythat's the path where they get downloaded to14:00
seb128the directory is there, but empty14:00
dobeyseb128: check ~/.cache/upstart/scope-registry.log for error message about the command failing14:00
seb128dobey, I've a warning in there "InstallingPreview got error in getting credentials during startDownload"14:01
dobeyseb128: also, do a search and clear the search, to see if the app shows up in installed apps14:01
dobeyseb128: oh weird14:01
dobeyseb128: you should have gotten the preview about a login error in that case14:02
seb128dobey, not, it's list in the "available" section14:02
seb128dobey, sorry, that was an old entry, I clean/retried, I get "QIODevice::read: device not open" and "Network error: "Operation canceled (5)"14:04
dobeyseb128: ok, that looks like a network connection issue :-/14:04
seb128I can ping outside without issue though :/14:05
dobeyseb128: yeah. i can open amazon webapp on my nexus 4 and it seems to work ok, but when i try to search for available apps, add a u1 account, or install the system image update, on wifi, it doesn't work14:06
dobeyseb128: i've seen that specific issue with QIODevice happen on my phone before though, and a reboot fixed it14:06
seb128let me try a reboot14:06
dobeyseb128: sorry this is a pain to debug. way too many gears for wrenches to fall into. :-/14:07
seb128not your fault, thanks for reply/trying to help there!14:08
seb128dobey, download worked after a reboot, it's in .local/share/u-d-m/Download14:09
dobeyseb128: cool. and it also failed to install?14:09
AgontukI'm trying to boot ubuntu but can't get past bootlogo. last_kmsg only says "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!" and no other useful info. How can I debug the issue ?14:10
seb128yes, but I guess there we are back to the pk issues14:10
seb128dobey, mvo has those as "known issues"14:10
mardyseb128: that's a harmless warning, there's a branch to remove it14:10
dobeyyep, pkcon is failing14:10
dobeyAgontuk: maybe ask in #ubuntu-kernel for help debugging kernel panics14:19
AgontukOK. I didn't know there's another channel :)14:21
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oSoMoNMirv, we’re ready to release a new version of oxide, so I’ll request a landing to go through the CI train, but it’s a bit of a special package that currently can’t be built from just a branch, we have a build ready in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa, so I guess we could copy it to the silo PPA once assigned, would that work?14:42
ogra_mdeslaur, why do we use polkit at all if we make it depend on a group ? polkit is exactly designed for not having to use group permissions but seats and session permissions based on consolekit/logind14:44
jdstrandMirv: fyi, I can help with the pocket copy if needed (also, this is something I/we've done in the past with a number of packages)14:44
didrocksyeah, a binary copy is possible as the ppa is enabling all archs build (not sure if it builds against -proposed though)14:47
mdeslaurogra_: not quite... we use polkit to control access to stuff that makes sense to simply give to whoever has access to the console, but we mostly use policykit to grant privileges to the default user that is in the sudo group14:47
ogra_sounds a bit like abusing the tool to me14:48
mdeslaurogra_: the stuff that we grant access to the console user has been audited to make sure it can't be used to escalate privileges14:48
mdeslaurogra_: no, that's exactly what it was designed for14:48
ogra_hmm, k14:48
oSoMoNgreat, so I’ll file a landing request14:48
mdeslaurogra_: the stuff that requires the user to be in the sudo group typically either hasn't been audited, or is known to enable some sort of privilege escalation14:48
ogra_mdeslaur, that is an issue we *will* have to solve then ... latest if the first customer who wants a locked down phone comes around14:49
mdeslaurogra_: yes, definitely...and we're going to have to plan for it, as it's going to be a lot of work14:49
oSoMoNMirv, sil2100: so I’ve filed a landing request for oxide 1.0.2 but we don’t have an associated MR, can I get a silo anyway?14:50
mdeslaurogra_: I'm not opposed to removing root access...it just needs to be done right, or else it's security theatre14:50
