
jrgiffordbelkinsa: yes?11:43
belkinsajrgifford, can we use the list if questions from the organizer of OLF as our items for the meeting?12:44
jrgiffordbelkinsa: sure19:52
jrgiffordi don't have a problem with that19:53
belkinsaOkay, thanks.19:53
belkinsaI think Unit wouldn't either.19:53
belkinsajrgifford, you think we have time to have a meeting (by the end of the month) before replying to Beth's e-mail?20:51
Unit193We never get the good thunderstorms. :(23:23
Unit193paultag_: Mind if I poke you?  Pokepokepokepoke. :D23:23
belkinsaDon't jinx us!23:23
belkinsaand paultag I lost the game!23:23
Unit193Don't forget canthus13.23:23

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