
bduk1Morning everyone05:21
nuvolario/ morning05:28
nuvolario hi bduk1 05:28
bduk1Morning nuvolari 05:39
* Kilos Waves05:57
nuvolarioh hi oom Kilos :D06:03
Kiloslo nuvolari 06:03
nuvolarihoe gaan dit oom?06:03
nuvolarihet oom 'n lekker vakansiedag gehad?06:03
Kilosgoed dankie en jy seun ek sien daar is nuwe goed vir java en html506:04
Kiloselke dagf selle vir my06:04
Kilosjo bushtech_ het jy bed nat gemaak ou ballie?06:10
Kiloshi JabberwockyA19 die_held 06:11
JabberwockyA19more Kilos, o/ everyone06:12
Private_Usermorning all06:20
Private_Usermorning bduk1, morning nuvolari, morning Kilos, morning JabberwockyA1906:20
Kiloshi Private_User 06:20
Kiloswhere are we gonna find you some ram06:21
Kilosohi Guest93229 wassup graeme06:28
=== Guest93229 is now known as ThatGraemeGuy_
ThatGraemeGuy_can't connect to my bouncer for some reason :-/06:29
Kilosohi superfly you managed to wake up. sjoe late nights are hard work06:29
* Kilos had another idea for the DEEP dam06:30
ThatGraemeGuy_i'm afraid to ask06:31
Kilosif it wont flood the below area one could build a nice waterfall near the top and even use that high glow glass stuff to light it up06:31
Kilosits a beautiful dam06:31
Kilossame as they do on real time dams the overflow makes a waterfall06:32
superflyhi Kilos, ThatGraemeGuy_06:32
ThatGraemeGuy_you can try06:36
ThatGraemeGuy_if it sucks you just add a block back to stop it06:36
Kilosna i fall over the end and die06:36
Kilosi cant walk on air like some06:36
inetprogood mornings06:43
Maazinetpro: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell inetpro Wen jy darem met die krag probleme oompie" 13 hours, 5 minutes and 30 seconds ago06:43
Kiloshi inetpro 06:43
inetproack Kilos06:44
Kiloswhat taal is that06:45
Kilostcp is ontsmetmiddel vloeistof 06:46
inetproACK is a flag used in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to acknowledge receipt of a packet06:47
inetprohoe gaan dit oom?06:47
nuvolaridankie oom Kilos , ek gaan bietjie loer06:47
Kilosgoed dankie inetpro net koud soos elke winter06:47
nuvolarioh hi Private_User, JabberwockyA19, ThatGraemeGuy_06:47
Kilosen jy06:47
ThatGraemeGuy_'lo :-)06:48
inetprooh and hi everyone else06:48
Private_Userhi ThatGraemeGuy_ and inetpro06:48
Kiloswe actually needed you knowledge inetpro to try sort where a bottle neck is with a connection but i think the fly has it planned out06:51
Kilosis there a deeper probe tool than mtr?06:51
ThatGraemeGuy_what are you trying to do?06:51
Kilosoh didnt you follow our investigation into that lag ThatGraemeGuy 06:53
Kilosthere is one server thats losing 40% of its packets06:53
ThatGraemeGuy_i was probably too busy mining obscene amounts of obsidian06:53
Kiloswhat you wanna do with it all06:53
ThatGraemeGuy_"server"? you mean one of the hops along the route between you and the minetest server?06:54
Kilosya that06:54
Kiloswe even got its ip addy06:54
ThatGraemeGuy_if mtr shows significant loss there and all hops after then it's causing real loss06:54
ThatGraemeGuy_if its just there it may just be rate-limiting icmp packets at that hop06:55
Kilosand for a while it showed as blahblah.linode.blabla now just ip addy06:55
Kilosi dont understand all that but fly will06:55
Kilosits just th one the others show no loss06:56
ThatGraemeGuy_send a screenshot06:56
Kilosare you in the game?06:56
ThatGraemeGuy_no, i mean send a screenshot of the mtr output06:56
Kilosi gotta go get it again06:57
Kilosits a bit better today, went up to 60% at times07:01
Kilosaverages around 40%07:01
ThatGraemeGuy_that's the upload page07:02
Kilosoi sorry07:03
Kiloshi smil07:04
Kilossmile,  too07:04
Kiloskb getting sticky07:04
smilehi! :D07:04
smileyour IP address, Kilos? :)07:05
