
AphophecyCan anyone here help me?00:00
witheldmxvxrts: what else could I possibly elaborate one?00:00
witheldIt doesn't automatically boot anything00:00
phillyjthis is the error that showed up http://paste.ubuntu.com/7661003/00:00
witheldsits on grub and waits00:00
AphophecyI want to get Ubuntu but I'm scared.00:01
mxvxrtswitheld, Your hypothesis seems to be a guess is all, is this the case?00:01
ObrienDaveAphophecy, what are your concerns?00:01
genii!info torcs00:01
ubottutorcs (source: torcs): 3D racing cars simulator game using OpenGL. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.3-5ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 825 kB, installed size 2101 kB00:01
AphophecyI primarily play games, league and guild wars 2 and nothing else. But I don't want to find out i'll have bad fps.00:01
witheldmxvxrts: yes this is a thing that happens00:01
mxvxrtsAphophecy, Support here if your afraid what is it you need?00:01
witheldit's kind of a problem00:01
geniiphillyj: Why are you compiling it from source when there's a package for it?00:01
witheldheadless servers randomly not coming back online00:01
qwertyomenwitheld: your gonna have to go in and edit /etc/default/grub and modify the timeout, then update-grub when your done00:02
phillyjgenii: cause I have a faster connection at work, takes so long at home00:02
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phillyjto download,i mean00:02
mxvxrtswitheld, check the /etc/default/grub for any anomalies, and if you change anything run a update-grub00:02
OerHeksphillyj, missing dependencie libogg/vorbis  >>>  http://torcs.sourceforge.net/index.php?name=Sections&op=viewarticle&artid=3#linux-vendor00:02
ObrienDavewitheld, have you looked into grub-customizer to adjust grub settings?00:02
geniiThat explanation makes no sense.00:03
phillyjit passed the ./configure00:03
AphophecyI'm an aspiring coder/programmer even though i've not taken the steps to teach myself. I find that Ubuntu is a faster OS than my Windows 8.1. I'm looking to primarily play League Of Legends and Guild Wars 2 through wine, crossover, or playonlinux. But I'm afraid to do so. I don't want to install the distro to find my FPS is not how I want it. I'm running on an intel i5 with 6gb ram.00:04
AphophecyI use intel HD 4000 and Nvidia GeForce 610M00:04
phillyjoh, nvr mind, it didn't pass configure00:04
phillyji will check the dependencies again00:04
qwertyomenAphophecy: you could always dual boot, or if you have another hard drive laying around you could install Ubuntu on that.00:05
AphophecyI don't see the point in dual booting if I could do my surfing on the windows00:05
AphophecyI primarily thought of ubuntu for faster computer speeds.00:05
AphophecyProbably not an active reason to move to Linux.00:06
mxvxrtsAphophecy, This is support for broken stuff so be aware, your decision to do anything is yours alone.00:06
qwertyomenAphophecy: have you heard of a wubi install? If your system came preinstalled with 8.1, you won't be able to (EUFI bullcrap)00:07
mxvxrtsqwertyomen, wubi is not supported bad advice00:08
ObrienDavewubi, NO!!!!00:09
qwertyomenmxvxrts: psh... it kinda works... besides a solution to try linux without damaging an existing installation is solid.00:09
geniiObrienDave: I agree wholeheartedly.00:09
mxvxrtsqwertyomen, An opinion, not solid help, try to keep these and the emotions involved off the channel please.00:10
AphophecyI wish I couldload dualboot Ubuntu and GW2.00:11
mxvxrtsAphophecy, Use a virtual machine, as of now you are just spamming the channel.00:12
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qwertyomenHoly cow we've got a channel nazi mxvxrts: wtf man it's an option. I didn't know that a hack based OS doesn't have any place for 'sperimental stuff anymore.00:16
mxvxrtsAphophecy, For offtopic your place might be #ubuntu-offtopic00:16
daftykinsqwertyomen: calm down and use family appropriate language please00:17
phillyjalright, OerHeks, thanks for pointing me in the direction. I guess I missed the error in the ./configure00:18
qwertyomenI could spell it out... what the fart... geeze Yeah wubi sucks. Had that style install on my laptop for too long, just too lazy to install proper :D00:19
Guest32823wubi does suck especially on uefi sets00:19
daftykinsqwertyomen: this channel is not for general chat, please take off topic conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic00:20
mxvxrtsGuest32823, The designer themselves stated it is for trying out ubuntu lieu of a full install, nothing else.00:20
mxvxrtsand one person was support and it is not supported anymore00:21
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zumba_addicthey guys, if I run apt-get update then upgrade, will it affect my existing installed applications?00:23
zumba_addicti'm installing node.js and npm00:23
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zumba_addicti've already installed node00:23
daftykinswell, it upgrades package-based application yes00:24
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zumba_addictmy teammate installed cassandra and he configured it. I don't that to get affected00:24
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qwertyomenif you run apt-get update, then do apt-get upgrade it will just update the packages, not the config files00:25
daftykinszumba_addict: don't worry, you'll always have your backups00:25
zumba_addictok, I will do it now00:25
zumba_addictit won't restart the server right?00:25
zumba_addicti'll run sudo apt-get update now00:25
qwertyomenshouldn't... unless there's a critical kernel update00:26
zumba_addictshould I uninstall node.js first?00:26
daftykinsit still won't restart auto.00:26
qwertyomenyeah it'll ask before it reboots.00:27
zumba_addictupdate is done00:27
daftykinsqwertyomen: please don't offer advice when you're unfamiliar with the product.00:27
qwertyomenwhen you log in next time it will00:27
zumba_addictnow, upgrade will upgrade applications that requires upgrading. Correct?00:28
daftykinsthe clue is in the name.00:28
zumba_addictthis is the result -http://pastebin.com/1ZdbkxcL00:29
daftykinsso it's an amazon cloud instance00:29
zumba_addictdo you think it includes update for Cassandra?00:29
bitcoinassassinhello. running server 13.x 64 bit; want to run command line check an external hard drive /dev/sdf .... it's listed in $sudo fdisk -l 2x as /dev/sdf and /dev/sdf1 = fs listed as 'unknown'00:29
zumba_addictyes, it is daftykins00:29
zumba_addicthow did you figure out?00:29
daftykinszumba_addict: ok, it's clear that you have no experience using server - you'd be better off studying the server documentation to learn how to do anything. however, if your colleague set it up, perhaps you shouldn't be updating it?00:30
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com00:30
zumba_addictI'm ok on other distro but not on Ubuntu00:30
daftykins"sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" which is my choice over 'upgrade', will show what packages it's going to update prior to doing it.00:31
zumba_addictwill it asks first?00:31
zumba_addictoh you said prior :)00:32
zumba_addicttrying it now00:32
qwertyomenzumba_addict: Whoah, you should probably ask your buddy who installed the OS before you go upgrading the distro...00:32
zumba_addicti'm not upgrading the distro, just the packages00:33
daftykinsdist-upgrade doesn't upgrade version00:33
zumba_addictlooks like it will reboot it, i see linux-header00:33
daftykinslike i said, you need to read up on this stuff00:34
zumba_addicti see cassandra too00:34
zumba_addicti won't upgrade it00:34
zumba_addicti'll just install npm and upgrade node.js00:34
daftykinsupgrade what?00:34
zumba_addicti should be fine00:34
zumba_addictdist-upgrade will update cassandra which i don't want00:34
zumba_addictbased from the last pastebin I posted00:34
qwertyomenand with the linux headers it'll want a reboot00:34
ObrienDavedist-upgrade will update the kernel also00:35
zumba_addictand looks like the library still has the heartbleed bug00:35
zumba_addictqwertyomen: that's what I mentioned above00:35
daftykinsObrienDave: lol. that's not what it means00:35
qwertyomenyeah... sorry ;) This isn't on a production server is it?00:36
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zumba_addictit's a dev00:36
zumba_addictbut i still won't upgrade it because we have a demo tomorrow00:36
zumba_addicti'm just installing npm and node00:36
daftykinswhy did this conversation start with a question about upgrading when you're only installing, not upgrading? :)00:37
mxvxrtsand is not ubuntu00:37
belkinsaDoes anyone know what is this mailing-list, Ubuntu-directory, is for?00:38
delfickhi, I'm trying to install oracle-java6-installer from the webupd8team ppa. I've installed the ppa and done an apt-get update but there is no oracle-java6-installer package (or any other oracle java packages). Does anyone know why that may be?00:38
mxvxrts<daftykins> "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" which is my choice over 'upgrade', will show what packages it's going to update prior to doing it.00:38
belkinsaOr how I'm subscribed to it?  It wasn't me who did it.00:38
mxvxrtszumba_addict> I'm ok on other distro but not on Ubuntu  sorry daftykins00:38
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zumba_addictmxvxrts: ?00:42
ObrienDavedelfick, which PPA did you install?00:43
daftykinsObrienDave: it's mentioned in the message.... webupd800:43
DadFoundMyim really new to linux and need to run this script, how would i go about doing so? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/1246683/comments/4000:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1246683 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "Middle button does not work for scrolling" [Low,Incomplete]00:43
ObrienDavedelf try this one ppa:webupd8team/java00:44
ObrienDavedelfick,  try this one ppa:webupd8team/java00:44
daftykins!java | delfick00:44
ubottudelfick: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.00:44
delfickyeah, that's the ppa I'm using00:46
delfickObrienDave: but when I do apt-get install oracle-java6-installer or apt-cache search oracle-java6-installer it can't find it00:46
OerHeksAs of Feb 2013, oracle java 6 is EOL00:47
ObrienDavestrange, the packages are there https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/java00:47
daftykinsdon't be so specific with "apt-cache search"00:47
delfickyeah, even search for oracle00:47
daftykinsdo "apt-cache search oracle-java"00:47
delfickthe only thing I can think is that because it's in a docker container, maybe that's breaking something00:48
delfickbut I'm not sure why it doesn't just work....00:48
ObrienDavei see the packages using search00:49
delfickwell, for now I think I'll just download the deb file at put it next to my dockerfile and revisit using the ppa itself another day.......00:50
delfickmaybe time will magically fix the issue :p00:51
daftykinscan you run the apt-cache search i mentioned?00:51
daftykinswhat does it find...00:51
daftykinsalso, what ubuntu version is this?00:51
delfickraring, though I get the same problem with the latest ubuntu as well00:52
daftykins13.04 is EOL.00:52
daftykinsyou shouldn't be using that00:52
ObrienDavethis is what I get http://pastebin.com/KPJ8H8TM00:52
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:53
daftykinsso yeah, regardless you need to be running a supported version of ubuntu00:54
delfickstill have the same problem in the latest ubuntu00:54
daftykinsi find that hard to believe, but can't spin up a VM of 14.04 right now00:55
delfickfair enough00:55
BosiHello everyone. I have a netbook with an ATOM N450 1.6ghz on it. I only have 2Gb of RAM in it though. Would you install Xubuntu 32 or 64 bit?  Why?00:56
daftykinsbecause netbooks are bad enough already00:56
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DadFoundMyim attempting to run this script https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/1246683/comments/40, but everytime i run it i get htis output http://pastebin.com/bmtF6Ej7. any help?00:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 1246683 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "Middle button does not work for scrolling" [Low,Incomplete]00:58
qwertyomenthat and x64 [takes more space]=bad00:58
delfickhmm, ok, I was mistaken, I'm not sure why, but it does work fine in the latest ubuntu.... fancy that.....01:02
delfickfortunately the old ubuntu docker base isn't used in too much stuff, so won't take me long to update all the things01:02
=== Guest82479 is now known as Julien-Helix
Julien-Helixi got a question for you folks, on the lastest ubuntu, is there any chances that I can switch the buttons from left to right (thoses one on the title bar) ?01:05
mxvxrtsBosi, You sure it will even run 64 bit?01:05
Bosimxvxrts, yup, it supports 64bits01:08
mxvxrtsBosi, Can you increase the memory if so 64 bit might be okay, with atom and 2 gigs I would run 32 bit01:10
TuxThePenguinJust got Ubuntu, so I decided to check this place out01:11
Bosimxvxrts, thanks!01:11
mxvxrtsTuxThePenguin, Cool this is support chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic01:11
TuxThePenguinOk, thanks01:12
daftykinsAtoms were limited to 2GB by design01:13
ObrienDaveTuxThePenguin, welcome to the Ubuntu family, enjoy your stay01:14
TuxThePenguinThanks ObrienDave01:15
CorvetteInstalling a deb tells me I have missing dependencies what's the command to fill them01:16
daftykinscouldn't you find it via repos?01:17
ObrienDaveCorvette, i would use Gdebi to install. it will find missing dependencies01:17
Corvettehow do I do that?01:18
ObrienDavesudo apt-get install gdebi01:18
Corvetteand will gdebi open debs01:18
Corvettegdebi tells me the same thing01:19
CorvetteI'm missing libavcodec53 and libavcodec-extra-5301:20
ObrienDaveyou need ubuntu-restricted-extras, i believe01:21
Corvettewill apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras work01:21
CountryfiedLinuxHow do you add unity desktop to .xinitrc? I know how to use .xinitrc I just don't know the exact syntax. Is it unity-desktop just like gnome-desktop for gnome?01:23
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Corvettethe restricted extras do not contain those packages01:27
psyrusmy mbr got removed i have no cd drive and all i have my md connected to a dock i'm on a xp system i gotta get the mbr fixed ... someone please help me01:31
psyrus*md (hd) sorry it's late for me01:31
Julien-Helixdownload rufus01:31
Julien-Helixpsyrus: http://rufus.akeo.ie/ it should do the job01:32
psyrusk ty Julien-Helix01:32
psyrusty ty01:32
hannasanarionMy Ubuntu desktop machine crashes several times a day while I'm just browsing the internet. Anyone have tips for problem solving?01:33
CountryfiedLinuxhannasanarion, Does it do that gray window freezing thingy?01:34
CountryfiedLinuxhannasanarion, seems to happen a lot with Firefox, here anyways.01:34
hannasanarionNo, everything just stops, I can often hear my hard drive spinning01:34
hannasanarionI use chrome01:34
CountryfiedLinuxhannasanarion, Just a thought, perhaps your hard drive might be loose? Happens to me sometimes, I just unplug, plug back in, and reboot.01:35
hannasanarionno mouse movement, no keyboard. I have a shortcut for xkill, it doesn't work cntrl-alt-backspace doesn't work, cntrl-alt-f2 ususally doesn't work01:35
hannasanarionYou know, I haven't opened up this machine for a while. I'll check the hard drive, and blow out some dust while I'm at it.01:35
qwertyomenhannasanarion: it sounds like the hdd, next time it's up check the SMART on the disk01:36
CorvetteOkay so this .deb is looking for libavcodec-extra-53 but on Ubuntu 14.04 I have libavcodec-extra-5401:37
Corvettewhat do01:37
psyrusi just wanna fix the mbr on my hd/ restore grub i got the hd plugged into a dock i'm on an xp system i don't wanna format the drive01:39
psyrusrufus want's to format the hd01:39
qwertyomenpsyrus: it's easier to repair grub on the original system it came from01:40
psyrusmaybe not i'm trying to figure out how to use it01:41
qwertyomenpsyrus: I'm pretty sure you can't fix it from XP. This happens enough in the lab I had to write this01:41
qwertyomenpsyrus: cst.speedypetey.com/grub.html01:42
psyrusis there any iso tools i can transfer onto a 32 mg flash drive i don't have anything bigger atm01:44
qwertyomenpsyrus: do you have CD's?01:45
psyrusit broke ...01:46
psyrusdvd broke01:46
Julien-Helixpsyrus: you need to boot into linux somehow to fix grub01:46
hannasanarionQwertynomen, still here?01:46
qwertyomenhannasanarion: yup01:46
psyrusmy computer boots up into grub rescue01:47
hannasanarionThe hard drive is solid, it was a little dusty inside, but not terrible01:47
psyrusi tryed to fix the mbr01:47
psyrus*tried to fix the mbr from rescue using set it didn't work01:47
basketball<basketball> HELP!!!!   I have a usb printer pluged into my linux laptop with the ip of
basketball<basketball> and the cups printer name is HP Officejet 100 Mobile Printer01:47
basketball<basketball> how do i get windows 8 to connect to this printer01:47
qwertyomenhannaasanarion: I guess that's good! but I guess that doesn't solve the problem...01:48
psyrusqwertyomen: pm please01:48
psyrusqwertyomen: brb01:48
qwertyomenpsyrus: My shift just ended and I'm off for the night... sorry man01:49
qwertyomenStinkin students leaving early... lol lame.01:50
psyrusqwertyomen: you don't know of any bootable iso's i can stick on a 32 mg flash disk to boot my computer and restore grub ?01:50
jmaderomy system keeps freezing up on shutdowns - where can I dig for a log that would tell me why01:50
psyrusomfg ..01:50
hannasanarionwtf? now it won't boot01:51
mxvxrtspsyrus, If you used the bootrepair app to fix did you save the bootinfo summary?01:54
mxvxrtshannasanarion, No swearing or acronyms of please.01:54
hannasanarionmy bad, sorry01:55
ObrienDaveCorvette, http://askubuntu.com/questions/153884/why-does-ubuntu-restricted-extras-want-to-remove-some-libav-packages01:55
hannasanarionAlright, so now my computer starts up, and there's no output to the screen, no bios, nothing01:55
Bashing-ompsyrus: If you know how the hard drive is partitioed, might be possible to boot the OS from grub and then fix grub ?? Maybe.01:56
Corvetteobriendave is it a bad idea to remove libavcodec54 and replace it with libavcodec5301:56
ObrienDaveCorvette, sorry, i don't know about that one.01:57
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ObrienDaveCorvette, seems like 54 is just a version number. might be backwards compatible. not sure on that01:59
TuxThePenguinWhat's the use of VLC?02:00
mhoneyplaying videos and music02:00
TuxThePenguinokay thanks02:01
psyrusmxvxrts: no ....02:02
psyrusib btw02:02
mxvxrts!bootinfo | psyrus this will help us diagnose02:02
ubottupsyrus this will help us diagnose: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).02:02
psyrusthe hd is partitioned02:03
mxvxrts!who | psyrus02:04
ubottupsyrus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:04
hannasanarionOkay, this is serious now, I can't get my desktop to start. after I opened the case.02:04
ObrienDavehannasanarion, check for loose cards, cables, connections, etc...02:04
hannasanarionI didn't move any parts, just tried to wiggle the hard drive a bit to see if it was loose, and blew out some dust.02:05
psyrus!mxvxrts: the hd is partitioned02:05
mxvxrtspsyrus, And that means what in relation to my communications to you?02:06
arogI am interested in replacing Windows on my desktop with Ubuntu Server since I only use it as a media box. I was wondering what the benefits of samba vs NFS were02:07
Bashing-ompsyrus: If we can figure out where in the hard disk is the '/' partition, we can try and boot the operating system from that grub prompt.02:07
arogAll other machines in my network at Apple Devices (Macs, AppleTV) so which would be the better alternative?02:07
psyrusmxvxrts: sorry i meant to tell that to bashing-om02:07
psyrusBashing-om: how ? from grub rescue>02:08
mxvxrtspsyrus, Cool, well the bootscript would be a great way of diagnosing this, takes out guessing and answers many questions. ;)02:09
Bashing-ompsyrus: Id this grub rescue you are at, or 'grub >' ??02:09
hannasanarionall the connections feel good. still nothing02:10
psyrusBashing-om: my hd is in a docking station now i removed it from my computer02:10
mxvxrtsI would use supergrub to boot it much easier02:10
psyrusmxvxrts: k i02:10
hannasanarionOlbrienDave, all the connections feel good, still nothing02:11
psyrusmxvxrts: sry i02:11
hannasanarionObrienDave *02:11
ObrienDavehannasanarion, hmm, out of ideas at the moment02:11
hannasanarionanyone else have an idea? I opened the computer to check if the HDD was loose (it wasn't) and now it won't boot02:12
mxvxrtspsyrus, Take a deep breath, not the end of the world. ;)02:12
psyrusmxvxrts: yeah this will fit on my flash it's only 12 mb i'll give it a try02:12
ObrienDavehannasanarion, how old is the CMOS battery?02:13
psyrusmxvxrts: i02:13
hannasanarionObrienDave, it's about 3 years old02:13
psyrusmxvxrts: thankyou02:14
TuxThePenguinWhat's the best desktop environment to use?02:14
ObrienDavehannasanarion, k, shouldn't be an issue then02:14
mxvxrtsTuxThePenguin, best is subjective, probably th one you like02:14
ObrienDaveTuxThePenguin, that is a decision only you can make02:15
TuxThePenguinOk, better question. What desktop environments are there for ubuntu02:15
ObrienDaveI run Xubuntu, hence, i like XFCE02:15
hannasanarionTuxThePenguin, Unity, Xfce, KDE, Gnome are most popular02:15
hannasanarionunity is default, KDE and Gnome are most popular02:16
TuxThePenguinOk, and whats the diff. between a shell and a desktop environment02:16
hannasanarionTry each, and see what you like02:16
hannasanarionObrienDave: any other ideas?02:16
TuxThePenguinEasy to install/use, I assume?02:16
hannasanarionyeah, you just install it, and then select the one you want at login02:16
mxvxrtsTuxThePenguin, Please do some research, this is support, new users need to do this, not ask every question that comes to your mind here.02:16
TuxThePenguinOkay, will do02:17
ObrienDavehannasanarion, thinking.... (smell the wood burning?) ;P02:18
hannasanarionAlright, so I have a computer that won't boot. All the normal sounds are there, but nothing is displayed on the screen. It was working fine (aside from occasional crashes) until I opened it up, checked that the HDD wasn't moving, and then blew out some dust. I'm guessing that means it's a hardware issue. but I don't know where to start.02:19
pnunnexpand on the "sounds" hannasanarion02:20
TuxThePenguinBased on what you said, it might be video-card related02:20
hannasanarionfans work properly, I can hear the hard drive spin for a few seconds, exactly what I expect02:20
pnunnDo you get a beep from post?02:21
hannasanarionTuxThePenguin, would plugging directly into the motherboard rather than my graphics card troubleshoot that?02:21
pnunnCertainly worth trying hannasanarion02:21
pnunnCould be selecting the wrong graphics output02:22
TuxThePenguinSo, its a black screen or does it look like a terminal02:22
pnunnI'd take the card out all together infact first and then try the MB graphics. If that works, put it back in again.02:22
hannasanarionpnunn, no, but I don't remember if there's normally a beep. Before I updated to 14.04 I had it set to beep when it gets to GRUB, but I don't think that carried over02:22
hannasanarionit's a black screen, no bios, no grub02:23
hannasanarionpnunn, okay, I'll try that next02:23
TuxThePenguinThat could be your video card, but it could also be what the card is plugged into02:23
ObrienDaveyea, try changing slots02:24
TuxThePenguinSearch your exact problem on Google. Google is your best friend sometimes02:24
hannasanarionIf it was the video card, would I still be able to control it using the keyboard?02:24
hannasanarionalright, well that doesn't seem to be happening02:24
TuxThePenguinI mean...I guess it could (least likely) be the monitor too02:24
hannasanarionI've tried typing in my password, and then using the magic sysrq, and nothing happened02:24
pnunnI'd still take out the graphics card if you suspect it, could be pulling down the bus.02:25
pnunnDo the keyboard indicators work?02:25
hannasanarionpnunn, no they don't02:26
TuxThePenguinpnunn, what did you want her to do with the video card again?02:26
zelothi, where can i get some help in regards to issues with mount?02:26
TuxThePenguinAfter taking it out02:26
hannasanarionTuxThePenguin, try booting with monitors connected to motherboard, I think02:26
pnunnTuxThePonguin, sounds like there is on board graphics as well, so try that without the card, but sounds pretty low level.02:26
pnunnYeh, just one monitor though, keep it simple.02:26
hannasanarionpnunn, right02:27
TuxThePenguinMakes sense to me :)02:27
pnunnprocess of elimination.02:27
TuxThePenguinAlong with Occam's Razor02:27
Bashing-omzelot: If you are on a supported release of 'buntu, this is a good place to ask.02:27
TuxThePenguinAny solution is most likely the simplest one02:27
wllrtI'm a emacs newb and looking to prevent rsi. I'm using a thinkpad keyboard. Any emacs users here please recommend a good keybinding strategy? Thanks.02:28
zelotI am having difficulties mounting an external network drive on ubuntu. It was working fine a couple of days ago and now its not working. I can access the file via smbclient just fine02:29
zelotthis is the file from fstab: /media/beefcake nfs rw,hard,intr 0 002:30
hannasanarionpnunn, TuxThePenguin, alright, so pulling the graphics card did not help02:30
TuxThePenguinSo, it could be the motherboard or the monitor02:30
ObrienDavesounds like we just witnessed a MB going south02:31
TuxThePenguinWhat is MB?02:31
ObrienDaveMother Board02:31
pnunnHow many monitors do you have there? Just to be sure, try all the video connectors, but it doesn't sound good.02:31
robjlorangerquick question about print settings. i have everything set in printer options through admin panels, and also through cups web interface. but each time i go to print the default settings do not match what i have set. even though on checking them they are still set correctly system wide. just not in individual programs, ie. browsers, ocular etc02:31
TuxThePenguinThen yes, I agree02:31
pnunnThe other thing you can try is just wiggle (technical term) all of the connectors, including the power one, just to be sure there all seated. properly.02:32
TuxThePenguinhannasanarion, did you restart your computer? Get a BSOD?02:32
hannasanarionalright, i'll wiggle all the connectors, and then try my vga monitor02:32
TuxThePenguinBefore the problem I mean02:32
robjlorangeris there a second location these preferences are kept? a file somewhere that is for whatever reason not being overwritten02:33
zelotanyone? :/02:33
hannasanarionTuxThePenguin, no, It had just been crashing every once in a while (mostly when running several youtube videos at once, or viewing an imgur album), so I turned it off to check the hard drive02:33
ObrienDavetry different monitors, different video ports, check ALL connections, etc...02:33
hannasanarionI'm t wiggling all the connections, and plugging in the other monitor now02:33
TuxThePenguinOkay, well I think the crashing is a RAM issue02:33
Bashing-omzelot: While awaiting the network gurus, does the mount point "/media/beefcake" still exist, and can yoy ping ??02:34
zelotyes to both02:34
pnunnGood thought TuxThePenguin pop the ram out and re-seat it too hannasanarion.02:35
TuxThePenguinThe crashing-while-watching-YouTube thing usually means RAM, and since you seem to possibly be having a video problem...maybe they are linked?02:35
robjlorangersorry i missed everything cause i just joined, is it not booting?02:36
TuxThePenguinNo, she doesnt get video02:36
TuxThePenguinAnd it seems peripherals are failing too02:36
robjlorangerso how are we sure it isn't booting? with no video.02:37
TuxThePenguinYeah, you're right...sorry XD02:37
Bashing-omZethrok: Sorry, I do not know else.. others will have to advise.02:37
robjlorangermore so, how are we sure it is not that the machine will not boot02:37
ObrienDaveno beeps, no keyboard lights02:37
robjlorangerya that's not booting02:38
TuxThePenguinAlso, she mentioned it crashing after having too many youtube videos open. That's a RAM issue most likely... I dont know if that can be linked or not02:38
hannasanarionhey, I've never done RAM before, any tricks on getting it back in?02:38
robjlorangerthe ram is a good place to start. try removing all sticks of ram and booting, if it works: add one at a time until you find the dead one.02:38
pnunnJust make sure it's the right way around (will only go one way) then just push hard, it takes a bit of force to get the latches back down.02:39
ObrienDaveyes, you GENTLY hold the side tabs open02:39
pnunnOne end at a time.02:39
robjlorangerhannasanarion, yes. some are inserted at an angle, then rocked into the straight position.. one sec02:39
ObrienDavelatches, side tabs, same diff02:39
hannasanarionrobjloranger: it won't boot without the ram in02:39
pnunnNo, but it should beep like crazy.02:40
hannasanarionno beeping02:40
robjlorangerhannasanarion, did you get any beeps?02:40
benwrightWith Windows 8.1 dual booting with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the partition manager in the installer doesn't recognised the free space not allocated to the NTFS partition.02:40
pnunnDoesn't sound good.02:40
TuxThePenguinCould the BIOS be failing?02:40
pnunnDon't suppose you have a multi meter handy.02:40
benwrightWondering what the issues is with this, someone said this could be to do with Windows new dynamic disks, however the disk type on the free space partition is basic.02:40
hannasanarionno I don't, and I'm jobless atm, so I would really rather not go get one02:40
TuxThePenguinBy failing, I mean could it not be loading02:40
* ObrienDave votes for MB fail or CMOS battery died02:41
robjlorangersounds like some sort of motherboard issue, weather bios or full blown dead mother board it's hard to say02:41
pnunnOK, could just eliminate the power supply with one. Doesn't sound too promising though.02:41