ogra_i seriously wasnt aware of that, since i know that polkit had been designed back then to get away from /etc/group|password stuff and to abstract that on a higher level14:51
ogra_you caught me a bit by surprise that we tie it into sudo :)14:51
mdeslaurI really preferred it when we called the group "admin"14:51
ogra_well, thats just a name ...14:51
ogra_that we tie the tool into a group but still use logind is the bit that seems weird to me14:52
mdeslaurwe have multiple access rights, basically: Everybody, console users, admins without a password, and admins with a password14:53
mdeslaurthe tie-in with logind is just for the "console users" part14:53
ogra_hmm, k14:54
mterrytedg, heyo!  I just wanted to confirm that the locked-user support in indicators is still scoped work, despite the unsplitting of the greeter (even the integrated greeter will need support for that)14:56
tedgmterry, Uhm, we were discussing it. Frankly I was a bit against it, seems we've given up on any semblance of security there...14:58
tedgNot sure why we'd put things in accounts service just to pull them out in the same session.14:58
sil2100oSoMoN: hi! Let me get back to you in a moment14:59
* ogra_ thinks we should keep the greeter in the shell and turn the lightdm greeter into a "user chooser" ... then make the shell always start locked by default 15:00
ogra_(for all users)15:00
mterrytedg, in the same session?15:00
mterrytedg, well we're also planning to use a split greeter on the unity8 desktop images this cycle15:00
mterrytedg, so they'll be useful there15:00
mterrytedg, and it's not like we have *no* security -- we'll disable adb by default15:01
mterrytedg, between that and confinement, the user's password in a keyfile won't be as world-readable as it sounds15:01
tedgmterry, Sure, as long as unity8 has no bugs, we're good :-)15:02
sil2100oSoMoN: ok, I'm back for your disposal15:03
mterrytedg, fair enough.  Though that does just put us on an even footing with iOS and presumably Android15:03
mterrytedg, we can surpass them post RTM15:03
oSoMoNsil2100, thanks :) so I need a silo for landing request on line 37, without a MR associated to it (we’ll binary copy packages from an existing PPA)15:04
sil2100oSoMoN: oh, ok ;) Then in this case we would need the names of the source packages you'll copy into the PPA in the 'Additional sources packages to land'15:05
sil2100oSoMoN: then once you do binary copies to this PPA, CI Train can track them and be able to release them into the world15:05
tedgmterry, I'm not sure how we'd do it in the same session. The way the indicators are built is that they have a model, and then that drives the display. We're bringing up a different model depending on whether we're in the greeter or not. (i.e. live data vs. account service data). So it's not trivial to do. Hate doing it for a small time when we know it's not what we really want.15:06
AgontukGuys, anyone can help me with the kernel panic problem? I don't know how to debug it :(15:06
oSoMoNsil2100, ok, done15:07
mterrytedg, do you know much about the unity8-side code?  Could it just switch models as the greeter comes in?15:08
ogra_mterry, tedg, why do we need to split out the greeter at all ?15:08
sil2100oSoMoN: let me assign a silo then15:09
tedgmterry, Not sure that we get a signal or anything like that, I think it's all in Unity8. They probably should tell logind though.15:09
tedgogra_, So that the lock screen runs in a different user. If there's a bug, you don't compromise the user's session, only the lightdm session. Also, so that login passwords aren't evaluted in the user's session.15:10
ogra_mterry, tedg, cant we keep the locking part in the shell and have a simple passwordless user selector as the greeter ... would just need some pam maginc in the lock screen15:10
mterryogra_, we'll *need* a split greeter for use cases like encrypted home.  And even when that's not the case, we like a split greeter for security reasons (harder to break in due to bugs in unity8 and the pam helpers can be run as root that way, which is how they expect to be run -- some don't work as the user)15:10
ogra_hmm, k15:11
mterrytedg, but isn't choice of model in the unity8 code?  It could just start reading from a different exported model from the service15:11
tedgmterry, data model not menu model :-)15:11
tedgmterry, So yes, it could choose a different menu, but that's mostly display in our world.15:12
