
=== thumper is now known as thumper-cooking
lucidfoxAnyone knows why Chromium 35 is not in Ubuntu yet, and when to expect it?04:56
didrockshey larsu!05:42
BigWhaleAre there any API's in Gnome to detect USB changes?05:48
BigWhaleDevices connected and disconnected?05:48
TheMusoBigWhale: Thats udisks.05:53
TheMusoafaik anyway.05:53
didrockshey BigWhale05:57
BigWhaleHey didrocks! :)06:04
BigWhaleTheMuso, Hmm, this seems like something that deals mainly with discs.06:05
BigWhaleerr, storage devices. :)06:05
BigWhaleI'd like to detect whether a USB camera was connected.06:06
BigWhaleAnd I'm pretty sure this was already done somewhere. :)06:06
pittibonjour didrocks06:09
pittihey TheMuso06:09
didrockshey pitti, how are you?06:09
pittihello BigWhale, how are you?06:09
didrockspitti: tu as encore mangé des fraises aujourd'hui ?06:09
pittididrocks: quite fine, thanks! was a nice half-work half-family day yesterday06:09
didrocksgreat ;)06:10
pittididrocks: pas encore, mais je vais manger le petite-dejeuner en quelques minutes, avec des fraises :)06:10
didrockshéhé, bon appétit !06:10
pittimerci !06:10
BigWhalepitti, hey! Doing excellent. Finally found time to show some love for Ubuntu. :)06:11
TheMusoBigWhale: Sorry, I misread your query, and thought you were talking about disks.06:11
TheMusoHey pitti.06:11
* larsu wants fraises as well06:14
larsumorning everyone :)06:14
mvogoog morning06:15
didrockshey mvo ;)06:15
RAOFBigWhale: libgudev will get you various notificationy things, libgusb will get you usb-y things.06:27
BigWhaleRAOF, thanks, I'll look into it.06:29
RAOFIf you're specifically after cameraing, gphoto might be what you're after, but I don't know if that handles hotplug detection also.06:30
BigWhaleRAOF, I'm working on webcam features for Kazam and I just need to detect if something happened on USB, so I can fire up camera detection.06:31
RAOFgudev would totally do that for you.06:33
RAOF1) Set up udev monitor for the “usb” subsystem, 2) profit!06:33
pittihey mvo, gugen Morgen :)06:34
pittiBigWhale: right, lib(g)udev, watch for "usb" subsystem and pick out the ones with ID_GPHOTO=106:34
pittigvfs' gphoto2 monitor does that, in case you need a working example06:35
BigWhaleThis looks promising.06:36
BigWhaleMy buttons will appear and disappear automagically! :>06:37
mvohey pitti and didrocks, good morning06:37
pittiBigWhale: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/tree/monitor/gphoto2/ggphoto2volumemonitor.c#n379 FYI06:49
BigWhalepitti, yes, thanks. I'm already testing this.06:59
BigWhalewow, there's even video4linux subsytem. <307:04
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didrocksmorning Laney08:06
pittihello Laney08:07
Laneyhey pitti et didrocks08:08
Laneyhow goes?08:08
pittiquite fine, thanks! Just ran my first click package test with adt-run :)08:08
didrocksLaney: I'm good, thanks! Yourself?08:09
seb128good morning desktopers08:09
seb128hey Laney didrocks pitti08:09
seb128how are you?08:09
pittibonjour seb12808:09
Laneynot bad!08:09
Laneygave blood last night to finish up the 8 week interval trial i've been on08:09
didrockssalut seb12808:09
* Laney is drained08:10
didrocksin the night? They don't let you after 1PM here…08:10
Laneyopen until 19.30 on some days08:10
pittiLaney: which trial? how much blood they can get out of you before you collapase? :/08:10
didrockswaow, nice08:10
* didrocks would love that, would be easier to give blood08:11
Laneypitti: trying to increase the allowed frequency08:11
seb128Laney, did you go climbing after that? ;-)08:11
pittiLaney: ah, it's 12 weeks here08:11
Laneyyeah, 12 for men and 16 for women is standard I think08:11
Laneybut they have a problem with not enough donors08:11
Laneyso pumping the existing people for more blood is one solution ...08:12
pittiand I have enough trouble getting enough iron with 12 :)08:12
Laneyhaha, somehow that doesn't surprise me ;-)08:12
pittiLaney: did they give you iron pills?08:12
Laneyseb128: definitely not, I went home and had okonomiyaki and then cookie dough ice cream ;-)08:12
Laneyyou're supposed to get it from your normal diet08:13
didrocksokonomiyaki \o/08:13
