
davidsongwhat's a good alternative to Nautilus, it's really pissing me off right now00:05
surelydavidsong, All the desktop versions have there own file system take your pick00:10
linuxuz3rnice http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTcyMTI00:11
mittwallyHello, I need the Ubuntu 14.014 Trusty Tahr manual, Can someone give me the link?00:11
surelymittwally, Maybe a ubuntu manual?00:12
mittwallysurely: ok00:12
geniimittwally: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/index.html00:12
Arkeus6thats an easy one00:12
mittwallygenii: thanks00:12
* genii makes more coffee00:13
surely!manual  | mittwally00:13
ubottumittwally: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:13
mittwallysurely: thanks00:13
surelymittwally, my pleasure00:14
Bashing-ommittwally: "Nother one - I like - http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Trusty .00:15
mittwallyBashing-om: Hehe, I asked one time and gave me three options, more than awesome.00:16
mittwallyReal thanks!00:17
CooLBALLi love mate with a good theme00:19
CooLBALLbut unity is great00:19
CooLBALLreally imho a better design00:20
CooLBALLwhy not put menu bars on the taskbar00:21
CooLBALLand put window buttons on the left and title next to them... on the taskbar when you mouse over00:22
CooLBALLbut i guess its the other way around00:22
CooLBALLyou dont want the menu bar to disappear when you mouse over it00:23
CooLBALLtruly a great design00:23
CooLBALLwhat is going to happen... how is caonical going to get money?00:24
Artemis3not by ranting in the support channel for sure00:28
ADW hi00:43
PCworkerHello, I would like to know if it is possible to upgrade Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to the new Ubuntu 14.04 LTS??? Or do I need to upgrade to 13.** and then upgrade again to the next release???00:53
ubottuLTS to LTS upgrades are not offered automatically until the .1 release has been issued. Ubuntu 14.04.1 is due for release on 24th July, and you will only see an option to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 after that date.00:54
geniiPCworker: After July 24, as indicated by the bot00:55
f-recruitersCan I hate IT recruiters any more?00:56
geniif-recruiters: You probably want ##headhunters . This is #ubuntu00:57
texlaHow to add themes to unity-tweak-tool or to system settings>appearance in ubuntu-14.0400:57
linuxuz3ranyoone used vino here01:01
f-recruitersI wana hunt down headhutners and kill thier clan01:01
f-recruitersanyway 14.04 amd64 kinda nice but cant seem to get nginx to talk to php-fpm01:01
f-recruitersquite the bugger ofa problem01:02
PCworkerHas anyone been successful in using the Netflix app with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS???01:03
kostkonPCworker, which one01:04
PCworkerkostkon: I didn't know there was more than one available.01:05
kostkonPCworker, pipelight; the best option there is.01:05
kostkonPCworker, http://www.webupd8.org/2014/06/pipelight-027-brings-new-system-check.html01:06
PCworkerkostkon: I will give that a look and see about it tonight.01:07
kostkonPCworker, ok01:07
kostkonPCworker, it's a browser plugin so it will work with other sites too01:08
MuffinMedicis UFW a good firewall to use for a VPS that acts as a web server and for ZNC?01:09
mojtabaHi, I have installed recently byobu, but after pressing F8 I can not rename the window, and it just do nothing. Does anybody know what should I do?01:11
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=== Guest9170 is now known as I_Do_Believe
PCworkerkostkon: thanks, I am installing it now.01:16
kostkonPCworker, np01:16
texlaHow to add themes to unity-tweak-tool or to system settings>appearance in ubuntu-14.0401:17
f-recruitersuse iceWM01:18
intokWhat do I need if I want to get the Radeon VCE hardware transcoder working in 14.04?01:18
intokf-recruiters checked, all it pulls up is Phoronix posts announcing that it works, not what has to be installed01:20
f-recruiterswhats it do?01:22
intokf-recruiters does h.264 encoding on the GPU if you have a recent AMD GPU, which I have01:23
intokf-recruiters benefit is that it's very fast at it01:23
f-recruiterswhat that encoding do? make videos?01:23
f-recruitersmake dvd?01:24
ScottyKgreetings! How can I activate the "pause" button on my USB keyboard, so Ubuntu will stop playing music in Clementine when I press the pause button? thanks!01:24
intokf-recruiters takke any video source I want and transcode it into .h.264 with the quality parameters I set and do it stupid fast, much faster then the CPU can do01:24
intokf-recruiters like take the 20Gb of mpeg2 video from my DV camcorder and make it a 1-2Gb Youtube upload out of it in a not obscene amount of time01:26
f-recruiterswhats best way to see megs /s going to each disk? iostat seems crappy01:26
f-recruiterscovert to what mp4?01:27
I_Do_BelieveScottyK, With a little search I see a problem in this scenario with others.01:27
f-recruiterser convert01:27
MuffinMedicAny preferences or comments about what firewall to use? I currently have ufw01:27
f-recruitershandbook shows howto use firewall, and I hear pf is nice01:28
f-recruitersdotn know ufw01:28
f-recruitersI do know there are gui for some firewalls that rock01:28
superglufw is very simple, yet very effective01:29
MuffinMedicf-recruiters: VPS, i don't have a UI. it's all command line01:32
f-recruitersis ufw one of the 3 firewall freebsd uses?01:32
f-recruiterscool cool01:32
MuffinMedicf-recruiters: no it's a simple command line forntend for iptables01:32
f-recruitersoh cool01:32
intokf-recruiters .mp4 would be the most common output, but you can put h.264 video into any container file you like, I prefer .mkv01:33
f-recruitersit is a ubuntu thing?  check this out  http://www.fwbuilder.org/  you can use fwbuilder then it will move the config to a REMOTE BOX!!! AWESOME01:33
f-recruiterswhy is .mkv used if .mp4 is there?01:33
f-recruitersI notice a lot of my torrent movies are mkv and my player sees it01:34
intokf-recruiters multi audio/subtitle features01:34
f-recruitersjust curious why avi or mp4 arent used instead..01:34
f-recruitersin mkv? oh interesting01:34
vaknaI have a wireless usb trackball mouse, and all the buttons work, but the trackball sends no signal to x.01:34
f-recruitersI think I have a gpu but not sure its being used......how do I check?01:34
vaknaxev has 0 output (input?) from it.01:35
vaknaNo drivers seem to exist, but I know there are trackball drivers for ubuntu...01:35
vaknaWouldn't they be similar enough to modify something and make it work?01:35
f-recruiters] [drm] GART: num cpu pages 131072, num gpu pages 131072 (from dmesg)01:35
holsteinvakna: i would test the hardware in that scnario, on a supported operating sytem with supported drivers.. sounds more like the optics are bad01:36
vaknaIt works on windows.01:36
intokf-recruiters I take it you don't watch much outside of your native tung, this is where the open source video tools absolutely kill the closed source stuff, just check any anime site, even if they are using h.264 video, they are still using oss containers and oss tools to do the conversion01:36
holsteinvakna: then, the device should be fine.. ask them for linux support01:37
vaknaThey don't seem to have an official webpage.01:37
vaknayumouse y-1001:37
vaknalsusb id 7545:109a01:37
f-recruiterslink to good anime site? I loved one called cutry hony I saw one time01:38
f-recruitersgreat art01:38
f-recruitersI really need to get more international01:38
vaknaI'm alright with the idea of using the windows driver, but I don't see anything that is close to that idea except ndiswrapper, and though it's wireless, I don't think it's quite the same.01:39
vaknaBut afaik it uses 802.11g01:40
holsteinvakna: why would you be able to use the windows driver?01:40
holsteinndiswrapper is only for wifi drivers..01:40
vaknaNot directly, but I thought there might be something similar to ndiswrapper for it.01:40
vaknaRight, but it does use 802.11 signals.01:40
holsteinvakna: not that im aware of, but nothing is preventing the manufacturer from supporting linux01:41
vaknaIs it not reasonable to try to modify the source for another trackball?01:41
holsteinvakna: sure.. but its not for the device01:42
vaknaI don't understand.01:42
holsteinvakna: why would it support your device?01:43
vaknaWhy wouldn't it? Everything is a signal, right?01:43
darkxploithey guys an idea how to add a user by giving it permission to perform root on same command01:43
geniidarkxploit: That question is confusing. Can you explain in a better manner?01:44
holsteinvakna: i mean, its a device, and the device manufacturer would be responsible for the support.. modifying some other devices code would alsa take some hacking and work and may not provide support for the device01:45
darkxploiti want to add a user and give the user access to perform root action01:45
holsteindarkbasic: you shoudnt. you should use sudo01:45
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:45
=== tcpman is now known as Guest91286
vaknaholstein, I get that they should develop support for it, but I don't expect them to, and I definitely don't feel like waiting for that to happen.01:46
holsteindarkbasic: you can add a user from the command line or in the GUI https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto and give it sudo privs01:46
intokf-recruiters well I don't have any recent reviews of the GPU's dedicated transcoding chip compared to CPU encoding, as it's been years since I looked into it, but back when I did it showed that the $120 at the time HD4670 was about 4x as fast as intel's fastest $1200 CPUs using multicore rendering of the same video file and settings, the only thing was that the GPU decoder was limited in settings range and the video wasn't as 01:46
holsteinvakna: you'll have to expect them to, though.. they are the ones responsible for it01:46
darkxploitholstein, how do to that in the command line01:46
holsteindarkxploit: sudo adduser01:47
vaknaThey don't even have a website.01:47
holsteinvakna: ok.. then, the device may not support linux01:47
xXxu have a funny nick01:47
darkxploitholstein, how to give it rights to perform root actions?01:47
vaknaThat appears to be the case, but someone would have to write it. That means there's a method that could be used to accept the input.01:47
holsteinvakna: i know i usually just try live CDs and see what works out of the box and go from there.. otherwise, there is nothing ubuntu is doing to prevent it from working01:47
xXxbefore the cmd01:48
vaknaI don't blame ubuntu.01:48
xXxdo : man sudo01:48
vaknaI guess I should have clarified that, but I'm asking in ubuntu because there isn't a "misc linux drivers" channel.01:48
holsteindarkxploit: the link i gave https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto has how to add users to groups. such as sudo01:48
holsteinvakna: ok.. ubuntu is ready to support your device. there is nothing it is doing to prevent support.. but, there is little it can do to facilitate support01:49
tracyonecan Lubuntu install the gtk3 theme?01:54
=== infinity1 is now known as baprath
linuxuz3rwhat is the development meta package?02:00
=== supergl is now known as regain
=== regain is now known as supergl
f-recruitersI don't reccomend devops.02:05
f-recruitersbuy fewer machines and learn to use name based vhosts and raid 10 sas or zfs mirrors02:05
f-recruitershow get ia32-libs on ubuntu?02:08
superglf-recruiters: add "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring main restricted universe multiverse" to your etc/apt/sources.list.d/02:10
superglAnd then you can just install it via "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs"02:11
superglAh, don't forget to "apt-get update" before that ;)02:11
f-recruitersdoes the name of the file containing that string matter? in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?02:11
f-recruitersalso I am on trusty do i change raring to trusty?02:12
=== chreuben_ is now known as chreuben
superglyes, sorry02:13
superglI actually copypasted that, so it's outdated02:13
SierraARsupergl: Hasnt the name for the ia32-libs thing changed to something else?02:14
f-recruitershas it?02:14
superglSierraAR: really?02:15
SierraAROr is ia32-libs what it changed to.. Idk, there was something about 32 bit library package names being changed somewhere between 10.04 and 12.04 that threw me off when I was looking things up a couple years ago02:15
somsip!find ia3202:15
ubottuFound: grub-efi-ia32, grub-efi-ia32-bin, grub-efi-ia32-dbg, lsb-core, lsb-cxx, lsb-desktop, lsb-graphics, lsb-languages, lsb-multimedia, lsb-printing (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ia32&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all02:15
m1dnight_this answer worked for me yesterday :)02:15
m1dnight_my x86 asm code compiles fine02:16
superglRegardless, @f-recruiters: The file should have the .list extension02:16
f-recruitershttp://askubuntu.com/questions/107230/what-happened-to-the-ia32-libs-package  stabs self02:17
f-recruitersah yes I just fixed it to x.list02:17
f-recruitersand it stays raring apprently02:17
f-recruitersheh woo wee02:17
superglSometimes aptitude is just so confusing about its packages02:18
superglstill better than pacman ;)02:18
f-recruiterspacman is the goodnss02:19
f-recruiterspkgng not bad either02:19
f-recruitersI can't believe www.aidaweb.si is 32bit, it is very advanced appserver and uses lovely smalltalk02:19
m1dnight_Site is not loading for me :(02:20
SierraARBeing that im on a train's wifi... XD02:21
superglf-recruiters: in my opinion, pacman sucks, but well... opinions differ02:22
f-recruitersrpms suck to be, pacman has never bent me over02:23
f-recruitersrpms suck to me02:23
f-recruiterswww.prevayler.org this project to me is still exciting02:23
somsipf-recruiters: can you take the off topic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please02:24
samuelkadolphI'm trying to configure wifi from the command line in 14.04. sudo iwlist scan shows the networks but sudo nmcli dev wifi list is empty. Anyone know why nmcli wouldn't see any of the networks?02:26
OerHeksis there a bit.ly checker ?02:28
superglOerHeks: Its a youtube link02:28
OerHekssupergl, thanks02:29
mojtabaHi, Do I need to create keys if I want to ssh from Mac to Ubuntu? Or can I just enter command ssh user@ubuntu-ip from mac?02:30
mojtabaI tried the last one but nothing happens. Do you know what should I do?02:31
xXxsudo service sshd start02:31
xXxset NAT on router02:31
somsipmojtaba: depends if ubuntu allows password auth via ssh or not, but I believe it does by default02:31
xXxand then u can connect02:31
mojtabasomsip: how can I check that? xXx: They are on both LAN, should I set NAT?02:32
somsipmojtaba: look at /etc/ssh/sshd_config (from memory) on the ubuntu server.02:32
xXxyes mojtaba02:33
xXxset nat for LAN02:33
=== justinS is now known as jhsimpson
daftykinsmojtaba: you may need to use "ssh ubuntu-IP -u username" depending on the way macs work02:40
f-recruiterspeople still use macs?02:43
f-recruitersiceWM and linux desktop baby!!02:44
f-recruitersaw yeah02:44
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f-recruiterslaptops are so 70s02:44
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SierraARf-recruiters: I'm on a laptop right now :(02:44
f-recruitersno one with  a laptop ge tmuch work done02:44
f-recruitersdesktop is where real work gets done02:44
SierraARI honestly get more work done on my laptop than my desktop. Mostly because my laptopcant run games. XD02:45
daftykinsf-recruiters: again, please drop the off topic chatter.02:48
ouyesafter succesfully installed LUBUNTU 14.04, I can't boot into my system, the boot process stop at the login screen, the login screen is flashing, I can't see anything but just two flashing white windows. so Anybody can help me about this?02:50
Arkeus6Is there a spotify ad blocker on linux?02:54
I_Do_Believeouyes, Have you logged in since the install yet?02:55
The0x539Arkeus6: Is spotify anything but a website?02:55
Arkeus6I think the client came before the web version02:55
ouyesI_Do_Believe, no sire02:59
ouyesI_Do_Believe, no sir02:59
The0x539I didn't know spotify HAD a client02:59
The0x539I never use it :(02:59
The0x539sorry, no clue02:59
I_Do_Believe!nomodeset | ouyes try this02:59
ubottuouyes try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:59
ouyesI_Do_Believe, that is the most frastrating part02:59
ouyesI_Do_Believe, I already tried that, made no difference03:00
lulzHello there can anyone maybe help me out?03:00
The0x539Just state your question/problem03:01
lulzI am having difficulties with the WINE windows program loader03:01
I_Do_Believeouyes, Did the install go with no problems? What is the chip speed and ram amount?03:01
* The0x539 headdesks03:01
The0x539lulz: continue03:01
lulzEverytime I try to open an .exe program it shows it loading for about 3 seconds03:01
lulzthen nothing happens03:01
ouyesI_Do_Believe, when I tried to install with the desktop edition, the install stopped at the user password setup, the screen flashed. so I tried alternative edition, the installation was fine03:02
ouyesbut I couldn't boot in03:03
ouyesI_Do_Believe, the chip is ati rage pro03:03
I_Do_Believeouyes, Are you sure the computer is up for hardware wise for this install, the minimal needed and do you know the graphic hardware?03:04
ouyesI_Do_Believe, yes sir, I think so,  Rage LT Pro is a good VGA card, Lubuntu is light weighted03:05
I_Do_Believeouyes, Are you sure you ran the nomodeset option correctly?03:06
ouyesI_Do_Believe, it ran windows xp without any problem03:06
I_Do_Believehow did you do it?03:06
ouyesI_Do_Believe, press shit, press e, type in nomodeset and hit ctrl+x03:06
lulzEverytime i try to open a .exe program on windows with Wine windows program loader it shows it loading then stops and nothing happens...... Can anyone help me?03:06
ouyesI_Do_Believe, sorry, shift03:06
lulzon kali linux my bad03:07
I_Do_Believeouyes, I am not sure beyond these questions.03:07
ouyesI_Do_Believe, was that correct03:07
BlackBird_i think i should go to learn english03:07
ouyesI_Do_Believe, press shift, grub menu, press 'e', then edit, add nomodeset and ctrl + x, boot03:08
I_Do_Believeouyes, If typed in the correct place yes, the link shows how, there is a safe x boot in recovery you might try it.03:08
ouyesI_Do_Believe, no difference was made03:08
ouyesI_Do_Believe, recovery mode I tried03:08
ouyesI_Do_Believe, I did boot into recovery mode, and I chose normal boot, then screen flashes03:09
ouyesI_Do_Believe, I delete quite splash, and replace it with nomodeset03:10
I_Do_Believeouyes, That is all I know, maybe others can help.03:11
ouyesI_Do_Believe, OK, thanks a lot03:12
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zipcI'm trying to replace nouveau by following these instructions http://www.binarytides.com/install-nvidia-drivers-ubuntu-14-04  but for some reasons, it still uses nouveau instead of nvidia driver.  maybe im missing something?03:19
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Bashing-omzivester: Witch are you trying ( 3 methods given) .. supported is "Additional Drivers", what does Additional drivers relate for available drivers ?03:26
Bashing-omzipc: ^^ .. zivester sorry bout hightlighting you.03:27
SemorI have ported my 32 bit programe tp 64bits OS ,it usually corrupted and dump a core file03:28
Semorhow do I find the reason for that ?03:28
zipci'm using the sudo apt-get install nvidia-34003:29
Bashing-omzipc: did you verify wiht the Nvidia web site that the 340 driver is the correct driver for your card ? -- what does 'Additional Driver's relate for available drivers ?03:31
ouyesIs there anybody know how to get ati 3d rage lt pro VGA card working?03:36
zipcBashing-om:  i installed the wrong driver, should be nvidia-33103:40
MegabyteHello again, guys03:43
Bashing-omzipc: I would suggest purging what ever Nvidia driver or portion that is installed at this time -> sudo apt-get purge nvidia* <- .03:44
zipcBashing-om:  then install the right driver?03:44
SierraARIs there a way to get a list of all installed packages that did not come with my ubuntu install? I.e. everything I've installed since I installed ubuntu03:45
Megabytezipc, proprietary Nvidia drivers?03:45
MegabyteGet lost03:45
MegabyteNoveau is so much better!03:45
MegabyteIt's Newvaeu!03:46
SierraARIsnt that new in another language?03:46
somsip!clone | SierraAR (part of this answer applies)03:46
ubottuSierraAR (part of this answer applies): To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate03:46
lotuspsychjemorning to all03:46
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning03:47
somsipSierraAR: ignore that last one. Wrong factoid03:47
SierraAR!software package "apt-clone"03:47
ubottuSierraAR: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:47
SierraARLol, I figured that was an information command too. Oh well03:47
MegabyteSierraAR, I'm sure it is :D03:47
lotuspsychje!info apt-clone | SierraAR03:48
ubottuSierraAR: apt-clone (source: apt-clone): Script to create state bundles. In component main, is extra. Version 0.3.1~ubuntu11 (trusty), package size 12 kB, installed size 89 kB03:48
somsipSierraAR: you need http://serverfault.com/questions/133681/generating-a-list-of-installed-packages-in-ubuntu03:48
Bashing-omzipc: Then make sure there is nothing residual -> dpkg -l  | grep nvidia <- .. Then highly reommended to use the driver reomended by 'Additional Drivers' utility// then if there are problems, go to outside menad ( there will then be overhead to be concerned with).03:48
somsipSierraAR: a factoid used to have similar information on it, but I can't find it now03:48
lotuspsychjesomsip: wich one are you looking for?03:49
zipcBashing-om: i purged nvidia*03:49
SierraARsomsip: Thanks, bookmarked for later use03:50
Bashing-omzipc: Purge is good, now the 'dpkg -l' result ?03:51
zipcdpkg -l | grep nvidia  results nothing03:51
Bashing-omzipc: Outstanding .. I say again //best to see what is in Additional Drivers - if ya want to try a proprietary driver.03:52
zipcBashing-om: lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA -A 12  ...  Kernel driver in use: nouveau03:53
Bashing-omzipc: "additional Drivers" will take care of all the details to install the proprietary driver.03:54
zipcBashing-om: additional drivers now pointing to Nouveau03:55
Bashing-omzipc: Sheesshh // Ok maybe there is no proprietary driver for that card (legacy ??).. what card is it .. and have you verified the driver/card with the Nvidia site ?03:57
lotuspsychjefor those who are interested, indicator-multiload updated to 0.4: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/06/system-monitor-indicator-ubuntu-ppa03:59
zipcBashing-om: nvidia-340, nvidia-304, nvidia-334, nvidia-173, nvidia-304-updates, nvidia-33704:01
zipcthose are the additional drivers04:02
BosiHello Everyone! I'm trying to install Xubuntu 14.04 in my sister's pc, and I'm facing this problem. The bootable USB (created 1st with Unetbootin and then UniversalUSBInstaller/Win) didn't boot. It was showing this message: No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found... I did some research and saw that I should rename the folder and files isolinux to syslinux. Didn't work...04:03
lotuspsychje!usb | Bosi04:04
ubottuBosi: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:04
BosiThen I saw that I should use an USB formated to FAT16. I tried: sudo mkdosfs -F16 -n XUBUNTU /dev/sdb1 and this appeared: WARNING: Not enough clusters for a 16 bit FAT! The filesystem will be misinterpreted as having a 12 bit FAT without mount option "fat=16". mkdosfs: Attempting to create a too large filesystem04:04
lotuspsychjeBosi: you have another ubuntu box to create the usb from?04:04
BosiNow I'm stuck.04:04
Bashing-omzipc: That is what "additional drivers" is showing ? // then install one of them from the AD utility . OK ??04:05
Bosilotuspsychje, sorry?04:05
lotuspsychjeBosi: do you have another ubuntu computer, to create your xubuntu usb stick?04:06
Bashing-omzipc: The great thing about instaling from the AD utility, one can easily switch drivers, no sweat.04:06
zipcBashing-om: i tried but it's showing 'Nouveau' in terminal.  or do i still need to reboot the machine04:06
jtraktorhey, how to join another chat room ? *newbie here04:07
Bashing-omzipc: Yeah .. that is easiest .. or restart the xserver.04:07
lotuspsychjejtraktor: type /join #chatroom04:07
jtraktorthanks /lotuspsychje04:07
Bosilotuspsychje, well I used Unetbootin from my netbook to create the USB... it boots fine in my netbook. Then I created from another software, this time for Windows... same thing.04:07
lotuspsychjeBosi: does your windows pc have uefi?04:08
Bosilotuspsychje, I have no idea. but I saw that some people solved this issue formating their flashdrive to FAT16... which I tried and an error occurred. Did I do anything wrong?04:10
lotuspsychjeBosi: but you say, you tested your usb stick on your netbook and boots fine?04:10
jtraktorlotuspsychje, thanks again04:11
lotuspsychjejtraktor: np04:11
Bosilotuspsychje, yes.04:11
lotuspsychjeBosi: so it must be some issue with the other pc's bios maybe04:11
lotuspsychjeBosi: check if its set to boot usb first, and secureboot off04:12
BosiIt starts to boot from USB, but this message appears: No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found04:12
linuxuz3ranyone used wireshark before04:13
Bosilotuspsychje, this is the problem: http://www.geekzground.com/index/?p=2704:14
linuxuz3rcan you capture traffic from compA to compB using wireshark04:14
linuxuz3rthey are both connected to the same wireless router04:14
DrakkenWarrI use wireshark all the time04:14
linuxuz3rDrakkenWarr, how do i capture the traffic of a router04:15
Bosilotuspsychje, some people said here that using the USB formated as FAT16 instead of FAT32 might work when the computer is old: http://askubuntu.com/questions/329704/syslinux-no-default-or-ui-configuration-directive-found04:15
daftykinslinuxuz3r: why's the *actual* task?04:15
linuxuz3rspy on my brother04:15
lotuspsychjeBosi: what line did you change your bios to? USB/ZIP?04:15
Bosilotuspsychje, but I had an error when I tried to format for fat16. (WARNING: Not enough clusters for a 16 bit FAT! The filesystem will be misinterpreted as having a 12 bit FAT without mount option "fat=16". mkdosfs: Attempting to create a too large filesystem)04:15
linuxuz3rDrakkenWarr, ?04:15
linuxuz3rdaftykins, do you know how to?04:16
daftykinslinuxuz3r: the scope of this channel is support, nefarious activity with siblings is not part of that. :)04:16
lotuspsychjelinuxuz3r: try #wireshark04:17
Bosilotuspsychje, it reads the USB, I didn't have to change anything... just this error appears.04:17
zipcBashing-om: thanks!04:18
lotuspsychjeBosi: how do you know if usb boots correctly, if xubuntu doesnt load?04:19
Cerratuxhello everyone.04:19
Bashing-omzipc: Good deal .. we can rest in peace then ?04:20
Bosilotuspsychje, it says, booting from USB... then it gets stuck with that error. Also, dozens of people that I found on internet had the exact same problem.04:20
holsteinBosi: it needs to do more that just reaad the usb. you can dd copy the iso's to the stick.. i have no issuse with fat32 and unetbootin.. have you confirmed the stick booting on other hardware?04:20
Cerratuxcan someone recommend me a website to download .deb packages with all it dependences.04:21
Bosiholstein, yup. In my netbook it works fine.04:21
BloodSkindoing "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" on a vps and i timed out at "Adding 'diversion of /usr/share/gnome-mahjongg/themes/postmodern.svg to /usr/share/gnome-mahjongg/themes/postmodern.svg.unbranded by branding-ubuntu'". should i try installing again or should i just redo the image and try again04:21
daftykinsCerratux: what's the scenario?04:21
lotuspsychjeBosi: can you choose FAT also beside FAT16 and FAT32?04:22
holsteinBosi: so, its not the stick then.. friend.. you should look inthe bios.. try other USB ports. look into the hardware.. of the stick is good, its good..04:22
lotuspsychjeBosi: maybe the old pc doesnt like FAT16 either04:22
Cerratuxwell i have a few computers with no access to the internet04:22
Bosiholstein, as I searched on internet, the common causes of this problem are: isolinux/syslinux rename; corrupted ISO file; softwares to create the USB; and FAT16/32. I only wasn't able to try the last one.04:22
Cerratuxi would like to install the packages manually04:22
zipcBashing-om: yes, : )04:22
Cerratuxbut without the problem of dependences04:23
daftykinsCerratux: run the update on one connected, then keep all the packages in /var/cache/apt/archives/04:23
Bashing-omzipc: :D04:23
lotuspsychjeBosi: can you burn cd's?04:23
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holsteinBosi: sure.. but its not corrupted if it works .. the stick works, you say.. so its not corrupted.. thus, not fitting the scenario you are finding online04:24
Cerratuxthank you04:24
Bosilotuspsychje holstein, is there any way for me to make a 8GB become fat16? I tried sudo mkdosfs -F16 -n XUBUNTU /dev/sdb1 and it didn't work04:24
Cerratuxis the best way.04:24
Cerratuxhey Bosi04:24
holsteinBosi: fat32 works for me and unetbootin.. have you tried dd copy?04:24
Cerratuxunetbootin have a bug04:25
Bosiholstein, apparently the fat32 thing is only an issue for old computers.My netbook works fine with 32 as well.04:25
Bosilotuspsychje, the DVD drive isn't working very well...04:26
holsteinBosi: on my old computers, i use what they "like" to boot.. cd's04:26