tedgmterry, So we can have less data on that display.15:12
tedgmterry, But I'm not sure of all the control elements. Like you need a PIN to access settings.15:12
ogra_we also cant leave that session running ... it needs to free up the ram after logging in15:13
tedgEh, need to sit down and draw it out.15:13
mterrytedg, I see what you're saying about data/menu models..  Hm15:14
tedgogra_, Sure, the only reason to keep it running is to make it start faster. Other tricks can be played.15:14
tedgmterry, How does the launcher handle it? Does it just manually pop a PIN prompt if an application is selected?15:15
mterrytedg, I'd have to see what the current code does -- the desired behavior, what we did for split mode, is to look like an unlock attempt if you launch an app, but when you unlock, we also launch the app like you asked15:16
mterryand/or launch it when you press the button, but I'd have to ask design about the implications of doing that15:17
tedgmterry, How do I turn on PIN unlocking?15:18
brendandogra_, oops i've fallen into the reboot trap15:18
brendandogra_, is it possible to get out of?15:18
brendandogra_, or am i basically done until the next build?15:19
mterrytedg, edit ~/.unity8-greeter-demo and do something like:15:21
mterrytedg, there are a few visual oddities with it now I believe -- I need to land a unity8 branch to bring it back up to code15:21
mterryit bitrot since the last time we were using it15:21
* tedg set his password to 1111 so know one knows it by reading the IRC log15:23
tedgno one15:23
mterrytedg, :)15:24
ogra_brendand, reboot trap ?15:24
ogra_brendand, by using apt ?15:24
tedgmterry, Hmm, no, that didn't seem to work.15:24
brendandogra_, well i rebooted and now i'm stuck on the google screen. it's probably the issue you were discussing with doko earlier15:25
mterrytedg, uh oh15:25
mterrytedg, oh oh15:25
ogra_brendand, right i guess there is no easy way out but re-flashing ... doko has a new libstdc++6 in a PPA but not yet in the archive15:25
mterrytedg, change [General] to [phablet]15:25
tedgmterry, Ah, yes, that works.15:26
mterrytedg, sweet15:26
brendandogra_, i still have shell access, so i can probably install from the ppa15:26
brendandogra_, where is it?15:26
mterrytedg, I'm going to grab lunch, I'll be back online later if there are other problems15:26
ogra_brendand, according to doko in the "ubuntu-toolchain-r/ppa "15:27
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nik90rsalveti: ping15:30
rsalvetinik90: pong15:31
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nik90rsalveti: hey, I was told by charles that you and your team would be implementing the fix to show the welcome screen when an alarm is triggered. At the moment it does not unlock the phone automatically.15:31
nik90rsalveti: is there a Blueprint or Bug report tracking this work item?15:32
oSoMoNsil2100, thanks for the silo, so now I can binary copy packages there?15:32
charlesnik90, to be pedantic, I said his team, I don't know if rsalveti's the one getting the work ;-)15:32
rsalvetinik90: we're waiting the design for that first, thostr_ is taking care of that15:32
sil2100oSoMoN: I don't think you have the required permissions ;) Where do you want to copy it from?15:33
rsalvetiwe need a design to know how to properly handle the alarms system-wide15:33
nik90rsalveti: ack15:33
rsalvetilike if we just need to quickly wake up the device or keep it up until the user dismiss the alarm15:33
nik90charles: I missed the "or" in you and the team :)15:33
charlesnik90, seems like a name /was/ mentioned though15:33
* charles checks his scrollback15:34
oSoMoNsil2100, oxide-qt (utopic) from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa/+packages15:34
nik90rsalveti: Can I check back on this item in a week to see if you guys got any decision from design?15:35
rsalvetinik90: sure, just ping thostr_ directly :-)15:35
nik90rsalveti: will do. thnx :)15:35
sil2100oSoMoN: why did you build it in that PPA? Is that also an archive builder there?15:35
charlesnik90, ricmm suggested that mandel might pick up that tasking for powerd turning on the screen when the alarm wakes up the phone15:35
brendandogra_, that does the trick15:35
charlesnik90, still a fair question though, I don't know if there's a blueprint/ticket for this in LP or not15:36
