
RoguehorseGood Morning13:11
nhainesGood morning!13:17
nhainesIt's still bright and early today.  :)13:32
akkIndeed it is.13:34
Roguehorseoh yes13:49
Roguehorselooks like I just installed the KDE update13:50
nhainesHow is it working?13:50
Roguehorsehaven't rebooted yet13:50
nhainesExciting.  :)13:51
Roguehorseeh, kinda13:51
Roguehorsejust hope nothing breaks - I hate chasing that kinda stuff down13:51
nhainesWell, that's what I meant by exciting, heh.13:52
Roguehorseso far with Kubuntu I have had good luck : )13:52
Roguehorsewhen I was on openSUSE - not so much13:52
nhainesWe try!  :)13:53
Roguehorsewell, it's obvious why it's the most popular distro : ) (including derivitives)13:54
nhainesI got off of SuSE in 2003, 2004 because it kept breaking, too.  I was really glad when Ubuntu showed up.13:54
nhainesHard to think I've been using it for 9 years now.  :)13:55
RoguehorseI did Ubuntu for a couple years - openSUSE for a couple - then back again13:56
RoguehorseI thought the first Unity was hard to adjust to from Gnome 213:57
nhainesUnity was a bit of an adjustment.  Alt-~ was the winning move as far as I was concerned, although I liked it enough to fight with it for that first 6 month.13:58
RoguehorseI liked it and kept it for a while then wanted to experiment with other things13:59
RoguehorseThis is Linux after all - an open book for experimentation13:59
Roguehorseof course then I learned about VM's and everything changed again : )14:01
nhainesYup!  And with Ubuntu being as solid as it is, that's almost free license to experiment.  You can always go back to the standard install. :)14:01
nhainesHehe, yeah, VMs work too.14:01
Roguehorseoh nicely - I have KVM running and VirtualBox14:02
Roguehorsealthough I've found my graphics drivers lacking for KVM : (14:02
Roguehorsetrying to play a web browser game on Chrome through KVM is like watching a DVD with a scratch in it14:04
nhainesThat's a poor use of KVM.  :)14:04
nhainesAlthough there's always VGA passthrough mode... I think. :)14:04
RoguehorseI wanted to see what it could do14:04
nhainesOoh, actually... maybe that's the solution to my X-Wing Alliance problems.14:05
RoguehorseI haven't had time to play with it a whole lot14:05
Roguehorsewhat? VM?14:06
nhainesKVM and QEMU with VGA passthrough.14:06
nhainesVirtualBox doesn't cut it because it uses DirectX 5.14:07
Roguehorsetry it - I'll look inti it and see if things get better14:07
RoguehorseI like KVM better than VBox but the performance was lacking so I refrained14:08
nhainesThey're two different tools for different scenarios, really.  :)14:09
Roguehorselets explore that - Define?14:17
RoguehorseI know there is argument of whether KVM is really type 1 or 2 and VBox is type 2 - VBox works through the host while KVM goes directly to the kernel - correct?14:19
nhainesNot really.  It's sort of a gray area.14:21
Roguehorsewhich part?14:21
nhainesKVM is extremely lightweight and can be run without any other software.14:21
nhainesBut VirtualBox is intended to be run in a standard guest environment.  It *can* be run on a server, but I'm not sure why anyone would want to, with KVM around.  :)14:22
nhainesKVM's more of a server tool and VirtualBox has always been more of a workstation tool.14:22
akkKVM doens't work on a lot of machines -- it requires CPU extensions that not all processors have.14:23
akkVirtualbox works on everything.14:23
nhainesakk: can't KVM use QEMU on machines without VT, though?14:23
Roguehorsebut don't most of the *newer* processors have support?14:23
akkIt couldn't a few years ago. Perhaps things have changed.14:23
akkRoguehorse: I'm not sure, but I know people said exactly that a couple of years ago and lots of processors still didn't have support then.14:24
akkEven fairly hefty fast processors sometimes didn't include those extentions.14:24
RoguehorseI understand - I've read some of the articles14:24