lotuspsychjeBosi: can you create a cd with 'plop boot manager' and then load your xubuntu usb stick from there04:26
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:26
lagboxwhere can i get my hands on chromium 35 ?04:26
holsteinBosi: if the machine cant boot the stick, then it cant boot it.. the stick is good and the machine is not booting it.. its not an issue with the stick04:26
lotuspsychje!info chromium-browser04:27
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 34.0.1847.116-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 39250 kB, installed size 144582 kB04:27
ouyesI_Do_Believe, hi04:27
I_Do_Believeouyes, yes04:27
Bosiholstein, according to several people that had the same exact problem, it can be.04:27
ouyesI_Do_Believe, Finally I boot into the system04:27
ouyesI_Do_Believe, it's great04:27
I_Do_Believeouyes, Good, what was the issue?04:27
ouyesI_Do_Believe, only 70MiB was used04:28
holsteinBosi: ok.. according to me, i disagree, and i suggest its a waste of time to try and "fix" the stick when its booting fine on other hardware04:28
calcmandani'm looking for something that'll move my mouse pointer to 2-3 designated locations on my screen and done so within specific periods of time. anyone have a good cl tool that'll do this?04:28
holsteinBosi: i say, save some time and burn a CD04:28
I_Do_Believeouyes, 70MiB of what?04:28
lagboxand how about a newer version04:28
holsteinlagbox: newer versions will just come in as available.. you can use ppa's04:29
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:29
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: you want mousepointer move automatic few times a day?04:29
holsteinlagbox: for example.. http://www.webupd8.org/2014/02/how-to-install-chromium-beta-or-dev.html04:29
Bosiholstein, haha I did burn a DVD from that old pc, I didn't work well... I'll burn from another pc and see if it works. But check this out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1583344 there are people saying that the fat16 thing worked for them.04:29
ouyesI_Do_Believe, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#Getting_started04:29
holstein!mini | Bosi04:29
ubottuBosi: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:29
ouyesI_Do_Believe, I added a file04:30
lagboxthank you04:30
ouyesI_Do_Believe, the system only use 70Mib RAM04:30
holsteinBosi: thats what i would use on older hardware.. a cd. the mini cd04:30
calcmandanlotuspsychje: few times a second04:30
I_Do_Believeouyes, sounds about right04:30
calcmandanlotuspsychje: about 10 minute increments.04:30
holsteinBosi: is the "Fat 16 thing" working for you? i say, the stick eithier boots or not..04:30
holsteinBosi: regardless, if you are seeking a smaller iso, the mini is quite small you can try that from the fat16 partition04:31
lotuspsychje!info xdotool | calcmandan maybe this?04:31
ubottucalcmandan maybe this?: xdotool (source: xdotool): simulate X11 keyboard/mouse input. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.20130111.1-3.1 (trusty), package size 36 kB, installed size 132 kB04:31
calcmandanlotuspsychje: been using xdotool to control the mouse button, but i also need the mouse to go back & forth between 2-3 locations. ifigure i'd have to input xy coords.04:31
Bosiholstein, I don't know if the fat16 works or not. I don't have a small flashdrive here... when I tried to format a 8GB flashdrive to fat16 and error ocurred: "WARNING: Not enough clusters for a 16 bit FAT! The filesystem will be misinterpreted as having a 12 bit FAT without mount option "fat=16". mkdosfs: Attempting to create a too large filesystem"04:31
holsteinBosi: they reference a smaller partition, friend04:32
Bosiholstein, but I'll definitely try the mini CD04:32
daftykinsBosi: 2GB was the old max for FAT1604:32
holsteinBosi: you should be able to make smaller partitons on that larger stick.. though, i would rather put a fork in my eye.. if my machine boots cd's, i already have one burned and booting..04:32
ouyesI_Do_Believe, thanks again04:33
* lotuspsychje reccomends plop boot manager for older pc's to boot usb sticks normally04:34
holsteinyup.. i like plop as well04:34
Bosiholstein, ha that's where I got stuck in the fat16 thing. I don't know how to make those partitions... anyway... I'll go give it a try on the mini CD. The DVD didn't work when I tried though.04:34
holsteinBosi: try plop ^04:34
holsteinBosi: i literally havent used anything else in years.. when i have an issue, i get plop. if that doesnt work, i give the hardware away04:34
Bosiholstein, plop?04:34
lotuspsychjejtraktor: you forgot /join04:34
holsteinBosi: http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager/index.html04:35
lotuspsychjecalcmandan: what about this one: http://www.murguu.com/04:36
calcmandanlotuspsychje: looking now.04:37
Bosilotuspsychje holstein, oh, that looks great. I'll definitely give it a try04:37
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Bosilotuspsychje holstein, thanks for your help! I'll try it tomorrow morning and let you know if it worked! Have a good night!04:39
lotuspsychjeBosi: cheers04:39
jtraktorhehe, thanks lotuspsychje04:42
lotuspsychjeholstein: do you know howto debug lightdm.log to see whats lagging from login ==> desktop boot?04:48
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huntHi #ubuntu! Im trying to update my catalyst drivers because some apps are crashing without the latest drivers, but im having a tough time. The wiki guide says to remove them first (http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Oneiric_Installation_Guide#Removing_Catalyst.2Ffglrx)05:08
huntbut when i follow their guide for removing, then run the install script, it says it hasnt been removed05:08
huntplease help! no one else seems to have this problem05:08
huntis anyone familiar with this stuff?05:10
calcmandanlotuspsychje: thank you. this is EXACTLY what i'm looking for. props05:12
lotuspsychje!yay | calcmandan05:13
ubottucalcmandan: Glad you made it! :-)05:13
hunti literally hate this so much05:14
huntwhy is it so difficult to install drivers?05:14
huntwhy is it so difficult to *uninstall* drivers05:15
AlecTaylorMy new Ubuntu laptop just shutdown in the middle of my work. Nothing in syslog. Where else do I look?05:26
wheatthinAlecTaylor, you can try looking into dmesg and05:28
wheatthinchecking your sensors05:28
wheatthinby install lm-sensors and checking the temps05:28
wheatthinMore than likely, if it just randomly shut off, (and it was the only thing to do so) then you were overheating05:28
AlecTaylorwheatthin: It's a brand-new Kudu-1705:28
AlecTaylorWell, maybe 3 months old05:29
wheatthinAlecTaylor, doesn't stop it from overheating..05:29
AlecTaylorWell I expected better quality05:29
AlecTaylorTrying lm-sensors05:29
wheatthincheck lm-sensors and see if the heatsync was seated right by checking temperatures of each core05:29
wheatthinthey should be the same across the board05:30
AlecTaylor$ lm-sensors lm-sensors: command not found$ lm-sensors lm-sensors: command not found$ lm-sensors05:30
AlecTaylorlm-sensors: command not found05:30
wheatthin.sudo apt-get install lm-sensors05:31
AlecTaylorWhat's the command once it's installed?05:31
wheatthinthen afterwards type "sensors"05:31
AlecTaylorIt's all in the 43°C-46°C range05:31
mahmoud1Hello, I just bought a MacBook Air and I installed ubuntu on it. but I have a problem with the wifi. It freezes often, however, it doesnt disconnect. Any one can help me? by the way I am new to IRC, so execuse me if I don't know the way of asking questions :)05:32
wheatthina 3 degree range on the same processor is shifty05:33
wheatthinmahmoud1, don't fret, someone will help with your wifi question if they get some more info.. how often does it cut out? and might if it might be related to power/suspend/sleep05:35
wheatthinsorry buzzed, and still trying to help05:36
mahmoud1hey, thanks for replying. Actually it just freezes every 5 mins or so for about 30-60 secs and then internet is good again. I checked the power management and it was off05:36
ztaneanyone familiar with flash crashes, I had 2 yrs ago, now with firefox can't play any video on youtube anymore - crash in 2 seconds...05:37
ztaneback in days it had soemthing to do with video acceleration I guess (nvidia here)05:37
wheatthinmahmoud1, hmm have you checked any current outages in your neighborhood? I've noticed some in mine recently, and I'm hardwired05:38
wheatthinztane, which graphics drivers do you have installed.. most of the flash will be buggy until decent graphics acceleration is applied05:39
mahmoud1I have a dual boot on my MBA .. on MaxOSX the wireless works perfectly, so I suppose this has something to do with ubuntu. Maybe the driver or something05:39
wheatthinHmmm mahmoud1 did you check dmesg to see if there was any problems with kernel related driver?05:40
mahmoud1yeah I have some errors when I run dmesg: [Mon Jun 16 23:56:57 2014] ERROR @wl_dev_intvar_get : error (-1)05:40
mahmoud1[Mon Jun 16 23:56:57 2014] ERROR @wl_cfg80211_get_tx_power : error (-1)05:40
wheatthinmahmoud1, if you can use pastebin so we can see the whole output without accidently flooding05:41
Aaraigathorztane: Firefox for Linux (Ubuntu included) doesn't support the latest flash (version 12 I think is the latest you can get) and adobe has stated they are no longer supporting Flash for Firefox on Linux. The only option is to get Chrome or Chromium to have the latest Flash on Linux using the pepperflash plugin05:41
wheatthinbut regular flash play 12 does work on ubuntu 14.04 and chrome/chromium05:42
amrita22join ##qstp-noop05:42
Aaraigathorztane: However, unless someone else knows a way, Chrome no longer supports Java for Linux. So it presents a problem on both ends05:42
AaraigathorLatest flash works on chrome/chromium, but only version 12 for Firefox, which can cause crashing in some programs that require newer flash05:43
wheatthinAaraigathor, http://askubuntu.com/questions/155852/installing-chrome-java-plugin05:45
AaraigathorHaving an ongoing issue with my computer running Ubuntu 14.04. Really need some help here. My cursor periodically goes invisible, usually while using the terminal or while watching videos with VLC, althought it has happened in the browser too. Most often happens from using terminal, almost every time. It is not possible to recover cursor without reboot or restarting lightdm. Cursor is still usable, however invisible. Tried changi05:45
loai forgot what package pulseaudio settings?05:45
loasomething like pulseaudiocfg05:46
loaor something.05:46
Aaraigathorwheatthin : Icedtea no longer works on latest Chrome, that's an old post. I tried just last week05:46
mahmoud1wheatthin: Here is the link of dmesg http://pastebin.com/9F9pqXYf05:46
ztanewheatthin: nvidia.ko, 304.8805:47
ztaneAaraigathor: dunno, it is just this machine with nvidia+kubuntu that seems to be crashing, and on playing videos05:48
ztaneso looks like it is an accelerated video decoding bug again...05:49
ztaneplugin-container: ../../src/xcb_io.c:274: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed.05:51
AaraigathorReally need some help here, running Ubuntu 14.04 My cursor periodically goes invisible, usually while using the terminal or while watching videos with VLC, althought it has happened in the browser too. Most often happens from using terminal, almost every time. It is not possible to recover cursor without reboot or restarting lightdm. Cursor is still usable, however invisible. Tried changing mice and usb ports, no luck05:51
wheatthinmahmoud1, is this a broadcom device?05:52
wheatthinAaraigathor, it shouldn't be disappearing if you have proprietary drivers installed05:53
ztaneAaraigathor, wheatthin: yeap, /etc/adobe/mms.cfg <- OverrideGPUValidation=false EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=0 and videos work again...05:54
mahmoud1wheatthin: yes05:54
Aaraigathorwheatthin Graphics drivers you're talking? Or USB drivers?05:54
mahmoud1wheatthin: 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter (rev 03)05:57
AaraigathorReally need some help here, running Ubuntu 14.04 My cursor periodically goes invisible, usually while using the terminal or while watching videos with VLC, althought it has happened in the browser too. Most often happens from using terminal, almost every time. It is not possible to recover cursor without reboot or restarting lightdm. Cursor is still usable, however invisible. Tried changing mice and usb ports, no luck06:05
tenstormavi__hello, anyone here can help me with apache?06:08
makaratenstormavi__: ask your question06:21
=== berend is now known as Guest67430
GuppyManCan anyone help walk me through how to install a driver through this git repo? http://git.linuxtv.org/cgit.cgi/media_tree.git/about/06:43
SierraARGuppyMan: What OS is this for?06:44
GuppyManSierraAR: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is what I am running06:44
SierraARDisregard that, for some reason thought this was #freenode and was going to direct you to an OS specific channel xD06:45
SierraARSadly I don't know enough to help with this :(06:45
GuppyManoh lol06:45
GuppyManThank you anyway. :)06:45
Ben64GuppyMan: what card is this for06:45
GuppyManBen64: Pinnacle 800i http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Pinnacle_PCTV_HD_Card_%28800i%2906:46
Ben64GuppyMan: can you pastebin "dmesg" and "lspci"06:48
GuppyManBen64: Sure one sec.06:49
GuppyManBen64: dmesg: http://pastebin.com/EWALqWdb06:51
GuppyManBen64: lspci http://pastebin.com/Uq91sDye06:52
GuppyManBen64: Oh, I think it might have cut the first part off of dmesg, at the top I don't see the line where the command was run.06:52
Ben64GuppyMan: check line 98 in your dmesg pastebin, looks like it's working fine06:52
GuppyManBen64: Still not showing up in tvheadend strangely...06:53
Ben64dunno what that is06:54
GuppyManBen64: It's a linux tv streaming server06:55
GuppyManBen64: https://tvheadend.org/06:55
GuppyManBen64: Perhaps I should try seeing if it is recognized in Kaffiene?06:56
GuppyManBen64: Not showing up in Kaffeine media player either... Strange.07:00
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GuppyManBen64: I found the video0 file in dev07:01
Ben64GuppyMan: you said it wasnt there before :)07:02
GuppyManBen64: Is there any way to open this or something O_o07:02
Ben64find a program that can use an atsc tuner? i use mythtv07:03
GuppyManBen64: Downloading...07:03
GuppyManBen64: Restarting to finish install.07:08
GuppyManBen64: So, I installed MythTV.  Says it can't connect to database.07:12
GuppyManBen64: Where would I find a setup guide?07:12
Ben64well theres google, #mythtv-users for starters07:14
tasslehoffAfter running Ubuntu 14.04 for a while my sound disappeared. Can't see anything odd in alsamixer, and tried reinstalling pulseaudio07:19
tenstormavi__makara, hello i have installed lamp in ubuntu but it is not working. I am not able to see the ubuntu default page.07:20
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tenstormavimakara, sorry for late reply.07:21
nir0hi guys, my after update my sound doesn't work any more07:23
nir0firefox becomes grey after trying to play sound through flash07:24
Scarlett21 Hi! I give you some videos. I hope you like! http://j.mp/1lApOhD07:26
ovidius2hi. i am using a hp laptop with amd processor and graphics card. i use the radeon driver since the integrated chip is not supproted in 14.04 anymore by amd. i turned off the dedicated gfx card via vgaswitcheroo, but still my laptop gets very hot. can someone help me?07:44
PpknamCan any one speak english here?07:54
otisppknam I can, what do you need?07:54
Ben64this is the english language support channel, so i'd assume so07:54
PpknamI'm a newbaby here07:55
PpknamI'm looking for tech help07:56
bcvery!ask | ppknam07:56
ubottuppknam: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:56
GuppyManBen64:  It actually is recognizing it now, at least the analog portion.07:59
=== jibran is now known as jibran|afk
AncientPCI compiled / installed ncdu from tarball but lost Unicode support. How do I copmile with Unicode support?08:05
AncientPCor for that matter does anybody know where I can find Debian / Ubuntu maintainer's patches / build scripts for ncdu?08:07
plophi! I have a question about ubuntu and udev (I havn't problem, it's just to undersant :) )08:17
I_Do_BelieveAncientPC, I assume you aware of http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=sourcenames&keywords=ncdu08:18
plopWhen the ubuntu kernel start, udev isn't yet started, so how it can catch uevent to add some device like about usb stick (for example) to add /dev/sda node ?08:19
iptablepriuon, actually, most likely broken. even if not supported, it should still come up in lspci or lsusb08:26
cfhowlettpriuon I THINKK that's it, costs nothing to try/test08:26
iptablepriuon, oh, so you want to know if you can look at freenode topology and node status?08:26
iptablepriuon, that explains a lot about your question. otherwise we are guessing 1. which network, 2. nodes of what08:26
gm10_mam problem z ubuntu08:26
priuoniptable: yeah that was the question :)08:27
iptablegm10_, this channel is English. Let me find you the Polish one08:27
gm10_nie działa mi komputer!!!!08:27
iptablecfhowlett, that's Polish actually...08:27
ubottugm10_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia08:27
AncientPCI_Do_Believe: nope, thx. Looking at the diff it looks like they just call `make -f`. :/08:27
cfhowlettiptable DOH!08:28
ubottugm10: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.08:28
iptableoh, he left08:28
* cfhowlett happy to see ubottu wake up08:28
iptabledamn, joins/parts and renames can be useful...08:28
priuoniptable: well the touchpad was available in the mswindows installation i was using beforehand. I am refraining from installing any ms atm for not knowing what will happen and or how to repair to my current GRUB setup, as xubuntu is what i currently depend on.08:28
iptablepriuon, have you tried booting into ubuntu (not xubuntu), or kubuntu or linux mint and checking if the pointer auto-magically works there? also, did you remember to apt-get update && apt-get upgrade your system? Furthermore, what is the ubuntu version?08:30
iptablepriuon, has the touchpad EVER worked in ubuntu for you?08:30
=== stryx`_ is now known as stryx`
priuon"xserv-xorg-input-multitouch" might help as well. the notebook advertises multitouch capabilities. These seemingly lacked proper implementation though as of what i found out on mswindows.08:31
iptablepriuon, please answer the questions asked08:32
priuoniptable I am on 12.04.04 xubuntu, i have a bootable linuxmint available on another partition. No i have not tried ubuntu or kubuntu yet. but i tried linuxmint 12.04 ubuntu derived and latest linuxmint 16 both not having the touchpad visible.08:32
priuonI am going to install the multitouch pack. But it does not seem to do much of a change08:33
didrikStryker, just checked the documentation. No I don't. How do I check?08:43
iptablepriuon, you cannot unless you are comfortable with partitioning tools and partition resizing. The tools are gparted/parted,reseize2fs08:43
iptablepriuon, but since you want to fix it, you need to test it08:44
didrikSorry I'm used to windows but new to ubuntu08:44
iptabledidrik, has it ever worked in any OS?08:44
didrikgoogling.. just a sec08:44
Strykerdidrik, probably going into the terminal and typing without quotes "lspci|grep -i network"08:44
priuonas i have a more or less solid internet connection (rather slow for the modern standard but enough for what we are talking about), and a lot of hdd space for making a backup i might as well format the whole drive. But i'd prefer to learn of to do it inplace.08:44
Strykerif nothing comes up, try lspci|grep -i ethernet08:44
cfhowlettpriuon best practice is to install windows FIRST.08:44
iptabledidrik, or better, dmesg |grep -i eth08:45
priuoniptable: i downloaded the ubuntu repository dvds and want to use them inplace of the online reppos. is it compilcated to set this up with a xubuntu installation?08:45
iptablepriuon, no idea, sorry08:45
* iptable goes to dentist08:45
priuoncfhowlett: i know. But this would mean i have to delete my current setup.08:45
didrikIntel Corperation 82579V Gigabit Network Connection (rev 06)08:46
cfhowlettpriuon assume that installing windows *will* break your current setup and proceed accordingly.  backup ^ 308:46
didrikusing |grep eth08:46
didrikusing |grep -i eth08:46
priuoniptable: installing xfce on a ubuntu won't get me the same setup a xubuntu installtion does will it?08:46
Strykerdidrik, you and I have the same card, but mine's rev 0508:47
cfhowlettpriuon you can get "xubuntu" with apt-get install xubuntu-desktop08:47
priuoncfhowlett, oh thats nice08:47
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svetacfhowlett, I think he already has xubuntu though, I was thinking.08:47
iptablepriuon, no, but doing apt-get install xubuntu-desktop will08:48
priuoni guess i will do that then. linuxmint isn't available as such is it?08:48
svetaIt is a separate distro.08:48
cfhowlettpriuon not supported or accessible from ubuntu08:48
iptablepriuon, it is available, it's another distro closely relying on ubuntu. linuxmint 17 LTS atm08:48
svetabah, it is accessible. by downloading it. :s08:48
svetaubuntu doesn't block you from downloading stuff.08:48
louigihey fellas, can you advice - in the command line if I want to open a most recent file in a folder with, say, vim, how do I picke the last file without tabbing through a long name of using a mouse?08:48
priuonis "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" available as well?08:49
didrikok. but it should work then? I have checked the connection socket on another computer and there is nothing wrong with the connection08:49
louigiId there a way to just pick the last file?08:49
Strykerdidrik, mine was also custom built. I had no problems with it. This is as far as I can help you at my level. Anybody else able to help didrik? didrik knows the name of the network card now08:49
didrikso its my new rig which has a problem08:49
cfhowlettpriuon of course!08:49
svetalouigi, hi. "ls -latr" sorts by time.  looking.08:49
cfhowlettpriuon hat trick: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop      ...08:49
louigisveta: but how do I actually feed this into vim? I mean, I have a list of files and usually you type "vim" and then use your mouse to copy the filename and middle-click it.08:50
louigiI'd like to just feed the most recent file08:50
louigiinto vim08:50
louigiwith a command08:50
Strykerthanks, iptable08:50
priuonI have some rather unpleasant experience with installing multiple desktops on one linux. as in having all the bundled apps etc show up in other DE's. will this happen with xubuntu-desktop/kubuntu-desktop?08:51
Strykerpriuon, my advice is that I remember that windows must always be on a primary partition08:51
cfhowlettpriuon it will happen.  if you want to quarantine your OS (recommended), install vbox, download the 32 bits distros and install to vbox08:51
svetalouigi, ``ls -Art | tail -n 1'', or ``ls -t | head -n1''08:51
louigisveta: super thanks, will try this08:52
dunbuggyhey all im having some discrepancies between a entering a command in a terminal vs entering it from php's exec() function08:52
priuonwell I'd like to have ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu on one linux without them mixing up. But i guess this is not possible as such08:52
dunbuggyits an encoding problem, so i think it may belong here08:52
didrikanyone else than Stryker who can help me with my Ethernet issues?08:53
Strykerpriuon, try not to go to far in depth with extended and logical partitions unless you are close to your limit of primary partitions. Using Gparted, the only thing you would be doing is shrinking the linux partition and using the resulting free space as NTFS08:53
cfhowlettpriuon different packages ... you could always just get the desktop environments ...08:53
dunbuggyphp cant seem to recognize utf8 characters in the exec() response08:53
Strykerpriuon, this is not enough advice to go out and do it safely. Back up everything that is dear to you and work this thing out - all of us dual booters have done this08:54
priuonStryker I am running on 4 primary partitions atm. and I have some unusable free space intedned for another os installation. So i kind of have to deal with the issue08:55
didrikiptable, yesterday after first install it worked. I then tured off the computer and this morning it did not work anymore. I keep seeing the Wifi connection animation in the top corner but noting connects08:57
priuonStryker: I will damn sure back things up before doing anything parition related. But i still would need to know how to change some partitions into logical ones. and or how to install mswindows without reinstalling my linux installations.08:58
svetapriuon, I did have all the desktops a couple years ago. it is okay, but in retrospect, I think I need to have different users on each desktop - otherwise their startup settings interfere.08:59
cfhowlettpriuon properly done, install the *nixs but then you'll need to repair the windows install and THEN reinstall grub08:59
priuonI might also want to shift my partitions around. And i'd like to know where my grub is installed ( i made a primary partition for /boot/ but don't know whether it got used due to setting the installer to the sda not to the partition for safety reasons)09:00
didrikdmesg gives: eth0: 10/100 speed: disabling TSO \n eth0 NIC link is down \n eth0 NIC link is up 100 Mbps Full duplex, Flow control: None09:02
didrik\n are line breaks09:02
Strykerpriuon, Windows doesn't work well, if at all, on a logical partition, but a logical partition can hold many smaller logical partitions to infinity. Linux can run from any of these logical partitions. Perhaps you have to plan ahead next time and make sure your linux installs are always logical, but you have to move all of that linux fun over to a logical partition (not fun to do)09:02
didrikthe three statements keep repeting09:02
priuoni guess it's adviseable to only use one DE isn't it.09:02
Strykerdidrik are you trying to use it with wifi?09:02
didrik@Stryker no. Ethernet My desktop diesnt have Wifi as far as I know09:03
priuonwhat other buntus are there. I know of kde,xfce,lxde now :)09:03
Strykerpriuon, I use 3 different DEs and it's fun to experiment. They just take up a lot of space. Openbox is my preferred WM/DE09:03
didrikbtw how to I write red PMs to ppl?09:03
Strykerdidrik, just checking if you were using it correctly09:03
didrikso I dont flood the chat09:03
Jeroen_MathonUse /msg09:03
Strykerdidrik, you just type their names09:03
thechawhat about gnome?09:04
thechayou cannot use gnome as DE?09:04
Jeroen_MathonWhats wrong? perhaps i can hel as well09:04
ubottuthecha: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome09:04
priuonStryker: I kind of liked openbox. But couldn't find much depth of repos and the sorts in the short time i had with it.09:04
ubottuGNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.09:04
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity09:05
Strykerpriuon, LXDE and Openbox have won my heart09:05
priuonstryker, there are some other wms i'd like to learn more about but i am not so sure if i will ever have time to do it09:05
thechastryker i like gnome 3 best09:05
thechaclean cut and lean09:06
Jeroen_Mathonthechas Did you try e17 Enlightment 17?09:06
thechano gimmicks no gadgets not dangerous features that will have you accidently erase partitions09:06
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.09:06
StrykerGnome 3 isn't too lean, but it looks nice.09:06
thechayes i did09:06
priuonStryker: i am on xfce as of now, for it beeing well supported and me beeing a noob :)09:06
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox09:06
thechait just werks09:06
Jeroen_MathonTry arch if you want to learn how to use mix window managers09:06
Jeroen_MathonLike Gnome with KDE Windows09:07
Strykerpriuon, LXDE is like a light version of XFCE - same features, but much more lightweight.09:07
thechaare you alowed to talk about arch and other distors in this channel?09:07
tomenglandhow do i control when the screen dims off on my laptop09:07
priuonI hated the open apps with a search inquirey approach of gnome3. I also couldn't find out how to get rid of it...09:07
tomenglandin ubuntu 14.0409:07
pkoviehello everyone, I've just discovered 'grub customizer' to change the order of or remove grub entries, but the changes I made didnt apply to grub. I'd saved them.09:07
Jeroen_MathonIt's only advice to learn how to use advanced linux,09:07
Jeroen_MathonIts educational09:07
svetaJeroen_Mathon, hi.09:08
Jeroen_MathonI s switched back to ubuntu afterworths09:08
thechapkovie you can directly access the files in gruband edit directly09:08
didrikiptable did you get my messages?09:08
priuonStryker: I got the picture of it beeing exzessively restrictive. But it might just have been the installation i got.09:08
thechano need for a manager pkovie :)09:08
Jkup_I have a question09:08
svetaJeroen_Mathon, I believe distros are all equally educational; they have the relevant window managers in the repos anyway.09:08
Jkup_a newb question09:08
StrykerJeroen_Mathon, but arch has its downsides, as it handicaps people for building sources with their pacman approach09:08
Jeroen_MathonYeah i really liked the intall from text version.09:08
svetaJkup_, hi, what's the question?09:08
stone_ubuntu use SELinux?09:09
