
nuvolaripeer! hou op om mense se konneksies te reset05:20
nuvolarioh hi Tonberry 05:20
Kilosmorning all05:26
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 05:33
Kiloslo nuvolari 05:33
JabberwockyA19môre Kilos, nuvolari, Private_User05:51
Kiloshi JabberwockyA19 05:51
Private_Userhry JabberwockyA1905:52
Private_Userhey JabberwockyA1905:52
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:23
Kiloshi priv06:23
KilosPrivate_User1, 06:24
bdukMore almal06:56
charl_good morning07:04
charl_hi ThatGraemeGuy_, Private_User1, JabberwockyA19, Kilos, bduk 07:04
charl_Maaz: coffee on07:04
* Maaz flips the salt-timer07:04
Kiloshi charl_ bduk 07:04
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!07:08
charl_Maaz: thanks07:08
Maazcharl_: Sure07:08
Kiloshi Vince-0 08:04
Kilosapart from cold all good and you?08:09
Kilosinetpro, cremora08:10
Kilossjoe, buncha yoyos10:12
mazalAfternoon everyone10:39
charl_hi mazal 10:40
mazalGuys how can I see the progress of a cli scrypt that is started by cron and runs in the background ?11:14
ThatGraemeGuy_define "progress"11:19
ThatGraemeGuy_you want to see if its still running?11:19
ThatGraemeGuy_ps -ef|grep scriptname11:19
mazalYeah all I need to know , is it running or has it finished yet11:24
ThatGraemeGuy_yeah, that ^^11:24
ThatGraemeGuy_in your cron file add MAILTO=you@email.com11:25
ThatGraemeGuy_then the output of the script will be emailed to you11:25
mazalIf I run that now , it shows the filename and where it lies11:25
ThatGraemeGuy_that means its still running11:26
ThatGraemeGuy_'ps' shows information about processes currently running11:26
mazalThat's my output11:27
ThatGraemeGuy_ah, ok11:27
ThatGraemeGuy_not running then, the grep is matching itself :)11:27
mazalWhat do I need to modify in that command ?11:28
ThatGraemeGuy_just be aware when you do that you will always see the grep command in the output11:29
mazalOk lemme starts that script manually and see how the output looks when it's running11:29
ThatGraemeGuy_or use a regex trick, if your script is named 'myscript.sh' you can do 'ps -ef | grep [m]yscript'11:29
ThatGraemeGuy_or you can use pgrep: pgrep myscript.sh11:30
mazal^^ With the scrypt running11:30
ThatGraemeGuy_yeah, line 2 shows it is running11:30
mazalCommand not found11:32
mazalThat's when I use that last one you gave11:32
ThatGraemeGuy_mmm that's odd :-/11:34
mazalOr I miss splelled , lemme try again11:35
Kiloshaha copy paste commands from pros then cold fingers cant mess up11:36
mazalI spelled rubbish , now it works. Thanx Greame ;)11:36
mazaloom Kilos , what makes it worse , I tried 3 times with the same error11:38
mazalSo I can't even spell right with 3 tries :P11:38
Kilosthose kinda messups you normally keep quiet about11:39
Kilosi copy/paste then peeps think i type well11:39
Kiloswere there any plans in the state of the nation address to improve the internet11:52
Kilostumbleweed, are you still going strong? you too quiet lately11:53
Private_User1hi charl_, ThatGraemeGuy_, mazal, and everybody else11:57
mazalHi Private_User1 11:58
tumbleweedKilos: yeah, pretty much. Still in cape town, too11:59
Kilosah tumbleweed nice to know you still ok. keep well12:00
Kilosmeeting in 6 days time12:01
bduk1Buy guys12:41
=== tinuva_ is now known as tinuva
Kiloshi tinuva 14:42
Kilosdo you actually know you have irc running?14:42
tinuvaKilos, I do :P15:53
tinuvai read more than i chat tho15:53
Kiloshahaha you naughty15:53
Kilosoh do you read at leas15:53
Kilosyou supposed to jump in and help peeps that are sukkeling15:54
* Kilos goes for supper16:28
Kilosai! mr fly. lag be killing the patrons18:01
=== deegee__ is now known as drussell
ThatGraemeGuysuperfly: you around?18:03
ThatGraemeGuyand hello everyone else :)18:03
superflyI are18:03
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 18:03
ThatGraemeGuythat map generator thing, does it make use of a colors.txt file by any chance?18:03
ThatGraemeGuyhey Kilos :)18:03
superflyit doesn't support the moreblocks and other mods18:04
ThatGraemeGuythis one does ^^18:04
ThatGraemeGuyassuming that's the same format of course18:04
superflyfirst run indicates not. Let me open it 18:06
superflyah, it doesn't support comments ;-)18:08
superflyThatGraemeGuy: try now, ThatGraemeGuy-son18:11
kbmonkeyevening superfly and ThatGraemeGuy 18:19
Kilosmy monkey18:19
kbmonkeysuperfly, I have started going through the mozilla knowledgebase re JavaScript :)18:19
Kilosdont greet me its fine18:19
kbmonkeyis Kilos here?18:19
kbmonkeyoh hello Kilos! You are covered in minerock dust I did not even see you ;)18:20
Kiloskilos is always her18:20
kbmonkeyha ha18:20
Kilosshame daniel put up a shot on the way to the dam18:22
Kilosi dropped some food there for him18:22
Kiloshope its a takeaway not a general dealer18:23
kbmonkeya shop? okay.18:26
Kilosshame hes only 1018:26
Kilosardonels son18:26
kbmonkeyhe put up a shop?18:29
Kilosya lemme go see what he called it18:29
Kilosi think dad helps with the spelling and so on18:29
Kilosyou must see their lekker place. even a hall of honourable dead haha18:30
kbmonkeyis this in-game ?18:31
kbmonkeyfor a moment I thought you meant IRL xD18:31
Kilosno man in the game18:31
kbmonkeysuperfly, I am curious what license you prefer between BSD or GPL, and if the latter v2 or 3?18:37
superflykbmonkey: generally GPL v218:38
superflybut I'm fine with any of the above18:38
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:02
ThatGraemeGuyah superfly i see you got the colours right :-) much better19:34
superflyThatGraemeGuy: I've been known to do a thing or two right ;-)19:45
Rynomsterhi guys, any of u into crypto currencies? :)21:10
superflyI have a tiny part of a bitcoin, but otherwise no.21:17

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