
asdfasdfWhat's the official way of installing drivers from the command line?00:00
asdfasdfWhen I log in, the words "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS" don't disappear from the screen, and Unity doesn't come up.00:00
Fevixdaftykins: Okay, but how do I get that to be a bootable drive that lets me install it to a hard drive?00:01
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aledzadzahow do i become a 1337 ubur h4x0r?00:02
cerrysdfasdf: hybrid graphics?00:02
daftykinsFevix: what OS are you on now?00:03
cerry*asdfasdf ~  sounds like my problem00:03
asdfasdfcerry, I don't think so00:03
asdfasdfI've got a GT218M00:03
CyanBlobholstein: Alright, I got it fixed. Resetting Unity did not work, but when I tried running pulseaudio from the terminal, it told me that it did not have proper permissions in my home directory, which I recently moved to a new partition. A 'chown' fixed that. Thank you for your help!00:03
basketballwho here is good with printers00:03
Fevixdaftykins: WIn700:03
cerryasdfasdf: then i think we just have driver problems in common ;)00:03
FevixI'm looking to install it to a different machine, not this one.00:04
cerryasdfasdf: you have Nvidia?00:04
daftykinsFevix: ok grab universal USB installer from pendrivelinux.com to make up the flash drive ^_^00:04
asdfasdfcerry, do you know what's the command for purging and reinstalling the drivers from the command line?00:04
Fevixdaftykins: Okay, thanks!00:04
cerryi can help you search ^^; looking for drivers anway00:04
daftykinsasdfasdf: is that an nvidia optimus setup?00:05
aledzadzano one can help me with that? :(00:05
asdfasdfdaftykins, no00:05
cerrygiven the fact i have ATI and apt-get purge fglrx works for me I'd try00:06
cerryasdfasdf: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*00:06
OerHeksaledzadza, how is that related to ubuntu support?00:06
aledzadzaOerHeks: i want to become a linux guru00:06
cerrybut maybe use tab completion instead copypaste the * blindly ;)00:06
aledzadzaand this is only irc channel i know00:06
asdfasdfThe weird thing is that lightdm comes up, and I can log in, it just never drops to Unity00:07
cerryaledzadza: be water my friend :)00:07
asdfasdfAnd I can't figure out how to reset unity now that the "--reset" flag no longer works00:07
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cerryasdfasdf: exactly my problem!00:07
aledzadzai dont even know were to start00:07
asdfasdfcerry, have you tried the open source drivers?00:07
asdfasdfcerry, the laptop I'm using now uses radeon, and they're pretty decent00:07
cerryyes, these works for logging in but dont detect my external screen :C00:08
asdfasdfOh I see what you're trying to do00:08
asdfasdfThat sucks00:08
cerrypretty hard :C only downer but major one ;_;00:08
MegabyteHey guys00:09
Megabytehow do I change my username on Ubuntu?00:10
cerryi found some intersting stuff here: http://askubuntu.com/a/288355 but it's late in good ol' EU so maye tomorrow I'll go down that road00:10
daftykinsasdfasdf: there are guides online saying how to reset unity since the change00:11
asdfasdfcerry, thanks for the lead00:11
Bashing-omasdfasdf: I feel for you; Show us what we are indeed working with. Terminal code -> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga <- to provide requested advise.00:11
asdfasdfdaftykins, I can't find them, askubuntu usually has an answer but I can't find one now00:11
cerryasdfasdf: i thing thats for ATI… you should go for nvidea00:11
daftykinsasdfasdf: can you log in at a TTY?00:12
asdfasdfdaftykins, yes I can00:12
daftykinsasdfasdf: can you run "dpkg -l | grep nvidia" ?00:12
Corey84having issues with FDE (luis with a usb /boot) on mint 17 after mounting /dev/sdd1 /mnt/boot and chroot / update-initramfs -u -k all gives a dpkg couldn't securely remove linux-image-3.13.00:12
daftykins!mint | Corey8400:13
ubottuCorey84: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:13
asdfasdfdaftykins, I've got nvidia-310, nvidia-319, nvidia-331, nvidia-libopencl1-331, nvidia-opencl-icd-331, nvidia-prime, and nvidia-settings installed00:13
daftykinsugh no wonder you have issues00:13
daftykinsasdfasdf: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*00:14
asdfasdfdaftykins, done00:14
cerrysudo service lightdm restart00:15
daftykinsasdfasdf: reboot and see if you get in00:15
daftykinsor that ^00:15
asdfasdfdaftykins, I'm not going to have to reinstall the packages?00:15
cerry;) got some practice today :P00:15
daftykinsone step at a time.00:15
Corey84ubottu: i have I unfortuantely am one of about 5 guys there that understands luks and we all thought here might help00:15
ubottuCorey84: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:15
daftykinsCorey84: we don't help with Mint, sorry.00:15
asdfasdfdaftykins, I not get the default wallpaper with a cursor that I can use to select00:16
asdfasdfdaftykins, wait... something just happened00:16
daftykinswell don't leave me in suspense, man!00:16
asdfasdflol sorry, I'm on two laptops00:17
asdfasdfIt's installing the flashplugin00:17
asdfasdfSo  it looks like the WM is up, I just don't have any window decorations00:17
daftykinser, what?00:17
* cerry gets excited, popcorn?00:17
daftykinsok, hrmm00:17
cerrycan u open dash with superkey?00:18
asdfasdfctrl+alt+t doesn't work to bring up a terminal either, but I can use ctrl alt f1 to get one00:18
asdfasdfright click works00:18
cerrydid you reboot or just restart lightdm?00:18
asdfasdfrestarted lightdm00:18
asdfasdfWorth a reboot?00:18
daftykinsasdfasdf: why not00:18
cerrymaybe daftykins was right ;)00:18
daftykinsnah i don't think it should've done anything really00:19
daftykinsmaybe it could unload any booted in with kernel modules00:19
daftykinsnot sure00:19
cerrywho understands computers after all *shrugs* ^^"00:19
asdfasdfThis is exactly why I love Ubuntu... I hate dealing with X so much that I went to the first distro that supported it well00:19
asdfasdfAnd even now, what used to be a multi-hour headache is like not a huge deal00:19
daftykinsso what kind of age laptop is this thing to have a 2xx series nvidia?00:19
daftykinsGT218M, hmm00:20
asdfasdfHP elitebook 8440p00:20
asdfasdfCirca 2010 or 2011 IIRC00:20
asdfasdfSo yeah, X comes up and I can log in.  Cursor works, it's just Unity that isn't appearing on the screen00:21
daftykinsasdfasdf: ^00:21
asdfasdfUsually I'd use "unity --reset", but that no longer works, and askubuntu doesn't seem to have a fix00:21
asdfasdfOh well timed00:21
Bashing-omdaftykins:  -> asdfasdf :: dconf-tools ??00:21
daftykinsBashing-om: they use a dconf command in that link above00:21
Bashing-omdaftykins: : )00:22
asdfasdfWhen I run the dconf command I get "error: cannot autolaunch d-bus witout X11 $DISPLAY"00:22
magesingHi everyone, I just installed ubuntu desktop along-side my windows 8.1 installation. Unfortunately I'm no-longer able to boot into my windows installation. How can I fix the boot-loader so that I can boot into both ubuntu and windows?00:22
daftykinsasdfasdf: hmm, maybe it doesn't like not being run inside the GUI session00:22
asdfasdfdaftykins, that's kinda what I'm thinking00:23
cerrymagesing: do you use BIOS or UEFI?00:23
catalasewrong channel00:23
daftykinsasdfasdf: i wonder if you can run a terminal session from the TTY and have it appear in X00:23
asdfasdfdaftykins, I can't figure out how to tell it to use the display00:24
magesingcerry: don't know yet, it's a Thinkpad yoga that I just got today00:24
asdfasdfI intentionally stay away from Xorg because I hate it so much00:24
magesingcerry: appers to be UEFI according to google00:24
cerrymagesing: brand new? smells like uefi to me00:24
magesingcerry: yes, brand new, just off the plane from shanghai00:25
cerryi've only encountered it once and was only windows booted - no grub appeared00:25
cerrythere's some pretty "hardcore" with reinstalling grub but for me it was about the settings in bios, legacy mode > no secure boot … something else bout legacy …00:26
magesingcerry: well, the installer correctly made a list of options including both ubuntu and windows, but the windows option does not boot00:26
daftykinsasdfasdf: hmm, can you install pastebinit from the TTY?00:26
aledzadzahow can i make irssi make äåä?00:26
magesingcerry: actually, I'm going to restart again and make note of the messages I get00:26
asdfasdfdaftykins, gimme a sec and I will00:26
cerryif its windows 8 you need uefi support somewhat i think - heard something like it wont boot if not. also some win7 version could be affected *shooting in the blue*00:27
daftykinsasdfasdf: then look for ~/.xsession-errors if it exists ("ls -a ~/"00:27
Cuken_I need some guidance around the best way to setup the filesystem for 12tb of hard drive space on a fresh new 14.04 server install00:27
asdfasdfdaftykins, I rebooted and was able to log in as a guest00:27
daftykinsCuken_: what's the server going to do?00:27
daftykinsasdfasdf: ah-har, so something funky with your user config indeed00:28
histo!partition | Cuken_00:28
ubottuCuken_: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:28
asdfasdfone second while I get my wife (it's her computer) to log in and see if she is no longer having the issue00:28
aledzadzahow do i change irssis charset to swedish??00:28
Cuken_daftykins I'm mainly going to use it as a NAS, however I was hosting a few gamer servers and ran LAMP last time00:28
daftykinsCuken_: i tend to like to keep server OSs separate from the storage00:28
daftykinsso the OS remains on one disk00:28
Cuken_Which I've done so far, I have 4 x 3tb disks, i made a 30gig partition just for the os, made a swap partition as well even tho the server has 16gb of ram00:29
asdfasdfdaftykins, cerry, Bashing-om thank you all.  I got it working thanks to your help!00:30
Cuken_My last server was running ZFS, but I was wondering if pursuing a different storage solution would be worth the effort.00:30
daftykinsCuken_: well no because i mean separate disk :) are those disks RAID'd?00:30
Bashing-omaledzadza: On irssi; might get better results in the #irssi channel.00:30
asdfasdfMy wife sends her thanks as well, she thinks 14.04 is excellent00:30
daftykinsasdfasdf: no problem :) that'll likely be using the default driver nouveau right now, but if 3D things aren't needed much, it should be just fine00:30
Cuken_ahh i follow you dafty, 3 of the discs are brand new, unfortunately this chassis only has 4 disc slots and I'm trying to maximize storage this time around.00:31
cerryasdfasdf: all glory to daftykins :> i just recommended purge and light-restart after that i was as lost as you ^^;00:31
asdfasdfdaftykins, thanks for the reminder, I'll deal with that this weekend00:31
daftykinscerry: ;) teamwork \o/00:31
Cuken_none of the disks have been mounted or partitioned outside of the primary who has the 30gig os partition and the swap00:31
aluchkowoo! got it booted00:31
cerrydaftykins: \^^/ thanks for the unity reset-link though00:31
daftykinscerry: i can't confirm if it's useful, i don't use desktop00:32
cerrywhats your choice if i may ask?00:32
aluchkoturns out while I had a boot partition neither fedora or ubuntu were actually using it, they were both just installing to their own boot directories assuming the mbr would point there00:32
cerryfor desktop00:32
daftykinscerry: hehe, a little off topic here really... i mostly administer ubuntu and debian servers is all... at home things are different ^_^00:33
aluchkoI finally got grub installed in the boot partition, pointing to the ubuntu volume, but the only kernels there were a handful of old f17 kernels00:33
cerryic :]00:33
daftykinsCuken_: ah-har, so you're not going to RAID these disks to pool them together at all?00:33
Cuken_. . . Im not so concerned about DR, I was going to use LVM or at least attempt to, but im not sure its the right move to make here00:34
aluchkothough the f17 kernels could boot ubuntu 14.04 well enough to get a text console, from there I was able to reinstall a newer kernel which dropped the images in the boot partition had get things running00:34
daftykinsCuken_: i have no experience with LVM so i'm no use there00:35
Cuken_Let me ask how you would go about solving it then. If you didn't care about raiding and wanted to have a 12tb nas on ubuntu, how would you partition those drives?>00:36
histoCuken_: I would through freenas on it personally00:37
Bashing-omaluchko: To see what grub thinks -> sudo debconf-show grub-pc , sudo grub-probe -t device /boot/grub , sudo grub-probe -t fs_uuid /boot/grub ( to verify the UUIDs).00:38
Cuken_I thought about that histo, but I want to be able to leverage ubuntu for other things while hosting the nas, IE servers for mumble etc.00:38
histoCuken_: ahh... well how are you going to manage backups of 12tb?00:39
Cuken_I dont care about the backups right now, just need mass storage for a project i'm working on00:40
aluchkoBashing-om, it's finally working, I'm not going to start poking it again!!00:40
Cuken_I do care about data write and read speed tho00:40
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histoCuken_: then raid would increase rw speed, however if you will be accessing it over the network that will be your bottleneck.00:41
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aluchkoI also just finished forcing a re-install of unity and all it's dependencies because I thought the lack of multiple workspaces meant it was broken :)00:41
Bashing-omaluchko: Yeah, Talking to grub can be extrustiating !00:41
histoaluchko: probably means your configs are jacked up00:41
aluchkohisto, nah, they just got disabled by default :(00:42
AraHatAnagaminDoes iTunes work well with any linux distro?00:42
aluchkoeasily fixable but dissapointing00:42
aluchkoBashing-om, I'm just wondering if I trust both OS's to play nice and share the boot partition00:43
FallI LOVE xfce with Whisker. Awesome stuff.00:44
whitepowderAny ideas what happened to the tw68-v2 driver for techwell 6804s? Got it off gitorious, cant get it built00:44
Bashing-omaluchko: Mind ya my knowledge of Fedora is minimal, but seems I recall that Fedora installs it's boot code to the partition, ubuntu installed grub to MBR and have grub chainload Fedora ?00:45
whitepowderRunning kubuntu 14.0400:46
aluchkoBashing-om, how it worked for ages is that fedora went in first and set up with the boot partition, then ubuntu went in and rewrote the MBR to point to ubuntu00:48
basketballI have a usb printer (HP officejet 100 mobile printer l411) pluged into my linux laptop with the ip of I hooked it up with cups and seleted share and the cups printer name is HP Officejet 100 Mobile Printer L411. How do I get windows 8 to connect to this printer?     It doesnt matter if i use cups or another service however we can get it to work.00:49
aluchkothe ubuntu grub setup could find the fedora images whether they were in the boot partition of the fedora volume00:49
Bashing-omaluchko: OK, last system installed controls the booting process.00:50
daftykinsbasketball: you're saying a USB printer has an IP address... bit confusing.00:50
aluchkoBashing-om, at some point fedora started installing to the logical volume as well so there were ubuntu kernels in the ubuntu lv, fedora kernels in the fedora partition, and old fedora kernels in the boot partition00:50
daftykinsbasketball: oh the laptop has the IP i get it :)00:51
basketballdaftykins,  no that is my laptops00:51
daftykinsbasketball: so you've installed and configured samba?00:51
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daftykinswhich ubuntu is this?00:51
aluchkothe only thing I'm wondering now, since /boot is now the boot partition then where are all the files in the /boot folder of the actual ubuntu logical volume???00:52
daftykinsbasketball: this is pretty close: http://www.unixmen.com/sharing-printer-on-ubuntu-linux-with-windows/00:53
daftykinsbasketball: the "reboot samba" line is wrong though00:53
basketballdaftykins, do i make it look just like that00:54
aluchkodagnamit, the whole reason I upgraded is so I could have a lyx version as new as the one on my f20 machine00:54
aluchkoI still can't edit it because the 14.04 lyx version is too old00:54
Bashing-omaluchko: When booted from ubuntu, what returns from -> ls -la /boot <- .00:54
daftykinsbasketball: yes... keep a backup copy of the original though, so before you start run "sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.original00:54
basketballdaftykins,  my printcup name is printcap name = /etc/printcap00:55
basketballdo i need to change it00:55
derrick13hi all, i am using 12.04 ubuntu on the udoo, is there a way to use all newer packages instead of the older ones00:55
daftykinsbasketball: i have no idea what that parameter means.00:55
basketballshould i just change it00:55
aluchkoBashing-om, oh it's the files from the boot partition, I just don't know what happened to the files from the volumes native boot folder :)00:55
daftykinsderrick13: "udoo" ?00:55
daftykinsbasketball: you are welcome to try anything you think seems right, it can all be changed back again.00:56
derrick13raspberry pi on steroids00:56
basketballdaftykins,  that command "sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.original   doesnt work00:56
daftykinsbasketball: it should. what does it say?00:56
basketballit give me a a line with > and a blinking _00:56
whitepowderAlternatively what are the oldest kernels could go back to on 14.04?00:56
daftykinsbasketball: you need to have installed samba first...00:56
basketballdaftykins,  i did00:56
basketballand i have that file00:57
daftykinsbasketball: did you include the first " by accident or something?00:57
whitepowder3.13.x i cant build a driver i *absolutely* need00:57
basketballdaftykins,  yes :)00:57
daftykinsi forgot the second one, so we're even!00:58
derrick13can i use change the /etc/apt/sources.list file and change precise to tasty? Will that break anything00:58
Bashing-omaluchko: Sorry, I do not follow "volumes native boot folder" , ya mean the initial install of Fedora ?00:59
Ben64derrick13: that will break everything00:59
aluchkoderrick13, you can do that but not update-manager?00:59
whitepowderAny news on tw68-v2 driver (for techwell tw6804 capture chip) on 3.13.x? Running ubuntu 14.04 presently but about to reinstall 12.10 i guess I *absolutely* have to have this driver working00:59
daftykinsderrick13: the pi is not supported00:59
daftykinswhitepowder: 12.10 is EOL01:00
daftykinswhitepowder: this isn't an official place to ask about driver support01:00
derrick13daftykins: I am using udooubuntu, which is the ubuntu version for the udoo. It is based on precise, which has old packages.01:00
aluchkoBashing-om, nah. So both the fedora and ubuntu logical volumes have a folder called /boot that they stuffed kernels in, but now /boot is a folder that points to the actual boot partition, so I'm just curious what happened to the previous directory that used that name01:01
basketballdaftykins,  how do i renboot samba01:01
whitepowderdaftykins: And thats a problem why? At least my hardware will work....01:01
daftykinsderrick13: indeed and i'm saying that that makes it unsupported i'm afraid.01:01
Ben64derrick13: we only support official ubuntu releases, udooubuntu isn't one01:01
daftykinsbasketball: sudo service smbd restart01:01
derrick13ok, thanks01:01
daftykinswhitepowder: you'd be better off going back to 12.04 which *is* supported still, due to being an LTS release01:01
basketballdaftykins,  ok and what happens if windows doesnt find it automatically01:02
daftykinsbasketball: that would be Windows support.01:03
daftykinsbasketball: do you know how to add a printer in Windows? go nuts.01:03
aluchkoderrick13, it's not trivial to port the release to a new platform, sounds like they're still working on it http://www.udoo.org/forum/ubuntu-lts-t1316.html01:03
whitepowderdaftykins: Fair enough. My big problem with my 12.10 install was that sound over hdmi suddenly quit working. It works good on 14.4 but.. No video capture :(01:04
Ben64whitepowder: drivers don't often disappear from the kernel01:05
basketballdaftykins,  do i need to join the windows workgroup or something01:05
pooltablehelp installed minitube but it keep crashing any other like programs to download from youtube?01:05
whitepowderBen64: its unfortunately not in the tree. If it was, it'd stay up to date in terms of kernel interfaces01:05
daftykinsbasketball: did you even try it yet?01:06
derrick13aluchko: thanks, maybe soon then01:06
daftykinswhitepowder: what do you mean video capture?01:06
basketballdaftykins,  how do i join it01:06
daftykinscapture with what01:06
Ben64whitepowder: how did you determine this01:06
daftykinsbasketball: i'm talking about adding the printer01:06
basketballdaftykins,  yes and it wasnt listed01:06
whitepowderderrick13: dvr stuff. have a chinese card with 8x techwell tw6804 (bt878 wannabes)01:06
whitepowderBen64: Until a while back (say 12.x) there was a supported driver01:07
derrick13whitepowder, home automation development goals for the udoo01:08
whitepowderderrick13: wtf is a udoo?01:08
derrick13minicomputer and electronic prototype platform01:08
daftykinsbasketball: you know, when i try something and i'm explaining to someone what i see, i tend to use quite a few words and pictures where possible01:09
whitepowderderrick13: I use spook and motion to capture/stream/record security cameras because zoneminder ate way too much cpu. But this is a quad core machine, since we do 20fps on 8 cameras01:09
basketballdaftykins,  what else do you need to know01:09
whitepowderWonder if a 3.2.x kernel could be built on 14.0401:09
derrick13udoo quad is quad core also01:10
pooltablegot splayer to work thanks01:10
daftykinsbasketball: so what were the steps on attempting to add the printer...01:10
whitepowderderrick13: Arm or x86_64?01:10
basketballdaftykins,  i go to control panne  devices and printers01:11
basketballdaftykins,  add a printer01:11
whitepowderquad core arm would choke and die dealing with this much video im fairly certain. I run quad 3.4ghz and sit around 60% CPU at peak, but either way looks like gotta track down a 12.04 iso01:11
basketballdaftykins,  it searches for availabkle printers and doesnt see the shared one01:11
derrick13i agree01:11
daftykinsderrick13: sorry but that's off topic for this channel01:12
derrick13udoo has 12.04 iso available, i just wanted to use newer 14.04 packages01:12
daftykinswhitepowder: cdimage.ubuntu.com or releases.ubuntu.com01:12
derrick13daftykins: ok01:12
aledzadzahow do i can for wireless ap's in command line?01:13
daftykinsaledzadza: iwlist scan, i think01:14
whitepowderjust wondering if a better option is to try to get 3.2.x kernel running on 14.04 -- Not too sure with udev/upstart/all that madness thats come around in the last decade since i compiled a kernel by hand :P01:14
daftykinswhitepowder: no, trying to go back with a kernel = massive breakage, then nobody would ever help you again with any issue01:15
whitepowderdaftykins: Figured. Yet another reason to dislike upstart/udev/all that nonsense :(01:15
daftykinswhitepowder: so anyway give 12.04 a whirl, since it's still supported - and beyond that, try to find somewhere relevant to your device, else don't buy cheap again? ;)01:16
Cukensorry one more question all, im settupg LVM for the first time and my /dev/sda1/ show the system as GPT01:17
Cukendo i need to change it to an LVM to get it to work?01:17
Harris_HeI logout with the "Save the session", but I can login anymore, it just show the login window time and times again. Xubuntu 14.04 LTS  Xfce4. How should I do to login my computer? THX01:19
whitepowderdaftykins: $80 vs $400 is a bit of a difference.01:20
tony_can someone help with installing an nvidia driver? im having a hell of a time figure it out01:22
daftykinswhitepowder: was the $400 worth the time spent messing with Linux support? :)01:24
Bashing-omtony_: What have you done to this time, that now must be undone before we can procedd to install any driver ?01:25
tony_well im on a fresh install of xubuntu 14.04, so havent broke anything yet :)01:25
whitepowderdaftykins: Considering its worked for years now until going to 14.04? Absolutely.01:25
tony_ive installed the nvidia stuff from the software center and once i reboot all i get is a blank screen01:26
tony_ive got the driver downloaded from nvidias site01:26
tony_when i go to run that the script tells me i need to shut down X server01:27
tony_when i go into the terminal to shut down X server i get the same result. a blank screen01:27
Bashing-omtony_: So we are looking at a fresh install, nothing attempted to change the default driver ? -> have you looked at what "Additional Drivers" recommends ?01:27
daftykinssounds like an nvidia optimus system01:27
tony_ill check the additional drivers now. no i havent done anything yet01:27
tony_additional drivers doesnt list anything01:28
tony_none are available01:29
daftykinsit would normally offer nvidia if you had nvidia hardware01:29
tony_well its a pretty new nvidia 750 ti01:29
daftykinstony_: in Linux land, or certainly in ubuntu land, you do not download drivers like Windows01:29
Bashing-omdaftykins:  -> tony_ Always a good idea to look and see what we are working wqith ( HUH ?) .. tony_  -> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga <- .01:29
tony_so do lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga in a terminal ?01:30
Bashing-omtony_: Last I looked ( a couple of months ??) The repositories had not caught up to that bleeding edge graphics card, Not sure what the status of the open source driver is .. lemme go look.01:31
tony_thats whats list in the terminal01:31
daftykinsyip that's a 750 Ti alrighty then01:32
Bashing-omtony_: lookin at gQ2dRhVS.01:32
dimitry7Hey guys, which software would you recommend to me to Fully wipe a disk of a compromised server?01:32
tony_bashing is that a file or something ?01:32
tony_ive tried "nvidia current" in software center but once i reboot all i get is a blank screen01:33
barliedimitry7, What makes you think you need to do more than reinstall?01:33
daftykinsdimitry7: 'dd'01:33
dimitry7barlie, idk, probablly an inserted malware into the boot sector01:34
barliedimitry7, Make a new partition table, I doubt that is the case, you can 0 out just the mbr01:35
daftykinsdimitry7: how big is the disk?01:36
dimitry7barlie, i just reinstalled it normally01:36
dimitry7250 G01:36
barliedimitry7, I assume  boot sector is the mbr here.01:36
daftykinswon't take long to dd zero fill a 250GB drive.01:36
barliedimitry7, This was a linux server?01:37
dimitry7barlie, yes, Debian01:37
dimitry7barlie, yes01:37
barliedimitry7, You might ask #debian, not much actual malware in linux, more likely a rootkit01:38
dimitry7barlie, yes a rootkit01:38
dimitry7I am really afraid of those shits, have hit me 4 times now!01:39
histodimitry7: did you format?01:39
barliedimitry7, Never had the pleasure myself, if you keep getting hit you are not setting it up right I guess, I would not know anything in this area.01:39
Bashing-omtony_: Still appears a driver for your card has not made it to the repos to this time -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/425140/unable-toboot-with-nvidia-gtx-750-ti-even-with-latest-beta-drivers <- I like the the ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa option best.01:40
dimitry7histo, I used Gparted and deleted the partitions. Then made a normal debian installation creating a new partition table01:41
LorcatarShould I use default jdk or gcj for compiling java01:41
blade57hi all01:43
blade57can i update from a usb drive01:43
barlieblade57, update what?01:44
barlieor is this upgrade a release?01:44
daftykinsblade57: do you mean, use the flash drive as a repo of packages to update with?01:45
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barliedimitry7, So why are you here rather than #debian ?01:48
barlieor ##linux01:48
aledzadzawhy cant i update zentyal !??!01:48
aledzadzaim gettingt abit frustrated01:49
tony_so anyone here with experience with installing nvidia drivers?01:52
barlietony_, Many, share the problem and your hardware on the channel.01:53
tony_did a little while ago01:54
tony_i go to install nvidia driver form their website but it says i have to stop X server01:54