ubottuJkup_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:09
svetacfhowlett, thanks for the typo, I wanted to say. He was already asked what's up.09:09
svetawow. that's a wordy message.09:09
pkoviethecha, yes, I also saw on the same page the posts about editing the file..gui seemed safer, just not to mess anything up..09:09
Strykersveta, right?09:09
priuonStryker, has lxde all the libs removed?09:09
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cfhowlettsveta I did propose a Samuel L. Jackson edit but --- denied.09:10
Strykerpriuon, I am not sure what you mean by that.09:10
Jkup_I want to get into info sec, i have been using ubuntu for about 3 months, I was just curious on some steps and things i should do to get there. any friendly recommendations ? :)09:10
Jeroen_MathonI recommend using backintime if you'r costumising for the first time09:10
svetastone_, I think it's available, but not by default. and it's not even maintained properly. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SELinux09:10
priuoni found and loved icewm and fmwm on university systems. But don't know how to set those up the way they are set up on mentioned systems09:11
thechapkovie→ the directly eediting is what i think is best so you know exactly what can be taken safely09:11
priuonStryker, my assumption is, that xfce is not lightweight for using gtk+09:11
Jeroen_MathonEdit your xinitrc file09:11
thechapkovie→ i am on a dual boot09:12
thechaubuntu and windows709:12
Jeroen_MathonI got my mom to do that09:12
Jeroen_MathonShe likes linux more now.09:12
arunpyasihi all09:12
Jeroen_Mathonarunpsyasi Hello09:13
thechawhy is ubunu the best rod top distro? i mean why are most linux users ubuntu users?09:13
thechais it because of unity?09:13
stone_sveta but it already in use in 14.10! i test the 14.10 and i  found it installed by default!09:13
cfhowlettthecha you'd have to ask the millions of users --- not here09:13
Jeroen_MathonIts easy and it works "Finally after the hell i've been trough on version 12"09:13
Strykerpriuon, I remember back in the days when GNOME 2 was Ubuntu's main deal. XFCE used to be more lightweight that it, but now it is not. LXDE is almost a throwback to GNOME 2 like XFCE is, but is, by itself, more lightweight09:13
thechacfhowlett→ it owuld be quite time consuming to aks millions of users, i doubt i have the resources to even find them09:14
Strykerthecha, that is an illusion09:14
svetastone_, the wiki is out of date then. my apologies.09:14
Jeroen_MathonGot to go bye :)09:14
priuonto get back to topic. how do i move my setup towards extended/logical partitions. will i have to delete one of my 4 primarys beforehand or will i be able to do the transition without it?09:14
Jkup_I want to get into info sec, i have been using ubuntu for about 3 months, I was just curious on some steps and things i should do to get there. any friendly recommendations ? :)09:15
thechapriuon use gparted09:15
priuonStryker, well if the thing is robust i will be inclined to use it. But i guess i will end up with either fmwm or icewm09:15
cfhowlettJkup_ ask the ##linux channel09:16
stone_sveta thank you ,it's ok!09:16
priuonalso, will i (maybe with gparted) be able to keep the partition labels as they are now?09:16
Strykerthecha, here is a comprehensive article on why we can't be sure which distro is the most popular http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/78416.html09:17
cfhowlettJkup_ also https://www.dropbox.com/s/vdrj7k0degpzxer/Debian-Ubuntu_hardening_guide.pdf09:17
thechagparted allows you do to all that09:17
thechabasically if you wanna inst6all a new distro you have to create all 3 parts for yolur system09:17
Strykerpriuon, you can't exceed max primary partitions, though09:17
thechafirst / or root then the swap and then the general data storage type09:18
Jkup_Thank you sir09:18
cfhowlettJkup_ pretty sure ibm.com and opensource.com have some free resources09:18
Jkup_I will check it out, cheers09:19
pkoviethecha, thank you! I will do it by editing the file09:19
Jkup_Ii dont get why it wont let me send to ##linux09:19
thechapriuon→ pleae consider this information09:20
andreas_Hi guys. Im connected to a wifi network on my notebook. when im connected over ethernet to my embedded linux board, the internet connection is lost. ethernet interface has static ip. any ideas?09:20
thechait mighthelp clear up some of the confuse09:20
Strykerandreas_, make that ip dynamic, man09:21
priuonStryker, read about it. That's basically what my issue is. I have 4 primarys unused free sapce and some more os including mswin to install. So as far as i am now, i will have to remove to convert two primarys to logicals. to get one extended and a free primary. For that sense I might want to or have to move the other two primarys on the disc. furthermore I want to have grup on a separate partition as it is availble atm. As i don't have09:22
priuon much experience with such I am kind of stuck with that set of tasks now.09:22
=== AncientP1 is now known as AncientPC
didrikLink encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 40:16:7e:78:35:3b09:24
didrik          inet6 addr: fe80::4216:7eff:fe78:353b/64 Scope:Link09:24
didrik          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:109:24
didrik          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:009:24
didrik          TX packets:1086 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:009:24
didrik          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100009:24
unopastedidrik you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted09:24
Strykerpriuon, here's how it should look like: eliminate one of the primary partitions and make a new extended partition in its place. The extended partition will hold your logical partitions for other OSes. You will have to get rid of another primary partition for windows and format that space to NTFS. Make sure that grub is not installed on either of these partitions.09:25
Strykerthen install windows09:25
Strykerthen sudo update-grub09:26
didrikstryker my ifconfig shows http://paste.ubuntu.com/7657509/09:26
didrikdoes that give any info?09:26
Strykerdidrik, I only know how to troubleshoot broadcom driver issues. I was hoping you had a broadcom interface.09:27
alveraanHi. I'm playing with kvm/libvirtd. Sice I'm used to vmware, and one has to install the vmware tools on each guest machine, my question is are some kind of "tools" required on a libvirt guest?09:27
didrikstryker. Ok thanks anyway09:28
priuonStryker. that sudo from a livecd boot kinda thing then?09:28
Strykerdidrik, also, none of that info was very useful. It looks like it was able to upload some packets, but not receive any, as I see it.09:28
didrikIf anyone else out there wants to help me with an ethernet connection issue. Please let me know.09:28
Strykerpriuon, you have to do it from an active install of a linux09:28
Strykerpriuon, if you have a swap partition that's primary, that can easily go.09:29
priuonstryker, i'd like to refrain from simply deleting a partition. Is it not possible to define a new setup incorporating a move of current paritions into the new ones? Specifying arrangement on HDD and maybe also labeling (etc.) and have it be done afterwards!?09:30
priuonStryker I have.09:31
priuonBut then the partition is rather small09:31
stone_i thought  X86 's future is UNIX like,Windows 's future is on ARM,am i correct?   sorry for my stupid!!!!09:31
Questionso i am trying to set up privoxy by following these instructions    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Privoxy       but i am confused on where it says: So lets jump to line 661, and see what the option here is - our listening IP address. well we know what we want, and in my case its this:  listen-address     what does this mean?09:32
cfhowlettstone_ no fortune tellers on duty.  what is your ubuntu question?09:32
Questionwould the listening ip address be my ip address?09:33
Strykerpriuon, there is a way, if you have enough free space, to move your stuff from primary to logical, but then deleting the primary09:33
priuonthats the thing i am looking for.09:33
stone_<cfhowlett>     oh ,man09:35
andreas_Stryker, this could be a problem. the board connected to the ethernet port has to be a static ip too. there is no dhcp server on it.09:35
Strykerandreas_, that's a given, but it needs to be explicitly assigned (which increases chance of collision)09:37
Strykerandreas_ try to make sure the router or modem has a number for your netbook and it alone if you are going the static route (which I don't recommend)09:39
Nothing_MuchI need some help with this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile09:43
Nothing_MuchI need some help with this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile09:44
Question so i am trying to set up privoxy by following these instructions    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Privoxy       but i am confused on where it says: So lets jump to line 661, and see what the option here is - our listening IP address. well we know what we want, and in my case its this:  listen-address     what does this mean?09:45
Nothing_MuchCan somebody PLEASE tell me how the heck to patch a kernel??????09:47
cfhowlettNothing_Much never done it.  if no answer, ask ##linux09:47
PriceyNothing_Much: What is the real aim? Why do you think you need to?09:47
dp_wizNothing_Much: why do you want this?09:47
Nothing_Muchdp_wiz: I'm trying to see if a patch for this: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72921 can be fixed!!09:48
ubottuFreedesktop bug 72921 in DRM/Radeon "DPM Power Cycle with AMD A8-6600K & MSI FM2-A55M-E33" [Blocker,New]09:48
Questiondoes anyone have an answer for me?09:48
Nothing_MuchI need two different kernels!09:48
Nothing_MuchI don't know how to separate two of the same kernels or anything I just want to fix this!09:48
cfhowlettNothing_Much why do you need 2 kernels!  explain!09:49
Nothing_MuchI'm sorry I'm just EXTREMELY frustrated at this and nobody can tell me HOW to do it, I just get people linking me to a website that tells me to "ask the patcher" or whatever!09:49
Nothing_Muchcfhowlett: Because there's two different patches!09:49
PriceyNothing_Much: You'll probably need to use http://linux.die.net/man/1/patch to apply the diff you've been given. The instructions int he page you linked are probably appropriate.09:50
dp_wizNothing_Much: so, what step on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile doesn't work out for you?09:50
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=== Guest49751 is now known as Fotolito
Nothing_MuchPricey: I KNOW HOW TO PATCH, I just don't know where the kernel sources are! I did the apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r) thing but I don't know where to go from there!!09:51
Nothing_Muchdp_wiz: NO it doesn't!09:52
dp_wizNothing_Much: which one?09:52
dp_wizthere are many steps. which one  you've tried and failed?09:52
Nothing_MuchB) download the source archive, apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)09:52
=== Fotolito is now known as D_Pewd
Nothing_MuchI got 3 files in my home directory09:52
Nothing_MuchI put the 3 files in a new file09:53
Nothing_MuchThey're linux_3.13.0.orig.tar.gz09:53
Questionare you trying to compile a new kernal?09:53
js1123hello, is there a way to change/alter the popup 'shortcutlist'-image after pressing the Super key? ( or maybe to disable this pop-up and use the keubord setting to trigger an other custom popup screen?)09:53
Nothing_MuchQuestion: Yes! I NEED to test these patches!09:54
=== luckybunny is now known as lbaway
PriceyNothing_Much: A folder wasn't also created?09:54
Nothing_MuchPricey: No, I had to make a folder because those 3 files were in the home directory09:54
Nothing_MuchAfter I did the apt-get source09:55
sutetcipehi, i have two wireless cards on my pc and i want one to connect to one AP but only allow local traffic through it (i.e. within the network). and the other to connect to an AP but only allow external traffic, ive done some digging and assume i can get this done with iptables, but i have been trying for a day now and no luck, can anyone assist09:55
ztaneNothing_Much: the apt-get downloads the source in CWD09:56
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ztaneNothing_Much: so you might want to cd /usr/src, then download there.09:56
ztaneNothing_Much: then follow Question's instrucitons09:56
Questionso i am following the instructions on how to set up privoxy but i don't under stand this part   So lets jump to line 661, and see what the option here is - our listening IP address. well we know what we want, and in my case its this:  listen-address
Nothing_MuchWait hold on09:57
Nothing_MuchThere's a linux-source-3.13.0.tar.bz2 file in there09:57
Nothing_MuchBecause I did apt-get install linux-source09:58
Questionwould the listening ip address be my ip address?09:59
PriceyNothing_Much: Hmm I've only got access to debian here but 'apt-get source' unpacks the sources and applies all patches etc... didn't think it'd be different on ubuntu.09:59
PriceyNothing_Much: Absolutely sure that a directory, in addition to the other 3 files isn't crated? Did apt-get source give an error?09:59
Nothing_MuchPricey: Should I do it again in the home directory again?10:00
PriceyQuestion: 'yes'. You probably don't want to make this an external address. Listenning on loopback (i assume the default) will probably be fine.10:01
PriceyNothing_Much: It's your bandwidth.10:01
Nothing_MuchPricey: What?10:01
Questionthanks just didn't want to mess anything up10:02
Nothing_MuchDude, just tell me, yes or no? Is it supposed to make another directory??10:02
Nothing_MuchUgh, fine10:02
Nothing_MuchThere's 3 files being downloaded10:03
Nothing_MuchOne of them is 116MB10:03
Nothing_MuchPricey: There are 3 files in my home directory by the name of linux_3.13.0.orig.tar.gz linux_3.13.0-29.53.diff.gz linux_3.13.0-29.53.dsc10:04
Nothing_MuchThat was using apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)10:05
PriceyNothing_Much: And a folder wasn't also created? Was an error given?10:06
Nothing_MuchOh old on10:06
Nothing_Muchlinux-3.13.0 is here10:06
Nothing_MuchThat's a directory10:07
PriceyYes :)10:07
PriceyTry looking inside that for the unpacked & patched sources.10:07
asad2005lately i have noticed that my rss reader Lifera feed items becoming read by itself, IS this a known bug? Can someone recommend a better RSS reader on ubuntu10:07
Nothing_MuchHold up10:07
=== Ghoul_ is now known as Aetherspawn-
Nothing_MuchHang on, I gotta redownload that patch10:09
Nothing_MuchAlright got it10:10
priuonwhat is the syntax for quoting a message of another channel?10:10
priuon'[%H:%M] #channel nick:"message"' ?10:10
Nothing_MuchPricey: Where do I patch this .diff file?10:11
Priceypriuon: Whatever you fancy. Be nice though and don't copy private things if you think they're private. For multiline, use a !pastebin10:11
wrongplacei need to find the right drivers for my epson printer using foomatic10:11
wrongplaceand I have no idea10:11
Nothing_MuchPricey: There's those 3 files and linux-3.13.0 folder10:11
Nothing_MuchWhere what and how?10:11
PriceyNothing_Much: Those 3 files have been extracted into the folder.10:11
PriceyNothing_Much: The folder will be the source for your currently running kernel.10:11
priuon"[12:00] #xubuntu/priuon: what pack gives me the 'find process of window' gui-tool in xfce?" is maybe better asked in here? (didn't get any answers in xubuntu so far)10:12
Nothing_MuchNow I patch using patch < file.diff in that specific folder?10:13
ObrienDavepriuon, you need to wait a few minutes before crossposting10:14
ObrienDaveok, you did wait 14 minutes. my apologies10:15
priuonObrienDave, no offens. I had waiting times in hours before ;)10:16
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ObrienDaveyes, me too :)10:16
larrypgpriuon, not sure this is exactly what you are asking for but would not Task Manager work?10:17
priuontask manager doesn't have the tool I am looking for as far as i can tell. linuxmint 12 mate came with that tool in the taskmanager if i remember correctly10:18
priuon12.04 ubuntu derived linuxmint that is10:19
=== Locke2002 is now known as Guest59740
JenniferB2hi folks! How can I make ubuntu 14 switch to the active window when I switch to the application? For instance in my editor, Intellij, I can run two windows, and I have them on different virtual desktops. When I switch between functionality, sometimes intellij will switch to the other editor on the other virtual desktop, but I am remain stuck on the inactive window in Ubutnu ... is this possible to fix?10:20
priuonit's that tool with the crosshair that identifyies gui elements with the associated PID.10:21
priuonthe xubuntu 12.04.04 bundled taskmanager doesn't have it (as far as i can see)10:22
NGC982Have some of you used Tellprox in Ubuntu?10:22
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jdmfI'm looking for some input about creating a "Rescue System" just like the Hetzner Rescue System, where they have the ability to to unmanaged installations of multiple Linux Dists directly from network. (all within local network) - We are using Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04 and RHEL which should be installable from this install-system.10:29
defconnHello. When booting from a DVD drive, I have options to boot: { AHCI, EFI } <my drive name>. Which one should I choose for most benefits?10:35
arcskyif i added my friend with "useradd -m friend" and i dont want him to list files in my homedir how can i fix that?10:39
jribarcsky: remove world read and execute permissions on your home directory10:40
jrib!permissions > arcsky10:40
ubottuarcsky, please see my private message10:40
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iptableooh, what does that do!10:42
iptable!permissions > iptable10:43
ubottuiptable, please see my private message10:43
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iptableok, we got the message ubuntu-studio. 4 times.10:43
arcskyjrib: "world" means other right?10:43
ubuntu-studioya its correct10:44
iptablearcsky, yes. owner, group, world10:44
jribarcsky: yes10:44
defconn!permissions > ubottu10:44
ubottudefconn, please see my private message10:44
defconn!permissions > defconn10:44
jribpriuon: are you looking for "xprop"?10:45
jribjdmf: not really sure, but are you just looking for info on setting up a pxe install server?  Is that enough to get you started?  Some links on the wiki come up when I search for "pxe network install ubuntu"10:48
lkthomasanyone have good luck with partition on preseed ?10:49
lkthomasI can't get it working anyhow10:49
priuonjrib: i guess i am. is x11-utils bunled by default?10:51
jribpriuon: bundled where?10:51
priuonubuntu to start with10:52
jribpriuon: on a standard desktop install, I'm pretty sure that is installed, yes.  Do note xprop is a terminal app10:53
priuonjrib. i am trying to find out how to do what i intend with it atm.10:54
priuonthe manpage examples don't seem to cover it.10:54
priuonthe description points out that xproc might be used for what i am looking for10:54
priuonnow i was going to look if xproc takes pixel coordinates. As i don't think the gui elemnt with the crosshair is supposed to do the identification ;)10:56
jribpriuon: what do you want to do?10:56
priuonfind the PID of a window on the current workspace i see10:56
arun_anyone there having ubuntu server or VPS and can provide me a chroot environment ???10:57
rahul_hii all i am try to install ffmpeg over ubuntu 14.041 on beagle bone10:59
rahul_but getting error Package 'ffmpeg' has no installation candidate10:59
rahul_what it means10:59
omi_1Hi.., I have a wireless usb adapter tp link wn723n.., but it seem it won't work on my ubuntu, I wonder how to solved this issue :)10:59
rahul_omi_1, what errors you are getting?11:00
Ben64rahul_: its "avconv" now11:01
rahul_Ben64, same error with it also11:01
rahul_i tried libav-tools11:01
omi_1yes it find my wireless connection and I can connected to it,, but still no internet acces rahul_11:01
cfhowlett!info avconv | rahul_11:02
ubotturahul_: Package avconv does not exist in trusty11:02
rahul_libav-tools : Depends: ffmpeg (>= 7:0.10~) but it is not installable11:02
rahul_it is saying this11:03
Ben64wait, on beaglebone? isn't that arm? #ubuntu-arm may have more experience11:03
iptablerahul_, ffmpeg is not in repos11:04
iptablerahul_, it's been replaced11:04
omi_1I 've tried this but still no internet acces http://askubuntu.com/questions/296994/how-to-get-the-tp-link-tl-wn723n-working-on-ubuntu11:04
rahul_then how to do it11:04
iptablerahul_, use the replacement.11:04
arun_anyone there having ubuntu server or VPS and can provide me a chroot environment ???11:04
jackW: GPG-Fehler: http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates Release: Die folgenden Signaturen waren ungültig: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>11:05
arun_rahul_: dude, try winff11:05
iptablerahul_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/432542/is-ffmpeg-missing-from-the-official-repositories-in-14-0411:05
jackhow do i fix that?11:05
iptablerahul_, in other words install libav-tools and use avconv instead of ffmpeg. the actual command line parameters are the same11:05
rahul_iptable, I tried that also]11:06
rahul_libav-tools : Depends: ffmpeg (>= 7:0.10~) but it is not installable  iptable11:06
Ben64libav-tools does not say that11:06
Ben64if it does, then you're either not on 14.04, or you've got some weird repo stuff going on11:07
cfhowlettrahul_ what is the output of cat /etc/issue11:08
rahul_Ubuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l11:08
iptablerahul_, libav-tools does NOT depend on ffmpeg.11:08
rahul_cfhowlett, ^11:08
cfhowlettrahul_ what iptable said11:08
iptablerahul_, please execute: apt-get install libav-tools AND pastebin us the full result11:09
rahul_iptable, http://bpaste.net/show/PHQe2fzvhn98z3lEhRNo/11:10
cfhowlettrahul_ weird.  WEIRD.  suggest you purge ffmpeg and try again11:11
rahul_cfhowlett, it is not installed11:12
Ben64its gotta be weird sources or a weird install or just weird arm stuff11:12
rahul_so how it will be removed11:12
cfhowlettrahul_ yep.  t'is probably a sources issue11:12
rahul_I think installing opencv may help me..11:12
jribpriuon: what do you want to do with the pid once you get it?11:15
iptablerahul_, add the ffmpeg repo if you find it for arm and install ffmpeg.11:16
Ben64iptable: why? avconv is already in ubuntu11:16
iptableBen64, well yes, though he can't install it on arm for some reason or another (dodgy repos or install)11:17
iptableBen64, just throwing an alternative here11:17
ScratchyHow do I send a private message without opening a new chat window in irssi11:17
Ben64iptable: so adding more dodgy repos is the answer?11:18
iptableBen64, well, if you put it that way...11:19
svetaScratchy, http://www.irssi.org/documentation/startup#c5 -- /SET use_msgs_window ON, /SET autocreate_query_level DCCMSGS , /WINDOW NEW HIDE, /WINDOW NAME (msgs)  /WINDOW LEVEL MSGS   /window move 111:19
priuonjrib: I don't really know. It has some developers background and also some sysadmin background. But I want to start using it anyways.11:19
svetaScratchy, or if you dont want query windows for dcc chat either,  /SET autocreate_query_level none, instead of what mentioned for this pref in these steps11:20
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=== Bitboy is now known as Guest32914
Guest32914my system is not loading after ubuntu installation.......only two beep sounds are there...even bios is not loading..Can any one help me?11:33
terraformerhey guys, anybody has experience with cyberghost vpn on ubuntu? im having some issues with it and the network drivers used... Can anyone help :)11:35
cfhowlettGuest32914 bios not loading suggests SERIOUS issues of a non-ubuntu nature11:35
iptableGuest32914, what is the laptop name, also did it have EFI?11:36
Guest32914not laptop,it's desktop11:36
jackbrownhello there I'm trying to make it works on linux a thermal printer that is recognized as IEEE-1284 usb controller   lsusb = Bus 003 Device 004: ID 067b:2305 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2305 Parallel Port can anyone help me to make it works ?11:36
Guest32914iptable,  not laptop,it's desktop11:37
iptablecfhowlett, user may have fallen victim of either 1. bios configuration was on a sepcial partition on the HDD and he erased it installing ubuntu, or 2. it was the buggy EFI which fills with dmesg logs from ubuntu and kills itself.11:37
iptableGuest32914, still, my questions remain valid11:37
Guest32914iptable, how to know have EFI?11:37
* cfhowlett waits, watches, hopes to learn something11:38
Ben64Guest32914: what brand/model desktop? and what happens when you turn it on11:38
abc_typing faster is a big deal on irc ?11:38
iptableabc_, uhm, typing faster is a big deal. that's it.11:39
Guest32914Ben64, It is an assembled system.processor intel i3.....11:39
Guest32914Ben64, When switch on two beep sounds only11:40
cfhowlettGuest32914 assembled = custom build??11:40
Guest32914cfhowlett, ys11:40
Ben64Guest32914: two beeps only? no video? that's an indication of a much bigger problem, as cfhowlett suggested11:41
cfhowlettGuest32914 you'll need to consult your mobo documentation.  2 beeps means ... something.11:41
iptableGuest32914, have you considered checking with your hardware manual on what "2 short beeps" means?11:41
iptableGuest32914, the beeps are actually error codes. find out, THEN fix.11:42
* cfhowlett realizes that great minds think alike11:42
iptableGuest32914, I'm assuming you DID apply thermal compound on to the CPU before putting hitsink on it? :P11:42
abc_Guest13433 RAM problem.11:42
iptablecfhowlett, oh, damn. you were faster than me :D11:42
iptableabc_, no, depends on manufacturer11:42
Ben64Guest32914: you should head on over to ##hardware11:42
Guest32914Ben64, Is it problem in Bios?I don't know any change happened in configuration menu bios in mistake11:44
* cfhowlett "Heatsink? We don't need no steenking heatsink!"11:44
asad2005Can someone sugegst an RSS reader better than Liferea11:44
ikoniathunderbird actually works quite well11:45
iptableasad2005, firefox11:45
iptableGuest32914, DID you read what we wrote?11:45
ichatcalibre  combined with your default ebook-device :P11:45
iptableGuest32914, 1. did you apply thermal compound (the silvery stuff) between CPU and heatsink?11:45
iptableGuest32914, 2. did you check your motherboard manual to see what 2 beeps mean on your motherboard?11:46
cfhowlettGuest32914 if no recent bios changes, more likely is that you have developed some kind of hardware issue11:46
iptableGuest32914, 3. did you try to reset BIOS by changing the jumper to BIOS reset? (if you assemble your system, you should know how to do that)11:46
iptableGuest32914, 4. did you visit ##hardware for further help?11:46
abc_Guest32914 : HP beepcodes http://h10010.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?cc=us&lc=en&dlc=en&docname=c02222922  you might consult this.11:47
Guest32914iptable, let me try all11:47
alexi5is a ssd a worth while invest ment for a linux development system ? does it offer signifficant IO performance over a performance hard drive like western digital black ?11:47
iptableGuest32914, well, if you did not use thermal compound (point 1) during assembly, you have just overheated and burnt your CPU. Even with heatsink and fan, without thermal compound, it will NOT cool down fast enough.11:48
cfhowlettalexi5 "worthwhile" is subjective and depends on you/your use proflle ...11:48
iptablealexi5, SSD is a lot faster in reads and writes and predictable when it will fail. CONS: more expensive, less storage11:48
roventayesterday i tryed this site www.SoccerTips4Sure.com and i won nice money11:48
cfhowlettroventa get out of here and take your spam with you11:48
iptableroventa, thank you for the advert. no one here will use it.11:48
alexi5cfhowlett: worthwhile as in offer significant performance increase11:49
Ben64alexi5: random performance will be greatly improved. sequential not so much11:49
cfhowlettalexi5 see iptable's response11:49
alexi5i am thinking of getting two of them one for OS and other for running VMs for testing11:49
mokushI have an older pc which used to run ubuntu 12.04. I've upgraded to 14.04 and every once in a while it completly hangs, and I have to restart it. after restarting I'm always stuck in grub rescue. the only way I can bring grub back is with boot-repair. but at the next freeze, it's all over again. any idea what the issue might be?11:51
cfhowlettmokush "old PC" might prefer lubuntu or xubuntu.  the former is optimized for older hardware.  no need to reinstall.  sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop will get it11:52
iptablemokush, size of hard drives please and your partition layout#11:52
ichatalexi5:  - running 2 ssd's in a setup is hardly  worth the extensive added value.     instead if you would  would use a coppy-on-write filesystem  adding the ssd as write-cash is mutch  cheaper11:52
jackbrownhello there I'm trying to make it works on linux a thermal printer that is recognized as IEEE-1284 usb controller   lsusb = Bus 003 Device 004: ID 067b:2305 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2305 Parallel Port can anyone help me to make it works ?11:53
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mokushiptable: I got a 70gb drive, with 2 equal size partitions - one ext4 and one ntfs, and a 2gb swap.11:56
