
Unit193!away > krokus00:30
ubottuIn #ubuntu, psyrus said: !mxvxrts: the hd is partitioned02:05
phunyguy@mark #ubuntu-offtopic ImTheBitch inappropriate nick, and possible content.  More at 11.02:51
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:51
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuIn #ubuntu-irc, Pricey said: !no sponsorship is <reply>You can find out about the package sponsorship process here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess08:39
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (s idiocy)10:48
k1l@mark #ubuntu s trolling10:49
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:49
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
Pici@mark #ubuntu-offtopic metamorphosis nsfl image and discussing politics. Gave guidelines, hopefully they follow them.15:41
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:41
IdleOneYou are much more forgiving than I would have been15:56
Picinot that we really need it, but the new j extban could be useful for namespace bans.15:59
tsimpsonhttp://blog.freenode.net/2014/06/new-extban-j/ new ban type16:00
Picii.e. we setup #ubuntu-bans or similar, and have every other Ubuntu channel just +b $j:#ubuntu-bans.  So that when we ban someone in u-bans, it applies everwhere else.16:01
PriceySeems a bit excessive to me.16:01
IdleOneit would only be needed in excessive cases16:02
Piciagain, we really haven't had a need for those sort of things in a long time.16:02
PriceyI look forward to the bureaucracy around adding and removing bans to that channel ;)16:02
IdleOnePici: I would call it #ubuntu-namespace-bans but it could be useful on very rare occasions16:05
phunyguyban all the things.16:18
bazhang /b phunyguy16:20
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (I am not banned, I know because this bouncer rejoined, please fix!)20:35
geniiI get a feeling we're going to see this a few more times yet in the future.20:41
sarnoldhello; Gnar in #ubuntu-touch may deserve a close eye...23:24
sarnoldah. nice. no one fed the troll and he left. :D23:27

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