TuxThePenguinIt might be BIOS i think...but power supply is a good idea too02:41
benwrightAny ideas?02:41
hannasanarionif it's a power problem, would the fan and hard drive be spinning?02:41
robjlorangerhannasanarion, are you getting any fans or anything? no light on the case?02:41
hannasanarionall the lights are working properly02:42
hannasanarionfans and hard drives are spinning02:42
pnunnYeh hanna, they can, could have 12V but not 5V. Seen that before.02:42
TuxThePenguinThen its BIOS i think02:42
robjlorangerok so PS (powersupply) sounds fine02:42
robjlorangeris it very old?02:43
benwrightWhat is hannasanarion issue? I might have had something similar before.02:43
pnunnNot so fast on that one robjloranger, seen one rail of a supply go down and keep things like fans happy. Could be as simple as no power good line.02:43
hannasanarionNo, got it winter 201002:43
TuxThePenguinbenwright, she cant boot up it seems02:43
ObrienDaveno beeps, no keyboard lights02:43
benwrightAlright, where does it fail in the boot process?02:43
benwrightSo you see the BIOS screen?02:43
robjlorangerfrom the get go02:43
pnunnThere is no boot process.02:43
hannasanarionI don't know. No display, no bios02:43
ObrienDaveno video either02:43
TuxThePenguinShe sees nothing at all02:43
benwrightYeah, hardware failure.02:43
TuxThePenguinWell, maybe02:43
TuxThePenguinIt could be BIOS02:43
robjlorangerwe made it that far :)02:43
hannasanarionit's not the gpu, and it's not the RAM02:44
benwrightIf you don't see the bios screen at all, you motherboard may be fried.02:44
pnunnPretty unlikely Tux, if no sign of life at all. More likely MB02:44
benwrightWhat is your motherboard model?02:44
robjlorangerthat's where i'm headed02:44
TuxThePenguinOkay, good point02:44
benwrightI have had the same thing before.02:44
hannasanarionhow could that have happened though? it was working fine before I opened it02:44
robjlorangerme too02:44
benwrightLuckily motherboards are not too expensive.02:44
TuxThePenguinBeen a while since I've had a hardware failure of this magnitude02:44
robjlorangeryou opened it? what did you do once inside?02:45
hannasanarionit's a HP p6610f, all stock except graphics02:45
benwrighthannasanarion Lots of reasons, possibly a fault in the product. How old is the motherboard?02:45
hannasanarionI wiggled the hard drive to see if it was loose, (it's not), then i blew out some dust02:45
TuxThePenguinSince it's stock, how old is the machine itself02:45
robjloranger6706f here :) canada?02:45
hannasanarionno, Arizona02:45
TuxThePenguinGot a warranty to cover it?02:45
benwrightGenerally a motherboard will have a set of LEDs on it02:45
benwrightThat flash to indicate error codes.02:46
robjloranger:( i thought the f was for french/english like here in canada.. anyway, sorry off topic02:46
hannasanarionhere's the mb02:46
benwrightYou can always start the boot, look at the leds and decode them to the respective error.02:46
hannasanarionManufacturer: FoxconnMotherboard Name: H-ALVORIX_HF-RS880-uATXHP/Compaq motherboard name: Alvorix-GL8E02:46
dino82Not sure if this is ubuntu/debian centric or what, but why is it that when I run php code in the CLI (php file.php) I get a ton of SNMP OID messages?  There's no snmp code in the php02:46
TuxThePenguinFoxconn, isnt that the Japanese manufacturer for apple? (off-topic I know)02:46
benwrightWhat I did when this happened was I got the motherboard manual, and I looked at the led error codes and then found out my motherboard was fucked :P02:46
somsipdino82: paste examples using paste.ubuntu.com02:46
somsip!language | benwright02:47
ubottubenwright: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:47
benwrightSorry I was on #ubuntu before !language existed :/02:47
hannasanarionfoxxconn is chinese I think02:47
benwrightin 200702:47
somsipbenwright: then you know to avoid swearing...02:47
TuxThePenguinwell, anyways could your hard drive's data be affected from a MB failure02:47
hannasanarionwell, i assume not, and I have the important stuff backed up02:48
benwrightsomsip Yep, best ban words not the context they are used in.02:48
TuxThePenguinOkay, that's good at least.02:48
benwrightsomsip You can have horrific opinions that don't use "curse" words.02:48
dino82somsip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7661497/02:48
benwrightYep, so if you aren't seeing the BIOS screen the HD isn't the issue.02:48
benwrightAt least it is failing before that point.02:48
hannasanarionyeah, thre's 5 leds, labelled cr1-5, and cr5 is lit green02:49
TuxThePenguinGreen is usually a positive color02:49
benwrightAlright, so in the motherboard manual that probably means something, green usually indicates good.02:49
ObrienDaveonly if it's a dual color led02:49
benwrightDo you hear the disk spinning?02:49
TuxThePenguinSo, hypothetically if the motherboard isnt failing or dead, what could it be?02:50
benwrightSo alternatively you may not be seeing the BIOS screen because you aren't rendering the framebuffer to a monitor...02:50
benwrightAnd it is booting.02:50
hannasanarionI heard the disk spinning when it first booted,but not afterwards02:50
somsipdino82: try this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21257589/ubuntu-typing-php-in-terminal-shows-a-lot-of-errors02:50
benwrightOh, hmm02:50
benwrightStill sounds like a motherboard failure.02:50
robjlorangerwhen you try to cold boot, from fully off, does one of the led's blink in a pattern?02:50
benwrightWhat component on the board did you change when it started failing02:51
TuxThePenguinCould it be a virus? I agree with MB failure but is a virus a possibility?02:51
benwrightOr did it randomly fail this morning?02:51
dino82thanks, I'll try it again02:51
dino82worked, thanks02:51
pnunnTuxThePenguin little or no chance its a virus.02:51
benwrightA virus would want your PC to boot so it could steal your credit card info.02:51
somsipdino82: np02:51
benwrightAnd no, wouldn't be that.02:52
hannasanarionrobjloranger: the light is always on, nothing changes when I boot02:52
benwrightEither your GPU or motherboard has failed.02:52
benwrightSounds like the motherboard.02:52
benwrightIf you have another board you can test the GPU in isolation02:52
robjlorangerso there is no error code via led02:52
TuxThePenguinDO you have a spare?02:52
pnunnor psu02:52
hannasanarionbenwright: the failure didn't randomly happen, it happened after I took it apart to do a little cleaning02:52
benwright:/ Static damage?02:52
TuxThePenguinOh you could have shorted out the board02:52
hannasanarionI took the gpu out to see if the computer would boot without it, and no dice02:52
mxvxrtsbenwright, robjloranger, use nicks to preface answers to others here please02:52
robjlorangermxcxrts, sure no problem02:53
hannasanarionif it's static damage or a short, can it be fixed, or am I out of luck02:53
benwrightI actually had a question of my own, but I thought I would earn some credit before asking it :P I don't know if I have been that much help.02:53
mxvxrtscool thanks02:53
TuxThePenguinhannasanarion when you say take apart can you expand on the extent of what you did02:53
benwrighthannasanarion Integrated circuits make that almost impossible.02:53
somsipbenwright: go for it. The hardware support issue is well off topic anyway02:53
robjlorangerbenwright, what's your question?02:54
TuxThePenguinWe can take this over to the offtopic channel02:54
TuxThePenguinIf that helps somsip02:54
somsipTuxThePenguin: that would be helpful, thanks02:54
benwrightWell I noticed in Windows 8.1 that when making a free partition space this isn't detected by Ubuntu 14.04 LTS02:54
TuxThePenguinWell, I'll be over there.02:54
hannasanarionOkay, what's the name of the offtopic channel?02:54
benwrightWhich is a bit annoying, I am guessing this is windows not being compatible from my understanding of how gparted works I don't see how it couldn't be detected.02:54
mxvxrts!uefi | benwright02:54
ubottubenwright: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI02:54
hannasanarionis it just #offtopic02:54
somsip!ot | hannasanarion02:54
ubottuhannasanarion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:54
TuxThePenguinUbottu, she's heading over now :)02:55
ubottuTuxThePenguin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:55
benwrightUEFI could be an issue, except this PC had funtoo linux on it for 2 years :/02:55
TuxThePenguinOh well then D02:55
litropyI'm on 13.10. Is there any way to make it so that when I have multiple windows of an application open, and I click the icon to show all the windows, it DOESN'T do the zoom out animation?02:55
benwrightBut not sure how UEFI interacts with partitions... I will check this out.02:55
mxvxrtsbenwright, more basic info might be helpful. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729502:55
robjlorangeroh geeze, UEFI is a bit beyond me benwright. but the whole partition mapping is different as far as i know. ubuntu can be compatible, it's just a bit more work.. i have a link somewhere02:56
robjlorangerbenwright, check here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/UEFI-and-BIOS02:57
benwrightOh yeah this makes sense, windows messed with boot support on the GPT table -_-02:57
robjlorangerbenwright, it's not the computers UEFI functionality, but win 8 creating a UEFI partition map/table whichever it's called02:57
benwrightYep, this isn't supported by ubuntu which is why it cannot see the disk.02:58
benwrightthe partition***02:58
benwrightThis is going to make it uber painful to install.02:58
robjlorangerbenwright, if you prefer the old way, you can apparently get win 8 to install without UEFI, i think it's in that link i put up02:58
mxvxrtsbenwright, This is an OEM correct?02:59
robjlorangerbenwright, sorry not that one. but in this link there is info on getting win 8 to disable uefi  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:00
mxvxrtsmanufacturers install of W8=OEM  benwright03:00
benwrightI might just install ubuntu in efi mode03:00
benwrightI reinstalled windows on my PC after using linux for 12 years, for the first time the other week.03:00
benwrightBut going to work out this bloody UEFI nonsense.03:01
benwrightThanks for the help03:02
luis_good night to you all, i like to ask if there is any way to install xubuntu on a blackberry curve 8520 phone? any tutorial or step by step guide to do it?03:09
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
gainI recently installed ubuntu server -- how do I figure out what my IP is?03:17
gainand #2 is it possible to connect to the server with a hostname, I tried ssh the hostname and i am getting cannot be found03:17
mxvxrtsluis_, Not really, there is ubuntu touch a #ubuntu-touch03:18
luis_Gain: click on your network manager and then on information and it will let you know your IP03:18
gaini dont have a GUI03:18
gainonly command line03:19
luis_thank you very much Mxvxrts03:19
gaini didnt want to waste resources, is it possible to do that via command line?03:19
luis_lets see03:19
gainto be honest i think I am more itnerested in part 2 of my question: SSH into a name like mediaserver instead of 192.168.X.X03:20
gainoh i need to install some daemon03:21
luis_sudo apt-get install curl03:21
gainill do that03:21
luis_thats the command to install that03:21
luis_then do this: curl ifconfig.me03:22
luis_and it will give the ip info you need03:22
=== infinity_ is now known as BlackWeb
BlackWebAfter I updated my system with a Fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04, I'm finding that NO video player can play MP4 files without freezing every minute, or so - I've tried 14.04 - 64Bit & 14.04 - 32Bit and still same problem03:27
BlackWebdoes anyone else experience this problem03:27
mnaseri'm trying to disable apparmor, i ran "service apparmor stop" "service apparmor teardown" and "update-rc.d -f apparmor remove" .. and i'm still seeing apparmor DENIED in my syslog03:27
lotuspsychjeBlackWeb: even vlc player?03:27
holsteinBlackWeb: after you updated your sysetm with a fresh install? so was it a fresh install?03:27
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:27
holsteinmake sure its not a codec issue..03:28
mnaserapparmor_status says "0 profiles are loaded." as well03:28
BlackWebyeah I've tried (VLC, Mplayer, Kaffeine) Every player freezes but they vary when they freeze03:28
BlackWebBut every 2 minutes MP4 files freeze which almost all my HD 1080p movies are in mp403:28
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | BlackWeb try what holstein suggested03:29
ubottuBlackWeb try what holstein suggested: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 60 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB03:29
kidpoolHey all. I am trying to combine multiple hard drives on my ubuntu tower via ssh. Can someone how I might go about this? I know I need to use LVM03:29
kidpoolAnyone know?03:31
lotuspsychjekidpool: what you mean by 'combine'03:31
BlackWebAlright I just did those 2 Commands in the terminal which the First command where it installs restricted packaged pretty much came back with it saying all packages are already install only did the second command  (sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh) Do something I'll try playing a movie now03:31
holsteinBlackWeb: why? thats for dvd playback, friend03:32
kidpoollotuspychje: concatenate03:32
holsteinBlackWeb: is it a dvd? is it a fresh install? or an upgrade?03:32
kidpoollotuspsychje: concatenate03:32
BlackWebYea its a fresh install of 14.04 ,  & Movie is a mp4 file on Hard Drive03:32
lotuspsychjekidpool: not sure if i follow you mate, whats your end goal?03:32
BlackWebWent to that website above, and it mention 2 commands to do03:33
holsteinBlackWeb: so, you'll want to make sure you have the proper codecs in place.. no need to enable dvd playback03:33
BlackWebDvd Playback - What is that exactly03:33
kidpoollotuspsychje: 3 seperate hard drives that plug in via usb. I want them to be represented by a single volume. when i send data to it,  i want data to be spread across the several hard drives03:33
holsteinBlackWeb: you need the specific codec support for the files you have.. you wont be able to causally skim a wiki page and copy paste a command03:33
=== avryn_ is now known as avryn
BlackWebI'll search Synaptics Package manager for mp4 codecs03:34
holsteinBlackWeb: you can try reading through these and see what applies to you03:35
lotuspsychje!lvm | kidpool maybe here03:35
ubottukidpool maybe here: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto03:35
lotuspsychjeBlackWeb: you also sure you installed correct graphics driver? youtube play hd 1080p?03:35
BlackWebYea, Which right now I'm using 14.04 - 32Bit   - Which seems to be running alot better then the 64Bit03:36
holsteinBlackWeb: 64bit 14.04?03:36
lotuspsychjeBlackWeb: i use 64bit fine03:36
holsteini use 64 or 32.. they both run fine03:37
robjlorangerhi, i hate printing. ok really i just want to know where else, other than system/admin settings panels, printer default settings are stored... they are being cheeky03:37
BlackWebYeah right now currently using 32Bit of 14.04   - I first installed the 64bit one and it seemed alot worse03:37
Neo31Hello folks, anyone familiar with web2py+apache installation please ?03:37
holsteinBlackWeb: if you had 64bit 13.10 and you are comparing it to 32bit 14.04, there can be more going on there..03:37
lotuspsychje!lamp | Neo3103:38
ubottuNeo31: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.03:38
lotuspsychjekidpool: maybe the ##hardware guys might also know?03:38
BlackWebNo I tried 64Bit 14.04 ,   Havent tried 13.10   - Upgraded from 12.04  32Bit,  Did fresh install of 14.04 64Bit first03:38
lotuspsychjerobjloranger: what printer brand do you have?03:39
Neo31lotuspsychje, I know how to setup lamp, but I am having issues with apache configuration to work with web2py03:39
holsteinBlackWeb: so, its not a fresh install then?03:40
lotuspsychjeNeo31: maybe the #httpd guys might know it?03:40
BlackWebIt is a fresh install03:40
Deihmoswhy would you need ro disable uefi03:40
Neo31thanks lotuspsychje03:40
lotuspsychje!uefi | Deihmos03:40
ubottuDeihmos: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:40
BlackWebWhich I have a movie playing now and seems like since I enable dvd playback its not freezing for the time being03:40
DeihmosI know what it is03:40
BlackWebI'll watch it03:40
robjlorangerlotuspsychje, sorry. epson. it was fine previously.. then i was printing photos, from a second paper tray, now it won't forget the settings from photo pronting03:41
BlackWebThanks :) Everyone03:41
holsteinBlackWeb: since you have added codec support03:41
lotuspsychjeDeihmos: what is your specific issue then?03:42
DeihmosI have no issue. I guess I was looking at an old message03:42
lotuspsychjerobjloranger: try apt-cache search epson, i think there are some tools for epson around03:43
mxvxrtsrobjloranger, On occasion with printer problems I just remove the driver and reinstall in the printer app, mine has no specific configs.03:43
robjlorangerthe thing is that the printer works fine, i can manually set the print options when printing via the dialog but nothing will use the defaults i have set03:44
holsteinrobjloranger: what settings? you mean, quality settings? are you sure the settings are not changing?03:46
robjlorangerholstein, i mean the paper size and source settings, also quality too03:47
mxvxrtsDeihmos, If you do not answer others by using their nick you will likely get lost in the shuffle.03:47
psyrusi got nano linux running off a 32 mg pendrive i can see my hd's how can i restore the mbr ?03:49
psyrus(grub 2)03:49
holsteinpsyrus: the text editor nano?03:49
holsteinpsyrus: regardless, you'll need a windows cd to restore an mbr from windwos03:50
psyrusi want grub back03:50
mxvxrtspsyrus, If you use supergrub you can boot to the install and do it from there, much easier, if this is the grub bootloader http://www.supergrubdisk.org/03:51
psyrusya'll are awesome ty03:51
mxvxrtspsyrus, In the future have a live ubuntu dvd/usb and boot it on the broken computer and than come here, much easier to work in that environment.03:54
=== flchat is now known as psyrus
psyrusso cool04:03
psyruscomputer is sick fast on nano04:07
holsteinpsyrus: on nano?04:08
holsteinpsyrus: the text editor nano?04:08
psyrusand term04:08
psyrusi got my hd back ty ya'll04:09
holsteinpsyrus: ? you got the boot sector back.. the rest was always there..04:10
psyrusnot yet i got access to my hd though04:10
psyrusi don't cae04:10
holsteinyou could have always accessed it from a live CD..04:11
holsteinpsyrus: if it broke, it would be broken.. regardless.. glad you are back on your machine04:12
psyrusi owe ya04:13
psyrusbig help04:13
psyrusdark i cant see keyboard . blind04:14
psyrus:) lol04:14
mxvxrts!language | linz04:14
ubottulinz: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList04:14
khaitanyagood meta-font packages ?04:15
ubuntuuserello guys. I use Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr. I am unable to compile .cpp programs using gcc. May I know whats the reason. Is g++ not installed by default?04:15
ubuntuusersorry *its Hello04:16
mxvxrtskhaitanya, good is subjective look in the ubuntu software center for what is available.04:17
SlimShadyis subjective04:17
khaitanyamxvxrts: synaptic gives way too much single fonts. trying usc..04:17
SlimShadyi have a single handedly fix the line04:17
mxvxrtskhaitanya, both have the same info04:18
SlimShadykhaitanya, good is subjective look amazing above my hands full with my foodstamp card04:18
khaitanyaslimshady: a "known" and "tested" monospace terminal font is in search04:19
SlimShadyi tested the server04:19
khaitanyaproblem: installed fonts are not shown in gnome-termninal's font selection. gnome-terminal's problem ?04:24
Stanley00khaitanya: first, check fonts' permission, make sure you can read it. Then, you need to update font cache, aka "fc-cache", Last, maybe you need to restart gnome-terminal04:28
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
kidpoolI am trying to mount a volume group (LVM) via ssh. However when I use lvdisplay nothing happens. Suggestions?04:29
khaitanyastanley00: ok. working now. thanks. :)04:29
Stanley00khaitanya: you're welcome04:29
kidpoolAnyone? :(04:34
mxvxrtskidpool, https://workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc04:36
kidpool_I set up a volume group in terminal and I am trying to mount it so ubuntu shows the group as a single volume. Can anyone help me?04:40
=== SierraAR is now known as AdransNumberOneF
khaitanyakidpool_: i'm no help but paste.ubuntu.com would be good to start so that some one sees ur problem04:43
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kidpoolkhaitanya: thanks04:49
kidpoolI am having issues with LVM. Details on what I am trying to do and where I stand as of now are located here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7661871/04:52
ram_Hi, I am ram How To Reset Windows 8 Password Using Ubuntu 12.0404:55
ram_how to clear windows 8 password by using ubuntu 1211.0404:57
litropyI'm on 13.10. Is there any way to make it so that when I have multiple windows of an application open, and I click the icon to show all the windows, it DOESN'T do the zoom out animation?04:59
dyui'm getting a "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host". i have no physical access to the machine. should i email my provider?05:01
ram_how to remove windows8 login password by using ununtu 12.0405:02
litropyram_ you can't05:02
ram_what are possible suggestions05:03
litropyram_, you can wipe the drive and install ubuntu05:04
litropyram_, but you lose all your data05:04
khaitanyai got picasa on android but as it seems there no longer support for linux. so what should i use to see my photo-albums ?05:04
ram_how to remove windows 8 adm pwd  by using chntpw05:06
khaitanyaram_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152798505:08
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
=== felipealmeida_AW is now known as felipealmeida
babinlonstonInsatlled Ubuntu 14.04 then now i have installed Windows 7 in separate partition now only Windows 7 boots, there was not OS Choosing menu while System Starts, how to add the ubuntu in os choice05:13
lotuspsychjebabinlonston: did you try sudo update-grub?05:14
ram_how to remove windows password using ununtu05:14
babinlonstonlotuspsychje: no its not now entering into ubuntu, while i on the pC its straightly enter into Windows there was no OS choosing menu Displayed05:15
ram_how to remove windows8 login password by using ununtu 12.0405:16
ram_how to remove windows8 login password by using ununtu 12.0405:16
ram_how to remove windows8 login password by using ununtu 12.0405:16
Ben64!fixgrub | babinlonston05:16
ubottubabinlonston: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:16
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xanguaram_: /join ##windows for windows issues05:16
Ben64ram_: yep, thats the way to get absolutely no help here05:16
Hakim1balany hacker here05:17
pragmatismI've used fuse to mount an s3 drive to /mnt/s3/, but even though I `sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /mnt/s3`, apache still can't write to it.  What permissions do I need to give /mnt/s3/?05:20
Ben64pragmatism: s3 drive?05:26
=== felipealmeida_AW is now known as felipealmeida
Fallafternoon folk, what can I do to supress having to enter my ssh passphrase every time i wish to communicate with remote servers? ssh-add ... but then save it to my user profile?05:29
volkanCan you suggest a text editor which is be able to show two files in the same windows like Notepad++ in Windows?05:30
angchvolkan, gedit,05:30
angchuse Ctrl+Alt+N05:31
angchvolkan, oh wait, *same* file. wait.05:31
volkanangch, No, this is what I want05:32
volkanThank you I didn't know gedit has this feature05:32
angchvolkan, oh good. it can't do the same file, multiple view though.05:32
bu5hm4nmorning, I have to setup a mailserver with a ldap backend, I tryed to set up a mailserver by my own, but thats just toooo much, does anybody know a good mailserver "bundle", which is not that hard to configure ? :)05:33
=== AdransNumber1Fan is now known as SierraAR
volkanangch, Do you know where to put gEdit themes?05:37
angchvolkan, no idea, sorry.05:37
PrivateMethodgood evening, folks05:38
bluezonewonder how hard it would be to develop a chess titan clone for ubuntu hehe05:40
bluezonewould be a nice project i would be interested in05:41
=== PrivateMethod is now known as FreqHz
bluefrogFall, not sure I understand, you set up a passphrase but don't wan't to enter it when sshing. Remove the passphrase?05:50
bluefrogand secure your computer05:50
dubeyi want to deal with latest openssl vuln. CVE-2014-0224.  As per suggestion i did apt-get update and upgrade on my system (ubuntu 10.01 LTS) and openssl version upgraded to 0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.18 from 0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.15. but my external tool says that it is still vulnerable. I am not sure what to do. as per other suggestion i should upgrade to .za but not sure how to do this ?05:52
ubottuOpenSSL before 0.9.8za, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0m, and 1.0.1 before 1.0.1h does not properly restrict processing of ChangeCipherSpec messages, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to trigger use of a zero-length master key in certain OpenSSL-to-OpenSSL communications, and consequently hijack sessions or obtain sensitive information, via a crafted TLS handshake, aka the "CCS Injec... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0224)05:52
ezhik`_Could you somebody answer a tick question related to static ip and dhcp.05:53
dubeycan some one direct to right path05:53
ezhik`_when assigning a static ip, getting some packets dropped05:53
ezhik`_when getting an automatic ip, no packets dropped.05:53
StreuselSo tac reverses the output of the content of a file, however how do I print up to say line 12, and that in reverse order of a file? tac -b12 <file> doesn't seem to do it for me.05:55
Fallbluefrog: I could do that I guess... I thought there was a method for it to persist between sessions05:57
bluefrogah ok during a session, sry don't know05:57
Fallthat's cool, thanks05:58
Loshkiezhik`_: odd. Which address gets assigned in each case?05:59
FallAh, a quick SO search answered my question: pasting for future reference:05:59
=== felipealmeida_AW is now known as felipealmeida
ezhik`_Loshki: so I am using /16 network06:00
bluefrogStreusel, tac file | head -n 1206:00
ezhik`_staticly defining
ezhik`_dhcp assigns
ezhik`_I have my dhcp setup on a different subnet.06:01
=== opensky is now known as cjsarette
XanoI just reinstalled php5-cli after the 14.04 ugprade borked it, but I keep getting the following error output: http://pastebin.com/9rRggrQu06:01
ezhik`_so when I set it staticly, it complaints06:01
ezhik`_not complaints06:02
ezhik`_getting packet drops06:02
XanoThis is after I uninstalled php5-cli and did apt-get clean and autoclean06:02
bluefrogFall, but if I understand well the page, once you have added it, it will stay forever, even after a reboot?06:03
ezhik`_RX packets:9612202 errors:0 dropped:142206170306:03
XanoFor some reason php5-cli's php.ini belongs to Apache now. What would be the default owner and permission to reset it to to make this work?06:03
ezhik`_similar to this06:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 890475 in linux (Ubuntu) "bond interface showing dropped packets" [Medium,Expired]06:03
Fallbluefrog: that's the idea06:04
bluefrogfall, well in that case what's the use to put a passphrase to begin with?06:04
FallI guess none, the key won't be used for any external servers to our own network06:05
Fallbut I didn't set it up, it was provided fo rme06:05
Loshkiezhik`_: sigh, sorry, at this stage you know more about this than I do. Keep asking...06:05
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bluefrogfall, ok got the picture now06:06
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ezhik`_it's a big problem.06:06
ezhik`_all over the web, but no resolution...06:06
ezhik`_oh well... going to bed.06:06
ezhik`_thanks anyways.06:06
Loshkiezhik`_: run a traceroute, see where the traffic is being dropped...06:06
Loshkiezhik`_: ok, try again tomorrow...06:07
KuroshitaNot exactly Ubuntu specific, but if I was to run a socks proxy through an ssh connect not on the default 22 port would the command be like so: ssh -p 8888 -D 1234 user@ ?06:07
StreuselWhat am I doing wrong in vim that s/foo/bar/g is not changing all foo's to bar's06:12
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Stanley00Streusel: I think you need change it to %s/foo/bar/g06:14
Streuseltried that, didn't seem to make a difference06:14
Streuselbut I shall try it again06:14
SpeirosHi all.  I have a problem.  I used to be able to open multiple pages, but now it either freezes or closes many times when I open two or more.  Is there a way to fix this?06:18
SpeirosSomeone suggested it is my video driver maybe for ubuntu.06:19
SpeirosAnd what was that *.net *.split thing where about 50 people "quit?06:21
Ben64Speiros: irc server problems, nothing to worry about06:22
Speiros73 all at the same time?06:22
SpeirosOk, thanks Ben64.06:22
Ben64Speiros: everyone on a particular server that got disconnected from the rest of the servers06:23
SpeirosBen64 No probs.  Do you know any way I can prevent this opening pages issue?06:23
Ben64Speiros: i really have no idea what you mean by opening pages06:24
SpeirosBen64 What used to happen, I could open say 5 web pages, and edit, according to reading info off each of them.06:24
SpeirosBen64 Now I go to open a second page most times (not always) and the computer freezes, or drops the page altogether.06:24
babinlonstonHi Every one , Please go through my issue i have explained here http://paste.ubuntu.com/7662154/06:27
babinlonstonNot Showing Dual boot menu after Grub install06:27
mxvxrtsSpeiros, Have you checked the memory/ram with a test, have you tried this in the guest account and a live environment?06:27
Speirosmxvxrts How do I do that mate?06:28
mxvxrtsbabinlonston, Windows is not in the extended is it?06:29