akkAnd it wasn't easy (at least with intel) to figure out which processors/machines would or wouldn't have support.14:25
DonkeyHoteithey still make processors without the extensions14:25
RoguehorseI think things have changed and VT is now pretty much standard aside from maybe some rare instances14:25
akkWe bought one thinking surely this fast new processor will do it, and nope, it didn't.14:25
Roguehorsewith VM being able to cut down on carbon footprint, consumers are expecting it14:26
akkMaybe for servers. I'm not convinced most computer buyers have ever heard of virtualization.14:26
nhainesakk: my favorite part was when the processor supported it but the OEM removed support from the BIOS.14:27
akkOr heard of power saving, come to that. :)14:27
Roguehorseakk: ??? you think?14:27
nhainesI agree with akk.  :)14:27
Roguehorsecome on now - everyone is green! : )14:27
akkRoguehorse: Think of your average mac or windows user. Why on earth would they know about virtualization flags?14:27
akkThey can't even upload photos from their camera to their computer.14:27
DonkeyHoteiRoguehorse: no, some people are purple14:27
RoguehorseLOL! (good one)14:28
akkGreen is hard to do too. Have you ever tried to research power use of computers before buying one?14:28
akkYou can't get the numbers at all, in most cases.14:28
akkIt's certainly not something a casual buyer would even try to do.14:28
RoguehorseI believe it was nhaines who showed me a website that calculates it for you, but you'd have to know about it14:29
Roguehorseor care : )14:29
akkAnd if you're building a machine -- go to Fry's and look at power supplies. You'll see a lot of 500W models. Show me the efficient 80W models.14:29
nhainesI'm not so sure that was me. :)14:29
RoguehorseI concur, most people don't think about their consumption14:29
RoguehorseI know it was from this forum (someone) looking to build a desktop14:30
RoguehorseI don't remember for sure, but the site was nice. Made all the calculations for you.14:31
nhainesIt does sound nice.  :)14:33
darthrobotTitle: [Pick Parts, Build Your PC, Compare and Share - PCPartPicker]14:35
RoguehorseI knew I saved that link : )14:35
Roguehorsefor sating morbid curiosity, the design in question http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6RQprH14:47
darthrobotTitle: [Intel Core i5-4460, Cooler Master N200 - System Build - PCPartPicker]14:47
Roguehorsenotice the lack of sound or graphics? The discussion entailed the intended use which was for VM implementations14:48
Roguehorse(as I recall)14:48
akkLooks useful!14:52
RoguehorseI does - doesn't it?15:09
RoguehorseI know when I threw the box I'm on now I researched everything separately15:10
RoguehorseThe GPU stated a min of 500w PS for this NVidia9800GT so I grabbed a Black Widow 550w15:18
RoguehorseYeah, I don't know all the specifics related to that but I didn't want to chance it so I follow the instructions15:24
akkDefinitely more red than green. :)15:25
Roguehorsethat was the only thing that was specific related to power consumption - and it's not even that great of a board really15:25
nhainesIt got really bright outside an hour ago, and I said to myself, "what the fsck is outside the window?"  Then I pulled back the shade and looked directly into the sun.15:26
Roguehorsewell, the GPU was more of a "budget" thing, I had so much money ya know?15:26
Roguehorse... and no eating after midnight and absolutely no water!!15:27
darthrobotTitle: [PSU REQUIREMENTS - RealHardTechX]15:56
Roguehorseworth reading:  http://www.sigops.org/sosp/sosp09/papers/hotpower_6_ma.pdf16:04
darthrobotContent type: [application/pdf] Size: [492782]16:04
darthrobotTitle: [The Grand Clash for Watts: Power Consumption of Modern Graphics Cards - X-bit labs]16:43
Roguehorsehopefully the KDE updates will be all fine and good - should be17:01

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