ogra_brendand, well, seems it also just landed in -proposed ... should be in the archive within the next 30-45min15:36
oSoMoNsil2100, because we needed a PPA connected to armhf hw, and this is the one chrisccoulson had at hand, I guess15:36
nik90charles: I will check with thostr_ and mandel later then.15:36
oSoMoNsil2100, if binary copying is a concern, I guess we can do a source copy15:36
nik90charles: oh btw since you are here, I wanted to discuss with you about alarms15:37
nik90charles: is now a good time?15:37
sil2100oSoMoN: well, if this PPA uses HW builders and was built with -proposed then I guess there's no reason15:37
charlesnik90, no, I'm about to leave to take my wife to work, will you be around in about an hour?15:37
sil2100oSoMoN: would like to get some info on that first though15:37
sil2100And copy either binary or source then :)15:38
nik90charles: yes, that would be ok15:38
charlesnik90, okay I'll ping you when I get back15:38
nik90charles: thnx..cya15:38
oSoMoNjdstrand, does the ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA build with -proposed enabled?15:38
jdstrandoSoMoN: no15:38
oSoMoNsil2100, ^15:39
jdstrandoSoMoN: just -security15:39
jdstrandso for utopic, that would mean effectually, release15:39
jdstrandwe can do a source only pocket copy to the ppa and have it rebuild15:39
jdstrand(if needed)15:39
sil2100oSoMoN, jdstrand: ok, so I would prefer rebuilding those in the silo PPA, as this is the state that it will live in15:39
oSoMoNsil2100, fair enough, let’s go for a source copy15:40
* sil2100 does that then15:41
sil2100Better safe then sorry I guess15:41
sil2100I mean, I'll do it if LP stops timing out15:42
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sil2100Ok... let me do a dput instead, this is taking me no-where15:44
AskUbuntuUbuntu on my Galaxy Nexus | http://askubuntu.com/q/48463615:45
PonchOHi folks!15:46
PonchOI hope hope i am in the right forum ^^15:46
jdstrandfyi, I'm not convinced it is better15:47
jdstrand(rebuilding from source in -proposed)15:47
popeyPonchO: wassup?15:47
PonchOI have problems connecting to a VPN WLAN network. Do i have to do something like install vpnc on my ubuntu touch? If yes, how?15:47
jdstrandcause this is just like uploading to a silo a week ago, doing the testing and publishing today15:48
jdstrandsil2100: ^15:48
PonchOpopey: I'm really starting to test it, but i don't even know the sudo pw...:-D15:48
jdstrandin fact, I just heard that a lot of people have done testing with the binaries in the mozilla ppa and this would invalidate that15:48
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popeyPonchO: are you using ubuntu on a phone?15:49
PonchOpopey: yeah, on my Nexus 4. It works quite good, though i dont have a SIM card inside up to now...15:50
PonchOpopey: Ok, not that much apps, but i wanna give it a try. :-)15:50
popeyPonchO: I dont think we support vpn connections yet15:50
PonchOpopey: Ok thanks, than think i can wait for that feature...thanks for the answer.15:51
sil2100jdstrand: well, as a core-dev I can assume you know what you're doing, so I can try doing a binary copy indeed - just this requires me to open up the copy page at least once15:53
jdstrandsil2100: I'd be happy to do the copy myself if you'd like15:53
PonchOpopey: but it looks very nice and works good in most cases. I'm looking forward to work with the first stable. So far, good work and thanks again. Have a nice day.15:53
popeyyou too!15:53
sil2100jdstrand: let me check if you have the necessary permissions and it would be great if you could15:53
jdstrandsil2100: I should. I've done it before15:54
sil2100Since I'm struck by the endless LP timeout bug15:54
sil2100jdstrand: excellent15:54
jdstrandsil2100: what silo? (that said, I haven't done it for awhile, if I don't I'll comeback)15:54
sil2100jdstrand: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-007/15:54
jdstrandsil2100: I'll also make sure that the people test against the oxide in the silo against the latest image if they haven't already15:55
* jdstrand is in a meeting with them atm15:55
sil2100jdstrand: ok, thanks15:55
nhainesI'm trying to launch a URL as a web app.  I'm using the documented instructions at developer.ubuntu.com, which worked for saucy but broke in trusty and doesn't work in utopic.15:56