mxvxrtsSpeiros, The live has a memory test on the gui you see that has a try or install and memory test.06:29
babinlonstonmxvxrts: While installing Ubuntu i left 26GB Unpartition space in that i have installed windows 706:30
Speirosmxvxrts if it is to test if my ram is getting full, I have nearly a blank memory...nothing on it much at all, except ubuntu itself...almost I mean of course.06:30
Speirosmxvxrts so I go to "ubuntu live" ?06:31
heyDThere's a high pitch sound when i connect my laptop to my hdmi tv. help?06:31
mxvxrtsbabinlonston, Is that windows in a logical ntfs in side the extended?06:31
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=== felipealmeida_AW is now known as felipealmeida
mxvxrtsSpeiros, the memory/ram only gets full if you are booted.06:31
babinlonstonmxvxrts: yes its06:31
mxvxrtsbabinlonston, Wont show or boot unless you have a windows boot partition in a primary.06:32
Speirosmxvxrts Ok, thanks.  So where do I go to test this?06:32
robotdevilwhats wrong with vbox kernel module?06:32
mxvxrtsmxvxrts> Speiros, The live has a memory test on the gui you see that has a try or install and memory test.06:32
Speirosmxvxrts What is the live?06:33
=== sins-_i_u_o_r_x_ is now known as sins-
mxvxrtsbabinlonston, You really want that windows at the beginning of the disc as well.06:33
babinlonstonmxvxrts: then how can i fix it now is it possible or only a fresh re-installation will help06:33
mxvxrtsSpeiros, the live disc you use to install ubuntu with.06:33
Guest77098Is it possible to do a GUI encrypted installation of ()buntu using multiple disks and custom partition sizes with Trusty?  I did a LVM RAID 5 encrypted install with the 12.04 alternate install iso, but gathered that was no longer necessary to do it the Debian way anymore.06:34
babinlonstonmxvxrts: oh , then will dd command help me to move the partitions ?06:34
Speirosmxvxrts Ok, thanks.  I'll test it and come back later.  Thanks for helping mxvxrts and Ben64:)06:34
larrypgbabinlonston, if you do not have anything important I would install windows first and leave enough space for ubuntu and then install ubuntu06:34
mxvxrtsbabinlonston, Probably a clone would work, but you have to have room for it to be in a primary partition not a logical inside an extended, or at least the windows boot partition in a primary.06:35
babinlonstonlarrypg: already installed and a Developer working in it, so is it possible to fix the issue pls guide06:35
babinlonstonmxvxrts: got it, then every windows installation must be in Primary right for dual boot06:36
mxvxrtsbabinlonston, basically yes, however if you have the windows boot partition in a primary the OS can be in an extended, I'm not sure I have seen anyone with that set up though, but it will work.06:37
babinlonstonmxvxrts: ok ill try it in other machine first thank you06:38
mxvxrtswindows commonly has two partitons one of which is a boot06:38
babinlonstonyea you right06:39
prashantis anyone there?06:39
Ben64prashant: about 1600 people06:40
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
arogi just ran df -h and I noticed:: /dev/sda1       909G   15G  848G   2% /06:53
arogwhy is my size so large (909gb) but my available is only 848gb06:53
arogI find it difficult to believe ubuntu takes up almost 60gb06:53
arogthis is without a GUI as well06:54
aroganyone around?06:54
mxvxrtsarog, partition sizes are counted in two ways that is about right.06:54
arogmxvxrts: so from 900gb almost 50gb gets used up?!06:55
arogthat's crazy!06:55
mxvxrtsarog, THat is to full anyway06:55
Ben64arog: it probably is reserved space06:55
arogwhat do you mean06:55
mxvxrtsarog, It is not crazy it is the way it is look it up.06:55
aroggot a link?06:56
arogim not sure what to search for06:56
mxvxrtsarog, The difference is 1000MB for a gig and 1024 for a gig if I have the numbers correct.06:57
Ben64arog: by default 5% of a filesystem is reserved for root, 5% of 909G is 45.45G, 45.45+15+848=908.4506:57
Ben64mxvxrts: thats not the issue here06:57
mxvxrtsBen64, May not be, however this is true.06:58
Ben64right, but irrelevant to the current topic06:58
mxvxrtsBen64, You have not confirmed that well enough to talk that way to me to be honest or at any time. ;)06:58
arogoh i see Ben6406:58
fralle__somebody knows what to do when autotools configure hangs on "checking for tputs in -lncurses"? (ubuntu 13.10)06:59
arog5% for root wow wonder why it's using that much06:59
Ben64mxvxrts: to talk what way? you're giving information that isn't relevant to the issue06:59
Ben64arog: it isn't being used, it's just reserved for root. you can change the percentage if you wish06:59
arogI was going to guess 3gb (thats what google says ubuntu installation is) + maybe 1.5x RAM (I only have 4GB) so total is ~9gb06:59
arogBen64: do you know why the reserve is set so high? Is there a performance hit if I lower it?07:00
larrypgarog, probably so that if you do hit the limit the system still has enough in reserve to fix things (get rid of things)07:01
dunbuggyhey yall im a bit confused07:03
dunbuggyive been using a python program from the comman line, and when i call it from php, i cant get the results the same way07:03
dunbuggyi tried changing the locale charset but it didnt seem to work07:03
dunbuggythe encoding is effed up07:04
dunbuggyany troublshooting ideas would be rad07:04
arogokay ill leave it then, thank you07:05
qknight_i've got a standard ubuntu here and i wonder if i can move widgets from one 'workspace' to another using a hotkey...?07:06
qknight_http://help.ubuntu-it.org/12.04/desktop/shell-workspaces-movewindow.html <- oh found it!07:07
mxvxrtsarog, Not knowing whether your full disc size was off the HD box or web and what ubuntu shows, sorry for any wrong help. ;)07:07
=== blindsight is now known as Guest91964
Quintopiawould anyone here like to recommend a netbook/convertible which is easy and full-featured to run kubuntu on, and which is a quality device in its own right?07:12
mxvxrtsQuintopia, A lot to choose from, check the minimal hardware needed and the price range you need, we don't really do that here. ;)07:13
tomenglandhow do i chane my keymap, I changed it in xkb in X11, but the changes did not happen07:18
tomenglanddoes ubuntu house keypress and their corresponding code outside of /usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev07:18
Stanley00tomengland: did you test xmodmap?07:21
tomenglandi haven't07:24
tomenglandwhat does that do07:25
mohabHello all of you07:25
mohabI want the program to the proxy system 12.0407:25
mohabIs a program to break the blocked sites07:26
tomenglandkeycode 115 = End NoSymbol End07:27
tomenglandok xmodmap is showing the previous change07:27
tomenglandhowever /usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev is showing the my change07:27
CuyHi, I have a problem with a user account (and probably its permissions) - anyone feel helpful?07:31
leeyaahello. i have a fresh 14.04 LTS server install. for some reason restart networking or /etc/init.d/networking restart isnt working07:31
leeyaawhat could be the reason ?07:31
FreewheelinFrankhow can i install flash player for firefox?07:32
FreewheelinFrankhow can i install flash player for firefox?07:35
leeyaaStopping or restarting the networking job is not supported.07:37
leeyaasrsly -.-07:37
mxvxrtsFreewheelinFrank, flashplugin-installer07:38
FreewheelinFrank<mxvxrts>which version07:38
mxvxrtsFreewheelinFrank, I believe there is only one that is the name of it.07:39
FreewheelinFrank<mxvxrts>there is a YUM, RPM and tar.gz07:39
mxvxrtsFreewheelinFrank, Linux does not have the latest flash, if that is the refrence07:40
tomenglandthere is no .deb?07:40
mxvxrtsFreewheelinFrank, Not from adobe, but from the ubuntu repos07:40
FreewheelinFrank<mxvxrts>there are a few options downloading from the adobe site. It used to work but then I upgraded to ubuntu version 1407:40
FreewheelinFrank<mxvxrts>well I did install from that but it still does not work. am sure there were instructions to install manually and some settings to change07:41
mxvxrtsFreewheelinFrank, We only support what comes from the ubuntu repos, there is nothing at adobe fir linux that is above what you get in the repos.07:42
mxvxrtsadobe does not really support linux flash anymore, have not far awhile07:43
FreewheelinFrank<mxvxrts>By repos i assume you mean the ubuntu software centre. it says use lightspark as an alternative so I will ry that07:43
mxvxrtsFreewheelinFrank, your choice but all you have to do is open a terminal and run sudp apt-get install flashplugin-installer07:45
mxvxrtsFreewheelinFrank, There is a peppermint flash from chrome that you can install.07:45
FreewheelinFrank<mxvxrts>well maybe i can start using chrome then07:46
mxvxrtsFreewheelinFrank, here is their flash for other browsers, http://www.webupd8.org/2014/05/install-fresh-player-plugin-in-ubuntu.html07:47
mxvxrtsFreewheelinFrank, Is a ppa technically not supported here is all.07:47
FreewheelinFrank<mxvxrts>am downloading07:50
FreewheelinFrank<mxvxrts>works on chrome! thanks now i can watch the daily show and colbert ;)07:55
goldalexI have limited allowance for total data transfer over internet, can you tell me program name for ubuntu that can monitor my internet usage ?07:57
knoppixtry conky07:58
pdo_fn14For long time Linux file system program don't support dynamic destination copying from trash.07:58
stevenmHi, in 14.04 - where are all the other alert sounds / sound effects?   there is only 'Default'07:59
makarahi. is there a channel on project management / methdologies, like Agile?07:59
pdo_fn14However it's very frustrating when you found that your trash files has been restored in same old directionary.07:59
pdo_fn14I Using ext4 fs.08:02
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=== fujisano is now known as Nucleus1618
pdo_fn14But I don't know how to face that this bug.08:14
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
robotdevilhow in the hell does firefox get hijacked by baidu?08:22
Jeroen_MathonHello i am back08:23
kaitanyaproblem with locales http://paste.ubuntu.com/7662598/08:30
Jeroen_Mathonkaitanya when did this problem occour?08:34
kaitanyajeroen_mathon: today, my first logins08:35
Jeroen_Mathonkaitanya Did you change your locales?08:37
kaitanyajeroen_mathon: yeah, from en_GB to fi_FI, LC_ALL was set to C08:37
Jeroen_Mathonkaitanya Do you run a server or a desktop version of Ubuntu>08:38
kaitanyajeroen_mathon: server, and export LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 works but LC_ALL=fi_FI.UTF-8 doesnt08:39
Jeroen_Mathonkaitanya Let me do some quick research08:39
Jeroen_Mathonkaitanya can you paste the output of locale -a in ubuntu pastebin08:40
kaitanyajeroen_mathon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7662636/08:40
tapasweni_pathakTrying for the first time.08:42
Jeroen_Mathonkaitanya and the output of locale08:42
kaitanyajeroen_mathon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7662641/08:44
Jeroen_Mathonkaitanya did you try modifying this file?  /etc/default/locale08:44
kaitanyajeroen_mathon: wait08:44
kaitanyajeroen_mathon: i set it to fi_FI08:45
Jeroen_Mathonkaitanya Ok try now does it work?08:45
Jeroen_Mathonkaitanya If taht didn't work take a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale08:46
kaitanyajeroen_mathon: now its en_GB and everything is working but cant just change LC_ALL to anything... going to the park with kids now so gonna check this later08:47
Jeroen_MathonNice to have helped ^_^ Good luck08:48
kaitanyajeroen_mathon: thanks. later :)08:48
mreggHi - in a bash script, how can I create a folder, the name of which is to be based on a file's date?08:52
=== billstclair is now known as Guest77281
ScratchyMorning everybody !09:01
jayeshgood afternoon09:03
MayurYaafternoon mi8y :D09:03
Jeroen_Mathonmregg You want to create a Bash script that makes a folder with the files date?09:05
mreggJeroen_Mathon: I want to copy my files into different folders which I would name based on dates. Eg : a file created on 2014-01-23 goes to folder 2014-01, a file created on 2014-03-12 goes to 2014-03, etc.09:06
Jeroen_Mathonmregg Did you do some research before you started Writing the bash code?09:07
mreggJeroen_Mathon: so far I'm trying to experiment with ls -l | awk '{print $5} but I'm not successful09:07
Jeroen_Mathonmregg What i thing is that you need these methods: catagorize array(File names) by date,Create folder for Catagories,Put corosponding subitems in their catagorized folders09:09
Jeroen_MathonThose are the methods or functions your program would need.09:09
Jeroen_MathonYoul need to store these variables Array(Catagories),Array(Filenames),string(Date)09:10
Jeroen_MathonYou could replace the string with an array. for convinience09:10
lkthomasguys, how could I execute a program to console when ubuntu first time boot up?09:10
Jeroen_Mathonlkthomas put them in /etc/init.d09:11
lkthomasJeroen_Mathon: I also want to hold up all starting program09:12
InFiernoput in a delay then...09:12
InFlamesanyone having problems with 14.04? cuz man, i have never had such a rough time with ubuntu09:12
dwatkinswhat problems in particular are you seeing, InFlames?09:13
Jeroen_MathonInFlames I only had trouble with the ubuntu 1309:13
robbrso i just install ubuntu-desktop metapackage with the --without-recommends flag... and now unity is pretty much broken. wtf?09:13
mreggJeroen_Mathon: if I do a : "for file in *;  do", how do I get $file's timestamp?09:13
robbrfor example, no installed applications show up under "applications"09:13
stevenmHey if I haven't chosen automatic login on install - how do I turn that on later?09:14
dwatkinsmregg: have a look at the "find" command, you can do stuff based on the timestamp with it09:14
ahigginbottomwazzzupp niggy09:14
jblakeoh ma gawd09:14
InFlamesdwatkins, i was running the upgrades after it completely the distribution upgrade and now when i try to upgrade it says something is wrong, then says it can only do a partial upgrade, then i try the partial and it logs me out and kills my whole session09:14
stevenmnvm found it09:15
Jeroen_MathonTry cntrl+alt+F1 Login as root and then try09:15
mreggdwatkins: find will tell me files that are older than x number of days, what I'm looking for is for each file, what is their timestamp09:15
InFlamesdwatkins, so then i was trying to make a startup disk and i notice now my dash has no application results09:15
bcvery!ot | ahigginbottom, please keep this chat clear for support09:15
ubottuahigginbottom, please keep this chat clear for support: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:15
jblakehold print screen09:15
cshawno pls09:15
gsimpsonTig ol biddies09:16
cshawi can clap with out using my handfs09:16
dwatkinsInFlames: I suggest doing an "apt-get upgrade" from the text console to see if it produces errors as implied by Jeroen_Mathon09:16
stevenmor not... in "User Account" the Unlock button is greyed out - why!?09:16
InFlamesah, both sound ideas, thanks09:16
gsimpsonwho are you?09:17
Jeroen_Mathonstevenm Did you chown the .Xauthority in your home directory09:17
stevenmumm no ...09:17
stevenmfresh ubuntu 14.04 install09:17
gsimpsonstop spaming09:18
gsimpsonhi jimmy09:18
ahigginbottomhey jim09:18
DJonesgsimpson: jblake ahigginbottom cshaw This is an Ubuntu support channel, its not for general chat09:19
Jeroen_Mathongsimpson Please lease if you don't need help or are support people09:20
mikodoWhen mtab opens partitions in an external Hard-drive, is it normal for the permissions for the partitions to be owned by root?09:20
Jeroen_MathonYoul need to run partitioning software as root09:20
Jeroen_MathonSo yes it is normal mikodo :)09:21
Jeroen_MathonAt least i hope09:21
dwatkinsmikodo: what format is the partition?09:21
dwatkinsmikodo: I mean is it FAT32, ext3 etc.?09:22
mikododwatkins, EXT 409:22
dwatkinsmikodo: in that case, the mounted partition should have ownership as defined within the partition; you may have to re-chown directories if it's taken from a different system, as the user IDs might not match09:22
dwatkinsbut if the files were owned by root originally, that should still be the case now09:23
mikododwatkins, So, will it be ok to change them to be owned by my user, to not have to use root to use Back in Time?09:24
Jeroen_MathonBackintime uses rsync09:25
Jeroen_MathonIt coppies permissions09:25
dwatkinsI'd suggest running any backup script as root anyway.09:25
Bobmarley__Can someone help fully remove apache2? When I try to it says this error09:25
mikododwatkins,  and et al, Thanks!09:26
Bobmarley__Can someone help fully remove apache2? When I try to it says this error http://pastie.org/930139409:27
Jeroen_MathonBobmarley sure09:28
Jeroen_MathonGive me a moment09:28
Jeroen_MathonBobmarley whats the output of which apache209:29
Jeroen_Mathonthe command (which apache2)09:29
Jeroen_MathonBrb goign to get some tea09:30
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Jeroen_Mathonback and Bobmarley wahts the ouput of the which apache2 command09:33
Bobmarley__What do you mean, like sudo apt-get instll apache2?09:34
Jeroen_MathonBobmarley take a look at this http://askubuntu.com/a/17696609:34
Jeroen_MathonTea break i hope this helped Bobmarley09:35
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Bobmarley__Jeroen_Mathon: http://pastie.org/930143409:45
Jeroen_MathonI see09:46
Jeroen_MathonAnd this one Bobmarley http://askubuntu.com/a/38779309:46
Jeroen_MathonBut first Bobmarley run this E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?09:47
Jeroen_Mathonthe apt-get update with -f09:47
Jeroen_Mathonor with --fix-missing09:47
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JOTAUVEI've one server in my office with ubuntu, if I connect it to the switch, the ping and speed of my connection decreases a lot. How can I discover what is causing that?? I don't have downloads in the server obviously09:52
Bobmarley__Is it alright to delete files in /etc/ to delete some packages instead of doing apt-get remove/09:54
Bobmarley__Jeroen_Mathon It still has apache2.2-common left09:56
Jeroen_MathonThen try to do apt-get remove apache2.2-common -f09:57
robotdevilhow aggressive is ubuntu logs? maybe I should make a separate partition for /var instead of on my ssd10:01
robotdevilfirefox cache already does a number on it10:02
makaraJOTAUVE: network troubleshooting is not easy to do over IRC10:04
Jeroen_Mathonsurfsue otherwhise use Bleachbit to clean the,10:04
n1n0what is the better way to repair ubuntu 13.10, via the live CD or with boot repair disk?10:05
cfhowlettn1n0 depends what you're "repairing"10:05
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n1n0cfhowlett typed a lot yesterday, it is an uncommon problem I guess10:06
n1n0cannot log onto my account, even though the password is correct (via tty)10:06
MayurYa^ check keyboard layout.. if password contains special chars.. that might* be the reason.10:07
n1n0it's not that10:07
n1n0or also read that it can be reinstalled in a way that all the apps, docs and bookmarks to remain10:07
n1n0can it?10:08
MayurYahow about resetting root or user's password, tried?10:09
cfhowlettn1n0 can you get into guest account10:10
n1n0not even that10:11
n1n0could, and after changing the account password from within the recovery mode, couldn't10:12
cfhowlettn1n0 complete reinstall.10:13
xubuntu438What is the point of downloading the isos via p2p (besides hashing), if one can download from the http mirrors at full speed?10:13
cfhowlettxubuntu438 actually the recommended method is to torrent10:14
n1n0cfhowlett can I somehow fetch the bookmarks prior to that?10:14
xubuntu438cfhowlett, my question is: why? no method is going to be faster than direct download10:14
cfhowlettn13z firefox?  back it up.  or export/save/email the bookmars10:15
cfhowlettxubuntu438 false.  I've seen torrent fly faster than DL many times.10:15
n1n0cfhowlett didn't back it up and now cannot access into the sys. can i somehow do it from tty?10:15
n1n0and what should the command line be10:15
cfhowlettn1n0 log in to single user mode via command line10:16
Jeroen_Mathonxubuntu438 Incorrect Torrenting is faster if there are more seeders10:16
Bobmarley__Jeroen_Mathon: http://pastie.org/930156110:21
ringarinhow can i set static ip without rebooting in 14.04 ?10:22
svetaby setting it in network manager, disconnecting from network, and reconnecting10:22
ringarinsveta, i updated my /etc/network/interfaces then tried : service networking restart10:23
MayurYa..and same steps sveta suggested can be done via CLI (in case one is working on server)10:23
ringarini get : Job failed while stopping  and "ip a" still returns the same ip10:25
MayurYaare you a privilege-user/root (does user have sufficient permission to perform such actions)?10:26
ObrienDavedisconnect first?10:27
ringarinim root, service networking stop : returns  Job failed while stopping  ; only reboot actualy changes the ip10:28
rahul__Hii all10:37
rahul__I am on ubuntu 12.04 lts i am connected to internet via router i wan to access my home pc which is connected to dsl connection how can i10:38
rahul__i tried ssh it with here.. i can't do and no ping is coming10:38
MayurYayou may need to configure port-forwarding, if not.10:38
rahul__MayurYa, how to do that10:39
ringarinMayurYa, thanks i successfully changed the ip using : sudo ifdown --exclude=lo -a && sudo ifup --exclude=lo -a10:39
Mathisentype in in browser10:39
Mathisenusaly works to get acces to your router10:40
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:40
MayurYayey! u nailed it :) so, that bug still exists.. use that workaround ;)10:40
MayurYa@rahul__ try what Mathisen suggested and do some web search for configuring port-forwarding in your router/modem.10:41
rahul__ok MayurYa10:41
svetahello b10:41
bi'm drunk lol10:41
cfhowlettb ask your ubuntu questions10:42
Mathisenrahul__ if you want to make it simple for you, just find " DMZ host " under nat configuration on the router and type in the ip to your home pc there... This will open ALL ports to that ip... so better to just forward specific ports10:42
MayurYa@rahul__ DMZ would open your computer to rest of the world, so be wise while using it :wink10:45
smy balls itch10:47
sscratch them for me10:47
cfhowlett!ops|s idiocy10:48
ubottus idiocy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!10:48
cfhowlettp3rror greetings.  ask ubuntu questions10:49
p3rrorHow can I denied access to mysql cli command for a user10:49
p3rrorI think that there are not many solutions10:49
p3rrorwe can chroot that user10:49
skrrpdon't give them the passwords for the database root user or any databases?10:50
p3rrorOr use selinux or maybe apparmor10:51
p3rrorskrrp I say it to my boss10:52
p3rrorhe does not accept10:52
p3rrorhe need only to denied mysql cli for user aptus10:52
p3rrorso I thought to chroot aptus10:52
p3rrorusing selinux is very complicated10:52
skrrpcan you not chmod u-x the executable and then add people you want to run it to a group?10:53
p3rrorskrrp please explain10:56
skrrpchmod is the command to change file permissions. permissions are read, write, execute (rwx) for user, group, all (uga). if you chmod a-x (all minus execute) then only the owner of the file and groups (ug) will be able to run the file10:58
p3rrorbut in general10:58
p3rrorthe owner of `which mysql`10:58
p3rroris root ?10:59
p3rrormsyql ?10:59
p3rrorwhat the deal wth group10:59
skrrpi don't know. if you ls -l the file it will tell you user and group owners10:59
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skrrpgroups are the middle stage of file permissions. it allows users to be added to a custom group to access shared files10:59
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benprestwoodmy i ask a question11:15
ubottubenprestwood: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:16
benprestwoodi am installing stuff on my linux server (no gui) and i used "cd ~" and now it has an > before each command and the commands dont do anything but just go to a new line ?11:17
benprestwoodhow do i get them to run11:17
cfhowlettbenprestwood exit the terminal and try again11:17
benprestwoodits on digitalocean and will i have to write the 10 commands i did again ?11:18
cfhowlettbenprestwood digitalocean?  I'd guess yes.11:19
benprestwooddigitalocean is a server host and ill try restart the terminal11:20
benprestwoodi mihgt have to restart the server11:20
tongjingchenghow to set auto change voice device  when i connect blue tooth?11:22
skrrpapologies in advance for the wall-o'text. i've got an insidious problem on my hands - my sales team and i (techie) are all running 14.04 with KDE, Thunderbird and Firefox. main application is SugarCRM (web-based). i don't have this problem but my sales team do - every now and again their keyboard stops working. they can't type into emails or Firefox. the only difference is that sales are...11:24
skrrp...running the Opacus plugin for Thunderbird and also have JavaScript alert(); s popping up from Sugar for call reminders. a workaround is for them is to click the K menu and type something into the search box, then the keyboard starts to work  again for Thunderbird and Firefox. anyone have any ideas as to a cause or a cure?11:24
benprestwoodits working now thanks for your help cfhowlett11:24
cfhowlettbenprestwood happy2help11:24
tongjingchengHow to set automatic switching sound when I plug in the Bluetooth device, adjust the volume control is integrated sound card11:25
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roninhow do I "pipe" a program output to sendmail11:46
sydneyOk,im thinking of installing Ubuntu gnome 14.04 along side of my 12.04 install.Is there anything i need to do before the install?11:47
sydneyAnyone?Or do i just install?11:52
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sydneyOr should i wait for 14.04.1?11:53
historonin: I don't believe sendmail accepts input from the command itself. You'd probably have to output to a file then use the file as input when constructing your message.11:53
Grant_PHi all, Have a Meridian Explorer DAC. I no longer have any sound. Any known issues with recent updates?11:54
Deepfriedicesydney: I'd just go for it. There isn't much point waiting for .1 if you're just going to upgrade to it anyway.11:55
DeepfriedicePersonally, I'd do the partitioning first though.11:55
historonin: I stand corrected. you could mail -s "subject" email address < output of other command11:55
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roninhisto, I also have mail11:58
roninhisto, just trying to put a command to cron and then email the output :)11:58
ben_gDoes anyone here know how to fix random GPU freezes? (nvidia geforce 710M with the official nvidia drivers)11:59
historonin: cron will email the output unless you have it set not to.11:59
roninhmm wehre is this configured11:59
historonin: it's part of crontab it will email any output and errors11:59
ben_gOr if those GPU freezes can't be fixed, is there a way to make it recover automatically when the GPU is unresponsive?12:00
historonin: set the MAILTO=youremail@test.com  in your crontab12:00
ben_g(currently, to recover, I have to press CTRL+AL+F1-F6, then CTRL+ALT+F7, and then everything works again)12:01
histoben_g: try not using the nvidia drivers12:02
ben_ghisto: it was the only way that made my computer use the nvidia graphics card, while not messing up everything12:03
histoben_g: what was messed up with the open source drivers?12:03
ben_gthe open-source drivers only work for my on-board GPU (which is a lot slower than my nvidia card)12:04
ben_gAnd I tried bumblebee once too, but with it, i had no graphics at all12:04
histoben_g: ahh you have a dual video card setup... Perhaps try a different version of the driver from nvidia then.12:06
ben_gI tried the latest linux one, what version should I use then?12:06
sj99Hey. I'm running 14.05, and I have a monitor with a 2560x1440 resolution, however that resolution isn't available in system settings (the max is 1920x1080). Any help would be much appreciated.12:07
max87hi, am able to login to ubuntu but it shows 4 options including to run with low graphics mode12:07
xvzfhi there where can I download an iso image to install trusty tahr onto a macbook?12:07
max87but when i choose low graphics mode, it shows only commandline12:07
ben_gI use driver version 331.38-Linux-x86-64bit12:07
robotdevilhow the heck is the nouveau driver configured? is there not an .rc file or something?12:08
max87i experimented, and changed to init 1. Then after , I were able to run to init 5 and graphics shown up correctly.12:08
max87but when the system is rebooted again the error shows up.12:08
max87how can i verify if this is related to graphics driver.12:08
pavlossj99, the resolution depends on your video card, not the monitor12:08
ben_gIs there a way to just update the graphics drivers, instead of going trough the installation procedure again?12:10
histoben_g: I don't know perhaps you'd have to ask nvidia for support with 'their' driver.12:10
sj99pavlos: samsung advertises it as 2560x1440 pixel resolution12:10
historobotdevil: What do you mean by configured?12:11
ben_gIs there a way to write a script to reset it automatically when it's frozen? Maybe that's easier.12:11
histoben_g: not quite sure how you'd detect that it's frozen.12:11
pavlossj99, are you running 14.04? what video card do you have? again, the resolution depends on the video card, not the monitor.12:11
histoben_g: What desktop environment are you running?12:11
ben_gUbuntu 14.0412:12
histoben_g: it's possible something with X or unity is locking up. You could try a different DE for awhile like xfce, kde, lxde, etc.... and test12:13
ben_gWell, I do know that everything I do while it's frozen still has effect, the screen just doesn't show it12:13
ben_gDoesn't that mean it's only the GPU that causes problems?12:14
robotdevilben_g: how does it know what options to run with if there is no xorg12:14
ben_grobotdevil: How do you mean? (sorry, I'm quite bad with linux)12:15
Grant_PHi, I've noticed that my machine is not running the latest kernel installed (even after reboot). Any reason why?12:15
sj99pavlos: yep - 14.04. I have intel hd 4000 integrated graphics12:16
