bduk1 | Good morning peeps | 05:42 |
Kilos | hi bduk1 bushtech charl_ psychicist Squirm theblazehen and all others too | 06:09 |
ThatGraemeGuy | mornings | 06:23 |
Kilos | hi ThatGraemeGuy | 06:25 |
Kilos | hi Rynomster | 06:25 |
mazal | Morning everyone | 06:27 |
Kilos | hi mazal | 06:30 |
mazal | Gaanit oom ? | 06:31 |
Kilos | goed dankie en self mazal ? | 06:32 |
mazal | Goed goed , vries net :P | 06:32 |
Kilos | ja die koue is lelik | 06:32 |
mazal | inetpro, forgot to give you feedback yesterday , the ext4 stick solved my rsync problem completely | 06:46 |
Kilos | ohi drubin are you here? hows things with you? | 06:46 |
mazal | Keeping my multi-purpose stick seperate now | 06:46 |
charl_ | morning all | 07:32 |
charl_ | Maaz: coffee on | 07:33 |
* Maaz puts the kettle on | 07:33 | |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for charl_! | 07:37 |
Kilos | hi charl_ Vince-0 | 07:50 |
Vince-0 | Haai | 07:50 |
charl_ | hi Kilos | 08:05 |
charl_ | hi Vince-0 | 08:05 |
Vince-0 | Haai ChanServ | 08:12 |
Vince-0 | i mean charl_ | 08:12 |
charl_ | lol | 08:17 |
smile | hoi :p | 08:23 |
Vince-0 | work calls! | 08:24 |
charl_ | hey smile | 08:27 |
charl_ | hoe gaat het jonge | 08:27 |
smile | charl_: goed :D | 08:28 |
smile | wel een beetje snotter de snot :p | 08:28 |
smile | met jou? :p | 08:28 |
charl_ | allergien ? ik heb zelf ook last ervan | 08:28 |
charl_ | voornamelijk de graspollen | 08:29 |
charl_ | maar ja verder gaat het goed | 08:29 |
smile | charl_: ja, onder andere :P | 08:29 |
* smile knuffelt charl_ :) | 08:29 | |
charl_ | :D | 08:29 |
smile | charl_: lees jij :p | 08:30 |
mazal | superfly, what site do you use to download your minetest mods ? | 08:30 |
charl_ | ja idd, bijna elke dag :) | 08:30 |
charl_ | smile: een paar weken geleden ben ik in leiden geweest op de japanmarkt - ik kocht een heel leuke knuffel "nemuneko" | 08:31 |
charl_ | ziet er ongeveer zo uit: | 08:32 |
smile | charl_: ze hebben ook een irc-netwerk op irc:// | 08:32 |
smile | wist ik niet :p | 08:32 |
smile | hoofdkanaal daar is :P | 08:33 |
smile | haha, schattig, charl_ :) | 08:33 |
charl_ | nemuneko betekent "slapende poes" in het japans | 08:33 |
charl_ | ik ben ook op animecon geweest afgelopen weekend in den haag | 08:33 |
charl_ | oh leuk ! een irc netwerk alleen voor tweakers en ? | 08:36 |
charl_ | en in de motd staat een operator "Dubbeldrank" :D | 08:36 |
smile | haha :D | 08:37 |
smile | ik heb me daarnet geregistreerd, charl_ :) | 08:37 |
charl_ | vreemd heb er nog nooit eerder wat over gehoord | 08:38 |
charl_ | maar ja goed ik idle er wel :) ik zit tegenwoordig op een hele hoop irc netwerken | 08:39 |
charl_ | ik idle ook vaak op #piratenpartij op - vind er wel wat leuke linkjes (privacy-related) | 08:41 |
smile | charl_: ja, ik las het vandaag bij mIRC 7.34 | 08:42 |
smile | | 08:42 |
Kerbero[dsp] | o | 08:42 |
smile | charl_: aha :p | 08:42 |
Kerbero[dsp] | nederlands | 08:42 |
Kerbero[dsp] | leuk | 08:42 |
smile | Kerbero[dsp]: ja :D | 08:42 |
Kerbero[dsp] | hi smile | 08:42 |
smile | hoi. ;) | 08:42 |
charl_ | hey Kerbero[dsp] :) | 08:42 |
Kerbero[dsp] | hi ChanServ | 08:43 |
Kerbero[dsp] | charl_, | 08:43 |
Kerbero[dsp] | lol | 08:43 |
charl_ | smile: jaren geleden heb ik ook mirc gebruikt (toen ik nog windows gebruikte) maar tegenwoordig heeft het weinig nut (voor mij) :P | 08:45 |
charl_ | ik draai nu al een stuk of 8 jaar irssi | 08:45 |
smile | Kerbero[dsp]: chanserv is never gone :D | 08:47 |