jdstrandsil2100: appears to have worked: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-007/+packages15:56
jdstrandso, good :)15:56
nhainesRight now it *does* work on trusty on my desktop.15:56
sil2100jdstrand: \o/15:56
jdstrand(it is trying to rebuild the ftbfs archs)15:57
nhainesLooks like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7659097/15:57
jdstrandbut the others have copied15:57
sil2100dpm: hi! Did you have time to check those translations of core apps on the latest image? :)15:57
nhainessil2100: I'm testing image 83.  Friends is missing translations in German.  Calendar is translated but the name is not localized.16:09
sil2100nhaines: oh, 83? So, we wanted to test 84 or 85 since those have the 'new touch-only translations'16:09
sil210083 was still using the desktop ones16:10
nhainesAh, now that I can't help with yet.  :)  I'm noticing a couple apps with mixed or no translations.  (Gallery isn't translated, for instance.)16:10
nhainesAnyway, in that case I'll stop testing.  :)16:10
sil2100nhaines: thanks :) We want to make sure that if we promote #85 we won't regress too much with translations16:10
nhainesDefinitely a good idea.  :)16:11
ogra_stgraber, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7659240/16:34
ogra_just had that16:34
stgraberogra_: hmm, let me take a quick look16:34
ogra_(it seems to have copied it fine http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/utopic/generic_x86/ has it)16:35
ogra_oh, wait, no, it doesnt16:35
ogra_(silly me, i looked at generic, not _x86)16:36
stgraberogra_: hmm, does it happen if you do the copy again? I'm not finding anything obviously wrong and I'm in another meeting... (well, so are you :))16:38
ogra_heh, i'll try16:38
ogra_takes quite long (it did so the former time too)16:41
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ogra_stgraber, worked this time (but took endless)16:45
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dpmsil2100, sorry for the delay, I did. It looks to me as if there aren't any big regressions in translations on image 83. Even dialer shows its translations. The only one where translations are not included or loaded is Gallery17:35
sil2100dpm: thanks! Excellent timing, as I am in the middle of the e-mail creation17:36
dpmsil2100,  I see I'm behind with images, though, let me upgrade to the latest to confirm17:36
sil2100dpm: ah, ok, I misunderstood you - we would need at least #84 to be installed17:37
dpmnp, upgrading...17:37
sil2100As I mentioned before, #83 still has the old translations17:37
ogra_well, we promoted 85 already ...17:37
ogra_so whatever is missing needs to be added anyway17:38
asacpromoted? /me goes and gets latest and greatest17:38
ogra_with your beloved gmail fix :)17:38
* asac feels the promotions happen faster than he can click and is impressed17:39
ogra_and the new and all shiny diler, messaging and contacts app redesigns17:39
asacthat will be a big change i guess17:39
ogra_with new bottom edge and all17:39
ogra_seriously sexy17:39
* asac hopes we dont sacrifice too many kittens to get such a velocity :)17:40
asachmm. downloader doesnt reconnect when switching to wifi :)17:41
asacis that supposed to happen?17:41
asaci was on 2g and update download was too slow; enabling wifi made it stop; i had to puase and resuem manually (but only waited 30 secs or so)17:41
asacbarry: mandel: do you know if that is supposed to work?17:43
barryasac: i don't know, but it should definitely pause and resume.  it's possible switching networks confuses udm17:52
dpmsil2100, so after testing image #86, dialer: untranslated (should get the translations back as soon as we ship the new touch langpacks), gallery: untranslated (not sure if this is a regression), all other have the same translations they used to have17:53
asacbarry: right, wnated to know if you know if udm has that feature or if its buggy17:53
asacbarry: can i try downloading something to test this?17:53
asac(not want to wait for next update)17:53
barryasac: i don't know specifically, but you could certainly try doing a cli update (specifying -b 0 to force a full), then switch networks in the middle of that17:54
sil2100dpm: \o/17:58
sil2100dpm: thanks :)17:58
sil2100dpm: happy to hear that!17:58