infinmedHi guys I'm trying to install flash plugin for chromium in xubuntu and when I cp libflashplugin.so to /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins it still doesn't show up when i start chromium and do about:plugins; any idea?01:54
tony_i found the command on google to stop the x server but all i get is a blank screen after that01:55
Ben64tony_: don't install the drivers from nvidia's website01:55
histo!nvidia | tony_01:55
ubottutony_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:55
tony_ive also tried a couple drivers in software center for nvidia but after they install and i reboot, im left at a blank screen again01:55
histotony_: use the hardware drivers thing in the dash to install the drivers01:56
barlietony_, people come and go always just do as I suggested if you want help.01:56
daftykinstony_: so you need to switch to a TTY to carry on the install... so you'd hit ctrl+alt+f101:56
daftykinsBen64: do they not have support for the 750 Ti yet?01:57
aledzadzahow come my zentyal objects always fails to install?01:57
Ben64daftykins: need at least 334.21 for 750ti support01:57
tony_so doing ctrl+alt+f1, that will shut down the x server thing?01:57
Ben64tony_: once again, don't install from nvidia's website01:57
barlietony_, Just give you a tty01:58
tony_where is this dash thing ?01:58
daftykinsBen64: if he can't use it any other way what other option is there 0o01:58
barlieno shutdown tony_01:58
Ben64daftykins: a ppa01:58
barlietony_ Dash is the search top button in left panel or the windows key.01:58
tony_what do i put in the search box?01:59
daftykinstony_: i can understand Ben64's idea - if you install manually from nvidia's site, every time you get a new kernel via updates to ubuntu, it may break and require reinstalling02:00
barlietony_, Whatever you are looking for, it has limitations.02:00
tony_so if i dont install the drivers from nvidias website? and none of the nvidia stuff works in software center, then what?02:00
Ben64tony_: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa02:01
tony_k ill look02:01
microshello. i am running apt-get install vsftp but getting a 403 Forbidden error. any ideas?02:01
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=== Guest23565 is now known as general_failure
acanthushey I'm ipv6 capable, have an address thats routable etc, my resolver despite having "nameserver 2607:f2f8:a2c4::1" still gets ipv4 addresses by default how do I change this02:05
acanthusmy bind server is capable of giving me aaaa records but my resolver doesn't request them, it requests a and is like "k I did it right" but no02:06
acanthusnevermind I think I found something http://askubuntu.com/questions/32298/prefer-a-ipv4-dns-lookups-before-aaaaipv6-lookups02:07
acanthusexcept this is the opposite problem I'm having02:07
aledzadzahow come my zentyl objects always fail to install? using apt-get02:08
dauntl3sshey guys, I have an ubuntu machine connected to the internet via my laptop (ethernet cable to laptop + laptop wifi) because I have no moniter cable. I'm trying to SSH into the machine via putty, is there anyway to know what the IP of that machine would be ? (internal IP) I can't get into my router02:08
aledzadzadauntl3ss: check your router settings02:09
dauntl3ssmy laptop lists 2 different internal addresses 1 is the normal one -- and but the LAN connection says
dauntl3ssaledzadza, can't get into my router right now02:09
dauntl3ssI'm at my dad's house, he's sleeping and I don't know the PW02:11
daftykinsacanthus: zentyal? that's not ubuntu.02:11
aledzadzadauntl3ss: just try anything from ???02:12
dauntl3ssaledzadza, I have been, no luck :(02:12
dauntl3ssthat's why I'm here asking :)02:12
dauntl3ssif there's a way to determine that since my connection is going thruogh my laptop02:12
Ben64dauntl3ss: could you explain your network setup better02:13
dauntl3ssBen64, sure sorry. I have a wireless router. I have a laptop that is connected to it. My PC which is ubuntu server is plugged into my laptops LAN port. and my laptop is sharing my WIFI connection to the ubuntu server.02:14
newviruswifi free internet02:15
Ben64dauntl3ss: that is very strange02:15
microsanyone know why apt-get install vsftpd might return a 403 forbidden error?02:16
daftykinsaledzadza:  zentyal? that's not ubuntu.02:16
Ben64micros: the repo is down?02:16
dauntl3ssBen64, well the house is 2 story, and the port on the wall that goes downstairs is broken, so the only other choice is WIFI and since that PC doesn't have a wireless card, I figured I can share it with my laptop02:16
barliemicros, Run a regular apt-get update and pastebin it.02:17
dauntl3ssI did an IP config ALL and I got for the LAN port on the laptop. does that mean the ubuntu is sharing that IP?02:17
aledzadzadaftykins: what should i use then? lol02:17
daftykinsaledzadza: not this channel... since it's not your OS?02:17
daftykinsaledzadza: perhaps to top off your evening you could go ask for some BSD support in #windows02:18
microsbarlie - i did, no errors02:18
Ben64daftykins: zentyal isn't a distro...02:18
grimetonif you ask for network stuff, you'll get answers02:18
grimetonmicrosoft copied the basic network stack from bsd02:18
microsi am incorrect.02:18
microsforgot sudo... 1 sec02:18
grimetonthat's why ntds drivers can be used with the BSD derivates available :D02:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:19
microsno errors02:19
Ben64micros: raring is no longer supported02:19
barliemicros, Raring is eol02:19
daftykinsdamn , i read "the Linux small business server" and it sounded like a distro.02:19
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring02:20
Ben64!ebox | daftykins :)02:20
ubottudaftykins :): zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).02:20
blade57sorry for the delay i had my wife trying to talk to me when started this02:20
grimetondaftykins: look into clearos02:20
daftykinsoh wait... yes it is!02:20
microshmm... but of course this is what the image on the EC2 happens to be... would be alot of work to update it, right?02:20
daftykinsgrimeton: why are you talking to me about things, i do not have a question, i'm a helper, not a helpee02:20
microsand i would imagine vsftpd would work on it.02:20
Ben64micros: you shouldn't be running an outdated server, that's begging for trouble02:21
barliemicros, You have no support here unless you are running a release not eol.02:21
grimetondaftykins: you never know02:21
kostkon!eolupgrades | micros, 2 upgrades, 13.04 to 13.10 then 13.10 to 14.0402:21
grimetonmicros: vsftpd on the latest ubuntu releases WILL NOT work02:21
ubottumicros, 2 upgrades, 13.04 to 13.10 then 13.10 to 14.04: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:21
grimetonmicros: there is this kernel bug ...02:21
daftykinsgrimeton: off topic is off topic02:22
blade57i have a old dell that is running 12.04 lts and i want to update it to 14.04 and i can't use the internet to do so. can i update it from a usb drive02:22
microscan anyone recommend a replacement?02:22
Ben64micros: step 1 is get a supported version of ubuntu02:22
kostkonmicros, 14.0402:22
kostkonmicros, supported until 201902:22
microsmy goal is to be able to have anonymous access, with encryption... no pem required though.02:22
micros(if possible to do it w/o a pem on the client)02:22
aledzadzadaftykins: very funny :(:(((02:23
barlieblade57, No but you can install 14.0402:23
barlieblade57, 12.04 has three more years of support though.02:24
SonikkuAmericamicros: If you're really concerned about anonymity and privacy Ubuntu isn't exactly the distro you'd wanna use...02:25
blade57barlie yea but i don't like my wifi card and i have to use a cable to get on  line02:25
microsnot really concerned... would like to encrypt connection but have anonymous access...02:26
microswrite only.02:26
barlieblade57, Wifi is not your best move anyway any version is hackable, all you need is the packets.02:26
=== Chex is now known as Guest76926
erraticmy resolv.conf isnt working right its giving me ipv4 addresses should be 602:26
erraticshould I report a bug02:26
SonikkuAmericamicros: So you're telling us you want to log into your *computer* anonymously, or set up something like Tor to connect to the Internet anonymously?02:27
erraticSonikkuAmerica: hi02:27
blade57i have looked all over for the packets and i can't find it it works fine intell i update then i don't work at all02:27
SonikkuAmericaOhai erratic02:27
erraticre ipv602:27
erraticgai / resolver not working correctly02:28
blade57barlie, my wifi works fine with windows but as soon as i switch to ubuntu it gose down02:28
barlieblade57, windows is not relevant here in this context, different OS.02:28
erratic          inet6 addr: 2607:f2f8:a2c4::2/64 Scope:Global02:29
blade57barlie, i know i was just saying it so you all know that it was not my card02:29
erratic2000::/3                       2607:f2f8:a2c4::1          UG   1024 0     0 tap002:29
barlieblade57, Wifi usb's that work in linux are cheap on amazon, less than 10$02:30
erraticI can connect to ipv6 ips but my resolver gives me a records by default02:30
erraticnever an exception02:30
erraticwtf do i do02:30
SonikkuAmericaerratic: Can't say I know, I only work with v402:30
erraticI say its no thanks to the lamers who bitched about the default behavior now I'll bet some idiot has hardcoded the shit to only get a records02:31
blade57what i don't understand is it works intell i update my drivers then it goes down and some time the wired connection don't work ether02:32
barlieblade57, We wont either without the hardware info to start with.02:32
tonytsaid screw it and disabled the nvidia card and am jsut using the onboard intel video for now02:33
blade57give me a bit and will be back on with it i have to switch to ubuntu and like i said it don't like to work with the internet02:33
erratic22:35 <erratic> if I do nslookup irc6.rizon.net it gives me nothing unless I dig aaaa irc6.rizon.net then I get hte ips and can connect to one manually02:35
erratic22:35 <acf_> you have to nslookup -type=aaaa hostname02:35
erratic22:35 <acf_> regardless of any settings02:35
erratic22:35 <erratic> yeah but how do I make that the host default.02:35
Bashing-omtonyt: Hybrid graphics - Nvidia-prime or BumbleBee ; and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics .02:38
tonytk ill look. thanks02:38
erraticbut irssi no connecty02:38
tonytintel video is fine. i can get 1920x1080 fine02:38
tonytamd vid card too. not this new 750ti though02:39
erraticstrangely enough02:39
erraticerratic@erratic-IdeaPad-S210-Touch ~ $ wget -O /dev/null http://google.com/02:39
erratic--2014-06-18 22:38:45--  http://google.com/02:39
erraticResolving google.com (google.com)... 2607:f8b0:4007:801::1005,,, ...02:39
erraticConnecting to google.com (google.com)|2607:f8b0:4007:801::1005|:80... connected.02:39
james0rtried using this tutorial to backup my system http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087 , but i get a 'file changed while reading' error. i tried supressing it with --ignore-read-error but in the end got what looked like a corrupt file02:39
Bashing-omtonyt: Nvidia does not support linux in the hybrid drivers situation.02:40
microsis it possible to use sshd and have some users forced to supply a private key while others can login using password authentication?02:40
cfhowletterratic stop doing that02:40
james0ris there a GUI tool for backing up that's pretty good? replacing my harddrive, want to backup my whole system and restore it on a new hard drive02:41
ubottujames0r: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate02:41
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:41
DarkStar1Hi all I am having problem with just setting the a null mail server (just tp send out notification mails)02:43
rodney77Hi, when I connect my external HD, it sometimes mounts to /media/xthd, and sometimes /media/myuser/xthd. How to I make it so it always mounts to the same directory?02:50
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[[thufir]]how do I install sugarCRM?  http://www.ubuntu.com/news/SugarCRM  seems to imply it's in the repo's02:55
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cfhowlett!info sugarcrm02:55
ubottuPackage sugarcrm does not exist in trusty02:55
[[thufir]]cfhowlett: that's what I thought.  weird.02:56
cfhowlett[[thufir]] aso references 6.06 - so old news???02:57
Bashing-om[[thufir]]: Does not exist in 13.10 either ->  apt-cache search sugarCRM, returns void.02:58
[[thufir]]well, I mean, it's not like SugarCRM is obscure.  just checking...02:58
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=== wile-nilee is now known as Beldar
kostkon!find sugar02:59
ubottuFound: sugar-etoys-activity, gir1.2-sugarext-1.0, libmoosex-has-sugar-perl, libsugarext-data, libsugarext-dbg, libsugarext-dev, libsugarext0, python-sugar-0.88, python-sugar-0.96, python-sugar-0.98 (and 31 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sugar&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all02:59
[[thufir]]but what are those?  plugins, extensions, and libraries?03:00
pavlosseems you have to go to https://store.sugarcrm.com/03:00
aledzadzawhat charset does standard swedish keyboard have?03:00
aledzadzaISO 8859 something03:00
sweaveshello all03:00
sweavesi have laptop with new ssd installed, never touch is process of installing ubuntu same as with reg hd?03:01
Beldarsweaves, never touch?03:04
sweavesoh what i mean is its brand new03:04
Beldarsweaves, Yes same install.03:04
sweavesok thanks03:04
sweavesi wasnt sure03:04
psyrusi got my system back online03:05
psyrusthanx for all the help last night03:05
Beldarsweaves, Sure, good question better to know, you can set up trim and a few other tweaks.03:05
sweavesbeldar is that after install?03:05
sweavescause im reading about that now03:05
Beldarsweaves, Yes, here is a link I use for ssd https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/ssd03:06
psyrusya'll are wicked cool tk tk03:07
psyrus(btw :/ i'm gunna use easybcd for now on i think it's better than grub ... imo ..) sry03:10
willwh!find splendid03:10
ubottuPackage/file splendid does not exist in trusty03:10
willwhanyone using drizzle?03:11
Beldarpsyrus, all esybcd does is take you to grub juat a third app.03:11
psyrusi like it's versatility ....03:12
psyrusi use wd more than unix03:12
Beldarpsyrus, Cool, I think if you understood grub you would probably feel different,  but your choice is free.03:12
DespitusJust testing! First time on irc03:12
newviruslicks Despitus03:13
newvirusdownload me03:13
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Beldarnewvirus, sure but you wont run in linux. ;)03:15
psyrusya'll take care I luv you ya03:15
somsip!ignore | Despitus (worth knowing this one...)03:16
ubottuDespitus (worth knowing this one...): If you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname03:16
DespitusThanks guys.03:16
bruce__I'm new here03:22
cfhowlettbruce__ ask your ubuntu question03:23
asdofindiabruce__, press the main menu button on top right, choose shut down03:25
geniibruce__: You probably want /quit03:26
Smrtz|nixHey, I'm trying to set a static IP at boot, and I'm editing /etc/network/interfaces, but it's not setting at boot.  Is there anything else I need to do?03:28
geniiSmrtz|nix: Perhaps if you pastebin that file, we can examine it03:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:30
[[thufir]]when I unzip sugarCRM in /var/www/html should I do so with sudo?  I seem to run into different permissions problems durin the install.03:30
holsteinhttp://sfxpt.wordpress.com/2014/05/11/use-dbab-under-ubuntu-14-04-trusty/ seems a nice resource about that file Smrtz|nix03:30
Smrtz|nixgenii: I would have included a link in my original comment, but it's on a different computer with no network access.03:31
holstein[[thufir]]: i'll just unzip somewhere else, and move with sudo03:31
[[thufir]]I see, thx.03:31
Smrtz|nixgenii: I'll take a picture and imgur it...03:32
holsteinSmrtz|nix: use a usb stick to transfer.. or anthing that can make it easy for a volunteer to assist03:33
histoSmrtz|nix: you ahve to auto eth0   or replace eth0 with whatever interface name so it comes up on boot03:33
geniihisto: But how do we know this is the problem until we see their interfaces file? Assumptions, etc03:35
Smrtz|nixHere's a pastebin that I manually copied over: http://pastebin.com/arwxtR3M   And the imgur: imgur.com/VCgh2EX03:36
Smrtz|nixhisto: ip link returns that my wired interface is eth003:36
Fistful_of_Coinshi, i'm trying to run a command before shutdown on an ec2 instance, following this technique: http://rogueleaderr.com/post/48795010760/how-to-notify-email-yourself-when-an-ec2-instance03:36
Fistful_of_Coinsit does not work, is there a better way to do it?03:36
geniiSmrtz|nix: "Pastebin.com is under heavy load right now :("    <has a coffee and waits aminute to refresh>03:37
Fistful_of_Coinsit's an ubuntu 14.04 instance03:37
histoSmrtz|nix: looks good should come up now03:38
Smrtz|nixhisto: nope.  When I restart networking and run ifconfig it doesn't show an IP.03:39
histoSmrtz|nix: if you ifup eth0  does it then show an IP?03:40
geniiSmrtz|nix: I think you need something more like: auto eth0   by itself. Then on NEXT line the iface eth0 inet static03:40
Smrtz|nixhisto: nope.03:40
Smrtz|nixgenii: let me try that...03:41
histoSmrtz|nix: yeah sorry auto eth0 above all the iface03:41
Smrtz|nixgenii: histo:  Nope, that didn't change anything.03:43
histoSmrtz|nix: let me look again hold up03:44
geniiSmrtz|nix: ....also remove the colons03:44
Smrtz|nixgenii: let me check that too.03:45
histoSmrtz|nix: yeah your file syntax is all screwed up03:46
Smrtz|nixYep, that worked.  it's good now.03:46
histoSmrtz|nix: http://pastebin.com/zb1if6VM03:46
geniiSmrtz|nix: Good :)03:46
Smrtz|nixThanks for the help you guys!03:46
histoSmrtz|nix: remember man /etc/network/interfaces   also03:47
geniiOr, just: man interfaces03:47
Smrtz|nixhisto: right, that's where it is.03:47
Paulus68seems the channel is slow :(03:53
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geniiThat can be a good thing. No News Is Good News, etc03:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:54
holsteinif you want to chat, you can use the offtopic channel ^ its usually got more casual chatting going on and activity03:54
geniiPaulus68: Since this is a support channel, that it's quiet is good in that it means most people aren't experiencing issues they need to seek support for. As holstein mentions, for casual talk not support-related, there is always the #ubuntu-offtopic channel.03:56
arogcan someone help me setup NFS please?03:57
arogi did: apt-get install nfs-kernel-server  then in /etc/exports I did: /home/user/media,async,insecure,no_subtree_check,nohide)03:57
Paulus68I have bought a samsung monitor S24D300 when connected with the VGA cable to my laptop it works, when trying to connect to desktop(also ubuntu) I can't get any signal when using VGA or HDMI any Ideas on how to solve this03:57
arogand then /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart03:58
holsteinPaulus68: graphics drivers, if they are available, that support running linux on the hardware03:58
holstein!ati | Paulus6803:58
ubottuPaulus68: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto03:58
holsteinarog: all i can suggest is https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-file-system.html03:58
geniiarog: Might want to call it as an upstart job instead of directly running the old sysvinit script04:00
histoarog: what is the issue then?04:00
aroghisto i cannot connect04:01
histoarog: from the clien showmount -e servername/ip04:01
arogi am on a mac04:01
arogi tried nfs://hostname04:01
arogno work04:01
arogeven nfs://ip04:01
arogoh hey! i dont have access that's good04:02
arogtime to figure out that now04:02
histoarog: ont he nfs server expoortfs -rav04:03
Paulus68lspci |grep vga no output in terminal  lshw -C video gives this output http://pastebin.com/PN994z5P  monitor is gonna be used as dual screen primary screen is also samsung04:03
histoarog: don't have access to what?04:04
arogon my mac when i try connecting to nfs://server04:04
geniiRandom thingy: If a service is already started by upstart it has a particular pid associated to being run from upstart. So then if you try to start the same daemon, say, by running it's /etc/init.d script manually, it will cause issues.04:04
arogit says: expoortfs -rav04:04
arogYou do not have permission to access this server.04:04
geniiI'll just leave that out there and go back to coffee.04:05
histoarog: fix your perms then and reexport with the command above04:06
arogyea im trying to figure out where that is stored ;)04:07
histoarog: ini your exports file04:07
arogis samba easier to setup04:10
histoarog: your ip addressing in there is wrong04:10
histoarog: just try with *  inplace of the ip addresses to test04:10
histoarog:  would be more appropriate04:11
arogtried that too04:12
arog -- /home/user/media 192.168.1.*/24(ro,sync,no_subtree_check)04:12
arog -- /home/user/media,sync,no_subtree_check)04:12
histoarog: chnage it to: /home/user/media *(ro,insecure)      then save and exportfs -a04:12
geniiarog: If I may suggest: Put a space or tab after the netmaksk and before the left parenthesis. Also, instead of trying to directly call the /etc/init.d script, use instead something more like sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart04:13
histogenii: that doesn't matter04:13
arogwhat does exportfs -a do?04:13
arogsame thing04:14
arogill look at this later04:14
aroggotta bounce04:14
geniihisto: The space/tab may not matter. But after you install nfs-kernel-server, upstart runs it. Which means that it has a pis in /run or /var/run specific to being run from upstart. So if you directly call the old sysvinit script, it won't do much.04:14
histoarog: sorry exportfs -rav   will reexport all directories in /etc/exports04:15
histogenii: the init script is an alias04:15
geniihisto: upstart runs all sysvinit stuff through it's own job called rc-sysinit.conf04:16
genii( which pre-empts running it from the init.d )04:16
histoWhen are you guys going to implement systemd?04:18
lotuspsychje!info preload | Paulus6804:21
ubottuPaulus68: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (trusty), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB04:21
[gnubie]in my ubuntu 14.04 lts amd64 system, i am wondering why the “Updated” column on the output of smartctl for my ssd is “Offline”..04:27
[gnubie]# smartctl -data -A -d 3ware,0 /dev/twl0 | grep Media_Wearout_Indicator04:27
[gnubie]233 Media_Wearout_Indicator 0x0000   100   100   000    Old_age   Offline      -       10004:27
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[gnubie]how to set it to always04:27
lotuspsychje[gnubie]: what are you trying to do exactly?04:27
histoPeople come up with the weirdest stuff.04:28
[gnubie]i just want to monitor the media_wearout_indicator of my ssd04:29
lotuspsychje[gnubie]: check this site for recommended ssd tweaks= https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/ssd04:29
[gnubie]somehow, the output of my updated column is offline04:29
[gnubie]lotuspsychje: thanks. i’ll take a look on that site..04:30
lotuspsychje[gnubie]: hdparm can measure stuff too and 'phoronix test suite' can hammertest your device04:30
lotuspsychje!ssd | [gnubie]04:31
ubottu[gnubie]: Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.04:31
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[gnubie]thanks again lotuspsychje..04:31
[gnubie]lotuspsychje: brb.. thank you once again..04:34
introomI am ssh-ing to a remote ubuntu server. I want to copy something into that system's clipboard with xsel in cli.04:36
introombut xsel complains $DISPLAY not set,04:36
introomhow to solve that?04:36
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lotuspsychjeintroom: man xsel show something usefull?04:36
rafaelOie cambadas04:37
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lotuspsychje!br | Guest6978104:38
ubottuGuest69781: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.04:38
Guest69781come que é ?04:38
lotuspsychje!english | Guest6978104:39
ubottuGuest69781: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList04:39
lotuspsychjeintroom: not sure if this is your case: http://askubuntu.com/questions/84421/cant-open-display-weirdness-over-ssh04:39
Guest69781Boa noite04:40
gen6can anyone suggest reading material for a crash course in ubuntu command line?04:41
lotuspsychje!manual | gen604:41
ubottugen6: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:41
gen6That's fair, I appreciate it. Thank you04:42
lotuspsychje!bash | gen604:43
ubottugen6: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:43
[[thufir]]what is the ApacheUser and ApacheGroup for Ubuntu?  as per http://support.sugarcrm.com/02_Documentation/01_Sugar_Editions/05_Sugar_Community_Edition/Sugar_Community_Edition_6.5/Sugar_Community_Edition_Installation_Guide_6.5.0/04:51
mickyusually www-data and www-data05:04
bookmanHi. My usb keyboard and mouse are not responding after a fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit. Ubuntu is installed on a 1tb hard drive along side a 3tb windows installation on a seperate hard drive. Alt+ctrl+f1 does not respond nor does keyboard respond in Ubuntu Recovery mode. ANy suggestions?05:05
introomlotuspsychje: thanks. will look that page.05:05
bookmanI know that Ubuntu is responding because it responds to the Power button and displays the shutdown menu. I am stuck at the login screen and am unable to enter my login password due to unresponsiveness of keyboard and mouse05:06
lotuspsychjebookman: did you set usb support enabled in bios?05:07
lotuspsychjebookman: hmm and grub doesnt react?05:07
bookmanGrub reacts05:07
bookmanthat was how I got into the Recovery mode05:08
lotuspsychjebookman: so you can t enter login05:08
bookmanyes and neither can I get into shell using Alt+ctrl+F105:09
lotuspsychjebookman: maybe try the 'fix broken packages' from grub recoverymode?05:09
lotuspsychjebookman: do you see the mouse icon?05:09
bookmanNo I do not see the mouse icon at the login screen05:10
lotuspsychjebookman: could be graphics issue, try recoverymode fix broken packages05:11
lotuspsychjebookman: if your keyboard works in grub, should not be a keyboard prob05:11
zgeexHey all. anyone think Linux Format Magazine is worth the price?05:12
lotuspsychjebookman: did you setup with updates during setup+ internet?05:12
bookmanI doubt a keyboard problem because the keyboard works in Windows and Ubuntu 12.0405:12
bookmanYes setup was with internet. Checked install updates and 3rd party packages05:12
lotuspsychjebookman: ok good05:13
lotuspsychjebookman: i would try recoverymode failsafex and fix broken packages05:13
bookmanThe problem is when I enter recovery mode the keyboard is unresponsive at the menu05:14
lotuspsychjethats strange indeed05:15
zgeexis it a wireless keyboard?05:15
bookmanit is a wired usb keyboard05:16
bookmana mechanical keyboard from CMstrom and the mouse is also wired from Logitech05:16
Bashing-ombookman: -> lotuspsychje // Maybe, no usb driver for the keyboard/mouse in the kernel, have you got a ps/2 keyboard lying about to try ?05:16
[[thufir]]micky: thx05:16
bookmanUnfortunately I do not have a PS/2 keyboard or mouse05:17
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: that might possible, as he set bios to usb mouse/keyboard support05:17
SunstreamHello, I need to know the easiest way to make a LiveUSB05:18
SunstreamOr to run Ubuntu on the stick as neded05:18
SunstreamOh go there Okay05:18
Bashing-omlotuspsychje:  -> bookman ;: also check that plug N play is set in bios.05:19
zgeexSun: yes it's very helpful05:19
SunstreamDo I need to make the image into a disk first?05:19
bookman<Bashing-om>: The keyboard works fine with Ubuntu 12.04 up till 14.0405:19
zgeexSun: you can download an image for most distros and use that05:20
bookmanThe plug and play option is set05:20
bookmanthe motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD3H model05:21
zgeexbook: did you try a different keyboard? Just to see if they somehow broke the driver for it in 14.04?05:21
SunstreamI got Ubu 14.04 deom the main site and05:21
bookmanI will give it a try05:21
SunstreamI just want to run Ubuntu from the USB drive only I got a 16GB pendrive I do not want to mess up my Windows install05:22
