
MooDoohello all05:40
Myrttifoobarry: for what it's worth, an ex-Ubuntuite did have (don't know if she still does) a Sonata08:00
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=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:29
* popey is enjoying a clean install09:31
bigcalmGave up trying to add full disk encryption to a 2nd drive?09:32
MooDoobigcalm: he sorted it09:32
bigcalmBy doing a clean install? ;)09:32
MooDooI found a url that explained how to do it09:32
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:34
popeybrobostigon: no, i did it09:38
popeyer bigcalm09:39
popeyalan@deep-thought:~⟫ df -h | grep map09:40
popey/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root  205G  5.3G  189G   3% /09:40
popey/dev/mapper/data_crypt       235G   87G  136G  40% /home09:40
bigcalmWell done09:40
popeyvery happy09:41
popeyre-installing everything bit by bit09:41
brobostigonare the stats still working fine?, i havent managed to check on them recently.09:44
bigcalmpopey: this will have dire consequences for your uptime ;)09:46
MyrttiI'm still pondering would it be safe to nuke the current install on this laptop and install 14.04 on my own09:47
Myrttiapparently the new kernel might support the touchpad without much problems09:47
popeybrobostigon: can you not just click the link?09:48
popeybigcalm: actually I'm hoping it will improve it, as I wont have to reboot all the time09:48
popeyhoping this reinstall magically cures things09:48
brobostigonpopey: i will, i was just curious also if anybody has used it, within my question.09:48
bigcalmLooking at uprecords, seem that I have my machine on for about 15.5 hours each day09:48
popey   %up              100.000 | since                     Tue Jun 17 10:03:18 201409:48
bigcalmpopey: ah, magic09:48
bigcalmEx-cow-orker has sent me his HP Proliant microserver that is slightly (few years) more recent than my own. Wonder if I can pop the disks out of mine and put them into the new one and have things just work09:51
popeylucky you!09:51
popeyI'm still rocking the old N36L09:51
popeycould do with an update09:52
Myrttiput a bow on it.09:52
bigcalmUpdate the cat with a bow tie?09:52
bigcalmpopey: I'm thinking of replacing my parents' revo with my now spare proliant09:53
awilkinsBah, was hoping that was a great recipe for South African style guinea-pig biltong09:56
bashrcdirecthex: is that a codephrase?10:11
directhexUNBREAKABLE CODE10:13
popeyhmm, can't install google talk plugin here10:14
popeythis is annoying10:14
popeythe deb installs but chrome doesn't see it10:14
popeylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Jun  7 23:48 /opt/google/chrome/pepper/libppgoogletalk.so -> ../../talkplugin/libppgoogletalk.so10:14
popeyexists though10:14
bigcalmChrome or chromium?10:15
bigcalmWorks for me with chromium10:15
popeyi _always_ type chrome when I mean chrome, and chromium when I mean chromium ☻10:16
popeyi dont have chromium installed.10:17
bigcalmJust checking10:18
davmor2popey: Ohhhhh new shinies  have a look at contacts, dialer and messaging10:22
awilkinsContacts dialler and messaging for Ubuntu Phone?10:26
popeyffs, broken in chrome and chrome-beta10:29
bashrcdoes it have OTR?10:30
awilkinsOff The Record10:30
popeyno, "it"10:31
Myrttiwhich it?10:31
bashrcmessaging for ubuntu phone10:32
popeyits SMS, not messengering app10:32
popey\o/ working in chrome-unstable10:39
popeywell thats 30 mins of my life I'll never get back. jeez10:39
dwatkinsI think it's time I took the plunge and got an SSD for my main machine at home10:51
bigcalmSSD all the things10:53
dwatkinsindeed, bigcalm10:53
popey\o/ SSD10:54
popeyi was tempted to RAID0 the two SSDs in my laptop, but figured that might be overkill ☻10:54
dwatkinsCrucial drives seem to be on offer on Amazon, is there any reason I should avoid them?10:54
funkyHatSuper Silly Disk10:54
popeythey have had a bad reputation in the past10:55
funkyHatSeriously Spurious Data10:55
dwatkinsA colleague of mine put SSDs in a RAID array when they first came out, the drives lasted 9 months of constant reading and writing.10:55
popeySuper Speedy Data-transfer10:55
dwatkinsCrucial get good reviews.10:55
directhexthe M4 series of crucial drives had a bad firmware10:55
dwatkinsM500 is what I'm looking at (960 GB)10:56
popeyi have an M4 in my laptop ⍨10:56
popeyDevice Model:     OCZ-VERTEX310:56