smile | ik draai chatzilla, ben ik heel tevreden mee :) hier heb ik mooie, grafische smileys | 08:48 |
charl_ | lol, ja ik doe bijna alles op de terminaal | 08:48 |
charl_ | voor softwareontwikkeling gebruiken mijn collegas allemaal IDEs, ik gebruik vim :P | 08:49 |
charl_ | goed, ik moet even verder hier, tot straks :) | 08:51 |
smile | tot straks! :p | 08:53 |
=== jabberwocky is now known as JabberwockyA19 | ||
Vince-0 | 'gotta keep 'em separated | 11:02 |
Kilos | haha Vince-0 | 11:11 |
Kilos | ohi superfly | 11:11 |
superfly | hi Kilos | 11:11 |
ThatGraemeGuy | 'lo | 11:12 |
Vince-0 | it's amusing how many full albums are available on youtube | 11:12 |
superfly | sup ThatGraemeGuy | 11:12 |
Kilos | will call in the lava master just now | 11:12 |
mazal | superfly, what is the name of the mod you use for that crafting grid and advanced buttons on the bottom of the inventory with the fast travel etc. ? | 11:12 |
superfly | ThatGraemeGuy: you watering your pyramid, I presume? | 11:12 |
superfly | mazal: unified inventory | 11:12 |
ThatGraemeGuy | i put a block of water on the top for giggles, and then removed it, but it seems to have glitched a bit :-o | 11:13 |
mazal | superfly, I have that , but doesn't work in sp for me :( | 11:13 |
ThatGraemeGuy | was hoping it was client-side, but i guess not | 11:13 |
ThatGraemeGuy | maybe restarting the minetest server will fix it up | 11:13 |
superfly | ThatGraemeGuy: I saw it on the map, so definitely server-side | 11:13 |
ThatGraemeGuy | ew :( | 11:14 |
ThatGraemeGuy | oh yeah | 11:14 |
ThatGraemeGuy | see it was right at the peak and you can see on the map now that's free of water | 11:14 |
Kilos | ThatGraemeGuy, tonight we play in lava ok? | 11:15 |
Kilos | i gotta go eat now | 11:15 |
ThatGraemeGuy | yeah sure, i only have 1 chest full of obsidian, i can use another few stacks ;) | 11:15 |
ThatGraemeGuy | i need to go mining though my diamond supply has dried up and i only have 4 mese blocks left at home | 11:16 |
ThatGraemeGuy | obsidian farming is heavy on the tools | 11:16 |
Kilos | ya | 11:17 |
ThatGraemeGuy | my pyramid is done just need to fix alignment on some of the glow glass inside where i got the count wrong | 11:18 |
ThatGraemeGuy | then i'll probably drop a mineshaft and build a mini town in there or something | 11:18 |
Kilos | found nice patches of obsidian where we are going then ran from lava when i mined the wrong block looking for the source | 11:18 |
ThatGraemeGuy | i dropped a shaft down the gravel pit area and came across 3 lava lakes very close together | 11:19 |
ThatGraemeGuy | and proceeded to completely eradicate the lava layer by layer | 11:19 |
=== jabberwocky_ is now known as JabberwockyA19 | ||
ThatGraemeGuy | mmm | 11:49 |
ThatGraemeGuy | down for you guys too? | 11:50 |
Kilos | ThatGraemeGuy, you dont need to drop a shaft , this is already at -2800 about | 11:50 |
ThatGraemeGuy | Kilos: what is? | 11:50 |
Kilos | Maaz, is down | 11:50 |
Kilos | where i found the lava | 11:51 |
ThatGraemeGuy | oh my word | 11:51 |
Maaz | Kilos: I'm not feeling too well | 11:51 |
Kilos | so get your hammer ready | 11:51 |
ThatGraemeGuy | that will take me an hour to get there | 11:51 |
ThatGraemeGuy | ai that's tooooo deep man | 11:51 |
ThatGraemeGuy | might as well build a house down there | 11:52 |
ThatGraemeGuy | put down some dirt, plant some trees | 11:52 |
Kilos | no man mese comes strong and sommer 8 blocks at a time | 11:52 |