Kilosno man a sick place in a link07:05
Kilosor sick link in a route07:08
Kiloswat nou?07:14
inetprowhy send an image when a copy and paste of text would do?07:14
Kiloshe asked for screenshot so i gave one07:14
Kiloscoulda used slexy hey?07:14
inetproanyway, nothing I can do about that07:15
inetprobut looks clearly like some problem at the ISP level07:16
Private_Userlol Kilos, just looked at a pic from that link you pasted here and was wondering if any of the peeps here as there work area looking like this07:16
bduk1Jig Private_User 07:17
Kiloshahaha  ja mine07:17
inetproat the same time it could be like ThatGraemeGuy_ mentioned, rate-limiting of icmp packets07:18
Kiloswell inetpro we gotta fix it07:18
ThatGraemeGuy_Kilos: the 25% loss at the intermediate hop is probably rate-limiting, but the 4.8% at the end is actual loss07:18
Kilosthey must all read 0% loss then it will work better07:18
ThatGraemeGuy_and with the game being udp-based that will be part of your problem07:19
Kilosso how do we fix it07:19
ThatGraemeGuy_you find another isp07:20
Kilosevery illness has a cure if you know where to find it07:20
inetproI see no proof of any illness really07:21
Kilosai! ek sukkel darem07:22
Kilosonly way you can see that there is a prob inetpro is to try the game and die because of lag07:23
ThatGraemeGuy_there is packet loss between him and the minetest server, and it impacts the game's behaviour to varying degrees07:23
Kilosbut strangely it hits the monkey 10 times worse than me07:24
ThatGraemeGuy_Kilos: how's your mtr look to
Kiloslemme try07:26
ThatGraemeGuy_you can press 'p' on mtr to pause updating and then copy/paste the text instead of do an image screenshot07:27
Kilos0%all thje way07:28
Kilosit wont let me copy paste07:28
Kilosoh ok07:28
ThatGraemeGuy_wow that's pretty good for a 3g connection07:30
Kilosi told you i got a good one07:30
ThatGraemeGuy_it's also because the server's on a very good network :P07:30
Kilosim sure im faster than lotsa adsl connections07:30
Kilosso put the game there07:31
ThatGraemeGuy_not really sure if i can, i must see if i can make a plan07:31
Kiloslol do it07:31
ThatGraemeGuy_lol you're fired!07:31
ThatGraemeGuy_i'll rather check first thanks ;)07:31
Kilosoi i forgot to let sheep out. wbb07:32
Kilosand if you can find a way to make it use less data youll be my hero for a while07:32
ThatGraemeGuy_it shouldn't use much data i imagine07:33
Kilosover 100m a day atm07:33
ThatGraemeGuy_i use more than that on my phone07:33
ThatGraemeGuy_but yeah, quite pricey if you're not using afrihost mobile i guess07:34
Kiloshaha the game has doubled my data useage07:38
Kilosdaai ding07:38
charl_morning all07:44
charl_Maaz: coffee on07:44
* Maaz washes some mugs07:44
Kiloshi charl_ 07:44
charl_hi Kilos 07:44
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!07:48
* nuvolari does the split and cracks a bum muscle08:57
KilosMaaz, hi10:23
MaazHowzit Kilos10:23
Kiloshi Vince-0 11:38
Private_User1hmm... not sure whats going on today, I have been disconnected and reconnected on IRC like around 5 times already, anybody else experiencing this issue?12:28
Kilosthere are a coupla others as well12:29
Kilosbut you the worst, but not as bad as it has been12:30
Kilosmaybe if i sleep a while it will be better when i return12:34
charl_probably freenode under ddos again13:11
smilehi :p13:44
charl_hi smile 13:49
smilehi charl_ :p13:49
charl_long time no speak to13:50
charl_how have you been13:50
Kilosinetpro, you home?15:46
Kiloshi psychicist 17:25
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:31
* Maaz washes some mugs17:31
theblazehenmaaz coffee please17:31
Maaztheblazehen: Alrighty17:31