Bashing-ombookman: Something is going on within the kernel. Bios has a driver for keyboard, grub has it's own driver, then grub hands off to the kernel, the kernel should have a driver for the keyboard. As it is not working -> a setting in bios or a ps/2 keyboard is all I can come up with.05:23
zgeexSun: you should be able to get a live persistent on a 16 gb usb, but if you had a larger one it would be better05:23
Beldar Sunstream I would do a full install on a 16 gig usb.05:23
SunstreamThats my intention05:24
Beldar"excellent" Mr. Burns05:24
SunstreamI did not mean to make a liveusb I just wanted to install it without byorking my NT install05:24
zgeexfor you Sun05:25
awptiI hate when I Bjork my other OS installs.05:25
zgeexIf you make a live usb you will be running the system off the usb stick and it will not mess with the NT system.05:25
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BeldarSunstream, You just need a bootable dvd or another usb to do a full install.05:26
Sunstreamincidently zgeex  i was gonna click that on pendive05:26
bookmanHi guys. Looks like the other keyboard does not work either05:27
zgeexwell crud05:27
zgeexdoes that one fail at GRUB?05:27
Beldarbookman, Did you get to the live desktop when you installed?05:28
bookmanyes the keyboard works in live05:28
bookmanbut after installation it does not05:28
bookmanand zgeex the new keyboard works in GRUB like the old one05:28
Beldarbookman, note we preface with nicks here, the mouse worked live?05:28
SunstreamMy first dive into the world of Linux was with Ubuntu 7.x live CD thougth it was ok put UBU on a PS3 loved it now I want to run UBU from a pen drive and now I can so I can keep my NT install safe.05:28
bookmanBeldar: Yes the mouse worked on live05:29
bookmanBeldar: my first time typing in IRC05:29
SunstreamIs flash and Java hard to install?05:29
zgeexBook: I'd hate to say it but I'd download a different image and reinstall and see if that fixes the issue since the other OS's work05:30
Beldarbookman, Chances are you can get it to work, however you might try another derivative that has more drivers built in and available as a test.05:30
bookmanzgeex: Beldar: Looks like this is a bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1315073 found it after a lot of googlefu05:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 1315073 in linux (Ubuntu) "Fresh Ubuntu 64-bit install boots with no keyboard, mouse, or network" [High,Triaged]05:31
palassoIs there a  Canonical Partners Repo for 14.04 or has it been discontinued?05:32
Beldarbookman, No real info in that bug and only similar symptoms, not sure I would take it to seriously, very little posts.05:32
palassoI don't see any updates for Trusty here: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/05:32
Beldarpalasso, It is in your sources.list05:33
palassoBeldar: yes but I don't see any software in it05:33
SunstreamIs it important to change anything to do with step 4 (Set Presistant File Size for storing changes)?05:34
Beldarpalasso, It has stuff in there not sure why you are looking, it has specific stuff.05:34
zgeexSun: use the maximum space05:35
palassoBeldar: e.g. no adobe reader or skype05:35
SunstreamIts optional it says so if I set it to 0 it will not be good?05:36
Beldarpalasso, the reader had a different name acroread and I don't think it is around, there is another independent repo skype may be there.05:36
SunstreamIt maxes out at 4089MB so I will max it05:36
Beldarpalasso, Open both run a update and run a pat-get on skype05:37
zgeexSun: if you want to use the stick as the main then you need to max it out to give room for future software install05:37
whitepowderSo i've got 12.04 installed, and my hdmi audio (which works in 14.04) is broken. does kvm do iovirt these days?05:39
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BeldarSunstream, That is not a full install, this in lieu of a full install using the usb?05:39
bookmanBeldar: zgeex: I think I will try to chroot into my installation from live USB and do a apt update,upgrade and see if it works..05:40
zgeexgood luck05:41
Bashing-ombookman: Good thought .05:41
Beldarbookman, Go for it, I have to wonder if it just may be a bad install, is this the only try? Have you checked the sum on the install media?05:41
SunstreamI appricate the help05:42
bookmanBeldar: Yes I have checked the md5 and reinstalled a couple of times05:42
Beldarbookman, Good I missed that if it was stated.05:43
SunstreamI hope that Java and Flash are easy to install05:43
dgahow can I add a virtual host in apache2 so it can be accessed by http://localhost/~username/ ? i followed the instructions on the ubuntu lamp site but i can't quite get it to work05:44
Sunstreamthats wierd addresses what type of address is ~vooze@unaffiliated/vooze05:44
elecmusicum new at x chat05:45
SunstreamI know that 2602:xxxx is IPv6.05:45
elecmusicso hi all05:45
voozeSunstream you can get it in #freenode :)05:45
elecmusicam I talking to any one...LOL05:45
palassoBeldar: I just confirmed. There is 0 software on the canonical partners repo for 14.04 so there is not reason to add that repo to my system. Obviously it's been discontinued.05:46
Beldarpalasso, Seems strange it is part of install still how did you confirm this?05:46
Bashing-omelecmusic: Yeah, we read ya .05:46
elecmusicardour3  user here05:47
SunstreamOh is this feenodes "vHost"05:47
elecmusicbashing ..thanks at least I know it works..05:47
aledzadzamy charset is still messed up in irssi even after ive /Set term_charset05:47
palassoBeldar: everything that is available is here and I don't see any package with "trusty" on its name: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/05:47
aarcaneWhen cloning an ubuntu server, what is the common mechanism for rekeying ssh server?05:48
Bashing-omelecmusic: :) You are on #ubuntu support .. Do you have a support request ?05:48
Ben64palasso: that is not the correct way to access a repository05:48
blade57okay i need help. i just install 14.04 lts on my laptop and i can't get my wifi to work.05:49
palassoBen64: what do you mean?05:49
Ben64palasso: exactly what i said. they are not meant to be browsed05:49
Beldarpalasso, I'm not going to argue with you, but your research is flawed, best of luck.05:49
elecmusicbashing ..not really just trying to figure out xchat I am ready the help05:50
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elecmusicreading I mean thanks for asking... Peace05:51
blade57can any one help with my wifi  issue05:51
SunstreamBoy this is taking a long time to install Ubuntu05:54
Sunstreamtaking a very long time to create the "presistant file" is this normal?05:55
CapprenticeHi ! can you tell me how to disable the Vmware Player Virtual Adapters?05:56
Ben64Sunstream: usb drives aren't very fast05:56
CapprenticeIm using Ubuntu 14.04, Vmware Player 10 !05:56
Ben64Capprentice: vmware is not supported here, you'll have to consult the vmware documentation05:56
Sunstreamor go to the vmware channels05:57
SunstreamGoogle/Bing can help05:57
CapprenticeI know, but I could not find a suitable new and updated DocumentaTION  anywhere what can tell me how to disable the Vmware Virtual Adapters on Ubuntu 105:57
CapprenticeBen64, Do you have any link to a guide which can help me here ? Im fedup of searching and searching ! I have been searching for 30 minuits ! All im getting is old Garbage. vmware-config.pl  blah blah blah....which is obsolete and now does not exist in the version 10 installation.05:59
SunstreamCapperntice, you try to get on the VMWare's community site to find out? and if so you try to find a vmware irc channel05:59
CapprenticeThats a zombie land ! Sunstream ...I posted there before posting here :(((((( !05:59
Ben64then maybe its time to switch to virtualbox?06:00
SunstreamYou try "Vmware 10" as part of the search term in the boolean to limit it to that version??06:00
CapprenticeI have tried that too :((( !06:00
CapprenticeBen64, I already have VirtualBox. But if Just I could disable the Adapters, Vmware will work just fine for me. Vmware works beter with Distros like DamnSmallLinux or Slitaz.. I think .... :)))06:01
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aledzadza e06:02
aledzadzawhat is the best irc client?06:02
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Lucid-GnuHi, there i have minor network problems since about half a year.., i reinstalled several times, and now i am somewhat pickie with networking ..., please, does anyone knows what "Akamai International B.V" is ? i closed all outport using ufw, except 3 or 4 ports, so i discovered an "minor upload" (http) (probably port:80?) to ip , why would my ubuntu machine contact that ip ? for what reason ? how do i discover which process is 06:05
blade57im using broadcom 802.11 linux sta wireless and i can't seem to get it to work any ideas06:05
CapprenticeLucid-Gnu,  apt get install nethogs06:08
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Lucid-Gnuahh.., cool (apt-cache search nethogs)... Capprentice, let me have a look...thanks06:11
bubble_beamLucid-Gnu, hi06:13
CapprenticeHmm That akamai thing is used by Adobe, Facebook etc !06:13
Lucid-GnuHi.. bubble_beam whats going on ? have we met before ?06:13
Lucid-GnuCapprentice: that word akamai is reffering to a lot of things, also some trojans06:14
LarsNI've got a Lenovo IdeaPad Y510P that I'm trying to get Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop installed on but am running into a pretty significant problem.  Specifically when the machine boots, the display remains purple without showing me anything.06:15
LarsNI do however hear the Ubuntu drums play which leads me to believe it's sitting at a login prompt somewhere.06:15
CapprenticeLarsN, Do you had any old version of Ubuntu on it?06:15
CapprenticeLike version 10 or 11.04?06:16
LarsNCapprentice: new laptop, was previously running Windows 7.06:16
LarsNto install it I had to use the nomodeset kernel flag.  that seems to have zero effect now that it's installed (with or without just results in a purple screen)06:16
CapprenticeDo you have onBoard Nvidia chips ?06:17
CapprenticeIt could be a driver ISSUE !06:17
LarsNyes, it has a Geforce something or another onboard.06:17
CapprenticeThen I suggest you to try the driver installation from a Rescue Console.06:18
CapprenticeI think sudo apt-get install nvidia-current will download and install the latest drivers for you !06:18
LarsNCapprentice: I'll give the rescue console a shot.06:18
LarsNIt "should" be trying to use Neuveu (or whatever it is)06:19
CapprenticeCheck this LarsN -06:20
LarsNCapprentice: safe to assume x-swat has been kept up to date over the last ~ 2 years?06:21
LarsN(going by the date on that article :) )06:22
CapprenticeIs your Lappie is manufactured after 2013?06:22
CapprenticeIf its not, then I think Old drivers may perform better 106:22
LarsNCapprentice: GeForce GT755M06:23
LarsNI haven't been a gamer in so long I have no idea how "state of the art" that is.06:23
CapprenticeIm not a Nvidia user either, so Googling a bit is the only way. The Experts of this Group seems to be Offline now !06:24
jerrtso guys, I have ubuntu running inside virtualbox. Two network interfaces running. I want to get apach to serve on eth1, but I get nothing. eth1's IP can be ping'd from outside. ports.conf etc is all Listen 80 or *:80/44306:24
jerrtany ideas?06:25
LarsNjerrt: is apache starting?06:26
SunstreamInstall done06:26
[[thufir]]am I doing this partition wrong?  I want to format my mp3 player:  http://pastebin.com/kKtmCWKG06:26
Sunstreamnon liveUSB06:26
jerrtLarsN: Yup. no warnings or anything06:26
Sunstreamnow I am going to bootin06:26
jerrtapart from the usual hostname resolution thing06:27
Sunstreamwish me lucj06:27
LarsNjerrt: and netstat shows it's listening on 80/443?06:27
LarsNeither *:  or ?06:27
jerrtnetstat -rn shows the two IPs06:27
jerrtwith a .0 at the end06:28
jerrtisn't it supposed to show a mask?06:28
dgai'm trying to create per-user web directories so i added the line Include mods-available/userdir.conf to my /etc/apache2.conf but it's not working. is there anything else I have to do?06:28
LarsNjerrt: what's netstat -nlt show for port 80 && 443?06:29
Kartagiswhat's the Image Viewer binary is called?06:30
Kartagisubuntu default that is06:30
jerrtLarsN: shows :::80 and :::443. proto tcp6.06:30
jerrtno entry for tcp.06:30
LarsNjerrt: check the apache2 config for the "Listen" directive.06:31
LarsNwhile you do that I'm going to log into another machine and check :)06:31
jerrtLarsN: just went through all the confs, no mention of Listen except in ports.conf, and it just says Listen 8006:32
jerrtand a Listen 443 inside a conditional06:33
LarsNjerrt: adjust that....  take a look at /etc/apache2/ports.conf.  Does the line above the listen have "NameVirtualHost *:80"06:33
LarsNjerrt: I was on a CentOS machine when I had you check the httpd.conf/apache2.conf, sorry about that :)06:34
dgahello, i'm trying to create per-user web directories so i added the line Include mods-available/userdir.conf to my apache2.conf file and restarted apache but it doesn't seem to work. is there something else i have to do?06:34
jerrtLarsN: nope. will try adding it. no worries, checked ports anyway :)06:34
randabisbeen years since I hung out in here...06:34
LarsNjerrt: if you want it only bound to the eth1 host.... replace the * with eth1's ip address.06:34
LarsNjerrt: that "SHOULD" get it listening in the right places, although I'm a bit rusty on my apache.06:35
jerrtLarsN: tried, apache restarted saying "namevirtualhost has no effect, deprecated" etc, and no difference :/06:37
LarsNjerrt: figures.  soon they'll put me in a museum exhibit.06:37
Kartagiswhat's the Ubuntu default Image Viewer binary is called?06:38
LarsNjerrt: looks like the new method would be....  Listen
LarsNjerrt: assuming was one of the interfaces..06:39
jerrtLarsN: haha, happens. last time I did anything was on centOS too.06:39
jerrtI tried Listen ip:80 earlier, no dice06:40
jerrtcan't figure out what it's up to06:40
LarsNjerrt: beyond that, you've got me.  I remember having this problem in the past, but it was SeLinux's fault06:40
CapprenticeKartagis, eog ?06:40
LarsNwhich shouldn't be a problem on Ubuntu.06:40
Capprenticeor may be Shotwell !06:40
LarsNjerrt: you don't also have nginx, or lighttpd running do you?06:40
jerrtgah, looks like I'll have to go back to constantly changing the network settings each time I switch between networks06:41
LarsNfun helpful tool finally ported to Ubuntu....  apt-get install sockstat.06:41
CapprenticeI have soo many image viewers now...I cant remember. Few good are: Nomacs, XnView, Viewnor Kartagis06:41
KartagisCapprentice: that was it, thank you :)06:41
jerrtLarsN: home is 192.168.x.x, work is 10.0.x.x. I used to just use a bridged adaptor on vbox and assign a static ip each time.06:42
LarsNjerrt: sudo sockstat -p 8006:42
LarsNit's handy because it displays the package etc, not just the port bindings..06:42
jerrthuh, no bindings06:42
bookmanBeldar: It worked... The chroot and upgrade worked06:43
Beldarbookman, Good job. ;)06:43
LarsNjerrt: example....  root     apache2              1952     tcp4   *:80                      *:*                       LISTEN06:43
jerrtLarsN: yeah, there's nothing listed :D06:43
jerrtand apache is running06:44
jerrtwell, the service is up06:44
LarsNthat's weird...06:44
bookmanBeldar:  I think it might be the old kernel version but I am not sure how to document this bug06:44
Beldarme neither06:45
LarsNjerrt: ufw isn't preventing it from binding to port 80 is it?06:45
LarsNjerrt: ^ seems like something I should have asked earlier on :)06:45
jerrtwhat's ufw?06:46
LarsN"Uncomplicated FireWall"06:46
jerrtoh. sounds like something that might be messing things up. lemme check06:46
LarsNfor testing only, do a: sudo service ufw stop06:46
jerrtalso, it worked fine before I added eth1, btw...06:46
LarsNthen, if it works......  adjust the rules.06:46
aledzadzaWhat bnc server should i use?06:47
jerrtLarsN: nope, stopped it, retried sockstat, nothing bound06:47
CapprenticeWhich programming language has less learning overhead? Suppose if some one wants to develop a small Bike Racing game for Ubuntu, what technologies he/she needs to be familiar with ?06:47
LarsNjerrt: I'll trade problems with you :)06:48
LarsNfixing apache sounds easier than my stupid graphics card + uefi + secure boot woes :)06:48
jerrthahaha, I'm glad I have none of that on my plate06:49
jerrtthough this no bindings thing looks promising. to google, maybe06:50
LarsNthere's at least one post on stack overflow with similar symptoms06:50
LarsNipv6 works, ipv4 doesnt06:50
LarsNno solution listed though :/06:50
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
LarsNthis is so dumb.  Work got me a "gaming" laptop with SLI GeForce graphics cards in it.06:52
abhie2ehi. i am trying to setup our own ubuntu repo by following first answer to this question http://askubuntu.com/questions/170348/how-to-make-my-own-local-repository . now how do i transfer the deb packages from "all" the official ubuntu repo to my repos? any way to automate it? help please06:52
m1dnightLarsN: probably a hint ;-)06:53
LarsNm1dnight: heh.  that I should do less work, and play more games?06:53
LarsNor that battery life is for suckers.06:53
m1dnighthahaha, that last one to06:54
LarsNI ordered a Thinkpad X240.06:54
m1dnightbut if you have an IX intel, you can rely on the hd graphics to spare your battery06:54
LarsNthis thing will likely end up in a drawer once the X240 shows up.06:54
abhie2eam i in #ubuntu-offtopic by mistake?06:54
LarsNabhie2e: no, it's my fault.  Fighting with this stupid laptop, and was complaining about it while I waited for fsck to do the things.06:55
Sunstreamok it asked me for try ubuntu or install ubuntu, with the usb stick install which do i choose i do not want to screw up my nt install06:58
LarsNSunstream: "try ubuntu" is a live image06:58
LarsNSunstream: "install ubuntu" does exactly what it says.06:59
BeldarSunstream, Is this the usb your going to use as you wander the world?06:59
Sunstreamor if my NT install is first os it safe to install ubu?07:00
BeldarSunstream, Where are you planning to install with this boot?07:03
Sunstreamno this usb is just for me to run linux without install it on my system afraid that i will byork my NT install07:03
BeldarSunstream, Then you choose try ubuntu.07:04
BeldarIf you chose install it would just do it without you going through a set of guis07:04
Beldarsorry would not07:04
Sunstreamso if i select install ubuntu alongside it will byork my NT?07:04
BeldarSunstream, no but you have no reason to hit install, but it would not automatically do that.07:04
Sunstreamok i want to really run this as a dual boot07:04
BeldarSunstream, You would have to install to the HD for it to be technically a dual boot.07:04
Sunstreamif i select install it will not mess up my windows install07:04
BeldarSunstream, Why would you hit install, you want to use the usb as a operating system?07:07
BeldarSunstream, YOU would need another external HD or usb for an install, or the internal HD.07:07
Sunstreamno actually i dont what i truly want to do is run Ubu as a 2nd os alongside windows07:07
BeldarSunstream, Can you clarify that last sentence?07:07
Sunstreamok what i want to do is install and use Ubuntu as my 2nd os meaning dual boot off harddrive07:08
Sunstreambut i am uncomfortable that if i attempted it i will lose windows since windows is already inatalled07:09
LarsNSunstream: then install along side "should" be fine, and "shouldn't" break windows.  Provided there's enough free space.07:09
BeldarSunstream, You would have to install it to the HD for that scenario, you just do not understand it seems what dual boot means. You sais earlier you wanted a full install on that usb, but yet loaded the iso to it.07:09
Sunstreami did this as a test07:10
LarsNSunstream: if it has to resize partitions, all bets are off.  Unless you've got an additional, fresh/clean/naked drive as Beldar is suggesting.07:10
Sunstreamthat was intentional07:10
BeldarSunstream, a test of what?07:10
Sunstreamif i like the look and feel07:10
Sunstreamand i do07:10
BeldarSunstream, Ah, good then use the try ubuntu option.07:10
Sunstreamwhich i have been for a while07:11
BeldarSunstream, Why don't you just install ubuntu to a virtual machine, you could have windows and ubuntu running at the same time07:11
Sunstreamnow i would like to use it as an alternative Operating system without losing windows. so what i am trying to find out is if i tried to install this now on the hdd will it kill my xp install07:14
BeldarSunstream, You have to install it correctly. Do you have a image/clone of XP?07:15
LarsNSunstream: do you have a second, unused drive in the XP machine?  or could you easily add one?07:15
Sunstreamno on the clone/image07:16
Beldarhonestly running XP is a bad idea it is end of life07:16
Sunstreami know07:16
Beldarand hardly safe has not been for a long time07:17
Sunstreami shoukd say screw it and just change over07:17
Sunstreamif the following is true i will chnage over07:17
BeldarSunstream, I would get a supported windows release, I would never advise anyone to just switch over.07:18
djapowhy is there no ubuntu for windows surface rt 2?07:18
* LarsN gives up on this laptop for the night.07:18
Sunstreamdoes it fully support flash and java07:18
Sunstreami cant07:18
Beldardjapo, Ask Microsoft07:18
LarsNdjapo: microsoft secure boot on ARM based systems is locked down.07:18
LarsNdjapo: they opened the door for x86/x86_64, but left it closed on ARM platforms.07:19
Sunstreamthis laptop only has 512 megs ram and afaik cannot go up07:19
Transfusionflash has been deprecated, but it is still available for download (version 11.2), java, definitely, with sun java and openjdk07:19
BeldarSunstream> does it fully support flash and java ubuntu yes07:19
SierraARDidnt flash drop support for linux?07:19
djaposo, i heard but is there a way to flash the boot loader from windows07:19
Sunstreamdoes i  plqy dvd video out of bo  so to speak07:19
Beldardjapo, used to be wubi, not supported anymore.07:20
Transfusionif you download the restricted extras and a media player like VLC it will07:20
Beldaruse nicks folks07:20
Sunstreamwell more along the lines does it support youtube07:20
Transfusionof course it does :) it's not a fisher price toy07:20
BeldarSunstream, yes you can watch youtube07:21
Sunstreamok so i still have to download VLC which is fine07:21
Transfusionunless you have any windows-specific professional software you should be fine07:21
Sunstreamok does it support amazon video?07:21
djaposo if someone wrote a boot flasher that ran on rt, it would work?07:21
BeldarSunstream, You don't have to have vlc to watch youtube.07:21
Sunstreamno vlc for dvds07:21
BeldarSunstream, lots of media players work bedsides vlc it is a codec issue is all, ubuntu has them.07:22
BeldarSunstream, What you should do is do a full install to a virtual machine and work with the channel and research till you understand.07:23
Sunstreamthen lets see with Wine i shoukd be fine.07:23
Sunstreami used ubuntu before07:23
Sunstreambu  had issues wirh flash and java07:24
BeldarSunstream, Than you are asking questions you should know.07:24
Sunstreamthen i will do the install07:24
abhie2eany guess on whats tho total size of the ubuntu 14.04 repos? i need to mirror it locally?07:24
BeldarSunstream, If you value XP I would clone it first.07:24
abhie2ei need to know the size of 10.04 , 12.04 and 14.0407:24
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Sunstreami dont07:25
abhie2ehelp please07:25
Sunstreamit is because i cannot put any more ram in this system07:25
Transfusionabhie2e: apt-mirror will show you something like " 68.6 GiB will be downloaded into archive."07:25
Sunstreami will go back into windows07:26
randabishmm i was pinged or somethin' lol07:26
Beldarnot sure how ram is relevant with ubuntu, Sunstream07:26
gp5st1hello. I installed a fresh copy of windows 8 and then installed ubuntu.  When I try to boot windows 8, I get a "error: no image found" message, and then get dumped back into grub07:26
Sunstreammove the important files to my thumb drive07:26
abhie2eTransfusion, i need to know this before starting apt-mirror. i need to tell them how much vps size i need so that they can allocate it to me. i want it to know for centor and debian too. any generic way to know size of repos?07:26
Sunstreamand do the install07:26
randabissounds like you need to fix your bootloader07:26
Beldar!bootinfo | gp5st107:27
ubottugp5st1: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).07:27
gp5st1randabis: yeah, I would, but have no idea how07:27
gp5st1thanks Beldar07:27
Sunstreamas long as 512 megs runs smoothly (32 bit) i am fine07:27
Sunstreamit seems to run ok07:27
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randabisI tend to do the linux stuff LAST...if I'm multibooting...let grub handle it07:27
BeldarSunstream, 512 MB is not enough to run ubuntu, lubuntu would be more appropriate07:28
gp5st1randabis: if you read my text, I did install linux second07:28
tom___vI seem to have hosed my .xauthority in Ubuntu 14.04 desktop, how do I login from the command line to delete it?07:28
randabisdid you manually partition or auto07:28
Beldarrandabis, Do you know anything about uefi setups?07:29
randabisa little...07:29
randabisi have some asrock stuff with uefi07:29
kakaSo few people07:29
Beldarrandabis, than be careful here so far all I see is guessing, don't give advice that bricks there computer.07:29
randabisYes, I agree07:29
randabisI'm trying to stay low key07:30
presonictom___v: ctrl alt f1 on the box07:30
randabisI realize this is official support channel :)07:30
tom___vpresonic: thanks!  I'll try that.07:31
Sunstreami just want to run Ububntu smoothly and i thought 512 meg of ram woukd do ir07:32
BeldarSunstream, Not smoothly, probably wont run at all.07:33
Transfusionminimum is not necessarily the best experience :P07:33
gp5st1Beldar: http://dpaste.com/2ZJ3N5Y.txt is the output of that script07:34
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gp5st1Beldar: randabis: afaik the only change i made during windows installation was to give it a smaller partition.  I then used the freespace to install ubuntu in.07:36
dj_Hi guys, I have a question about the partitioning for ubuntu07:36
Beldargp5st1, Windows is still there, I would post that in this thread for the best help. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post1087191707:36
gp5st1Beldar: thanks07:37
Sunstream_darn you Kindle Fire quit reloading pages with i switch tabs sheesh07:37
dj_can anybody help me07:37
Beldargp5st1, Very few people here know uefi completely, just be aware.07:37
presonicdj_ ask ur question07:38
Sunstream_accordin to the system requirements i have plenty of room07:38
Beldardj_, If you describe the issue maybe.07:38
Sunstream_fast enouch cpu and enough ram07:38
* Transfusion has (is) successfully dualbooting xubuntu/win 8 in GPT/EFI mode.07:38
jvaemape_123Hi all07:38
jvaemape_123Hi all07:38
dj_thanks guys, So, when you install softwares in ubuntu, does it install in the \ partition or the \home partition?07:39
jvaemapejvaemape_123,  hello07:39
jvaemape_123Hi all07:39
Beldardj_, A little of both depends on what ou install and how you install it.07:39
Transfusiondj_: somewhere under /usr/ , or /usr/local/07:39
jvaemape_123Hi all07:39
Transfusionif from apt07:39
dj_I am new to ubuntu, I just installed the system today and assign 20gb for the \ partition and 70gb for the \home partition07:39
jvaemape_123Hi all07:40
dj_I dont know if this is reasonable07:40
jvaemape_123Hi all07:40
presonicdj_: that sounds fine.07:40
Sunstream_i have good enough specs07:40
dj_So when does it install in the \07:40
jvaemape_123Hi all07:40
dj_and when in the \home?07:40
jvaemape_123Hi all07:40
djapois there a way to trick uefi locked boot loaders? say a signed kernel that loads an unsigned kernel?07:41
Sunstream_i just want a os that runs smootly, and is protected07:41
presonicdj_: after you've finished install the distribution\07:41
presonicyou'll have 20 gig allocated to / and 70 to /home07:41
jvaemape_123Hi all07:42
jvaemape_123Hi all07:42
dj_Yes presonic, for example, I am planning to install MATLAB, which is about 6gb. I don't know where it will go to07:43