Ben64Grant_P: well what is installed, what is running, and what did you choose during grub?12:17
ben_gHow can I set up a different DE (whatever that is) to see if it's causing the problem?12:17
ben_gIt seems that windows autorecovers from the GPU freezes I described by using TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery).12:20
ben_gIs there a linux-alternative for this?12:20
pavlossj99, so you need to go to the Intel site and d/l the driver ... https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads12:21
sj99pavlos: thanks, i've installed it and will reboot now12:24
voidwalkris ubuntu better than xubuntu?12:24
augur_no its the same but with another DE12:25
augur_00 bollullera12:26
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest20545
zerguthow to execute file or script in ubuntu?12:34
Ben64zergut: ./file_or_script12:35
zergutwhat about gui execution?12:35
Ben64zergut: ALT+F2 ?12:36
zergutno, no i meant like from Nautilus12:36
Ben64zergut: then double click it?12:38
davidds_I wonder if this is working12:39
davidds_Flamereaper, do you see my message?12:39
Ben64davidds_: your messages are coming though12:40
davidds_oh thanks, I like!12:40
davidds_this is the first of many attempts that seems to succesful12:40
davidds_thanks jack12:40
zergutBen64: it opens as a text file12:41
jackwas addressed to Ben64 and his typo12:41
Ben64well if you just want to chat, please do so in #ubuntu-offtopic12:41
Ben64zergut: then you didn't make the file properly or something12:41
davidds_I have some questions as well, but I'll ask them in #ubuntu-offtopic12:41
zergutBen64: It executes properly from command prompt12:42
Ben64zergut: well i don't know what to tell you, a properly made script gives an option to run when double clicked in nautilus12:43
zergutBen64: okay, i got it how to make it properly?12:44
Ben64zergut: pastebin what you have?12:44
Ben64zergut: you may be missing the #!/bin/bash for a bash script, or executable bit set or something12:45
zergutBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7663545/12:46
Ben64zergut: ok, and now check for the executable bit12:48
zerguthow to?12:48
Ben64right click, properties, permissions; or... ls -l12:49
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zergutalready did12:50
zergutit's marked to allow execution12:50
Ben64ok try "ls -l" instead12:51
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Guest7100How do you improve security on Ubuntu 14.0412:53
zergutBen64: is it looks like executable, right?12:59
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Stevie24Can anyone tell me how can I extract & delete from file1, the lines containing specific strings, and move them to a new file named file2 ? the string is dynamic; example : I'm interested to extract all lines containing DOG, 192168, IL. All 3 are separate patterns. Thanks in advance.13:12
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skrrpGuest7100: install BSD. joking aside there are many small and big things you can do to secure your system. start with sshd_config. move the ssh port to a high number in the user range, disable root login. use nmap to scan your system for open ports (services). disable any you don't need. kill inetd if it's running. kill any insecure ftp programs. you might consider a firewall (shorewall) or...13:13
skrrp...selinux. you could opt for just not having ports open rather than firewalls. read up on port knocking if you are truly paranoid13:13
KarameL-salut les blaireaux :)13:17
pavlos!fr| KarameL-13:17
ubottuKarameL-: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:17
KarameL-ok thanks :)13:18
KarameL-its nice to have french room :)13:18
jackqc? ubuntu-quebec?13:20
histoStevie24: with sed13:22
kryptohow can we know the package which provides top command ,is there any similar command for yum provides?13:22
histoStevie24: well grep  and sed13:22
cfhowlett!info top13:23
ubottuPackage top does not exist in trusty13:23
histo!apt-file | krypto13:23
ubottukrypto: apt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update"13:23
histoStevie24: you still around?13:27
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leeyaadoes anyone know why after i installed xen on 14.04 LTS i have no xenconsole ?13:32
leeyaawhat could be the reason13:32
cfhowlett!info xenconsole13:33
ubottuPackage xenconsole does not exist in trusty13:33
cfhowlett!info xen13:33
ubottuPackage xen does not exist in trusty13:33
Stevie24histo, sorry. I was on the phone.13:36
Stevie24That means I will need a script, is that correct?13:37
Stevie24Just a sed command woudn't do it?13:37
histoStevie24: you could one liner it with a ;13:37
Stevie24ah, ok13:38
histoStevie24: grep searchterm somefile > newfile ; sed -ie 's/searchterm//g' somefile13:38
Stevie24But isn't that impossible, since I have 24 separate strings ?13:39
Stevie24That would mean 24 x grep + 24 x sed. Am I wrong?13:39
SpecialEdHello, I am looking for a real time cpu/ram/bandwidth monitor for 6 remote servers that will display on a single web page. Currently I have SSH sessions into my servers with htop and bwm-ng running. Does anyone know a good way to do this via the web? I have tried munin and nagios and I don't believe they really show real time (their real time is 1 min refresh)13:42
histoStevie24: you can do multiple patterns13:43
holsteinnagios is an industry standard13:43
SpecialEdholstein: I agree, but is there a way to make it work so it shows like 1 second refresh ?13:43
SpecialEdfor 6 servers?13:43
SpecialEdIf so then Ill head over to #nagios13:43
holsteinStevie24: im just saying, if nagios didnt do what i wanted, id rethink what i want.. probably not necessary to have a 1 second refresh13:44
SpecialEdholstein: servers run development operations and i'd like to be able to spot spikes13:45
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SpecialEdholstein: therefore 1 minute refresh won't likely show spikes...13:45
histo Stevie24 both grep and sed can use the -e for_pattern  so grep -i -e pattern1 -e pattern2 > somefile  sed -i -e 's/pattern1//g' -e 's/pattern2//g'13:46
Stevie24Great histo, thank you so much !!13:46
n1n0hi. couldn't log into my user account on 13.10. changed it in the recovery mode, didn't help(couldn't even login as guest). reinstlled from live stick with the "automatic login" settings, and apps and docs are supposedly saved. couldn't login again (left the same username). changed the password again from within the recovery mode (the command line said it was successfully changed), yet...13:47
n1n0...nothing again. can login as guest thoug13:47
histoStevie24: np just becarefull and backup the original data first13:47
Stevie24yes, I will histo, thanks:)13:47
cfhowlettn1n0 did you reinstall???13:47
histon1n0: what happens when you try to login as your user?13:47
n1n0the instalation that says to leave the old data on13:47
cfhowlettn1n0 boot into single user mode ...13:47
holstein!info cacti13:48
ubottucacti (source: cacti): web interface for graphing of monitoring systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.8b+dfsg-5 (trusty), package size 1615 kB, installed size 4900 kB13:48
SpecialEdholstein: I'll just try #nagios i guess13:48
n1n0cfhowlet how13:48
n1n0with or without live cd13:48
cfhowlettn1n0 http://askubuntu.com/questions/132965/how-do-i-boot-into-single-user-mode-from-grub13:49
holsteinn1n0: looks like, the desktop session could have been crashing , and making you think the password was bad.. could you login via tty?13:50
n1n0holstein yes13:50
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holsteinn1n0: then, its not a password problem13:50
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n1n0holstein than what to do?13:50
n1n0will retry the tty now when reinstalled13:51
holsteinn1n0: what i would do is, remove the offending config from the users /home.. you can literally move *all* the .hidden .config files out of the way13:51
n1n0holstein would if i knew how13:51
holsteinn1n0: new fresh default config files will be generated, then you can test login, and put back what you want/need13:51
holsteinn1n0: if you knew what, friend? what to move? im saying, literally *anything* in the users /home that is a .config.. hidden with a dot13:52
holsteinn1n0: you can elaborate as to what destkop you are using, and i could give more direct suggestions for specific hidden directories13:53
holsteinn1n0: you can make a new user to move/delete these.. you can use a live CD.. regardless, you should backup your important data.. then, you know that you can do a fresh install and *not* keep the user data in place with the errors, and be ok.. you konw that its not a password problem13:54
marscheris there a way to let rsync only show those files, which will be transfered in a dry run?13:55
marscherhave checked the manual, but didnt find something13:56
histomarscher: -n13:56
marscherhisto, -n is dry-run yes. But it shows all files from source (which is super large)13:56
marscherI want only those files to be printed, which will be transfered (after application of exclude patterns)13:57
n1n0holstein thanx for the long info. some kind of link on how to do it would be very much appreciated13:57
holsteinn1n0: with *any* filemanager, friend13:57
histomarscher: why do you want to do that?13:57
marscherhisto, I have a backup, and want only to partially restore it. So I need a "diff" of files first13:58
holsteinn1n0: what desktop environment are you using? with more informaiton, i can help you pinpoint what might be more specifically causing the issues.. otherwise, literally anything with a dot in front of it in your users home.. which you can access from any filemanager13:58
marschera diff of the file list ideally13:58
histomarscher: diff /directory1 /directory213:58
marscherhisto, does this work recursively and for binary files?!13:59
n1n0holstein what is the command line in tty to tell you the desktop environment13:59
holsteinn1n0: what do you have installed, friend? main ubuntu? xubuntu? lubuntu? kubuntu?13:59
marscherhisto, a line by line comparision for 200k files would be total overkill, despite I only need to find out, which files has been deleted13:59
prepangolinHello guys.14:00
n1n0ubuntu 13.10 holstein14:01
n1n032 bit14:01
holsteinn1n0: maybe you would find it easier to just fresh install 14.04 at this point.. you should back up your personal data regardless, since all hard drives fail.. then you would be up to date14:02
histomarscher: I'm thinking about it. But i'm extremely tired, give me a few14:02
n1n0holstein i usually do it, yet, didn't bookmarks, and it is the only thing i need from there14:02
holsteinn1n0: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html is what i suggest using to reset the unity configs in 13.1014:02
holsteinn1n0: *all* drives fail.. so, work out backing up what you need, regardless14:03
holsteinn1n0: you can try the commands at the link above to help reset unity configs in your users /home14:03
marscherhisto, np, take your time ;)14:04
n1n0holstein thank you a lot for the help14:04
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.10 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes14:04
histomarscher: try diff -qr /dir1 /dir214:04
holsteinn1n0: you can see that support for 13.10 is soon to end.. 14.04 is a long term support release,which you can use with support for 5 years..14:05
n1n0but holstein, how to reset it from terminal, when cannot even access the terminal (except from the guest acc). you mean from the tty? (for the link you sent)?14:06
n1n013.10 was around for very short, right?14:06
holsteinn1n0: the link i gave has only terminal commands listed, friend.. have you opened it? and referenced it?14:06
histomarscher: using that if a only in results in a directory then it won't recurse further because there is no point. e.g. only in /dir1: somedir   then it won't go into somedir14:06
holsteinn1n0: 13.10 *is* still supported, but you can reference the link i gave and see that the EOL is in july.. just next month14:06
n1n0holstein cannot access the terminal except from the guest14:07
holsteinn1n0: you can login to your user account from tty14:07
holsteinn1n0: there are recovery modes in the kernel as well..14:07
delacany way to hide applications from Dash? Using Alacarte doesn't seem to have effect.14:08
n1n0did in tty, now it says n1n0(myusername which i cannot access)@lap (computer name14:08
histomarscher: also try with rsync -rnu dir1 dir2  should only show files that will be overwritten14:08
n1n0so that means the password is ok?14:08
histomarscher: -u is the key14:08
holsteinn1n0: sure.. so run the commands *as* that user14:08
holsteinn1n0: though, i personally think your time will be well spent backing up your data with a live CD, and doing a fresh install of 14.04 where you *dont* keep the offending user data in place during install14:09
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marscherhisto, thanks for all this information, but I currently noticed, that I cant perform any of them in my current environment, since I've mounted an btrfs image, which shares the same uuid like an already mounted volume....14:10
marscherand it seems, there is no way around this.14:10
marscherso I guess I first have to transfer all files from the backup image to another filesystem (which is superstupid... :()14:11
histomarscher: can't you mount by label?14:12
marscherhisto, my research so far results, that the uuid is stored inherently in the filesystem(image)14:12
marscherand is not changeable14:13
histomarscher: how do you have matching uuid's what are you trying to do?14:13
marscherso how would a label change that?14:13
marschertrying to mount an image of my currently running system on a loopback device14:13
histomarscher: ahh14:14
marscherbut because those uuids are the same (image and source), the mounted image shows exactly the same contents like current14:14
marscherfuny :D14:14
marscherhisto, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/104067/modifying-a-btrfs-filesystem-uuid14:14
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histomarscher: you can set the uuid with tune2fs14:18
marschertune2fs for btrfs???14:19
histomarscher: nope just caught that you were using btrfs14:19
k0nceastmarscher: tune2fs does not work on brtfs afaik14:20
marscherk0nceast, yes that is what one would expect14:21
k0nceastmarscher: i think everything should go through the btrfs or btrfsctl commands14:23
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* histo thinks no one should be using btrfs14:25
k0nceastthe 'man btrfs' page might give you a better explanation (probability of man vs me being correct is far higher than 'might') and otherwise look into the btrfs-utils package14:26
Guest19759Hey, I have an Ubuntu live USB booted. I've installed some things and am wondering if I can make a persistant overlay with what I currently have? I googled around, but all I can find is stuff on creating the overlay, not saving current stuff to it. I know there must be some way, but I'm kinda stuck.14:26
marscherk0nceast, histo, there is no way documentated to perform this. So I will dump my files on another filesystem. Thank you both for your help/time!14:27
histomarscher: np14:27
k0nceastGuest19759: not while you're booted14:28
yyxhello buddy14:28
Solution-Xanyone here do much with MAAS? I have a fresh install of 14.04 installed as MAAS controller that is being cranky and refuses to load the images. Installed OS, booted up, apt-upgrade, reboot, create MAAS user, login, click download images. Also tried "sudo maas-import-pxe-files" after as a backup and that completes but does not result in the webpage recognizing the images' existence14:29
dknezev_can't seem to find an answer on the net and hoping someone here knows. using 12.04 google chrome, where are the flash files stored?14:30
k0nceastGuest19759: it's a boot-time kernel option iirc14:31
Guest19759k0nceast: Yeah, but is there some way to just dump the changes to a file and then reboot from it?14:31
k0nceastdepends on what you've changed14:32
k0nceastyou could make a folder on your windrive and save all changed config files there14:32
PiciSolution-X: You may want to try asking in #ubuntu-server too14:33
Solution-XPici- good call, thanks14:33
k0nceast(eg. the files and folders in your home folder that start with a . (dot), hidden by default14:33
delacany way to hide applications from Dash? Using Alacarte doesn't seem to have effect.14:34
pavlosdknezev_, /opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so14:34
k0nceastGuest19759: but that doesn't count for everything14:34
k0nceasteg. added apps14:34
Guest19759k0nceast: Yeah, the apps are mainly what I want to save. I know I could just re-add Universe and reinstall the stuff I've gotten, but I wonder if there's a way to create the persistant file and dump everything that's changed since boot or something14:35
k0nceastGuest19759: if you've added repo's for apps, then add the /etc/sources.list file and /etc/sources.d/ dir to the folder14:36
k0nceast/etc/dpkg/sources.list and .d respectively14:36
dknezev_pavlos - not really sure what you mean by that. aren't .so library files14:37
k0nceastand in the dpkg folder might also be a list with names of installed packages, which you could copy there as well14:37
chicaros_hi fo all14:37
chicaros_i need help14:37
histo!clone | Guest1975914:38
ubottuGuest19759: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate14:38
k0nceastGuest19759: and when installed, you could replace the content of the file in the install with the content of the files on your winpartition14:38
k0nceasthisto: No way!!!14:38
chicaros_same one know redmine?14:38
pavlosdknezev_, I run 12.04, have chrome, gave you the path of the flash lib. I dont know what you're looking for14:39
k0nceastthat'd saved me hours if i'd known that some years earlier14:39
sovereignentityhow do I get to ~/.local/share/applications/14:40
chicaros_i need help14:40
Guest19759Ah ok. Would be a neet feature at some point though to be able to create a persistant file from what currently is. Thanks all for your help and suggestions, though.14:40
histok0nceast: you could easily dpkg --get-selections > somefile14:40
histok0nceast: nad --set-selections on the other side14:41
umonkeyHello. Is there a way to contact paste.ubuntu.com admins? There was a patch that added replaygain to mocp, but it's now gone, perhaps expired. Apparently that was the only location of that patch. Maybe there's a way to extract it from backups, or something.14:42
histok0nceast: and then you can install them.14:42
k0nceastim on arch nowadays14:42
histok0nceast: same here14:42
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dfgasanyone know how to enable remote logins on 13.10?14:43
k0nceasti have Ubuntu for my SO and a few of my friends (I switched them)14:43
k0nceastpeople are a lot easier to switch nowadays, since android and iPhones14:44
dknezev_pavlos, i'm looking for the cached files that must be stored locally which I'm hoping to copy for later viewing, thanks.14:44
histodfgas: remote logins for what?14:45
dfgasto login to X remotely14:45
dfgasnot vnc or teamviewer14:45
k0nceastmaybe b/c people are known to the idea of finding alternative apps/workflows than Windows14:45
histodfgas: Okay what client do you intend on using then?14:45
dfgashisto: xdmcp?14:46
ActionParsnipk0nceast: you'll probably find its because its lighter and fater and more works out of the box14:47
histodfgas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/xdmcp14:47
histoActionParsnip: what's lighter and faster?14:47
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ActionParsniphisto: ubuntu uses a lot fewer resources than windows in most cases14:48
n1n0holstein tried the link you posted (the second step), without success14:49
Jeroen_Mathonhisto: Mainly becouse ti does not have as much bloatware as windows14:49
* histo **cough **cough Amazon **cough **cough14:49
Jeroen_Mathonhisto: Well we all disable that after a while right14:49
holstein!details > n1n014:49
ubottun1n0, please see my private message14:49
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Phlogistiquedid anyone use upstart successfully in a chroot, when the host machine is _not_ using upstart?14:51
PhlogistiqueI cannot figure how to do it14:51
n1n0can the bookmarks from te default user account can be accessed from within the guest account on the same machine?14:52
n1n0...be accessed14:52
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Jeroen_Mathonn1n0: Depends on your browser14:52
Jeroen_MathonNot sure about that.14:52
Jeroen_MathonShould not be accesable since it got its own home directory14:53
Jeroen_MathonThat users home directory got its own configuration of firefox14:53
wellyHello all, I'm trying to ssh to account@localhost but keep getting roaming now allowed on server error. I've checked and set the permissions for my account user .ssh directory and the files under there (700 for .ssh and 600 for the contained files) but am having no luck. Anyone with any suggestions?14:53
Jeroen_MathonSo no they do not share bookmarks14:53
ActionParsnipwelly: try:  ssh -vvv account@localhost14:53
booleanmorning .. is iptables a 1st match style firewall?14:53
histoboolean: 1st match?14:54
ActionParsniphisto: when a rule is matched, no others are processed14:54
booleanActionParsnip: beat me to it :) thanks14:54
ActionParsnipboolean: usually traffic will only satisfy one rule, otherwise you should have a deny all rule at the bottom that the rest will hit and be denied14:55
wellyActionParsnip, got the following: http://pastie.org/9302249 but mainly "Roaming not allowed by server" I suspect is the cause14:55
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histoPhlogistique: afaik upstart doesn't work in a chroot14:55
Phlogistiquehisto: alright14:56
sovereignentitywhat does ~ mean in a path14:56
booleanActoinParsnip: therefore, if I have the following mid way through the chain: ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere, the packet will pass and all other rules ignore, correct?14:56
dimitry7Hi guys, does ubuntu server include graphical mode in live cd?14:56
ActionParsnipwelly: check from line 92 down14:56
histosovereignentity: /home/username14:56
geirhasovereignentity: home directory if it's at the start14:56
wellyOh hmm14:56
ActionParsnipboolean: to my knowledge, yes14:57
Jeroen_Mathondimitry7: Yes14:57
histoJeroen_Mathon: ??14:57
dimitry7Jeroen_Mathon, thank you!! :-)14:57
ActionParsnipboolean: there is an iptables channel, may help14:57
Jeroen_MathonNo problem ^_^14:57
booleanActionParsnip: ah kewl .. thanks14:57
wellyActionParsnip, but why would it want a dsa public key when it's already been provided with an rsa public key?14:57
wellyI guess if it wants it, I should give it14:58
WooWooWooHi anyone good at using httrack?14:58
sovereignentityhow do i get the home folder to show hidden files14:58
histowelly: why are you ssh'ng localhost?14:58
histosovereignentity: ls -a14:59
wellyhisto, it's more a test than anything. I'm setting up jenkins and don't have a remote server to test on14:59
dknezev_pavlos, ...15:00
geirhasovereignentity: In shell (terminal) or GUI?15:00
booleanActionParsnip: ugh ... iptables doesnt list which interface ( ipytables -L ) the rules apply thus the all to all was for the local loopback15:01
* boolean sighs15:01
wellyAh ha. It was the formatting of my public key in authorized_keys15:01
booleanshould have done iptable -i <interface> -L15:01
ironhey, can I talk in here, do I need to auth first?15:02
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histowelly: use ssh-copy-id15:02
cfhowlettGuest81914 ask your ubuntu questions15:02
histoGuest81914: we see you15:02
wellyhisto, yeah.. should have done that before15:02
Guest81914ah great, I'm running Ubuntu 12.10, does it update to 14,04 automatically with the updater, or do I need to redownload the whole thing?15:03
ubottuGuest81914: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:03
iptableboolean, can I help?15:03
iptableboolean, it's iptables15:03
chudszyPL ?15:03
cfhowlettGuest81914 or you can download and clean install - which I recommend15:04
dimitry7Kali Linux does not run live does it? is there any distro based on Ubuntu / Debian , intended for security that does run live ? Thanks!!15:04
iptablechudszy, #ubuntu-pl I think15:04
ubottudimitry7: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)15:04
Jeroen_MathonDimitry7:It does run live15:04
Guest81914I have nothing to lose atm on it, so I guess I'll do a clean install15:04
histodimitry7: kali runs live15:04
booleaniptable: tis ok .. i figured it out .. been too long since i played with it15:04
dknezev_anyone??? can't seem to find an answer on the net and hoping someone here knows. using 12.04 google chrome, where are the cached flash files stored?15:04
Guest81914is it apt sudo-get install ?15:04
dimitry7Jeroen_Mathon, well, the options are install, etc. I will check again...15:04
histo!eol | Guest8191415:04
ubottuGuest81914: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:04
cfhowlettGuest81914 torrent the ISO with transmission.  make a USB.  install15:05
cfhowlettand READ the eolupgrade link15:05
dimitry7histo, Jeroen_Mathon yes you were right, but only Full ISO, i tried mini :p15:07
dimitry7mini does not run live15:07
sovereignentityNo synaptic?15:08
varunendradimitry7, 'mini' of any distro doesn't run live, that's the whole purpose of making it 'mini' (only essential components)15:09
ActionParsnipsovereignentity: why? it's not installed by default.....15:09
dimitry7varunendra, ooh okay, nice!15:09
ActionParsnipvarunendra: you may be able to switch to other TTYs...15:09
histodimitry7: mini is for a net install typically15:09
paulus68I just bought a samsung S24D300 and want to use it as dual screen how do I do this, at the mm15:09
dimitry7histo, yes, mostly!15:10
paulus68moment it's connected through hdmi but no signal from pc15:10
histodimitry7: it's 25mb you though it would run live?  well it does technically just without any tools15:10
dimitry7histo, and for example Ubuntu Remix... I booted with it and it gave me a shell $ instead of the GUI, problably my graphics but I runned it on a Power Edge 295015:11
ActionParsnippaulus68: is it connected to a laptop?15:11
sydneyok,i just installed gnome-fallback,and when i loged in,i only the background loaded.None of the keys i push work,and i cannot log back out. how to fix?15:11
paulus68ActionParsnip: desktop15:11
histodimitry7: distrowatch.org15:11
ActionParsnippaulus68: if you reboot with it attached, is it ok?15:12
ActionParsnippaulus68: is the hdmi enabled in bios, if it is controlled there15:12
cfhowlettsydney ctrl alt F6 for a terminal.  sudo reboot15:12
dimitry7histo, I know it... well I am downloading Ubuntu Server now.15:12
dimitry7burning indeed...15:12
paulus68no that's the problem or do I need to do a shutdown restart15:12
paulus68hdmi should be enabled in the bios15:12
ActionParsnippaulus68: should is a powerful word15:13
paulus68ActionParsnip: true15:13
histodimitry7: why are you downloading server?15:13
sydneycfhowlett: ok,i will be right back.15:13
histodimitry7: it's not a live security distro15:13
dimitry7histo, I know, but this server can't read DVDs, and there is no CD for Kali15:14
paulus68ActionParsnip: any Idea where to find that option in the bios just to be sure15:14
histodimitry7: use usb15:15
dimitry7histo, it can't boot from USB either :-S15:15
dimitry7histo, I might try again though... first time it didn't15:16
paulus68ActionParsnip: it's an asus motherboard15:17
histodimitry7: http://distrowatch.org/search.php?ostype=Linux&category=Security&origin=All&basedon=Ubuntu&notbasedon=None&desktop=All&architecture=All&status=Active15:18
dimitry7histo, let me check15:18
histodimitry7: and here is debian based. http://distrowatch.org/search.php?ostype=Linux&category=Security&origin=All&basedon=Debian&notbasedon=None&desktop=All&architecture=All&status=Active15:19
sydneycfhowlett: i was able to do that,but still nothing shows except the background.15:19
cfhowlettsydney logout and choose unity.  then login --- test if your system is otherwise installed properly15:20
paulus68ActionParsnip: when clicking on detect display it does nothing15:20
dimitry7histo, ooh very, good, thank you!! Will download one of those :-)15:20
sydneycfhowlett: thats just it,i cannot log out,or do anything.15:20
cfhowlettsydney over my head.  sorry.  ask again in channel - someone with more experience than I should know15:21
sydneyOk,I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu gnome,and i decided to install gnome-fallback.well,when i selected gnome fallback and logged back in,nothing loads except the desktop background.I can do ctrl+alt+f1,but thats it.15:22
histosydney: do any of the other sessions work?15:23
Locke2002sydney: What if you right-click the desktop?15:23
sydneyYes,but i cannot log back out.I Have tried that15:23
sydneyi cannot even see the mouse15:23
histosydney: do you have auto login enabled?15:24
sydneyotherwise this would be easy to fix. ;)15:24
paulus68ActionParsnip: when changing the HDMI cable to first screen no signal only DVI cable selected15:25
histosydney: sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf15:25
histosydney: disable the autologin-user15:25
sydneyUsing that line?15:26
sydneythewres nothing else i have to do?15:27
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sydneyok,i will be right back15:27
Guest81914I completed the download of 14.04 iso, do I put the .iso file on a usb, and reboot the pc?15:27
daftykinsGuest81914: you need to use a program to put it on there, what OS are you on?15:28
Guest8191412.10 ubuntu15:28
WalexGuest81914: yes, there is an install page too. Or you burn it to a CD.15:28
kevin__Alguno habla espa;ol?15:28
varunendra!usb | Guest8191415:28
ubottuGuest81914: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:28
daftykins!es | kevin__15:28
ubottukevin__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:28
pavlos!es| kevin__15:29
dimitry7histo, wow, excellent the Debian distros! Thank you man! :-)15:29
dimitry7* debian-based15:29