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and theblazehen!17:35
KilosMaaz, thanks man17:35
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)17:35
=== ThatGraemeGuy_ is now known as Guest78107
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy superfly 18:39
Kilosi see you ingame but i got bad lag tonight. yesterday avy was wonderful18:39
superflyhi Kilos18:41
theblazehenhi superfly ThatGraemeGuy 18:44
superflyhi theblazehen18:44
theblazehensuperfly: You have any experience with postfix+dovecot as a mail server?18:45
superflytheblazehen: a tiny bit18:45
theblazehenkk. Having some troubles receiving mail18:46
theblazehenMight be permissions but don't feel like dealing with it now18:46
theblazehenThink its permissions18:46
theblazehenusing guide at http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/03/taking-e-mail-back-part-2-arming-your-server-with-postfix-dovecot/2/ got something that says no user $username, where it's supposed to create virtual user18:47
theblazehenI then create real user and it doesn't give error, but gives problem in mail.log about permissions18:47
superflytheblazehen: I took the easy route, I used a setup script called iRedMail18:48
theblazehensuperfly: ah ok.. I don't have enough ram for that 18:48
superflyhow much ram do you have?18:49
theblazehenNeeds 1024 MB IIRC18:49
Kilosidea superfly ThatGraemeGuy can you find which one or more of those mtr ips are in za, yesterday avy while building the wall i had no lag at all. s methinks it might be one of them that was on holiday yesterday18:49
theblazehen512 MB on VPS18:49
theblazehenKilos: ip list?18:49
superflytheblazehen: I'll be honest, I'm not convinced you need 1GB, I think that's just if you're going to have major filtering and spam rules18:50
Kilosthats today i dunno what yesterdays one was18:50
theblazehensuperfly: yeah, maybe. Prefer DIY anyway though. Doing it mostly to learn how it works18:52
Kilossuperfly, did you do a mtr yesterday so we can compare and maybe find the weak link18:53
Kiloshi bushtech have you installed 14.04 server18:54
theblazehenKilos: /me has it at home18:54
theblazehen14.04 server18:54
Kilosbushtech, asked yesterday how good it runs he wants to upgrade from 12.04 18:55
theblazehenNot much different from what I could tell18:56
Kilosyou dont need to sort the 3g probs that 12.04 had18:57
Kilosimo 14.04 has that sorted18:57
theblazehenKilos: on mtr from hop 8 and velow it's not is ZA18:58
Kilosoh my so all the prob ones worked lekker yesterday even though they didnt have a holiday18:59
Kilosi was hoping it was one of ours18:59
Kilosthen we could send the mafia to break some legs19:00
theblazehenhttp://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/28axb6/incorrect_answers_on_lpic_linuxessentials_prep/ lol :/19:04
Kilosah he putting kids to bed19:10
bushtechKilos:  Not yet19:29
Kilosno rush. was just wondering19:32
bushtechstill checking it out, don't want to trash my raid server, had enough trouble setting that mother up19:32
Kilosaha i see your point19:33
Kilosi forget peeps arent like me with 3 pcs just to play with19:33
bushtechand need to do it after 12 (night owl) just gets bloody cold19:34
Kilosya wait for summer19:34
bushtechlots pc's around here but only one backup server19:34
Kiloslol ya but mine are just toys nothing that needs to work except irc19:35
bushtechwould hate any of 3 to go down19:36
JabberwockyA19amper tyd om op die bed neer te slaan20:29
* JabberwockyA19 maak net sy taak klaar20:29
JabberwockyA19good night everyone!20:48
Kilosnight JabberwockyA19 20:48
Kilossleep tight20:48
Kilosnight all . sleep tight21:32

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