faudzanhi ahmedaly07:43
jvaemape_123Hi all07:43
jvaemape_123Hi all07:44
presonicdj_: not familiar with that.  if you're using apt-get it wont go to /home07:44
Transfusiondj_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB07:44
Transfusionthe default is /usr/local/07:44
Transfusionyeah, home is like your "My Documents" folder07:44
Transfusionconfiguration and dotfiles will be placed in dotfolders07:45
SierraARI always figured home was like my user directory and made my own documents/pictures/etc folders xD07:45
dj_So where is /usr then? I didnt set up a partition specifically for /usr07:46
Transfusionuhh >_> sorry, yeah, i think that's more right. Downloads, Pictures, Music goes in home too.07:46
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jvaemape_123Hi all07:46
Beldardj_, I think your trying to apply windows setups to linux they are not the same.07:46
Sunstream_I played with Ubu before on a ps3 and i liked it, ran it as a virtual machine loved it but was still fond of windows 7 so i will go ahead and install it07:46
presonicdj_: you can reconfigure, but 20 gig for / should be enough for the core install + MATLAB07:47
presonicyou're ok07:47
jvaemape_123Hi all07:47
dj_Thanks Presonic07:47
jvaemape_123Hi all07:47
DJonesjvaemape_123: Because this channel is a support channel, you generally don't get many people responding to "Hi all" comments07:47
n00buntuim having a similar issue to dj07:47
Beldarjvaemape_123, This is support not chat hi's are not needed more than once or ever really.07:47
jvaemape_123Hi all07:47
dj_Beldar, Can you explain more on that? What are the differences? Thanks07:47
Transfusionit's more user preference and practical issues I think.07:47
jvaemape_123Hi all07:48
n00buntutried to setup a / for os and /home for 2nd partition07:48
* Transfusion puts everything under / , so can't comment.07:48
DJonesjvaemape_123: Please don't keep repeating that07:48
presonici do the same Transfusion07:48
jvaemape_123Hi all07:48
jvaemape_123Hi all07:49
Beldardj_, This channel is not for explaining the differences, so far your questions are not really answerable in any accurate way to be honest07:49
Beldarway to broad07:49
jvaemape_123Hi all07:49
Sunstream_thank you all. i made ny decision. Death to XP Hello Ubuntu 14.0407:50
dj_Beldar, I understand, Thanks though. I guess I need to do more reading on this07:50
n00buntucan i ask, if i use fstab to create a mount for /home to point 2nd partition, why when i save to /home "/" still grows07:50
Beldardj_, Yeah, we want to help, but you hae to be careful here people will just answer without realizing what I just stated is all.07:50
Beldarn00buntu, where ever you save grows.07:52
n00buntuwell i was thinking once i mounted to 2nd partion that the sdb1 would grow, not sda107:52
n00buntusorry a bit new to linux07:53
Beldarn00buntu, That is a very jungled question does not really make sense, what is your end goal?07:53
n00buntuid like to as dj mentioned have "/" designated just for the os07:53
n00buntuso i have an ssd that id like to use strictly for the os07:53
Beldarn00buntu, / here means the root partition07:54
n00buntuand the hdd (2ndary) for games, docs, etc07:54
Beldarn00buntu, Or if you have just one partition fr ubuntu / is the OS partition07:55
yagamialguien habla español?07:55
DJones!es | yagami07:55
ubottuyagami: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.07:55
n00buntuapologies maybe my phrasing is incorrect07:55
yagamije es q soy de cierta forma nuevo antes usaba windows y es algo extraño esto jeje07:56
Beldarn00buntu, No biggie, we just want to make sure we are on the same page. HOw big is the ssd?07:56
n00buntui just want games, docs, etc to install on my secondary drive (hdd)07:56
n00buntuand my os to be set exclusively for the (ssd)07:56
Sunstream_So what do I need to do to install Ubu to my HDD? make  liveUSB to install?07:57
yagamiemmm hay gente de todo el mundo aqui cierto??07:58
n00buntugoogling has left me with creating a seperate /home partition on my (hdd)07:58
DJonesyagami: Please join #ubuntu-es for Spanish language support, this channel is English language only07:58
Beldaryagami, This is an english channel07:58
abhie2ehow can i autohide unity left side panel in 14.04?07:58
priuonhey there. I kind of got mad with thunderbird and am looking for something simple to replace it. I basically want a unific user interface for multiple inboxes. Ideally supporting IMAP but I'd be fine with SMTP/POP for a first step. If the app has IMAP it would be important that it can display all inbox seperately.07:59
abhie2epriuon, geary07:59
yagamiok ok thank u07:59
presonicn00buntu: games and docs installed using apt-get wont land in /home, only their config and user specific info will.  might be better off using the other parititon for /usr, but i dk07:59
djapowith a jailbroken tablet could the us be replaced?07:59
Transfusion> jailbroken08:00
Beldarpresonic, There is a specific /user file are you aware or know what it is?08:00
fascheli just installed gnome ubuntu, and i can't seem to install extensions from extensions.gnome.org in firefox.  the  integration plugin is active, but it's still not recognizing the gnome environment08:00
djapoTransfusion: windows rt tablet08:00
priuonabhie2e, can't find geary. Is it maybe not available for xubuntu?08:00
Beldarfaschel, The extensions are for the gnome shell, not unity08:01
n00buntutx presonic08:01
faschelBeldar, that's why i began with "I just installed gnome ubuntu"08:01
priuonabhie2e, also on 12.04.0408:01
Transfusionnot sure, but theoretically it is possible if you have a bootloader that loads arm linux kernel. but secureboot screws things up pretty badly.08:02
Beldarfaschel, Ah, missed that specificity, it happens you know.08:02
Sunstream_i want to leave windows behind with a small exception of mIRC which i likely can run with WINE and Paltalk08:02
cezdevhey guys08:02
cezdevgot a small question08:02
cezdevabout nvidia drivers under 14.04 64 ubuntu08:02
abhie2epriuon, have you done apt-get install geary?08:02
Beldar!nvidia | cezdev08:03
ubottucezdev: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:03
cezdevthanks ubutto, beldar08:03
Sunstream_Do I need to do anything new to install ubu on my laptop?08:03
Sunstream_like redoing ghe pen drive?08:03
djapowhat is up with all this awesome hardware with secureboot coming out lately .. has anyone found a weakeness .. perhaps changing the key they use to check if a kernel is signed correctly :O08:04
faschelBeldar, do you know if there is a channel specifically for gnome-ubuntu off hand?08:04
Beldarfaschel, I use opera to get that link to recognize the shell, chrome should work as well.08:04
faschelBeldar, hrm...i've never gotten it to work in chrome.  i'll give opera a shot though08:04
Beldarfaschel, I see a #ubuntu-gnome channel 40 users is all.08:05
Sunstream_Guys can i do a full install from the current pendrive setup or do i have to redo it as a liveusb?08:08
cezdevWhich Linux nvidia driver for Ubuntu 14.04 is safe to use? without freezing/hiccups etc.08:09
n00buntucan i change the mount point for /usr && /usr/local within /etc/fstab if i currently have that mount point already set to /home?08:09
priuonabhie2e, apt-cache search geary -> no result08:09
Beldarcezdev, Open software sources and look in the additional drivers tab08:09
cezdevalll the propiraty drivers are bad for my GTX 56008:09
abhie2epriuon, which os and version?08:09
cezdevI did that08:09
priuonxubuntu 12.04.0408:10
cezdevBeldar, all drivers there end up freezing my systems08:10
cezdeveach one of em08:10
Beldargot it08:10
cezdevXorg is safe to use08:10
cezdevI just don' t know what the problem is08:10
cezdevon my laptop the additional drivers work just fine08:10
cezdevsame OS and architeuture08:11
priuonabhie2e, xubuntu 12.04.0408:11
NEWUSERGuys, is there any way to build g++ manually08:11
cezdev14.04 6408:11
cezdevand Nvidia08:11
Sunstream_i guess i will have to just wait off till i can get more info08:11
abhie2epriuon, maybe build from source https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Geary08:11
arun_guys, is there any way to run ctrl+R through command ?08:12
priuonabhie2e, i have multivers excluded. Might this be the problem?08:12
abhie2epriuon, yes. try including it.08:12
abhie2epriuon, enbale it. apt-get update and then geary08:12
Sunstream_i dont even know if my tezt is typing through08:13
somsiparun_: in what context?08:14
priuonabhie2e, how do i check if a pack is installed (for the dependencies)08:14
priuonabhie2e, package08:14
arun_somsip: using terminal/bash script python will also be ok08:15
abhie2epriuon, just install the main software using apt-get it will install the dependencies automatically.08:15
NEWUSERwhat dependencies does g++ require and how to install it manually?08:15
Transfusionapt-cache showpkg package-name ...?08:15
cezdevBeldar, you got anything for me I can look into ?08:15
Transfusionwill show the dependencies too08:15
somsiparun_: what are you trying to achieve?08:16
priuonabhie2e, well i still need to know. there was dpkg, but i don't really now how to use it08:16
Beldarcezdev, Not really there are ppa's xswat is one there is another considered unstable. Not sure really what you need, I have never had to mess with Nvidia08:16
arun_somsip: for a desktop icon to refresh (f5 or Ctrl+R)08:16
abhie2epriuon, try apt-cache policy packagename08:16
faschelBeldar, in case you're interested i just found this article: http://blog.chromium.org/2013/09/saying-goodbye-to-our-old-friend-npapi.html08:17
cezdevOkay, thank you Beldar for helping08:17
cezdevI google some more around08:17
priuonabhie2e, that seems to do it. Thanks08:17
cezdevI want to play Witcher 2 on Linux08:17
faschelI imagine it has something to do with it08:17
Beldarfaschel, I had heard that, I use FF primarily is all.08:18
cezdevbut I need a stable driver for that08:18
somsiparun_: what desktop icon? In unity?08:18
NEWUSERcezdev: what dependencies do g++ require to be built manually?08:18
priuonabhie2e, using multiverse didn't seem to solve it for apt-cache search08:18
cezdev@NEWUSER let me look into that for you08:18
arun_Somasis: yup08:18
abhie2epriuon, build from source?08:18
Beldarcezdev, here is the unstable ppa. https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa08:18
presonicnewuser: try and compile it and install development packages as it asks for08:19
TransfusionNEWUSER: 4:4.8.1-2ubuntu3 - cpp (2 4:4.8.1-2ubuntu3) gcc (2 4:4.8.1-2ubuntu3) g++-4.8 (2 4.8.1-4~) gcc-4.8 (2 4.8.1-4~) g++-multilib (0 (null)) g++:i386 (0 (null))08:19
cezdev@Beldar Thank you very much!08:19
abhie2epriuon, wait08:19
priuonabhie2e, never done it before but been looking to do it for some time now08:19
Transfusionapt-cache showpkg g++08:19
somsiparun_: this may help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/LauncherAPI08:19
abhie2epriuon, do this sudo apt-add-repository ppa:yorba/ppa and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install geary08:19
NEWUSERcezdev: thank you, Cezdev. But since I do not have access to internet from an Ubuntu system. Is there any other way to download  these packages manually from a windows platform and then build it in my ubuntu system. And please make a note (I forgot to say), I use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS08:21
faschelBeldar, it works in opera.  thanks for the suggestion08:21
cezdev@newuser noted!08:21
Beldarfaschel, good it is the strangest thing, in utopic FF works.08:21
arun_somsip: sorry its for nautilus08:21
arun_somsip: why would unity get refreshes xD08:21
ne2kI have just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 (fresh install). I have been use blueproximity to lock and unlock my desktop with gnome-screensaver-command -l and -d, but the -d does not work on 14.04 due to the new lockscreen. (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/1307163) what is the new way to programmatically unlock the desktop?08:22
somsiparun_: then you need to find the nautilus api (because you answered Yup when I asked if it was in unity...please be clear)08:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 1307163 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "not work gnome-screensaver-command -d" [Low,Confirmed]08:22
Sunstreamokay can anyone see my  text08:22
faschelBeldar, I had just tried out linux mint with gnome-shell installed and it worked there, but due to some other problems I decided to try ubuntu again08:22
somsip!test | Sunstream08:22
ubottuSunstream: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )08:22
priuonabhie2e, is yorba a trusted source? i am depended of the system and don't want to jeopardise is08:23
Beldarfaschel, Ah, more overall support I think with ubuntu08:23
abhie2epriuon, they are the creator of the geary.08:23
abhie2epriuon, http://yorba.org/08:24
priuon:) ... abhie2e well i could not find the gee and gio dependencies08:24
abhie2epriuon, http://yorba.org/geary/help/08:24
faschelBeldar, yea, and they are diverging further from the ubuntu base, so there's not as much compatibility between them anymore.  gnome 3 was essentially broken08:24
NGC982Guys, i'm new into databases and such, and i'm trying to setup a Wordpress. I'm at the step of adding a user to mysql, and i keep getting this Access denied line.08:24
abhie2epriuon, install it manually?08:24
cedric__Hello, did you go on facebook today ?08:24
NGC982I have no idea how to google it, since the error message seems to spam the entire mysql application08:24
abhie2eNGC982, #wordpress08:25
Beldarfaschel, The extensions are put together by 3rd parties as well and are not really keeping up with the ubuntu releases less work per up the release I go, but that is the ones I use though.08:25
priuonhow can i revert anything done, if i do this with ppa?08:25
abhie2epriuon, revert what? just purge the application.08:25
priuonabhie2e, remove the repo for instance08:26
cezdevSo Beldar, I add this PPA08:26
cezdevand then what?08:26
abhie2epriuon, just uncomment /delete the repo in /etc/apt/sources.list08:26
cezdevapt-get install ????08:26
abhie2ecezdev, after adding new repo always do apt-get update first before installation08:26
NGC982abhie2e: Oh, that's a thing? Thanks!08:26
cezdev@abhi2e ofcourse yo!08:27
abhie2eNGC982, :-)08:27
Sunstream_okay lets try this again, do i have to change my thunb drive to a liveusb to install ubuntu or can i use the way i installed it to do the install tk the hard drive?08:27
priuonabhie2e, k08:27
arun_somsip: so, can't I get my work done with out the Api thing?08:27
faschelBeldar, i meant cinnamon (they're modification of gnome 3) is diverging so far from the vanilla gnome 3 that trying to run gnome-shell conflicts too much with something and nothing really works.  the app launcher couldn't find any apps.  opening tweak caused some sort of graphics failure.  alt tab broke everything. etc08:27
somsiparun_: don't know. You've said nothing about what your work is, and you don't seem to understand how to interface with running programs. Maybe you need to research a little more.08:28
Sunstream_nevermind i will just make a live usb maker08:28
thechaSunstream_→ i dont understand08:28
Beldarfaschel, Ah, cinnamon was removed in trusty, but mate is there, but we are a bit off topic with this is all. ;)08:28
faschelBeldar, fair enough08:29
Sunstream_i used uui to make th ubuntu usb drive to test it niw i want to install it08:29
cezdevSo I updated the sources.list08:29
cezdevwhat do I install from that PPA ?08:30
arun_somsip: sorry, but misunderstanding from me, the thing I am wanting to do is I have created a refresh.desktop file  and I am wanting to do the refresh job which is done by pressing ctrl+R or F5 , with that .desktop file when clicked, that desktop file should refresh the desktop contents as used to08:30
Sunstream_do i have to change i  to a liveusb08:30
cezdevnvidia driver?08:30
Sunstream_or do i jus  run an install08:30
faschelis there a way to scale monitors differently? i have a 24" 1080p and a 27 1440p08:32
Sunstream_no one can answer?08:33
mark06how can I know the repository component of a given package in command line?08:34
pehocan somebody help me with lirc build?08:34
priuonabhie2e, source.list doesn't show the repo after adding it08:34
Sunstream_i will just use lili and make a live usb08:35
priuonabhie2e, where else could the url be saved?08:35
pehoI want to build lirc to use irman driver08:35
bcvery!usb | Sunstream_08:35
ubottuSunstream_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:35
NGC982Is there any good mysql irc channels?08:36
KartagisNGC982: #mysql08:37
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djapois there a way to remove uefi keys from within the operating system?08:41
djapoand or back them up?08:41
faschelNGC3982, what is your question?08:44
Beldardjapo, http://askubuntu.com/questions/206141/can-ubuntu-run-on-a-microsoft-surface-with-windows-rt08:45
Beldardjapo, apparently possible on the pro. http://www.geek.com/microsoft/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-the-surface-pro-1539262/08:47
arun_somsip: the main thing is that I want to run Ctrl+ R using bash script08:47
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NGC3982faschel: I got help via the mysql channel. Thank you :-)08:49
djapoBeldar: i don't have the pro, so i was thinking of taking KEK db getting the key used to add new trusted signatures into the signatures db and making a new entry, or simply adding a hash of the kernel to that database ..08:50
Beldardjapo, If you figure it out you will have a following. ;)08:51
djapowhat a world, can't even change a tablets os without a phd08:51
faschelNGC3982, you bet.08:52
djapo*not implying that i have a phd*08:53
ne2khow do I do the equivalent of gnome-screensaver-command -d under 14.04?08:55
Beldargive yourself time ;)08:55
neutralizerhi, where can I ask about phones especially nokia phones? is there IRC channel for that?09:00
djaponeutralizer: xda developers09:00
djapois nokia android?09:00
n1n0hi. cannot connect 14.10 to wifi. freshly installed. password ok, the other devices connecting.09:01
neutralizerdjapo: is that irc channle? no nokia is not andoid. it's more toward windows09:01
Ben64n1n0: 14.10 isn't released yet, support in #ubuntu+1 until then09:01
Beldarn1n0, The wifi hardware is?09:01
djaponeutralizer: its a forum09:02
Beldarn1n0, This internal or external?09:02
Ben64Beldar: if you want to help n1n0 with 14.10, can you do so in #ubuntu+1 ?09:03
n1n0Beldar speedtouch is the router09:03
n1n0Beldar pardon, 14.0409:03
LachezarHello all!09:03
Beldarn1n0, What is the wifi on the computer, look for it in lspci run in the terminal.09:03
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LachezarFor some development tests I need to locally handle specific connections to a remote server. Local:* -> Remote:port should be handled by a local daemon running on a different port. How can I do that?09:04
cezdevHi Lachezar!09:04
n1n0qualcom atheros09:04
n1n0Beldar qualcom atheros ar948509:05
LachezarI think this is called a transparent proxy, but I am lost as to how to implement that in Ubuntu.09:06
neutralizerdjapo: thanks. I guess I have been already there for android stuff09:06
DJonesn1n0: Beldar has just lost his connection, you may have to wait till he reconnects09:06
n1n0DJonex thx09:06
faschelare there any extensions that are compatible with the current gnome version that display cpu temp in the top bar?09:07
neutralizerI will ask my questions here. I am looking for a cheap nokia phone which I can use to connect to linux for sending SMS and make calls (using dialer or something). Anyone have tried something like this before?09:08
Ben64neutralizer: this channel is for ubuntu support, not phones09:09
faschelneutralizer, from my experience, someone who asks a question like that in the way that you asked it has a couple years of intense self-education before they are anywhere near their original goal.09:11
faschelbut like Ben64 said, this isn't the place for that sort of question09:12
priuonhow do i manually check for upgrades?09:12
priuonor updates ...09:12
Ben64priuon: "sudo apt get update" will check, but not update anything09:12
priuonBen64, how do i show any updates?09:12
priuonBen64, how do i show available updates?09:13
neutralizerBen64: I am aware of this fact. I guessed the linux part would make it suitable.09:13
Ben64priuon: "sudo apt get dist-upgrade" will do the upgrade, usually asking you if you want to proceed09:13
neutralizerfaschel: sorry did not get you09:13
Ben64neutralizer: please note that this channel is for ubuntu support only, not generic linux questions or things like that09:13
neutralizerBen64: gotcha!09:14
faschelneutralizer, nothing, i was just being a dick.  sorry09:15
abhie2ehow to autohide unity left bar in 140.04?09:15
fascheli didn't realize english wasn't your native language09:15
abhie2eneutralizer, you can try ##linux09:15
priuonI'd like to install evolution but it has broken dependencies. what am i doing wrong? (same issue on chromium-browser)09:15
abhie2epriuon, what happend to geary?09:16
priuonabhie2e, it crashed twice with SIGSEV.09:16
priuonabhie2e, I kinda liked it. But it doesn't allow for plaintext only09:16
abhie2epriuon, are you really using xubuntu or some derivative of ubuntu?09:16
cfhowlettpriuon multiple breaks do happen but not often.  update and dist-upgrade09:16
sneskerplease solve this: http://i.imgur.com/NUpLh7t.png09:17
bekkssnesker: How is it related to Ubuntu?09:17
priuonabhie2e, and i also need to check stuff on the emails before opening it. the reading pane seemed to be fully integrated09:17
priuonabhie2e, yeah xubuntu 12.04.0409:17
sneskerbekks: solve that, too09:17
cfhowlettsnesker wrong channel.09:17
bekkssnesker: No. It is offtopic in here.09:18
sneskerbekks: you're not solving hard enough09:18
abhie2epriuon, ok09:18
bekkssnesker: I am ignoring your for your spam. *plonk*09:18
abhie2ehow to autohide unity left bar in 14.04?09:18
cfhowlett!topic|snesker you're in the wrong channel09:18
ubottusnesker you're in the wrong channel: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:18
priuoncfhowlett, dist-upgrade makes no changes and the problem persists09:19
mark06how can I know the repository component of a given installed package?09:19
cfhowlettmark06 apt-cache show packagename09:19
priuonwhat else could i do to get evolution and chromium-browser installed?09:20
mark06cfhowlett: which line of that?09:20
cfhowlettmark06 simpler display would be apt-cache policy packagename09:20
cfhowlettpriuon apt-get purge evolution chromium-browser09:21
cfhowlettthen do a reinstall09:21
jnhghyhi, I was playing and installing webservers... I've usded apache2 then installed nginx (ubuntu 12.04 lts) now when I restart my machine nginx is starting apache2 is stop. I'd like things to be the other way arround (nginx stoped and apache2 default started) is it possible? if it is how can I achieve this?09:21
priuonabhie2e, everything else about geary seemed rather optimal. okay i didn't come to the point as to beeing able to get sender and receiver emailadresses displayed in the emails list wich is a requirenment.09:21
mark06cfhowlett: ok but which line ofshow?09:21
cfhowlettjnhghy if no response here, ask in #ubuntu-server09:21
abhie2epriuon, write your own software? :-p09:21
jnhghycfhowlett: I'm not using a server ... can I ask there even if on normal install?09:22
priuonabhie2e, right ;)09:22
cfhowlettjnhghy yes09:22
djapook so replacing the os that is installed on the rt tablets is anoying but can os be live booted, say ubuntu, without the bootloader c*ck blocking the bootstrap :/09:22
mark06cfhowlett: neither of them show that, please stop fake help09:22
jnhghycfhowlett: ok, thanks09:22
priuoncfhowlett, there was nothing to purge. both apps never installed due to the broken dependencies09:23
cfhowlettmark06          500 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main amd64 Packages09:23
cfhowlettmark06 note the repo - a little reading goes a long wa09:23
priuonhcfhowlett: ttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7668068/09:23
priuoncfhowlett, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7668068/09:24
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gryhow do i install iwl4965 on ubuntu? i lost it when upgrading09:24
cfhowlettpriuon read it.  ask in channel how to cure broken packages in general09:24
priuonin this channel?09:25
cfhowlettpriuon sure09:25
Sunstream_bye bye XP09:25
priuonwell how do i cure broken dependencies?09:25
gryi personally fire aptitude on it and it offers me few solutions09:26
gryapt-get has a '-f' option on it too, but i don't know how to use it without providing a specific package name09:26
Ben64sudo apt-get -f install09:26
mark06cfhowlett: ok, sorry then... although that's not ideal, I won't remember 'policy' next time I want it :( but thanks anyway09:26
waterboy0911_sudo apt-get -y install09:26
jillesmeIs this channel also for Ubuntu server? :)09:28
faschelhey, the tilde key on my keyboard isn't working.  has anyone had that problem?09:28
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priuonwhat's this: 3.4.0-0ubuntu1 ?09:29
bekkspriuon: a version number09:29
Sunstream_Good riddence i tried to do an alongise install no go09:29
Guest47486i lost connection, sorry09:29
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gry2_it is really unstable for the reason i mentioned09:29
priuonwhat does aptitude want to tell me with "you have held broken packages."?09:29
cezdevSo guys09:29
bekkspriuon: that packages are in an inconsistant state.09:30
priuonbekks: how do i find out the version number i have installed?09:30
cezdevWhat's is a stable driver for a Nvidia GTX 560 So I can play Witcher 2 on Ubuntu09:30
priuonbekks: how do i fix this?09:30
mark06jillesme: #ubuntu-server :)09:30
cezdevBeldar helped me pretty good09:30
jillesmeThanks mate mark0609:30
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bekkspriuon: pastebin: "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" please09:31
waterboy0911_any news here?09:31
priuonbekks: it won't do changes09:31
mark06priuon: in the past, when I had broken packages for whatever reason, I just reinstalled all of them, or removed with purging if I didn't need it...09:31
bekkspriuon: So pastebin the requested information.09:31
mark06priuon: what do you want? just make it into a clean state?09:31
priuonmark06: want to install chromium-browser and evolution on this xubuntu 12.04.0409:32
mark06priuon: if so, try apt-get autoremove --purge....09:32
bekkspriuon: So pastebin the requested information.09:32
priuonbekks: give me a second. I figured my software center config might influence aptitude09:33
gry2_fyi i tried apt-cache search iwl, found nothing09:33
gry2_i'm like transparent here09:33
bekkspriuon: stop both, and pastebin the information requested. last chance to do so.09:34
gry2_a lot of internet suggests to compile manually, but i don't really think it's gone from repos09:34
priuonbekks: i changed some settings and doing a <280MB upgrade now09:34
mark06priuon: and the related packages are on an inconsistent state? ok then remove the packages with --purge and then run apt-get autoremove --purge.... (that would remove the depencies)... this should reset you to a clean state09:34
faschelwhen you make the tilde symbol(~), you hit shift+<another key>.  this <another key> isn't working on my computer.  could someone hit that key for me or tell me the name of it so I can figure out what is going on?09:34
bekkspriuon: whatever. I m not going to care about your issues anymore since you dont provide the data you are being asked for. good luck.09:35
gry2_~ . this key has ~ and ` on it, at the left of numbers09:35
faschelgry2_, ^^09:35
priuonbekks: give me a break. i can't provide the data atm09:35
waterboy0911_hi ctc?09:36
faschelthat was probably the strangest question i've ever asked09:36
bekkspriuon: I dont care about your issues anymore.09:36
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gry2_bekks: patience sir09:36
gry2_bekks: please :)09:36
priuonbekks: i read your request only after i started doing the changes09:36
gry2_priuon: i'm sure he's not lost interest ;)09:37
faschelIf anyone is interested, the ` key is called the grave accent09:37
gry2_ah, thanks faschel :)09:37
