[01:59] Ok. That'll do for the morning. [02:02] :) === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === iulian is now known as Guest59033 === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === doko_ is now known as doko === Guest59033 is now known as iulian [12:58] hm xserver-xorg-input-synaptics has a breaks on kde-config-touchpad (<< 0.8.1-2~) because of https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=722058 [14:03] mlankhorst: So, looks like the saucy version of synaptics probably needs to be backported to precise, and then the Breaks relaxed to match the right version. [14:04] yeah I already did that [14:04] mlankhorst: Which part of "that"? [14:05] I asked rtg to sponsor :) [14:05] infinity, arges and I are looking at it [14:06] rtg: Ta. [14:06] yup [14:09] mlankhorst: bug 1328266 ... is this just valid for precise? [14:09] think so, it's because trusty was merged against debian's branch again [14:09] and picked up the breaks from there [14:10] mlankhorst: also can you update the bug with the SRU template please? [14:13] mlankhorst: did this patch get refreshed: synaptiks-0.8.1/debian/patches/kubuntu_fix_udev_property_access.patch ? [14:15] I grabbed the saucy package, i think it only removed the crashing parts [14:16] oh the timestamp is different, but seems to be the same patch afaict [14:19] copied the sru template from the other bug :P [14:22] mlankhorst: so are these two things needing sponsoring related? [14:22] or independet [14:23] related [14:23] because otherwise you can't install even the fixed synaptiks [14:23] mlankhorst: can you explain a bit more? or if its in the bug let me know where I can read that [14:26] erm xserver-xorg-input-synaptics had a breaks on << -2, but the upload is for -1ubuntu1.3 [14:26] so even fixing the synaptiks bugs left it uninstallable [14:26] which is why a second upload was needed [14:30] mlankhorst: ok i'll have to review this a bit later. can you just post the proper debdiffs to the bug to make it easier? [14:30] in case infinity wants to take a look at those [14:30] : ) [14:31] they get autogenerated after upload :P [16:43] mlankhorst: still around? [18:11] fyi, the cinder update is just what was in proposed with the patch for http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2248-1/ [20:26] fyi, uploaded a neutron update to trusty-proposed that has the corresponding fix for neutron that was in the earlier cinder update [20:30] that's the one ^ [21:29] ok, I rejected the previous neutron and uploaded a new one