ichatjackbrown:  - meaing your printer is not reconised...  what you discribe is a  usb-to-paralel (printer port) convertor...  a paralet port doesn't show any information about if or what is connected to the pc.  ergo you need to tell the pc (CUPS) what printer you have11:57
iptablemokush, in that case try lubuntu/xubuntu/linuxMint(mate edition) and see if ptoblem persists11:57
tarelerulzHave any of you used Netflix on Ubuntu?11:57
mokushiptable: it doesn't seem to be a de issue. I'm running a minimalist kde and it works fine11:57
=== Gabi- is now known as Gabriel
jackbrownichat: can you help me ?  I'm not using a usb-to-parallel adapter this printer is recognized as it was so I think that it has an embedded USB-to-Parallel adapter11:58
jackbrownichat: thanks11:58
cfhowlettmokush I'd say 2 gigs is the pretty close to the floor for running ubuntu.11:58
iptablemokush, so if it works fine with KDE, then it seems to be the DE issue11:58
ichattarelerulz: ...  your best chance is runnin  wine+windows firefox + netflix11:58
mokushcfhowlett: 2gigs only for the swap11:58
cfhowlettmokush so ... ram?11:59
tarelerulzDo  any of you used paid video streaming services on Ubunut?11:59
mokushcfhowlett: 4gigs11:59
ichatjackbrown:  - youl have to tell cups what the type and make of the printer is...    use the add printer wizzard...   your printer will probably be connected to   lpt0 or lpt111:59
cfhowlettmokush more than adequate ...11:59
jackbrownichat: it's asking me for the uri, the wizard didn't worked12:00
mokushcfhowlett: yeah, it should be. I'm guessing it has something to do with either the hdd or some drivers. that's why I was asking, maybe somebody else had this issue and manged to solve it somehow.12:00
ichatjackbrown:  did you google the   name and make of this printer12:01
mokushit's just weird how a freeze can completly mess up the mbr (or in some other way grub)12:01
cfhowlettmokush that is abnormal ...12:01
jackbrownichat: yes sure but it's quite hard to find   it's "GWP-80 thermal printer"12:01
didrikHi, I have problems connecting to an wired Ethernet netwoek using a brand new desktop with a clean install of Ubuntu 14.04.  Any takers?12:02
iptabledidrik, or so you said but went away12:03
iptabledidrik, so dmesg shows "link is down; link is up" and flaps like that?12:03
didrikiptabe yes, you never answered when I replied this morning12:03
iptabledidrik, in case you don't read people's notes, I did say I was popping out to a dentist.12:03
iptabledidrik, a few possible issues. either 1. no DHCP, or 2. the cable is faulty12:03
didrikiptable, ah I didnt see that sorry12:04
didrikiptable, I tried connecting the cable to another computer where it works. So that should mean that the cable and DHCP works right?12:04
ichatjackbrown:  i see, -  gonne be a hard google indead,  sorry i cant really help as dont have the device to play and see...12:05
iptabledidrik, no. could be not.12:06
iptabledidrik, different network cards, cables, speeds, crossover support enabled on card or disabled. too many factors. check another cable and another port on the router/switch.12:06
didrikiptable, alright just a sec12:06
iptabledidrik, once checked, if same issue persists, check if DHCP works for that MAC address (maybe you got mac address filtering or other insane settings?)12:07
kingverma12can any one help me i want to install ubutu in my laptop single boot but while installation after few sec the screen turns blank nothing comes i tried evn nomodest option but same12:09
* iptable goes to eat something12:11
didrikipuser, ut works in  a different DHCP socket12:17
didrikiptable, it works in a different DHCP socket. Strange. Is there any way to make it work in the old one?12:17
iptabledidrik, fix the old socket (or configuration for that socket). Anyways, not ubuntu issues, hardware/configuration issue with switch and/or router.12:20
didrikiptable. Ok thanks.12:21
tarelerulzHave any of you used Netflix with  wine+firefox windows version?12:21
Nothing_MuchNow I patch using patch < file.diff in that specific folder?12:22
Nothing_MuchPricey: Hi again12:22
ObrienDavetarelerulz, there is a semi-dedicated version of netflix that works very well. let me try to find it12:25
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ObrienDaveoh well12:28
PriceyNothing_Much: Perhaps, depends on the patch.12:29
iptableObrienDave, I was about to say it's called netflix-ubuntu but ...12:29
Nothing_MuchPricey: Here's the patch: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72921#c1612:30
ubottuFreedesktop bug 72921 in DRM/Radeon "DPM Power Cycle with AMD A8-6600K & MSI FM2-A55M-E33" [Blocker,New]12:30
Nothing_MuchI just cd to the linux-3.13.0 folder and patch it, right?12:30
ObrienDavethis one works very well for netflix http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/ehoover_compholio_netflix12:31
tmickStill here12:31
PriceyNothing_Much: Probably, it doesn't look hard to apply it manually if patch doesn't work.12:32
Nothing_MuchPricey: Hang on a second12:33
Nothing_MuchI tried patch < file.diff and it didn't work12:33
PriceyNothing_Much: Just make the change manually then, it's a 2 line addition and very easy.12:34
Nothing_MuchPricey: Where?12:34
PriceyNothing_Much: cat file.diff12:34
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PriceyNothing_Much: It's a human readable format.12:34
PriceyNothing_Much: This may all be a bad idea. I'm not familiar with the kernel, that system or your hardware. For all I know this patch has already been applied in Ubuntu etc. etc. etc. and will eat your kittens.12:35
Nothing_MuchPricey: I can always just revert to the standard kernel12:35
Nothing_MuchBut no12:35
Nothing_MuchI NEED these patches to work12:35
iptablenot the kittens!12:36
PriceyNothing_Much: Hopefully... as long as you don't break it ;)12:36
ObrienDaveanything but the kittens ;P12:36
Nothing_MuchSo how and where the hell am I supposed to patch this thing?12:36
PriceyNothing_Much: did you cat the patch?12:36
PriceyNothing_Much: Did you read it?12:37
PriceyNothing_Much: I would hope that it's pretty self explanatory as to what it is.12:37
Nothing_MuchThere's 2 directories12:37
PriceyNothing_Much: +s are additions, -s (there aren't any) are deletions.12:37
Nothing_Mucha/ and b/12:37
PriceyNothing_Much: a is before, b is after.12:37
PriceyNothing_Much: That's the difference between the two.12:37
Nothing_MuchWait hang on12:37
PriceyNothing_Much: No. I will not hang on.12:37
Nothing_MuchI read it12:38
Nothing_MuchBut where do I patch it?12:38
Nothing_MuchTo the kernel source????12:38
PriceyNothing_Much: line numbers are at the top.12:38
Nothing_MuchAfter index?12:38
Joelhow can I get a list of all current/sub directories not containing a word? find . -not -name "*node_modules*" -exec echo {} \; doesn't work for me, it's matching things with node_modules in the path12:39
f3sthow can I get a list of all current/sub directories not containing a word? find . -not -name "*node_modules*" -exec echo {} \; doesn't work for me, it's matching things with node_modules in the path12:39
Priceyf3st: Hi?12:40
ObrienDavebetter question, how do you post the EXACT same thing using 2 different user names at EXACTLY the same time? ;P12:40
PriceyJoel: find whatever | grep -v somethingtomatchagainst12:41
Pricey(Probably not safe for a variety of reasons...)12:41
JoelPricey, yuck12:41
iptablef3st, |grep -v "node_modules"12:41
PriceyJoel: You want a proper solution then... :)12:41
=== justinS is now known as jhsimpson
iptableJoel, grep -v is proper and works. what's yuck about a working solution?12:43
Nothing_MuchCan I get some help with patching a friggin' DIFF FILE?12:43
PriceyJoel: replace your "s with '"12:43
iptableNothing_Much, cat the file. read the contents, apply patch manually as specified in the file12:43
PriceyJoel: bah, replace your "s with 's12:43
PriceyJoel: I'm pretty sure your solution will work, your shell is just mangling it.12:43
Nothing_Muchiptable: WHERE???????12:43
iptableNothing_Much, what does it say when you cat file.diff12:44
JoelPricey, nope :\12:44
iptableread it12:44
PriceyJoel: Are you sure? Works for me...12:44
PriceyJoel: Do you also want to not match files within a directory that matches your pattern?12:44
Nothing_Muchiptable: It doesn't say anything anymore...12:44
Nothing_MuchThere is no output anymore12:45
Nothing_MuchWhat the hell?12:45
iptableNothing_Much, you have erased the contents of that patch file12:45
Nothing_Muchoh man12:45
iptableNothing_Much, you probably used > file.diff as opposed to < file.diff12:45
PriceyJoel: Here's an example of it working: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7658222/12:45
JoelPricey, what? that's not working, you're still match mosh12:46
Nothing_Muchiptable: Okay I got the patch again12:46
Nothing_Muchor diff12:47
iptableJoel, it is working as expected. You want it to work against the design, that's the problem12:47
PriceyJoel: ./mosh-1.2.3/debian/mosh & ./mosh-1.2.3 don't appear in the second command's output.12:47
iptablePricey, he wants it not to work basically. hence pipe-grep-minus-v is his only solution12:47
iptableJoel, ^12:47
Nothing_MuchNow where the HELL do I patch this thing?12:47
PriceyJoel: So you want to match against the entire directory path? '-name' only matches against the file/directory name.12:47
iptableNothing_Much, cat the file!!!12:47
Nothing_MuchI DID12:47
iptableNothing_Much, and read what it says12:47
PriceyJoel: See this is going to get really ambiguous, really quickly... absolute or relative paths for example?12:48
Priceyiptable: Are you familiar with the issue or just repeating my advice?12:48
Nothing_Muchiptable: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7658235/ Here's what it says12:48
JoelPricey, full path12:49
iptablePricey, I did advice grep -v ages ago, but he wouldn't listen12:49
iptablePricey, and he is spamming other channels with the same thing12:49
iptableNothing_Much, so what's the problem?12:49
PriceyJoel: Note that your starting point of 'find .' doesn't provide full paths in the output.12:49
iptableNothing_Much, as per the output, the file you are patching is b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/trinity_dpm.c12:49
Nothing_Muchiptable: .... I'm not understanding where I'm supposed to put it12:50
Priceyiptable: Nope.12:50
PriceyNothing_Much: That file describes a change to an existing file.12:50
Nothing_MuchI don't see it in the kernel source in that linux-3.13.0 folder!12:50
JoelPricey, that's fine12:50
iptableNothing_Much, look at lines 6 to 15. The stuff that doesn't have a (+) at the start is what is alrady there. you have to insert the 3 lines with the (+) at th start (+ mwans insert these) in between what's already there12:50
PriceyNothing_Much: It isn't meant to be placed anywhere. Instead it tells something ('patch', you) how to make some changes to a file. It lists where the file is, what lines and the context of the change as well as the change to make.12:50
JoelPricey, find . -not -wholename './node_modules' -exec echo {} \; still doesn't work for me12:50
iptablePricey, nope what?12:51
PriceyJoel: What about -path ?12:51
iptableNothing_Much, if that file doesn't exist, then maybe the patch is not for your kernel?12:51
JoelPricey, got it find . -not -wholename '*node_modules*' -exec echo {} \;12:52
iptableNothing_Much, find ./ -name "trinity_dpm.c"12:52
PriceyJoel: Also, why -exec echo {} \; and not -print ?12:52
iptabledoes that find it12:52
JoelPricey, because I'm testing, and I'm about to add some real commands to exec.12:52
iptablePricey, why echo or print at all?12:52
PriceyJoel: Awesome.12:53
=== ColdKeyboard is now known as 6JTAADDQN
Nothing_Muchiptable: I figured out where the folder is12:54
Nothing_MuchBut now I'm getting permission denied12:54
Nothing_MuchEven with sudo12:54
iptableNothing_Much, right, now apply the patch.12:54
iptableNothing_Much, uhm, waht's your sudo command EXACTLY?12:55
Nothing_Muchsudo diff -uNr > trinity_dpm.c /home/nothing_much/Documents/fdo72921.diff iptable12:55
iptableNothing_Much, you are running diff as sudo12:56
iptableNothing_Much, your > and your file writing is NOT sudo12:56
iptableNothing_Much, easiest option: sudo -i (that will make you root) and execute that command then.12:56
* iptable goes away for a while12:57
PriceyNothing_Much: Why are you using diff? That's overwriting the source file with nothing.12:57
PriceyNothing_Much: diff is used to generate patches, not to apply them.12:57
jackbrownhello there I'm trying to make it works on linux a thermal printer that is recognized as IEEE-1284 usb controller   lsusb = Bus 003 Device 004: ID 067b:2305 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2305 Parallel Port printer model GWP-80 thermal printer"12:58
iptableNothing_Much, and use patch, not diff. or manually edit the lines and insert them. I told you already how, now read the man pages, google for howtos and figure it out. we got you 99% of the way already12:58
iptablejackbrown, we covered that already12:58
iptablejackbrown, on another channel as well as this one12:58
iptablejackbrown, repeating every hour or so won't get you any further12:59
jackbrowniptable: thanks I was asking if someone ele maybe knows how to do that12:59
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Priceyjackbrown: Repeat all you like! Maybe someone'll appear. You might want to explain what you've tried, what is and isn't working. pastebin things etc.13:01
Nothing_Muchiptable: I'll just add it manually then13:02
jackbrownPricey: thanks13:02
jackbrown thermal printer that is recognized as IEEE-1284 usb controller   lsusb = Bus 003 Device 004: ID 067b:2305 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2305 Parallel Port printer model GWP-80 thermal printer"13:02
Nothing_Muchiptable: I only add the lines with +'s in them right?13:03
iptableNothing_Much, yes. don't add the + though13:04
Nothing_Muchiptable: Alright, does it matter where it goes or can it just go at the bottom of the file?13:05
iptableNothing_Much, as previouslyt stated twice by myself, the lines go BETWEEN the ones that don't have the +13:06
Nothing_MuchAh okay, sorry13:06
iptableNothing_Much, hence you have more lines there. so you can identify where to put the lines with the +13:06
voozeHi, I'm trying to setup a static ip on my ubuntu-server (14.04) and I cant figure out whats wrong.. It just keeps going to dhcp. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7658323/ can you help me?13:08
phunyguyvooze: did you restart the networking service?13:08
jellowcan anyone recommend an easy way for to ubuntu machines to share sound ?13:08
phunyguy`sudo service networking restart`13:08
voozephunyguy i just rebooted to make sure13:08
Priceyjellow: pulseaudio can send sound around.13:08
phunyguyOH you have dhcp specified in that file13:08
phunyguyvooze: line 27, change dhcp to manual13:09
phunyguy(I think)13:09
jellowPricey, I'v been trying that not had any success13:09
voozephunyguy oh lol, i see :P 2 secs13:09
phunyguylet me make sure manual is the right thing...13:09
Priceyjellow: What've you tried and what hasn't worked?13:09
voozephunyguy i changed it to static13:09
iptablevooze, iface em1 inet dhcp13:09
phunyguyvooze: s/manual/static/13:10
iptablevooze, that line, change to: iface em1 inet static13:10
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kahootbirdHi guys, I have a question about restoring a backup from a bz2 file. I'd rather not repartition my drive if I don't have to and just mount it. I followed this ubuntu backup tutorial a few years back: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087 is there anyway i can extract the contents or mount?13:11
voozeiptable and phunyguy that did the trick. Thank you :)13:11
voozefeeling quite stupid for missing that :(13:12
phunyguyit happens :)13:12
phunyguyI missed it too the first time around13:12
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jellowPricey, I want to share sound from a laptop on my network , A tutorial said on the server edit /etc/default/pulseaudio and load-modules , the latter command does not exist ( link to tutorial http://manurevah.com/blah/en/p/PulseAudio-Sound-over-the-network )13:13
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FilipNorticdoes anyone know what this message in mail.warn means?:   opendkim[1026]: 0BD39C2D50: no signature data13:13
jellowPricey, on the client I've installed paprefs and restarted pulseaudio I still do not hear sound from the server.13:14
Priceyjellow: Which command doesn't exist?13:14
Priceyjellow: Do you have a desktop manager installed? If so you needn't edit any files... paprefs will do it all.13:15
iptablejellow, pactl load-module or pacmd load-module should do that13:15
iptablejellow, btw, it says you should add the load-module as lines to a config file, not run them13:15
Priceyhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/28039/how-to-stream-music-over-the-network-to-multiple-computers suggests that isn't necessary if you're running a dm..13:16
voozeOkay, after setting it up iptable and phunyguy i can SSH to it fine, with but now the inet is not working on it. So i can't sudo apt-get update etc. - Is there anything else i might be missing? :/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/7658380/13:23
hsnopiGood Morning all. If I install libxml2 because of USN-2214-3, do I need to restart the machine? This is a production server.13:24
iptablevooze, DNS settings13:24
iptablevooze, in your interfaces file add: dns-nameservers
voozeiptable do I have to that? The DNS is setup in the router13:25
iptablevooze, if you don't have resolvconf installed, then instead edit /etc/resolv.conf and add this to it: nameserver
iptablevooze, yes, but your linux box doesn't know that13:25
ddayswordwhat do I need for 32 bit cross compiliation on x86_64 12.04?13:25
iptablevooze, if your router does DNS, you can point the nameserver to the router IP instead of
iptablevooze, but you do need to tell it that...13:26
voozeSo i just write dns-nameserver
voozedns-nameservers *13:26
iptablevooze, in interfaces file, yes13:29
iptablevooze, and rstart the interface. that' assuming you have resolvconf package installed13:29
iptablevooze, if you don't then instead edit /etc/resolv.conf and add this line: nameserver
iptablevooze, to find out if you have resolvconf, cat /etc/resolv.conf and if you see it say "DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY", you have resolvconf13:30
bbb_dogexcuse me,anybody know how to update the mpd db?13:32
voozeiptable and now its working. Thank you again :)13:33
iptablevooze, no probs13:33
skfaxIs it possible to use "apt-get install <package>" in some way such that I can specify a package name, then download that package + dependencies as deb files such that they easily can be transferred and installed on another (almost identical) machine?13:34
arcimboldohi all, is there a way to ask libvirt to save the status of a vm during shutdown of the physical node? (and restart the vm after startup)13:34
Nach0zskfax: you could apt-get install <package> then note the package name and the dependent package names that it installs, and download the .deb files manually13:34
Nach0zapart from that I don't think so13:35
hsnopiGood Morning all. If I install libxml2 because of USN-2214-3, do I need to restart the machine? This is a production server.13:35
iptableskfax, apt-get install, note package names, get the packages after the install from your package cache on that machine13:35
iptableskfax, it's in /var/cache/apt I think13:35
skfaxNach0z: iptable: cheers13:36
iptableskfax, no probs13:36
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fransihi there, any one can help please ..i have ubuntu with sftp enabled, users are able to sftp and ssh to the server, but unable to scp files ... [14:13] <fransi> error message : The services allows SFTP connection only13:37
jribhsnopi: you'd probably need to at least restart any services that use it.  Safe bet is to reboot13:37
hsnopijrib: thanks, That's what I figured, I just wanted to be sure before recommending a Maint Window. I got set up as the sysadmin somehow so I'm learning a lot ont he fly.13:37
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iptablefransi, check your sshd_config13:38
fransiwhich part should I check?13:38
iptablefransi, uhm, the whole thing13:39
iptablefransi, read it13:39
iptablefransi, it's more-or-less English13:39
fransithanks for the great hint13:40
Nothing_MuchWhy do I keep getting permission denied????13:41
Nothing_Muchmake menuconfig for compiling a Linux kernel13:41
Nothing_Muchoh NOW it works13:41
sha1sumIf an init script is failing to start a service, is there any way to look at some kind of log to tell why? The init script in question is for tomcat but There's nothing hitting the catalina log file (and I checked its permissions)13:42
iptablesha1sum, for tomcat no. it's a hit and miss thing :/ typically try to execute startup lines manually that arei n the startup script13:43
* iptable goes away now13:43
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sha1sumiptable: thanks :)13:47
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HixHi, been trying to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 but it fails. tail of terminal shows "SystemError: E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkgdpk returned an error code (2)" anyone got any ideas?13:57
Hixsorry typo there SystemError: E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)13:58
iptableHix, a few lines above you have actually error. look at the last 20 lines of that output very carefully.13:58
rootpti've got problems with wireless in my laptop13:59
rootptcan some one help me please.13:59
Hixiptable Cannot get debconf verion...13:59
rootptifconfig only shows "lo"13:59
iptableHix, and other lines14:00
rootpti've got problems with wireless in my laptop, can some one help me please? ifconfig only shows "lo"14:00
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iptableHix, if you copy the last (as manny as possible) and stick them in pastebin for us, it will helpe people here help you14:00
Hixiptable I can only scrollback so far, on a headless server14:00
iptablerootpt, use the GUI tool. ifconfig will show more once you get wireless established14:01
iptablerootpt, ifconfig -a <= shows all14:01
Hixwill see if I can ssh from work machine and post results14:01
iptableHix ssh to it?14:01
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Guest52367hello! i am using an hp mini 110 and i only just tried xubuntu for the first time. my wifi is not working? should i install xubuntu first?14:02
rootptiptable i write ifconfig -a and shows all14:04
rootptbut i think its turned off, i don't know..14:04
rootptwhat can i do?14:04
Hixnot hardware wsitch on laptop is it? I've seen that a lot before rootpt [just checking]14:05
rootptthe network settings disapear from menu next to clock14:05
rootptHix im sure not..14:05
rootpti uninstall aplications and i think i uninstall to much14:06
rootptnow, the wireless disapear14:07
Hixiptable seems to be pointing towards /var/lib/dpkg/status "E: Unable to parse package file /var/lib/dpkg/status (1)14:09
HixE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.14:09
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dbuggerHey guys. When I install phpmyadmin, i can locate it on "", but how could I configure it so that it can also be found under a subdomain of my bought doman (i.e. phpmyadmin.dbugger.com) ?14:10
rootpti try to do lspci | grep -i wireless and shows me nothing :X14:10
niufox_just lspci14:11
rootptlshw -C network output: shows network disabled14:11
rootptok niufox_14:11
rootptlspci show a bunch of things14:12
rootptit shows wifi14:12
rootptnetwork controller : realteak14:12
rootptwifi adapter14:13
guest-QOrst5hi. cannot log onto my account. The message is: AH00558: could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name Set the server name directive globally to surpress this . Redhead messageSTARTING ADAPTIVE DEMON PRELOAD14:15
guest-QOrst5any suggestion?14:15
rootptniufox_ ifconfig only shows "lo" options14:16
qingxp9hello everyone14:20
brettchi all14:20
brettcI'm trying to run ubuntu instances in AWS and am getting HTTP 403's when I try install packages14:21
airliquidegest-QOrst5 : where do you get this error message ? In the login screen ?14:21
brettci've found similar issues: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/98718214:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 987182 in Ubuntu "apt 403 Forbidden on some packages" [High,Fix released]14:21
brettcand I'm using the "apt" chef cookbook to install packages...14:22
Morgawrhello, I would like to know, is the "zenity" utility installed by default on a default ubuntu installation?14:22
Morgawractually, a more productive question, where can I find the list of installed packages by default on ubuntu? is there a list somewhere (Website or whatnot)?14:23
guest-QOrst5airliquide immidiately after the password, the display goes black with this message for a second, and I am back on the login14:23
guest-QOrst5to the guest accoung I can login, and when want to switch the user, , after the password, the same14:24
FuchsMorgawr: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/trusty/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.manifest  <<14:24
MorgawrFuchs: awesome, thanks!14:24
FuchsMorgawr: also available for older releases or kubuntu/lubuntu/xubuntu etc. pp.14:25
Fuchsyou're welcome14:25
guest-QOrst5only then the message is static (doesn't drop me back to the login)14:25
airliquideguest-QOrst5 can you connect you from the terminial to this user ?14:26
guest-QOrst5don't know how14:27
guest-QOrst5what is the command line airliquide?14:27
airliquidesu - usename14:28
airliquideafter put you pass word14:28
guest-QOrst5airliquide "operation not allowed"14:29
airliquideswitch to mp ?14:29
airliquideprivate message I've send you one14:30
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legriffonhi people i'm root14:33
legriffonMeerkat hw r u ?14:34
legriffon_Jae___ hey mann14:35
legriffontecha slt14:35
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brettcfixed it. was using an old apt cookbook,.14:39
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one23hello! trying to make vncserver up and runing i followed a tutorial and give some commands in terminal. one of them changed the interface, the look, login screen, icons. does anybody know how do i get back to default interface in ubuntu 14.04?14:41
Grefori have a ralink2571w wifi card how to install driver14:43
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:43
holsteinGrefor: first, determine if there is a driver.. most devices have driver support built in to the modular kernel14:44
Greforit says firmware missing so i assume the driver isnt built in14:45
holsteinGrefor: it? it "is" offering to install 3rd party firmware?14:46
Grefornot sure im very new to linux14:47
holstein!wifi | Grefor14:47
ubottuGrefor: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:47
holstein^ thats where i usually start, if i dont have suppported hardware i can just plug in and use14:48
airliquideguest-QOrst5 still have a connection issue I've try to help him in PM but does not work ! Could someone help him ?14:49
Greforyes its listed in supported cards asus wl167g with a ralink 2571w chip14:49
sydneyHow do i fix the bad animation when i click on the bottom bar without disabling all effects? https://s3.amazonaws.com/tranouput/140301638253a054c9e3c6c14:49
holsteinGrefor: seems to me like it should just work... where are you seeing what message?14:50
Greforbuttom right14:52
Greforbottom right14:52
holsteinGrefor: the bottom right of what, friend? you mean, in the nm-applet? the one running as root?14:53
intokWhat do I need if I want to get the Radeon VCE hardware transcoder working in 14.04?14:53
holsteinGrefor: sorry, that was another user running as root.. but, it is in the nm-applet?14:53
Grefori dont know the terminolgy for things14:53
Greforit could menu bar i guess14:54
holsteinintok: ideally, support from the manufacturer.. i usually start by just plugging it in.. and i'll use live CD's to test, so i can really set settings and not "break" anything.. assuming i dont need to load a kernel module14:54
Greforbesides a cpu load graph14:54
intokholstein what?14:55
holsteinGrefor: what would i do? wire up .. open a terminal and apply any/all system upgrades using "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" command14:55
Greforits really old i dont have the cd anymore lol14:55
holsteinintok: im saying, when i have hardware that is not promised to support linux, i usually just plug it in.. is it plugged it? if so, if it doesnt just work, i usually start by loading live cd's so i can see how other kernels react with the hardware14:56
intokholstein It's supposed to work with the OSS Radeon drivers, I've got the proper hardware, I just need to know what packages are needed and how to get it running, theres nothing on it via Google but the Phoronix articles announcing that it works14:56
holsteinGrefor: you dont need any cd anymore.. the cd likely has windows drivers on it..14:56
Grefori just dit update no luck there iv got the driver source i think14:56
holsteinintok: sure.. but, unless ati says "we support the open source radeon drivers" you really never know14:57
newtolinuxubuntuhi. how do i transfer music from ubuntu to my nexus 5 ?14:57
intokholstein Which they have, they released the docs, hired the devs and released most of the code14:57