priuongry2_, not so sure about it ..09:37
Tiihey guys, I have a problem compiling php on my new server... I configured as usual but the libtool that is generated by ./configure is crap... the sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec variable is totally messed up... don't know why. I pasted the first few lines in here: http://pastebin.com/28dZvfJg09:37
Tiii compared this to the one on my old server, and there were only (as expected) a few paths but no unicode crap09:37
Tiiand interestingly enough this variable initialization goes from line 335 to line 151189...09:37
Tiiso the compile process takes FOREVER09:37
Tiibut of course failes, because of this unicode crap09:37
fascheli still have no idea why it is not working....this is a fresh install09:37
Tiidoes anyone know how this sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec variable gets generated?09:37
unopasteTii you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted09:37
mark06faschel: I don't hit hift+key to make a ~, I hit ~09:37
somsipfaschel: back tick09:37
bekksgry2_: You are wrong. I am sure I will not care about whatever is is doing in the future.09:38
gry2_mark06: no, shift + that key, unless you're not using qwerty or whatever09:38
bekksgry2_: *he09:38
faschelah fuck.  i just figured it out.  im in german, not english09:38
bekksgry2_: I said I dont care, I will not care.09:38
faschelthanks mark0609:38
gry2_bekks: that is not nice, please try to be more patient next time; that little of an issue shouldn't irritate or sadden in the slightest :)09:38
cfhowlettfaschel language pease ...09:39
gry2_bekks: i mean it :)09:39
faschelcfhowlett, german, english, or spanish is fine09:39
priuonbekks: i can't do more then appologize. I didn't mean to oversee your request09:39
cfhowlettfaschel OK - but I was actually gently reminding you to keep it clean for this family-friendly channel.09:40
faschelcfhowlett, i know09:40
mark06gry2_: what do you mean no, that I'm lying?09:40
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mark06Tii: man that looks horrible, do you at least know what's that garbage? what file is that which got inlined there?09:43
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Tiimark06, I don't know what exact file (because I have absolutely no idea where this variable content comes from) But I assume it's an *ar archive*09:44
mark06either way, I guess looking at what the configure does is the way to go...09:44
priuonwill xubuntu not persist terminal settings?09:44
priuonfor no apparent reason the scrollback is not the way i set it anymore09:45
mark06Tii: check the part of configure which generates that line... it's getting confused somehow...09:45
Tiimark06, Ok I'll try to find it..09:45
i336_Tii: or perhaps pastebin the whole configure script09:45
gry2__priuon: click it through the settings again - if a particular setting gets reset, please, name it and your Terminal version09:45
mark06Tii: grep sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec /path/to/configure....09:45
i336_Tii: or that ^09:45
Tiii336_, oh hello there :)09:46
priuongry2_ Terminal 0.4.8 Scrollback09:46
priuonthanks guys. it seems i can install evolution now09:47
i336_ohi :P09:49
gry2__priuon: 0.6.3 here and it works for me; what Ubuntu version are you using and did you try to 'apt-get update' then 'apt-get install xfce4-terminal' as sudo?09:51
gry2__<censored> <censored> internet09:51
gry2_priuon: with due cursing at my unreliable internet, I have xfce4-terminal 0.6.3 here and it works for me; what Ubuntu version are you using and did you try to 'apt-get update' then 'apt-get install xfce4-terminal' as sudo?09:51
gry2_(these messages were sent around 2 minutes ago)09:51
priuongry2_, xubuntu 12.04.0409:52
Tiimark06, i336_, thats all it has found: http://pastebin.com/k0MwuhRY It takes a while to check the variables... I'll be back in touch then...09:53
i336_Tii: lines like line 109534 look particularly suspicious:09:54
mark06Tii: how about grep -rn 1402823441  /usr/lib*09:54
i336_109534: ys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/usr/lib${libsuff} /lib${libsuff}"09:54
gry2_okay, give me a minute, I'll try to load the packages.ubuntu.com website to look up the terminal version in 12.0409:54
gry2_priuon: It looks like you're on the latest sadly. If you want a later version, you have to upgrade. I might suggest that you try it under another OS user (such as guest session) and see if the issue persists there.09:54
mark06i336_: what's wrong there09:55
i336_mark06: I'd bet a few cents that ${libsuff} is being subtituted with an actual file09:55
i336_mark06: or something similar in one of the other instances in the file09:55
mark06i336_: doesn't the !<arch> part look like some sort of config line?09:59
i336_mark06: head -n 2 <any .deb you like>09:59
i336_mark06: that's the .deb file format, AND the format produced by the historical `ar' archiver10:00
mark06i336_: good, I see an ELF there so it contains an executable, I guess... I'd just grep for 1402823441 and find where the file is located... then track it down form there in configure10:02
i336_mark06: I see...10:02
Tiiwhy 1402823441 ?10:02
Tiioh ... forget about it xD10:02
i336_Tii: to find the file data being included for w/e bizarre reason10:02
Tiimark06, i336_  nothing found10:03
i336_Tii: you ran something along the lines of "grep 1402823441 -r *" ?10:04
TiiWhat mark06 posted earlier10:04
Tiifor /usr/lib*10:04
* i336_ boggles10:05
Tiiit outputs two error lines - no such file for /usr/lib/ispell/default.aff and (same directory) default.hash10:05
TiiMaybe I just go over each line containing sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec in configure and echo any use variable in a file :D10:07
TiiI just ran grep -rn 1402823441 /usr and got10:08
TiiBinary file /usr/local/lib/libltdl.a matches10:08
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mark06hey, I got the file open!10:08
gry2_Where can I see the data "popularity-contest" package sent?10:09
Sunstream_okay question10:09
mark06hmm no nevermind10:09
Sunstream_i want to disable visual effects in 14.04  how do i do this10:10
mark06Tii: how about grep -rn 1402823441  /etc ... sorry I think that's rather a config file10:10
i336_mark06: .a files are static libraries packed with `ar'10:10
i336_mark06: I forgot... I just discovered that the other day10:10
i336_mark06: you toss them at gcc and they get statically linked into your binary10:11
i336_mark06: think the static equivalent of .so10:11
i336_mark06: (different file format, but practically speaking, yeah)10:11
mark06i336_: so the number is part of the file?10:11
Tiino results on /etc, only grep: /etc/vz/dev/vzlink: Operation not permitted grep: /etc/blkid.tab: No such file or directory10:12
mark06and it doesn't start with !<arch>?10:12
i336_mark06: I would think so10:12
i336_mark06: "!<arch>" = file produced by `ar'; ar files = used for .deb archives and static libraries10:12
cedric__i've asked if somebody gone to fb site because it was crashed during sevral minutes today10:12
i336_Tii, mark06: so, not a .deb file; a library something's trying to link in10:12
i336_Tii, mark06: this is my Grand Theory(TM): something's said "and all the libraries in this directory" using syntax such as "$DIR*". Somehow DIR has resolved to a single filename, so $DIR* matches that single file, not the directory, including the file in the libtool script10:14
i336_Tii, mark06: vague and crazy, but that's the farthest I can go...10:14
Tiimark06, i336_, But isn't /usr/local/lib/libltdl.a our file?10:14
i336_Tii: yes, that's the single file referenced10:15
Tiimark06, i336_ just for understanding...10:15
i336_I mean, it could be something completely different, but you now have something very concrete to poke the ubuntu bugtracker with10:15
i336_[ some point in the future on the ubuntu bugtracker: ] "ohi, I haz the contents of /usr/local/lib/libltdl.a in my libtool script!" -> "O.o?!?! *dozens of people inspect bug report out of pure curiosity"10:16
robotdevilomg alurus is just like SIW10:17
mark06got it!10:17
i336_mark06: ?!?!?10:17
mark06hmm no nevermind again haha10:17
priuonwhat email client will never display "Display Names" in a column or offer the solumns that do so?10:17
i336_priuon: what do you mean?10:17
priuoni336_, all emailclients i installed so far will either only or always display "Display Names" associated to an emailaddress.10:18
i336_oh.. I see, a contacts thing10:18
priuoni336_, i don't want any contact management capabilities at all10:18
i336_wow, that's a hard one10:19
priuonevolution seemed okay. But it doesn't offer the columns i need10:20
Tiimark06, i336_: So what's next? What can I do?10:20
gry2_priuon: Hi. I think this column is a part of protocol, and you can make these display names empty anyway.10:20
priuongry2_, how do i clear them?10:21
gry2_priuon: Have you tried Thunderbird? And are these columns in address book or where specifically?10:21
i336_Tii: you actually have something concrete: /usr/local/lib/libltdl.a has wound up in your libtool script. You can report that to the Ubuntu and PHP bugtrackers, and probably get a helpful result.10:21
gry2_priuon: In existing messages you received, you can't clear it, if the sender included his/her name in the FROM field.10:21
priuongry2_, these columns show in the inbox and folders10:21
gry2_priuon: So you'd like to not see sender column at all? Or would you like to still see it, but only see his/her email?10:22
i336_Tii: although I'd probably just send to the Ubuntu bugtracker.10:22
priuongry2_, yeah well i don't mind seeing email context when i open them10:22
priuonbut i don't want to see any content in the list10:22
i336_Tii: one completely different approach would be to... simply download a different version of PHP. like, a version earlier or something.10:22
gry2_priuon: In Thunderbird you can switch off any columns using a button at right top of the list view.10:22
Tiii336_, already tried that.. same problem10:22
priuonmost of all don't i want the app to do anything with the data received10:22
i336_Tii: hm :/10:22
Tiii336_, or at least a related one10:23
i336_Tii: ??10:23
Tiii336_, I'm not sure, if it was the same error... But I think so10:23
gry2_priuon: I think Thunderbird downloads the "headers" by default (the message subject, from, to fields) but does not download any content.10:23
priuongry2_, thunderbird still does not offer the columns i need by default and worst not optional behaviour is having custom view for each folder (as evolution does have as well apparently)10:23
gry2_priuon: I see. What columns you need by default?10:24
i336_priuon: try opera mail, included with old versions of opera for linux10:24
priuongry2_, well the downloading is not that much of an issue.10:24
i336_priuon: protip: ftp.opera.com :P10:24
priuongry2_, sender and recipients.10:24
priuongry2_, but co derived formats10:24
i336_as a bonus, it doubles as a superfast browser that can sortakinda render today's websites :P10:24
i336_(presto is very old now though)10:25
mark06Tii: sorry I was trying to open the file, do you program?10:25
i336_mark06: likely in PHP :P10:25
lavinesuperfast i think is FF :P10:25
priuongry2_, i want to see the adresses used in the header. nothing else10:25
Tiimark06, yep, various c-like languages10:25
i336_lavine: true, I think firefox is noticeably faster than chrome here10:25
i336_Tii: \o/10:25
gry2_priuon: No subject? Only the sender and receiver e-mail (without display name)?10:25
priuongry2_, sure subject as well ;)10:25
lavineit's true..! You see chrome 26 have many bug..special is shockwaves10:26
gry2_I see.10:26
i336_lavine: ha10:26
priuongry2_, but this is almost always present as far as i can tell10:26
i336_lavine: you mean flash? :P10:26
lavinesome people tell FF is slowly..if you optimaze it..it' will running fast better than any browser10:26
gry2_priuon: I think Thunderbird shows both of these by default (sender and receiver) but display names thing is something you can clear after you added these folks to address book (at best!) since if you look at message raw source, their display name sits in there. I'll see if it's configurable though.10:27
i336_lavine: agreed10:27
lavineyup..i using backbox and have many bug before i'm fixed10:27
priuongry2_, i don't want to keep any contacts10:27
lavineI'm from Vietnamese ..! Hello all :D10:27
gry2_priuon: OK.10:27
i336_lavine: .au here :P10:27
mark06Tii: ok then the answer is on the configure file... you have at least one file which is probably in that junk... next  step to me would be see all pieces in configure related to '/usr/local/lib' and 'libltdl'10:27
lavinewelcome ;)10:28
Tiimark06, yeah I'm already onto it...10:28
lavineso fun to join room to helped many people10:28
priuongry2_, but might think about doing so. But i really don't want to see display names in the folder view (that is supposed to be global)10:28
usrb1nHello everybody. I tried to configure postfix and I guess I've did that. I can see the mail in each user home directory on the following path: /home/user/Maildir/new  as a long filename (including date,some string, the hostname) but I can't get it from mail and I also don't get any notification when I get the mail10:29
mark06Tii: also, can you paste /usr/local/lib/libltdl.a? paste it as text anyway10:29
usrb1nSo the mail commands returns No mail for user10:29
usrb1nBut the mail goes directly to /home/user/Maildir/new10:29
usrb1nNothing in /var/mail or /var/spool/mail10:29
priuongry2_, well i already tried everything the thunderbird gui offers but could not configure it correctly. there is an addon for the columns i need. But having to configure any folder seperately is just to much work10:30
Tiimark06, not sure how I should do that xD if i echo the file my console is doing strange things...10:31
mark06i336_: australian ? hi dude... I was for australia in their world cup matches10:31
i336_priuon: to confirm, you just want to see email addresses, no email text, and no username?10:31
=== jibran__ is now known as jibran
priuongry2_, (doing the apply foldersettings to folder xy is manually in that sense)10:31
i336_mark06: oh cool :P10:31
priuoni336_, yeah :)10:31
i336_priuon: I see10:31
i336_Tii: moment10:31
i336_Tii: cat /usr/local/lib/libltdl.a | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us10:31
=== jibran is now known as jibran|afk
i336_Tii: sprunge.us == commandline pipe-paste service \o/10:31
priuoni336_, and i want to configure folder preferences globally. not seperately for every folder10:32
lavineyeah..Worlcup ..so bad for spanish :v10:32
Tiii336_, perfect, thank you10:32
priuonforemost i'd like to remove separate configuration capabilities for folders totally10:32
mark06i336_: I mean, against those they were playing with... :)10:32
Tiimark06, i336_: So there it is: http://sprunge.us/CLNX10:32
lavinelast night i watched spain play..i think chile vs Laos :)))))10:33
OerHekspriuon, you just typed more than you would need to configure your folders10:33
priuon*i'd want" might suit this sentence better.10:33
cfhowlett!ot|lavine please ... thanks10:33
ubottulavine please ... thanks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:33
priuonOerHeks. with some 100 folders i don't think you are right about it10:33
lavinesorry all :P10:33
mark06lavine: surprising the last champions are out in only two matches... I'm afraid of netherlands now :'-(10:34
=== mrdigita1 is now known as guest123456
lavineworldcup this year i think so boring..not make fan feeling fun ;)10:35
lavinePortugal have news..Ronaldo had big injured ;)10:36
cfhowlettguys - please take off-topic discussions to the #off-topic channel.  thank you.10:36
Jeroen_Mathonlavine this channel is for support not for general chatter10:36
DJoneslavine: This channel is Ubuntu support, please use #ubuntu-offtopic for non support chat10:36
usrb1nAny idea why mailx is not reading the email but I can see them on /home/user/Maildir/new ?10:36
Jeroen_Mathonusrb1n: Sorry can't help you with that one but i could do some research for you.10:37
mark06Tii: hmm it has "/               1402823441  0     0     0       668       " but everything after that looks different from the junk piece10:38
usrb1nI have tried to search a solution but didn;t found anything. The only think I think it could affect is postconf -e "home_mailbox = Maildir/"   maybe this has changed the default folder10:38
usrb1nSo mail isn't going anymor to //var/spool/mail and mailx has nothing to read10:38
Tiimark06, Maybe because I copied the other line from an editor?!10:38
Tiimark06, maybe it's just a display-thing10:38
MS4Lifefix my computer please.10:39
MS4Lifeits broken...10:39
cfhowlett!details|MS4Life nope10:39
ubottuMS4Life nope: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:39
mark06Tii: yopu edited the .a file?10:39
lavinemany spam10:39
Tiimark06, no, but the variable assignment (including the suspicious file content) was copied from an editor... (cause i opened it)10:40
MS4LifeMark shuttleworth tickles my balls10:40
MS4Lifeim so fucking funny10:40
ubottuMS4Life: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!10:41
Tiimark06, I would post it completely but it is very large...10:41
i336_thanks ^^10:41
cfhowlettDJones tyvm10:41
mark06Tii: ok man, I mean the 1402823441 is withing the assignment and if a file contains that, it would probably be the file getting inlined... but that .a file seems to have nothing more in common to the garbage than that piece....10:42
Tiithat means it is not the only file that gets included or it gets included more than once10:42
priuonso do i really have to use thunderbird with all it's designflaws?10:43
cfhowlettpriuon obviously no.10:43
Tiimark06, wait a moment, I'll try to post the whole libtool file...10:43
priuoncfhowlett, every other app did either the same or was unusable10:44
Tiimark06, 25MB10:44
=== karstensrage is now known as Guest10153
sl33k_How do I search for a specific word in xml file?10:44
i336_sl33k_: grep word file.xml10:45
i336_sl33k_: try to more uniquely define the "word" or pattern10:45
Tiimark06, i336_: two things10:45
i336_priuon: I just checked and can tell you that opera mail does NOT have the features you're looking for :/10:45
Tiimark06, i336_: I can't post it anywhere, cause it's too huge and secondly: The variable has multiple !<arch> in there10:46
i336_hahahaha, the troll was too silly to change his IP before rejoining ^^10:47
* i336_ has a bash script to get himself a new IP address if he needs one10:47
* i336_ is also not a troll. :]10:47
priuonanyways I must have an SMTP client10:47
* i336_ <3 ~/getnewip10:47
i336_Tii: okay, post the output of this:  grep "!<arch>" /(whatever paths you like)10:47
mark06i336_: I was able to link with that .a file on windows, not sure if it's just ok or just got ignored... the exe doesn't crash.....10:47
priuoni336_, is opera mail available for ubuntu/xubuntu?10:48
i336_Tii: err, hold it10:48
mark06i336_: but ar is unable to open that .a file10:48
i336_Tii: grep '!<arch>' /(whatever paths you like)10:48
mark06Tii: libtool file? paste the configure script instead10:48
i336_Tii: bash will asplode with double-quotes10:48
i336_priuon: yes, I can get you the link, but I just checked, and it has absolutely no options for the kind of thing you're looking for10:49
i336_mark06: huh.10:49
mark06Tii: try pasting up to the second <arch>... on question.... is that junk in the configure script itself or somewhere else? where?10:49
i336_ar t /usr/lib/libltdl.a10:50
i336_(pretend there's a $ before 'ar t')10:50
i336_and a few more lines10:50
priuoni336_, thanks ;)10:50
Tiimark06, this junk is in the libtool file, generated by the configure script10:50
priuoni336_, well i won't use it then i guess10:50
i336_priuon: ...I was kinda wondering what you meant there, yea :P10:50
Tiiand i just figured out there are 6 !<arch> in libtool10:50
i336_Tii: [20:48:45] <i336_> Tii: grep '!<arch>' /(whatever paths you like)10:51
mark06i336_: is that the one he pasted?10:51
Tiitwo are the same number10:51
i336_Tii: wait, hold it10:51
i336_Tii: *this is the command I meant to say:*  grep '!<arch>' libtool10:51
i336_Tii: paste the output of THAT ^^^^^^10:51
i336_Tii: :D:D10:51
Tiii336_, I thought so ;)10:51
mark06Tii: the file is called 'libtool'?? odd10:51
i336_heh lol10:51
i336_mark06: part of autoconf10:51
faschelim on a fresh in stall of gnome-ubuntu on a new computer build, but im not getting any sound10:52
faschelatm, the sound is being run into the speakers via a display port10:52
Tiii336_, i think this i not going to work, because all that shit is in ONE line... and grep works per line, right?10:52
i336_Tii: oh, awesome... let's see now10:53
faschelI've never had to debug a sound problem/.  can someone tell me where the logs would be for this sort of thing?10:53
Tiii336_, if i output it, the console is playing crazy again, can't post it to sprunge, cause it takes too long10:53
Tiianyway, i have the numbers of all !<arch> whatevs10:54
i336_Tii: do you have a pastebin link to _some_ of the data inside libtool?10:54
i336_Tii: ...or, skip grep, that's what we want then :D10:54
i336_Tii: grep for those numbers in /usr or w/e :D10:54
arun_hi guys , how would I run a bash command and a python script at once using bash script/.sh10:55
Tiii336_, There is only the pastebin for the first lines, copied from an editor http://pastebin.com/28dZvfJg10:55
Tiijep, I'll write the out..10:55
jribarun_: background the first command with "&".  Example: COMMAND1 & COMMAND210:55
mark06i336_: ok, my 'libtool' is a shell script... why would a configure script ever *generate* a 'libtool' file?10:56
WombleWasaCatthahi, my ubuntu won't boot can anyone help me please? im talking to you from palm OS...10:56
i336_mark06: because that's how autoconf works... it's a wonderful mess of "why/how on earth does that work" for about 300 different variants of UNIX :P10:57
mark06Tii: can't you paste up to the second <arch>?10:57
histo!details | WombleWasaCattha10:57
ubottuWombleWasaCattha: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:57
i336_WombleWasaCattha: PALM OS FTW, toss the computer out the window :D:DD:D10:57
histoarun_: You want to call a bash script and python script from within the same bash script?10:58
WombleWasaCatthaeh? why is ikonia private messaging me porn links?10:58
mark06i336_: I love the "auto" part... a whole chain of automation scripts to automate something else which was previously supposed to automate things.... configure, configure.am configure.in, configure.in.in etc :-(10:58
arun_histo: yeah10:58
Tiimark06, i336_ http://pastebin.com/zY0B1ErK This are all the numbers I found and the file that matches10:59
i336_mark06: libtool is part of that10:59
i336_Tii: awesome digging. you have even more to boggle the ubuntu bugtracker with. ^^10:59
i336_Tii: really, you've practically nailed it for some guru who knows all about this stuff :P10:59
Tiimark06, i336_ Comment on that: python3.4, sox and svn is selfcompiled...11:00
i336_Tii: I personally am just chasing my tail here11:00
i336_Tii: ...ooh.11:00
mark06Tii: please paste a comlete <arch> segment... up to the next <arch>, I mean11:00
Tiii336_, thought so too :/11:00
WombleWasaCatthaIs Ikonia a bot, he keeps private messaging me porn links :(11:00
i336_mark06: that would be binary data11:00
OerHeksWombleWasaCattha, knowing ikonia he is not, make a screenshot and join #ubuntu-ops please11:00
i336_WombleWasaCattha: yes, he would be11:00
arun_histo:  I need the both sh and py thing be runnning OR need to run 2 python using a single py11:00
ubottuIkonia: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!11:00
i336_^ ops: see what WombleWasaCattha said11:00
histoarun_: okay either way is rather easy so I don't understand the question11:01
i336_wait, that's a network issue11:01
=== arun_ is now known as arunpyasi
mark06i336_: I love these stupid tools and how they make we believe we are dumb.... but dumb are their authors making us waste our time with stupid bugs like this one....11:01
* i336_ just learned where the windows ding came from: a glass bowl just got PINGed in the kitchen, and I briefly thought there was a windows box with amazing speakers in there for a minute11:02
i336_mark06: yeah ._.11:02
mark06i336_: I wanna try opening it with ar or 7-zip.... because from the number we can't guess what file it is.... it doesn't make sense cause only that number is part of the .a file, not the rest, *why*11:02
i336_mark06: because that defines the size.11:02
histoArbition: something like bash bashscriptname   and python pythonscriptname11:03
histoarun_: ^^11:03
mark06i336_: but if we suspect each <arch> is a .a file, then whole segment should match the .a file11:03
i336_wha... wow, I so totally didn't see that WombleWasaCattha was the troll... wow11:04
arun_histo: and or & ??11:04
i336_mark06: hmm... yeah... *confuzled majorly*11:04
i336_unfortunately - and I've been unimpressed for a bit about this, wanted to figure this out :P - I have to go [out]11:04
* i336_ bbl-ish (>.>) :P11:04
histoarun_: What is the ultimate goal?11:05
Sunstreamsystem locks up11:06
arun_histo: I have a python script and I need to run that python script as well as give a notification using zenity11:06
Tiimark06, i336_: So this is from libtool: The beginning of the variable assignment up to the second !<arch> that comes up (not including)11:06
arun_at once11:06
histoarun_: python scriptname  next line give notification to zenity11:07
arun_histo: didn't work11:07
=== I is now known as Guest25683
histoarun_: pastebin your script11:07
arun_histo: ok11:07
jribarun_: note i suggested you use "&" earlier11:08
histoarun_: do you have any experience with bash?11:08
arun_jrib: did that too11:08
arun_histo: yeah11:08
jribarun_: this does what you asked11:09
Tiimark06, here again without that assignment: http://sprunge.us/KVJC11:09
Tiimark06, So it should be only the ar file11:09
priuonhow is the tab pane in thunderbird removed? I don't want to use ti11:09
Guest25683my enter button stopped working...any ideas?11:09
mark06Tii: my ar couldn't open it....11:10
priuonand disable configurability of folders ....11:10
mark06Tii: paste whole configure script... did the configure came with the source code tarball or was it generated ?11:10
Tiimark06, configure came with php-5.4.2911:11
jribGuest25683: verify it's not a hardware issue?11:11
histo!paste | arun_11:11
ubottuarun_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:11
gdm85hi guys. I have this segfault in a dev box: https://gist.github.com/gdm85/85953da51c0877e682cb11:11
gdm85has anybody experienced other segfaults with svn?11:11
Guest25683its not...i ran scandisk c: under windows 3.1 and it still didnt fix...so i installed linux and then it got worse, it asked me to press the any key11:11
ActionParsnipgdm85: are there anhy bugs reported?11:12
gdm85ActionParsnip: nope. could it be possible that it's due to libc6 recently upgraded but system not rebooted yet?11:13
ActionParsnipgdm85: possibly, give it a try is all I can say11:13
Tiimark06, here you have it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7668502/11:14
arun_guys http://dpaste.com/1J1SJWC11:15
Tiimark06, brb11:15
arun_histo: ^^11:15
arun_I need to run that python script and leave a notification11:16
histoarun_: No the script that calls that11:16
Tiimark06, re11:17
arun_bash /home/arun/Desktop/refresh.sh & python /home/arun/Desktop/refresh.py11:17
histoarun_: pastebin the refresh.sh please11:17
mark06Tii: still loading11:17
rajthat's really sad, I didn't ubuntu one was being discontinued11:18
Tiimark06, yeah, it's huge... ^^11:18
arun_zenity --notification --text="hello"11:18
ActionParsniparun_: you have added the headers to both scripts, so you can run:   /home/arun/Desktop/refresh.sh && /home/arun/Desktop/refresh.py11:18
ActionParsniparun_: if you mark the files as executable11:18
Sunstreami wish i could turn off the desktop eggecta11:18
histoarun_: after teh zenity line add python /home/aurnd/Desktop/refresh.py11:18
ActionParsniparun_: you don't even need the file extension, they do nothing at all11:19
arun_ActionParsnip: yeah they are11:19
ActionParsniparun_: then you can run them as I gave, the interpretter is set in the files, thats what that top line does :)11:19
arun_guys didn't work11:20