dobeymeh. i don't see anything "logcat -d" output that shows a particular error related to screan blanking. on image #85 however, it does take about 5 seconds go to from "Unblanking display: 0" to "Done unblanking display: 0" and i only get blakc screen with the backlight on when it is unblanked :(18:20
* dobey wonders how to debug further :-/18:21
asacdbarth_: \o/ it really works :). many many thanks!18:37
asacdbarth_: anything planned to make the transitions more exciting? I find myself staring at a white page for enough time that I wonder if something is buggy18:38
davmor2asac: ran out of sacrificial kittens moved on to puppies and fluffy bunnies18:59
dbarth_asac: glad you like it19:02
dbarth_asac: limiting switching by hosting multiple apps together19:02
dbarth_asac: now you see what i was alluding to this morning19:02
dbarth_i may need to bribe xnox to get the google+ namespace back though ;)19:03
mterrytedg, I was talking to boiko about the emergency dialer and for that use case, we were thinking the dialer-app could transform into emergency mode when the greeter was up and locked -- but we'd need to know when the greeter is up.  So we may add a property to the greeter dbus api like GreeterIsActive or something similarly dumb -- it would always be true in split mode.  What do you think of that for helping indicators know when to change data m19:15
tedgmterry, Could we just check logind for "is locked" ?19:16
mterrytedg, logind doesn't think the session is locked in this case though19:17
mterrybecause it's not really, from a lightdm/logind sense19:18
tedgmterry, Hmm, okay.19:18
tedgmterry, So is the unity8 session going to start having the various greeter APIs on dbus?19:19
tedgmterry, Selected user and all that?19:19
mterrytedg, it has them now19:19
mterrytedg, has for months19:19
mterrytedg, under the com.canonical.UnityGreeter dbus name, just like the split greeter exposes19:19
tedgAh, I've never looked there :-)19:20
tedgmterry, So sure, please make it a signal as well.19:20
mterrytedg, you don't like PropertyChanged notifications?19:20
tedgmterry, Ah, so you mean a real property. I didn't think that QtDBus sent those.19:21
mterrytedg, we manually do it for the other properties on the greeter19:22
mterrytedg, QtDBus needs to get its act together19:22
tedgmterry, Don't blame QtDBus on this one. The properties was proposed to the dbus list, thiago listed problems and suggested solutions, and everyone went "screw you" and changed the spec.19:23
mterrytedg, but the spec did change...  And the rest of the world implements it19:24
tedgmterry, Where "rest of the world" is gdbus :-)19:25
mterrytedg, yes...  :)19:26
mterrytedg, but more importantly, the spec did actually change!19:26
* mterry just wants his syntactic sugar in QtDBus19:27
ybonis there a way to import contacts from SIM card?19:27
cm-tybon: I was just there to ask the same thing, only saw howto import from vcf19:27
ybonpopey: just installed the new version, but still now way to install or update apps on my gf phone :/ Do you think it's worth creating an issue on lp?19:35
popeyybon: yes, absolutely, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+filebug?no_redirect19:37
ybonok, thanks :)19:37
cm-t is it a bug that I can't import contact from SIM (should i fill a bug for that or is it on the planning, or did I missed something) ?19:40
asacdavmor2: ohhhh thats getting cruel :)19:42
davmor2asac: well it was that or I moved onto the endangered species but apparently they're guarded now, who knew? ;)19:44
dobeycm-t: file a bug, yes19:49
dobeycm-t: "no access to contacts on sim" is certainly a bug19:49
dobeyybon: what do you mean you can't install or update apps?19:50
davmor2asac: last few images have all been pretty stable to be honest :)19:51
ybondobey: when I click on "install" a click app, it download, but then fails with an error message19:52
ybonlet me show you the screen19:52
ybondobey: http://imgur.com/JehOgDU19:53
tedgmterry, When do you expect to change the desktop greeter? Soon?19:53
dobeyybon: on emulator, or on a phone?19:53
ybonit's from the beginning, never been able to install any app on this phone19:53
ybona Nexus 4 phone19:53
ybonI have two, the other one works without issue for installing apps19:53
dobeyybon: look at ~/.cache/upstart/scope-registry.log and see if there is a log of a command failing19:54