user123321My Ubuntu hanged on boot for 2 consecutive times this morning (after hitting enter in Ubuntu @ boot menu), with only black screen and pressing caps lock key does not even trigger its light. Is there a way to check the boot details etc. any advice?15:32
sydneyOk,thn what do i do?15:32
user123321latest LTS15:32
daftykinsuser123321: upgraded recently? tried an older kernel?15:32
user123321daftykins, clean install.15:32
user123321daftykins, and, no.15:32
daftykinshave you upgraded it since said clean install?15:33
SymphonymAbout to do a fresh (re) install of Ubuntu but I always seem to forget what the commands were to boot a liveUSB from the grub2 command line, any help?15:33
user123321daftykins, just clean install, didn't do major changes intentionally, other than software update and some software installs.15:33
TiLAKCheck this http://goo.gl/mSs3yj15:33
user123321daftykins, no. I installed the latest version.15:33
daftykinsuser123321: so due to said software update (== upgrade) you may have another kernel on15:33
daftykinsuser123321: either look for another or run memtest i'd say15:34
sydneyHow do i disable automatic login from ctrl+alt+f7?15:34
paulus68ActionParsnip: ?15:34
user123321daftykins, I see. But Ubuntu asks me to update right? hmm.15:34
user123321daftykins, I'd do memtest?15:34
daftykinsuser123321: what do you mean asks you to update?15:34
user123321daftykins, Ubuntu shows "new updates are available"15:35
daftykinsbut you said it's not booting...15:35
user123321daftykins, I make sure things are up to date.15:35
pavlossydney, you could go System settings | users and groups and edit that user NOT to autologin15:35
sydneypavlos: In terminal*15:35
user123321daftykins, It didn't this morning for 2 consecutive times, but I booted successfully after. This is what freaking me out :/15:35
daftykinsuser123321: oh... i misunderstood, by hang you mean it just takes a lot longer15:35
user123321daftykins, I had to turn off manually.15:36
histosydney: I told you edi thte lightdm.conf15:36
daftykinsoh, you got in on the third go? :)15:36
pavlossydney, well, someone said to comment out a line in lightdm.conf15:36
sydneyhisto: but,what do i type?15:36
daftykinsuser123321: yeah straight to memtest then. i don't diagnose anything until that's clean15:36
histosydney: sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and disable the autologin-user15:36
user123321daftykins, Yes, I went to ubuntu recovery, it booted. Then did a restsrt, worked. But I'm scared because I don't know hy it happened, what if it happens again o.O15:36
user123321daftykins, Oh ok.15:37
sydneyhisto: what do i have to type to tell it to disable it?15:38
sydneyhisto: im in the editor,but i dont know what to type. :(15:39
varunendrasydney, the line "autologin-user=" is just that in my system (no auto login). So I guess just remove the user name in that line15:39
histosydney: remove your user name or add a # in the front of that line then save the file15:39
sydneyYou guys are confusing. i dont see any words on the screen except the editor. is there supposed to be "autologin"somewhere?15:41
sydneyi just have the editor,and a white blinking cursor15:42
daftykinssounds like you typo'd the file name15:42
pavlossydney, there should be 4 lines ... change the autologin-user=sydney to autologin-user=    save, exit.15:42
sydneyThere is nothing there.15:43
varunendrasydney, does "cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf" show any lines? You must exit the editor to run this command.15:43
sydneyAre you forgetting that im using ubuntu gnomes login manager? OR IS THERE NO DIFFERENCE?15:43
daftykinsdon't use caps.15:43
sydneysorry,i bumped it.15:44
ActionParsnipsydney: if you switched to gdm, you'll need the gdm.conf file15:44
varunendrasydney, to see which one you have - "locate lightdm.conf gdm.conf"15:45
eric_tuxI need help to correct a malfunction on a MacBook 5,1 with 14.04 installed15:46
eric_tuxPlease you can read a bug report here15:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 1331360 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Touchpad does not work correctlyafter suspend/resume" [Undecided,New]15:46
eric_tuxcan someone help me, because this causes a real problem when I work for my job15:47
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sydneysudo nano /ext/gdm/gdm.conf?15:47
varunendrasydney, is the file there? Check its contents with 'cat' first.15:48
paulus68ActionParsnip: could you help?15:48
varunendraeric_tux, have you tried reloading the driver?15:48
daftykinspaulus68: no need to hound one user15:48
sydneyNo,that didnt show as anytrhing15:48
eric_tuxvarunendra: how to do?15:48
paulus68daftykins:not my intention15:49
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varunendraeric_tux, just guessing here - the driver should be "psmouse", so the commands should be - "sudo modprobe -rv psmouse" ... then ... "sudo modprobe -v psmouse". The first one will disable it, the 2nd one should re-enable it, hopefully properly.15:50
sydneyi wil dink around with it later. :)15:50
paulus68daftykins: just trying to find a solution that's all and I think Actionparsnip is old enough to tell me that he can't help me15:50
nick0R0...How do you remove Ubuntu One (And the service "goodbye" message)??15:50
daftykinspaulus68: asking a question to the whole channel might be more effective15:51
pavlossydney, travel the /etc/gdm/ path and look for a conf file (in my case I have custom.conf) if you find it, edit using nano and disable the autologin15:51
paulus68daftykins: already did that actionparsnip started to reply then left which is not his normal behaviour15:51
sireorionhi all.. how do i terminate a program.... i cant shutdown wine15:52
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eric_tuxvarunendra: nop, kernel does not uses psmouse15:53
varunendraeric_tux, how did you check? lsmod?15:53
eric_tuxthe first -rv command does nothing15:53
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eric_tuxthen I -v , got insmod psmouse15:53
eric_tux-rv got rmmod psmouse15:54
eric_tuxso I guess the psmouse wasn't loaded the first time15:54
varunendraeric_tux, I would like to see the outputs of (pastebin links of) "xinput" and "lsmod"15:54
paulus68I just bought a samsung S24D300 and want to use it as dual screen how do I do this, at the mm15:54
paulus68moment it's connected through hdmi but no signal from pc15:55
eric_tuxvarunendra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7664317/15:55
varunendraeric_tux, apparently it is "BCM5974". You may try replacing 'psmouse' with 'bcm5974' in the modprobe commands. But I have no experience with it, so can't say if it may cause any troubles forcing you to reboot.15:58
eric_tuxis bcm5974 linked with the wifi card? I think that wifi or network is part of the problem15:59
varunendraeric_tux, it is touchpad driver, not wifi16:00
eric_tuxok fine I'll test next time I have the problem and we append a comment to my bug report16:01
eric_tuxs /we/will/16:01
eric_tuxverunendra thanks16:01
varunendraeric_tux, you may also try 'xinput float bcm5974' command combo, which is a bit safer. (xinput float bcm5974.... then .... xinput reattach bcm5974 Virtual core pointer)16:02
jhutchinsubuntu.org is expired and awaiting renewal?16:03
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Trusty, and help keeping the servers' load low!16:03
varunendraeric_tux, a correction - the "Virtual core pointer" must be in single or double quotes, since it has spaces in the name. :)16:04
eric_tuxOn my laptop I have 8Go RAM installed, is it normal to find more than 6Go used reported by top (when this problem arrives), swap is totally free?16:04
varunendraeric_tux, totally normal. The used RAM is used for buffers16:05
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nick0R0...How do you remove Ubuntu One (And the service "goodbye" message)??16:05
eric_tuxok chrome eats a *lot* of memory16:06
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pavlosnick0R0, http://askubuntu.com/questions/309122/removing-ubuntu-one16:06
jhutchinsnick0R0: Format the drive?  What do you really want to do?16:07
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varunendrajhutchins, they want to remove just the service, not Ubuntu OS itself :)16:07
Slappyok, I been using Linux as my primary desktop os for a couple of years now but I have a problem16:08
SlappyEVERY SINGLE TIME I install a distro, it is buggy at best, problematic at worst & after only a few months, gets so damn buggy that I have to reinstall it16:08
pavlosSlappy, no reason for caps16:09
SlappyIs there ANY Linux distro that I can just install & have work without issue?16:09
kittykittyanyone know much about HDD noises? :P16:09
caser555Yes.  When it makes a noise, throw it away and get a new one.16:10
pavloskittykitty, run a smart test of hdd16:10
kittykittypavlos, smart returned ok16:10
varunendraSlappy, depends on the kind of problems you have. Probably just stick with a version that is all set and works, then only allow security updates, disable the rest. Not the best advice, but if stability is the first priority, then..16:11
pavloskittykitty, the results should tell you which parms are close to end of life16:11
irreverantwhat is the diskpart tool for partition and logical management?16:13
SlappyYeah, I'm running 14.04 now16:13
SlappyI'm thinking maybe I should downgrade back to 12.0416:13
SlappyBut this is just ridiculous16:13
varunendraSlappy, is the list of problems you faced long? Or just a few recurring ones?16:14
SlappyI mean Pinguy was a disaster, Ubuntu GNOME was a POS, Mint was horrible with the exception of 14, xUbuntu voyager was terrible,16:15
Slappyeh longish16:15
xmjI have one of those weird problems: trying to run ubuntu 13.04 in FreeBSD 11's bhyve. someone mangled the config file, so the grub lines are absent16:15
xmjI need something like this (works with centos): "echo -e \"linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-042stab081.3 ro root=/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root\ninitrd /initramfs-2.6.32-042stab081.3.img\nrescue\nboot\"16:15
ActionParsnipSlappy: was 12.04 working ok for you?16:15
xmjcan someone help me out with those few lines?16:15
xmj(or, any vars I could pass to grub that'd work)16:16
jhutchinsSlappy: I've been running various Linux distros on severs since the late 90's, some of which have been up that long.  I've been on a Linux desktop exclusively since 2004.16:17
WishfullHello all16:17
WishfullAnyone using Ubuntu as a DC16:17
jhutchinsWishfull: samba?16:17
SlappyThe problem is, every single linux distro I have ever installed has "Hay der was a problum. da ting herp de derped" pop ups right from the start that just get worse over time. & It's hard for me to keepdrinking the "Linux is so much better than windows" Kool aid when every linux distro I run is MORE unstable & problematic16:17
Wishfulltrying to get a server up but not having luch16:18
jhutchinsSlappy: Maybe it's you.16:18
daftykinsSlappy: amusingly that message makes me think you've just got a dead hard disk for all these installs16:18
Slappydoubt it16:18
WishfullThats true, but Id like to think Im missing soming16:18
jhutchinsSlappy: I don't have problems like that, but then again I don't use ppas or load third party bleeding edge software.16:19
varunendraSlappy, Or an incompatible hardware, maybe post the 'list-of-problems' at Ubuntu Forums, and ask for advice there. :)16:19
jhutchinsSlappy: What you describe isn't common to the hundreds of Linux systems I'm responsible for at work either.16:19
varunendraSlappy, by the way, whoever says "Linux is so much better than windows" - is lying. It is subjective at best.16:20
daftykinslet's not even entertain the 'better' conversation please, it's off topic.16:20
SlappyMy hardware is all just fine, checked it all over multiple times. Ram, HDD, etc, all checks out fine, & the MD5 on the ISO's all check out too16:20
xmjSlappy: come over to the dark side.16:20
SlappyI agree it is subjective btw16:20
varunendraSlappy, how old or new is the hardware? Incompatible != Broken16:21
daftykinsSlappy: so you install 14.04 desktop, fully update it then suddenly it starts going wrong?16:21
Slappyyeah& it's about 2 & a half years old16:22
Slappybut badblocks & the disk utility all come back clean with no bad sectors16:22
compdocno reallocated or pending sectors16:23
daftykinsSlappy: i'd rather see smartctl output than those16:23
SlappyCrud, I need to head to work16:23
paulus68 howto check if my HDMI support is enabled in Ubuntu for either my video card or motherboard16:23
SlappyOk, to be continued when I return16:23
varunendraSlappy, I am mostly active in wireless troubleshooting, and I know that many drivers are facing 'regression' due to some critical changes in the kernel code. For example, most Atheros cards work best with kernel 3.2 series, but not the newer ones. Can't say about other kind of problems.16:24
sydneyHow do i change th defult grub after setting up dual boot?16:25
daftykins'the default grub' ?16:25
varunendrasydney, what do you wish to change in the menu?16:25
sydneydefalt OS in grub16:25
sydneyHow do i make a certian os defult in the grub?16:26
varunendrasydney, edit the /etc/default/grub file, then "sudo update-grub"16:26
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varunendrasydney, the top item in the list is numbered '0', the next is '1' and so on.16:27
pavlossydney, http://askubuntu.com/questions/401023/how-to-edit-grub-default-operating-system16:27
jhutchinsI wish there were a way to generate the menu that grub displays without having to boot, just so you could verify changes.16:27
varunendrasydney, in /etc/default/grub, change the line "GRUB_DEFAULT=0" to "GRUB_DEFAULT=3" for example (to boot the 4th item in the menu)16:28
sydneyah,ok :D16:28
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kn8ilsydney, two options, http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/08/change-boot-order-in-ubuntu-13-10-13-04/16:29
sydneyit wont allow me to save :(16:29
ActionParsnipsydney: do you want Windows to be default?16:29
sydneyNo,i want ubuntu 12.04 to be,not 14.0416:29
e^sydney: use sudo16:30
varunendrasydney, what won't allow you to save? Have you opened it on a text editor without root privilege?16:30
varunendrasydney, you can also use a single line 'sed' command ;p16:30
sydneySo,how do i use sudo?16:30
e^sydney: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub16:30
ActionParsnipvarunendra: sed is awesome16:30
varunendrasydney, if in 12.04, "gksu gedit /etc/default/grub"16:31
varunendraActionParsnip, totally agree :D16:31
sydneyi will be right back...16:31
varunendra..hopefully :/16:32
subb1hi folks16:33
subb1I run 14.04. Everyday I start my desktop when I try to browse websites, they don't resolve to an ip. SImultaneously I'm able to ping public IPs though. Then only way is to add Google's public DNS servers to resolv.conf by hand. What is the issue? how can I troubleshoot?16:35
e^sydney: did it work?16:35
pavlossubb1, maybe there is a typo in the dns info16:36
varunendrasubb1, if google's (or any other) DNS works, you should add it in Network Manager to make it permanent.16:36
subb1pavlos, what typo?16:36
sydneye^: i think the main grub config file is on my other partion. :(16:36
sydneyI have to go...16:36
subb1varunendra, no I wouldn't want that though. I'd like to use the NS by my ISP.16:37
pavlossubb1, where and how did you change dns info?16:37
subb1resolv.conf pavlos16:37
delacany way to hide applications from Dash? Using Alacarte doesn't seem to have effect.16:37
varunendrasubb1, if changing or adding DNS is solving the problem, then almost certainly the default DNS is the problem. The one shown by "nm-tool"16:38
skinuxI installed Ubuntu over again to another partition and now both boot entries boot the second installation?16:38
trismdelac: OnlyShowIn= in the .desktop file works, I use that to hide the amazon one16:39
MERBDell has refered me to Ubuntu for support... Trying to install new Chipset, and Running Linux Ubuntu, found the file: "9020_A03.fish.tar.gz" on Dell support site just for doing that... the Instructions say just double click the file and follow the prompt. Those instructions help me not nil... There are multiple files/dirs which seem to be for different machines16:39
MERBAnyone able to shed some light16:39
subb1varunendra, my DNS server is shown as my router - It's also the gateway16:40
delac_trism: sry, got logged off. So no nice editor for easy modifications?16:40
varunendrasubb1, then the router is doing the job of DNS-request forwarding. Make sure it is configured correctly.16:41
e^MERB: tar -xzvf 9020_*.tar.gz16:41
MERBe^ i know how to extract the contents16:41
MERBbut then i'm stuck ;(16:42
trismdelac_: there could be, but I don't hide that many so it is just easier for me to copy them to ~/.local/share/applications/ and add/edit that line16:42
delac_trism: ok, thanks16:42
MERBdebs, preseed, scripts and a text file prepackage.dell... None of which tell me anything16:42
varunendragoing afk..16:43
MERBthe dirs have a fair ammount of stuff, but I have no idea with file would be for me machine16:43
ActionParsnipMERB: install unp and run:   unp 9020_A03.fish.tar.gz16:43
MERBI know how to unpack the .tar.gz file16:44
ActionParsnipMERB: use the unp command, it will need installing16:44
ActionParsnipMERB: works on any archive you can name16:45
MERBI can file 3 shell scripts in one dir and and like 10 deb packages16:45
ActionParsnipMERB: what are the script names?16:45
subb1any hints guys?16:45
ActionParsnipMERB: or provide a pastebin of all the file names16:45
pavlossubb1, can you ping google.com16:45
ActionParsnipsubb1: can you ping ?16:45
MERBAP: 05-gfx-fglrx.sh  05-nvidia-installer.sh  12-sunix-install.sh16:46
subb1pavlos, I can now ping google.com. But when there's the issue, google.com does not resolve. Yes I can ping when the resolution issue is there.16:46
subb1ActionParsnip ^^16:46
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pavlossubb1, from your browser can you see https//www.google.com?16:47
ActionParsnipsubb1: try:   echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head > /dev/null16:47
subb1pavlos, thanks guys.. but it's not help.16:47
ActionParsnipsubb1: reboot and test16:47
subb1you're not getting my point :(16:48
subb1I want to pin down the problem to my router or dnsmasq16:48
sydneyIf i delete my os on my other partion,then run sudo ubdate-grub,will it hurt anything?16:48
sydneysudo update-grub*16:48
subb1ActionParsnip, yes I add to resolv.conf when that issue occurs and it solves for me.16:48
pavlossubb1, you tell us you can ping a site but using your browser it does not resolve. dns is correct so I'm confused.16:48
e^sydney: did you run update-grub after the edit a while ago?16:49
e^before you restarted?16:49
subb1pavlos, you didn't get my point16:49
e^sydney: try grub-mkconfig16:49
e^check that the file is still edited correctly first16:49
e^gksu gedit /etc/default/grub16:49
sydneysudo grub-mkconfig?16:51
e^yeah no need for sudo i think16:51
ActionParsnipe^: for reading, sudo is not needed :P)16:51
gartralhow do I reset MTP connections..16:51
e^ActionParsnip: i know but in case he needs to edit it.16:52
e^sydney: any luck?16:53
sydneyim going to reboot again...16:54
bitbanditguys what is this package? "libreoffice 1:4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu2" I have libre office installed and this package is not installed.16:55
daftykinsit's probably the meta package that refers to all the others16:55
ActionParsnipbitbandit: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue16:56
sydneyjust forget it,i can live with it. :D16:56
sydneythanks for you help though!! :D16:57
kn8ilsydney, For the record you can from either ubuntu just insert grub to the mbr and it will be the default16:57
kittykittyi forgot who i was talking to about HDDs16:57
daftykinskittykitty: what's your query?16:58
pavloskittykitty, we talked about smartctl /dev/sda and look at the TYPE column for indications of fail16:59
kittykittylol ok, i just forgot your name pavlos :P16:59
kittykittythe network died and then my ubuntu box froze sooo :P (Theres another issue to fix, xserver hanging...)16:59
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bitbanditActionParsnip: 14.04 LTS17:00
SymphonymWhat's with the "Canonical Partner" ppa's? As far as I understand they contain third party programs such as Skype, so assuming I want skype installed should I mark the checkbox for the partner ppa in the "Other Software" tab?17:01
bitbanditdaftykins: i guess that if it was a meta package it would be marked as installed.17:01
daftykinsbitbandit: i've seen odd situations ;)17:02
bitbanditdaftykins: BTW i cant install it. there is some kind of dependency conflict17:02
daftykinswould you like to pastebin it?17:02
ActionParsnipbitbandit: ok and run:  apt-cache policy libreoffice     and pastebin the output please17:02
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga17:02
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sydneyI need to mount a drive as sudo.How do i do that?17:04
e^do you know the /dev/sdXy of it ?17:05
paulus68 howto check if my HDMI support is enabled in Ubuntu for either my video card or motherboard17:05
bitbandit  Installed: (none)17:05
bitbandit  Candidate: 1:4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu217:05
bitbandit  Version table:17:05
bitbandit     1:4.2.3~rc3-0ubuntu2 017:05
bitbandit        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages17:05
unopastebitbandit you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted17:05
e^sydney: go to the dash and type "disks"17:06
sydney /media/12008ed4-02cc-4753-9f63-2bc4c5390ac717:06
sydneyim using gnome fallback in 12.04 ;)17:07
sydneyI can see the file i want to edit,but i dont have the permissions.17:08
e^type in the terminal: gksu nautilus17:09
e^and edit it17:09
sydneyhisto: are you on?17:11
sydneyhisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7664684/17:11
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sydneyEveryone,what do i have to change in here to disable automatic logon? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7664684/17:11
trijntjesydney: ths17:12
paulus68 howto check if my HDMI support is enabled in Ubuntu for either my video card or motherboard17:13
trijntjesydney: cant you tell from the name?17:13
ZiberHey, I'm trying to setup an ipv6 tunnel, and have it setup in my interfaces file. When I try to 'ifup' if, it says it already exists. But it does not appear in ifconfig.17:13
trijntjepaulus68: plug in an HDMI monitor?17:13
paulus68trijntje: is already plugged in and not working17:14
sydneytrijntje: the name?17:14
e^paulus68: press the keyboard shortcut on your laptop17:14
e^f4 or f8 or something17:15
paulus68e^: it's a desktop17:15
sydneytrijntje: its the config of gdm17:15
trijntjesydney: the names of the options are pretty clear, automatic login and timed login17:16
sydneytrijntje: what is timed login?17:16
sydneytrijntje: so i just have to change those 2 to false?17:17
e^paulus68: go to settings > display and select the monitor and press "on"17:17
paulus68e^: monitor is not mentioned17:17
sydneyok,will be right back17:17
trijntjeI think so. I have no experience with gdm, but that sounds like a good guess17:17
paulus68e^: also when changing the hdmi to original screen gives no signal17:18
paulus68e^: goal is to use this screen as second screen like an extended desktop17:19
ZiberIs there a surefire way to completely take down a network interface so I can start it up again? v4tunnel, if it matters.17:20
e^paulus68: well it is do-able.17:20
xmjcan someone tell me what filesystem the ubuntu isos have?17:20
e^paulus68: try pressing on detect displays (settings>display), also is there a "mirrored display" option to select on the right?17:21
sydneyIt worked,thanks so much!!17:24
kittykittyXserver hung before... Infact the whole laptop im using did :P Any ideas?17:26
ActionParsnipkittykitty: does CTRL + ALT + F1   drop you to a command line ok?17:27
kittykittyive rebooted since then ActionParsnip17:27
paulus68e^: yes but all grayed out17:27
kittykittyits running from a USB HDD on intel integrated graphics on 14.04 using intel drivers from 01.intel.org17:27
e^paulus68: great it means it see's your second screen.17:27
IridiumGreetings gentlemen...17:28
paulus68e^: no it just sees 1 screen17:28
kn8ilxmj, what is the end goal kinda a strange question is all.17:28
e__paulus68: there should be a box representing the display in the top section click on it and set it to "on"17:29
kittykittyany ideas ActionParsnip17:29
nico103what's the process for getting a pkg updated?17:29
paulus68e^: my principal screen is in that box and that's it17:29
kn8ilnico103, apt-get update and upgarde17:29
nico103no, I mean, in the repo17:29
e__paulus68: nevermind i thought you had "mirrored on/off" in gray17:30
nico103I filed a bug to get jq updated to 1.417:30
IridiumI've tried to upgrade to latest trusty, but, when I run the upgrader, it shows me a message: Unable to upgrade. The tmp isn't mounted or doens not exist. Try to mount and run again"... I tried to run ''mount /tmp /tmp --not succeeded.17:30
nico103kn8il: so far there's no action on it17:30
kn8ilnico103, nothing you can do really17:30
ActionParsnipkittykitty: you could test your RAM using Memtest86+ from Grub, make sure RAM is ok17:30
kittykittyOk, ill have to do that later ActionParsnip. Anything i could do in the meantime?17:31
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nico103kn8il: oh, I was hoping maybe there was a bit more of a community around this that could contribute to getting a pkg updated more quickly17:31
nico103k, thanks17:31
xmjkn8il: nvm17:31
ActionParsnipkittykitty: could check in /var/log  files to see if anything was reported there17:31
xmjsolved by just plain mounting the .iso.17:31
kittykittyi think it might have to do with the battery running low tbh17:31
kn8ilnico103, It is the developers territory, that area has to be secure is all17:32
paulus68e__: only thing I can think of is see if I can launch a live cd and see if it's gonna be detected there, also with a standard monitor cable it's not detecting any signal17:32
kn8ilxmj, That is why I asked.17:33
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e^paulus68: give it a shot.17:34
xmjkn8il: (took a while to get my system to load the iso, and to understand that i hadn't yet installed it.)17:35
paulus68e^: bbl dinner17:35
kn8ilxmj, That makes no sense within the context but glad your set. ;)17:35
kn8ilat least to me anyway17:36
e^paulus68: check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164185417:37
e^when you're back17:37
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skinuxrepost: I installed Ubuntu over again to another partition and now both boot entries boot the second installation?17:40
SymphonymIs the Unity tweak tool safe to use? Meaning that it won't corrupt my GUI or anything similar?17:40
nydelmy apt-get is all messed up this morning apparently on account of package openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme -- does anyone know about this?17:40
daftykinsSymphonym: everything's safe when you have backups17:40
ObrienDaveskinux, you'll have to edit one of them to find the first installation17:41
skinuxWhy did Ubuntu installer change the first one anyway?17:41
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daftykinsmaybe you made a mistake17:41
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ObrienDavecouldn't tell ya, sorry17:42
* skinux steps away17:42
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tsquadhello, im looking for a bit of help setting up a static ip on my wlan addaptor through the terminal, can anyone help me out with this please?17:42
lindaHello my name is linda17:43
nydelhere is my apt-get output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7664793/ just trying to update, but getting stuck because of openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme17:43
MrJohnnZyou aren't my granmar are you?17:43
daftykinslinda: do you have an ubuntu support question?17:43
nydelnot even sure what that package does. any help appreciated.17:43
clevasIs there a simple way of dual booting win 8 with ubuntu yet or do we still have to follow 10 pages of guidelines?17:44
theadminclevas: It's pretty simple if you let the installer handle the partitioning automatically17:44
lindano, i am just here to get a registration code17:44
ObrienDavenydel, run "sudo apt-get -f install"17:44
clevasdid that 20 times and get grub error everytime at startup17:44
daftykinslinda: what kind of code?17:44
theadminlinda: wuh? Ubuntu is free software, there are no codes17:44
nydelObrienDave: i did, it's in the pastebin17:45
nydelline 1017:45
ObrienDavesorry, quick read :)17:45
nydelall good bud i forgot to add newlines there :p17:45
tsquadcan anyone help me set a static ip on my wlan addaptor, the guides i have followed have not worked for me17:46
daftykinsnydel: sooo... it's telling you what's wrong, so have you looked into fixing your apache config?17:46
lindaa registration code so i can view tutorials17:46
daftykinslinda: what website are you looking at where you believe you need a code?17:46
ObrienDavelinda, as in where?17:47
lindaWelcome screen17:47
MrJohnnZyou sure that isn't the password box?17:47
RedbanHi all, just installed Steam on Ubuntu 14.04 but it won't start. I get this error: http://i.imgur.com/q9Q14kp.png17:47
Redbanplease help ! thanks in advance17:47
lindatried to see tutorials17:48
ObrienDavelinda, can you pastebin or imgur something for us to see?17:48
ObrienDavewhat tutorials?17:49
daftykinsi'm beginning to think it's a bot.17:49
ObrienDavei guess17:49
nydelthank you daftykins not sure how i mised that or how my apache2.conf got altered. it just had an extra char at the end. removed it, restarted the service, and apt-get -f install worked.17:50
daftykinsnydel: great :)17:50
kristenbbhi, I was updating my ubuntu 14.04 and suddenly the screen went purplish, and I had no choice but to hard reboot. Since then, when I boot, I have the message 'error : file not found. grub rescue>'. What to do?17:51