arun_the zenity works but not the python11:20
arun_guys, is it possible to create python script to run that script as function and zenity as function and make refresh work and then zenity work ?11:21
Ryan6578Hey. Having a problem installing ubuntu. Trying to install it on a laptop that has Windows previously installed on it. I mounted the .iso for Ubuntu to a 2GB flash drive, and booted from the flash drive and all I saw is a purple screen with a pixelated image at the bottom, and now it's just been sitting at a black screen with a blinking cursor for like 10 minutes.11:21
histoarun_: pastebin the script that doesn't work11:21
ActionParsniparun_: have you asked in #pyton too11:21
=== arun_ is now known as arunpyasi
mark06Tii: did you check buid log? there should be a config.log at the tree top... paste that too please...11:22
priuonhow do i install old versions?11:22
ActionParsnipRyan6578: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?11:22
Ryan6578ActionParsnip: I don't think so. What do you mean?11:22
ActionParsnipRyan6578: I'm guessing by "mounted" you mean that you used unetbootin or similar to put the data from the ISO to the USB....11:22
ActionParsnip!md5 | Ryan657811:22
ubottuRyan6578: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:22
Ryan6578ActionParsnip: Yeah.11:22
ActionParsnipRyan6578: you presently do not know for sure that the data you downloaded is complete or error free11:23
priuoni want something like thunderbird 1.0.1 ^^11:23
Tiimark06, moment11:23
ActionParsnippriuon: claws-mail ;)11:23
Ryan6578I downloaded the file directly from the Ubuntu.com site not to long ago though.11:23
ActionParsnipRyan6578: doesnt matter where it is from11:24
priuonActionParsnip, it did not do what i want either11:24
ActionParsnipRyan6578: that is not what you are testing. The internet is one of the most unreliable networks and data can get mangled in transit11:24
ActionParsnipRyan6578: TCP does a decent job of dropping and re-requesting data but it is not perfect11:24
arunpyasiguys, I have merged that script and bash command and got this thing out http://dpaste.com/2AXY6NZ11:25
Ryan6578ActionParsnip: Okay. I'm going to check that now. I'll let you know what the results are.11:25
ActionParsnipRyan6578: you could get the ISO from the dodgeyest warez site owned by the Nazi's and as long as it passed MD5 check then it is fine11:25
ActionParsnipRyan6578: so "I got it from Ubuntu.com" doesnt mean anythin g at all, if the data is bad, it won't work11:25
varikonniemiis system-monitor supposed to only know about programs started before it self was strated?11:26
Tiimark06, maybe i should upload it as a file, it's 25mb large (i assume the variable content is in there too)11:26
varikonniemii just spent 5 minutes very puzzled before i realized that maybr restarting the monitor would find what i was missing, and sure enough it did.11:27
histoarunpyasi: are you serious?11:27
mark06Tii: I've just downloaded php... line 110445 looks suspicious to me... note the \\\, same as in the garbage11:27
Ryan6578ActionParsnip: The MD5 checksums are identical - http://gyazo.com/9694cc8774928a38768e9eabeb1f2d4311:27
sgfuyi am trying to change my username in C:\Users , it seems quite complicated , i found this tuto "http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/147545-user-profile-folder-change-user-account-folder-name.html " , have anyone tryied it before , IS it safe ????11:27
arunpyasihisto: yeah , why not11:27
arunpyasibut doesn't work11:27
arunpyasihow would I run that both the shits11:28
histoarunpyasi: We've all told you but you've ignored us.11:28
mark06Tii: ok then paste result of grep -rni -C 100 err config.log11:28
ActionParsnipRyan6578: ok, please use that for ISOs in future, saves a lot of time :)11:29
ActionParsnipRyan6578: what GPU arer you using?11:29
Sunstreamso no one knows.....11:29
Ryan6578ActionParsnip: It's on-board graphics. I don't have a GFX card for that laptop.11:29
OerHekssgfuy, we cannot tell, as it is an windows issue, join ##windows for that11:30
ActionParsnipSunstream: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:30
ActionParsnipRyan6578: every system has a gpu11:30
Tiimark06, I assume the huge lib files are in the context, then11:30
ActionParsnipRyan6578: just because it is onboard does not mean it doesnt have a video chip, the physical connectivity is irrelevant11:30
Ryan6578ActionParsnip: Let me boot into windows and I'll let you know.11:31
arunpyasihisto: sorry but there may be my internet failure thing atm11:31
ActionParsnipRyan6578: use device manager in Windows, what does it sahy the video chip is?11:31
Sunstreami cant do that right now i am trying to install wine11:31
arunpyasihisto: what was the suggestion ??11:31
ActionParsnipRyan6578: if a system does not have a video chip it will not POST11:31
ActionParsnipSunstream: sure you can, run another terminal....or even another tab in the same terminal11:31
ActionParsnipSunstream: did you seriously think you can have only one terminal open at a time?11:32
ActionParsnipSunstream: dude at work I have about 12 with about 16 tabs apiece....11:32
Sunstreamthe issue is my gpu sucks11:33
ActionParsnipSunstream: press CTRL + ALT + T and you will get a new terminal, run:  'cat /etc/issue'   what is the output?11:33
mark06Tii: found line 113197 suspicious too11:33
ActionParsnipSunstream: its a single line so no need to pastebin11:33
Ryan6578ActionParsnip: Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family.11:33
mark06Tii: I don't what -C will tell11:33
ActionParsnipRyan6578: that is your GPU, the fact it is not on a separate video card is of zero consequence to any OS11:33
ActionParsnipRyan6578: try the boot option 'nomodeset', it can help with Intel GPUs11:34
Tiimark06, http://dl.stevie-ray.me/config.log here you go, but it takes forever11:34
Ryan6578ActionParsnip: How would I do that?11:34
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | Ryan657811:34
ubottuRyan6578: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:34
Sunstreamsays Ubuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l11:34
ActionParsnipSunstream: cool huh, 2 terminals.....imagine11:35
ActionParsnipSunstream: you could try gnome-shell, xfce4 or lxde instead of the default Unity shell + Compiz (Compiz gives the effects and uses the GPU to make them)11:36
Sunstreami suppose. but all i want to do is turn off the fade in out effects11:36
ActionParsnipSunstream: if you use a non-compoziting session, it will give a smoother desktop experience and labour your system less11:36
ActionParsnipSunstream: you can use ubuntu-tweak for that (might be unity-tweak)11:36
ActionParsnipSunstream: or if they dont do it, compizconfig-settings-manager is in the repos, but may cause issues11:37
Sunstreamof which i cannot find said options11:37
ActionParsnipSunstream: under ccsm?11:37
ActionParsnipSunstream: search on the main page of ccsm for the: close effect (i think its that)11:38
* ActionParsnip hates compiz11:38
rajopenbox ftw11:38
ActionParsnipraj: +1 :)11:38
=== david_ is now known as Ektor
abhie2ewhich one of these is more compatible with ubuntu http://www.amazon.in/HP-15-d103TX-15-6-inch-Laptop-Sparklingblack/dp/B00KG6202Y?tag=googinhydr18418-21 or http://laptop.toshiba-india.com/product/SatelliteC50-AI201211:39
ActionParsnipSunstream: yes, i thought you couldnt find the setting11:39
jdo_dkI have extended a disc in vmware, but how do i get the extra disc "into" my partition in ubuntu ?11:39
ActionParsnipSunstream: there is a settings tool, its not installed by default. I assumed you had installed it and tried to find it11:40
Sunstreami dont know what to look under in unity tweak to11:40
ActionParsnipjdo_dk: you will need to unmount the partition and you can then use gparted to grow the partition11:40
jdo_dkActionParsnip: Will try, thansk11:40
jdo_dkthanks even11:40
ActionParsnipjdo_dk: if you have grown the system partition you will need to down the system and use gparted in the ubuntu liveCD desktop11:40
ActionParsnipSunstream: install compizconfig-settings-manager and try that11:41
Sunstreamso what do i  need to installl?11:41
ActionParsnipjdo_dk: there is also a gparted liveCD which boots a bit quicker, but if you have the ubuntu CD (or ISO on your datastore) you may as well use taht11:42
jdo_dkActionPArsnip: is gparted gui program ? I'm on a ubuntu server ?11:43
ActionParsnipjdo_dk: yes gparted is GUI, but you can boot to GUI liveCDs11:43
Ryan6578ActionParsnip: Okay, so at the splash screen, I pushed F6 to set the kernal options, and it just freezes at the purple splash screen.11:43
abhie2e__which one of these is more compatible with ubuntu http://www.amazon.in/HP-15-d103TX-15-6-inch-Laptop-Sparklingblack/dp/B00KG6202Y?tag=googinhydr18418-21 or http://laptop.toshiba-india.com/product/SatelliteC50-AI201211:44
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Ryan6578ActionParsnip: I had also downloaded DBAN in order to wipe my drive, and pushing any buttons to start it freezes DBAN as well.11:44
ActionParsnipjdo_dk: there is a CLI way, but I dont like it. you delete the partition then make new with the new space and run a command against it11:44
Sunstreamso why do these operating system makers enable these things by default? to make things prettier?11:44
blinky_ghost /j #openstack-neutron11:46
Sunstream... why do they want this stuff on by default?11:46
faschelare there any distros that dont make any changes to ubuntu other than the included repos?11:46
Ben64faschel: your question makes no sense11:48
Sunstreamaction, turned off animations and fade thanks. but mau i ask whats your theory to why  these are on by defaulr?11:49
mark06Tii: ok, my guess is that line 110445/113/523 (duplicated no idea why) fails because line 109560/113197 (note) fails first. That's awk but I don't really know awk... so no idea what it's doing...11:49
mark06Tii: either way you either found a bug or are missing something...  you may find more specialized help wherever php devs are around11:51
Tiimark06, hm... okay11:52
robotdevilcant I defrag a usb device (ext hdd) from a windows install in vbox?11:53
bekksrobotdevil: you can.11:54
robotdevilIm in vboxers.11:54
robotdeviland guest additions installed11:54
bekksyou need the extension pack for usb2 access.11:54
Tiimark06, thank you for your help :)11:55
mark06Tii: I mean, normally editing the configure file (the awk line) would not be the solution.... I'd maybe /join #awk as ask what that line means and how that could lead to an error like yours... then lucky find out "what went wrong" and think about the best fix (either a bug report or some change in your procedure).... sorry for not helping more.... these errors are as stupid as who wrote their software you know....11:55
robotdevilbekks: ahh thanks repo or orc site?11:55
bekksrobotdevil: official website, for both the vbox install and the extension pack.11:56
usrb1nIs it possible to read the mail from a specified address? I will have a report sent my email and I need built a script to identify when a mail comes from a specified sender and then extract the zip file attached11:56
Tiimark06, you were a huge help anyway!11:57
Tiimark06, so thank you11:57
robotdevilbekks: is the one in the repos neutered?11:57
usrb1nI have tried to use only "mail" command11:57
historobotdevil: guest additions has to be installed11:57
bekkshisto: wrong.11:57
Tiii336_, and thank you again ;) for further helping out :)11:57
histobekks: no not wrong11:57
bekkshisto: the guest additions are irrelevant for USB access.11:57
histobekks: you need the extension and guest additions11:57
bekkshisto: you dont need the guest additions at all.11:57
mark06no, good luck man :)11:58
historobotdevil: you add a filter for the usb device and it will be available to the vm11:58
Tiimark06, regarding the line numbers, what do you mean with /113/523 ?11:59
bekkshisto: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.html#settings-usb second note section.11:59
robotdevilhisto: I know where the setting is but I dont know what setting a filter does11:59
bekksrobotdevil: A filter automatically passes through the filtered device to the vm.12:00
robotdevilI see12:00
robotdevilits for automagical12:00
bekksWhich isnt needed, actually, since the USB device can be passed through manually.12:01
robotdevilthanks :-)12:01
robotdevilthought the additions and extension pack were same thing lol12:02
mark06Tii: typo, sorry, it's 11352312:04
mark06Tii: those two pairs are of duplicated lines.... there's a big part in that file that's duplicated, no idea why12:04
Sunstreamthank you for the help all12:04
Tiimark06, ah okay, now it makes sense :)12:05
abhie2ehow to install chkconfig in ubuntu?12:08
NatasOK..so I'm having problems starting Ubuntu in GUI mode. How do I log in to the same user account in the command line mode? I don't have very many files on the Ubuntu partition, and instead of screwing around with repairing the graphics drivers, I12:08
NatasI'd rather re-install Ubuntu.12:08
NatasI only want to copy paste whatever small files are there onto a USB stick... but my home folder's encrypted, and I'm not able to access the files from a LiveUSB session.12:09
NewUseri got into a weird problem12:09
arunpyasiwhere can I get the gtk's notification command ?12:09
NewUserwhen i copy files to my external hdd they are fine.. but if i connect the harddisk to TV then the files are not shown12:09
histoarunpyasi: zenity?12:10
arunpyasihisto: other?12:10
histoNewUser: what file system ?12:10
abhie2ehow to install chkconfig in ubuntu?12:10
NewUserNTFS histo12:10
histoNewUser: your tv understands ntfs?12:10
NewUseryes it does12:11
NewUserbcoz its playing other files.(videos and stuff)12:11
rajmaybe it can't display the filetypes you've put on there12:11
histoNewUser: ls -l on the directory of the drive12:11
histocheck your perms12:12
histoNewUser: and file type differences12:12
LorcatarWhich java compiler should I use with ubuntu gjc or default java?12:12
=== felipealmeida_AW is now known as felipealmeida
NewUserdrwx histo12:12
NewUserhisto btw folders are viewable but not the files!12:13
histoNewUser: type file somemove   compaired to file moviethatworks12:13
histoNewUser: How'd you get the 'other files' on there that work?12:13
NewUserusing windows 712:14
NewUseri mean i copied usign using win 712:14
histoNewUser: Are you sure, these new files are in a codec that the tv understands and can play?12:14
NewUserlet me see.. i have other drive with fat format12:16
NewUseri will check with that12:16
arunpyasiThanks guys , at last I made them work together12:19
arunpyasi!!! cheers12:19
NewUserhisto its the filesystem problem12:19
NewUserhisto if i copy the same folder into fat drive. its playing the file if ntfs drive then its not playing12:19
NewUserany fix for that?12:19
Tiimark06, i336_: I just looked into that /etc/ld.so.conf and there was some /usr/local/lib/*12:20
TiiI think that is exactly the problem... * not *.conf or something12:20
mechanisthello, I need to hire a good programmer. in which channel I could search? I pay well12:20
svetamechanist, hi. In what field or technology?12:21
i336_Tii: amazing timing, I just got back from being out o.o12:21
Tiii336_, I knew that ;P12:21
=== malinato1 is now known as malinator
i336_Tii: as in, I sat down like 2.5 mins ago lol12:21
mechanistediting of particular binary files (in specific unreal PSK files)12:21
MarioMeyHi, there. Anybody knows xkbset command? I was testing some stuff with that command... and now, every time I boot, my keypad acts as a mouse. To deactivate it, I have to do "xkbset -m"... but I don't want to do it every day... I want to deactivate it completly.12:21
iptable3 mins now12:22
mechanistfeel free to query me12:22
iptableMarioMey, either 1. uninstall xkbset or 2. edit and empty the .xkb* file in your home dir (ls -a ~ to find it)12:22
mechanistsveta: do you know a channel in which I can ask?12:22
flux242anybody here who're using remmina nx plugin? I can't seem to find a solution to make it connect to a nx server. I get authentication error12:23
svetamechanist, I see. Don't know programming channel about this specific field. Try ##programming possibly.12:23
ikoniathere are bugs with NX between version compatbility,12:23
mechanistok thank you12:23
ikoniamake sure your versions match the server12:23
i336_MarioMey: quick google of some terms I related this to -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126284512:23
MarioMeyiptable: I don't have that file... so, I'll remove it.12:23
i336_mechanist: you might also ask in #blender-related files (if I'm on the same canvas here)12:24
i336_mechanist: err, s/files/channels/ lol12:24
svetamechanist, elance.com and odesk.com are somewhat popular for this kind of thing. But if you want to do something locally, it may make sense to find a local group in this field.12:24
MarioMeyiptable: I remove... but the keypad is still as a mouse. I tried to kill it... but there's no xkbset in memory... may it have another name?12:25
iptableMarioMey, yes. that will resolve the issue. xkbset has got some (ehm) defaults12:25
iptableMarioMey, no. although, you might want to reboot the machine for the sake of knowing. if that doesn't help, then you ahve changed maps permanently.12:26
mechanistsveta: interesting12:26
MarioMeyiptable: Maybe I did it... I will reboot and we'll check it.12:26
histoNewUser: yeah use fat instead of ntfs12:27
MarioMeyI was trying to emulate some keys with the mouse wheel...12:27
MarioMeyiptable: Because the wheel didn't work in a particular program.12:27
MarioMeyBut I don't know what I did...12:27
iptableNewUser, most TVs and other embed devices only do fat (fat16/32)12:27
flux242ikonia: well I didn't wan't to install the official package because I only need nx client. damn12:27
iptableMarioMey, well, step one would be to know what you were doing and what you ahve run...12:28
NewUseriptable maybe not mine.. bcoz i have videos on my ntfs drive and they get played flawlessly :)12:28
NewUserso its kinda of ubuntu ntfs file format problem12:28
iptableNewUser, not really. My "share with anyone" drivves are all NTFS and no one ever complained12:29
iptableNewUser, it's your TV vs ubuntu problem ;)12:29
histoNewUser: something else is going on.12:29
histoNewUser: calculate a hash of a file on your ntfs drive compaired to the hash of the file on your fat drive12:30
flux242well, tell me what remote desktop software are you using?12:30
histoNewUser: also it could be file naming or directory structure there are so many variables.12:30
rexAnybody know how to get list of all the threads running in system ?12:31
historex: ps aux12:32
flux242i tried forwarding x session but it doesn't forward sound well. I tried remmina-rdp but it requires the xrdp and a vnc server to be installed12:32
rex@flux242 Thanks12:33
flux242rex: it's not for you12:34
flux242so, nobody're using remote desktops? hm...12:35
NewUserhisto the compared the hash of same file in both fat and ntfs both are same12:35
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mark06Tii: I had looked at mine but didn't see any special....  * not *.conf?12:36
robotdevilstill cant access the usb hdd from vbox to defrag12:36
histoNewUser: filename and directory structure different?12:39
IamTryinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7668828/ - Why its not getting connected via SSH?12:39
robotdevilstill cant access the ntfs usb hdd from vbox to defrag12:39
NewUsereverything is same12:39
historobotdevil: is this a thumb drive?12:40
histoNewUser: permissions?12:40
robotdevilhisto: no12:40
historobotdevil: what does ntfs have to do with anything12:40
David_Can someone help me out with the grep function in the command line?12:40
historobotdevil: did you create a filter?12:40
NewUseri checked every possible option.. create a new directory in external hdd and copying folders into the new directory and just directory copyin the folders i want into drive.. nothin works in ntfs drive.. and everything works in fat driver12:40
robotdevilhisto: yep12:41
histoNewUser: Your tv probably doesn't understand ntfs12:41
histoNewUser: or is buggy with it12:41
David_Who's the command line wizzard here?12:41
historobotdevil: does the guest see that a usb device is plugged in?12:41
NewUserhmm..  it is playing HD videos from ntfs drive12:41
NewUserwhat i can say12:41
historobotdevil: so what happens when you try to defrag?12:42
histoNewUser: contact your tv manuafacturer12:42
robotdevilno guest doesnt see it sorry12:42
David_Anyone capable of helping me out with the grep function?12:42
histoNewUser: it has nothing to do with ubuntu. I'm sure they are running linux on their tv but most likely it isn't ubuntu.12:42
robotdevilshould be under my computer right?12:43
iptableDavid_, probably, if you actually ask the question12:43
histoNewUser: something is different between the two besides the filesystem if what you are saying that other files are working.12:43
histoDavid_: just ask12:43
NewUserhmm.. so is there anyway to convert ntfs to fat without losing the data?12:43
histoNewUser: no12:43
iptableNewUser, there are different versions and version supports for NTFS for all windows and linux12:43
David_I have textfile containing x-lines, of which some of them end with ", THE" I would like to create another file containing all the lines ending with ", THE"12:44
iptableNewUser, e.g. windows xp will not work with windows 8 NTFS unless XP is SP3.12:44
David_I think the grep function is what I need12:44
iptableNewUser, could be that, who knows.12:44
iptableNewUser, format to NTFS using LINUX and use then.12:44
histoNewUser: you'd have to copy the data out format the drive then copy the data back12:44
historobotdevil: is there data present on the usb drive?12:45
iptableDavid_, cat FILE |grep -P ', THE$' > NEWFILE12:45
David_thanks iptable, I'll try!12:45
historobotdevil: make sure the drive is unmounted on the host. create the filter and boot the guest12:45
robotdevilit is12:45
histoiptable: why cat to grep ?12:46
iptablehisto, good point. I was thinking logarhytmically, sorry.12:46
robotdevilhey hey, reinstall driver12:46
iptableDavid_, here, making it simplier: grep -P ', THE$' FILE > NEWFILE12:46
histoDavid_: grep ', THE' somefile > newfile12:46
iptablehisto, that won't grep ", THE" at the end of line, but anywhere. hence the -P and the $12:47
histoiptable: yeah don't need the -p but yeah $12:48
robotdevilwonder how long 3 TB  97 % full is going to take12:48
iptablehisto, depends on version of ubuntu and grep. some grep will auto-switch to egrep, while others won't. for safety, invoke pcre grep (grep -P)12:49
histoiptable: isn't that perl though?12:49
iptablerobotdevil, depends on protocol, although "damn long" would be a good estimate12:49
iptablehisto, pcre regex12:49
histoyeah perl regexp experiemtnal12:49
David_@histo I tried it, but I end up with an empty file12:49
iptablehisto, Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (pcre) - -P12:49
MarioMeyiptable: I rebooted... and the keypad is a mouse again.12:50
iptableDavid_, did you replace somefile and newfile with the file names?12:50
histoiptable: direct invocation as egrep or fgrep is deprecated12:50
iptableMarioMey, it's meant to be, right?12:50
MarioMeyI want my keypad as a keypad.12:50
David_iptable, yes I did12:50
iptablehisto, correct, -E and -P should be used to avoid issues with different grep versions ;)12:50
David_I should add -E as well?12:51
iptableDavid_, which command DID you run (since we given so many)?12:51
iptableDavid_, and are you sure THE is at the end + is it a windows-formatted file?12:51
histoiptable: what issues?12:52
David_grep -P ', THE$' file > NEWFILE12:52
iptableDavid_, I will guess it's a windows formatted file and THE is not at the end. Run histo's alternative then12:52
iptableDavid_, grep ', THE' file > NEWFILE12:52
David_There are several lines containing a ", THE" at the end of the line12:52
iptablehisto, I'm guessing you haven't been around grep for long ...12:52
histoiptable: this is the first i've heard of it not interpreting $ properly12:53
iptableDavid_, did you download the file form somewhere?12:53
MarioMeyiptable: I said that I change permanently... how should I change again permanently?12:53
histoiptable: and doesn't that have to do with the shell?12:53
iptablehisto, some grep versions auto-discover regex and swiith to (-E) or egrep automatically. others don't (in which case they will take $ very personally).12:53
iptablehisto, no, that's grep-specific12:54
MarioMeyOr... what program does the keypad as a mouse?12:54
David_iptable, it worked!12:54
iptablehisto, we use '' (single quotes), hence everything in the grep belongs to grep12:54
David_I forgot to specify my path12:54
iptableDavid_, glad we could assist12:54
David_I added ~/ before the filename and that did the job12:54
histoiptable: try grep -G   $  it still works12:54
David_thanks thanks thanks12:54
iptableDavid_, well yes, you have to specify an existing file12:55
iptablehisto, on YOUR system it does, yes12:55
iptablehisto, I'm being generic out of experience. anyways.12:55
histoiptable: That's what i'm asking on what system does it not?  I've never seen it12:55
histojust curious so I know12:55
iptablehisto, on an LFS from 5 years ago. On ubuntu 8.04 it didn't and centos 4 it didn't. Also, on all BSD systems it doesn't.12:56
iptablehisto, hence I am being generic as I am used to people asking this on "whatever, it's meant to be ubuntu" and struggling. Best to be generic and never have a problem. Hence the scripts with grep normally container -P or -E12:56
iptablehisto, although, anytyhing is broken on BSD, including the way tar thinks :P12:57
david___1ipnode, what command should I use to add the word "THE" as the first word of each line?12:59
histodavid___1: ^12:59
histodavid___1: to add or search?13:00
david___1to add13:00
iptabledavid___1, ok, now I see what you want13:00
MarioMeyiptable: I found it in dconf, org.gnome.desktop.a11y.keyboard - mousekeys_enable13:00
iptabledavid___1, and the next question will be how to remove , THE form the end of the line13:00
histodavid___1: sed -e 's/^/THE/g' somefile13:00
MarioMeyBut I don't know after rebooting...  Thanks for your time.13:01
david___1let me try that! ;-)13:01
iptabledavid___1, sed -e 's/^/THE /g' somefile (if you want the space after THE)13:01
iptabledavid___1, to remove ", THE", sed -e 's/, THE//g' somefile13:02
histodavid___1: and if it works you can add -i to sed to do it inline13:02
david___1It works13:03
david___1I'm getting really excited about command line!13:03
histodavid___1: so if the output is what you like then sed -ie 's/^/THE /g' -e13:04
histo's/, THE//g'13:04
histo somefile13:04
histostupid enter key   Sorry13:04
histosed -ie 's/^/THE /g' -e 's/, THE//g' somefile13:05
david___1truly amazing!13:05
david___1Another raison to get studying comand line13:05
david___1Thanks a bunch!13:05
histodavid___1: yeap save you a bunch of time hopefully13:05
david___1what does the sed program do, actually?13:06
david___1ok, I'm reading man sed now! ;-)13:06
iptabledavid___1, to do everything you want to in one command (for lines that end with , THE, remove , THE and put THE at the front), run this: cat a |sed -e 's/\(.*\), THE/THE \1/g'13:07
iptabledavid___1, cat somefile |sed -e 's/\(.*\), THE/THE \1/g'13:07
iptabledavid___1, that will do all your stuff in one command13:07
chillibitei'm trying to use modem-manager-gui to manage my usb mobile modem that takes a cell phone sim card, it says "no devices found in system" though the modem works fine by just inserting it into a usb slot13:08
iptabledavid___1, in short, find everything that has , THE at the end, memorise that everything except for the , THE and replace with what you memorised + THE at the front ;)13:08
david___1iptable, I'm afraid that is a bit to complicated for me to comprehend at this moment, But I'm copying the function and hopefully Later I'll be able to understand it :-)13:08
iptabledavid___1, will work on your file even if some lines don't container the word ", THE" at the end ;)13:08
chillibitei need to use modem-manager-gui for SMS messages, to load data bundles, and to check my balance13:08
chillibitefor some reason my modem is showing up as an ethernet connection, not a usb mobile modem13:09