popeyDevice Model:     M4-CT256M4SSD310:56
Laneylooks like bigger SSDs are becoming affordable10:57
dwatkinsindeed, Laney10:57
funkyHatSomewhat Sarcastic Description10:57
popeyheh, never noticed "Rotation Rate:    Solid State Device"10:57
Laneythat's nice10:57
LaneyI had yet another ENOSPC yesterday10:57
directhexM4 is fixed by recent firmware10:58
directhexOCZ never really fixed the firmware on drives before vertex 410:58
popeynice, smartmontools tells me where to get it!10:58
Laney"pop down to your local argos"10:58
dwatkinswell, we shall see how it performs, SSD ordered10:58
popeycock, needs windows10:59
popeyno updates for me then11:00
MooDoo5184 hours lol11:00
mgdmRotation rate: ∞11:01
popeyooh, can be done on a usb stick11:01
MooDooso as long as you reboot ever 215 days, you'll be ok :)11:01
dwatkinsnot even a DOS installer... oh cool11:01
funkyHatI should get a Solid Stake Disk for my PC really11:04
funkyHatStill wouldn't be as fast as the laptop though ⢁(11:05
popeyfancy that, their firmware thing uses isolinux11:05
popeythanks for the tip directhex, will do that later when i next reboot11:07
directhexthe m4 bug is once it hits 5200 hours of uptime (iirc), the drive restarts instead of incrementing to 5201, every time11:08
directhexsorry, google says it's 5184 hours11:08
bigcalmpopey: do you remember what that one liner was to generate an epenis measurement?11:38
popeyI have no idea what you're talking about ☻11:42
bigcalmBother. Can't google the irc logs well enough11:45
bigcalmJust wanted to measure the performance between current proliant and the one I'm about to replace it with11:46
bigcalmbogomips: 6784.9311:46
bigcalmThat'll have to do11:46
Myrttijust when I found the script he meant11:47
Myrttihttp://ham.zmailer.org/oh2mqk/vpenis.pl I think11:49
Laney36.1cm :(11:51
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foobarrygot a quote for my extension = £28.5k :(12:00
foobarryhow realistic is the first quote from a builder?12:00
diplofoobarry, I'd say you need at least 2, maybe 3 quotes to get a general idea12:02
diploI know a couple of builders, they rarely rebid if someone comes in cheaper as business is tight they go in at their best first time12:02
diploTo try and win the job12:03
diploIf you get a ovepriced quote ( this is what my builder does ) is because they don't want the work and make it more expensive, if someone still wants it done theyre quids in, if not they didn't want it in the first place :)12:03
awilkinsThey can probably subcontract it to someone else too if they overprice it and genuinely can't do the work because of load.12:10
awilkinsI'm sure they all know each others rates and scratch each others backs12:11
diploczajkowski, Just saw your tweet, don't you have issues with seeing the screen12:11
diploI keep debating moving outside12:11
awilkinsJust had a lovely repeatable Xorg crash from using rdesktop12:11
diploNot so sure, my neighbour reckons it's free for all12:11
diploFell out with some of his friends over pricing12:12
awilkinsBut I'm stuck behind a firewall and don't think apport uploaded it12:12
awilkinsHave changed to Remmina for the time being since I need to do the thing that provoked the crash again12:12
awilkinsBut I dislike Remmina since it's not as flexible as rdesktop for my needs (even if rdesktop is now obsolescent because it doesn't do NLA)12:13
czajkowskidiplo: nope cna see it just fine12:13
diploHmm, may drag my lappy out later and give it a go12:14
czajkowskicurrent work set up :) https://twitter.com/czajkowski/status/478871378935177216/photo/112:14
czajkowskinice to get fresh air and some sunshine12:14
bigcalmbogomips: 4392.7612:34
bigcalmIt's gone down12:34
bigcalmMore RAM though12:34
bigcalmMight be an on-demand thing12:34
* bigcalm goes to lunch12:34
bigcalmSystem survived moving the 4 HDDs from one machine to the other12:35
awilkinsbogomips are vulnerable to CPU scaling, no?12:35
bigcalmExcept that eth0 moved to eth112:35
bigcalmThat confused me for a while12:35
bigcalmawilkins: indeed12:35
dwatkinsI remember having to find out how to tie an ethX number to a specific MAC address many years ago.12:36
Myrttibigcalm: right when you left I was about to paste this to you: http://ham.zmailer.org/oh2mqk/vpenis.pl12:36
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
* awilkins has a mere 316.1cm12:48
dwatkinsFour foot eight and a quarter.12:52