nydelkristenbb: can you boot an ubuntu from a flash or something? you could then mount your installation and replace the /boot directory with what's on the flash drive (back up your installation's /boot)17:52
daftykinskristenbb: where are you typing from now?17:52
kristenbbdaftykins: another computer17:52
skinuxOh, I know why...because Ubuntu at least tried to write to MBR, which obviously didn't work right.17:52
daftykinskristenbb: as nydel started saying, boot a live USB then chroot the install and finish the update and upgrade17:52
kristenbbis that the only solution ? it does not seem easy17:53
daftykinsit's extremely easy17:53
daftykinskristenbb: do you have any data on that system that you haven't backed up?17:53
kristenbbcan you guide me through it then please ?17:53
kristenbbdaftykins: yes, of course, unfortunately, as is often the case17:54
nydelunfortunately it sounds like your booting is out of whack so there's no magic keystroke or anything. but it's easier than you expect.17:54
daftykinsi can point you to the guide17:54
daftykins!chroot | kristenbb17:54
ubottukristenbb: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot17:54
daftykinskristenbb: make up your bootable USB / DVD, boot the affected system then have a look at the above link. ask again in here if you get stuck17:54
neutralizerhave anyone here done any research on ARM 64 Bit SoC? Which is best for Ubuntu etc?17:54
nydeldaftykins: i do this pretty often without chroot. chroot as a concept will confuse casual users17:54
daftykinsnydel: yeah, i don't like your boot transplant idea though17:55
kristenbbdaftykins: nydel: also I chose the option to encrypt the home folder during the installation process, will that not be an issue ?17:55
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daftykinsoh great, encryption :(17:55
nydeldaftykins: kristenbb: what you really need is to make sure that your /initd.img & /vmlinuz are pointing to things that exist and aren't broken17:55
daftykinsit shouldn't matter for this approach17:56
nydelthat doesn't have to involve copying over the entire boot directory17:56
kristenbbnydel: I have no idea what you're talking about :)17:56
daftykinsnydel: if you're going to be here long enough to help, you're welcome to try your approach... however i will be heading off shortly17:56
nydelkristenbb: there are two pointer files called symbolic links in the / directory that point at which kernel version to use (the heart of your linux)17:56
nydelthey are /initrd.img and /vmlinuz17:57
daftykinsnydel: i know you mean well but a documented chroot with a help link is far better than what you're trying to explain ;)17:57
nydelyou need to make sure that they are pointing to existing, non-broken files inside the /boot directory17:57
daftykinskristenbb: are you working on getting boot media created? :)17:57
kristenbbok I just run the live cd, what now ?17:59
kristenbbI chose try ubuntu without installing17:59
daftykinskristenbb: i gave you a link to follow17:59
MrJohnnZinstall it if you like it17:59
daftykinsMrJohnnZ: that's not what's going on here. it's a support situation17:59
MrJohnnZah I see17:59
kn8ilkristenbb, You can boot to the OS with this tool and fix from there. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/18:00
daftykinsoh i do enjoy a too-many-cooks situation18:00
KGM70doubt the questioner enjoys it18:01
kn8iloptions if the user understands are the best learning situation daftykins18:01
kristenbbi'll try the chroot option, if you would be kind enough to stick around for just a few minutes18:01
kristenbbit's still loading18:01
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daftykinsKGM70: it was sarcasm18:02
KGM70daftykins, ok18:03
kristenbbok i'm in. so what folder am I to chroot ?18:04
KGM70sarcasm doesn't come across well in text form18:04
daftykinskristenbb: skip on down to "Setting up the chroot"18:05
kristenbbthat's what i'm reading but all is not clear18:05
jordan223I broke the grub on a live USB. Any way to fix it? I performed a dist-upgrade on my live usb, and then after restart I got a black screen with "Boot Error" in white text when I try to boot to the live USB. Ubuntu 12.04.18:05
daftykinskristenbb: is the live session connected online ok? can you visit paste.ubuntu.com ?18:05
kn8iljordan223, a dist-upgrade will call kernels a bad idea on a live18:06
daftykinskristenbb: good stuff. run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit" please18:06
jordan223kn8il Gotcha, didn't know. So only do upgrades on live sessions?18:06
kristenbbwait what ? what about the chroot ? i havent done anything yet18:07
kn8iljordan223, The problem with a live is the iso is not changed, you only add configs, you are better with a full install on a usb big enough.18:07
daftykinskristenbb: i know, these are the steps beforehand.18:08
n1n0holstein are you here?18:08
jordan223kn8il, Thanks for the help. I guess I've never thought about trying that. What is the difference between a live session on a USB and a full install on a USB?18:08
kn8iljordan223, live is an iso with configs added as you update, a full install is the OS and is made to be updated18:09
kn8iljordan223, The usb is incidental18:09
WilsonMathewHello, I was trying to install awesomewm along with unity of ubuntu 14.04lst. So It kept giving me an erros related to the status file so I did "mv /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status" and now my apt-get doesn't work. I figure I would run a fsck and this is what I got: http://codepad.org/kbpEaBN8 everytime I try to press 2 so that it fixes the problem It just says that it din't make any changes. So is there another way to fix this or to do it18:10
WilsonMathew manually?18:10
IridiumWhich is the command to do the release upgrade?18:10
kn8iljordan223, Incidental meaning it is the same as a internal except slower in being read and running is all.18:10
daftykinsIridium: do-release-upgrade18:11
clevasI just checked and my win8.1 is installed in legacy mode. Why am i still getting grub error un ubuntu trying dual boot?18:11
kristenbbdaftykins: omg i'm just realizing something nasty. fdisk -l only shows /dev/sdaX, whereas I have 2 disks on my computer :(. Does that mean my disk is dead ?18:11
jordan223kn8il, I use my live USB so that I can acess my specific dropbox and user account and everything when I insert hte USB into various generic computers at school and stuff. Will a full install still work?18:11
kn8il!bootinfo | clevas18:11
ubottuclevas: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).18:11
daftykinskristenbb: that might explain why it's not booting, how are they partitioned?18:11
daftykinskristenbb: desktop or laptop?18:12
kn8ilclevas, Run that and post the url of the scripts output, can be ruin from a live18:12
Iridiumdaftykins: I've got an error when running the system updater, something is wrong with the /tmp..18:12
kristenbbdaftykins: desktop. the sda that is shown here is just data, and the os is on the other disk (sdb, i guess), which is a ssd18:13
daftykinsIridium: do you feel like pasting said error to paste.ubuntu.com or do i get 20 questions?18:13
kn8iljordan223, Yeah, the live is find just don't run updates is all.18:14
Iridiumdaftykins: Where that is coming from?18:14
daftykinskristenbb: hmm, can you run the commands i said anyway so i can see fdisk's output? "sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit"18:14
kn8iljordan223, Either work, just updating the live is problematic.18:14
michagogoHi, can I make grep search for a certain string, but only if a certain other string doesn't appear later in the same line?18:14
Iridiumdaftykins: I got this: This usually is caused by a system where /tmp is mounted noexec. Please remount without noexec and run the upgrade again.18:14
daftykinsIridium: that's a pretty obvious error to me, what version are you on?18:15
michagogoFor example, say I have a bunch of 15-20 line blocks of listings18:15
jordan223kn8il, based on what you're saying, it sounds like there is absolutely no advantage to running the live session18:15
michagogoEach line is a key and a value18:15
daftykinsmichagogo: man grep18:15
kristenbbdaftykins: there's really nothing to see, the first disk is just data and is GPT, so it just says 'the util fdisk doesn't support GPT', and some info about cylinders size.18:16
kn8iljordan223, There is in specific context, for example if you have no persistent set up nit save no info, it is really what the context of use is.18:16
kn8ilit saves*18:16
Iridiumdaftykins: 13.10 Saucy18:16
kristenbbdaftykins: and gparted also only shows one disk18:16
tsquadCan anyone help me set a static ip on my wlan adapter?18:17
michagogodaftykins: does that manpage include information on the actual search patterns?18:17
daftykinskristenbb: ok, try "sudo parted -l" instead18:17
daftykinsmichagogo: one way to find out18:17
OerHekstsquad, desktop or server?18:18
kristenbbdaftykins: this shows 2 devices, the same data disk and the dvd optical drive18:19
tsquadOerHeks, desktop18:19
jordan223kn8il: cheers mate!18:19
Iridiumdaftykins: So, you've got something?18:19
OerHekstsquad, easy, open networkmanager on your top panel, edit your connection and off you go18:19
kn8iljordan223, One of the problems with a live with persistence is that you can't clean the persistence it just fills up, but you can delete it and just have the iso boot without persistence.18:19
daftykinskristenbb: time to power off and check the drive is even being detected by your BIOS/EFI then18:19
daftykinsIridium: the message you posted says exactly what to do, can you pastebin your /etc/fstab ?18:20
kn8iljordan223, Hope all that helps. ;)18:20
jordan223kn8il good to know18:20
tsquadOerHeks i did that but it didnt quite work, it worked untill i turned the computer off18:20
tsquadOerHeks i have been trying to do it through the terminal18:21
OerHekstsquad, be sure the adress is available, use some higher adress like to be sure it is not handed out to an other user18:21
daftykinskristenbb: do you follow?18:22
OerHekstsquad, terminal? why? that is why you have networkmanager18:22
tsquadOerHeks because the terminal is much funner :D and i have had issues with net manager in the past not holding my static ip's18:23
tsquadOerHeks and the ip is not being used, i have checked that18:23
daftykinstsquad: static IP on wireless when you're running desktop is a bad move18:23
kristenbbdaftykins: yes, i'm in the bios, i'm using the asus uefi bios. i'm not sure, but it would seem it's not recognized there :(18:23
daftykinskristenbb: ok, did you assemble this PC yourself?18:24
tsquaddaftykins my nic went out so its my only option right now, that pc hosts a teamspeak 3 server18:24
kristenbbdaftykins: yes, some time ago18:24
daftykinskristenbb: what kind of SSD is it?18:24
chrs_theres something to be said for the fact that i can google stuff faster than i can find it in man pages18:25
OerHekstsquad, can't help you there, as you need to remove nmanager etc18:25
kristenbbdaftykins: but it's been a while since i last touched anything, and it was all fine until a few minutes ago18:25
voidwalkrwas anyone successful in running ms office 2010 through wine without problems or glitches? is there a mac office that you can run directly maybe from linux?18:25
chrs_that means google is really good or man pages are bad18:25
tsquadOerHeks i have disabled it already18:25
michagogodaftykins: From what I'm seeing, I don't see a way to say "not this string", other than maybe [^t][^h][^e][^ ][^s][^t][^r][^i][^n][^g]18:25
michagogoIs that right, or am I missing something?18:25
daftykinskristenbb: ok, well wishful thinking won't help... only action18:25
kristenbbdaftykins: so what am I to do18:26
Picimichagogo: grep "thing1"  | grep -v "thing2"18:26
michagogoPici: I need context18:26
daftykinskristenbb: what kind of SSD is it? second time asking now...18:26
Picimichagogo: okay? That will bring the entire line.18:27
michagogoI need the 10 lines before and 5 lines after each line that starts with "foo" but doesn't contain "bar"18:27
kristenbbdaftykins: i was trying to look it up, sorry for the delay. it's a patriot wildfire18:27
kristenbbdaftykins: i just took it out on my hands, it's still very slightly hot18:28
michagogo(I thought about multiple greps, but I don't see a way to make it work with line context)18:28
daftykinskristenbb: ok good, power off the machine fully and then plug it back in, see if you can get the EFI to recognise it18:28
michagogoPici: Would `grep "foo.*[^b][^a][^r]` work?18:28
michagogoIt's the only way I can see in the manpage that seems like it might work18:29
Picimichagogo: it should...18:29
michagogoor rather, the only thing I can think of from the manpage18:29
michagogoer, you know what I mean18:29
vladhaund_what's the program that is running the clock on ubuntu?18:29
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michagogoPici: Erm, no, it doesn't work18:30
kn8ilvladhaund_, What is the end goal?18:31
michagogoOh, I know why -- because it's looking for something that18:31
michagogo's not those characters18:31
michagogoEach [^x] is searching for a character that's not x18:31
kn8ilvladhaund_, Or the issue? these sort of questions need that for real help.18:31
paulus68I have this monitor S24D300 from samsung I have the hdmi and vga cables connected but the monitor is not reacting how do I solve this?18:31
vladhaund_I'm looking for the program that ubuntu is using for the clock which has the world clock to add by settings to another distro18:32
paulus68is there a way to make it work with the windows drivers? just a thought18:32
vladhaund_because openbox gives me a crappy clock and I really like the ubuntu's default clock18:33
kn8ilvladhaund_, preface with nicks here please, this a custom distro your making, why would you need to transfer this?18:33
kristenbbdaftykins: still not working18:33
daftykinskristenbb: so you're in the setup and it's showing a page where it detects the other disk and maybe the optical, but no SSD in port 0?18:33
kristenbbdaftykins: where does that 'grub rescue' error come from ? does that not mean that the disk is working ?18:33
daftykinskristenbb: maybe at some point your other disk was your OS disk, so it's still got GRUB on it but no config and no kernels to boot?18:34
vladhaund_or is ubuntu users very secretive about what clock they are using?18:34
kristenbbdaftykins: yes it's possible18:34
daftykinskristenbb: ok, new idea...18:34
kristenbbdaftykins: i am not sure what i'm seeing in the bios honestly, it's not really my cup of tea18:34
kn8ilvladhaund_, No just that what you describe makes no sense.18:34
vladhaund_I'm asking what app/program is the ubuntu using for a default clock in the status bar18:35
daftykinskristenbb: follow this carefully. disconnect the SATA data cable going to your SSD, then connect the one that's going into the other disk. try booting now18:35
kn8ilvladhaund_, Yeah and wont answer questions so best of luck with that. ;)18:35
vladhaund_that if you click on it, you would get a calendar and a time settings which you could get to add another city to see other country's clock18:35
pavlosvladhaund, /usr/lib/indicator-datetime/indicator-datetime-service18:36
vladhaund_thank you pavlos18:36
vladhaund_kn8il, you could just say you don't know18:36
kristenbbdaftykins: it now says to select a proper boot device.18:38
kristenbbdaftykins: does that mean my ssd is dead ?18:38
daftykinskristenbb: can you take pics of the screen at all?18:38
daftykinsor is there some other way you can show the EFI18:38
kristenbbdaftykins: it would be quite difficult to do that, but I think this EFI is fairly common18:39
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daftykinskristenbb: can you find the pics online then? it should be pretty obvious if there's a page showing the connected SATA devices or not18:40
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kristenbbdaftykins: http://event.asus.com/2011/mb/EFI_BIOS/18:41
daftykinskristenbb: if it's that one with the 7 segment display clock style top left, go into advanced mode and it should show the disks along the bottom row there18:42
john_ramboI am using Ubuntu and Manjaro as dual boot. Is there a way to share the Firefox profile ?18:42
daftykinsjohn_rambo: one version could update without the other, or there could be incompatibilities. i'd say that's a bad idea18:43
john_rambodaftykins, Okay18:43
kristenbbdaftykins: the advanced mode shows 6 tabs, main, ai tweaker, advanced, monitor, boot, tool18:44
daftykinskristenbb: see what disks are listed as boot devices on the 'boot' page18:44
arykleinwhy there are a lot of services that doen't have upstart jobs. For example postfix, postgrey, mariadb18:44
kn8ilkristenbb, So you have no images/clones of the HD and partitions?18:45
arykleinthey use system v scripts18:45
kristenbbkn8il: no18:45
kn8ilkristenbb, Ah, bummer, if you did you would have been back in order and never had to come here.18:46
kristenbbkn8il: except that my ssd is dead18:46
daftykinskn8il: actually, having a backup doesn't mystically make a drive get detected again ;)18:46
kristenbbfrom what i can understand18:46
daftykinskristenbb: this is really not the easiest of situations for me to follow, can you link me to the exact model motherboard manual?18:47
kn8ilkristenbb, If it really is dead, I doubt that, but if so you would get a new ssd and again fixed18:47
kn8ildaftykins, True, but it will load a new one.18:47
daftykinskn8il: please stop talking now, you're not helping.18:47
circ-user-sPFmuhi all18:47
circ-user-sPFmui have a question for you all18:47
kn8ildaftykins, Dude You know me as another user and often ask for my help, cut the attitude. ;)18:48
paulus68I have this monitor S24D300 from samsung I have the hdmi and vga cables connected but the monitor is not reacting how do I solve this?18:48
daftykinskn8il: who are you?18:48
_johnI had a problem while updating to 'Trusty Tahr'18:49
kristenbbdaftykins: In the boot tab, there's a boot option priorities, and if i click on it, 4 options appear: 'windows boot manager' (i used to have windows on these disks), the optical drive, 'ubuntu', and 'Disabled'. There's no longer the other disk, since you asked me to use its sata cable. as for 'ubuntu', i think it's just a setup save but that it's not recognizing anything.18:49
daftykinskristenbb: boot your live session and see whether you see any disks or partitions in there then18:49
circ-user-sPFmui have a 12.04 lts live USB can i update my live disc though the live program or do i need to download and start from scratch18:50
kn8ildaftykins, That is not the issue, I was just asking a couple of simple questions and had not intended to proceed further, and yuou are frustrated with the situation and so you project that on  to me, hehe recognize me now. ;)18:50
daftykinscirc-user-sPFmu: installing from 12.04 is fine, just upgrade after.18:50
_johnThe updater said that the update was but there were errors.18:50
daftykinskn8il: no i'm frustrated with you attempting to assist when you don't know the situation18:50
_johnAnd i cant install apps and stuff from the software center18:51
daftykinskn8il: nice school level psychology by the way.18:51
kn8ildaftykins, ah but I do, and did not intend to go any further, images are the best fix in the end broken drives or not18:51
kristenbbdaftykins: this is the motherboard, i havent found the manual yet - http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P9X79_DELUXE/18:51
daftykinsi would appreciate you not talking to me any longer.18:51
daftykinskristenbb: ok, i'm switching room and PC, back shortly. i seem to remember assisting you with that board in the past...18:52
kn8ildaftykins, you funny joe, I will put you where you belong peace man.18:52
daftykinskristenbb: in fact now i remember, it was the two SATA controller confusion thing18:52
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_johnHello? I need support18:53
daftykinskn8il: i do not know you, nor have i ever sought your help.18:53
daftykins_john: ask away to the channel18:53
_johnI did18:53
circ-user-sPFmuim sorry a better question would be can i do it though the live USB with out installing it on the computer18:53
pavlos_john, what is your setup, 14.04?18:53
kristenbbdaftykins: yes that's right, but that was resolved and since then i never touched it again, and there it abruptly stopped working (during an update, but maybe it's just incidental)18:53
_johnpavlos, yes it is18:53
pavlos_john, the updater gave you errors and the system is out of sync18:54
fellayaboyhow do i totally nuke a usb flash drive..i keep getting cannot write read only file system i used dd, gparted, shred, wipe, yet i still get the same damn problem18:54
pavlos_john, from a terminal, can you do a sudo apt-get update ?18:55
kn8ilcirc-user-sPFmu, Are you trying to release upgrade a ISO on a usb?18:55
_johnI'll try18:55
ObrienDavefellayaboy, delete the partition then remake it18:55
fellayaboyObrienDave: how18:55
_johnIt seems to be working18:55
kn8ilfellayaboy, do a smartcheck on it, might be froed18:55
_johnIt worked18:56
pavlos_john, good18:56
ObrienDaveusing gparted18:56
fellayaboyit doesnt let me..18:56
fellayaboyim using gparted the program thats installed on my system j...not the CD18:56
_johnlets see if i can install software18:56
Iridiumdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7665125/18:57
circ-user-sPFmukn8il i have a live usb that i use for my labtop and i want to know if i can update  the thumb drive with out having to use my laptop to do it18:57
Iridiumdaftykins: I lost my connection earlier..18:57
_johnI got a package operation fail pavlos18:57
pavlos_john, are you installing from the software center or via a terminal?18:58
Zenyhooubbithello! excuse me only a simple question: how can I enable backports on ubuntu 12.04? I need to install new programs18:58
_johnSoftware center18:58
daftykinskristenbb: i take it you don't have another PC to test this drive in? have you booted the live session again yet?18:58
theadminZenyhooubbit: It's in Software Center's settings (Software Sources)18:58
kn8ilcirc-user-sPFmu, you need a platform to update it, but updating a live is a bad idea in any circumstance.18:59
theadminZenyhooubbit: But I recommend you just upgrade to 14.04, it's possible to upgrade directly18:59
pavlos_john, which package are you trying ot install?18:59
daftykinsIridium: yeah you see 'noexec' is in your final line there.18:59
Iridiumdaftykins: Do you remember my issue?18:59
kristenbbdaftykins: yes the live session just doesn't show any drives in parted/gparted. i just have a laptop18:59
circ-user-sPFmuknail, thank you18:59
Iridiumdaftykins: Ok,18:59
_johnFLC player. i keep getting this error http://pastebin.com/5Jd0KZGv18:59
circ-user-sPFmukn8il, i well just have  to do a fresh install thank for all you help18:59
Iridiumdaftykins: I'm attempting obtain the next step..19:00
_johnNO its VLC19:00
_johnNot flc19:00
daftykinsIridium: are you familiar with running text editors at the command line?19:00
Iridiumdaftykins: sure..19:01
pavlos_john, can you try form a terminal ... sudo apt-get install vlc19:01
_johnwait, it worked19:01
_johnI got the error and after a while it showed up19:01
daftykinskristenbb: hmm, i'm wondering how to approach this next.19:01
kristenbbdaftykins: :(19:02
daftykinskristenbb: do you still have contact with the friend that helped assemble the PC?19:02
pavlos_john, it takes some time to update all databases ... do another update so that your system is clean19:02
NiteRainquestion, trying to run openvpn client and it is having trouble starting up the tun device, what is the group I need to add to allow this to work.  Meanwhile, I can get it running if I run it as root, however I would rather not have to do this.19:02
_johnpavlos: okay19:02
kristenbbdaftykins: yeah more or less, but he wasn't much of an expert, just a friend. as you correctly remembered, he had done some things wrong too.19:02
stevenpage129quick question: does anybody know what would be the reccomeneded way to rebuild debsums signatures from files that exist on the system?19:02
stevenpage129or for a specific package rtaher19:02
stevenpage129i have made alot of changes to a specific package's files and this creates alot of noise within regard to debsums19:03
daftykinskristenbb: is it the 120GB wildfire?19:03
paulus68when connecting this monitor to my laptop it's working so why don't I have a signal when using desktop?19:03
pavlos_john, you can also do ... sudo apt-get autoremove to clean up19:04
_johnpavlos, sure thing19:04
Zenyhooubbithow can I access to ubuntu software center settings?19:06
daftykinskristenbb: ok, i've looked up the firmware updates for the drive and see they fixed a lot of issues along the lines of detection and so on. if i were you i'd keep powering off fully and back on again until you get the live session seeing the drive. in the meantime, it'd be interesting to see your boot messages, if you could again run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "dmesg | pastebinit"19:06
daftykinsIridium: so in a terminal "sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old" (creating a backup) then use your favourite text editor, i'll use nano as an example "sudo nano /etc/fstab" and remove 'noexec' from that /tmp entry19:07
kristenbbdaftykins: i'm not sure what you mean, am I to try to keep powering off and on for weeks until it gets working again ? how can it go from one state to another ?19:07
daftykinskristenbb: no just a handful of times right now19:08
kn8ilZenyhooubbit, What is the end goal?19:08
z1hazehello, im a rookie linux server owner, can someone please help me out with checking if my java is up to date?19:08
daftykinskristenbb: because SSDs have funny bugs sometimes. i had a crucial m4 in my laptop which had a no-detection bug, it'd come back after a few power cycles.19:08
kristenbbdaftykins: I see19:09
daftykinskristenbb: can you pastebin that log also19:09
kristenbbwhen you say full power off, what do you mean ? just powering it off, right ? or pulling the plug too ?19:09
kristenbbyeah i'll get to that19:09
daftykinsyou're welcome to experiment with how far you go on power cycling19:09
_johnpavlos, every thing seems to work just fine now19:10
kn8ilz1haze, You might as in #ubuntu-server might be a channel you should know of.19:10
kristenbbdaftykins: ^19:10
pavlos_john, good ...19:10
z1hazeum ok19:10
z1hazewhats this channel for then19:10
Zenyhooubbitkn8il, I want to enable backports19:10
_johnpavlos, thanks for the help!19:10
pavlos_john, np, enjoy19:11
_johnGood bye19:11
kn8ilZenyhooubbit, edit-software source19:11
kn8ilz1haze, For all things ubuntu, just trying to give you options is all. ;)19:11
z1hazeso isnt my question encompassed in all things ubuntu19:11
daftykins!java | z1haze19:12
ubottuz1haze: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.19:12
daftykinsz1haze: have a read.19:12
kn8ilz1haze, This was a courtesy call, you can do what you want. ;)19:12
kn8ilnever said this was the wrong place19:12
z1hazedaftykins ive already looked at all of this. but the version that it says i have, i dont know how to see if i have a latest version or even what type? i dont know if i have openjdk or oracle19:13
z1hazeit just says java version "1.7.0_60" / Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_60-b19) / Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.60-b09, mixed mode)19:14
daftykinsz1haze: you'd know if you have oracle java because you would've had to install it.19:14
=== sigi_ is now known as sigi
z1hazeits been a long time though daftykins19:14
daftykinsz1haze: dpkg -l | grep oracle19:14
z1hazemy goal  ithink is ti update to java 819:14
daftykinsz1haze: also: dpkg -l | grep java19:15
z1hazedaftykins: ii  oracle-java7-installer           7u60-0~webupd8~0                    Oracle19:15
daftykinsso you're running oracle java 7 from the webupd8 PPA19:15
sigii have a huge issue with my macmini3.1 and audio: i had proper analog audio over optical cabel now its gone and the only thing i can do is use digital spdif (which doesn't work properly) and build in speakers19:15
z1hazeso what does that mean to me daftykins. can i update this to java 8?19:15
z1hazei just want the most optimized i can19:16
z1hazemy server uses a lot of java19:16
sigii tried literaly everything i could google like modprobing snd-hda-intel model=macmini3 etc. nothing works :(19:16
daftykinsz1haze: lol, so you remove that one and install 8... :)19:16
KGM70optical cable doesn't carry analog signals sigi they were digital19:16
Zenyhooubbitkn8il: sorry, how to edit software source?19:16
sigiKGM70: yes but they can transport analog signal. they did before and they did it under windows19:17
sigisoundcard creates proper 5.1 sound, transports it digital/optical to my av receiver and voila good sound19:17
z1hazedaftykins: should i not update to java 8?19:17
kn8ilZenyhooubbit, hit edit in the ubuntu software center then software sources, find the tab you need tick the backports on.19:17
daftykinsz1haze: uninstall 7 and install 8 if you want to, i'm not saying either way, go fo rit19:18
daftykinsz1haze: i don't understand why you're confused - are you not experienced with package management?19:18
KGM70sigi, they are converted from digital to analog at the input of your av receiver, just switch the receiver to coax input and the spdif should work19:19
Iridiumdaftykins: I'm constantly losing my wi-fi connection... I think that is a modem problem. I didn't see your last tip about my last issue.19:19
kn8il!backports | Zenyhooubbit info you should know19:19
ubottuZenyhooubbit info you should know: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging19:19
z1hazeno of course not daftykins: i wouldnt be here asking. im sorry if it sounds dumb but im not a linux user; i lease a dedicated server and it runs linux19:19
delac_any way to load .desktop files for Unity Dash without logging out?19:20
sigiKGM70: my receiver has auto detection. it is not that spdif doesn't work but it doesn't work properly. it is very quite and i cant hear voices (no center signal?)19:20