holsteinintok: ok.. then, they provide official support? if so, they would be who i would ask.. otherwise, if its just a typical community port, it'll be up to us..14:58
newtolinuxubuntuhi. how do i transfer music from ubuntu to my nexus 5 ? pls help. try many suggestions available from the internet but none is working, also try Amarok but it is not detecting the device14:59
intokholstein At which point it's up to the Canonical team to package the work and release it15:00
holsteinnewtolinuxubuntu: i either just plug the thing in, if its supports that, or use a sharing client.. i always liked airdroid http://www.pcworld.com/article/2087891/how-to-easily-swap-files-between-your-pc-and-android-device-with-airdroid.html15:01
holsteinintok: sure. you say you are using it, correct? you have the device plugged in? and the driver is loaded? are you meeting the official requirements?15:02
ardan_anyone use Skype on Linux and not the debian package from skype.com (which blows)15:02
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga15:03
jackardan_, might well be alternative-less15:03
jackskype is proprietary15:04
ardan_i figured. damn microsoft product. skype used to have an open API ( i remember logging in with web clients)15:04
newtolinuxubuntuholstein: airdroid is not free, any other solutions please?15:04
ardan_Skype is probably the worst application i've used on ubuntuo.15:04
Etherus_Hello everyone, I have a question about networking. I have a server with two network cards one network card is connected to the internet with a static ip and the second network card I want to use for cloudstack with a 10.x range. How can I make it so my 10.x range can connect to the internet over my eth1 card that has a static ip?15:05
Joy21 Here some videos. I hope you like them! http://bit.ly/SQqhAX15:05
holsteinnewtolinuxubuntu: anything android would suggest.. or another "free" alternative.. though, i didnt pay for airdroid...15:05
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SchrodingersScatnewtolinuxubuntu: it's not free, but there's no charge to install15:07
brunojcmhey everyone!15:08
newtolinuxubuntuholstein scrodingerscar open source way pls, trying to keep it free15:08
intokholstein It's part of the Radeon GPUs, it's a dedicated transcoding chip built right into it. They got it working with the OSS drivers back in February. The Canonical team for 14.04 has already released the VDPAU video decode work as a backport for these GPUs I can't find anything on the transcoder chip having been packaged up yet. Even if it isn't put out by Canonical is there anyone outside of the experimental stuff in the O15:08
brunojcmi am using ubuntu 12.0415:08
brunojcmand i want to compile eglibc-2.15 using 32 bits i38615:08
SchrodingersScatnewtolinuxubuntu: I don't think there's a phone for that yet.15:09
brunojcmcan anyone give any help on how to do this?15:09
holsteinnewtolinuxubuntu: there are many options in the android store.. search for open ones.. and use one..15:09
guest-lQTbC8hi again. need help as cannot log onto my ubuntu account: AH00558: apache 2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the server name directive globally to surpress this message. Starting adaptive redhead demon preload 2689. 683921 mei_me 0000:00:16.0: suspended15:09
guest-lQTbC8any help appreciated15:09
holsteinnewtolinuxubuntu: a casual search found https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.MarcosDiez.shareviahttp15:10
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Piciguest-lQTbC8: Those aren't errors.  I suspect that you are seeing those becuase your display driver is failing somehow and you are seeing one of the virtuall ttys.15:10
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ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: how is apache linked to the user account not being able to log in?15:10
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: they are 2 totally seperate things......15:10
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guest-lQTbC8Pici how can i than be loged on as guest?15:11
guest-lQTbC8if it's about the display15:11
Piciguest-lQTbC8: When did this start happening?15:11
guest-lQTbC8just today15:12
newtolinuxubuntuholstein ok15:12
newtolinuxubuntuschrodinger what15:12
sydney How do i fix the bad animation when i click on the bottom bar without disabling all effects? https://s3.amazonaws.com/tranouput/140301638253a054c9e3c6c Thanks!!15:12
Piciguest-lQTbC8: Did you do something before this started happening?15:12
EtherusIs it a bridge i need to setup o something else?15:12
zetheroo1is there a command to queue up a few rsync jobs?15:12
guest-lQTbC8did not change the pass15:13
guest-lQTbC8tried su -(username)15:14
guest-lQTbC8from the terminal15:14
Cuymaybe someone here can help me - I have installed BackupPC, server and client connect, there are literally thousands of megabytes sent between them, but nothing is written to the backup server. I run the program as the user "backuppc" (as was suggested by the program's documentation) but I don't seem to get the right permissions for this user, even after adding it to the sudoers file with root privileges. What else can I do?15:14
guest-lQTbC8is there a way to cahange the password from within the terminal?15:14
Fuchsguest-lQTbC8: yes, with the passwd   command15:15
Fuchsguest-lQTbC8: takes the username as an argument15:15
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: su -     will not work as there is no root password and the account is loced down15:16
jacksudo su -15:17
ActionParsnipjack: sudo -s15:17
Picijack: also won't work from a guest account.15:17
jack...or that, sure15:17
PhlogistiqueI would like to use Upstart within a chroot to start services15:17
Phlogistiquehowever, when running "init 5", I get this error: init: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused15:18
PhlogistiqueI can not figure how to do it.15:18
PhlogistiqueThe host system is not Ubuntu15:18
fernando__hi helo15:19
citrixHii all15:20
fernando__hi citrix15:21
citrixTill 5 hrs before my audio was working fine but now no audio here15:21
guest-lQTbC8ActionParsnip Fuchs Pici jack so is there a way or not?15:21
citrixi checked all alsa mixers volume and ever stuff i know15:22
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: to what?15:22
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: is there a way to do what?15:22
guest-lQTbC8to change the password of the user from the guest account from within the terminal15:23
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: no as the guest account does not have admin access.15:23
jackpasswd? :P15:23
guest-lQTbC8did not change it15:23
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: you could su to another user from the guest account, to one which has suo access and reset your user password there15:23
guest-lQTbC8the machine is mine15:24
citrixany suggestions for how to make my speakers work15:24
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: so?15:24
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: your system can hold literally billions of accounts.....how is ownership a factor?15:24
holsteinguest will not have permission to change passwords.. i would use the recovery console, guest-lQTbC815:24
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: if you only have one account, you can use this guide and reset your password in a root console: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword15:25
guest-lQTbC8i mean, is weird as i didn't change the password15:25
lastarmscitrix: no offense but, care to try restarting your computer?15:25
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: well someone with access in whatever ways you have enable / configured, has set it15:25
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citrixlastarms, I did tht also but still same problem, no volume in vlc and nor in youtube videos15:26
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: why is ownership a factor? I have many machines, all with a smattering of users who could possibly use the passwd command on my account. Doesn't mean anything that you own the hardware15:26
lastarmscitrix: try checking if you updated something15:27
arcimboldois there a way to tell libvirt-bin to save the status of a VM at shutdown?15:27
citrixI didn't .. :(15:27
guest-lQTbC8ActionParsnip i mentioned that cause this could have been a stolen machine and I wanted to break in15:28
holsteinguest-lQTbC8: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword will reset the password.. not the guest account15:28
=== sins-_i_u_o_r_x_ is now known as sins-
ActionParsnipcitrix: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload15:28
lastarmscitrix: the only think I can think of that changes audio settings are something that meddles with the libraries15:28
lastarmscitrix: which means that something must have been changed...15:29
lastarmshi emmanuel_15:29
boy_wandersanyone here know how to solve a mouse not clicking on windows until I log out and log back in?15:29
citrixActionParsnip, is that the link to install some thing?15:29
emmanuel_trying to install hostapd15:30
boy_wandersMadcatz R.A.T 3 for reference15:30
lastarmsboy_wanders: ermm... how does that have anything to do with Ubuntu?15:30
ActionParsnipcitrix: the link is part of the command I gave15:30
guest-lQTbC8ActionParsnip cracked minecraft couldn't have cause it?15:30
ActionParsnipcitrix: it will give a tonne of sound system infrmation, we can then advise better15:30
boy_wanderslastarms well it works in windows and it can only click on the side bar and top bar in ubuntu so yes15:30
lastarmsboy_wanders: try doing a full shutdown before you start back to Ubuntu15:31
ActionParsnipguest-lQTbC8: doubt it, the psychocats link I gave will show you how to reset your user pass15:31
lastarmsboy_wanders: if needed, ensure that the power is completely off15:31
Na3iLhello all :D15:31
lastarmsHi Na3iL15:31
citrixyes it is showing informtion ActionParsnip15:31
boy_wandersI have tried disconnecting my computer from the mains, it still doesn't solve anything15:31
guest-lQTbC8ActionPArsnip and holstein thanks a million (if it'll work)15:31
Na3iLhiya lastarms hows u15:32
emmanuel_my lspci -k | grep -A 3 -i "network" is  Kernel driver in use: bcma-pci-bridge. will hostapd work15:32
lastarmsyour mouse works on Windows but not in Ubuntu?15:32
lastarmsboy_wanders: what mouse is it?15:32
citrixActionParsnip,  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=72c0f18f087a2200571735d32f62028fe54aa1e715:32
Na3iLit's a nice day for opening ubuntu and get a cup of coffee xD & of course some hacking tips15:32
lastarmsNa3iL: not so good... using 3G to chat here is a little horrible15:32
boy_wanderswhen I first sign in I can click applications on the taskbar to start them but when the program runs I can't click anything in it15:32
boy_wandersto solve I have to log out and back in15:32
lastarmsNa3iL: bad 3G too... MOSh is helping though15:32
emmanuel_tried many times but didnt work wondr why15:32
boy_wandersat which point it works15:33
ActionParsnipcitrix: what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue15:33
Na3iLnot olny u lastarms, here too in TUNISIA 3G is tottaly horrible15:33
lastarmsboy_wanders: what mouse are you using?15:33
boy_wanderslastarms, Madcats rat 315:33
lastarmsNa3iL: I'm in Indonesia.... 3G here is 2G in America...15:33
citrixBodhi 2.0.0 \n \l ActionParsnip15:33
ActionParsnipcitrix: not supported here15:33
emmanuel_im using ubuntu 14.04 alTS15:34
lastarmsboy_wanders: lolz sorry I have no clue what that is, and no way to use google... is that usb mouse? ps2? smart mouse? or built-in?15:34
Na3iLlol xD in tunisia 3G is like edge xD lastarms15:34
citrixActionParsnip, but using ubuntu repos15:34
boy_wandersUSB gaming mouse with a variable DPI15:34
lastarmsNa3iL: hehe you feel my pain then15:34
ActionParsnipcitrix: doesnt matter, this is ubuntu support15:34
ActionParsnipcitrix: you arent using ubuntu15:34
lastarmsboy_wanders: connected via cable?15:34
Na3iLlastarms,  yup bro same feeling absuletly15:35
ActionParsnipcitrix: there in #bodhilinux where your distribution is supported15:35
lastarmsboy_wanders: might be the drivers then... try looking online for a driver that is compatible with it15:35
priuonwhat good alternatives to python can 'you recommend' / 'ubuntu offer' ?15:35
citrixActionParsnip, can you still give me any suggestion15:35
ActionParsnipcitrix: yes, join #bodhilinux15:35
boy_wanderslastarms, I'll go look and I will return with an update :)15:35
lastarmsboy_wanders: I hope you find it15:35
boy_wandersthank you :)15:36
ActionParsnip!derivatives | citrix15:36
ubottucitrix: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)15:36
ActionParsnipcitrix: none of the 'ubuntu based' distributions are supported by the Ubuntu community, it has its own community. Just as Ubuntu is based on Debian, the Debain community will not support Ubuntu15:37
lastarmscitrix: might sound harsh, but the truth is they will be able to help you more than us here15:38
Na3iLwho knows here how to work with GDB GNU DeBugger ? any advices or tips for it ?15:38
lastarmscitrix: some derivatives actually change a lot of core libraries and kernels...15:38
lastarmscitrix: makes it hard for people to help because it doesn't affect other distros15:39
citrixbut all the ubuntu fashion is followed on bodhi15:39
lastarmscitrix: kinda a reason why many people hates Unity but still uses Ubuntu15:39
ActionParsnipcitrix: still not supported here, Bodhi has its own community and support network which is seperate to Ubuntu's15:39
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:39
ActionParsniplastarms: you dont have to use Unity in Ubuntu15:39
lastarmsActionParsnip: yep. It comes preinstalled with it though. The Desktop anyway15:40
ActionParsniplastarms: install minimal then install what you want.....15:40
lastarmsActionParsnip: There are many Linux users who are not experts and have no idea that they can uninstall Unity and install gnome etc15:40
lastarmsActionParsnip: regardless they'll use Ubuntu just for the support15:41
ActionParsniplastarms: when you use Unity, you are using Gnome15:41
citrixActionParsnip, I installed bodhi as it is suitable i read over some where for netbooks15:41
ActionParsniplastarms: Unity is a plugin for Compiz, you are still  using the Gnome DE15:41
ActionParsnipcitrix: thats fine15:41
lastarmsNa3iL: try googling for a guide. will be much better than asking here15:42
ActionParsnipcitrix: Lubuntu is great for low end PCs, and is supported here15:42
lastarmsActionParsnip: oh! I didn't know that.15:42
ActionParsniplastarms: I believe they are working on Unity being a DE but its still as it was15:42
citrixI will try it.15:43
Na3iLlastarms, I did it already but nothing interssted , I didn't find any tuto for it which how u can crack a program or get the password  for this program using assembly15:43
lastarmsNa3iL: huh? you're trying to use GDB for what?15:43
lastarmsActionParsnip: I see... it's been a while since I have a computer that can run the Desktop version of Ubuntu... I guess it's still a skin then?15:44
lastarmsActionParsnip: although, how come it's "heavier" than gnome?15:44
lastarmsActionParsnip: or is that false information too?15:44
Na3iLlastarms, I'm an ethical hacker I use it only for some education pruposes15:45
lastarmsUsing GDB to crack a program? I didn't know that that's possible...15:46
lastarmsYou have to have the source code to compile the program to be debuggable to be readable to GDB15:47
ActionParsniplastarms: yes its just a shell. You can diable Unity and install gnome-panel if you like.15:47
brunojcmhey everyone! i am using ubuntu 12.04 and i want to compile eglibc-2.15 using 32 bits i386. can anyone give any help on how to do this?15:47
ActionParsniplastarms: its heavier because (as far as I know) the default WM in Gnome is mutter, rather than fat, slow Compiz15:47
lastarmsActionParsnip: I'll tell that to the next people that tels me they hate unity15:47
ActionParsniplastarms: I just hate compiz.15:48
Na3iLwell lastarms u can get the code source of any program using gdb on linux distros and u can use OllyDbg on winbug15:48
lastarmsActionParsnip: that make sense, compiz is really heavy even on an i7 computer...15:48
lastarmsbrunojcm: I don't get your question15:48
lastarmsbrunojcm: you are using 12.04 32-bit? and you want to compile 32 bit15:49
lastarmsif not then you have to install the 32-bit libraries15:49
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ActionParsniplastarms: I just find it unstable. I'm an OpenBox guy :)15:50
ActionParsnip!away > dkn64738_afk15:50
ubottudkn64738_afk, please see my private message15:50
lastarmsActionParsnip: I like openbox. except that I keep deleting my system without backing up the configuration15:50
emmanuel_trying to install hostapd, my lspci -k | grep -A 3 -i "network" is  Kernel driver in use: bcma-pci-bridge. will hostapd work? tried many times but didnt work wonder why15:50
lastarmsActionParsnip: and reconfiguring your preferences from scratch is a hassle15:50
ActionParsniplastarms: i guess, backups are handy though :)15:51
lastarmsActionParsnip: true... unless your hdd dies... *sigh*15:51
ActionParsniplastarms: thats why we have backups....USB drives are super cheap, as is dropbox storage15:52
lastarmsActionParsnip: unless you live where I live. Then USB is expensive and dropbox is unusable do to our awesome internet speed... *sigh*15:53
lastarmsI hate my country...15:53
brunojcmlastarms: no, i am using a 64-bit version15:55
rymate1234Any tips for speeding up ubuntu when its bring run off a USB stick?15:55
lastarmsbrunojcm: you need the ia32 or something like that15:55
rymate1234Ubuntu is actually installed on the stick,  not as a live cd15:55
lastarmsrymate1234: not really... although, you can try using USB 315:56
brunojcmlastarms i was using dpkg-architecture -ai386 -c dpkg-buildpackage15:56
rymate1234I don't have USB 3.015:56
lastarmshave you installed the 32-bit library?15:56
rymate1234I dunno why it's so slow a live usb ran fine15:56
lastarmsrymate1234: The reason you feel slow is mostly because it's paging I would think15:57
lastarmsrymate1234: you have your "home"folder there15:57
rymate1234Is there a way to reduce paging then?15:57
brunojcmlastarms: ia32-libs is installed, yes15:57
brunojcmis that what you meant?15:57
lastarmsrymate1234: when you were running the live cd, it's running on RAM15:57
lastarmsbrunojcm: yeah15:57
rymate1234Ah that'll be why15:57
lastarmsbrunojcm: I'm not sure why then...15:58
brunojcmlastarms: thank you anyway! i think i will try this idea i saw on the debian wiki16:01
brunojcmwith dchroot16:01
emmanuel_trying to install hostapd, my lspci -k | grep -A 3 -i "network" is  Kernel driver in use: bcma-pci-bridge. will hostapd work? tried many times but didnt work wonder why16:02
lastarmsbrunojcm: bests of luck!16:04
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sj99Hey. I have a 2560x1440 monitor, but that resolution isn't listed in the system settings. Any help on how to fix this would be much appreciated.16:10
XaTsj99, try sudo init 0 in a terminal16:11
AaronCampbellI recently set up 14.04 on a new Asus S400C laptop. Everything seemed to work great, then today I plugged in a headset and while the sound went through the headphones, it didn't seem to recognize the Mic. It uses a single plug like modern cell phones. Anyone know what I can do to get it working with a Mic?16:12
guest-Ct3tJ5ActionParsnip was following the link16:12
buratinoWas it working with previous versions of ubuntu?16:12
guest-Ct3tJ5after the command mount -0 rw, remount /, had the "manipulation error of the authentification token"16:13
guest-Ct3tJ5did ls /home anyway16:13
ActionParsnipguest-Ct3tJ5: its -o not -016:13
ActionParsnipguest-Ct3tJ5: lowercase o for oscar16:13
PiciXaT: don't do that.16:13
ActionParsnipguest-Ct3tJ5: no space afer the comma either16:14
guest-Ct3tJ5after ls home16:14
guest-Ct3tJ5did passw16:14
guest-Ct3tJ5and offered me to cahnge it16:14
ActionParsnipguest-Ct3tJ5: you didnt do it right, so what did you expect16:14
sj99_Hey. Whoever suggested sudo init 0 - thanks, that led to immediate shutdown. Here's my problem again: I have a 2560x1440 resolution, but it's not listed in the system settings. Any help would be much appreciated.16:15
guest-Ct3tJ5yet, in the end the message was special device passw does not exist16:15
buratinoAaronCampbell:  Did your mic work with previous versions of Ubuntu?16:16
guest-Ct3tJ5did in lowercase16:16
ActionParsnipguest-Ct3tJ5: the command is 'passwd'16:16
ActionParsnipguest-Ct3tJ5: 'passwd foo'   if your username is 'foo'16:16
ActionParsnipguest-Ct3tJ5: but you didnt mount the file system writable, so it won't work16:17
AaronCampbellburatino: Never had previous versions on this new laptop16:17
AaronCampbellAnd the built-in mic works, but plugging in a headset doesn't allow you to use the mic on the headset16:17
guest-Ct3tJ5will retry it, but think I did it as in the manual16:18
buratinoAaronCampbell:  What kind of headset?16:18
guest-Ct3tJ5upon the boot, it offers me a few versions of ubuntu 1316:18
guest-Ct3tJ5chosen the last one16:18
AaronCampbellJust Samsung earbuds/mic...single 1/8" jack16:18
holsteinAaronCampbell: the input either works with that input or not. could be, and typically is, the laptop has headphone *then mic input.. if joined in one jack for a phone the hardware cant use it16:19
holsteinAaronCampbell: dont assume its a limitation of any software or operating system..16:19
ActionParsnipguest-Ct3tJ5: there isnt an 'ubuntu 13'16:19
ActionParsnipguest-Ct3tJ5: there is Ubuntu 13.04 and Ubuntu 13.1016:19
sj99_I have a 2560x1440 resolution, but it's not listed in the system settings. Any help would be much appreciated.16:20
AaronCampbellholstein: Well, when Windows was on the laptop the same headset worked as headphones/mic16:20
krstoi have problem with wlan interface on ubuntu server 14.0416:20
holsteinAaronCampbell: ok.. then i use pavucontrol to route inputs and outputs.. try getting applications started, and route16:21
krstothere are 2 wlan cards one is realtek 8185l second is atheros 521316:21
krstowhen i did sudo ip link set wlan0 up16:21
krstocomputer freezee16:21
krstobut on wlan 1 work nomal16:21
buratinoAaronCampbell:  Have you installed the newest driver for your mic on ubuntu?16:21
geniikrsto: Which one is the wlan0?16:21
krstoboth card works fine on win xp16:21
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krstoor via live lubuntu16:22
holsteinkrsto: xp support will be irrelevant. and only tell you the hardware is functional16:22
krstoi know that hardware is duncional16:22
krstobut i cant use it in ubuntu servrer16:22
AaronCampbellburatino: Not that I'm aware of, I've applied all updates, but not installed anythign specific for my mic16:22
krstostill it works with live lubuntu16:23
krstoi dont have a clue16:23
buratinoAaronCampbell:  Do you happen to know the exact model for the headset?16:23
AaronCampbellburatino: There won't be any drivers for that...16:23
buratinoAaronCampbell:  That's fine, I just want to look something up.16:24
AaronCampbellI think they're these ones: http://www.a4c.com/product/samsung-ehs44assbe-3-5mm-hands-free-stereo-headset-black.html?gclid=CPfsvJepgb8CFQODaQodxLMAng16:24
buratinoAaronCampbell:  Oh, I suppose I missed where you said there was a single jack.16:25
sj99_I have a 2560x1440 resolution, but it's not listed in the system settings. Any help would be much appreciated.16:25
AaronCampbellburatino: Yeah, that's what I'm thinking the issue likely is16:25
buratinoAaronCampbell:  That's what I'd bet.  Did the mic magically work on Windows (or any other OS)?16:26
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AaronCampbellburatino: Yes, worked on Windows 8 that came on the machine16:27
guyHi.  Since installing the proprietary nvidia drivers, DBUS doesn't seem to work.  I get "Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-ou6Johku99: Connection refused" for several applications.  dbus-daemon is running, but the temporary directory it refers to doesn't exist.16:28
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buratinoAaronCampbell:  What soundcard and driver are you using?16:29
sj99_Hey. I have a 2560x1440 resolution, but it's not listed in the system settings. Any help would be much appreciated.16:29
varun_krsto, show us what cards+drivers you have, the output of - "lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net"16:30
ActionParsnipsj99_: how can you have it, if it's not listed?16:30
Guest86260\nick guyg16:30
ActionParsnipGuest86260: other way '_16:30
sj99_ActionParsnip: That's the resolution of my monitor16:30
krstowait a second16:30
buratinoAaronCampbell:  `lspci | grep -i audio` ought to find it16:30
AaronCampbellburatino: Are you asking...Thanks16:31
ActionParsnipsj99_: what is the output of:   sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; uname -a; sudo dmidecode -t 116:31
ActionParsnipsj99_: use a pastebin to host16:31
AaronCampbellburatino: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)16:31
sj99_ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/XjSBdP0P16:32
ActionParsnipsj99_: the rsolution of the monitor is whateverit is at now. the fact that your monitor can do 2560x1440 is another matter16:32
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krstowhere i can copy output?16:33
ActionParsnipsj99_: 13.10 is EOL in about 4 weeks time. You may want to consider an upgrade to 14.04 either by online update, or via a clean install16:33
varun_!pastebin | krsto16:33
ubottukrsto: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:33
sj99_ActionParsnip: sure, but i've had this issue in several versions. i'm not sure upgrading will solve it.16:34
buratinoAaronCampbell:  I believe there's a config option you can change and test, but I don't remember what it is.  I'm looking for it now.16:34
krstohope that i did right16:35
ActionParsnipsj99_: newer kernel....newer driver with support for newer hardware..........16:35
Guest85758I want a site to "see" me as if I am in the USA, though I am not there.  Would it be possible to use a proxy server for that?16:35
sj99_ActionParsnip: ok, i'll try. thanks.16:36
varun_krsto, is the atheros one "wlan0"?16:37
buratinoAaronCampbell:  I can't find it.  For now, can you use your internal microphone and take the issue to the forums?16:38
pangaea_ having a hard time w/ ubuntu studio 14.04 getting connected to yahoo chat, any ideas??16:39
Guest85758Am I on the right channel?16:39
Guest85758pangaea_: hard time?  Problems?  What kind of hard time?16:39
ActionParsnippangaea_: what are you using to connect to the service?16:39
pangaea_trid pingiun, ...well all of them really from software center16:40
holsteinpangaea_: is yahoo chat up? if they are down, or offline, or having server issues, you wont be able to connect.. confirm your credentials.. try the yahoo service online to confirm16:40
pangaea_just says invalid cannot connect i set my firewall and forwards up16:40
holsteinpangaea_: you shouldnt need to set any firewall rules..16:40
ActionParsnippangaea_: do you mean pidgin?16:40
holsteinpangaea_: try the yahoo site..16:41
MuffinMedicI'm trying to change my hostname and i have this in /etc/hosts:       WebServices WebServices16:41
pangaea_works on firefox16:41
MuffinMedicWhy is WebServices there twice and what does it represent each time?16:41
holsteinpangaea_: ok.. do yahoo say you can use pidgin?16:41
varun_krsto, I know the current version of ath5k is buggy, but can't think of a reason for system freeze. Maybe a detailed report could give some hint. Try this script to generate the report : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1302422216:41
ActionParsnippangaea_: have you contacted Yahoo to see if their settings have changed?16:41
pangaea_pidgin won't work either16:42
PiciMuffinMedic: First is the fqdn (not really needed for internal servers) and the second is an alias.16:42
krstovarun_ Ok16:42
pangaea_i had to set up fprward on my modem, no choice w/ timewarner16:42
PiciMuffinMedic: make sure you change /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname though.16:43
holsteinpangaea_: pidgin may not *ever* work.. did yahoo say it would?16:43
pangaea_pt/forward sorry16:43
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pangaea_well i had ububtu 14.04 lts and it workd fine16:43
pangaea_but switched to studio cause i write music...now dead on chats16:44
pangaea_no unity scopes16:44
holsteinpangaea_: ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu.. its not breaking yahoo chat16:45
varunendrakrsto, I may not hang around for long here. If you can't get help, try posting a thread at ubuntuforums.org , and post the script output there. You may PM me on the forum if you wish (my user id is varunendra there)16:45
pangaea_hey holstien you helped me with jack!...thanks man got it all figured out was a pulse issue btw16:45
holsteinpangaea_: whatever you used for yahoo chat in ubuntu will work with ubuntustuduio16:45
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pangaea_yeah but did it through scope16:45
holsteinpangaea_: you can add unity and a scope if you like16:46
holsteinpangaea_: but, you *can* get yahoo working with something that supports yahoo and yahoo supports16:46
pangaea_in cross platform?16:46