bigcalmMyrtti: that's the one, thanks :)13:09
bigcalmBit more than a one liner then :)13:10
TwistedLucidityUnfortunate link.13:14
foobarrydirecthex: still use your touhcpad?13:21
directhexfoobarry, sold it a while ago13:22
foobarrytrying to use the tptoolbox that removes webos13:23
daftykinsfoobarry: ##cyanogenmod-touchpad13:28
daftykinsi own one too13:28
daftykinsoops, single #13:29
foobarrythanks, i was in the wrong chan13:29
daftykinsit's pretty idle but the main guys are around at times13:29
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=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
NET||abuseboy oh boy, i'm somewhat upset that sublime text is just not moving anywhere. i said i would give it till june, welll, it's here now15:14
NET||abuseI see more adn more plugins putting "holding development until sublime's abondonware status is resolved" notices on their github pages15:14
dwatkinsthere's always Brackets15:15
NET||abuseI think i'll still use sublime, until i find something better, but i would also like to identify an alternative15:15
NET||abuseBrackets... hmmm15:15
directhexedd the duck15:18
mgdmed is the standard editor. what more reason do you need? http://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed-msg.html15:18
mgdmthough linking to anything in 'fun' on gnu.org makes me wonder slightly :-)15:18
bigcalmThat's depressing15:27
=== Laney is now known as mrage
=== mrage is now known as Laney
foobarryanyone ever used claycrete?15:32
foobarryinstant papier mache15:32
foobarrya bit like smash mash15:32
NET||abusehmm, Atom and Brackets seems to be the two choices out there.15:51
popeysublime is abandoned?15:52
NET||abusepopey: well,, we dont know for sure,15:55
NET||abuselast beta release for ST3 is Dec 2013, last ST2 is over a year now.15:55
NET||abuselast communication from jon is Dec 2013, last communication from his sales guy is march15:55
NET||abusethey said it isn't over,, but they've not done anything in so long, most plugin dev's are walking away until some kind of update is forthcoming15:56
NET||abusethere is also limetext,15:58
MartijnVdSI have vim with "vim-airline" these days15:59
NET||abusea straight golang clone of sublime, but not feature complete by the sounds of it.15:59
bigcalmSecurity Deposit Charging Incorrectly16:17
bigcalmHumm, bad middle mouse button, bad16:17
bigcalmActually, I think there's something wrong with pasting into Chromium16:17
bigcalmA tab will freeze up if I try to paste into an input box. But this appears to happen inconsistently16:18
NET||abusethat is mental, i've never managed to get a grip on the vim plugin managers16:32
NET||abuse^^ refering to vim-airline16:32
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bigcalmA thing of beauty http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/IMG_1481-Version-2-980x517.jpg16:42
DJonesNice storagae box for your spare parts :)16:49
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=== PaulW2U is now known as G4MBY
daftykinsali1234: remember that red Sony laptop motherboard with the blown MOSFET I showed you?18:39
daftykinsdiddledan hey, you may remember it too18:39
daftykinsso i got the board back today, £35 charge to do the solder job18:40
daftykinsshe lives \o/18:40
diddledanooh, windows. awesome!18:40
daftykinsi even managed to glue the built-in speaker connections as i had accidentally broken them on doing the disassemble18:40
daftykinsthey are so tiny >_<18:41
ali1234so did they do a good job for £35?18:41
daftykinsyeah, the new MOSFET was perfectly laid out18:41
daftykinsi had a quick glance before i paid for it18:42
daftykinsit seems the mouse buttons aren't working on the palmrest right now, but other than that the whole machine is back solid... i even stress tested it18:43
daftykinsin fact, i first booted ubuntu 14.04 but i couldn't find the package cpuburn anymore... perhaps the live session just doesn't have universe enabled18:43
ali1234for £35 not including any shipping or parts you should absolutely expect it to look like new18:43
daftykinsyeah it was a pretty steep quote really18:43
daftykinsbut i didn't have many options18:44
ali1234£35 is reasonable if they do a proper rework job18:44
ali1234but they'd better actually do that for that price :)18:44
daftykinsthey had it easy, as i took the board in already disassembled18:45