z1hazei was told to put linux on it because it is faster than windows19:20
sigii tried to configure xbmc and vlc like stated at the internet for propper spdif but that didn't work19:20
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sigiit worked with analog audio output before perfectly19:21
kn8ildelac_, what is .desktop19:21
daftykinsIridium: so in a terminal "sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old" (creating a backup) then use your favourite text editor, i'll use nano as an example "sudo nano /etc/fstab" and remove 'noexec' from that /tmp entry19:21
Zenyhooubbitok thanks kn8il19:21
kn8ilZenyhooubbit, no problem, you can access software sources with the software center it controls apt-get as well19:22
KGM70sigi, open alsamixer and switch the spdif to pcm out19:22
foofoobarHi. I want to run a command (sudo /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx) on boot, how can I do this ?19:23
kn8ildelac_, A clearer description is needed I think.19:23
emacerI'm getting this really strange error from dpkg:         dpkg-deb: error: archive 'emac-toolchain-i586_5.0.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb' has premature member 'data.tar.bz2' before 'control.tar.gz', giving up19:23
emaceranyone know what causes that message?19:23
daftykinsz1haze: if you're certain you need v8, "sudo apt-get remove oracle-java7-installer" to start with should run through taking it off19:23
sigiKGM70: how?19:23
daftykinsz1haze: then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer"19:24
KGM70sigi, in there terminal stype alsamixer19:24
z1hazewill that overwrite the old java?19:24
z1hazeor will i have to type something to tell the server to use java 8 instead of java 719:24
bluezoneyou can modify your .bashrc as you see fit z1haze19:25
KGM70sigi, then use the arrow keys to navigate and up down to set the pcm19:25
z1hazeand im not CERTAIN i need it, im just confused why my java is using so much RAM, i only allocate like 6gb of RAM for my game server, then i look at the free -m and its using like 16gb19:25
thebopehey, curious how to check if my ip address is static19:26
emacerthebope, touch it, see if you get a shock...   ;)19:26
Dave77how do I unrar a file on ubuntu from command line if unrar doesn't support newest rar format?19:26
sigiKGM70: with up/down i can only change volume19:27
thebopelol emacer19:27
thebopeifconfig isn't doing it for me19:27
thebopenot a netowrking guy19:27
emacerthebope, ps ax | grep [d]hcp19:27
KGM70sigi, the spdif boxes19:27
thebopethanks emacer19:28
jdmfI'm using debmirror to create a local mirror of the Ubuntu Archive. I have included 12.04 and 14.04, --no-source --i18n - but I'm still missing several sections in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/ this folder as i18n, installer-*, uefi, dist-upgrader-all - What am I missing??19:28
thebopeI'm not sure what most of that means19:28
thebopeMight just restart and see if it's the same ;-)19:28
emacerthebope, did it give you output?19:28
emacerthebope, then it's not static19:28
thebopeAhh very good19:28
delac_kn8il: .desktop files are files that are the base for launchers in dash19:29
thebopeokay, I've got a tute here to help me set it statically19:29
thebopethanks emacer19:29
daftykinsz1haze: minecraft by any chance?19:30
clevasSo if i have a legacy win8.1 install, dual boot should be a breeze right?19:30
z1hazeit is19:30
z1hazeis there a trick to fix this19:30
daftykinsz1haze: no point changing java for that then, memory usage has to do with the system and applications. have you ever seen www.linuxatemyram.com ?19:31
z1hazeits a 32gb RAM machine, so id like to divide the RAM usage amongst several servers19:31
z1hazeyea i saw it19:31
z1hazeit says it caches it or something19:31
z1hazebut even looking at that; i only gave java 6gb to run, and its only got 17gb free of 32..19:32
z1hazeand minecraft, teamspeak, is the only things i use this machine for19:32
OerHeks3 users x 6 gb ...19:32
sigiKGM70: cant switch anything19:33
paulus68I have this monitor S24D300 from samsung I have the hdmi and vga cables connected but the monitor is not reacting how do I solve this?19:33
daftykinsz1haze: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && free -m | pastebinit19:33
sigiand nothing changes; pulseaudio also doesn't show analog output19:33
daftykinsz1haze: nothing wrong then, just lots cached. i'm afraid your query is way beyond the purposes of this channel19:35
z1hazewhat did that pastebin tell u?19:35
daftykinsz1haze: you need to learn about server administration, java memory management... etc etc19:35
daftykinsthat it's mostly cache19:35
KGM70sigi, pulseaudio should be set to digital/spdif output19:36
z1hazeok.. i dont see how telling java to use 6 gb, then somehow the machine is used 1419:36
z1hazeand thats 'normal'19:36
sigiKGM70: i don't think so. i was able to choose under windows between analog output and digital (spdif) output. i was able to do so under ubuntu at the beginning as well19:37
daftykinsz1haze: and this is why you're new at server admin :) so you can try #ubuntu-server but you're going to need to learn about things a lot19:37
delac_my logout time (from desktop to greeter) is several times longer than logging in. Good ideas what I should check?19:38
KGM70sigi, depends where the signal is going if you use a digital input on your seceiver then you need either the optical digital out or spdif digital coaxial output ...that's the way I have my system set up. Analog signals are carried by ordinary rca type cables to the line level inputs on your amp19:40
sigiKGM70: yes but i cant select anything else than digital spdif. ther is no way to disable spdif and tell him to use pcm19:41
Dave77how do I get ubuntu makers to ask people to compile binaries in ARM format for download?19:41
sigiwhat might have been 'analog output'19:41
KGM70that's all i have to say about it sigi I suggest you research the difference between analog and digital and what settings your soundcard requires for those signals19:41
Dave77I want to use something but compiling is too time consuming / complicated19:42
KGM70sigi, spdif is pcm/digital by default19:42
Iridiumdaftykins: I did that. Now, I guess i should remount, right?19:42
daftykinsIridium: correct, reboot would be easiest19:44
herghostI found that the software I wanted to run on ubuntu server (14.04) is only GUI for now.  Is best option to install GUI on server installation, or other?19:44
jhutchinsherghost: What software?19:45
herghost jhutchins vlcstreamer19:45
sigiKGM70: what? if i select spdif in vlc what this does it sends the audio data without change to the av which is generating the 5.1 audio. therefore pcm should be where the pc generates the 5.1 audio and the av only plays it19:45
jhutchinsherghost: There are console based streaming severs.19:45
Iridiumdaftykins: Ok. I really appreciate your help. I'll come back to give you a feedback about how I proceed.19:45
jhutchinsherghost: vlc is a player that streams.19:46
herghostjhutchins - can you recommend.  I am looking specifically for iPad / AppleTV compatibility19:46
Dave77which linux filesystem remembers date when file modified?19:46
herghostjhutchins - I can do this with just normal vlc via command CLI?19:46
jackDave77, all?19:46
sigimh i think i know what i need, i need an audio mixer which creates a proper dts signal19:47
MarcNDave77, I think all filesystem types do unless you mount noatime19:49
clevasOk here's my problem i think i figured out. My windows 8.1 is installed legacy and ubuntu is trying to install uefi. Thats why i cant get dual boot to work. Is there still a way to install a recent version of ubuntu in legacy?19:51
e^clevas: why do u think so?19:52
clevasOk i know so19:53
e^clevas: if the bios is set to legacy i presume ubuntu would install in legacy mode automatically19:53
clevasI get grub error every time19:54
clevason boot after install19:54
Piciclevas: are you using wubi?19:54
e^when you boot the live cd do you get a man-looking figure at the bottom ?19:54
clevasi get the man looking figure yes19:55
jhutchinsclevas: Funny thing about error messages - what they actually say matters.19:55
e^ok then ubuntu is booting in legacy mode not uefi19:55
clevasThats how i need it dont i?19:55
clevasBecause my win8.1 is installed legacy19:56
clevasPici wubi dont support win819:56
Piciclevas: I know. thats why I'm asking.19:56
clevasWell why isnt it working then19:56
Piciclevas: wubi will install in 8, it just won't work.  I  was trying to see if that was the case here.19:56
clevasIt's on a different hard drive. That shouldnt make a difference rh19:57
circ-user-T45sYokay i have question for you all. is there a android emulator for ubuntu19:57
clevasLike im installing ubuntu on a different hard drive19:57
MarcNcirc-user-T45sY, you can do android development on ubuntu and it includes an emulator19:57
circ-user-T45sYMarcN what is it called so i can do the apt-get for it19:58
clevasIm not using wubi19:58
ObrienDavecirc-user-T45sY, eclipse19:58
e^clevas: as jhutchins said, what is the error message?19:58
clevasIt brings me to grub rescue19:59
clevason boot19:59
circ-user-T45sYObrienDave, thanks19:59
MarcNcirc-user-T45sY, You can get a tar.gz (or maybe deb) from android.com.19:59
MarcNcirc-user-T45sY, http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html20:00
ObrienDavecirc-user-T45sY, http://developer.android.com/design/index.html20:00
kn8il!bootinfo | clevas20:00
ubottuclevas: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).20:00
circ-user-T45sYthanks again im trying to play clash of clan on my PC20:00
clevasbit it also said this for wubi20:00
clevasIf you upgraded to Windows 8 and are using BIOS firmware, Wubi does work, but do not enable hybrid-sleep on Windows 8.20:01
clevasSo it should work in my case20:01
MarcNcirc-user-T45sY, not sure how performing the android SDK emulator it, but go for it.20:01
e^clevas: are you using 64bit ?20:01
circ-user-T45sYokay thanks again20:01
kn8ilclevas, run the bootinfo so we at the least have some real info to work with.20:02
ObrienDavewubi need to die a slow, painful death20:02
MunsterObrienDave, a quick merciful death would be best :)20:03
clevase^ x64 yes20:03
ObrienDaveno, wubi needs to suffer20:03
e^clevas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair20:04
e^as kn8il said.20:04
kn8ilObrienDave, One has to be sentient to suffer. ;)20:06
kn8iljoke for the moment is all20:06
jackhomo sapiens sapiens....take consciousness as given20:07
lifeformswith the ubuntu server install iso, is it possible to drop to a shell after doing the install, to make some final modifications?20:09
ObrienDavewubi has no conscience ;20:09
daftykinslifeforms: like what20:10
lifeformsdaftykins: I want to rsync over the complete / from an old box that I want to clone (I'm afraid doing this on a running system won't be a good idea)20:11
lifeformsso I'm happy with it just setting up networking and partitioning, but starting from a clean install will shorten my rsync time so that's fine too20:11
daftykinslifeforms: ah, hmm i'm not sure if the server install environment offers a TTY or not20:11
jacklifeforms, do you know FSOL?20:12
lifeformsdaftykins: OK, well I'll try :) otherwise I'll see what happens if I rsync over the live system, it's all in a VM anyway20:12
lifeformsjack: yeah, that's where I got the name from actually!20:12
jacki love that album :)20:13
daftykinsfuture sound of london? D:20:13
lifeformsit is :)20:13
kn8iljack, suffering does not require a consciousness, just a neural system at the least.20:13
lifeformsI mean, me too20:13
jackkn8il, correct20:14
delac_my logout time (from desktop to greeter) is several times longer than logging in. Good ideas what I should check?20:14
kn8ildelac_, Do you have any time differential?20:15
kn8ilan accurate one20:15
delac_kn8il: the logout is about minute and half20:15
jacklifeforms, i still remember that one track....drowning something20:16
jackunforgettable :)20:16
kn8ildelac_, Logut or a shutdown/reboot?20:16
delac_kn8il: logout to greeter20:16
lifeformsdaftykins: apparently you can get a busybox shell afterwards :) https://i.imgur.com/EFkCatL.png20:17
professerslimewhat would be the advantages of a bonded set of NIC verses bridged20:19
kn8ildelac_, Might be able to run a debugg, I'm assuming you're running trusty  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/autolog.8.html20:19
jackmore speed?20:20
delac_kn8il: yes, i am20:20
jack@ professerslime20:20
kn8ildelac_, Although that is a autolog, tough question. ;)20:20
professerslimeok so if i bridged the NIC cards would i be able to dedicate one to a vpn and how would i do so20:22
daftykinsprofesserslime: a VPN wouldn't benefit from bonded NICs20:23
daftykinsyou'd only bond interfaces to increase local LAN throughput20:23
trap0hi everyone! does anybody know how can I change the font color of the text in the top menu bar (where the clock and icons are). I've found where to change the transparency but not the font color. thanks!20:24
professerslimeSorry i lost the connection has anyone answered my question20:25
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e^<daftykins> professerslime: a VPN wouldn't benefit from bonded NICs20:28
e^<daftykins> you'd only bond interfaces to increase local LAN throughput20:28
professerslimeRight sorry i meant bridged20:28
jdmfI'm using debmirror to create a local mirror of the Ubuntu Archive. I have included 12.04 and 14.04, --no-source --i18n - but I'm still missing several sections in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/ this folder as i18n, installer-*, uefi, dist-upgrader-all - What am I missing??20:29
daftykinsprofesserslime: i think you'd be better off in #networking and/or #ubuntu-server20:30
perlmachinemy subshell is not holding alias, each time i exit from subshell, it doesn't stay there20:30
professerslimeHank you20:31
trismtrap0: that would be set in the theme, in the default Ambiance theme in /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-3.0/apps/unity.css the color attribute of UnityPanelWidget, .unity-panel can change it20:32
QuanquedHi - is there anyone that can point me in the right direction to disable the automatic provisioning of ephemeral disks in cloud-init?20:32
jhutchinsHow do I get the insatller to shrink an NTFS partition?20:33
demozhello,i am stuck and do not know how to install ubuntu 13 on old pentium.. is there a way to start installation from CLI ?20:33
histoprofesserslime: https://wiki.debian.org/BridgeNetworkConnections20:34
histodemoz: Do you have a fast network connection?20:34
demozhisto no :(20:35
demoz160 kbps20:35
histodemoz: any reason you are trying to use 13?20:35
demozthe thing is i can't select to boot from dvd drive in bios20:35
demozbecause of support of packages that i need :(20:35
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trap0trism: thanks! I'll try to modify it :)20:35
demozto be honest it is 10:35 pm and i m out of empty cd's :(20:36
jhutchinsCrud, no, it's can't resize Windows 7.20:36
histodemoz: what's wrong with the GUI installer?20:36
demozi had 13.04 x32 on cd20:36
demozhisto this pentium can't run it well,it stucks20:36
histojhutchins: it should be able to resize if the windows 7 side was shut down properly20:36
histodemoz: from the install menu just choose install only20:37
heph_rg|webcould someone look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/7665583/20:37
demozhisto i was not able to boot from cd/dvd as there is no option in BIOS,so i booted to XP and installed boot loader or however is the name,and when i select Ubuntu from dropdown it goes to demo & install20:37
heph_rg|webi cant use apt-get at all20:37
histodemoz: you may want to look at xubuntu, or lubuntu they are both lighter weight. Or if you use the mini iso or server cd you can get the text based installer.20:38
demozhisto shouldn't regular desktop 13.04 version have CLI installer?20:38
histodemoz: press escape when the first purple screen comes up.20:38
heph_rg|webif i try upgrade again, it seems like everything is ok, and then i get stuck in an error loop20:39
demozhisto ok thank you,i ll do it asap :)20:39
histodemoz: So you want a command line only install like 'no desktop'   or you want a text based installer?20:39
demozno desktop20:40
demozok so i have 5 modes,normal safe graphic mode,acpi workarounds,verbose mode,demo mode20:40
histo!info libc6 | heph_rg|web20:40
ubottuheph_rg|web: libc6 (source: eglibc): Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.19-0ubuntu6 (trusty), package size 3923 kB, installed size 9254 kB20:40
histoheph_rg|web: install that package and libudev120:40
demozhisto i am not sure which mode should i choose :o20:41
histodemoz: you cannot do a command line only install with the desktop iso anymore.20:42
clevasIf i install 12.04 can i upgrade to 14.04 in the os itself20:42
heph_rg|webhisto i just get that error again20:42
histoclevas: yes20:43
heph_rg|webSub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectadly20:43
geniiclevas: Not until July, but yes20:43
histoclevas: when 14.04.120:43
histoheph_rg|web: what were you doing when all this started?20:43
genii!ltsupgrade | histo20:43
ubottuhisto: LTS to LTS upgrades are not offered automatically until the .1 release has been issued. Ubuntu 14.04.1 is due for release on 24th July, and you will only see an option to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 after that date.20:43
demozhisto oh ok.. thank you very much.. i guess i ll have to wait till tomorrow before i get emtpy CD and until i download ~600mb on 150kbps  :D20:43
histogenii: u;n aware20:43
geniiSorry, that was for clevas20:43
histogenii: i'm aware20:43
clevasok thanks20:43
heph_rg|webnothing, i logged into my server, and tried to install proftpd20:44
histodemoz: do you have a thumb drive?20:44
histodemoz: download the mini.iso and install only the packages you need.20:44
demozhisto yes,and i tried to boot from thumb drive already.. stupid old computer does not see it :(20:44
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perlmachineThere is a wyt to discover the dir of the running bash?20:48
asdofindiaperlmachine, 'pwd'?20:49
skinuxI don't suppose there is anywhere to find a list of applications/libraries people want that don't exist yet?20:49
bekksskinux: thats correct :)20:49
e^asdofindia: i think he means where the bin file is20:49
perlmachineasdofindia: the config file20:49
trap0trism: it worked! thanks a lot!20:50
trismtrap0: excellent20:50
skinuxWordPress has WordPress Ideas, so I figured maybe there would be something similar for Ubuntu.20:50
jackirc is great20:51
jackbut not really an ultima ratio20:52
jhutchinsskinux: You can search bugzilla for Feature Requests.20:53
jackskinux, you can meet wise guys here....and dumbasses20:53
heph_rg|webi tried installing each of those that there were "Errors were encountered while processing"20:54
heph_rg|webany time i try to install something i get Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly20:54
bekksheph_rg|web: you get much more output. can you please put it into a pastebin?20:55
heph_rg|websure thing bekks20:56
skinuxIs searching BugZilla for feature requests really a good idea??20:57
jhutchinsskinux: It's the only pool of that kind of information I'm aware of.20:57
bekksskinux: There is no other chance :) And bugzilla is the central point for bugs, requests, etc.20:57
jhutchinsskinux: Are you looking for projects to contribute to or what?20:57
heph_rg|webbekks http://paste.ubuntu.com/7665673/20:58
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bekksheph_rg|web: What did you do so libc6 is not installed? Tell us the full story please.20:59
heph_rg|webwell, i'm using an ubuntu 12 install  from digitalocean21:00
heph_rg|webthe ruby on rails image21:00
demozhisto just a little update ,i tried ESC and booted to safe graphic mode.. it is working ! :D21:00
jhutchinsIs there a version of the installer that doesn't require a mouse?21:01
bekksheph_rg|web: And...?21:01
heph_rg|webthe only thing i've done since getting it months ago is setting up cron21:01
heph_rg|webto call `heroku run rake mytask` every day21:01
histodemoz: yeah but you can do a command line install21:01
dalitjhutchins : you may go for ubuntu server , may be21:02
demozhisto i think this is good workaround,i ll just boot to the "3" on startup and gui will be gone..so i ll get server with little bit more packets than i need,so i ll remove them manually :)21:02
OerHeksjhutchins, <tab>  and < space> does the trick21:02
heph_rg|webmaybe it's my tmux sessions, let me close all of those and try again21:02
histoheph_rg|web: do you have a ppa installed?21:02
demozhisto thank you once more :)21:02
heph_rg|webi don't know what that is so i assume no21:03
bekksheph_rg|web: Well, that does not explain why libc6 is missing. So what did you do?21:03
heph_rg|webi just killed my tmux sessions, and it seems to be installing now without the interruption from dpkg21:04
alexandur> I'm running my website off of a server that I own myself, so I have access to all of the settings. However, it is currently set up to not allow outbound connections. How do I change this setting?21:04
bekksheph_rg|web: thats highly unlikely, when libc6 is missing.21:04
demozalexandur iptables/firewall?21:04
heph_rg|webmaybe it was a memory thing? this droplet only has 512 mb memory21:05
demozor check your apache config21:05
histobekks: unless he was mid upgrade in one of his sessions21:05
alexandurdemoz isn't the firewall off by default? i never turned it on21:05
heph_rg|webyeah seems to be working now21:05
demozalexandur well yea,it should be off by default.. what about your router/network settings ? do you have to portforward ? maybe your isp isn't allowing outgoing connection on port 80..21:06
matkalNickserv identify21:06
pangaea_ok so my nvidia x settings shows nothing ??? any ideas??21:06
matkalNickserv identify matkal12321:06
alexandurit's all on a local network for the company I work for. Ports shouldn't have to be forwareded, but maybe it's in the apache/xampp settings? demoz21:07
demozmatkal you forgot "/" without quotes :p21:07
alexandurI'm not entirely sure how to access an outbound connection setting via CLI for apache though21:07
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herghostPlease anyone recommend a CLI media streaming server which will output to iOS devices?21:08
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pangaea_i installed network settings21:08
demozalexandur try "telnet 80"21:08
jhutchinsWow, that was pretty fast.21:08
jhutchinsLess than ten minutes to install kubuntu21:09
demozalexandur that is one of my servers,it will allow you to telnet on port 80,actually blank screen should appear21:09
jackherghost, i'd use vlc21:09
alexandurdemoz isn't telnetting to your server kinda...insecure21:09
pangaea_network tools 3.8.1 worked for me21:10
demozalexandur if it doesn't success(error show up) you need to check with network administrators to grant you permissions21:10
herghostjack: ty21:10
demozalexandur i see no reason to be insecure.. feel free to telnet to any web server on port 80 ..21:10
histobekks: and finished the upgrade but didn't tell us21:10
pangaea_any idea why my nvidia x setings is blank???21:11
z1hazei messed up created a username, it idndt ask for any of the personal information or anything..21:12
z1hazewhen i tried to delete it, it says the user is currently logged in21:13
demozalexandur what error do you get when you access your webserver from outside?21:13
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alexandurdemoz it allows me to access it, but I have a few web apps on it that require it to get photos from flickr, and it cannot make outbound connections of its own, so it says "error: could not connect to flickr"21:14
alexandurdemoz it also can't connect to the internet to patch itself21:14
alexandurdemoz so, outbound connections in general21:14
demozalexandur what i would do is check the permission on scripts in your /var/www/ .. without right permissions (chown) this may be the problem..21:15
alexandurdemoz ok thanks ill check that now21:15
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demozalexandur take any website you trust,do host -a www.example.com ,see IP of it and telnet .. you ll know for sure is it apache or network overall.. do you have ASA or some network firewall ?21:17
jhutchinsWhat manages start-up services (sshd) now?21:17
alexandurdemoz i believe iptables is the firewall, ill check the settings of that now21:18
alexandurdemoz i'm ftp'd into my server in var/www right now21:18
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)21:19
pangaea_video cards?21:19
demozalexandur ssh to your server,go to /var/www and type "ll" you ll see files/script owner21:19
alexandurdemoz I can't even ping google21:19
demozalso alexandur i was asking about network firewalls,not OS(operating system) firewall21:19
alexandurdemoz, oh, I don't think it's a network firewall21:19
demozalexandur it smells like it is network firewall.. if you haven't installed firewall,there should be no restrictions..21:20
pangaea_ok got it no holstein....21:21
alexandurdemoz iptables is on...hm..21:21
alexandurdemoz i have to go, thanks for your help21:21
alexanduri'll sort this out tomorrow21:21
demozalexandur then just add firewall rules..21:21
jhutchinstoo many keyboards!21:21
jackhow old is iptables now? i remember ipchains...21:22
jhutchins2.6 kernel I think.  Maybe 2.4.21:23
sebbasttianhello everyone... I need a little bit of help with Ubuntu Trusty and AppArmor21:23
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jackjhutchins, ok i see21:26
jhutchinsjack: chains was either 2.4 or 2.2.21:29
happyfr0ggSomebody please help me. I need to give sudo root privilages but my shell is asking for the lightdm password. I don't know the password and have tried every combination from recent memory and no luick.21:29
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: sudo wants your user password.21:30
* genii ponders "give sudo root priveleges"21:30
Ben64happyfr0gg: you seem to be confused. sudo is how you obtain root privileges. lightdm doesn't have a password21:30
happyfr0ggjhutchins - the same password I use to login? I have tried that and nothing.21:32
happyfr0ggBen64 - I type sudo -i into my terminal and it asks for the password. I type (correctly) my user password, it says incorrect so I press Enter and it still says incorrect.21:33
happyfr0ggBen64 - * lightdm password.21:33
histohappyfr0gg: did you install with a different username?21:35
Ben64happyfr0gg: well the password for sudo is your user's password21:35
happyfr0ggBen64 - No. To remove the white dots on my Ubuntu login screen I followed the directions as outlined at http://www.noobslab.com/2012/05/remove-white-dots-from-login-screen-of.html21:37
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happyfr0ggBen64 - when I executed the first command, it added 'localuser:lightdm' to the ACL.21:41
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: What about sudo ifconfig?21:41
jhutchinssudo requires the password of the user running sudo.21:41
happyfr0ggAnything that requires sudo asks for the lightdm password for the GODFORSAKEN life of me, I do not know.21:42
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: What command changed the ACL?  How are you seeing the ACL?21:42
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: Well, that's because there is no "lightdm password".21:43
happyfr0ggjhutchins - To remove the white dots on my Ubuntu login screen I followed the directions as outlined at http://www.noobslab.com/2012/05/remove-white-dots-from-login-screen-of.html21:43
happyfr0ggjhutchins - I don't understand. Why is it when I run sudo it asks for the lightdm password but when I press Enter it says incorrect???21:45
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: Messing with default system settings before you know what you're doing is dangerous.  You should know WHY you are using a command, and what that command actually does, before you run somethng you get off the internet or irc.21:45
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: You may still be logged in as lightdm - if so, it should say lightdm in the prompt.  Type exit<enter> until it shows your normal username.21:46
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: exit closes the current bash shell and logs you out.21:47
Ben64happyfr0gg: what are "white dots"21:47
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: when you did sudo su lightdm -s /bin/bash, you launched a new shell as user lightdm.  That user doesn't have a password.21:48
jhutchinsBen64: I think he means the dots that show up when you type your password at login.21:48
aluchkoso fun times. I had a system duel booting fedora and ubuntu, one volume group with a logical volume for fedora, ubuntu, and home. and a 210mb boot partition controlled by ubuntu21:48
aluchkoI did a upgrade-manager from 12.10 to 14.04 and grub is now kaput, and I'm running off a live ubuntu cd trying to get grub re-installed21:48
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: Still there?21:48
Ben64jhutchins: oh, well thats a silly reason to do some sketchy sudo stuff21:48
jhutchinsBen64: Like I said, running commands when there's no explanation of what they're doing is not a good idea.21:49
aluchkoI can't run update-grub from the chrooted environment because it's complaining about missing things from dev21:49
Ben64jhutchins: very true21:49
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happyfr0ggjhutchins - when I typed exit and reopened the terminal my normal username displayed in the prompt.21:49
jhutchinsaluchko: So mount -bind /dev /chroot/dev21:49
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: Yay!21:49
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: Now try sudo ifconfig - it should ask for your password and display the network configuration.21:50
Ben64aluchko: how did you upgrade from 12.10 to 14.04?21:50
aluchkoBen64, update-manger (whatever the name of the apt-like thing is)21:50