iptabledavid___1, i.e. the whole procedure start to end, no need to grep, sed and sed again ;)13:09
chillibitein the gui network manager13:09
chillibitethe software i'm trying to use is explained here "http://askubuntu.com/questions/380650/in-ubuntu-is-there-an-application-like-huawei-mobile-partner-for-broadband-co"13:10
chillibitethough it isn't working properly for me13:10
chillibitenot working at all actually13:10
david___1thank you13:10
david___1I wish I could come over and shouldertap you! ;-)13:10
david___1I'm leaving now to do some selfstudy!! :-)13:11
iptabledavid___1, uhm, no thanks. I only allow women to come over and touch me :P13:11
chillibitewhy would a 'mobile broadband' connection show up as a wired ethernet connection?13:11
iptablebecause you have wired your mobile to the PC13:11
chillibiteiptable: but it isn't ethernet13:11
* Omnipotent wonders if its worth upgrading to 14.04 from 12.0413:11
iptablemaybe your phone is presenting itself as a wired connection13:12
iptableOmnipotent, yes, if you are using KVM, LXC or want latest kernels and goodies, definitely13:12
chillibiteiptable: it isnt a phone, it's a usb modem that takes a phone sim card13:12
OmnipotentWait there is an actual dude called iptable13:12
iptableOmnipotent, lol, yes. software is iptables though, so that's different :D13:12
* Omnipotent hands "s" to iptable 13:13
iptablechillibite, so your usb modem is presenting itself as a wired ethernet connection? have you tried other online methods that don't involve network manager to pinpoint the issue?13:13
OmnipotentThere you go.13:13
* iptable is now known as siptable13:13
iptableI like that! Go PBX!13:13
chillibiteiptable: yes13:14
chillibitetried every other piece of software available13:14
iptablechillibite, and it's all showing as ethernet connection? in that case, your USB modem might be compatibly-with-windows-only-you-need-our-special-windows-shit-software13:14
chillibiteiptable: yes well seems like thats it becuase it works fine under windows, works fine under ubuntu as well, i just cant use it to load data and send text messages13:15
iptablechillibite, well, then that would be the case. it's a limitation of the modem.13:16
chillibitei guess then i need to plug it into my wifes windows box to load airtime, bundles or send messages etc. FUCK13:16
iptablechillibite, or get a modem that works with linux. alternatively reverse engineer this one.13:16
chillibiteiptable: i'm in a remote mining town in rural zimbabwe, not sure how soon i can replace this modem13:17
chillibitethough i am getting a VSAT connection soon so....13:17
iptableugh, well, you could install and use windows on vritualbox with usb passthru when you want to send messages13:18
chillibiteiptable: plus this modem does work with gnu/linux just not for USSD codes and text messages13:18
IdleOneiptable, chillibite: please lets stick to support and avoid bad language and/or off topic comments. Thank you :)13:19
mhareIs there a way to check support lifetime for a given package selection?  Not for an individual package but for every package put together?13:20
iptableIdleOne, offtopic?13:21
iptablemhare, packages in main are supported as long as the ubuntu version is.13:22
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DanielaDaviptable: I'm Mario Mey13:26
DanielaDavSomething really strange happened in my computer13:26
DanielaDav(now, I'm on my girlfriend's)13:26
DanielaDavSuddenly... there's no keyboard input.13:26
chillibiteIdleOne: bad language, sorry, but nothing was off topic, my location was absolutely on topic13:26
DanielaDavThe keyboard doesn't work... THE ONBOARD KEYBOARD NEITHER13:27
DanielaDavSo, I can't write ANYTHING on my computer.13:27
DanielaDavBut, If I close the session, I can write the password.13:27
IdleOneiptable, chillibite: I did say and/or13:27
chillibiteYes sir!13:28
iptableIdleOne, oh. that would not be to me ;)13:28
DanielaDaviptable: So, there's no keys input... not from keyboard, not from onboard-keyboard.13:28
niko1990Hello everyone13:28
iptableDanielaDav, if you reboot?13:28
DanielaDaviptable: Twice.13:29
jackw411is there anybody about thats pretty savvy with upstart?13:29
iptableDanielaDav, turn off, press all keys one after another, turn on. let's see if it's not sticky keys first13:29
DanielaDaviptable: If I close session, I CAN write the password. It is a configuration stuff.13:29
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DanielaDaviptable: as INVITED, the keyboard DOES WORK.13:30
iptableDanielaDav, can you create new user and see if problem is solved for another user account?13:31
DanielaDavUh... I don't know if I can create a user OUTSIDE administrator session...13:31
iptableDanielaDav, I would still like to know if it's not some sticky key that after password prompt makes it not work. super key and a few other modifiers can have this effect.13:31
niko1990is it possible to link a shell-Script into a folder so that i can run the script no matter in what folder i am? For example like "vncserver". I can type in ssh in every folder "vncserver" and it starts a vncserver. Is it possible to get that to work for my own shell script too, so that i don't have to navigate to the folder where it is storred all the time?13:31
iptableDanielaDav, also, CTRL+ALT+F1 will take you to the shell. everything works there before login? how about after login?13:31
DanielaDaviptable: No. CTRL-ALT-Fone doesn't work, and the ONBOARD KEYBOARD DOESN'T WORK.13:33
DanielaDavSo... the problem isn't on key keyboard... but in the keys input.13:33
histodean: sudo useradd -m -G users test13:33
iptableDanielaDav, CTRL+ALT+F1 to F8 are not connected to your keymap in your session per se.13:33
DanielaDavWell... no, they don't work in this session.13:34
iptableDanielaDav, and please stop using caps. it's shouting and considered rude ;)13:34
iptableDanielaDav, and when you are logged out of the session, can you get to comand prompt using CTRL_ALT_F1 or F2 and login there?13:34
DanielaDavTeach me how to log in from that terminal (I enter there)13:35
iptableDoes it say: username ?13:35
DanielaDavSorry, I didn't understand you.13:35
iptableno wait, it says "login" i nthat terminal13:35
DanielaDavYes, I entered with username and pass.13:35
iptableand did it log you in?13:35
DanielaDavI can use the keyboard there.13:35
iptableuseradd -m -G users test13:36
iptabledid that ask you to create a password btw? if not: run: passwd test13:36
iptableOk, so you got password and user. now CTRL+ALT+F7 to come back to GUI and login as user test wit hthe password13:37
DanielaDaviptable: I did it with sudo and it ask me for entering a password for UNIX.13:37
DanielaDavIs it ok?13:37
iptableDanielaDav, choose a password13:37
iptableDanielaDav, wait13:37
arseus__Hello! Happy to say I've just migrated from Windows to Ubuntu. Can anyone recommend an intro to Linux or intro to Ubuntu resource?13:38
iptableDanielaDav, wait, did useradd ask you for password?13:38
histoarseus__: which part of linux?13:38
histoiptable: it doesn't ask13:38
iptableDanielaDav, right, then do this:13:38
iptablehisto, it's adduser that asks, damn. I always get those mixed up13:38
iptableDanielaDav, sudo passwd test13:38
arseus__General use of it I suppose.13:38
DanielaDavYes, I did it.ç13:39
iptableDanielaDav, and THEN set a new password for user test doing that command13:39
DanielaDavShould I enter with that user?13:39
iptableCTRL+ALT+F7, login to GUI as user test with the chosen password13:39
iptablekeybaord works?13:39
histoIsn't adduser a debian/ubuntu thing?13:39
iptablehisto, I believe so, although this is ubuntu channel and it is on ubuntu.13:39
DanielaDavAs "invited" too.13:39
iptableDanielaDav, invited?13:40
DanielaDavSorry, as "invited" user and this "test" user, in both, the keyboard works.ç13:40
iptableDanielaDav, so it works for all users apart from one user on that machine? It looks like yor profile has something broken13:40
iptableDanielaDav, so the question is: "what have I done and where to make my profile in /home so broken that keybaord doesn't respond in the GUI for my user, while it works everywhere else"13:41
__infinityi have problem with ffmpeg, i am googling for a hour now, but cant figure it out http://pastebin.com/EWaUvNrb13:41
iptableDanielaDav, and that's the quesion you need to ask as my expertiese ends here.13:41
DanielaDavdconf is by user... isn't it?13:41
histoarseus__: http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/show/h2l/ http://hak5.org/category/episodes/haktip http://www.makeuseof.com/answers/start-learn-ubuntu/13:41
DanielaDavBut I didn't change something terrible.... only mousekeys_enable...13:42
DanielaDavAnd changed again, but it didn't work.13:42
histoDanielaDav: did you maybe bump something else13:42
histoMunster: hi13:42
arseus__Thanks histo!13:42
arunpyasi guys. what will happen if ltp will be available with the distro by default13:43
iptablehisto, from previous chat, I can also say he did have and play with xkbset for a while (although now presumably uninstalled)13:43
Munsterhi histo13:43
histoarseus__: there is also 'man intro'  and 'man hier'   you may find valuable. Just type those in a terminal13:44
* iptable goes for a break13:44
histoiptable: lovely13:44
Tiimark06, oh sorry, I've overread your message13:44
histoDanielaDav: start moving config files out of ~ if you don't want to fix them.13:45
[[thufir]]how do I create a bootable USB stick?  I'm getting:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/127256/failed-to-install-bootloader  and no solution found.  Now, it did copy over most all of the files, but not the bootloader....13:45
Tiimark06, in my ld.so.conf was one line "/usr/local/lib/*" (without quotes)13:45
DanielaDaviptable, histo... I try to install using sudo apt and it tells me that this user is not in sudoers list.13:45
histo[[thufir]]: bootable usb stick of what?13:45
DanielaDavHow do I put it into the list?13:45
Tiimark06, That obviously had the effect, that all those *.a files were included13:45
[[thufir]]histo: ubuntu13:45
iptableDanielaDav, CTRL+ALT+F1, login as the user that can sudo and do it there13:45
Tiimark06, I just deleted that line and everything worked fine...13:45
histo[[thufir]]: create it from which operating system?13:45
[[thufir]]histo: I'm in Ubuntu now.  ubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso13:46
histo[[thufir]]: just use dd13:46
DanielaDaviptable: I remove xbindkeys_automatic from initial programs... does is something...?13:46
histo[[thufir]]: dd if=/path/to/iso/file.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M13:47
[[thufir]]heh, I don't know how to use dd.  I tried startup disk creator and unetbootin13:47
DanielaDav(I just remembered that13:47
[[thufir]]histo: thx.13:47
histo[[thufir]]: first find the block device for your thumb drive lsblk  will show you and replace /dev/sdX with the proper name e.g. sdb sdc etc...13:47
iptableDanielaDav, please try to put back as it should be or configure a new user13:47
* iptable really goes for break now13:47
arunpyasihello guys  what will happen if tlp will be available with the distro by default13:48
histo[[thufir]]: be careful because dd doesn't ask are you sure and will jsut overwrite anything once started13:48
[[thufir]]histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7669146/   can you confirm usb     /dev/sdb1 ?13:48
ubottuysadt: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:48
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone13:48
histoDanielaDav: add which user to sudo?13:48
Munsterysadt, this is NOT afile sharing channel, go elsewhere13:49
subz3r0[[thufir]]: looks like a usb stick. but you can find it easily out with dmesg. disconnect the stick and reconnect it again. then use dmesg in a terminal13:49
[[thufir]]histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7669156/  for lsblk  I just want to make sure I have correct.13:49
[[thufir]]subz3r0: thx.13:49
subz3r0[[thufir]]: last entry should be the usb stick. but you can pastebin it to let us see the log13:50
histo[[thufir]]: usb is /dev/sdb13:50
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__infinityi have problem with ffmpeg, i am googling for a hour now, but cant figure it out http://pastebin.com/EWaUvNrb13:50
histo[[thufir]]: first partitions on it is sdb1   .. you point dd at sdb.. all data on teh thumb drive will be gone13:50
sprungHi. I have a very annoying problem that I probably broke when trying to get my TorGuard VPN working. I have a OpenConnect VPN for work, and now my various TorGuard VPN's. The problem, ladies and gentlemen, is when I switch to or from VPN, my DNS settings do not change. I have no choice but to workaround by manually editing /etc/resolv.conf  and if I don't set chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf the dns settings are REVERTED back to my default wired network, over13:51
sprungwriting my vpn dns server ip's13:51
histoGuest70237: don't use root13:51
[[thufir]]ahhhh, thank you so much guys13:51
histo!root | Guest7023713:51
ubottuGuest70237: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:51
subz3r0--> sudo dd if=path.to.iso.file of=/dev/sdb bs=1MB13:51
subz3r0you also may want to check with gparted later if it got the bootflag, if not, set it with gparted13:51
histosubz3r0: boot flag shouldn't matter13:52
histosubz3r0: it's writing an iso filesystem to the thumb drive.13:52
[[thufir]]subz3r0: thx, bootflag, I forgot about that.  I'm dd'ing now, and, since pc hasn't crashed, hopefully have it correct.  LOL, in major hurry.13:52
subz3r0histo: 100% sure?13:52
histo[[thufir]]: you don't need the bootflag13:52
histosubz3r0: yes i'm sure.  There isn't even a partition after he's done13:53
DanielaDaviptable, histo... I found it. It was slowkeys-enable... was enable. I disabled it and the keyboard and onboard-keyboard works.13:53
DanielaDavWhat is that option for, so?13:53
mark06Tii: OMG!!!!13:53
histoDanielaDav: K now delete your test users13:53
Tiimark06, I thought so too ^^13:54
histoDanielaDav: sudo userdel -r username13:54
Tiimark06, But happily everything is fine now! And again: Thank you so much for your help!13:54
Munstersprung, set your nameservers in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base , since it now overwrites /etc/resolv.conf13:54
mark06Tii: if I had a blog, I could post something like "How many HOURS a damn quote can take off from you"13:54
histosprung: you don't set dns settings in resolv.conf13:55
histosprung: set them under your connection13:55
sprunghisto, it's a workaround13:55
Tiimark06, You can write it and I publish it in my blog :D Then I don't have to write it ;)13:55
sprunghisto, that *does not work, and is the problem*13:55
[[thufir]]what's the approximate eta for copying desktop to USB?  ten min?  five?13:55
sprunghisto, i can put my dns ip's in mt network connection settings, but they never apply13:55
sprung*my network13:56
histo[[thufir]]: 5 maybe.13:56
mark06Tii: this is all fault of these tools which aren't resistant to a simple missing quote from a config file...13:56
histo[[thufir]]: there is no output with dd but it's going13:56
sprungMunster, i like your idea but that doesn't fix my needing to switch between work, torguard and my regular wired network13:56
hoahi every one13:56
histosprung: restart the connection after adding them.13:56
sprunghisto, doesn't work13:57
mark06Tii: did you find the solution yourself?13:57
sprungi think my dnsmasq settings are messed up13:57
histosprung: what happens then?13:57
sprunghisto, it disconnects, reconnects and uses my default wired network settings not vpn settings13:57
histosprung: doesn't work, doesn't do much to epxlain the issue13:57
histosprung: you have your connections all messed up.13:58
sprunghisto, okay, I type my dns ip's into the VPN settings in Network Manager, and no matter what i do or how many times i disconnect, reconnect, restart my computer, restart nm-applet, restart NetworkManager, etc, my dns settings for my vpn that i put in NetworkManager do not ever apply13:58
sprunghisto, really?13:58
sprungi didn't know that!13:58
TiiYou showed me that line, and I asked for an explanation for that awk stuff in #awk, simultaneously I saw "< /etc/ld.so.conf" and wondered what there would be in.... So I opened it up, and saw two lines13:59
Tiiinclude /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf13:59
Tiiand include /usr/local/lib/*13:59
Tiiand since the last line is exactly the directory in which all thos crazy .a files lie13:59
sprungupon an earlier suggestion in this channel a few days ago i discovered dnsmasq was not installed anymore, that i had somehow accidentally removed it. it is reinstalled now but i bet it is not set up right13:59
sprungperhaps it's not configured to work with dbus? i don't know enough about dnsmasq to verify14:00
TiiIt was kind of oviously then...14:00
histosprung: is dnsmasq a default package14:00
sprunghisto, yes, it is14:00
Tiimark06, so without your research i would not have found this! Thank you for that ^^14:00
sprungbut reinstalling it doesn't bring back whatever default settings there were for it14:00
Tiimark06, and with research I mean that search in the configure script14:01
histosprung: or you have some other program interfering14:02
histo!info dnsmasq14:03
ubottudnsmasq (source: dnsmasq): Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.68-1 (trusty), package size 14 kB, installed size 111 kB14:03
sprungi'm seeing forums with some other people complaining about my same issue no fixes though14:03
histosprung: maybe see if networkmanager has any specific support14:04
mark06Tii: you quoted out those two lines? I don't know that file but I'd assume they're not supposed to be quoted, my ld.so.conf has just "include /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf" (unquoted)14:05
sprungOh. That's interesting. in the /etc/dnsmasq.conf everything is commented out14:07
Tiimark06, Sorry, Server reboot ;) | I see we misunderstood each other... No quotes were in there.. The problem was the wildcard...14:07
Munstersprung, afaik NM doesn't use IPs to connect to vpn servers, only usernames and pwds are required to connect to vpn servers ...that's my experience14:07
Tiimark06, /usr/local/lib/* (that includes every .a file) I think it should be (like in the first line) /usr/local/lib/*.conf but I deleted the line and it worked already....14:07
sprungMunster, right, but afterwards it's supposed to handle updating your DNS servers to whatever you set it to in your vpn config in NM14:08
Tiimark06, I've deleted it, because I think it doesn't belong there anyway14:08
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sprungMunster, and that is the problem14:08
sprungMunster, my work VPN has private dns servers, you see. i can't just use for everything14:09
Munstermost vpns don't care what dns server you use, sprung14:09
mark06Tii: ah now I get it... it should include conf files only, not *whatever* files, specially on a common location such as /usr/local/lib... I think that was a catastrophic edit to that file... I wonder who/what did... cause mine doesn't have that line of yours14:09
sprungMunster, This one does, we have private servers that i connect to behind the DMZ14:10
Tiimark06, yeah, I don't know where that came from either... but anyways.. ^^14:10
sprungso i need the dns servers to update, which is a feature that is supposed to, and used to, work on my machine14:10
Munsterok  sprung then I'm on thin ice regarding the private work type vpns. I'll back off :)14:11
mark06Tii: yeah anyways... problem fixed... glad to have helped you out :)14:11
Tiimark06, :)14:11
sprungMunster, ok. just to educate you a little, when you connect to a network, if you have DNS servers (and search domains) set for that network manually in NetworkManager, which I do, NetworkManager is supposed to update those settings for you for your resolv.conf and that is what is not happening as it is supposed to.14:12
Munstersprung, sounds like a setting is needed in NM config that auto-updates the dns settings14:16
gregor3005hi, i discovered my disk to search why my disk is getting full. i found some files under /var/tmp called sort* eg: sort43DxtM, sortMbv316, ... how can i find out who creates this files, the folder has currenty arround 16gb14:18
alive4everIs it a multi user system?14:19
alive4everYou may find the owner by issuing 'ls -l' command14:19
gregor3005alive4ever: i have some testusers but i use it only for myself14:19
histogregor3005: if the files are open you can lsof searchterm14:19
gregor3005alive4ever: they are owned by root14:19
gregor3005histo: this was also my first idea but the aren't open currently14:20
alive4everjust remove the files if you don't need them.14:20
histogregor3005: who owns them?14:21
gregor3005alive4ever: thats only the half solution because any process create these files, the last file was created today at 6:0114:21
gregor3005histo: root14:21
alive4everIf you are bothered with tmp folder getting bigger and bigger, you may safely create an entry to mount tmp as tmpfs filesystem - which is reased during system shutdown.14:21
histogregor3005: they are in tmp so if you reboot they will be gon14:21
gregor3005histo: at this time the nightly backup is running from another server which gets the files via ssh14:22
histogregor3005: why are you backing up tmp14:22
gregor3005histo: no i don't backup up the tmp folder, it was a sidenote14:22
gregor3005histo: i checked the other workstations and server, i don't have these files anywhere there so i can exclude that the backup creates the files14:23
histogregor3005: are they binary files?14:24
gregor3005histo: "file" told me that these are "data" files but i can open it with vim. i see many wired filepath, hm it look like a problem with the backup software14:25
zetheroo1does anyone know of a bootable tool which allows you to select which partition to boot the PC from?14:25
gregor3005histo: i run the backup manually and check if files are created14:26
histogregor3005: what 'backup' software are you using?14:26
gregor3005histo: backuppc14:27
histozetheroo1: grub14:27
zetheroo1histo: not sure what you mean ...14:27
zetheroo1I have a machine with a Windows recovery partition and I need something which shows me the available partitions and allows me to select which one to boot from ..14:28
histozetheroo1: grub is a boot manager14:28
histozetheroo1: you need an operating system installed on those partitions to boot to them.14:28
zetheroo1histo: the recovery partition contains it's own OS14:29
histozetheroo1: is there a reason you aren't using the regular way to boot the recovery partition?14:29
zetheroo1histo: yes, because it doesn't work (F11)14:30
zetheroo1the partition is active and bootable14:30
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histozetheroo1: What make and model of computer?14:30
zetheroo1(as per 'Disks' in the Ubuntu live session)14:30
histozetheroo1: and what does any of this have to do with ubuntu?14:30
zetheroo1HP Compaq desktop14:31
zetheroo1older gen14:31
histozetheroo1: what model?14:31
histozetheroo1: try F1014:31
zetheroo1histo: I was hoping there was some way to use Ubuntu to pick the partition to boot from14:32
zetheroo1F10 loads setup14:32
histozetheroo1: What is your end goal?  install windows?14:32
histozetheroo1: well without the model I can't lookup the hotkey.14:32
zetheroo1end goal is to restore to factory defaults from the recovery partition and then perform a dual boot with Ubuntu 14.0414:33
zetheroo1the hotkey is F1114:33
zetheroo1I already looked it up14:33
histozetheroo1: well something is wrong if that key doesn't work then.14:33
histozetheroo1: try in ##hardware14:33
zetheroo1ok, so there are no tools in the Ubuntu live session which I can use to select a partition to boot from ... and no nifty command to do this either ... ?14:34
sprungI figured it out i think14:35
sprungmy /etc/resolv.conf is not a symbolic link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf14:36
jhutchinszetheroo1: On a properly configured dual-boot installation, grub will present a menu that will allow you to choose which OS to boot.14:36
histozetheroo1: I can't think of a way.14:36
histojhutchins: he wants to boot the recovery partition without usign the hotkey14:37
histozetheroo1: you'd have to probably install grub and create an entry for the recovery partition then have it boot that.14:37
jhutchinshisto: Grub should present all bootable systems.14:37
histojhutchins: not on his windows machine14:38
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histozetheroo1: did you try setting that partition as bootable?14:38
gas-shogarywong please explain what help you would like14:38
histozetheroo1: use gparted14:39
sprungok, i'm going to test now. http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/docs/DBus-interface   <--- this doc helped, i did not have enable-dbus in my /etc/dnsmasq.conf and i additionally had /etc/resolv.conf as a file rather than a symbolic link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf14:39
sprungdropping off to test14:39
SashaHai I have a problem with an SD card14:40
SashaIt's not recognised by my mac and it is unable to format on my android phone14:40
SashaOn Ubuntu gparted just says 'searching /dev/mmcblk0 partitions' and stays like that for a long time14:41
SashaI tried fsck now and it's stuck - nothing is happening14:41
Sashaany ideas?14:41
histoSasha: what file system is it that you are running fsck on?14:42
histoSasha: that's not going to work14:42
histoSasha: partition it and then format it14:43
SashaI can't see it in gparted14:43
Sashait's stuck on that searching thing14:44
histoSasha: sudo cfdisk /dev/mmcblk014:44
sprungFor the record, that DID fix my problem. I needed enable-dbus in my /etc/dnsmasq.conf and my /etc/resolv.conf was supposed to be a symbolic link14:44
sprungyay this is a problem that had been giving me a headache for weeks14:44
Sashahisto ok so I create new partition from free space?14:45
Sashathe problem is that the disk is 64gb and I only see it as 6134mb14:45
jhutchinsI installed sshd on 14.04 and it automatically started and is enabled for startup, but it doesn't appear in the Services menu.  How do I manage whether it starts on boot?14:46
histoSasha: do you see another partitoin taking up the other 58GB14:46
histojhutchins: with upstart14:47
SashaThere's just a line that says Pro/log for the part type column14:47
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Sashaand a 'free space' for the FS type column14:47
histoSasha: sudo fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0    pasbing that14:48
histopastebin that14:48
Sasha-I ? as in capital i? gives me invalid option14:49
histoSasha: L as in lower case l14:49
Sashaah sorry14:49
histoSasha: I!=l14:49
Sashaok and how long as it supposed to take? it's been running for a bit now and no output14:50
Sashalooks like it's stuck histo14:52
histoSasha: is your card bad?14:52
SashaWould that be a possibility?14:52
histoSasha: yeah stuff breaks14:53
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Sashawell that sucks14:53
Sashabasically my phone just said 'SD card not recognised' or something all of a sudden14:53
histojhutchins: sudo update-rc.d ssh disable14:53
Sashaso there's nothing I can do myself? it's corrupt ?14:53
histojhutchins: or remove instead of disable14:55
gdoteofhow do i change my dns servers in ubuntu (from the terminal)  /etc/resolv.conf says DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE14:55
histojhutchins: yeah it's remove14:55
histogdoteof: what are you using to connect to the network?14:55
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gdoteofhisto: wifi and/or ethernet14:56
histogdoteof: what are you using to manage that connection (sorry)14:56
histo!resolvconf | gdoteof14:57
ubottugdoteof: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution14:57
gdoteofhisto: eh; i actually do it in a somewhat ghetto way.  for all my effort i could never reliably connect to wpa networks from the command line.  i use xmonad as my window manager.. so when i need to connect to a new wifi i log into gnome, use the little network widget to conenct and log back into xmonad which will then automagically connect to the network14:59
gdoteofhisto: fwiw the 2nd link in that bot response is 40415:00
