
mlankhorstok back :p08:04
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bdmurrayinfinity: could you review libtar for me?18:53
shadeslayercould someone reject kde-workspace from trusty unapproved?18:58
bdmurrayshadeslayer: doing so19:12
shadeslayerbdmurray: thx19:27
shadeslayeruploaded the fixed package19:27
shadeslayerScottK: ^^ kde-workspace uploaded22:12
cjwatsonshadeslayer: since you've been asking - the livefs stuff is landed on Launchpad trunk now and is looking pretty good, so I'm optimistic that we'll have an initial production rollout next week22:13
cjwatsondoing it on Friday would probably be a bit cavalier22:13
shadeslayerI noticed :)22:13
shadeslayercjwatson: btw from what I've understood, using the LP derivative distro will make a entire archive fork ?22:14
cjwatsonI ended up using the PPA code for testing (because I needed a hacked live-build), so maybe I can get some ops time to debug that22:14
cjwatsonshadeslayer: partial22:14
cjwatsonbuildd deployments are rather more fragile and time-consuming for ops at the moment sadly22:15
shadeslayercjwatson: so, we specify which packages to fork then?22:15
cjwatsonbut we'll see22:15
cjwatsonshadeslayer: something like that.  I don't think it will be ready for casual use for quite a while ...22:16
shadeslayercjwatson: I mostly need it for Kubuntu Next ISO's22:16
cjwatsonyeah, don't hold your breath22:16
cjwatsonI would expect a PPA to be better for your use case anyway?22:16
shadeslayerI see, then we'll have to figure out how to do those with PPA's22:16
shadeslayeryep, however, I was more interested in the ISO side of those22:17
cjwatsonI dunno, maybe it will be possible with derived distros, but the target is to get them working for a single target for August and that target doesn't require anything complicated on the cdimage side22:17
cjwatsonwhereas Kubuntu likely would22:17
cjwatsonso would need to discuss the exact requirements in a bit more detail I think22:17
shadeslayermhm, should I email Ubuntu devel with our requirements next week then? because plasma 5 is going to be out in a few weeks, and it would be awesome to have a ISO to go along with it22:18
cjwatsonI'm also kind of wary of derived distros being used for more than stabilisation branches, as it would be very easy to end up with fragmentation22:19
shadeslayerI could hack around things and use ubuntu-defaults-builder and what not, but I don't know how to setup the UEFI side of things22:19
cjwatsonright, you absolutely will not have derived distros in a few weeks22:19
cjwatsonso sure, details please :)22:19
shadeslayerok, will send details to ubuntu-devel next week :)22:19
shadeslayerif that's the right place to discuss this22:19
cjwatsonwill probably need some work on the cdimage side to mirror additional PPAs22:19
cjwatsonmaybe ubuntu-release, but whichever22:20
shadeslayerwell, it'll be just the one22:20
cjwatsonyeah but I'm not writing special-case code for this, if I write it it'll be generic so I don't have to rewrite it later :)22:20
shadeslayerfair enough :)22:20
cjwatsontrying to make sure that new classes of configuration I add to cdimage are table-driven22:21
cjwatsonone thing that's important to know is the scope of the PPA22:21
cjwatsonin particular it would be helpful to have a guarantee that it will not touch things in the debootstrap set22:21
cjwatson('cos debootstrap isn't much good at multi-archive bootstrapping)22:22
cjwatsonif it's just the UI layer, and you're happy to deal with the utopic archive moving along under you, then a PPA should work22:23
shadeslayerI highly doubt it'll touch things in the debootstrap layer22:24
shadeslayer**maybe** some library like poppler, or stuff, but I highly doubt we'll touch things in debootstrap22:24
stgrabercjwatson: the only problem is if the PPA contains extra packages (not in archive) which they need in the debootstrap set, correct? anything else, we debootstrap from the release pocket + dist-upgrade the chroot with all the right sources afterwards which should take care of any version bump for packages in the debootstrap set.22:27
stgraberor am I missing something?22:28
cjwatsonor removals.  but possibly, yeah22:28
cjwatsonstill, I'd be more comfortable if that were excluded22:28
cjwatsonit's complex enough as it is :)22:28
stgraberyeah, I just assumed we already had that kind of logic since it's not uncommon for us to push debootstrap-set packages into -updates post-release and then build point release isos including that (where we debootstrap from release pocket, setup sources.list and dist-upgrade afterwards).22:30
cjwatsonwe might do, I'd just like for it not to be a requirement because it seems like a plausible source of difficulty22:31
cjwatsonand this is several thousand lines of brand new infrastructure code as it is22:32
cjwatsonhttps://dogfood.paddev.net/builders/  heh, LP is nice sometimes, I didn't explicitly put the [<archive>] bit there but it's absolutely right22:36
cjwatsonah yes, of course PackageBuildFormatterAPI does that22:39
DalekSecHowdy!  With the latest upload of darkice, we have eliminated the rest of the Ubuntu delta, can you sync it (or do I need to make a formal sync request?)22:51
cjwatsonthat's self-service by uploaders, we don't do that centrally any more22:56
cjwatsonif you have upload access, use syncpackage, otherwise, use requestsync22:56
cjwatsonassuming you have an Ubuntu system to run it from?22:56
cjwatsonactually, never mind, it's pretty clear, I'll switch to my uploader hat and do it22:58
DalekSecSweet, thanks.  And no, I have no upload rights.23:00
DalekSec(It was a simple one, yeah.)23:00
bdmurraycjwatson: could you review libtar in trusty-proposed?23:10
cjwatsonbdmurray: do you want to fix the grievous misspelling of the patch author's name in the changelog? :)23:17
cjwatsonMagnus != Marcus, Holmgren != Holmgen23:18
cjwatsonrest of it looks ok ...23:18
bdmurraycjwatson: wow, that'd be great or I can do it23:18
cjwatsoncan I reject and have you fix the changelog?  I like to have people's names spelled right23:19
cjwatsonbut I'll be around for a little bit longer to accept the second try23:19
bdmurraycjwatson: sure, sounds good23:21
bdmurraycjwatson: reuploaded23:26
cjwatsonbdmurray: thanks23:34
bdmurraycjwatson: thank you for pointing it out23:37

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