mterrytedg, how do you mean?  Add this dbus property to the desktop greeter?19:54
tedgmterry, No, you were saying the 14.10 desktop greeter would be U8?19:55
mterrytedg, oh, I doubt that's necessarily true19:55
mterrytedg, we have a unity8 preview desktop image we make19:55
mterrytedg, and it should get on there, one hopes19:56
mterrytedg, but desktop team may not switch generally to it for 14.1019:56
msvb-labAnyone got the dualboot.sh script (Ubuntu Touch on Nexus via recovery) to work on Cyanogenmod 11?19:56
ybondobey: cat: /root/.cache/upstart/scope-registry.log: No such file or directory19:56
msvb-labI mean after I updated from CM10.2 to CM11 I used dualboot.sh as usual but UbuntuInstall.apk doesn't appear in the app list (even though its there in /system/app/.)19:56
dobeyybon: ~phablet19:56
mterrytedg, but it's going to take me time to re-split the greeter now19:56
dobeyybon: root has nothing :)19:56
tedgmterry, Hmm, okay.19:56
ybonyeah, i was there sorry ;)19:56
tedgmterry, Trying to figure out a development environment for all this...19:57
mterrytedg, ah fair.  ubuntu-emulator?  I tend to just develop on the phone19:57
ybondobey: 2014-06-17 21:40:14,983 - CRITICAL - ../../../../lib/SignOn/connection-manager.cpp 106 setupSocketConnection p2p error: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound", "Failed to connect to socket /run/user/32011/signond/socket: No such file or directory") 119:57
ybonsomething like this ring a bell?19:57
ybonlet me paste it all somewhere over the rainbow19:58
tedgmterry, Yeah, but I need split somewhere as well.19:58
dobeyybon: no, ignore that one19:58
mterrytedg, oh.  there isn't a version of the split greeter in the archive right now  :-/19:59
tedgdobey, We need to find a way to suppress that printout.19:59
ybondobey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7660116/19:59
tedgmterry, So, do you think there will be shortly?19:59
dobeytedg: i blame mardy :)19:59
tedgdobey, It's all open source, submit a patch ;-)20:00
mterrytedg, well that's what I meant by "it's going to take me time to re-split the greeter" -- RTM stuff takes priority and whatnot, and the re-split has to be careful to not interfere with integrated-greeter mode, so I have to do some extra work20:00
mterrytedg, have to go afk for a bit again, fyi20:01
dobeytedg: i can't. if i try to submit a patch for online-accounts, i'll end up rewriting the whole thing20:01
tedgmterry, Okay, do you have a ballpark idea? This week? This month? I'm just not sure what some time is, in this case. (I have no idea what else you're working on)20:03
tedgdobey, and that's a bad thing because…20:03
dobeybecause it's a waste of my time and energy20:04
dobeyybon: do you have any meaningful data on this device?20:04
ybondobey: not really20:04
dobeyybon: if it's safe to desroy all the data, i'd suggest doing "adb reboot bootloader" and then "ubuntu-device-flash --channel devel-proposed --bootstrap --wipe" after, and sseeing if it still fails.20:05
ybonjust for me to understand, why not directly the second line?20:06
dobey--bootstrap only works when the device is at the bootloader20:06
ybonokay, thanks :)20:06
ybonso the idea is 1. to boostrap everything again 2. switch to devel-proposed instead of devel?20:07
dobeyybon: well, you can use devel instead if you want20:07
dobeyit shouldn't make a difference right now20:07
ybonit's my gf one, so it's better if it's a little bit "stable" :)20:07
ybondobey: I don't click anything inbetween the two lines, right?20:08
dobeymaybe you want to backup contacts/photos and stuff first then unless she doesn't care to lose all the data.20:08
ybonshe don't have contacts for now, as she have all in the SIM ;)20:08
ybongood point about the pictures :)20:09
ybonJust backuping20:09
ybonresinstalling now20:11
ybonresintalled, now testing20:18
ybondobey: it's working! :)20:20
ybonthanks for you help :)20:20
dobeyybon: no problem20:21
=== gnu is now known as Guest9334
Elrafiehello al22:13
Elrafiei have htc one max and want to install ububtu touch22:16
Elrafieis it possible plz22:16
Elrafieand it is not on the devices list22:17
Elrafiei need to know if possible or not22:17
=== boiko_ is now known as boiko

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