causativeso... I have downloaded the ubuntu 14.04 iso for my system (1 G in size), I have used fdisk to partition a USB stick so it has two partitions, the second of which is marked executable and is 5G in size.  I have then done dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb2.  There is now a filesystem at /dev/sdb2 but my computer won't boot from it (yes I set it to boot from USB in BIOS)16:46
causativeam I missing a step? did I do something wrong?16:47
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pangaea_causitive sounds like he needs boot repair16:47
causativeoh I think I see something, I had the partition marked "linux" but the image is iso966016:47
MuffinMedicok Pici , i will change both, thanks. can the alias be any nickname i give the server?16:48
pangaea_what do you suggest ??16:48
pangaea_only chat that works is this one...lol16:49
causativeor should it be marked linux, maybe that's not wrong?16:49
PiciMuffinMedic: anything you want, although typically one is the fqdn and the other is the same without the fully qualified part. i.e. (google.com and google)16:49
pangaea_and skype16:49
MuffinMedicok thanks Pici16:49
MuffinMedicand /etc/hostname is the FQDN or the alias?16:50
causativeis it a problem that /dev/sdb2 and /path/to/ubuntu.iso have different md5sums?16:51
causativeor is that just expected16:51
holstein!info empathy16:51
ubottuempathy (source: empathy): GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.6-0ubuntu9.1 (trusty), package size 554 kB, installed size 2765 kB16:51
pangaea_@holstein one more thing the default LMMS that comes with studio is buggy and crashes a lot, is there something wrong?16:52
holsteinpangaea_: i would just try whatever yahoo says they support.. or whatever is stated to have yahoo supprot16:52
holstein!bug | pangaea_16:52
ubottupangaea_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:52
pangaea_i'm surfing for it now,16:52
holsteinpangaea_: i dont use lmms.. but, when i have tested, it worked better without jack16:52
causativeor is the problem that I wrote the image to /dev/sdb2 instead of to /dev/sdb?16:52
pangaea_yeah it keeeps crashing, none of the others do16:52
holsteincausative: i write to the entire disk.. dd copying the image to the location16:52
holsteincausative: if i wanted to try a partition like that, i would try unetbootin16:53
causativeyes but I wanted to preserve some of the USB stick for later use16:53
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pangaea_thanks holstein ....no jack w/lmms....will try, and surfing for answers for yahoo compliant w/studio16:54
holsteinpangaea_: dont16:56
pangaea_i'm trying to log out16:56
holsteinpangaea_: you dont need "compliant with studio".. ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu.. so, you need compliant with yahoo and ubuntu.. not studio16:56
causativewhen using dd to write an ubuntu ISO should I write directly to the device /dev/sdb or should I write to a partition such as /dev/sdb2?16:57
holsteinpangaea_: to search "yahoo with ubuntustudio" is to uncessarily narrow your search16:57
leeyaai am trying to create ubuntu server startup disk from another ubuntu box. for some reason make startup disk is grayed out16:57
leeyaaany idea what could be the reason ?\16:57
leeyaaim using external usb drive16:57
holsteincausative: thats what im stating i do, and the directions i find state.. i do not try dd copy do a partition, but the image to the entire device16:57
leeyaaubuntu 12.0416:57
holsteinleeyaa: you can also dd copy the iso.. or use unetbootin16:58
pangaea_unity was so much easier16:58
leeyaaholstein: unetbootin doesnt see my usb drive16:58
holsteinleeyaa: then, i would say, yo uhave a bad stick16:58
pangaea_ok i'll take advice off search, you got your hands full, peace16:59
guest-dZEyWSActionParsnip hi again16:59
holsteinleeyaa: or, no permission..16:59
leeyaait isnt a stick holstein it is external drive and it is working fine on other oses. im doing everything as root or sudo16:59
pangaea_i had to use scandisk for mine16:59
pangaea_just saying16:59
guest-dZEyWSmounted it as read write, as did the first time too16:59
LukeSStupid Question, Is there a way to install GNOME so that I can select between GNOME and Unity 8 on login?17:00
guest-dZEyWSbut again, after passwd username, it allows me to type the new password, and retype it, yet reports with the same messafe17:00
holsteinleeyaa: could be, as a protection, unet is not allowing you to access the drive.. i remember a checkbox that allows selecting drives there, with a warning.. a valid warning17:00
leeyaawou;ld something like this work ? sudo dd if=ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb17:00
leeyaaholstein: what checkbox17:00
guest-dZEyWSmanipulation error of the authentification token17:01
holsteinleeyaa: in unetbootin.. beside where you choose the drive.. a checkbox that states "i want to use the drives, not just usb sticks"17:02
causativeleeyaa, it might work, as it happens I just issued the exact same command17:02
causativeto the letter, except I added bs=1M17:02
causativeoh also it was 14.0417:02
holsteinleeyaa: "show all drives (use with care)"17:02
leeyaaholstein: i don thve it17:02
holsteinleeyaa: then, get the version that does.. its a safety.. or use a usb stick17:03
causativealright well thanks holstein I'll see if this works17:03
guest-dZEyWSholstein on the issue to change the password, the link to psychocats.net17:04
leeyaaholstein: i downloaded latest version from their website same thing17:04
ActionParsnipguest-dZEyWS: wassup17:04
guest-dZEyWSso, remounted it as read-write, again17:05
AaronCampbellburatino: Thanks for your help...I just opened http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2230136&p=13052177 so if you have any additional info to drop there, it would be appreciated17:05
holsteinleeyaa: then, you see the option to allow you to choose the drives you want to use?17:05
leeyaaholstein: nope17:05
holsteinleeyaa: you are not intended to be able to break the system by choosing normal drivs17:05
guest-dZEyWSbut again, after passwd username, it allows me to type the new password, and retype it, yet reports with the same message17:05
leeyaai mena i see usb and hdd drives17:05
leeyaabut i can choose just hdd /17:06
guest-dZEyWSActionParsnip, when i shift and reboot17:06
ActionParsnipguest-dZEyWS: you could try a chroot from liveCD17:06
holsteinleeyaa: you see http://www.pendrivelinux.com/wp-content/uploads/Using-UNetbootin-Net.png "show all drives"17:06
guest-dZEyWSit offers me Advanced option for Ubuntu17:07
leeyaai dont have it :D17:07
holsteinleeyaa: ok.. dd copy the iso then17:07
leeyaais it sudo dd if=ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb1 ? or sdb ?17:07
guest-dZEyWSand within it: http://oi62.tinypic.com/2d0ma76.jpg17:08
guest-dZEyWS...where from i choose the second17:08
holsteinleeyaa: you need to be sure what those are.. and i dont and cant knoe17:08
leeyaawell does it have to be a partition (sdb1) or drive (sdb)17:08
guest-dZEyWSActionParsnip, should I maybe choose some previous17:08
holsteinleeyaa: look and see.. if i were unsure, i would go buy a usb stick and use unetbootin17:09
pangaea_holstein this is what i found out17:10
pangaea_Available versions17:10
pangaea_    Ubuntu 13.1017:10
pangaea_    Ubuntu 13.0417:10
pangaea_    Ubuntu 12.1017:10
pangaea_    Ubuntu 12.0417:10
unopastepangaea_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted17:10
holsteinpangaea_: you stated you were using it in main ubuntu 14.0417:10
mitziemsg NickServ identify virus31417:10
holsteinmitzie: you need to change that password *now*17:11
SchrodingersScatoh my17:11
pangaea_yeah no pigin for 14.04 or so it says, i just tried to use it again and it's what yahoo suggested17:11
holsteinpangaea_: ok.. then, stop trying pidgin, if yahoo doesnt support pidgin in 14.0417:11
holsteinpangaea_: if they do support it then ask them for support. otherwise, i would just keep trying things til something works17:12
genii!info pidgin17:12
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.10.9-0ubuntu3.1 (trusty), package size 472 kB, installed size 2178 kB17:12
pangaea_sorry bout the paste thing man, didn't know17:12
simpleuserMy php5-cli crashes on Lubuntu 14.04, but no error in /var/log/apache2/error.log. What can I do? :'(17:12
geniiI suspect a typo. eg: pigin versus pidgin17:12
simpleuserSegmentation Fault (core dumped)17:12
ActionParsnippangaea_: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090617171643AA8LFyw17:13
holsteinpangaea_: are you able to launch the application? pidgin ?17:13
ActionParsnippangaea_: try one of those servers17:13
pangaea_yeah it launches then says unable to verify17:14
Daniela21 Hi! I give you some videos. I hope you like! http://bitly.com/1lvQiSM17:14
OerHeksuh oh, Daniela21, wrong channel to spam17:14
pangaea_why is copy and paste so buggy in studio man...argg17:14
holsteinpangaea_: its not here.. could be you are used to unity and not xfce.. what do i suggest? just use main ubuntu with unity and add whatever audio packages you like to it17:15
pangaea_tried that, need the low latency kernels17:16
holsteinpangaea_: sure.. add that as well17:16
pangaea_btw i went to that page and figured out whats wrong, man your good17:16
WilsonMathewI got this dublicate message: http://codepad.org/Li4i9yCa, when I do "sudo apt-get update", what can I do to solve it?17:16
holsteinpangaea_: its in the main repos, and you can add it to main ubuntu17:16
pangaea_what low latency???17:16
holsteinpangaea_: ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu.. thus, having access to the same kernel. you add it.. thats what i was referring to above..*whatever* audio packages you want17:17
pangaea_ok so they are the same just using cross platform with inherent low latency then??17:18
holsteinpangaea_: im not sure what you are asking with the term "cross platform".. ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu.. not a different platform in any way17:18
holsteinpangaea_: if you want main ubuntu with the lowlatency kernel, add it. if you want unity in ubuntustudio, add it..17:19
ActionParsnipguest-dZEyWS: previous what? that isnt a full sentence.....17:19
simpleuserNo one for my PHP-CLI crash? :'(17:19
OerHeksif you *really* need lowlatency kernel, i would stick with Xfce Xubuntu desktop on ubuntu-studio17:19
geniiWilsonMathew: Looks like you have two entries with duplicates in the /etc/apt/sources.list file. Probably want to edit it with admin rights and remove the duplicates.17:19
pangaea_i can do as i wish as long as i stay deb based then17:20
holsteinOerHeks: why? the desktop has *nothing* to do with latency or the kernel..17:20
=== guy is now known as guygr
ActionParsnipWilsonMathew: what is the output of:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit; clear; grep -v ^$ /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -v ^# | sort | pastebinit17:21
holsteinpangaea_: no.. ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu.. this is not a deb based thing.. they have the same sources, friend.. they are the same.. just different default setups and packages installed17:21
pangaea_ok i'm clear on that issue, right now i'm on xfce with gnome built in17:23
holsteinpangaea_: not likely17:23
holsteinpangaea_: gnome is not "built in" to xfce17:23
guygrHi.  After switching to proprietary nvidia drivers, dbus doesn't work properly.  dbus-daemon is running, but anything that uses it gets "Connection refused".  If I kill it, unset the DBUS_... environment variable and restart it it works again.  I can also switch back to using nouveau and everything's fine again (but without any 3D acceleration, obviously).  Any thoughts?17:23
pangaea_wow guygr i did the same thing and went back to xorg17:24
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holsteinguygr: i would use the open drivers if they are "better" for your needs17:24
pangaea_the new drivers for my radeon work great guygr17:25
ActionParsnipguygr: do you intend to run 3D games?17:25
guygrnot really.  I'm developing 3d stuff, and with nouveau I just get a blank screen.  speed's not important, but some 3d is17:25
ActionParsnipguygr: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue17:26
pangaea_i have 3d with xorg on my ati 467017:26
holsteinguygr: you may not get 3d in linux with that hardware..17:26
WilsonMathewActionParsnip, I dont have "pastebinit "installed, but when I did "sudo apt-get install pastebinit", I got: http://codepad.org/TOZavT1z17:26
pangaea_true i had to buy a pci-e card with 1gb to get it right17:27
guygrActionParsnip:  I'm not at that machine at the moment.  This one just says the ubuntu version, which in my case is Xubuntu 14.04 (with i3 WM)17:27
ActionParsnipWilsonMathew: ok, remove the pipe to pastebinit and make a pastebin of the output manually17:27
jiffe98so we picked up a couple supermicros which have 10G ethernet ports on them and some that don't, the ones that don't work fine but the ones that do have a problem booting17:28
jiffe98get a cpu soft lockup17:29
holsteini might try disabling in the bios..17:29
guygrholstein: what hardware?  any nvidia card?17:30
holsteinguygr: not "any" card, but they dont promise you linux support, so you may have to make compromises.. if 3d support were missiong critical, i would try and go with something with official linux support17:31
holsteinguygr: you can try the xorg edgers ppa..17:31
ScottyGunI'm using sirc on 10.04.4 LTS.  Would someone please tell me how to set environment variables like IRCSERVER, IRCNAME, and IRCNICK?17:32
WilsonMathewActionParsnip sorry, could you send me the command again, I think I just delete it. I looked it on history but couldn't find it17:32
dmavroidHello everyone. I would like to ask you if I can have steam on my ubuntu 14.04! Also do I have to pay in order to install it? thank you17:32
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.17:32
Artemis3dmavroid, yes; no.17:33
holsteinScottyGun: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man1/sirc.1.html seems to list those17:33
guygrholstein: the nvidia stuff works nicely until I do a reboot, when it messes up dbus.  My current workaround is to enable the proprietary nvidia when I need it and then go back to nouveau before shutting down17:33
ActionParsnipWilsonMathew: clear; grep -v ^$ /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -v ^# | sort > ~/parsnipoutput.txt; gedit ~/parsnipoutput.txt17:33
holsteinguygr: sounds like a nice work around.. have you tried the newer packages in the unsupported ppa?17:34
netametahow can i uninstall something that i used make install to install ?17:34
causativeI have booted to ubuntu on a USB stick so I can investigate problems with my main ubuntu installation, however when I try fsck /dev/sda3 (my main installation's root filesystem, where I've been having problems) it finishes almost instantly and says it's clean, even though it's 150 GB in size17:34
holsteinnetameta: the software might have an uninstaller..17:34
holstein!info checkinstall17:34
ubottucheckinstall (source: checkinstall): installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-4ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 114 kB, installed size 501 kB17:34
causativeso something must be wrong if it's finishing so quickly17:34
dmavroidArtemis3, where I can find steam then? Cause I am going to software centre and its not there17:34
netametahow do i check for that holstein17:34
holsteinnetameta: for the future, i think checkinstall will help you make that easier17:34
guygrholstein: no, that's the xorg-edgers one?  can I just install the nouveau drivers, or do I need a full xorg update at the same time?17:35
holsteinnetameta: i ask them.. i look at the software and see if an uninstaller is present.. and ask them for one, or look and see what was installed and how17:35
holsteinguygr: you'd add the ppa and all the newer packages in the source would come in..17:35
rotorgeekLater all17:36
holsteinguygr: you can pin, but i wouldnt.. i would just be familier with ppa-purge and try them, if you think newer packages may address the issues17:36
WilsonMathewActionParsnip, output: http://codepad.org/9LHhvO8h17:37
jhpy1024Hey guys, my launcher has disappeared :/17:38
dmavroidfound it. thanks anyway17:38
jhpy1024All i see is the desktop icons17:38
jhpy1024I'm running 14.04 64bit17:38
ActionParsnipWilsonMathew: run:  sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list    and comment out line 2. It should then be clear17:38
ScottyGunCan anyone help me set IRC environment variables like IRCSERVER, IRCNAME, and IRCNICK?17:38
holsteinjhpy1024: you are running unity? you can try http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html17:39
holsteinScottyGun: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man1/sirc.1.html addresses those specifically17:39
guygrholstein: thanks, I'll give that a shot.  The proprietary nvidia drivers mess up a whole load of other stuff too (DPI, display output names) so I'd rather avoid them if I can get something 3d working without them17:40
jhpy1024holstein: I can't open a terminal though. I've tried CTRL+ALT+T and CTRL+ALT+117:40
ActionParsnipScottyGun: export IRCSERVER=address17:40
pangaea_ok got it thanks holstein i had to set my ip address thanks for the link17:40
ActionParsnipWilsonMathew: if you look at the lines, you already have restricted set on line 3, so line 2 is a duplicate17:41
pangaea_ang guy i would stick with xorg17:41
holsteinpangaea_: you mean, "stick with xorg", stick with the open driver?17:41
ActionParsnippangaea_: xorg is not the open driver...xorg is xorg, the open driver is the open driver17:41
holsteinpangaea_: nouveau the open driver in this scenario..17:42
pangaea_the new drivers are great, checked my card in terminal everything is working full 1gb mem and all17:42
ScottyGunOkay, I used export IRCSERVER=...will those settings stick through a restart?17:42
holsteinScottyGun: try it and see.. if not, you can edit a config17:42
WilsonMathewActionParsnip, Thanks you very much. It worked.17:42
* ScottyGun logging off for reboot...17:43
=== PaulW2U is now known as G4MBY
jhpy1024unity seems to have disappeared. I've got unity-reset installed but cant run it because I can't open a terminal17:44
jiffe98anyone running Intel X540 Dual Port 10GBase-T NICs on ubuntu?17:44
jhpy1024any help?17:44
pangaea_jhpy1024 did you install something new, like a desktop tweaker17:45
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jhpy1024eugh, unity-reset fails17:46
pangaea_i reset my unity with synaptics17:47
pangaea_after boot repair17:48
jhpy1024this is why i hate linux somtimes -_-17:49
ActionParsnipWilsonMathew: simple logic dude17:50
ActionParsnipjhpy1024: why, because one (optional) part of it isnt fantastic.....17:50
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jhpy1024ActionParsnip: I don't really mean it, I'm just pissed. I installed this last night and BAM, unity breaks17:51
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ActionParsnipjhpy1024: you dont have to use Unity17:52
jhpy1024ActionParsnip: of course17:52
jhpy1024but that doesn't mean it should just break17:52
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WilsonMathewActionParsnip, well I am a newbie so I was kind of lost.. but I am trying to figure out your first command now. anyways thanks.17:53
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jhpy1024fuck me, i'll just go and reinstall17:54
holsteinjmad980: the problem is, its not broken here17:54
Guest63316 I was thinking about switching over from a desktop environment to just console mode. I know my way around the console fairly well and have developed a liking for the simplicity of console mode and how many less distractions there are when using it compared to a desktop environment. I had a few questions that I have already turned to Google for and didn't get really any helpful answers. I am using Kali-linux so there is a bunch of tools17:54
Guest63316 installed on it the questions I am hoping to find the answers to are the following:17:54
Guest633161.) How light weight is console mode, compared to a desktop environment?17:54
Guest633162.) How would I list all the tools that I currently have installed or that come on Kali I have already done the apt-cache search + the meta-packages names to read their contents but I know there has to be an easier way then doing this.17:54
Guest633163.) What benefits come with using console mode? Why would it be better to use than a desktop environment? besides learning how to operate a computer with commands instead of just point and click.17:55
holstein!language | jmad98017:55
ubottujmad980: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:55
holsteinjmad980: you just need to elaborate to help a volunteer assist you17:55
holstein!kali | Guest6331617:55
ubottuGuest63316: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)17:55
jhpy1024so the whole unity launcher has disappeared. rebooting does nothing. unity-reset does nothing. manual reset with dconf does nothing17:55
holsteinGuest63316: you would ask kali about what apps come with it.. but, you can use tty right now, or from a live CD, to see about command line mode17:55
holstein!tty | Guest6331617:56
ubottuGuest63316: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution17:56
jhpy1024sorry about the swearing btw :X17:56
holsteinjmad980: sorry..17:56
holsteinjhpy1024: ^^17:56
holsteinjhpy1024: what are the errors with trying to reset unity?17:56
Guest63316Thank you holstein! And console mode would be another channel to?17:57
jhpy1024holstein: unity-reset says "OSError no such file or directory"17:58
holsteinGuest63316: no.. console mode is just that.. just a console17:58
jhpy1024manually with dconf says nothing but doesn't work17:58
Guest63316okay thank you! sorry I am still figuring out linux some appreciate your help! *Gives a virtual high five*17:59
jeroen___Hello im back18:00
=== jeroen___ is now known as Jeroen_Mathon
jhpy1024wtf, unity uninstalled :/18:00
jhpy1024got it working now18:00
jhpy1024thanks for putting up with my rage holstein :P18:01
Jeroen_MathonWait you uninstalled Unity?18:01
jhpy1024i didn't, it just uninstalled somehow18:01
holsteinjhpy1024: i suggest, if you want to really mess around with the config, use a live CD.. you can do so without breaking the installed system18:01
Guest63316Live CD's are great!18:01
Jeroen_Mathonjhpy1024:Or use backintime to backup your hard drive18:01
jhpy1024holstein: the weird thing is i wasnt doing anything with the config or whatever, my pc just froze and then unity uninstalled :/18:02
Jeroen_Mathonjhpy1024: Impossible18:02
holsteinjhpy1024: not likely.. but, if you are back to normal, enjoy18:02
Jeroen_MathonYoul need Superuser access to do that18:02
Jeroen_MathonUnless you run Xorg as Superuser18:02
jhpy1024well i wasn't in the software center and I wasn't doing anything with apt-get so if it was somehow me, i have no idea how i did it18:03
Jeroen_MathonLemme think18:03
Guest63316Would running just console mode be more light weight? I know linux is already light but I want to see how light weight I can get before having issues haha18:03
daviatorhey guys :)18:04
holsteinGuest63316: running any software will not make the hardware any "better" or "faster".. its just doing what it does.. if you want command line, use it.. it will be using less resources if you dont need a GUI.. if you need/want a GUI, you'll have to use those resources running one18:04
holsteinGuest63316: the only issues you would have would be, needing more or different software or services running18:05
Jeroen_MathonHello daviator18:05
daviatori have some questions18:05
dw1Guest63316: you can also use lighter weight desktops. i use "gnome-session-flashback".  install the package and choose it at login screen18:05
ScottyGunholstein, I wrote those export commands into .bashrc.  Variables are retained after reboot.  Thanks!18:05
Jeroen_MathonSure as kaway daviator18:05
Jeroen_Mathonask away*18:05
dw1Guest63316: list of desktops at http://tinyurl.com/ubdesk18:05
dw1whats the proper way to specify the screen session with -X?  screen -dmS test; screen -X "echo test" test; doesnt seem to work18:06
Guest63316Okay I understand thank you again holestein! and yea I have started to realize the amount of extra stuff needed to get all I want in console mode is a pain! and dw1 what is flashback? I thnk I kinda understand from the name of it but could use some clarification18:06
daviatorsome where i rad that upgrading linux through update manager is not a good choice18:07
holsteinGuest63316: lxde is a nice simple light desktop in the repos18:07
dw1Guest63316: its gnome classic.  gnome 3 disguised as gnome 2, with low to no effects18:07
Jeroen_Mathondaviator: use apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade18:07
Guest63316I like LXDE its got a nice does of KDE to it and dw1 worth a shot I'll try it out and tell you what I think thanks again guys you have both been huge helps in my linux journey!18:08
daviatorwhat the difference between upgrading through upgmng and command line?18:08
Jeroen_MathonCommand line uses aptitude18:08
Jeroen_MathonIts safer then a gui fornt end18:08
Jeroen_MathonAnd more reliable18:08
Guest63316Okay so I have read many rants about apt VS aptitude and why one is better than the other is one really better than the other to use? Like Jeroen_Mathon makes a good point security is crucial!18:10
daviatorwhat about packages?18:10
JonyijoeAnyone have experience controlling CPU fan speed?18:10
daviatoris there any dofference?18:10
Jeroen_MathonGuest63316 apt uses aptitude18:10
Jeroen_Mathondaviator updatemgr uses aptitude18:10
Jeroen_Mathonapt-get > aptitude < updatemgr18:10
Jeroen_MathonThey both are based of debians package manager18:11
PiciJeroen_Mathon: apt does not use aptitude.18:11
JonyijoeAnyone have experience controlling CPU fan speed? I need to turn mine down as its far too loud18:11
Jonyijoedriving me nuts haha18:11
Piciapt-get and aptitude are two different front ends for the apt system.18:11
Jeroen_MathonThanks Pici your right and Johnyijoe18:11
Jeroen_MathonYou don't want to slow it down18:11
PewdiepieHello bros18:11
Jeroen_MathonIf its spinning that hard18:11
Jeroen_MathonIt got a reason for spinning so hard.18:11
Picidaviator: There really is no difference between what the command line utilities and the update-manager does.  They access the same packages, just with different client-facing interfaces.18:12
Guest63316You guys are awesome! thanks so much everyone is there a way to like donate to you guys for your help and stuff?18:12
Jeroen_MathonPewdiepie is not from grace18:13
Jeroen_MathonI tracked your ip back to greece18:13
Jeroen_MathonStop trolling mate this channel is for support18:13
JonyijoeJeoren I have theromal outputs its at 25deg it can operate up to 100deg I just need to turn it down by about 20% till i get a new cpu fan. one of the fins broke off so its loud as hell18:13
JonyijoePlease help im going insane haha18:13
Jeroen_MathonJohnyijoe the more reason ofr it to spin faster18:13
Jeroen_MathonYour cpu isnt the only thing being cooled18:14
Guest63316Jeroen how did you do that? Netstat or is it because of your rank in this irc?18:14
Jeroen_MathonI used a website18:14
Jeroen_Mathonand the whois command on linux18:14
Pewdiepiei'm just a fun18:14
Jeroen_MathonStill this channel is for support18:14
JonyijoeI have 5 other fans Jeroen poviding solid airflow. Im not a n00b at this I know my system well. What I dont know is how to controll cpu fan speed in ubuntu18:15
Guest63316whois is awesome! and you're right I should go if I am done with needing support thanks again you guys!18:15
Jeroen_MathonJonyijoe Lemme take a look at the interwebs18:15
Jeroen_MathonJonyijoe here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fan_Speed_Control18:15
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JonyijoeIve been looking for ages, Cant find anything at all accept ways to monitor temps etc18:16
Jonyijoeok thanks hold on18:16
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=== sup is now known as Guest37130
Jeroen_MathonSomething i can help you with?18:30
Guest37130i am trying to set up a pptp vpn connection and for some reason it will not let me connect to any of the ones that i have tried so far...18:30
asturelis it a common issue that after a month uptime xorg becomes laggy?18:30
astureli mean switching between desktops tooks seconds18:30
Jeroen_Mathonasturel what desktop enviroment are you currently using?18:31
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asturelthe default18:31
asturelldm or something like that..18:31
asturelwhat comes with default install18:31
Jeroen_MathonWhat is the output of the command df -h18:31
astureli have enought space18:31
asturelmaybe the nvidia binary driver is buggy?18:31
Jeroen_Mathonasturel try the default driver18:31
asturelbut thats slow18:32
Jeroen_MathonOr use an source based one those can be tweaked18:32
Jeroen_MathonI also use the default one18:32
Jeroen_MathonIt's reccomended right?18:32
asturelalso the applicaations becomes 'invisible' when i switch to 'grind view' or whatever that18:32
asturelwhen i hover it selects the borders but still invisible18:33
Jeroen_MathonDid you try reinstalling unity?18:33
Jeroen_MathonOr tried using the guest session18:33
asturelit happens on an another pc too18:33
Jeroen_MathonTo see if the issues also there.18:33
asturelto be exact on 318:33
asturelall of them installed the same ubuntu18:33
asturelin 12.x it wasnt like that, but in 13.x18:34