ThatGraemeGuy | trees grow lekker in the dark | 11:52 |
Kilos | lol | 11:52 |
ThatGraemeGuy | lots of dirt blocks, plant some grass, you might even find that sheep start spawning there | 11:54 |
ThatGraemeGuy | and loads of super glow glass | 11:54 |
ThatGraemeGuy | i think i know what i'm going to do under my pyramid :) | 11:54 |
Kilos | what | 11:55 |
ThatGraemeGuy | build an underground village | 11:55 |
Kilos | haha | 11:55 |
ThatGraemeGuy | carve out a nice 200x200x16 cavern | 11:55 |
Kilos | shopping mall | 11:55 |
Kilos | is there a door into the pyramid | 11:56 |
Kilos | sorry superfly | 11:56 |
ThatGraemeGuy | there is an entrance, you will have to find it :-p | 11:56 |
Kilos | lol | 11:56 |
Kilos | i got lotsa mese picks so entry np | 11:56 |
ThatGraemeGuy | :-( | 11:57 |
Kilos | i can help you with mese tonight | 11:57 |
Kilos | i wont hurt your pyramid man | 11:57 |
ThatGraemeGuy | need to get that water to go away somehow | 11:57 |
Kilos | put sand on then sweep clean | 11:58 |
ThatGraemeGuy | lol | 11:58 |
ThatGraemeGuy | you obviously haven't seen the extent of the problem | 11:58 |
ThatGraemeGuy | more than half the pyramid has water flowing, even though i took the source block away | 11:58 |
ThatGraemeGuy | maybe i should put down a block of water on the top block then pick it up 10 sec later | 11:59 |
ThatGraemeGuy | maybe it'll figure itself out | 11:59 |
Kilos | ai! | 12:00 |
Kilos | i got 10 mese blocks too | 12:13 |
Kilos | and what is mithril used for | 12:14 |
Kilos | i got mithril ingots | 12:14 |
ThatGraemeGuy | Kilos you can make tools with it | 13:00 |
ThatGraemeGuy | pick/shovel/hoe/axe | 13:01 |
JabberwockyA19 | I installed kubuntu 14.04 on my gaming desktop yesterday but could not even install steam :-( getting a seg fault after I agree to the license | 13:05 |
JabberwockyA19 | I think this should solve it, hopefully | 13:06 |
Kilos | hahaha ThatGraemeGuy ran a couple times but found many lava sources | 13:34 |
ThatGraemeGuy | down in the deep? | 13:35 |
Kilos | yip | 13:36 |
Kilos | you need to hire a dwarf to mine down here for you | 13:36 |
ThatGraemeGuy | can a person run more than one minetest at a time? i should just give you my password then you can climb down so long | 13:36 |
ThatGraemeGuy | :P | 13:36 |
Kilos | haha | 13:36 |
Kilos | i leave bart down there till he has lotsa stuff to hand over | 13:37 |
Kilos | you clever okes should work on two way teleporting | 13:37 |
Kilos | -2679 | 13:41 |
ThatGraemeGuy | there is a teleporter mod | 13:41 |
ThatGraemeGuy | you can put down a teleport pad that jumps you to specified co-ordinates | 13:41 |
Kilos | how do i get that or must fly install it? | 13:42 |
ThatGraemeGuy | he must install on the server | 13:42 |
Kilos | that would be ideal | 13:42 |
Kilos | save hours of climbing up and down ladders | 13:42 |
ThatGraemeGuy | you can install it and try it out in single player mode | 13:42 |
ThatGraemeGuy | but for the server, the server must have mods installed | 13:43 |
Kilos | na my single player thing is unevolved | 13:43 |
Kilos | done nothing ther | 13:43 |
Kilos | e | 13:43 |
ThatGraemeGuy | yeah, but i meant just to play with it and see how well it works | 13:43 |
Kilos | ok gimme ill try | 13:44 |
ThatGraemeGuy | | 13:44 |
Kilos | even my hammer gets tired of standing on the keyboard so long | 13:44 |
ThatGraemeGuy | actually even easier | 13:44 |
ThatGraemeGuy | open a terminal | 13:44 |