didrocksmvo: see, I'm not the only one ^08:13
mvodidrocks: haha08:14
didrocksmvo: tell me once you have experienced some :)08:14
mvonot yet, no :)08:14
seb128hey mvo08:16
seb128what do you need to experience?08:16
mvoseb128: hey !08:16
mvoseb128: okonomiyaki08:16
seb128oh, I should too, though I just googled for it and it doesn't look too appealing to me08:17
pittilooks quite nice to me -- is that veggie?08:19
Laneyours doesn't look very authentic judging by the google images ...08:20
seb128seems veggie yes08:20
Laneynot necessarily but you choose what to put in so it can be08:20
* pitti waves, bbl08:20
pittimvo: you don't have a national holiday today?08:20
seb128though they have variants with fish or meat08:20
seb128pitti, holiday for you?08:20
seb128pitti, enjoy!08:20
pittimvo: it's "Fronleichnam" for the catholic states (but I'm working half-day today and half-day yesterday)08:21
pittiseb128: well, I'm in Dresden to visit my grandma, she's really in a bad condition08:21
seb128pitti, good luck with that then08:21
pittithus I'm working short days with interruptions, and compensate by working today08:21
pittiwhich works out quite nicely08:21
pittiseb128: merci08:21
* didrocks hugs pitti, good luck08:24
seb128Laney, what's the status of that vala issue?08:33
Laneyuploaded it to unstable08:34
Laneydid it sync?08:34
seb128let me check, syncs are not on -changes08:34
Laneyoh man, build status looks pretty bad08:34
seb128it ftbfsed on i386 and some others though08:34
Laneymight have to give that another go ...08:35
seb128one test failing08:35
Laneyyeah it's this one08:35
Laneyguess my fix didn't work everywhere08:35
Laneybut there's an upstream patch for this now08:35
Laneyso let me take that, sec08:35
mvopitti: yeah, its a pulic holiday but I swaped it with tomorrow08:35
mvopitti: my sister will visit me tomorrow :)08:36
seb128Saviq, hey, just as a fyi, charles fixed indicator-session but apparently untiy8 doesn't respond to the logout request, just fwd you his email if you are interested in details08:52
Saviqseb128, heh :|08:53
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Laneywhat was the trick to get around broken vala bootstrapping?09:57
Laneypitti: you had some fun with some time last year, do you remember?09:57
mptxnox, hey, remember <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiskWarnings>?10:00
seb128Laney, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala-0.18/0.18.1-0ubuntu9 and previous entries?10:01
Laneyis it 'include the updated C sources, touch that .stamp file'?10:01
seb128the diff touch the .c as well10:02
ari-tczewhey, is gnome 3.12 going to be default in utopic?10:08
seb128ari-tczew, no, default is Unity10:22
Laneyglad someone had this problem before me10:24
seb128the vala one?10:24
seb128did that worked?10:24
Laneylooks promising10:24
* Laney is a dwarf standing on the shoulders of pittis10:26
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ari-tczewseb128: so can we do syncs/merges/upgrades versions 3.12 of gnome-related packages?11:47
seb128ari-tczew, no11:48
ari-tczewseb128: why?11:48
seb128ari-tczew, you can for things not using GtkHeaderBar/CSD, read logs from this channels or ubuntu-desktop lists for details, that has been covered quite a few times11:49
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seb128tedg, charles: hey, why is indicator-transfer build-depending on dbus?13:19
tedgseb128, I believe so that it can use it as part of the test environment?13:22
tedgseb128, Is it directly, or just through dbus-test-runner?13:22
seb128tedg, it has a build-depends on "dbus", which seems a bit weird, I though it would get it through dbus if that's what needs dbus13:24
seb128tedg, charles: "Vcs-Browser: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-transfer/trunk.13.04/files", also, that url is invalid13:24
seb128tedg, charles: those are my only nitpick, looks good for NEW otherwise, I'm going to accept it13:26
seb128pitti, I binNEWed the touch langpacks that were in the utopic queue13:29
pittiseb128: ah, thanks13:29
tedgseb128, Cool, I'll do an MR to fix them, but we'll wait for a silo with something else to merge it.13:34