Guest37130i have tried connection too 5 different pptp vpns and for some reason it will not let me connect to any of them ?18:34
Jeroen_MathonWhat VPN software are you using?18:35
Guest37130jeroen none18:35
Jeroen_MathonThats the problem18:36
Jeroen_MathonTry openvpn18:36
Guest37130openvpn is a vpn client18:36
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Guest37130i am connecting directly to a server18:36
Jeroen_MathonYeah youl need a client ofr that18:36
Jeroen_MathonClient <===> Server18:36
asturelJeroen_Mathon which nvidia driver do u use?18:37
Jeroen_MathonI have Intel18:37
Guest37130damm that shit worked in windows...18:37
asturelbecause i saw like 5 from binary drivers18:37
asturelah :D18:37
astureli have dvga so i would prefer that rather than hd40018:37
Guest37130can i connect to a vpn with open vpn with out having my own server?18:37
WilsonMathewI am trying to install awesomewm but the I got a problem with apt-get that it just shows me an error: http://codepad.org/0LdOguL518:39
asturelso it must be the nvidia driver?18:39
Jeroen_MathonClosed source drivers aren't being supported by ubuntu18:39
Jeroen_MathonThey are supported by their vendors18:40
asturelwell i installed from additional drivers or whatever :D18:40
astureli guess its the vendor drivers18:40
Guest37130ubuntu 12.04 is ubuntu 14 right?18:40
Guest37130openvpn only goes in whole numbers18:41
mxvxrtsGuest37130, Both are long term 5 years support18:41
asturelwhats the chance that dist upgrade go wrong?18:41
OerHeksGuest37130, as of 10.04 you can config your VPN in networkmanager18:42
asturellast time when i tried i ended without xorg and many packages 'corrupted' (they didnt recognized as installed but they were on the system)18:42
Piciasturel: Are you asking about an apt-get dist-upgrade or a release upgrade?18:43
asturelrelease upgrade18:43
astureli think18:43
Piciasturel: Are you asking about upgrading to a new release of Ubuntu?18:44
astureli have currently 13.(10?) i want to upgrade to 1418:45
Piciasturel: There is a chance of failure, which is why we always suggest that you have a backup, or at least a way to recover your needed items if there is indeed a problem.18:45
asturelu mean backup by cp ?:D18:45
asturelim rly not into ubuntu18:46
Piciasturel: backup by whatever means you want.18:46
asturelah, i thought there's something like ubuntu backup :D18:46
jcalve34what is a good replacement for rhythmbox?18:47
jcalve34and if I want to listen to music instead of watch a movie?18:47
Jeroen_Mathonvlc is for music and video18:48
Jeroen_MathonTnat or xmms18:48
Guest37130jeroen do i have to run a vpn client on a different computer from the one that i want to connect to the vpn with ?18:48
Jeroen_MathonAgain Client > Connection > Server18:49
Jeroen_MathonAll Servers must have a client18:50
Jeroen_MathonThats how their programmed18:50
Guest37130that's the problem i want a vpn that i don't have to have the client on a computer18:50
Jeroen_MathonNo client no VPN18:50
Jeroen_MathonSome distros have clients buildin18:50
=== jorrit_ is now known as Jorrit
Guest37130so basically i have to create a server with something like hamachi put the client on the server then run the vpn.18:52
Jeroen_MathonNo hamachi18:52
Jeroen_MathonWhats your plan18:52
Guest37130basically to have create a vpn so that i can rotate my ip adress18:53
Guest37130or switch between different vpns18:53
Jeroen_MathonWhy not use a SSh tunnel.18:54
PiciGuest37130: What is the problem that you are having exactly?18:54
Guest37130don't i have to have another computer for that as well ?18:54
Jeroen_MathonYou ssh into the other pc and use that to rotate your ip18:55
Jeroen_MathonYoul route your network trough that computer18:55
Guest37130that's the problem i don't have another computer18:55
PierrePaulhi everyone, Im trying to make an upstart daemon that's using environment vars specified in /etc/environment18:56
PierrePaulI know that in my upstart script, I can do env supervar='supervalue'18:56
PierrePaulsupervar=$SUPERVAR, right ?18:56
Guest37130basically i need a way to change my ip address as i wish only using one computer18:57
PierrePaulso I tried exec SUPERVAR='supervalue' /usr/sbin/php5-fpm blabla bla18:57
PierrePaulbut exec() doesnt like this at all18:57
PierrePauland I really dont want to wrap it in sudo18:57
Jeroen_MathonWhy do you want to change your ip18:57
murlidhardoes anyone know if there is any native linux client for tunein radio18:57
Jeroen_MathonNot doing anything iligal right? XD ;)18:57
Guest37130just to bypass bans :P18:58
PiciGuest37130: We cannot provide support for that here.18:58
Jeroen_MathonSorry i can't help you on that one18:58
Jeroen_Mathonpeople are banned for a reason18:58
Guest37130for expressing my right of freedom of speech18:59
Jeroen_MathonThats their problem their rules18:59
Jeroen_MathonNot ours we can not help you with that18:59
=== Tapie_vendeur is now known as hid
Anarhistsomebody please help. today my mouse has reversed X and Y (when i move up and down the cursor goes left and right, and the other way around), the touch pad still works correctly. i have tried unplugging and pluggin back it and rebooting nothing has helped19:00
Jeroen_MathonAre you holding your mouse the right way? is it upside down.19:01
AnarhistJeroen_Mathon, yes and no19:01
Jeroen_MathonAnarhist did you try a different mouse?19:01
AnarhistJeroen_Mathon, i don't have another one, so no i didn't19:02
Jeroen_MathonDo you have another pc to try that mouse on?19:02
trismPierrePaul: if you are defining the var in the job you can use the env stanza: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#environment-variables19:03
PierrePaultrism: yeah that's what I'd like to use19:03
PierrePaulbut the value that I need to set comes from /etc/environment19:04
PierrePauland I cant seem to do env myvar=$VAR19:04
Anarhistbummer, that must be it, the mouse is busted19:04
Jeroen_MathonGood trouble shooting prevents you from busting your system for something that is ahrdware related :)19:04
trismPierrePaul: I found this http://serverfault.com/questions/128605/have-upstart-read-environment-from-etc-environment-for-a-service kind of old, don't know if things have changed19:04
Jeroen_MathonPLeasure to have helped you ^^19:05
Pici!msgthebot | jjavaholic19:05
ubottujjavaholic: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:05
PierrePaultrism: I will try it, I know it works by wrapping it in sudo, but didnt try su19:05
PierrePaultrism: you're awesome, it works19:08
PierrePaulthanks again19:08
trismPierrePaul: excellent19:08
jjavaholicwhat does hud-service do?19:11
trismjjavaholic: tap the alt key19:12
jjavaholicso without it you don't get the hud overlay?19:13
jjavaholicany of it?19:13
trismjjavaholic: you might get the overlay but it queries the hud-service for the information, so it wouldn't be useful19:13
jjavaholicno app search?19:14
holsteinthere are many ways to search apps..19:15
jjavaholicwhat does the accounts-daemon do?19:17
trismjjavaholic: install d-feet and you can explore all those services as much as you want19:18
Picijjavaholic: Based on the package it is from, I'd guess provides a set of dbus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account information.19:18
jjavaholicso it is kinda like the gnome-keyring-daemon?19:19
holsteinjjavaholic: check it out, and see.. they are different..19:20
Picijjavaholic: I don't know. I'm just reading the package description for accountsservice, which that binary is in.19:20
holsteinjjavaholic: you can always use a live CD to experiement and poke around a bit more, so you dont break your installed system.. or, just run a full install in virtualbox or virtualization19:20
Carlinhosi'm having xorg crashes whenever i start a game using the radeon card on a px system; here is my xorg conf: http://pastie.org/9300015 this only happens when using drivers from the oibaf ppa, it works if i revert to ubuntu's repo.19:21
tango__Hello could anyone help me out with installing drupal7 on an ubuntu server19:21
Kampif live cd used, can I repair ubuntu and reset my user password upon boot for sure?19:21
holsteinCarlinhos: the repoones may be the one s you want to use, then.. the ppa is not officially supported19:21
holsteinKamp: you can reset a password from the recovery console.. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword19:22
holsteinCarlinhos: the repo one*19:22
Carlinhosholstein, i would like to figure this one though as the oibaf one gives me better performance. i only have issues after recent updates.19:23
Kampholstein, i was under user guest, and you already sent this link, and managed to change it, yet, upon the restart, didn't accept it, and now i cannot even login as guest!19:23
holsteinCarlinhos: sure. but its not officially suppport.. and id say its not "better" if its not running the game you want to use19:23
holsteinKamp: not likely, friend.. though, you could have any number of larger system issues.. bad/failing hard drive for example19:24
Kampholstein will i be able to repair ubuntu with live cd, and reset password ?19:25
holsteinKamp: i have no idea, friend.. it depends on what is broken and how.. and how bad.19:26
holsteinKamp: i can reset passwords with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Drupal19:26
holsteinKamp: sorry.. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword19:26
OerHeksKamp, you need to boot in recovery mode, not guest account, to change password19:26
holsteinKamp: how did that fail for you specifically?19:26
PierrePaultrism: so I got it wrong :(19:27
marlincFor some reason http://localhost/phpmyadmin isn't working when installing phpMyAdmin using the phpmyadmin package19:27
PierrePaulit's not loading the /etc/environment19:27
AaraigathorAnyone know how I can get java to work with the latest Google Chrome on Ubuntu 14.04 ?19:27
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.19:28
Kampholstein so holstein, already did all that, and managed to reset it (although after chmod 640 /etc/shadow), yet after "password successfully changed", wasn't able to login. now not even as a guest19:28
AaraigathorThanks! Will try and report back19:28
holsteinKamp: login how.. in tty? whats happening? where? and how?19:29
trismPierrePaul: really? it worked for my test script19:29
holsteinKamp: i gave no chmoed 640 to /etc/shadow command or suggestion19:29
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Kampholstein i browsed it19:29
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holsteinKamp: you should have been able to use the link i gave.. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword what happens when you do *only* that?19:30
holsteinKamp: are you able to login in tty? or no?19:30
Kampholstein i am at the standard ubuntu login window (i reset the password via boot/recovery mode) where i can choose between the users19:30
Kampand cannot even login as guest19:31
Kampholstein i followed that link19:31
holsteinKamp: can you login in tty? i think you could be experiencing a UI crash and assuming a credential error.. will you please try logging in in tty?19:31
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ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution19:31
gru_iwhy is it that I can view my home website from another location but can not ping it OR ssh into it?19:32
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holsteinKamp: if you ran "chmod 640 /etc/shadow".. thats not from the link i gave..19:32
gru_I am trying to do this from my laptop so it is a Known host19:32
holsteingru_: your router can block all of that. your isp can as well..19:32
Kampholstein as i said i browsed it19:33
holsteingru_: setting up a webserver doesnt mean you have ssh.. you'd have to set up ssh server and open a port.. forward a port19:33
Kampholstein is tty terminal?19:33
holsteinKamp: its not in the directions, is all.. friend. so you did  *not* follow the link i gave19:33
PierrePaultrism: will try again with a brand new lxc container19:34
gru_but im NOT at home... im at another loction all together.. i know that I cant view from the public ip from behind the NAT at home... but im not at home19:34
holsteinKamp: im just clarifying, if you have issues, and its due to a command i didnt suggest you run19:34
holsteinKamp: please access a tty terminal and try and login using your user and password19:34
gru_i have configed ssh19:34
Kampholstholstein I canot even access to the ubuntu ui, neither as a guest!19:34
holsteingru_: you'l have to do that at home.. forward the port19:34
Stevie24Hello. I'm trying to extract the columns no 2 & 3 (Area Code & prefix) from http://www.area-codes.com/ . If I choose state CA, provider verizon, I get for example about 58 pages ( http://www.area-codes.com/search.asp?SN=acNPA&SO=ASC&pg=1&frmNPA=&frmNXX=&frmCity=&frmState=CA&frmZip=&frmCounty=&frmCompany=cellco&frmLATA=&frmRateCenter=&frmCLLI=&frmNXXUseType=W )19:35
Stevie24 Is there any way I can extract them or I have to manually copy/paste each of the 58 pages, and then use awk print $2, $3? Thanks in advance.19:35
holsteinKamp: can you login in tty?19:35
Kampwherefrom i would be able to start the terminal.19:35
holstein!tty | Kamp19:35
ubottuKamp: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution19:35
holstein^ thats where im suggesting you access a terminal, friend19:35
holsteinKamp: try logining from tty19:35
gru_have setup portforward and all that.... i was able to do this yesterday, with the diff being that I was on an ATT network, but now on an comfast 2 miles away19:35
holsteingru_: if you have a server running, and the port forwarded correctly, and the isp doesnt block it at either location, you'll be able to connect19:36
Kampholstein, for the third time, i cannot even access the ubuntu interface19:36
gru_holstein: i set all of this up from home so i could work on it remotley, im a little rusty but a complete n00b19:37
eightyeighti need some help building a .deb. i'm using 'python-stdeb' to help me. the output of the script is here: http://ae7.st/p/9an19:37
holsteinKamp: ok.. you dont need the ubuntu interface to try logging in from tty, friend19:37
Kampi am at the login, and cannot even access as a guest!19:37
eightyeightline 240 shows "dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b xm-cookie-1.31 gave error exit status 1". curious why.19:37
Kamptell me the keyboard shortcut than19:37
holsteinKamp: i understand.. and, from the login screen, please access a tty screen and try and login19:37
holstein!tty | Kamp19:37
ubottuKamp: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution19:37
holsteinKamp: those above *are* the keys19:38
holsteinKamp: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back19:38
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Kampholstein did19:39
AaraigathorNeed help getting Java to work with Google Chrome. Apparently Icedtea doesn't work?19:39
holsteinKamp: ok.. can you login in tty?19:39
Kampholstein, should in tty just try to type the password?19:40
gru_let me change the firewall settings here.... andsee if that does it19:40
holsteinKamp: you should tell me if you can login in tty or not19:40
eightyeightmy 'debian/rules' file looks like this: http://ae7.st/p/38u19:40
holsteinKamp: if you can, then, there is nothing wrong with your credentials.. you are having issues where the UI is crashing, and sending you back to the login screen.. making it seem as though your password is not working.. but, that is not the issue19:41
holsteinKamp: can you convey the information to me? are you able to login in tty? with your username and password? this will help me determine more about your situation..19:41
Kampholstein i was able to login in tty with a password i set following the link you gave me19:41
holsteinKamp: so, as stated above, the password is *not* the issue19:42
Kampholstein guess so19:42
holsteinKamp: no,. that *is* true.. you *are* logging in19:42
holsteinKamp: so, you likely had a simple session error.. but, im not sure what all you have done, since now the guest sesssion is failing to load for you..19:43
Kampholstein after the password input, the next line is (myusername)@(computername), so that means i am logged in19:43
Kampholstein what should i do next19:43
holsteinKamp: correct.. your are in.. your password works.. you are *not* having a problem with the password.. so first thing is *stop* trying to address a password issue19:44
Kampholstein so is it the hardware issue?19:44
holsteinKamp: i didnt say that..19:44
holsteinKamp: let me say what i said earlier again..19:45
gru_ok, changed the firewall rules locally and can now get in19:45
holsteinKamp: so, you likely had a simple session error.. but, im not sure what all you have done, since now the guest sesssion is failing to load for you..19:45
OerHeksAaraigathor, Java (IcedTea) doesn't have a PPAPI plugin available, and so it's not usable in Chrome, since it has switched to the Aura rendering framework and no longer allows NPAPI plugins.19:45
AaraigathorAnyone know how to get java to work with chrome?19:46
holsteinKamp: im not sure what all you have broken trying to fix an issue that was not the problem19:46
Kampholstein thanks for diagnostics.19:46
holsteinAaraigathor: i literally go in and enable it, on a case by case basis, since java in the browser *is* a security risk19:46
Kampholstein what should i do next?19:46
AaraigathorOh okay, so are there any options for someone wanting to run java in Chrome or are we SoL?19:46
BaconHiddles._. Hi19:46
holsteinAaraigathor: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/enable_browser_ubuntu.xml19:47
holsteinAaraigathor: i run it, friend.. when i need.. i turn it on, and run it..19:47
Aaraigathorholstein: That doesn't work anymore, tried19:47
Kampholstein should i somehow try to repair it via live cd?19:48
Aaraigathorholstein : Can't even get icedtea to load in Chrome19:49
holsteinKamp: i wouldnt think so.. i would try and determine what is broken..19:49
holsteinAaraigathor: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/130878319:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 1308783 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "chromium-browser: java plugin does not work" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:49
holsteinKamp: i would test after removing any session files and any desktop ui related config files from my home.. but, i dont know what you have done to break the guest account.. you could have broken the system in a larger way19:50
holsteinAaraigathor: i would follow whatever versioning is listed at that bug.. this could be broken and i wouldnt personally know.. i use it very seldom19:51
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Kampholstein so there is no way to somehow repair it the "easy" way, like from cd/usb?19:52
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histoKamp: What is the issue?19:55
Kamphisto  i had a simple session error.. but not sure what  have i  done, since now the guest sesssion is failing to load for me.19:56
Kamphisto " i would test after removing any session files and any desktop ui related config files from my home.. but, i dont know what you have done to break the guest account.. you could have broken the system in a larger way"19:57
holsteinKamp: "easy" will be a matter of opinion, and what you have broken19:57
histoKamp: why are you using the guest session?19:57
holsteinKamp: just try removing the .hidden config files for your desktop session and see if you can login19:58
holsteinKamp: are you using unity? or xfce?19:58
Aaraigathorholstein : This link cannot be used because its target “/usr/local/java/jre1.7.0_55/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so” doesn't exist.19:58
Kamphisto as i am unable to login to my user account (with the password I managed to change from within boot/recovery mode, according to tty)19:59
holsteinAaraigathor: i would follow whatever is in that link.. that bug report.. seems quite up to date, and refers to specific versions of chrome you can step back to19:59
Kampholstein removing the .hidden config files from within the tty?19:59
holsteinKamp: no. you *are* and *were* able to login..19:59
holsteinKamp: you can use a tty, or a live CD.. make another user... whatevrer you find easiest20:00
histoKamp: What happens when you try and login to your user account?20:00
PierrePaultrism: you're on ubuntu 14.04 right?20:00
holsteincrash back to login screen..20:00
Aaraigathorholstein : looks like the only way is to go back to old versions of chrome, what a shame20:01
Kampblack screen for a second with something written and drops me back to the login20:01
=== felipealmeida_AW is now known as felipealmeida
holsteinAaraigathor: let the creators of chrome and java know you think its a shame..20:01
Aaraigathorhow do I delete a folder in terminal? trying rm but keeps telling me that it's a directory?20:01
Kampwas able to read it when i was able to go to guest account and tried to switch the user20:01
holsteinAaraigathor: its pretty common to need to follow requirements20:02
histoAaraigathor: rm -rf directoryname20:02
AaraigathorThanks everyone20:02
histoKamp: So no login to X works?20:02
Kampthan after typing the password, there was the errorah00558: apache2: could not reliably determine the servers fully qualified domain name, using
Kampset the sertvername directive globally to surpass this message. starting adaptive redhead demon preload20:04
trismPierrePaul: I am20:04
AaraigathorLooks like I need to find which version of chrome was the latest to support java then install it20:04
Kamphisto from tty when prompted username and password, the next line says(myusername)@(computername)20:05
Kamp...with the password i set from whithin boot/recovery mode20:05
PierrePaultrism: can you paste me your upstart test conf ? :)20:05
SymphonymPlayOnLinux doesn't show a "System" wine version in 64bit virtual drives. If I install a 64bit Wine version using POL then only that version will be selected for all 64bit drives (if no other 64bit POL wine versions are installed). 32bit virtual drives shows the "System" wine version. The issue occurred after some experimenting and back and forth testing between wine 1.6 and 1.7 (repeatedly in/uninstalling wine packages). 64bi20:06
Symphonymt virtual drives will however use the "System" wine version if no other version is installed, any ideas what might be the problem?20:06
PierrePaultrism: I think I got it, I was trying to do : su root -c SUPERVAR=$FROMETCENVIRONMENT /bin/superBin20:08
PierrePauland I was expecting SUPERVAR to be set, it's not, but in superBin, $FROMETCENVIRONMENT *is* set20:08
PierrePaulso I will just use this one20:08
PierrePaulthanks again trism20:08
=== felipealmeida is now known as felipealmeida_AW
rio_zentaHello. Is there anybody that works at canonical on this channel?20:09
JamesMc_Question for anyone who read this. Is there anyway to trick Ubuntu into install Windows printer drivers? I have a old Lexmark x9575 multifunction usb printer. I really would like to be able to print from my Ubuntu laptop with the hassle of load VirtualBox - the XP and then the drivers!!20:09
tgm4883rio_zenta: that doesn't seem like a support question20:09
JamesMc_Lexmark does not support Linux - already check the website.20:09
tgm4883rio_zenta: but I'd guess yes some20:09
trismPierrePaul: ahh okay, sorry I would have pasted them faster but I have to recreate them20:10
JamesMc_Even some generic drivers for Lexmark would be better than nothing.20:10
rio_zentaJamesMc_: The issue is that linux doesn't run .dll files. Perhaps trying through Wine might work.20:10
=== felipealmeida_AW is now known as felipealmeida
rio_zentatgm4883: Do you work at Canonical?20:10
tgm4883rio_zenta: No. do you have a support question?20:11
rio_zentatgm4883: No20:11
tgm4883rio_zenta: what are you looking for then?20:11
JamesMc_Rio_zenta - I wish it was as easy as loading it in wine.20:11
AaraigathorThey should just make java PPAPI instead of NPAPI. Zzz alright I'm done complaining. Thank you everyone for all the help! Off to cousin's graduation20:12
rio_zentatgm4883: I am trying to get in touch with HR at Canonical, but there aren't any contact links on their site.20:12
rio_zentaJamesMc_: Have you tried plugging the printer in and seeing if ubuntu detects it? Perhaps older peripherals are more supported than newer ones.20:13
tgm4883rio_zenta: can you join #ubuntu-offtopic20:14
JamesMc_No dice on auto-detect. I tried using CUPS and failed.20:14
Aaraigathorrio_zenta: is it to partner with them? I found this link, don't know if it helps.. http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/contact-us20:15
JamesMc_The OpenPrinting website could not help either.20:15
OerHeksJamesMc_, that lexmark does not show up in openprinting, so it is a paperweight.20:15
rio_zentaAaraigathor: I saw that link too, but no it isn't for partnering. thanks for checking though +120:15
Kampholstein how from within the tty determine which version and is it 32 or 64 bit version of ubuntu to determine?20:15
Kamp...how to20:16
bgardnerrio_zenta: Are you wanting a job with them?  Their job search page works fine.20:16
Aaraigathorrio_zenta: Main switchboard number: +44 20 7630 240020:16
Aaraigathorrio_zenta: http://www.ubuntu.com/about/contact-us20:17
JamesMc_I wonder how hard is it to reverse-engineer printer driver?20:17
guntbertAaraigathor: let it go - he succeeded already it seems20:17
rio_zentaAaraigathor: Thanks for the suggestions.20:18
Kampcan one access browser bookmarks from within the terminal?20:25
maxime___I just wanted to congratulate you for your system !20:27
maxime___burn the iso on the usb key, and it worked straight away, with wifi and so on20:27
maxime___well done20:27
guntbertmaxime___: it's the system we use - do you have a support questionß20:28
maxime___no, not really20:28
SparroOkay I have two totally unrelated issues - the first one is about network settings, the second about the GUI20:28
SparroNetwork issue is probably going to be simple.20:29
SparroI'm trying to set up OpenVPN so people outside my network can access the fileserver on the same network.  But when I look at my etc/network/interfaces it's almost completely empty - only loopback.20:29
guntbertSparro: ask the one after the other20:30
SparroBut it's getting my static IP setting from -somewhere-.20:30
maxime___what can I do on the live usb to check if I have some 3D working please ?20:30
SparroAre there any clues where the configuration is set if it's not in /etc/network/interfaces?20:31
guntbertSparro: /etc/Networkmanager/...20:32
SparroAh, that might be it.  One moment...20:32
SparroOh ho, there it is.20:33
gru_i am trying to sudo scp files directly into www but keep getting 'permission denied' , what can i do to fix this?20:36
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gru_i am trying to sudo scp files directly into www but keep getting 'permission denied' , what can i do to fix this?20:36
gru_mass join?20:37
jpdssudo scp?20:37
jpdsThat'd do things as root on your LOCAL machine.20:37
gru_cscp is secure copy20:37
jpdsNot on the other end.20:37
gru_so i should just scp them to a non root dir then mv them?20:38
netametawhat does ./configure --prefix=/usr do ?20:38
jpdsgru_: Yep.20:38
jpds!compiling | netameta20:38
ubottunetameta: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:38
geniiAlternately, set up keybased authentication for www-data20:39
Korny123I'm having issues with my system time basically going double speed on a fresh install of ubuntu(mythbuntu).  WOuld a bad CMOS battery contribute to this (not sure if the battery is even bad).  I set the time of both the hardware clock and system clock, but the system clock continues to run at double time, anyone have any ideas?20:39
geniiYou probably have some cpu race condition. Maybe set the time from ntp instead20:41
Korny123genial I did.... I set it 15 minutes ago20:42
Korny123its not 15 minutes fast...20:42
Korny123errr *now20:42
JamesMc_I have a different question for Support. I am using Ubuntu 13.10 with Gnome "Flashback" desktop. I heard that the LDXE desktop uses less resources. Could there be problems if I install and load the Lubuntu desktop and the delete the old desktop?20:42
=== satan is now known as sa`tan
lnbhow does one get either 14.04 or 13.10 working on an asus notebook with geforce m42520:43
lnbnouveau just keeps kicking me off20:43
lnbthis is worse than windows 3.120:43
Istalantarfind ./ -name 'FILENAME' -exec qpdf --password=PASSWORD --decrypt {} new'{}\; anyone knows why this doesn't work?20:44
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:44
SparroAlright, my second question...  When I use RDP to connect to the server I get no taskbar and no way to run anything.  Can that be fixed?20:46
trismIstalantar: unterminated ' at the end, and you need a space between the last argument and \;20:46
lnbspend hours installing reinstalling rsync /home/ back and forth. Only to find both 13.10 and 14.04 will not function properly20:47
Istalantartrism: the first {} is input file and new'{} was supposed to be the name of the output file ... don't really know how else to rename the output file20:50
trismIstalantar: I didn't say anything about the {}, new'{} has an unterminated '20:51
=== KeithLG_ is now known as KeithLG
captain_hookHey all. I installed ubuntu on a vaio duo 11 and I am having some performance issues. Slow animations when window collapses, vidoes that lag. The computer has 8gb of ram and is 64bit.20:52
=== KeithLG is now known as K3ith
captain_hookIs there anything i can do to improve performance? It ran windows 8.1 just fine.20:52