ThatGraemeGuy | cd ~/.minetest/mods | 13:44 |
ThatGraemeGuy | git clone ./teleporter | 13:45 |
Kilos | bash: cd: /home/miles/.minetest/mods: No such file or directory | 13:45 |
ThatGraemeGuy | mkdir ~/.minetest/mods | 13:45 |
ThatGraemeGuy | sorry i forgot there isn't a mods dir by default | 13:45 |
Kilos | ok done. had to install git as well | 13:48 |
Kilos | do we have moreores installed | 13:51 |
Kilos | and mesecons | 13:51 |
charl_ | finally back, hectic day | 13:52 |
charl_ | hey Kilos, ThatGraemeGuy | 13:52 |
charl_ | what are you doing, mining away? no strikes yet? | 13:52 |
Kilos | haha no strikes when you do everything yourself | 14:03 |
ThatGraemeGuy | hey charl_ :) | 14:04 |
smile | hi Kilos :) | 14:40 |
Kilos | hi smile | 14:58 |
smile | :) how are you? | 14:58 |
Kilos | ok ty and you? | 14:59 |
smile | fine, too :p | 14:59 |
smile | I have a cold - again. | 15:00 |
smile | :( | 15:00 |
Kilos | ai! | 15:00 |
smile | Kilos: can you give me a new nose? :D | 15:03 |
Kilos | ya but it will be flatter | 15:04 |
Kilos | and it will hurt some too | 15:27 |
kbmonkey | hi Kilos and smile | 15:37 |
Kilos | hi kbmonkey | 15:38 |
kbmonkey | superfly, just to confirm: I run minetest at work over the DSL and still experience the delay. | 15:38 |
Kilos | it was so lekker sat avy kbmonkey biult the dam wall with no lag at all was lekker | 15:39 |
Kilos | and today its been chopping and changing | 15:39 |
kbmonkey | I look at the maintenance ledge on the wall, he he | 15:40 |
Kilos | haha | 15:40 |
kbmonkey | okay I put some sticks in my crafter to mmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake a fenceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 15:42 |
smile | hi kbmonkey :p | 15:42 |
smile | Kilos: oh :( | 15:42 |
kbmonkey | oh crap sorry, my keyboarrrrrrrd is aacting very weird :( | 15:43 |
smile | kbmonkey: put your cat on the floor, not on the keyboard ;) | 15:44 |
kbmonkey | oh just great, I crafted 90 of the rong thing | 15:44 |
kbmonkey | ha ha smile | 15:44 |
Kilos | oi | 15:46 |
arnaud | hello guys | 15:50 |
arnaud | having issue with my rhel beta install (hope someone can help here) | 15:50 |
arnaud | here is the link | 15:50 |
kbmonkey | hi arnaud, that is rpm and majority of people here are familiar with apt only. that said have you tried to run your command with --skip-broken? | 15:54 |
arnaud | kbmonkey, i've tried believe me | 15:55 |
kbmonkey | and is that with the default package selections arnaud ? it seems as if php is requiring a higher version of apache | 15:57 |
kbmonkey | if that is the case then well it *is* a beta install after all, and possibly a bug that you have to report. | 15:58 |
kbmonkey | best to approach the rhel team with this... perhaps they have a #chan on freenode...? | 15:58 |
arnaud | kbmonkey, i think it's okay now | 16:03 |
arnaud | i've remove the package httpd-mmn that was installed | 16:04 |
arnaud | kbmonkey, now i'll give it a time to load then give you with output | 16:04 |
Kilos | hi arnaud you using redhat stuff | 16:05 |
Kilos | i think its called redhat | 16:05 |
Kilos | the stuff Squirm does | 16:06 |
Kilos | hi psychicist | 16:06 |
arnaud | Kilos, yes | 16:07 |
arnaud | i'm using that RHEL stuff as you said | 16:07 |
Kilos | lol | 16:07 |
Kilos | we mainly dbian peeps here | 16:07 |
Kilos | debian | 16:07 |
Kilos | but Squirm does redhat | 16:08 |
arnaud | Kilos, i do debs also | 16:08 |
Kilos | you have probs with debs too? | 16:09 |
