
=== PaulW2U is now known as G4MBY
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tsdgeosshadeslayer: Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7667695/07:40
tsdgeosapachelogger: ↑07:40
Riddelltsdgeos: just looking at that07:41
Riddellfault in the merge I guess07:41
yofelRiddell: there are again missing bzr tags for your uploads, please remember to tag the commit when you upload08:31
Riddellhmm, yes08:33
Riddellpushing tags08:36
santa_hmm I have a doubt08:55
santa_is the kconf_update executable actually needed to build something? or is it just something needed at runtime?08:55
santa_I tend to think the latter is the correct one08:55
Riddellsanta_: yes the latter09:18
santa_Riddell: we got a bug in the cmake stuff then09:26
santa_Riddell: in one of my merge requests I changed kconfig to not ship kconf_update in the lib* package but in the -bin one, so -dev doesn't depend on -bin at the moment meaning something build depending on kconfig won't have kconf_update available when it's built in a clean chroot. so we have this problem http://paste.kde.org/ppieepsob09:31
santa_therefore I think the cmake stuff shoulnd't be asking for the kconf_update package and upstream's cmake stuff should be fixed09:32
santa_as a temporary workaround I could make -dev depend on -bin so the changes in my kconfig merge request won't make ftbfs something else09:32
santa_the merge request I'm talking about is this one https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/kubuntu-packaging-next/kconfig-work/+merge/22365809:33
santa_and that's it09:33
Riddellsanta_: making -dev depend on -bin seems the best way for now09:53
BluesKajHiyas all10:45
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BluesKajok gents, here's an upgrade problem, http://privatepaste.com/fc2304fa3511:28
BluesKajon 14.1011:28
Riddellum, that should be fixed11:29
Riddellwhy is that not fixed?11:29
BluesKaj-f install just ignores it or sets it aside and continues with the other upgrades11:30
Riddellwell I'm confused, it's in yofel's upload 4:4.13.2-0ubuntu4 but launchpad doesn't show that as being in -proposed or -release11:33
yofel[ubuntu/utopic-proposed] kde-runtime 4:4.13.2-0ubuntu4 (Accepted)11:36
ScottKRiddell: Did you see the KDE security advisory?11:37
BluesKajnot using proposed here, and my installed version is 4:4.13.0 , yofel , is there one missing, namely 4:4.13.1 ?11:39
Riddellno ubuntu4 version under utopic at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-runtime/11:41
Riddellprobably launchpad being slow11:41
RiddellScottK: nope, where did you get notifications of that?11:41
yofelLatest upload:11:41
yofel    4:4.13.2-0ubuntu4 11:41
ScottKRiddell: Debian Bug#75205211:41
yofelbut in no series o.O11:41
* ScottK looks around for the bot .....11:42
yofelmaybe in the series transition11:42
yofeldebian #75205211:42
ubottuDebian bug 752052 in src:kde4libs "kde4libs: CVE-2014-3494: POP3 kioslave silently accepted invalid SSL certificates" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/75205211:42
yofelthe bot loves spaces ^^11:42
ScottKRight.  Thanks.11:44
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Riddell"Scott Kitterman (kitterman) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members" yay, ScottK still loves us!12:29
jussiRiddell: you would hope he would do that, given he is on th KC :D12:35
shadeslayerRiddell: did anyone take care of the security thingy12:48
Riddellshadeslayer: not yet12:48
shadeslayeror should I grab that12:48
shadeslayerok, I shall do the stuff12:48
Riddellyou are now on GCHQ's watchlist :)12:48
BluesKajyofel, ok the khelpcenter4 error is fixed, installed along with runtime etc without a hitch :)12:49
shadeslayerpft, pretty sure I was on it when I first entered the UK12:49
mcstr_hi i have to report a bug of kde plasma next / project neon... is this the right channel?14:13
mparillomcstr_: There is a #project-neon channel.14:28
mparillomcstr_: I get there from http://webchat.freenode.net/ (quassel does not work from work. Maybe IRC is blocked?)14:30
mcstr_yep i have to go over the webchat adress... cant even use it in quassel... pretty weak :(14:35
BluesKajworks in konversation14:36
Riddellmcstr_: if it's a bug in the code then report to KDE, if's a bug in the packaging then report to the relevant packaging team14:36
mcstr_i dont wanna use konversation... :P14:37
mcstr_i have reported it to kde... they sent me a mail its in the packages and they cant fix it so i should report it to the kubuntu team14:37
* BluesKaj shrugs14:37
mcstr_this is annoying14:48
Riddellmcstr_: what's the issue then?14:49
mcstr_i posted the logs on the project-neon channel and asked if thats sufficient...  but they dont seem to talk at alll over there... a quick ok would be nice14:50
Riddellmcstr_: post here, everyone who does neon is also into kubuntu14:54
mcstr_http://paste.kde.org/pa5blesmz/qinyss  and  http://paste.kde.org/ptxobvp88/8as1lm  and  http://paste.kde.org/pl5aor1fe/98sqyn14:54
Riddellhmm, crashy14:57
mcstr_haha yeh14:58
Riddelldo you get all three at once?14:58
mcstr_thats what the kde guy said14:58