seb128tedg, sure, that can be fixed later13:34
seb128tedg, charles: is the indicator supposed to work/show under unity7?13:34
tedgseb128, No13:34
tedgseb128, It requires custom IDO widgets. We've talked about it, but hard to prioritize doing.13:35
seb128oh ok, that makes sense13:35
seb128using the loader I can at least see the "idle" changing to "1 active" when running the simple download test13:36
charlesseb128, I'm still doing coding on i-transfer, I'll update the (1) dbus dependency and (2) Vcs-Browser line in the next MR13:55
charlesseb128, thanks for the suggestions13:55
seb128charles, yw, and ted said he's going to MR the changes, so check with him to not duplicate work13:57
charlestedg, ^13:57
tedgcharles, Check your mail :-)13:57
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charlestedg, ack13:59
seb128tedg, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/indicator-network/use-in-unity8-sessions/+merge/223748 ... wdyt?14:07
tedgseb128, Seems good to me. I'd say we need something better, but really it's just short term until "Unity" is something consistent.14:11
seb128tedg, right, or until we use the new indicator in unity714:12
Laneywhat about unity8-x11?14:12
seb128Laney, is that still a thing?14:12
Laneyalso s/&&/-a/, no?14:12
Laneythere's still a package for it at least14:13
seb128Laney, is "&&" incorrect ... my sh scriptiong is not good, is that wrong syntax (seems to work locally)14:13
Laneypretty sure14:13
Laneysee man test14:13
Laneyyou can do [ ... ] && [ ... ] though14:14
charlestedg (& seb128): approved, thanks ;)14:15
seb128charles, thanks14:15
seb128Laney, can you wrap shell lines?14:16
seb128like do14:16
seb128[ ... ] &&14:16
seb128 [ ... ] &&14:16
seb128 [ ... ]14:16
charleshmm, I wonder if there's a better way to do things like this so that we don't wind up with #ifdef-level code all over the place14:17
Laneyseb128: should work14:18
LaneyI hate that renaming of Ubuntu to Ubuntu Kylin everywhere14:19
Laneymaybe they should divert /etc/os-release or something14:21
seb128Laney, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/indicator-network/use-in-unity8-sessions/+merge/223748 looks good to you?14:28
charlesseb128, any thoughts on that Kylin string question?14:28
charlesmaybe I'm making too much of it, but my first thought is if we don't do this better, there will be patches like that all through our repos14:29
seb128charles, what laney said, use NAME from /etc/os-release and get Kylin to change that14:29
seb128like "%s Help", NAME14:30
seb128happyaron, FJKong: do you if Kylin change its /etc/os-release?14:30
happyaronseb128: Kylin does not change it atm14:31
Laneyseb128: yeah that'll work14:31
seb128Laney, thanks14:31
seb128Laney, I tested locally and it works in unity7 and 8 session (does respectively the right thing)14:32
Laneyseb128: you could do ${DESKTOP_SESSION##unity8-} = ${DESKTOP_SESSION} to match all unity8- sessions at once14:32
Laneysh is fun14:32
seb128lol, I'm having something working, I don't touch it14:32
Laneylike if there's a unity8-wayland ever14:33
seb128happyaron, do you know if they discussed change it?14:33
Laney* hell freezes over14:33
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happyaronseb128: they didn't14:35
happyaronseb128: they added a file, /etc/ubuntukylin-release, for identifying Kylin systems.14:36
Laneyit means that programs have to special case kylin though14:36
seb128happyaron, well, that forces code to special case rather than just reading os-release14:36
happyaronseb128: they want to keep compatibility with Ubuntu as much as possible, so that all program that do OS checking can identify it as Ubuntu, except those ones can recognize the additional indication of Kylin flavor.14:38
seb128they want to be Ubuntu but not be flagged as Ubuntu at the same time14:38
happyaronthat's it14:39
LaneyI think that NAME is for presentation14:39
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seb128Laney, so, tell me about vala in utopic?14:57
Laney-5 is in unstable14:57
seb128waiting for the next autosync to get it?14:57
Laneyjust for LP to see it, can manually sync then14:57