trismIstalantar: if you want an ' in the name, then: new\'{}20:52
=== K3ith is now known as KeithLG
freshmint hey i upgrade from ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04, my main desktop environment was ubuntu though i installed xubuntu for trial parallel. Now after updating from 12.04 to 14.04 only the xubuntu desktop environment is available. How can i manually reinstall the unity ubuntu desktop so that I may choose both on log in?20:53
Istalantartrism: but {} replaces the name of the file, i thought i could add the part new with '20:53
bekksfreshmint: Are you using mint, currently?20:54
captain_hookI just think that it's weird that my computer could run windows 8.1 fine and then have ubuntu lag20:54
trismIstalantar: I don't understand what you are asking, if find finds /path/to/file then new\'{} will be expanded to: new'/path/to/file20:54
freshmintbekks nope ubuntu, well ubuntu however with xubuntu20:54
trismIstalantar: but if you just use ', bash tries to parse a string of the form 'sometexthere', but never finds the second ', so waits for input with >20:55
Istalantartrism: i am trying to remove a password from some pdf files with qpdf --password=PASSWORD --decrypt INFILE OUTFILE ... i thought in combination with find i could change several pdf files at once20:57
js1123__hello; does anyone know why i can't log on to /server irc.snoonet.org ? (I was able to connect and chat on it a couple of minutes ago....)20:57
MrJohnnZdid someone earlier on want to get in contact with canonical?20:57
bekksMrJohnnZ: Why?20:57
MrJohnnZthere's an contact us section on ubuntus site20:58
bekksMrJohnnZ: And?20:59
MrJohnnZI was just curious20:59
PiciMrJohnnZ: We got them in contact with a Canonical employee who we think was able to help them.20:59
MrJohnnZthat's all20:59
PiciMrJohnnZ: thanks though20:59
trismIstalantar: yes it can, maybe you should be more specific about what is working, I thought the problem was just with your find command because as you typed it, it won't execute correctly21:01
trismIstalantar: not working that is21:01
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=== night0wl1 is now known as night0w1
natas_can anyone help me fix these broken packages so i can update to 14.04? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7660409/21:07
lnbi can't believe how bad this unbuntu is 13.10/14.04  it really SUCKS bad21:10
MrJohnnZyou can always use an older version21:10
willwhlnb: if you don't like it, change it21:10
lnbi am21:10
conallCould someone tell me what the f*ck LITP (pronounced lit-pee) is? Thanks. PS Ive googled the sh1t out of it bit havent gotten anything21:10
willwhlnb: you don't like unity? install a different wm21:10
MrJohnnZits also open soruce so... feel free to modify the code21:11
lnbi dont like installing/reinstalling only to get get kicked off, or add another user account login, locks up21:11
MrJohnnZreport the bugs21:11
natas_that sounds quite odd21:11
lnbuse gnome21:11
natas_conall, can you elaborate even slightly?21:12
lnb14.04 just locks with black screen eith a bunch of messages about nouveau stuff21:12
natas_lnb, sounds like the typical videocard issues21:12
conallhi natas_  Im not sure if its spelled right. Its an application that allows for easy package management or something like that21:13
lnbtried using propriatary drivers too and that made it worse21:13
lnbgeforce m42521:13
natas_litp? i am asking more or less, how do you know you need it, can you show me some error message or something?21:13
natas_lnb, that's a common issue to all ubuntus21:13
conallNo I dont need it. Its just We use it at work (Im new) and Im trying to find out more about it21:14
lnbthen reinstalled after using FreeBSD to get rid of all partitions first, to 13.10.. login, create a second user, login, asks if 14.04 upgrade is OK, decline, can't do a thing. just sits there21:14
roberta_hello guys, what should I do so Ubuntu doesn't ask me for user authentication on startup? I'm going to be the only user in this computer, so I'd like it to login on my  user without asking me for my password.21:14
lnbi will put back 12.04 for now21:14
GuppyManHello, I'm trying to reinstall 14.04 LTS from a Unetbootin USB stick, as I was messing around with tuner card drivers and wanted a fresh install with just the drivers that work.  But, every time I run Try Ubuntu, Install Ubuntu, Install Ubuntu as OEM, or just try booting to my install, shortly after logging in it reboots.  This created an endless boot loop.21:14
natas_lnb, are you new to ubuntu? do you mean apt-get?21:15
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natas_you said package manager, but what kind for what?21:15
lnbyea, about 5 or so years21:15
lnbwith ubuntu, FreeBSD for many years before that21:15
conallnatas_ : All I know is that we were trying to install an rmp, and instead of using the rpm command someone used litp, however it needed a plugin so it didnt work in the end21:16
lnbi looked at many web sites regarding the video issues and could not get this 14.04 work stable21:16
natas_conall, an rpm on ubuntu? you don't mean a .deb and apt-get?21:17
lnbthis time with 12.04 i hope i dont have to overwrite /home21:17
conalloh no, sorry. this was on a linux machine21:18
lnbso tired of rsync back and forth and reinstalling21:18
IKOGJanybody know how to install wine on Kali Linux21:18
bekksIKOGJ: Ask the kali support.21:18
IKOGJThey slow...21:18
mhoneyapt-get install wine?21:18
natas_lnb, on aredhat server?21:18
IKOGJso i was walking by the block... and a hawk swoops on me, and tries to steal my ear..21:19
bekks!kali | IKOGJ21:19
ubottuIKOGJ: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:19
mhoneypacman -S wine21:19
IKOGJill try21:19
natas_IKOGJ, https://2c2bn.wordpress.com/2014/02/28/how-to-install-wine-on-kali-linux/21:19
natas_might help21:19
lnbnatas_: ?21:19
IKOGJapt-get install wine only leaves me with "not familiar blah blah not a candidate"21:19
IKOGJso i was walking by the block... and a hawk swoops on me, and tries to steal my ear..21:19
IKOGJhey Xchat is pretty cool21:20
natas_IKOGJ, try with :i386?21:20
GuppyManHow would I go about setting nomodeset with a unetbootin 14.04 LTS stick?21:20
IKOGJhey natas. dont worry about it21:20
IKOGJi tried all options21:20
ObrienDaveIKOGJ, Hexchat is even cooler ;)21:20
GuppyManIt starts with a grub menu.21:20
IKOGJbut i always recieve the message "not a candidate"21:20
natas_sorry to hear, i guess back to google21:20
bekksIKOGJ: We cant help you, since kali is unsupported in here.21:20
IKOGJwho gonna light the blunt with me21:21
bekks!language | IKOGJ21:21
ubottuIKOGJ: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:21
IKOGJmy bad21:21
mxvxrtsGuppyMan, If you have a grub menu you would hit E and insert nomodeset,21:21
IKOGJAnyways, I'm on musescore21:21
IKOGJa hawk attacked me21:21
IKOGJI need wine for kali linux / fl studio21:22
IKOGJi am a penetration tester21:22
IKOGJall the girls ask me to check their firewalls21:22
OerHeksIKOGJ, we don't care. ask in the other channel.21:22
natas_IKOGJ, doesn't sound like you need kali21:22
roberta_hello guys, what should I do so Ubuntu doesn't ask me for user authentication on startup? I'm going to be the only user in this computer, so I'd like it to login on my  user without asking me for my password.21:22
SierraARI'm having an issue booting into ubuntu off of the 14.04 64-bit ISO. I see the purple screen that lets me choose to boot into ubuntu, but after that, it sits for a while before bringing up a screen that says 'Gave up waiting for root device'21:23
module000sounds like he needs to 1) find a fire 2) die in it.  just my opinion21:23
mxvxrtsroberta_, the users app has a autoligin21:23
natas_roberta_, in this day and age, i'd rather live with the fact i must login than have no login, imo21:23
mxvxrtsauto login*21:23
IKOGJRoberta_ you're gonna have to either reinstall with your partition not encrypted21:23
OerHeksSierraAR, system setting > user accounts, there you can set in autologin21:23
IKOGJor go to settings and ect21:23
SierraAROerHeks: I think you meant to highlight Robert_Zenz ;P21:23
SierraAROerHeks: Errr, roberta_21:23
GuppyManmxvxrts: Do I put it before or after the other text? Or after boot casper?21:23
GuppyManmxvxrts: On the first line.21:24
OerHeks SierraAR err sorry21:24
mxvxrtsGuppyMan, I have never seen an actual grub menu on a iso loaded usb, so not sure what you see.21:24
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natas_can anyone help me fix these broken packages so i can update to 14.04? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7660409/21:24
GuppyManmxvxrts: I'll see if I can find a pic or something.21:24
mxvxrtsnatas_, Heh not in ythis day and age sorry. ;)21:25
IKOGJYou probably installed a partition with an encrypted boot system21:25
IKOGJIf not, then basically, you have to go to settings.21:25
mxvxrtsnatas_, However looks like ppa stuff xswat drivers?21:26
IKOGJHELLO, where may I find a channels list of all servers.21:27
module000IKOGJ: for freenode? use the alis service21:27
mxvxrtsnatas_, As a guess is this all ppa related that is a lot of errors?21:27
SierraARAny ideas why this is coming up when booting a virtual machine off an ubuntu iso? Never had this issue before: http://i.imgur.com/flAuv22.png21:30
natas_mxvxrts, i don't think i've used x-swat for a while, but there does seem to be driver issues and then some21:31
natas_SierraAR, it appears to be a grub problem with lvm, no?21:35
FourFireHello, is there something wrong with Firefox 30?21:35
okatomacan someone help me on using xchat to get on freenode? I have been through the registration process a few times and have not gotten an email. I've tried differant ports etc. Surely I am missing something.21:35
natas_FourFire, what do you mean, elaborate?21:35
SierraARnatas_: Not sure.. Ubuntu isnt even installed; I get this when booting off a disk21:35
FourFireIt's utilizing 100% of one of my cores and is very slow, this is odd because I'm not doing anything particularly intensive: browsing about 15 tabs on reddit21:36
natas_SierraAR, usb?21:36
FourFirethis has never been an issue before21:36
mxvxrtsnatas_, Look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and see what is there as far as ppa's21:36
natas_FourFire, addons?21:36
SierraARnatas_: ISO file, running through a virtual drive connected to the virtual machine21:36
FourFireit's as if there's a memory leak, but with CPU cycles21:36
FourFireaddons unchanged since version 2821:36
natas_FourFire, what addons though21:36
SierraARFirst time I've ever had an issue with this21:36
FourFireI have noscript, adblockedge a youtube downloader,21:37
natas_SierraAR, sounds very strange, i'd check your grub and lvm21:37
natas_you said iso...21:37
SierraARnatas_: I'd have no idea how I'd do that when booting off a disk/iso21:37
lnbubuntu-gnome-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso was the last failure21:37
daftykinsFourFire: try a clean profile.21:37
lnbinstalling 12.04 on that notebook now21:37
lnbat least it will work21:37
mxvxrtsnatas_, These will also show in the software source gui21:37
FourFireGhostery, Righttoclick, MAFF and Multitabhandler21:37
natas_SierraAR, what iso is it?21:37
SierraARnatas_: ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso, acquired through the torrents listed on ubuntu's alternative downloads section21:38
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natas_mxvxrts, so just delete these non-official files in here?21:38
natas_SierraAR, virtualbox?21:39
SierraARnatas_: VMWare Workstation 1021:39
natas_oh, i can't run that to duplicate :[21:39
natas_you tried the 32bit iso?21:39
mxvxrtsnatas_ No, youwill have to if the ppa's are the issue run a purge to reset all they have provided to the ubuntu repos packages, as of right now only you can confirm this.21:40
mxvxrts!ppa-purge | natas_21:40
ubottunatas_: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:40
SierraARnatas_: Hm.. Nope, but the VM should be configured for 64 bit ubuntu21:40
suseHey, I'm getting "No operating system found." However, if I put in a live CD and choose "boot hard drive" the OS boots perfectly fine. What are youre thoughts? (Disclosure: I'm running openSUSE, but haven't gotten a reply elsewhere) Also, my laptop is L502x. Help would be great :)21:40
SierraARnatas_: Looking like the 32-bit iso is just giving me a blank screen with no error messages21:41
natas_sounds very very odd21:41
SierraARnatas_: Oh, wait, there it is. Exact same issue as the 64-bit one21:41
SparroOkay, lightdm doesn't seem to work remotely21:41
SparroLive and learn, I guess21:42
natas_SierraAR, wish i had a windows box to duplicate with, sorry21:42
Bashing-omsuse: Seems like you should try and (re-)install the bootloader to the hard disks.21:42
mxvxrtssuse, Look at gparted from a live cd, you may have a broken partition table. Has this set up ever been a uefi/gpt computer?21:43
natas_mxvxrts, is there a way to list them as the ppas, so i can tell what the repository-name/subdirectory is?21:44
natas_SierraAR, do you have another vm to test in?21:44
okatomaIt is most likely that at boot up grub or lilo...whatever you are using is not being found21:44
SierraARnatas_: Not on this machine; I just recently reinstalled windows after a hardware update (New CPU and motherboard) and forgot to backup my virtual machines21:45
mxvxrtsnatas_, Software sources list all repos, so does sources.list which is the standard ubuntu repos, and sources.list.d which woud be 3rd parties like ppa's if you used the standard installation of ppa's and did not just add them to the soureces.list21:45
natas_mxvxrts, i am just saying i can't tell how to format those to purge some sources.list.d21:46
natas_nevermind, i have an idea21:47
mxvxrtsnatas_ Basically you will have to dig through your error list and ppa's shown to remove and or go to the ppa's webpage and look at packages you have from them.21:47
susemxvxrts, http://pastebin.com/TeuSpYJm21:47
mxvxrtsnatas_ The ppa-purge bot link has all the info on how to purge.21:48
suseI think it's set up correctly?21:48
mxvxrtssuse, Okay I see gpt and legacy boot, was this a W8 computer or a custom made computer with a UEFI bios?21:51
mxvxrtsis this *21:51
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
mxvxrtssuse, Are you familiar with UEFI or gpt partitions? If you do not understand anything we ask here always say so. ;)21:53
susemxvxrts, I fon't fully understand EUFI, but it was a win7 when I bought it21:56
JamesMc_Question. Are there any major problems switching desktop environments in Ubuntu?21:56
mxvxrtsnatas_, Technically we do not support PPA's here and using them is at your own risk, and at this point we are assuming the PPA's which you have not confirmed you have have "may" be part of the issue. We have confirmed nothing here as a cause and effect.21:57
ogohzihello everyone, I'd like to ask if you'd recommend any of the virtual machines more than the others.21:57
=== kyle is now known as rkg
natas_mxvxrts, yea i basically get that, i am just trying to remove them all21:58
e^ogohzi: virtualbox is ok21:58
mxvxrtssuse, You have a gpt partition table that can be removed though and probably fix this, do you have suse backed up?21:58
susemxvxrts, yes21:59
mxvxrtssuse, cool try this to remove the gpt table, http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/wipegpt.html22:00
mxvxrtssuse, I'm assuming you do not want gpt.22:00
ogohzie^ , thank you :)22:00
Bashing-ommxvxrts: suse :: consider GPT partitioning requires a EFI /boot partiton .. non existent at this time.22:01
mxvxrtsnatas_, Cool, hope you get it resolved. ;)22:01
natas_thanks :]22:01
mxvxrtsBashing-om, Has a gpt table probably remnants and rfeguar partitons, this is not uncommon when they disc is not wiped correctly for msdos22:02
Bashing-ommxvxrts: Thanks, noted for future reference.22:03
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mxvxrtsBashing-om, It is weird stuff, heh. ;(22:04
natas_ok purge ppas, here we go again22:04
fiaodilzwhat is the most funny freenode channel? :o22:05
SymfonyMexicosegun yo estoy en #ubuntu22:05
natas_fiaodilz, funny? #defocus?22:05
mxvxrts!es | SymfonyMexico22:05
ubottuSymfonyMexico: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:05
WilsonMathewI got this problem when I try to install something, http://codepad.org/OOZ3EOPP or remove something. I know it has to do with the file /var/lib/dpkg/status because I did: mv /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status. I was trying to install awesomewm. Any hints on how to fix this? thanks22:06
Bashing-ommxvxrts: Yeah .. with the advent of UeFI, secure boo,t SSRT .. GPT partitioning .>>>.. OH for the days af a 57 chevy !22:06
fiaodilzwell... let's test x)22:06
susemxvxrts, thanks, I'll give a swing and I might be back later22:08
mxvxrtsBashing-om, Yeah, I used to ride street 2 strokes motorcycles used to be the fastest lightest machines, gp racing and all, those were the daze. ;)22:08
susemxvxrts, do you think my MBR set up as http://pastebin.com/E5eV6rLq should boot if I blow away the GPT22:10
mxvxrtssuse, Should that is the point with rods info, the gpt remnants just get removed.22:11
Elrafieplz where is the ubuntu touch channel ?22:12
mxvxrtssuse, I did ask if you were backed up though, you want to always be prepared for any contingency is all.22:13
mxvxrtsElrafie, #ubuntu-touch22:13
susemxvxrts, yeah, I'm backed up. I havent successfully gotten a reload on this laptop yet... I tried installing arch and it wouldn't even let me get a ping to I'm just going to run with it and see hows it goes :)22:15
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roberta_hello everyone, My webcam (C3 Tech OMS 19) works its video on Cheese, but it is not receiving any audio. Also its video is not working on Skype. Could anyone assist me in this problem? Thanks!22:26
mxvxrtsroberta_, Are you using the skype from the ubuntu repos rather than their website?22:32
roberta_mxvxrts, yes22:33
mxvxrtsroberta_, Ah that is all I would know, the skyoe wiki says to use the repos, and I have seen issue that were just based on using skypes downloaded version.22:34
natas_mxvxrts, i fixed it finally by purging the packages with dpkg22:34
mxvxrtsnatas_, Excellent, so you are good for an upgrade?22:35
natas_yup, it's fetching finally22:35
roberta_mxvxrts, is there any place where I should be able to find a drive for it? Because this webcam has a mic on it, and it is all through USB... not sure what to do if Ubuntu recognize its model and all.22:35
mxvxrtsnatas_, Woohoo. ;)22:35
natas_thanks for the help, much appreciated22:36
mxvxrtsroberta_, I would run that webcam info at askubuntu in the search, and your release as well, and just a web search.22:37
mxvxrtsroberta_, I would check the manufacturer for any linux stuff too.22:38
roberta_mxvxrts, I might do that, thanks!22:38
puffGood afternoon.  I have a t520 thinkpad running ubuntu 13.10.  I have a minidock with an external monitor.  If I boot up my laptop while docked, the monitor works fine.  If I boot up without the dock, then dock it, the external monitor gets no video signal. Any idea how I turn on the external video signal?22:38
skinuxI need some help solving problem of my TouchPad pointer being shaky, it's been this way since installation. I used gpointer-device-settings to increase pointer speed just a bit and shaky-ness became worse. It seems to switch between being precise and being shaky as it sees fit.22:39
Sparropuff: You could try restarting the display manager and see if that works.  sudo service lightdm restart22:40
SparroIt'll probably kill all your windows though, so be aware of that.22:40
DadFoundMyhey im about to install Xubuntu. Last time i tried 14.04 nm-applet didnt work correctly. is tht issue still going on?22:42
mxvxrtsDadFoundMy, Not a known issue unless you find a bug.22:44
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cealguien tiene servers ubuntu ahi22:50
cehello did someone has ubuntu servers over there22:51
jribce: do you have a support question related to ubuntu?22:52
cequestions yes, i got a server running ubuntu 12 and i need to know if i upgrade to 14 what are the related issues htat i have to solve22:56
comster404 I'm trying to replace a failed drive in my mdadm array, but having trouble adding an entire disk (like I created the array) instead of a partition with the raid flag.  Any suggestions?22:58
Sparrocomster404: From what I can see, you might need to use 'build' to set it back up.23:03
comster404Sparro, basically rebuild?23:04
Sparrocomster404: Sorta.  This is a RAID setup where you don't have a per-device superblock?23:04
comster404raid 1023:04
FmRUFdoes any one know what version of libreoffice will be in 14.04.123:05
Ben64FmRUF: very likely the same version that is currently in 14.0423:05
Sparrocomster404: hmmmmm Did you use build mode to make it in the first place?23:06
FmRUFBen64: Thank you I will look that up, I have not updated to 14.04 yest waiting for 14.04.123:06
Ben64!info libreoffice23:06
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 26 kB, installed size 161 kB23:06
jackbrownhello there I'm trying to make it works on linux a thermal printer that is recognized as IEEE-1284 usb controller   lsusb = Bus 003 Device 004: ID 067b:2305 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2305 Parallel Port printer model GWP-80 thermal printer thanks for reading23:06
comster404I used create on 4 disks, /dev/sda to /dev/sdd ... but having trouble adding a disk, instead of a partition with raid flag like sdd1 which is 1MB too small from what I can tell23:07
mxvxrtsjackbrown, So what have you done so far besides the lsusb check?23:09
therealfakemootHi. I'm looking to completely and utterly remove all hotkeys related to Unity and its launcher, its shortcuts, and all of its ilk.23:09
therealfakemootLike Alt, the Meta key, etc23:09
Sparrocomster404: Okay, not what I was thinking then.23:09
therealfakemootI can't find the bindings in the "keyboard" settings dialog23:09
fernando__spy here23:10
fernando__tombo gay23:10
jackbrownmxvxrts: i tried to install generic driver only text and didn't worked23:10
jackbrownmxvxrts: then I tried othe generic drivers and the just move thepaper inside the printer when I send the print command23:11
mxvxrtsjackbrown, Have you checked the printers gui?23:11
jackbrownmxvxrts:  printer gui ?23:11
mxvxrtsjackbrown, There is an app called printers for loading drivers if any are there.23:11
jackbrownmxvxrts: yes is where I installed generic driver in ubuntu23:12
jackbrownmxvxrts: the wizard23:12
jackbrownmxvxrts: the strange thing about this printer is that it's recognized as Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2305 usb -to parallel adapter23:13
mxvxrtsjackbrown, When you say generic I'm not sure what you mean, I have in my experience seen drivers specific to printers.23:13
jackbrownmxvxrts: since the wizard doesn't find any specific driver for my printer suggests me to install a generic driver and give me a list23:14
qwertyomenjackbrown: your probably gonna have to hunt down the .ppd file and install it manually23:15
mxvxrtsjackbrown, Ah, never been in that predicament, good to know though. Have you gone to the manufacturer and or relevant site per the lsusb info for linux drivers?23:15
jackbrownqwertyomen: the question is : " Does exist the ppd file for my printer?   Where can I should hunt it ?"23:15
jackbrownmxvxrts: yes I wrote to the manufactured, until now no  reply but they just provide windows driver when you buy the printer23:16
* Refresh has any girl here23:16
user123321Help, Ubuntu latest LTS hanged twice consecutively during boot. Nothing is displayed on screen. Caps lock key is frozen. Should I try recovery mode and repair broken packages? PLeaee help. Thanks.23:16
jackbrownmxvxrts: here is the manufacturer website www.mwccdz.com23:16
comster404Sparro, thx, think I fixed it! whew... forced it to assemble first 3 disks, then was able to add the 4th... recovering now!23:17
Sparrocomster404: What happens when you run 'repair' with the ... oh, excellent!23:17
mxvxrtsjackbrown, good, probably as suggested a hunt for a linux driver is your quest, wear rubber boots, who knows where you will end up. ;)23:17
qwertyomenjackbrown: I guess I missed the model number of the printer...23:17
comster404Time to add a hot spare into the mix to save me some time next failure :)23:18
SparroHah, no kidding!  That makes it a lot faster, that's for sure.  :]23:18
jackbrownqwertyomen: GWP 80 portable thermal printer here is the manufacturer website www.mwccdz.com23:18
Refresh/join #shqiperia23:19
jackbrownmxvxrts: with the printer I got some .gpd files23:19
* Refresh /join #shqiperia23:19
Refresh/ame /join #shqiperia23:19
* Refresh d23:19
user123321hmm, Ubuntu now boots.23:20
SparroAnyone know if it's possible to run the NetworkManager config from a window manager besides Unity?23:20
user123321I went to recovery and did normal boot, and then restarted again. Ubuntu booted successfully.23:21
mxvxrtsSparro, Not sure I understand that, maybe the actual issue m ight help.23:21
qwertyomenjackbrown: looks cool... and like it's gonna be a pain to find drivers... :D I think there's a way to translate windows drivers to a .ppd...23:21
jackbrownqwertyomen: really ? how??????????'23:22
Sparromxvxrts: I'm using VNC remotely to get to my server, and I was having trouble with Unity so I installed Fluxbox.23:22
SparroBut that means I can't access the Network Manager configuration tool as one normally would.23:23
mxvxrtsSparro, Ah, that is more helpful, not familiar with vnc's or fluxbox, however and of the main canonical de should have nm working out of the box, if I understand your issue.23:24
qwertyomenjackbrown: ... looking into it... I hate printers lol.23:24
mxvxrtsand=any Sparro23:24
jackbrownqwertyomen: yeah I hate too but I need :)23:24
Sparromxvxrts: Hm.  I might try something besides fluxbox then.  Thanks!23:25
mxvxrtsSparro, lxde would be my suggestion23:25
SparroI'll give it a look!23:26
=== brad__ is now known as sencha
qwertyomenjackbrown: I'm having a hard time tracking down Windows drivers...23:29
jackbrownqwertyomen: are you trying to find windows driver for my printer ?23:30
qwertyomenjackbrown: any drivers...23:30
qwertyomenfor your printer23:30
jackbrownqwertyomen: i think you'll lose a lot of time if you want i can upload them for you23:31
jackbrownqwertyomen: I didn't find any download link even if they say there should be on manufacturer wesite23:31
Sudodoes anyone one know how much ram ubuntu requires?23:31
=== Sudo is now known as Guest42442
qwertyomenjackbrown: ha found it! had to translate from chinese...23:31
jackbrownqwertyomen: where ?23:31
Guest42442i can't find the specs page for ubuntu23:31
daftykinsGuest42442: for the very latest Ubuntu 14.04 with unity, desktop edition, you'd likely want 2GB+23:31
qwertyomenjackbrown: the website you provided, it's on the lower left hand corner. I bet it's just MS drivers... fighting super slow chinanet download speeds :D23:32
jackbrownqwertyomen: lo23:32
qwertyomen6.9 KB/s23:34
jackbrownqwertyomen: for me it's 22KB/s23:34
jackbrownqwertyomen: luckyly it's a small file23:36
qwertyomenjackbrown: might be able to get it to work with WINE23:43
jackbrownqwertyomen: I was thinking about that too but someon told me that CUPS need to recognize it23:43
jackbrowndo you know how to set it with wine ? qwertyomen23:43
seinthebearquestion: how do I remove the BCD from a drive? I've been trying to get the Windows 8 bootloader to work w/ ubuntu 14.04 via easyBCD, i gave up and went with grub, but how it shows TWO windows 8 loaders23:44
ObrienDaveseinthebear, easy enough to get rid of with grub-customizer23:45
seinthebear/dev/sda1 is the "system reserved" (where the bcd should be) and /dev/sda2 is the actual windows part. that shouldnt have a bcd23:45
seinthebear*thank you23:45
=== kyle is now known as Guest34893
qwertyomenjackbrown: no clue! lol kinda learning as I go with this, It doesn't look like there's a "simple" way to do any of it...23:47
RefreshBanditi Po Ktu23:48
jackbrownqwertyomen: you are at the same point23:48
qwertyomenjackbrown: balls...23:48
Vo1dhow change number port of nfs service ?23:48
Banditio Refresh23:48
* Refresh :P23:49
seinthebearObrienDave, I was hoping to actually *remove* the bcd from the partition, not just cover it up23:49
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Banditica je tu23:50
Banditibo re23:50
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* Refresh Good Night PeoPle23:50
witheldWhen a boot is interupted for whatever reason, on the next reboot GRUB waits for a human to select an option23:50
witheldhow can I disable this?23:50
ObrienDaveseinthebear, why do you want to get rid of BCD?23:52
seinthebearObiwantje, i was messing with easybcd and installed a windows 8 bootloader to the windows 8 partition instead of the system reserved one23:52
seinthebearObrienDave, ^23:53
qwertyomenjackbrown: this seems to be the most in depth on installing printers with WINE http://www.witch.westfalen.de/Wine-HOWTO/wineprintconfig.html23:53
mxvxrtswitheld, never see this can you elaborate?23:54
mxvxrtsseems like an assumption is all23:55
phillyjhi, I'm trying to install TORCS but I get a make error; http://paste.ubuntu.com/7660998/23:57
phillyjany ideas what's wrong?23:57
phillyjhmm, the error didn't show up on pastebin23:59

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