arnaud | i don't have probs with debs trsut me | 16:09 |
Kilos | good to hear | 16:10 |
Kilos | we actually need more rpm peeps to hang here to broaden our strength | 16:11 |
arnaud | yeah | 16:12 |
arnaud | i'm here | 16:12 |
arnaud | i do both apt and yum (some skills) with more preferences on yum | 16:12 |
Kilos | good | 16:12 |
Kilos | would be good to have experts in all linux fields here | 16:13 |
Kilos | we have some but they busy most of the time | 16:13 |
Kilos | hi magespawn | 16:59 |
Kilos | wb | 16:59 |
Kilos | supper time for me wbb | 16:59 |
magespawn | learning new irc client for the phone | 16:59 |
smile | magespawn: which one? :- | 17:01 |
smile | :) | 17:01 |
magespawn | Learning on the fly. good evening all | 17:01 |
magespawn | rice irc | 17:01 |
magespawn | wbb | 17:07 |
Kilos | hmm... | 17:16 |
Kilos | hi Private_User | 17:16 |
Kilos | yo bushtech how gaan dit met die ballie | 17:16 |
bushtech | sukkel weer vanaand met vodacom en dis weer lekker koud vanaand | 17:20 |
bushtech | hoe lyk dinge jou kant? | 17:20 |
Kilos | eish die vodacom, ek is bly ek het hulle vervang met 8ta | 17:21 |
Kilos | als goed hier dankie net vrek koud | 17:21 |
Kilos | ai! | 17:31 |
Kilos | i forget everytime to wait till minetest is open before i got to another app. then the mouse disappears | 17:32 |
Kilos | inetpro, amper naweek. uithou | 17:32 |
theblazehen | :( Person that WAS gonna buy my GPU no longer wants to :/ | 17:52 |
Kilos | ai! | 17:52 |
Kilos | bit pricey | 17:52 |
theblazehen | yeah | 17:52 |
theblazehen | Gotta find someone else now :( | 17:52 |
Kilos | isnt that bitcoin thing paying? | 17:53 |
Kilos | thought you would be rich by now | 17:53 |
theblazehen | yeah, but I spent most of it. lol | 17:53 |
nlsthzn | o/ | 17:54 |
Kilos | hi nlsthzn wb | 17:55 |
theblazehen | hi nlsthzn | 17:55 |
Kilos | why you so scarce | 17:55 |
nlsthzn | how is everyone? | 17:55 |
Kilos | we need some of that heat you have so much of | 17:55 |
nlsthzn | life happens uncle Kilos ... it has been kicking my @ss for most of the last few months | 17:55 |
Kilos | eish | 17:55 |
nlsthzn | no worries, but I will be in SA from the 27th until the 25th of next month for vacation :) | 17:57 |
Kilos | thats good | 17:57 |
superfly | ohi | 18:00 |
ThatGraemeGuy | no, read again | 18:11 |
ThatGraemeGuy | there's an alternate craft recipe that uses standard items | 18:11 |
Kilos | and if you dont have then try other stuff | 18:11 |
Kilos | ive had to reboot coupla times, i lose my mouse | 18:11 |
Kilos | ya man alternat | 18:11 |
ThatGraemeGuy | the functionality of the item remains identical regardless of how you craft it | 18:11 |
Kilos | why use alternats if you can use the first choice stuff | 18:11 |
ThatGraemeGuy | you don't understand how the stuff works | 18:12 |
Kilos | oh i tried local minetest. no good too different | 18:12 |
ThatGraemeGuy | "why" is exactly because then you don't need another mod installed | 18:12 |
Kilos | nope i dont | 18:12 |
Kilos | thats why you here | 18:12 |
ThatGraemeGuy | read the thread | 18:12 |
Kilos | ok ill take your word for it | 18:13 |
Kilos | if i got to another app while minetest is loading i lose my mouse | 18:13 |
Kilos | hehe, then ctrl+alt+t and sudo reboot | 18:13 |
theblazehen | alt+sysrq+b ;) | 18:14 |
smile | byeee :) | 18:41 |
Kilos | night all . sleep tight | 19:12 |
spinza | night | 20:33 |
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