
=== ChexFun is now known as Ch3x
=== Chex is now known as Guest76926
=== Guest76926 is now known as Chex
IdleOnecyphermox: are we going to do anything about expiring from verified loco teams, do we even care?12:05
cyphermoxIdleOne: well, I care a bit, but in reality it doesn't change much13:35
cyphermoxwe don't have enough events to support a claim of being active, I guess13:36
IdleOneyeah I care a bit too. Not sure I am willing to do what it takes to get approved again13:36
IdleOneDid you sign up for motorcycle classes?13:36
cyphermoxnot yet13:37
cyphermoxmissing a bit of cash for it13:37
IdleOneah, well. bills before toys13:39
avoinecyphermox: qu'est-ce que tu dirais si l'on modifie l'action lors de l'expiration d'une membre à : invite them to apply for renewal17:05
avoinecyphermox: dans https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qc/+edit17:06
avoinec'est fait.17:49
* Ankman reads about upstart...18:23
=== progfou is now known as progfou_
=== progfou_ is now known as progfou-
=== progfou- is now known as progfou
avoineprogfou: on a suivi  ton conseil et basculé vers l'invitation au renouvellemenet18:42
progfouok, même si en fait le courriel ne concernait pas ce problème ci ;-)18:43

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