mcstr_The first VLC crash is about invalid VLC cache, reported upstream at14:58
mcstr_https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1328466 (feel free to poke it)14:58
mcstr_The other crashes are because it cannot load the default theme, which is a14:58
mcstr_configuration issue afaics.14:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 1328466 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc package should refresh plugins cache after installing" [Undecided,New]14:58
Riddellthe vlc crash looks like it's using qt4 and qt5 together, which isn't going to work14:59
mcstr_but i wonder why the vlc crash when i just try to login my system?14:59
mcstr_i dont even run vlc14:59
Riddelland missing the plasma theme is curious15:04
Riddellmcstr_: one thing you could try is removing the current settings log out and rm -r ~/.project-neon5-kde/15:04
sgclarkRiddell: kde-baseapps is ready for review, also please review https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/118840/ my first upstream patch!15:05
mcstr_thx  i will try this now15:09
Riddellsgclark: exciting!15:21
Riddellsgclark: upstream patch looks good, ppenz has stepped down as dolphin maintainer and I think Frank Reininghaus is the new person doing that, you should add him to reviewboard15:24
Riddellsgclark: and if it doesn't get accepted in a week or so remind me and I'll just commit it myself15:25
sgclarkRiddell: will do, thanks15:25
sgclarkRiddell: I have commit rights, just need a shipt it :)15:25
Riddellsgclark: even so it's probably best if a dolphin person gives that, or you could ask vhanda to review as the baloo person15:26
sgclarkRiddell: yep I agree15:27
sgclarkSurprised no one else came across this, unless we are the first trying to package it15:28
mcstr_this is not working much better... i can login again but kwin immediately crashes and leaves me without any window decoration... i manage to get into a terminal i enter kwin --replace i get another crash and it logs me out :(15:30
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lordievaderGood evening.16:02
shadeslayerRiddell: fyi https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/133206416:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 1332064 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Utopic) "[CVE-2014-3494] KMail/KIO POP3 SSL MITM Flaw" [Undecided,New]16:37
shadeslayerRiddell: did you review kde-runtime before uploading :S17:15
MirvQt 5.3 is now being pushed to the archives. it will take some time for eg. the 8 packages already in -proposed to build (syncs from Debian that have been waiting), and 3 more are made syncable by the upload too17:36
shadeslayeryofel: do you reckon we can release kde-workspace 4.11.10?17:38
shadeslayerfor utopic17:38
yofeldo maybe do another testbuild17:41
yofelbut I think it's fine17:41
shadeslayerwill do17:42
shadeslayerkubotu: new version kde-workspace 4.11.1017:50
yofelalready has a bug17:50
yofelthe bot even influenced you by making you mistype the command :P17:51
ScottKMirv: Thanks.17:53
yofeldoes akonadi require network-manager to work?18:07
yofelI had to kill network-manager because it somehow caused wifi issues and connected by hand. now kmail is tells me my mail resource is always offline18:08
shadeslayeryofel: W: libkwineffects1abi5: symbols-file-contains-debian-revision on symbol _ZNK4KWin12EffectWindow1xEv@ABI_1_5 and 29 others18:17
shadeslayerScottK: can you have a look at 4.13.2 in proposed18:19
shadeslayerwould be nice to have it out before 4.13.3 is out18:19
ScottKHow long has it been in the PPA for testing?18:20
ScottKI can probably look at it tomorrow.18:20
shadeslayerScottK: 2 weeks18:20
shadeslayer"Ark Published on 2014-06-12"18:21
yofelshadeslayer: did you ever get any upstream response about upower?18:41
geniiScottK: Just wanted to say kudos for speaking your mind in -meeting earlier, while it's somewhat quiet in here.18:41
shadeslayeryofel: hm?18:41
shadeslayerwhat about it18:41
yofelIIRC someone wanted to ask upstream folks about upower 0.9918:42
shadeslayerI'm not really aware of such a discussion, so can't really comment18:43
shadeslayermaybe apachelogger or Riddell ^^18:44
yofelwasn't you then maybe18:44
shadeslayerScottK: kde-workspace 4.11.10 in archive as well btw18:44
shadeslayerin trusty-proposed18:44
shadeslayerutopic going up in a bit18:45
shadeslayerok so workspace all done18:46
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shadeslayeroh hm18:55
shadeslayermy changelog for kde-workspace is a bit incomplete18:55
shadeslayerScottK: ^^ re uploaded kde-workspace with a more complete changelog18:56
santa_Riddell: ack about kconfig. merge request resubmitted19:26
santa_sgclark: is the kde-baseapps5 tarball available somewhere?19:44
yofelyou know that you have too much crap installed when you have to download 6GiB of archives to upgrade to utopic ^^19:48
sgclarksanta_ still only local, was awaiting Riddell review19:49
santa_sgclark: ok thanks, let me know when is out, even if it's in a private place19:51
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