Laneyfeel free to upload if you want it now14:58
seb128no hurry, just make sure it's in the pipes14:58
seb128tomorrow is fine14:58
Laneythe series of tubes is clear14:58
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seb128Mirv, hey, do you know if there is a bug somewhere discussing changing the default qt version from qt4 to qt5?15:35
seb128Mirv, is "install qt5-default" the right way currently to make it default? (that pulls in a bunch of dev binaries that don't seem needed to change the default)15:36
mdeslaurtedg: happy birthday :)15:40
tedgmdeslaur, Ha, thanks!15:41
seb128tedg, happy birthday!15:41
Mirvseb128: man qtchooser explains the different way of setting it, ie environment variable, a parameter for the tool etc. qt5-default installs a config file that makes qt5 default if not overridden15:48
seb128Mirv, thanks ... what about having qt5 default? was that discussed before?15:59
Mirvseb128: no, setting either as system wide default default has not been discussed, other than it's done via /etc/environment on the phone/tablet16:00
seb128Mirv, where would be the right place to start that discussion?16:09
seb128Mirv, context is that the current unity8-desktop issue fails to start qml apps because it's looking in qt4 directories16:10
seb128Mirv, we need to resolve that one way or another, trying to figure out which way is best, hacking the environment doesn't seem great16:10
Mirvseb128: everything goes through qtchooser, so it depends on which method seems less ugly. the default.conf symlink from qt5-default in a leaner package would be one option if environment variable seems too ugly, if it's ok to deviate from Debian in that matter16:19
seb128Mirv, is Debian going to default to qt5 one day?16:20
Mirvseb128: currently the fallback is to Qt 4, the fallback might be set to Qt 5 some day16:20
seb128Mirv, there must be a way to have qml apps working out of the box, I can't believe that debian is fine with "install an app, try to run it from its .desktop, have that fail because it looks to the wrong qt"16:20
didrocksand 20 more tests today, not a bad day \o/16:21
seb128or maybe the .desktop should call to a different binary?16:21
Mirvseb128: qmlscene is a developer tool not recommended to be used in production, according to documentation :P16:21
seb128Mirv, do you know if we plan to replace it before rtm/this cycle?16:22
Mirvseb128: there have been discussions about it for 1.5 years, but nothing has ever materialized ie. it has continued to work well enough so that no-one has bothered to write "ubuntuscene"16:22
Mirvso I doubt it'll change16:22
seb128so we need to somewhat make qmlscene work16:23
seb128Mirv,  would it make sense to email ubuntu-devel@ about it to get the discussion going?16:23
Mirvseb128: possibly, some people have become allergic to the topic however :D16:24
Mirvbut the SDK team does know about it, you might ping Zoltan next week when he's back16:24
seb128Mirv, well, as you said, Debian has the same issue16:25
didrocksnot sure that "being allergic to a topic" is a good reason to ignore the issue and not fix it :)16:25
seb128so it seems rather a distro one that a sdk one16:25
seb128I feel like I'm going to get more consensus from a devel discussion that from talking to Zoltan16:25
seb128didrocks, yeah, not going to stop me in any ca16:25
didrocksseb128: for your demo at the sprint when I was looking about it with mvo, I installed qt5-default IIRC16:25
seb128didrocks, yeah, I did that earlier, but it brings a stack of libdev binaries16:26
seb128Depends: qtbase5-dev...16:26
didrocksI didn't pay attention to that, I just tried to have your laptop working, but it doesn't seem right…16:26
seb128I don't want that on the iso16:26
seb128it's working, I can confirm it ;-)16:27
Mirvyeah it seems a distro one and a bit complex from the aspects that 1) it works, 2) funnily, it's a very very small tool that essentially just does "load this QML", 3) 'qmlscene' usage is spread out through the system, 4) we might want to write our own (we=who?), 5) there's even another similar binary now called just 'qml', introduced in Qt 5.216:27
seb128but yeah, wrong way16:27