Ben64aluchko: that does not go from 12.10 to 14.0421:51
bitvilagHey everyone21:51
jhutchinsaluchko: You may also want to mount /proc and /sys21:51
bitvilagI need fast and serious help with my ubuntu21:51
bitvilagit wont boot and services are down21:51
happyfr0ggjhutchins - wait, I see lightdm AT THE BEGINNING of the prompt. This TOTALLY missed my eyes.21:51
aluchkoBen64, apparently not :(21:51
jhutchinsbitvilag: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?21:51
Ben64aluchko: 12.10 was a normal release, it would upgrade to 13.04 only21:52
bitvilagWell at first it was giving me out of memory error21:52
bitvilagso I did a sync21:52
bitvilagand rebooted21:52
bitvilagthen nothing21:52
bitvilagit wont boot21:52
bitvilagdebugging it reaches the mounting process and thats where it hangs21:52
bitvilagno idea why21:52
bitvilagI started live cd fs is fine21:52
aluchkowell maybe it was 12.04, I was on LTS and needed a newer lyx21:52
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: The prompt should be <user>@<hostname>:<path>21:52
bitvilagfsck ok21:52
riplyhi guys, it looks like I have run out of room on one of my drives - getting this error when trying to install anything: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-3.5.0-45-generic_3.5.0-45.68~precise1_amd64.deb21:53
riplyE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:53
riply After some googling I believe I am meant to free up space by removing old kernels, but am scare shitless that I'm going to break the server. Would one of you be able to walk me through doing it safely?21:53
jhutchinsbitvilag: Nothing on fsck of the original drive?21:53
bitvilagnothing it runned for 1 second on the live cd and then done21:53
histobitvilag: what were you doing prior to it dying?21:54
bitvilagI know it was the right one because it asked be umountet and then21:54
Ben64riply: first off, watch the language in this channel. secondly, pastebin the output of "df -h"21:54
bitvilagwebserver killing the machine21:54
jhutchinsriply: The package tools won't remove the running kernel.21:54
bitvilagprobably lot of io21:54
riplysorry Ben64!21:54
bitvilagmysql also21:54
viczHey guys, hoping anyone is good with pulseaudio in here.21:54
historiply: df -h21:55
jhutchinsbitvilag: Will it boot in recovery mode?21:55
bitvilagit kills me21:55
happyfr0ggjhutchins - I followed your advice. It worked as you said. I will now see if I can run sudo as root. It should not ask for the lightdm password which as I know now it does not.21:55
riply/dev/sda1                      228M  224M     0 100% /boot21:55
riply << not ideal :/21:55
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: Great!21:55
bitvilagAs it boots in revovery I see some errors for a second maybe ...perhaps fs error but hard to see it too fast21:56
Ben64happyfr0gg: you run sudo as your user, do not run it as root21:56
histobitvilag: at the grub screen remove quite from the kernel flags and see what is going on.21:56
jhutchinshappyfr0gg: Like I said, there IS no lightdm password.21:56
jhutchinsBen64: He's trying sudo -i21:56
viczI have an ubuntu server install which I'm using as a desktop computer temporarily. I installed i3 and set that up to work fine, but I'm not getting any sound, even after installing pulseaudio. What do I need to do to use pulseaudio successfully on Ubuntu Server as a normal user?21:56
Ben64jhutchins: ok? still shouldn't run it as root21:56
historiply: yeah remove old kernels21:56
jhutchinsBen64: Yeah, his terminology is a bit off.21:56
riplyhisto, okay cool so my google wasn't totally off... now, let me see if I can find a tut to do it safely21:56
histohappyfr0gg: sorry I left did you install with a different user?21:56
jhutchinsBen64: THere are reasons to use it as root, but special case.21:57
Ben64riply: type "uname -r" and remove any kernels that are lower than that21:57
historiply: dpkg -l | grep linux-image   you will get a list of them all.  and you can remove the old ones21:57
happyfr0ggjhutchins - running sudop as root as a test (troubleshooting).21:57
happyfr0gg* sudo21:57
pavlosriply, http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2011/01/08/ubuntu-cleanup-how-to-remove-all-unused-linux-kernel-headers-images-and-modules/21:57
historiply: https://duckduckgo.com/l/?kh=-1&uddg=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ubuntu.com%2FKernelTeam%2Fremoving-old-kernels21:57
riplythank you so much guys!21:58
aluchkojhutchins, the update-grub ran cleanly after mounting dev, proc, and sys, time to reboot and see what happens21:58
riplythere's a whole list of them xD21:58
jhutchinsAlexM850: Good luck!21:58
riplythis' such an awesome community!21:58
riplysorry again Ben :)21:58
Ben64riply: oh its not a big deal, just channel rules :)21:58
bitvilagall I see is recovery rquired on readonly file....(VM) so console does not show more. write access will be handled during reco... recovery complete... remounted errors=remount-rw.... but WHY?21:58
jhutchinsbitvilag: file or filesystem?21:59
bitvilagit seems there is an S after file but its hard to check21:59
bitvilagI show you21:59
jhutchinsbitvilag: This is why we do backups.21:59
rperigoHey all. I've got a WINE/Audio problem. Namely, my USB headset works fine in native apps, but sounds awful in WINE. I'm suspecting it's a sample rate issue, but I'm not sure where to start. Any takers?22:00
histojhutchins: it'd be interested to hear one of those reasons?22:00
rperigoI've googled a bit, but all the fixes I found were from ancient releases.22:01
histohappyfr0gg: what is the output of groups   as your user?22:01
bitvilagI have 1 day old but its a bit messy I started to use duplicity with gpg key and passphrase so putting that back is not easy22:02
jhutchinsbitvilag: WHen you hit out-of-memory things can sometimes write to the wrong parts of the system, but it's more likely that there were files open with write permissions when the system crashed, causing them to become corrupt.22:02
histobitvilag: no error there22:03
bitvilagthats just grate22:03
bitvilagso then what?22:03
histobitvilag: this is a vm?22:03
histobitvilag: how long have you let it sit there?22:03
jhutchinsbitvilag: That pastebin shows where it stops?22:04
bitvilagi booted up the test system but thats 3 months old so I have to put it back before clients notice it22:04
bitvilag30 min22:04
histobitvilag: put what back?22:04
bitvilagservices are running from the test server22:04
bitvilagso I have to put the prod back online22:05
histobitvilag: okay copy the files out of your failed vm to the test server then22:05
bitvilagonly one small issue22:05
aluchkono luck :( same thing, grub error: file not found22:06
bitvilagthe test server is not the same version.... at least I cannot be for sure22:06
bitvilagit should be22:06
histobitvilag: well I would create another server and migrate there data22:06
histobitvilag: rather than waste all this time22:06
riplyhmmm, I am having a little issue. These are my kernels: http://pastebin.com/QyQ70pDw but when I try root@tealady:~# apt-get remove linux-image-3.5.0-34-generic for example, I get this error (which is the same error I am getting when trying to install something... http://pastebin.com/7HM7rseW22:06
bitvilagso its done isnt it?22:07
bitvilagi mean the vm is piece of shit22:07
histo!language | bitvilag22:07
ubottubitvilag: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:07
energizerHi I'm installing 14.04, and I'm having a grub error. I found a launchpad bug, but I'm not sure how to implement their solution. Can I get some help?22:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 1289977 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 14.04 Update breaks grub, resulting in "error: symbol 'grub_term_highlight_color' not found"" [High,Triaged]22:07
bitvilagany other suggestion?22:08
histobitvilag: if it were me i'd start pulling their data out to be on the safe side. Get a new vm fired up with their data. Then maybe go back and screw with the old one to figure out why.22:08
histobitvilag: don't you have backups of their data?22:08
bitvilagI did but its from last night22:08
bitvilagand I havent created the proper way of restoreing22:09
bitvilagI mean it uses a gpg key that I am not swhere its stored22:09
bitvilagI should have copied it22:09
bitvilagbut ...22:09
barlieriply, You need to run the -f command in your second pastebin you have broken packages.22:09
riplybarlie, I realise, but I can not install them as I have run out of space :(22:09
bitvilaghow could this happen22:10
qwingoHello, can i reset all the unity settings somehow? because when I start it I just get the wallpaper and the icons, no bar at the top etc.22:10
histobitvilag: so you don';t have backups. Well boot an iso in the vm and start copying stuff out of the filesystem if you can22:11
barlieriply, You can boot with a live and remove the kernels in boot as a last resort, is this a boot partition that is full or root or are you running a single partition for ubuntu?22:11
riplybarlie, that would be ideal, but this' a VM. So no chance. It's boot22:11
histobitvilag: your first priority right now should be the data. Fixing the vm can come later.22:12
barlieriply, Where is the VM online or in your computer?22:12
nicksloanI've encountered this issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/530179 even though it has been closed for years. The trusty64 image from http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/ still uses the old init.d script, as opposed to the UpStart job that fixed that issue.22:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 530179 in virtualbox-ose (Ubuntu) "[lucid] vboxsf mounts defined on /etc/fstab cause errors on boot: needs upstart job" [Medium,Fix released]22:12
riplybarlie, online I am afraid22:12
rperigoqwingo, there used to be a PPA that housed a unity-reset script. I think WebUpd8 had a link to it at one point.22:12
barlieriply, Ah, well good luck. ;)22:13
Ben64riply: try dpkg --remove <package>22:13
nicksloanI'm wondering what the best route is to take to get that addressed.22:13
rperigoqwingo: here it is http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html22:13
bluezonedo people ever use BOTH password and public-key file authentication when connecting to a server with openssh?22:13
subz3r0allow both is not a good idea22:13
bluezonebut when they are both allowed, you can still connect with one or the other right?22:14
bluezone(and not both)22:14
Ben64bluezone: correct22:14
subz3r0bruteforce attacks will be still possible22:14
riplyBen64, thanks will try that now quickly as apt-get purge is failing22:14
qwingorperigo: Can I run it from a different DE? right now I'm using xfce22:14
subz3r0also i would recommend using fail2ban22:14
subz3r0and ofc not a standard port :)22:15
dev-rkehello :-)22:15
dev-rkei am not sure where to ask, so i would like to ask my question here about my wireless problems22:17
OerHeksdev-rke, you are in the right place, just ask22:17
dev-rkecurrently 14.04 is installed, after the update my wireless network produces lags up to 2000ms22:18
riplyBen64, can you remove a kernel like this? Or are you saying that I should find some packages that I can remove to free up space, so that I can install the missing dependancies, so that I can purge the old Kernels?22:18
Ben64riply: yeah you should be able to remove kernels like that22:18
dev-rkei already discussed this in another forum, the people there recommended to ask someone who has knowledge in drivers22:19
riplyBen64, okay let me try22:19
dev-rkethe network lags occur sequently in steps of 100 seconds.22:19
dev-rkeeach lag sequence has a duration of round about 5 seconds22:20
OerHeksdev-rke, can you give us info about your wireless device? lspci or lsusb?22:20
dev-rkelspci, TP-LINK WND4800, ath9k22:20
riplyBen64, I think we are in business!!22:20
Ben64riply: :D22:20
histodev-rke: boot to an earlier kernel22:21
dev-rkeOerheks, Ubuntu 13.10 was running without problems with kernel 3.1122:21
dev-rkei already did that22:21
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dev-rkeif i trigger 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan' and watch a ping to my router the lag occurs again22:22
dev-rkeso i assume there is a bug in the network manager, the driver or the new kernel :-)22:22
aluchkorunning apt-get upgrade in the chrooted environment... I have a bad feeling about this22:22
dev-rkealuchko did u mean me? :-)22:23
riplyBen64, it is saying that it's 'done' with no errors, but when I run dpkg -l | grep linux-image22:23
riply the kernels are still there, do I need to reboot before they 'poof'?22:23
aluchkodev-rke, nah, that's what I'm doing right now22:23
dev-rkekk :-)22:23
OerHeksdev-rke, i just read your post @ ubuntuusers, you already checked hwcrypt http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/netzwerk-lags-nach-kernel-update-3-13-14-04-lt/22:24
qwingoriply: Thanks, the unity-reset script worked! :)22:24
dev-rkeu're quick ;-)22:24
Penguin__Hello I need help for partions stuff22:24
barliePenguin__, Can you share the issue22:25
OerHeksdev-rke, what happens if you trottle back to 54 mbit ?22:25
dev-rkewill you stay here, while i reconfigure my router? ^^22:26
kingbeowolfcan anyone confirm r9 290 working in crossfire in ubuntu?22:26
OerHeksdev-rke, you might be able to do this in networkmanager, but sure, we'll wait.22:26
dev-rkeOerHeks, thank you, i'll be back in a few minutes22:27
Penguin__My computer was partitioned with WIndows 7 pro and Ubuntu (version 12.04) and on windows 7 I deleted the partition for linux it comes up with error: partition not found grub rescue>22:27
Penguin__any ideas22:27
vinoThe synaptic package manager seems to only have gimp 2.6, is there any way for me to get gimp 2.8 without upgrading ubuntu?22:27
barliePenguin__, What is the end goal, just windows &22:27
barliePenguin__, If you remove the linux you have no grub boot22:28
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Penguin__I was going to have everything one linux type (Picking out witch)22:28
OerHeksvino,  for precise, i asume?22:28
vinoi have no idea22:29
barliePenguin__, Cool, if you have a windows recovery disc you can reload it's bootloader, or just install another linux for a grub menu.22:29
Penguin__I have a windows recovery disk but bios wont work22:29
barliePenguin__, use the boot from menu outside the bios to boot that disc22:30
vinoOerHeks, yes, precise22:30
Penguin__What menu?22:30
dev-rkei just tried the ping again and executed a scan in parallel22:30
dev-rkein 2,4ghz mode everything seems fine22:30
dev-rkein 5ghz i cannot switch down to 802.11b or g, so there the bug occurs again22:30
riplyBen64, it's working like a charm now - thank you :)22:30
barliePenguin__, Tis a per session boot menu mine is a f12 pressed as if a bios access.22:31
Penguin__barlie, I am a noobie at tech but I know how to do that so I already tried it and it didn't work22:31
dev-rkewireless channels are well chosen to avoid overlapping channels in my config22:31
barliePenguin__, The bios splash should tell youn two things the bios keys press and this menu key press. This is not a bios boot22:32
Penguin__barlie, non of the keys like f12  do anything22:33
Penguin__trust me i tried22:33
barliePenguin__ You can choose the first thing read in the bios or in this menu not in the bios.22:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 1331841 in mountall (Ubuntu) "vboxsf module not loaded on bootup on vagrant image." [Undecided,New]22:33
dev-rkeOerHeks, some ideas about my issue?22:33
barliePenguin__, Not every computer is f12, the manual or an on line search should tell you the key or key presses.22:33
Penguin__My key is f10 I tried it22:34
barliePenguin__, f10 for what, you did not seem to be familiar with this other boot menu?22:34
Penguin__I am not what do i do to get to it22:35
e^Penguin__: try ESC22:35
barliePenguin__, First answering questions as asked would help.22:35
OerHeksdev-rke, i was reading but didn't find a solution yet.22:35
Penguin__barlie, I tried ESC nothing happend22:36
dev-rkeOerHeks, ok. In 2.4ghz mode the ping raises up to 100ms, but never up to 2000ms as in 5ghz mode22:36
barliePenguin__, I did not say anything about esc22:36
Penguin__that was e^22:37
barliePenguin__, read this please. https://workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc22:37
e^i access it with ESC on my hp laptop, (actually f9 but ESC gets you there eventually too)22:37
OerHeksdev-rke, it is a nasty work-around, 54 mbit, but best thing to use up to now.22:37
e^Penguin__: you could give Delete a shot, i doubt it though22:37
* aluchko is letting boot-repair run, hoping it does magic things22:38
dev-rkeOerHeks, i decided to by a 5ghz wireless system to avoid channel issues when playing games or watching video streams. ;-)22:38
dev-rkeOerHeks, so it does affect me also, if i switch back to 2.4ghz mode. ;-)22:39
dev-rkeOerHeks, i want to help to solve this bug, so i would like to know, what i could do now.22:40
clevasis 12.04 uefi or legacy install?22:41
dev-rkeOerHeks, it must be a change between kernel 3.11 and 3.13, because using kernel 3.11 works without any problems22:41
Penguin__Hi my computer was partitioned with WIndows 7 and ubuntu (version 12.04) I deleted the partition while using windows I rebooted for some reason and I got the screen of death on linux saying error: no such partition grub rescue> what should I do?22:41
barliePenguin__, What is the computer model?22:42
dev-rkeOerHeks, till now i always booted 14.04 LTS with 3.11 kernel to avoid the issue, but i don't think it will make me happy in future, if this bug won't be solved in further releases of the kernel22:43
barlieI will find the correct keys to use that menu if I can Penguin__22:43
Penguin__barlie, The computer model is a lenvo ideapad y580 It ran windows 8 original but the OS deleted a while a go by me to get ubuntu/ windows 722:44
e^is there a way to view thumbnails of pictures that are inside a folder ?22:45
aluchkoe^, gwenview22:45
OerHeksdev-rke, sorry to hear that, you can help by filing a bugreport ( cant find any recent bureports to confirm)22:45
barliePenguin__, Ah a uefi that makes thing a bit more difficult, does the bios have a sata cd boot?22:45
dev-rkeOerHeks, could you please give me some small instructions where i have to file a new report?22:46
e^aluchko: ok, thanks22:46
Penguin__Yes bios does a sata cd boot it is set to boot installed things from disk then disk22:46
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:46
dev-rkeOerHeks, ok, which package would that be?22:46
dev-rkerelease upgrade?22:47
OerHeksath9 ?22:47
dev-rkebut i think it is a dist-upgrade, right?22:47
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OerHeksdev-rke, i am not sure, if dist upgrade is of any important influence.22:48
aluchkowow, boot-repair is definitely an ubuntu tool, it had me uninstall my fedora kernals22:48
dev-rkeOerHeks, hm, but i definitly know that it worked with the 3.11 kernel without any issues22:48
barliePenguin__, here is the manual it says f12 in it, however you most likely need a efi boot for linux, not sure without reading on the recovery boot, and this is actually a ##windows issue if at this time you want to restore it's boot.22:49
DoverMoubuntu seems to have a whale load of libraries in the dvd22:51
barlieDoverMo, If the dvd download it is the extra languages22:51
DoverMobarlie, i mean. the 1gb size. it's like a 4+ gb install without extra things22:52
barlieDoverMo, yes, the disc is compressed, do you have an end goal that needs help?22:53
DoverMobarlie, i'm surprised that there's such much library stuff22:54
barlieDoverMo, Ah, well this is support so if you need that carry on.22:54
dev-rkeOerHeks, i do not get it.... it is too complicated... just created an ubuntu one account, but now they want openpgp keys and so on....22:55
dev-rkei just want to file a simple bug.....22:55
RexterI have the mouse speed set to the lowest setting. I'm looking for a way to slow it down further.22:56
RexterI assume in the mouse settings as you turn the mouse speed down, it increases some sort of variable. I'm I'd like to increase the multiplier.22:58
RexterI have Googled the issue, and I do see that I can set it static in a config file, but that's not what I want. I still want to be able to adjust it in the mouse settings.23:00
DoverMoRexter, good luck writing your own gui then23:01
barlieRexter, Have you looked for the dpi button on the mouse?23:01
barliefor a*23:02
RexterDoverMo, perhaps there is a config file that gui uses that contains a multiplier that i could change?23:02
Rexterbarlie, no dpi button.23:02
barlieRexter, Thanks for confirming. ;)23:03
RexterI also noticed that on my laptop, with the touchpad, changing the touchpad speed make almost no difference. From fastest to slowest, you can just barely  tell the difference. There's got to be a variable somewhere that can be adjusted.23:07
barlieRexter, The lack of speed control has been around for awhile years I would say, so it may be a hard find to change.23:13
barlieRexter, might be worth looking through while you wait. http://askubuntu.com/search?q=mouse+speed23:15
barliehttp://askubuntu.com/search?q=mouse+cursor+speed a more specific search23:16
e^i just ran apt-get upgrade and while setting up i got a bunch of kbuild related msgs, ending with: kbuildsycoca4(10865) kdemain: Emitting notifyDatabaseChanged ("apps", "apps"), and its stalled, any idea about this ?23:16
barliee^, Did you save this info so you can pastebin it?23:17
e^terminal is still open23:17
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barliee^ I would include that info is all seems important, not sure overall myself.23:17
RexterThanks barlie, I'll keep researching.23:18
barlieRexter, No problem, if you find an answer we all want to know it. ;)23:18
CyanBlobHey guys, I just installed Ubuntu 14.04, and my volume indicator has now disappeared. Any ideas?23:19
CyanBlobIt is there on the login screen23:19
RexterDo you think that this means my mouse just has higher dpi than what's expected? Even on the lowest setting, the pointed moves from the top corner to the bottom corner with less than 1 inch of movement of the mouse.23:20
barlieCyanBlob, Have you made any changes on the install as of now?23:20
CyanBlobI tried reinstalling the indicator, which didn't help. Force reloading alsa makes it come back, but not functionally. I still have audio.23:21
CyanBlobbarlie: Yes, I installed Skype (which is when I think the indicator broke, but I'm not positive) and Virtualbox. I have not altered any sound settings.23:22
kingbeowolfcan anyone confirm r9 290 working in crossfire in ubuntu?23:22
barlieCyanBlob, This is installed on the HD, not in a VM, just checking is all?23:22
CyanBlobbarlie: Yes, this is on the HD. If it matters, I installed Skype 4.2 from the Ubuntu Partner repo, uninstalled it, then installed 4.3 from the Skype .deb file23:23
RexterDoes Firefox have massive memory leaks? It's been open for a few days, with 8 tabs open. It's consuming 2.4GB RAM.23:23
cerrysome around helping out fixing dual screen support on ATI/integrated initel graphic chipset?23:23
barlieCyanBlob, Is the desktop working correct otherwise, for example the dash search?23:24
barlie!details | cerry23:24
ubottucerry: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)23:24
e^barlie: http://www.pastebin.com/wT6PvNJh (apt-get upgrade)23:25
CyanBlobbarlie: Yes, everything appears to be working as it should. Except in the 'Sounds' settings category, there are no input/output devices listed, and the volume control does not affect the system volume. Using alsamixer to control the volume works.23:25
CyanBlobbarlie: Could Skype have messed up my Alsa/Pulse settings?23:25
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sol__hey everyone. i have rtl8723be wireless card. i got a set of drivers from github (lwfinger/rtl8723be) and im trying to run it on precise pangolin, but i keep getting errors when i run the make command23:26
holsteinCyanBlob: are you up to date with upgrades? i would try in a terminal "sudo apt-get udpate && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to be sure23:26
holsteinsol__: you should ask the creators of the package/driver for help on how to install the software they create23:26
holsteinsol__: you can share specific errors in a pastebin..23:26
barlieCyanBlob, Not sure on skype or pulse, I would make sure you have the correct graphic driver installed, and run a reset.  http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/reset-unity-and-compiz-settings-in-ubuntu-14-04/23:27
cerryoh… I dc'ed so probably first post didn't get through. I'm running 14.04 on a Dell Latitude which seems to have 2 graphic chipsets. When connecting my 2nd screen (VGA adapter) ubuntu's "display" tool won't detect the screen. Works flawless with my older 12.04 nVidea chipset.23:27
barlieCyanBlob, I would check if the guest account has the same anomalies too.23:27
CyanBlobbarlie: Alright, I'll check and report back.23:28
holsteincerry: you seem to be comparing a few different things.. like 12.04 on nvidia vs 14.04 on intel..23:28
CyanBlobholstein: Alright, I ran them (pretty sure I was up to date, though). I'll restart and report back23:28
holsteincerry: you are running 14.04? and you want dual head there? on what hardware? intel?23:29
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cerryholstein: I've some output from lspci and lshw here: http://pastebin.com/AguqDHv2 I suspect I should enable the ATI card but the intel is running ~  can't clearly see it in the output though23:30
CyanBlobberlie: The guest account is working as it should. It is just my main account that is affected23:30
CyanBlobholstein: The updates did not solve the issue.23:30
cerryYeahh, forget the 12.04 - i just brabbled23:31
daftykinscerry: what happens if it's connected from bootup?23:31
daftykinscerry: or are you doing that already?23:32
cerrydaftykins: I haven't tested it with my home screen though but it made no difference at work23:32
daftykinscerry: so no change connecting it after or having it connected from powered off?23:32
holsteincerry: try installing ati drivers.. though, if its a dual GPU, those can have poor linux support23:32
cerrydaftykins: nope :/23:33
holsteinCyanBlob: do you see the same "issues" in the guest account?23:33
CyanBlobholstein: No, I do not. Everything is working as it should over there. I suspect the problem is my recent installation of Skype23:34
daftykinscerry: i agree with holstein, some proprietary drivers needed there most likely23:34
holsteinCyanBlob: then, i would reset my user config there23:34
cerryholstein: would you mean enabling fglrx-updates or just fglrx? They're listed as alternatives for X.Org's driver in "additional drivers" but when i enable them the screen freezes after log in screen :/23:34
holsteinCyanBlob: if the guest account is "Fine", then the issue is likely in your user config..23:34
CyanBlobholstein: I may purge Skype and reinstall Pulseaudio and see where that gets me, but I would like to have Skype installed23:34
CyanBlobholstein: How would I go about doing that?23:34
cerryor more: mouse vanishes, nothing happens, can restart via tty though23:34
holsteinCyanBlob: for me, on hardware that doesnt promise linux support, i try all options and use what fits my needs best23:34
holsteinCyanBlob: no. stop messing with the sytem and system packages23:35
holsteinCyanBlob: the issue is not there.. the guest account you say is fine.. so, the system audio is fine.. its your user that has the issue in the config23:35
holsteinCyanBlob: for example.. http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html23:36
cerrydaftykins: i do a quick restart (to be 100%), brb23:36
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sol__hm. well, my kernel is generic. the drivers were written for 3.15+. how do i get 3.15, specifically?23:41
HSKWi've a prob, its possible to proxy an m3u8 request by swf??23:42
kidpoolHey guys. I want to partition several hard drives into equal sizes so that I can turn them into a concatenated RAID. Is this possible? How do I partition the external hard drives?23:42
OerHekssol__, trusty is om 3.13, so wait for the 3.15 kernel update ( if you want the kernel ppa, you might run into issues )23:44
cerryre, rebooted 2x times each plugged in VGA-screen => x.org driver no dual screen, fglrx…? => login screen works but then just background is present until switching to tty, purging the package and restarting lightdm23:44
dev-rkeOerHeks, ok thank you for your support, i just filed my first bug now :-)23:45
dev-rkebut it was not quite easy to find the right form to fill :D23:45
sol__ohh. so the software i need isn't even released yet. what is a kernel ppa?23:45
OerHeksdev-rke, i think i missed your last post about filling the bugreport, sorry23:46
OerHekssol__, it seems that the 3.15 kernel is for the next utopia 14.10 release only >> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/23:47
davoidahow can i start CENTOS anakonda installer without creating LVM's but rather extn partitions?23:47
OerHeksdavoida, centos is not supported here, ubuntu only23:47
davoidaalso i don't have httpd to use ks23:47
dev-rkeOerHeks, that is ok, thanks for your support. I will wait and i think, the linux way will solve my issue if i answer the upcoming questions. ;-)23:47
OerHeksdev-rke, any bit can help23:48
sol__i could theoretically use the kernel in this repository with trusty, perhaps with problems, correct?23:49
OerHekssol__,  no23:49
sol__okay. thats all i needed to know. for now ill just stick with the wired connection.23:49
dev-rkeOerHeks, two bit for me please. as my grandmother always said: you can't stand on a single leg. ;-)23:49
dev-rkeOk, i am off now, thank you all for your support :D23:50
FevixOkay so. I need to make another USB stick that'll let me install the most recent stable release of Ubuntu available.23:51
daftykinsFevix: ok, download the latest ubuntu then23:55
daftykinssol__: stop that please23:56
zombu2you scared em23:57
bekkszombu2: That was intentional. ;)23:58

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