daftykinsin fact i have a shot of what i took in18:45
ali1234yeah seen it18:45
daftykinsoh this one? https://www.dropbox.com/s/s1cvcal0tjkfpor/IMG_20140609_154414.jpg18:45
daftykinsi made it quite obvious which bit was busted ;)18:45
ali1234this guy does repair videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZlc6tiL1gk18:46
ali1234given the size of the part i'd expect them to do as good a job as that for the price18:47
diddledanali1234: that shipping package is evil18:48
shaunohah, that's pretty bad18:51
shaunoand pretty much the opposite of what I'm getting used to - they seem to send me everything in esd bags, whether it needs it or not18:51
jussiit didnt work, and its all my fault :(18:52
jussiserves me right for attempting to repair hardware...18:53
daftykinsjussi: what've you been dealing with?18:54
daftykinsthis video is interesting, i had no idea this kinda gear is used18:55
jussidaftykins: I tried to replace the glass on my note 2. accidentally cut the ribbon cable18:55
diddledandaftykins: that gear is totally OTT for that kind of chip18:55
diddledandaftykins: really that kind of gear is for BGAs18:55
ali1234daftykins: his amiga repair videos are good too18:56
diddledanit does make removing a chip nice and easy tho18:57
daftykinsdiddledan: ah reflowing gear19:00
daftykinsi don't even have a clue what flux is19:00
daftykinsnor why he applied it prior to removing the old chip19:00
jussidaftykins: so the phone works, everything is perfect, except the bottom 3rd of the screen is non responsive :(19:00
diddledanapplying flux before soldering the chip onto the board will cause the solder to not bridge as easily with nearby solder - i.e. it'll only apply to each pin and it's pad19:01
ali1234yeah cos he's going to drag solder it. without flux it would just solder every pin together into a huge blog19:02
daftykinsjussi: :( is it expensive to get another?19:03
jussidaftykins: means I nees to replace whole screen... about 140€19:03
diddledanwow, he repairing a TV?!19:07
diddledanI missed the viera mentino in the title19:07
daftykinsthat vid was neat :) glad he showed the result19:11
daftykinsjussi: :(19:12
daftykinslove my laptop :)19:17
popey"Cool stuff but Unity doesn't look professional or attractive to businesses in my opinion.19:29
popeyThey could sell it better and shorten the training a bit if they focused on something like XFCE or any other desktop environment that is productivity oriented."19:29
ali1234yeah, very true19:33
d3ngarHi, I'm experiencing problems with my Amazon EC2 instance. After updating it's no longer booting up.19:57
d3ngarThe server log points to this: xc_dom_probe_bzimage_kernel: kernel is not a bzImage19:57
d3ngarGoogling this brought up some results, but I do not understand them19:57
diddledand3ngar: that's more an amazon question than an ubuntu one - but I believe you can specify the kernel to use in the admin console20:04
diddledandon't you love when canonical employees do webcasts about ubuntu tech, but they're running OS X?20:22
diddledanI'm watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJPdH8xmOWg20:22
diddledanin, out, in, out, shake those users all about20:55
popeydiddledan: meh, works both ways. I met a guy from Red Hat who ran Ubuntu on his laptop ☻20:57
diddledanpopey: lol20:58
diddledanpopey: luckily I was only trollin' :-p20:58
popeyi know a few canonical people run osx20:58
popeymainly because they like nice hardware and osx works really nicely on apple kit20:59
popeymost run ubuntu in vmware or parallels20:59
diddledanpopey: obviously canonical is a company with varied users and varied projects besides the os so it makes sense that there's a variety of systems in use20:59
popeywell, also, a major factor is people buy their own kit20:59
popeythe company doesn't provide machines, so people buy whatever they want and support themselves20:59
diddledanthat makes sense21:00
diddledanI like the concept of BYOD21:00
popeyalthough you look around at a canonical sprint and you see many of the same machines21:01
diddledanI've seen reports that most linuxy events have a large percentage of apple gear represented21:01
diddledanit's well built equipment21:02
diddledanpersoanally I run an apple laptop, too21:02
diddledanhttp://www.imdb.com/rg/s/3/title/tt1109624/?ref_=ext_shr_fb_vi#lb-vi3550981145 <-- paddington21:07

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