didrocksmaybe we should have qt5-default and qt5-default-dev16:27
didrocksas setting the runtime and dev environment are different matters16:28
didrocksand the list of deps would be different then16:28
seb128Mirv, well, my issues is that we have apps that don't work once installed, you click on their desktop and they fail because they look into the wrong directory, so those packages need fixing, the solution might be to code the path to the binary I don't know16:28
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Mirvseb128: all of the apps could also call qmlscene like "qmlscene -qt5", problem solved16:28
didrocksthe issue is that if you then install any app and the default isn't correctly set…16:28
Mirv(one option of how to use qtchooser)16:28
Mirvit's just all apps need to be patched16:28
Mirvor there could be an alias...16:28
tedgseb128, Thanks!16:29
seb128is the rational that those apps are qml ones and can work with either qt4 or qt5?16:29
didrocksyeah, either qmlscene-qt5 or qmlscene5… if there is no backward compatibility of qmlscene between 5 and 4…16:29
seb128but that's not even true, the format changes and they use 5 apis16:29
seb128didrocks, right16:29
didrocksseb128: I wonder if qml with qt 4 (qtquick 1) works with qml with qt516:30
Mirvif QML app is written in Qt Quick 1, it works with both Qt 4 and 5. Quick 2 is only supported in Qt 516:30
didrocksand that would be the reason16:30
didrocksso, why not qmlscene is shipped with conflicts: replaces the Qt 4 version? (as you can load it with Qt 5)16:31
didrocksif you install the Qt5 version and it's compatible with the previous Qt 4 version, just let the new one replace the old one if you install Qt 5 on top of Qt 4 (for those binaries, not the libs of course)16:33
seb128yeah, I don't know enough about the specifics there to have an opinion16:33
seb128that would work I guess16:33
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Laneygood evening!17:01
seb128Laney, to you too!17:02
seb128happy climbing? ;-)17:02
czajkowskiseb128: meeting --> over there17:03
seb128czajkowski, thanks17:03
Laneygood guess17:03
Laneyyeah sorry I'm leaving before this meeting17:03
Laneyyou can handle it!17:03
seb128trying to17:04
seb128let's see how that goes ;-)17:04
seb128Laney, have fun, see you tomorrow!17:04
* czajkowski promises to be nice if you fix her bug :)17:04
Laneyczajkowski: hopefully someone DMBish turns up17:04
czajkowskiLaney: if not we'll just keep talking to poor old seb12817:05
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thedoctor_gay <<17:35
thedoctor_some ppl are touchy17:36
czajkowskisee seb128 is still alive17:39
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seb128the CC indeed doesn't eat contributors ;-)17:40
czajkowskinow if we could just fix the wee bug I hit daily especially on planes where I need to shut down machine and it restarts my life would be easier :)17:42
seb128kernel issue?17:42
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czajkowskiyeah known for a long time17:43
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Laneyczajkowski: do a catch up with the kernel team? ^o)20:18
czajkowskiLaney: not a bad idea20:26
stgraberhey, so I'm still working on that unity8 in lxc stuff and I'm currently getting the following error when attempting to start unity8 as it is inside the latest desktop next image:20:35
stgraberUbuntu Platform API: Unable to find module configuration file -- Aborting20:35
stgraberdoes that ring a bell to anyone?20:35
Laneynot me20:37
LaneyI'd ask ricmm20:37
bregmastgraber, are all your qtubuntu packages up-to-date?20:37
stgraberbregma: should be, the container is based on whatever was in the desktop-next image that I downloaded 10min ago20:38
bregmait sounds like a recent change to do with sensors might have caused that -- which is a ricmm thing20:38
stgraberoh, there are a bunch of available updates, let me apply those quickly. If that does the trick, I'll respin the desktop-next iso and retry from scratch.20:39
stgraberbregma: no change after a dist-upgrade. I guess I'll have to try and catch ricmm then20:43
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