histogdoteof: basically set dns in network manager15:01
histogdoteof: why don't you run the nm-applet in xmonad so you don't have to switch to gnome?15:01
abdeljalilhey, i'm on Lubuntu15:01
histoabdeljalil: good for you15:01
abdeljalilvery new to this one15:01
abdeljalilhisto,  thanks15:02
abdeljalilhow can i install skype ..??15:02
Billiansudo apt-get install Skype?15:02
gdoteofhisto: i have tried that but it doesn't work.  i would love to not have to make that switch15:02
abdeljalildidn't work15:02
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gdoteofhisto: running nm-applet tells me ** Message: applet now removed from the notification area15:02
gdoteof** Message: using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon15:02
histo!skype | abdeljalil15:02
ubottuabdeljalil: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga15:02
martinrameHi, I'm using ununtu 12.04 and one program I'm trying to compile needs "aclocal-1.13", but I have 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11, how can I install 1.13?15:03
abdeljalilhisto,  Skype released a new version yesterday or two days ago if i remember15:03
abdeljaliltried to download this one, but with lubuntu i can't get to make it work15:04
sprunggdoteof> how do i change my dns servers in ubuntu (from the terminal)  /etc/resolv.conf says DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   <--- /etc/resolv.conf in ubuntu should NOT be a file, it should be a symbolic link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf so dnsmasq can work with it15:04
histogdoteof: put nm-applet in your xmonad.hs after trayer15:04
histomartinrame: what program are you trying to install?15:04
martinramehisto: http://www.lunar-linux.org/mutt-sidebar/15:05
histoabdeljalil: follow the directions from ubottu15:05
gdoteoflol this trayer thing is interesting15:05
histo!info mutt15:05
ubottumutt (source: mutt): text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.21-6.4ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 789 kB, installed size 3480 kB15:05
histomartinrame: downlod the patch for 1.5.21 if you are using trusty15:06
gdoteofi have not usit screws up my layout pretty bad, but totally works to get nm-applet up15:06
martinramehisto: no, I have 1.5.21, I want to upgrade to 1.5.23, but it requires aclocal-1.13 to compile.15:06
martinramehisto: I just need to know how to upgrade aclocal to 1.13.15:07
gdoteofhisto: thanks!  totally an improvement15:07
histomartinrame: okay you sent me a link to mutt sidebar patch not 1.5.2315:07
histomartinrame: you'd have to install all your dependencies or find a ppa15:08
martinramehisto: ok.15:08
gregor3005histo: backuppc don't caused the problem. i runs now for a while an i have no new files in the /var/tmp folder15:08
histogregor3005: what's in the files may provide some clues15:09
martinrameDoes anyone know how to upgrade aclocal to 1.13 on Ubuntu 12.04?15:09
histomartinrame: download the source and upgrade or find a ppa with the software you want.15:09
martinramehisto: any link to the ppa or source?15:09
gregor3005histo: its only filepath around the whole systems15:09
MonkeyDustmartinrame  if it's not in the repos, it's not supported here15:10
gregor3005histo: wired is that the first lines point the backuppc path15:10
gregor3005histo: i delete the files and check new ones, maybe i write a little script which runs lsof and log when some new files are created and in access15:11
histomartinrame: you'd probably have to use a search engine to find it.15:11
* histo wonders why mutt is stuck on such an old version in ubuntu15:12
histo4 year old version15:13
martinramehisto: nevermind, I edited the Makefiles and replaced 1.13 to 1.11 and it's compiling.15:13
histolol good luck with that.15:13
TuxRescuecould somebody please tell me how i can turn off that the chromium browser opens the web history in new tabs?15:16
chillibitei have a choice of buying this car tomorrow: http://www.classifieds.co.zw/category/661/Other/listings/718733/VW-Golf-2004.html15:16
DerpBom dia pessoas15:16
chillibiteor waiting two months and getting a 1998 mitsubishi pajero15:16
bcvery!ot | chillibite15:17
ubottuchillibite: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:17
DJoneschillibite: I think you want #ubuntu-offtopic15:17
chillibitewrong channel15:17
sprungTuxRescue, are you trying to disable browsing history entirely for your... websites?15:17
bcvery!pt | Derp15:17
ubottuDerp: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:17
topper4125I have a raspberry pi that I want to turn into a Home Theater PC using XBMC. I tried Raspbmc, and really not impressed, and now I'm thinking of trying to install a minimal Ubuntu (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD), the smallest/lightest desktop I can find, and the "Full" XMBC... does anyone know if this is 'do-able' on the Raspberry Pi?15:18
Derpcaramba esse chat num funciona não ?15:18
DJonestopper4125: Unless something has changed, I don't think Ubuntu will run on a rasberry pi15:18
histotopper4125: you can't15:18
OerHeksarm6, no, ubuntu needs arm7+15:19
Deepfriedicetopper4125: Ubuntu needs a newer ARM version than the Pi has.15:19
sprungDerp, Ninguém nesta sala, incluindo eu mesmo, fala Português. Visite o # ubuntu-pt15:19
topper4125grr... k.. thanks for the replies.15:19
TuxRescuesprung: i need the browsing history. i just dont want it displayed in new tabs15:19
histotopper4125: debian15:19
TuxRescuein firefox you go to about:config and find "tab.url" and its done15:19
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sprungTuxRescue, maybe you should ask in #chromium they would probably know15:20
TuxRescuethey are all idle15:21
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Guest62078Bom dia pessoas15:23
c4i0Bom dia15:23
Guest71827I'm using SSHFS to edit files on a remote server.  It seems like the connection drops sometime and I loose access to the virtual drive.  What can I do other than restart to get it connected again?  Running SSHFS again just hangs after this.15:23
Guest62078caraca foi um sacrificio  entrar nesse chat e encontrar pessoas que falam e português15:24
sprungGuest71827, what is preventing you from running it in Screen?15:24
Pici!pt | Guest6207815:24
ubottuGuest62078: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:24
Guest71827sprung, how do I do that?15:24
sprungGuest71827, sorry i read to quickly. I think you are going about this all wrong. Don't edit files remotely via SSHFS, use vim remotely, and run screen remotely so if you disconnect you can reconnect as if you were never interrupted15:25
Guest62078o_O ninguém tem assunto aqui né15:26
sprungGuest71827, screen will soon be your new best friend15:26
Guest71827sprung, yeah I'm slowly getting better at using vim.15:26
sprungGuest71827, or any text editor. point being, whatever you are doing, if you do it in "screen" if you get disconnected you can reconnect and reattach to the screen, uninterrupted. This is good for editing files and for processes that take a long time to complete.15:27
Guest71827sprung, oh I see.  kinda like tmux15:28
c4i0Hello for everyone15:28
neriumIs it possible to check the status of a process?15:29
sprungGuest71827, tmux is screen but better. i wanted to start you off simple. If you are using tmux remotely you have no reason to use sshfs or screen15:29
neriumI would like to see if it's frozen15:29
sprungnerium, ps aux | grep whatever15:29
neriumsprung: How would that help=?15:29
geri installed ubuntu now on vmware workstation  (windows 8) and i dont see the the others partitions..how can i mount them?15:29
Guest71827sprung, no I just know of tmux.  I guess the conclusion is that I need to get use to vim15:30
alive4evertopper4125: it's better to use raspbian15:30
sprungnerium, you do. screen is simpler to use than tmux and is more likely to be installed or able to be installed on your remote server.15:30
neriumsprung: Wrong person15:30
sprungGuest71827,  there's a little tutorial http://www.tecmint.com/screen-command-examples-to-manage-linux-terminals/15:31
sprungnerium, my bad15:31
sprungGuest71827, or here http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_screen15:31
alive4everSurely, tmux is a great terminal manager.15:31
alive4everYou may want to add byobu for a fancy tmux look.15:32
sprungalive4ever, indeed it is but it's less likely to be installed already and has more prerequisites, and is more complicated to use than screen15:32
Guest71827sprung, thanks I'll check it out and suck it up and use vim15:32
david___1hello everybody15:33
sprungGuest71827, screen or tmux if you want to get fancy is an absolutely indispensable sysadmin tool, otherwise close to 5pm i would have to stay late for a long-running process to finish. with screen or tmux i can pick up at home where i left off15:33
geri installed ubuntu now on vmware workstation  (windows 8) and i dont see the the others partitions..how can i mount them?15:33
david___1question: What would be the command to create a new folder for each word in a file?15:33
david___1is that even possible using commandline?15:34
alive4everBoth screen and tmux are great. Screen is the first, so it uses ctrl+a keybinding. Tmux comes later, so it uses ctrl+b keybinding15:35
MonkeyDustdavid___1  i'm sure the people in #bash know best15:35
david___1ok thanks, I'll ask there! ;-)15:35
Picialive4ever: theres a config that comes with tmux that allows you to use the screen keybindings.15:35
geri installed ubuntu now on vmware workstation  (windows 8) and i dont see the the others partitions..how can i mount them?15:37
halberdI have done a full installation of ubuntu to a flash drive.  But now I've changed my mind and want to put it on the hard drive - dual booting with Windows.  Is it possible to do this without performing a fresh installation, perhaps by copying the ubuntu image from the flash drive to the hdd?15:37
abdeljalilhey how can i get my lx-3000 to work?15:38
abdeljalilon lubuntu, sorry again15:38
MonkeyDustger  if you don't get an answer here, try #vmware15:38
alive4everhalberd: it's possible15:39
halberdgreat!  how do I do it, alive4ever ?15:39
alive4everjust prepare an ext4 partition, then boot you ubuntu live dvd15:40
Deepfriediceger: What "others partition" are you looking for?15:40
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OerHeksabdeljalil, install pavucontrol > http://askubuntu.com/questions/94881/how-do-i-use-microsoft-livechat-lx-3000 answer is for ubuntu, but should work for lubuntu too15:40
ZiberHas anyone who used uprecords-cgi noticed that sometimes the downtime portion is shown in negatives and the uptime percentage is over 100%? Is there a way to recent its data?15:40
alive4everwhen it's finished booting, launch a terminal. Mount both the usb and the new partition15:41
alive4everthen copy the entire usb flashdisk content using tar command15:42
halberdalive4ever, but that would include the usb boot sector right?15:42
halberdand do I not want to do that?15:42
luisja1006It is possible to install MS Office 2010 using PlayOnLinux on (X)ubuntu 14.04?15:42
garheadeluisja1006, yes it is.15:43
alive4everhalberd, nope. Just recreate the boot sector using grub-install /dev/sda and update-grub15:43
mojtabaHi, I am running ubuntu 14.04 lts and I have installed virtualbox. Does anybody know how should I install additional guest? ultimately I want to give a try to Fedora in VB.15:43
garheadeluisja1006, it's been a while since i've bothered but the PlayOnLinux walkthrough should be pretty straight forward.15:43
halberdI'm also concerned because that ubuntu on the flash drive is set up to mount the flash drive partitions in /etc/fstab as / and /home and swap15:43
luisja1006garheade downloaded the required files, but everytime I try to install the setup.exe using PlayOnLinux wine crashes15:44
halberdso I guess I would need to change /etc/fstab running off the flash drive, so that it mounts hard drive partitions in place of the flash drive ones, before I copy the ubuntu image?15:44
garheadeluisja1006 is it giving you a specific error?15:44
alive4everthe command to copy the entire usb contents is 'sudo tar -cf - -C /path-to-usb-disk-mount | sudo tar -xvf - -C /path-to-new-partition-mount'15:44
Beldarluisja1006, I found even when installed word to just not be near the as when run in windows.15:45
abdeljalilanyone here to help please?15:45
iceburnthave you played a game in ubuntu? could you tell me about the simulator city games named?15:45
halberdyes but I'm saying I don't think the ubuntu image would work exactly as-is, because for one thing it's set up to mount flash drive partitions, not hard drive partitions15:45
alive4everthen update the grub by chrooting into new partition15:46
hsnopi<abdeljalil> just ask the question and people will respond fi they know15:46
luisja1006garheade: Error in POL_Wine15:46
luisja1006Wine seems to have crashed. If your program is running, just ignore this message15:46
OerHeksabdeljalil, read back please, you have been answered15:46
Beldarabdeljalil, Did you see the answer from OerHeks?15:46
halberdalive4ever, is that tar command the equivalent of using dd?15:47
alive4everno, it's not performing bit to bit operation. It just copied the file exactly with same permissions through the tar stream.15:48
alive4everI think it's safer than dd copy.15:48
garheadeluisja1006 are you running 32bit or 64bit office?15:49
huydsertCan I write without auth?15:49
OerHekshuydsert, we can read you15:49
Ziberany users of uprecords-cgi know how to clear its data, or fix it when it says things like: "down   0 days, -22:-19:-3"?15:49
luisja100664 bit15:50
huydsertawesome, mouse is acting weird in 14.04, don't know what to do15:50
huydsertAre there mouse drivers or something similar i could download?15:50
sprungfirst make sure your mouse isn't dirty15:50
huydsertIt's working fine under windows 715:50
halberdalive4ever, so I would then do that for each of the partitions on the flash drive right, and a corresponding partition on the hdd15:50
ActionParsniphuydsert: does the system have a make and model?>15:51
sprunghuydsert, what mouse, and define "weird"15:51
mojtabaHi, I am running ubuntu 14.04 lts and I have installed virtualbox. Does anybody know how should I install additional guest? ultimately I want to give a try to Fedora in VB.15:51
garheadeluisja1006, POL/Wine doesnt support the 64bit version of office.15:51
ActionParsniphuydsert: isit a USB mouse or a touchpad?15:51
halberdand then I would update /etc/fstab before I boot into the hdd partition15:51
luisja1006garheade oh, okay.15:51
ActionParsnipmojtaba: use the menu at the top of the virtualbox wndow.15:51
huydsertit's a 5$ mouse I got from the sop, USB, and it seems like it doesn't give priorities to windows correctly15:51
luisja1006thanks !15:51
garheadeluisja1006, anytime.15:51
ActionParsniphuydsert: have you tried a different USB port?15:51
huydsertwhen it's working, it seems to work in only 1 window, even if I alt tab into another one15:51
ActionParsniphuydsert: have you tried setting legacy mode in BIOS?15:52
huydsertyeah, I've tried all 3 different ports on the laptop, and tried the touchpad15:52
huydsertwhat's legacy mode in BIOS?15:52
sprungyeah your mouse is probably using usb version 115:52
mojtabaActionParsnip: I did, but it seams it did not install it!15:52
ActionParsniphuydsert: its a setting, in the BIOS15:52
ActionParsnipmojtaba: I suggest you ask in #vbox15:52
halberdalive4ever, ok thanks, this makes sense I think, and if it doesn't work it doesn't seem like it could harm anything.  One more question:  is it safe to install grub over the windows bootloader on the hdd?15:53
mojtabaActionParsnip: ok, thanks15:53
ActionParsnipmojtaba: I believe if you power off the VM, then set the guest additions to be mounted at boot, it will show more readily15:53
huydsertwould legacy mode affect anything other than the mouse? is it "safe" to try it?15:53
mojtabaActionParsnip: ok, thx15:54
alive4everhalberd, just do it once to transfer your already-installed ubuntu to the new partition you intend to put ubuntu.15:54
HoiheAhoy! Does anyone know if it's possible to have two versions of the properitary NVidia drivers?15:54
HoiheThere are a few WINE based games that require an older one to run smoothly..15:54
halberdalive4ever, just do what once?15:54
HoiheHowever, the OpenGL games available on Steam run better with the newest one15:54
halberdinstall GRUB?15:55
alive4everhalberd, copying the files via tar command.15:55
iceburnthave you played a game in ubuntu? could you tell me about the simulator city games named?15:55
halberdoh, but I have three partitions on the flash drive so I'd need to copy all three15:55
alive4everDo you make separate partitions for boot, root, and home?15:56
halberdyes I did alive4ever15:57
halberdwell actually the partitions are for root, home, and swap15:57
alive4everNo need to do it for swap15:58
halberdI've heard it's more efficient to have a swap partition15:58
Beldarhalberd, If you have a place to put the clone use clonezilla to copy the usb, it save the mbr.15:58
alive4everYes, just make a new partition and initiate the paartition using mkswap command15:58
halberdthat's the thing Beldar , there's an existing windows installation so I can't just do a straight copy from sdb to sda15:59
huydsertTo boot in Legacy mode all I have to do is Disable the UEFI boot?15:59
Beldarhalberd, That is not a straight copy15:59
xeon123I have one partition that I want to mount as /opt in my ubuntu OS. I have already an /opt dir in the partition where the OS is. I want to point the /opt to the other partition. How I do this?15:59
Beldarhalberd, from sdb to sda, but a clone15:59
halberdwhat's the difference?16:00
alive4everxeon123: copy the entire content of /opt using tarthen add an entry that point to /opt in your fstab16:00
Beldarhalberd, You have the clone on another hd or flash as packets for insertion to sda16:00
Beldarhalberd, This is easy stuff in general you can just make a unallocated and copy and paste with gparted as well, you just have to load grub16:02
halberdalive4ever, instead of mkswap could I just do dd if=/dev/sdb3 of=/dev/sda616:02
halberdif /dev/sdb3 is my swap partition and /dev/sda6 is the new swap partition16:02
Beldarhalberd, I would not move swap, just make one later16:02
alive4everhalberd: that's a waste of time. Swap partition doesn't need to be exactly the same.16:03
Beldarhalberd, dd can really mess stuff up if ran wrong and you loose the original I would clone it or copy and paste with gparted, both leave the usb intact16:04
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Beldarhalberd, Good luck, did not mean to interrupt but this is easy stuff, and I have to go.16:06
halberdalright thanks alive4ever and Beldar16:06
alive4everyou're welcome.16:06
ActionParsnipBen64: dd can stand for 'data destroyer'16:06
alive4everdd is actually diskdump, but it can be used as redirector.16:07
abdeljalilhsnopi,  OerHeks , Beldar, indeed thanks again OerHeks  !!16:08
abdeljalilit worked !16:08
OerHeksabdeljalil, have fun16:08
abdeljalilsorry i couldn't answer earlier, because i was into that thing16:08
abdeljalilOerHeks,  thanks !16:08
alive4everinstead of 'ls -l $HOME > listing.txt' you can use dd to redirect the output 'ls -l $HOME | dd of=~/listing.txt'16:08
Balusewhy since kernel doesnt seem to be updated i got system restat is required ?16:17
OerHeksBaluse, some services-update need a reboot too16:18
ActionParsnipBaluse: to load the new kernel.....16:19
ActionParsnipBaluse: its not essential16:19
PraxiI scripted a very basic file copy on a server.  what happens if I fail to mount a directory, then copy files to that mount point?16:19
Balusebecause some people say you never need to restart16:19
Praxiwill it create that directory structure on the root or whatever I specified?16:19
biledemonHi. any problems with factory overclocked graphics card on linux?16:20
lord4163biledemon: No16:22
biledemonlord4163: you sure? someone told me some time ago16:23
lord4163biledemon: Never had problems with that, what are you buying?16:24
biledemonlord4163: don't know yet. thinking of a GTX 770. But I'm still very much researching. Plus I don't really know much about this yet :)16:26
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jose__por favor para hablar en español que debo hacer16:27
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:27
jose__como llego a ese canal por favor16:28
histoPraxi: when the mountpoint comes up it will hide whatever underlying files were on the local drive16:29
lord4163biledemon: ye good card what will you be using it for?16:29
lord4163biledemon: AMD has better drivers AFAIK, at least the open source ones16:30
biledemonlord4163: gaming mostly. Nvidia proprietary are still the best though.16:32
=== lexmihaylov is now known as almih
lord4163biledemon: not for the 7/80016:33
bobRosshi. just finished installing ubuntu for the first time. former windows user16:34
gqgunhedbobRoss: welcome :-)16:34
bobRossthank you16:35
alive4everbobRoss: welcome to ubuntu community16:35
biledemonlord4163: take a look at some comparisons on phoronix.com if you don't believe me.16:36
alive4everIt's time to leave16:36
bobRossso far so good. i do have a couple of questions16:36
bobRossam i in the right place?16:36
Praxity histo16:37
biledemonbobo69: yes16:37
biledemonbobRoss: yes16:37
ActionParsnipbiledemon: are you wanting a gaming PC?16:38
biledemonActionParsnip: yeah, planning on getting one soon16:38
ActionParsnipbiledemon: I'd shoot for Nvidia. They have been making Linux drivers for ages16:38
bobRosscool. I have found the terminal emulator i want, love libreoffice (sp), browser check. what I am curious is antivirus, and firewall (keeping in mind I am a windows user n00b)16:39
ikoniaI'd suggest not to try to build a gaming PC around Linux16:39
ikoniabuild a gaming PC for games on the native platform.16:39
ActionParsnipikonia: steam is gaining pace, rapidly16:39
ikoniaI don't believe it is16:40
Praxisteam is yes, but the majority of the triple A titles, or most popular games are not16:40
ikoniait's pretty much non-existant16:40
bobRossi have looked at a few sites and it seems linux firewalls are a little out of my skillset16:40
ikoniaso building a gaming PC for the native platform of the game you want is more advisable then trying to build a gaming PC for linux then making games work in wrappers like wine16:40
Praxihave more games through steam on my mac than my linux box amazingly16:41
gqgunhedbobRoss: for firewall, get started with "man ufw". Or just "sudo ufw status" to check and "sudo ufw enable" to enable.16:41
jose__me rocordais por favor como puedo volver a hablar en español?16:41
ikonia!es | jose__16:41
ubottujose__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:41
biledemonbobRoss: or you could check out gufw if you want a GUI16:41
gqgunhedbobRoss: "man" are your onboard manuals. "man man" for more details. "man -k [keyword]" to search manpages for a given keyword.16:42
bobRossthank you cool didnt know about man16:43
=== whirlpool is now known as leeve
biledemonbobo69: anti-virus isn't needed on linux.16:46
bobRossno antivirus really?16:47
gqgunhedbobRoss: this is why you will sometimes receive an RTFM (read the fine manual) instead of an answer ;-)16:47
bobRosslol rtfm16:47
ifellasleepfine is a more delicate way to put it :P16:47
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus16:48
gqgunhedifellasleep: I know ;-)16:48
SchrodingersScat!info clamav | bobRoss, you can, but normally it's to protect others.  If you use trusted software sources then malicious software generally fades away.16:48
ubottubobRoss, you can, but normally it's to protect others. If you use trusted software sources then malicious software generally fades away.: clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.1+dfsg-4ubuntu1.1 (trusty), package size 78 kB, installed size 599 kB16:48
gqgunhedbobRoss: You can use "apt-cache search [keyword]" to search to package database for matching packages. E.g. "apt-cache search antivirus"16:49
ActionParsnipbobRoss: unless you are running a file server with windows clients, or a mail server, it's not needed16:49
gqgunhedbobRoss: "sudo apt-get install [packagename]" to install16:50
* gqgunhed agrees to ActionParsnip16:50
jose__por favor para hablar en español de nuevo16:53
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:53
jose__join #ubuntu-es16:54
biledemonjose__: "/join #ubuntu-es"16:56
bobRossok so i am safe with no antivirus16:57
ActionParsnipbobRoss: yes16:59
ActionParsnipbobRoss: the user model protects the OS as long as you use the OS as user and not log in as root (this is disabled by default in Ubuntu)17:00
bobRosswow. I didnt know that17:03
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gqgunhedbobRoss: So malware (e.g. from browser) can only access/modify files that your user account has write-access to. For example.17:04
bobRossthat is nice. i dont do a lot of downloading etc other than installing software. I really love the app center in ubuntu so i havent looked outside of it for software17:05
bobRossi think i have my browser locked down pretty well. firefox esr with adblock+, wot, torbutton, noscript etc17:06
apostolishi.i am new17:07
bobRossyou guys have been a huge help17:08
bobRossthanx for all the command line tips. ive got some rtfming to do17:08
gqgunhedYou're welcome :-) If you're willing to learn you will find a whole new world so to speak.17:09
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fernando_what do you?17:09
gqgunhedsorry, last answer was directed to bobRoss17:10
phelixWould anyone have an idea why when ever I do anything that makes my system work like type or move a window or a drop down or something of that nature it causes my sound to chop17:10
bobRossthe only thing im not sure i like yet is the ubuntu desktop. it feels very busy to me but im sure ill get used to it.17:10
gluesniffmonkeyWhy would a cd-r not appear on an apple imac slot opening DVD drive while it is fully visible to an external usb DVD drive?17:11
gqgunhedphelix: try "top" to see what process eats your CPU cycles. Or is your CPU idle and you have hickups?17:12
bobRossthat is not a slam on ubuntu I LOVE how freaking fast and so tiny it is after installing17:12
bobRossmore a slam on my old windows setup17:12
phelixgqgunhed: Well. I am running spotify through wine.. i wonder if that could be the cause? there isn't anything to high in cpu usage running17:13
gqgunhedgluesniffmonkey: Depends on the format used to write the data on the optical medium. Or your imac drive can't read dvd-r (MINUS R)?17:13
plepzzDoes anyone know if a Samsung 830 SSD is considered reliable for server use?17:13
gqgunhedgluesniffmonkey: RockRidge extensions, Joliet, etc.17:13
fernando_any corrupt police?17:13
gluesniffmonkeygqgunhed, burned as iso for installation. It won't boot.17:13
ActionParsnipbobRoss: there are alternatives. You dont have to use Gnome + Compiz + Unity shell17:14
ActionParsnipbobRoss: XFCE is much simpler (and uses fewer resources)17:14
* gqgunhed was slower than ActionParsnip in typing XFCE17:14
ActionParsnipgluesniffmonkey: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? Did you burn as slowly as you could?17:14
Ryan6578Okay, I'm back.17:15
gluesniffmonkeyActionParsnip, I have another cd. I am going to try burning slowly.17:15
ActionParsnipgluesniffmonkey: check the ISO is ok first too17:15
ActionParsnipgluesniffmonkey: you can do this using MD5 testing17:15
gqgunhedphelix: maybe. Haven't tried that combination. Does sound choke when playing local sound files?17:15
bobRosswhen I was researching I saw one ubuntu distro that had xfce as the default but ive already got this installed and all the software i need/want so i dont know if a reinstall of a different distro is worth the trouble17:15
gluesniffmonkeyActionParsnip, I have done an MD5sum17:16
Ryan6578I'm having a problem where when I load something from my flash drive (Ubuntu install, DBAN, etc), whenever I make a keystroke, it "disables" the keyboard. I'm not able to type, etc.17:16
=== mishley is now known as mish
gqgunhedbobRoss: You can install all different desktop environments parallel. Just look them up in the software center. Then choose from your login screen.17:16
ActionParsnipgluesniffmonkey: good17:16
* bobRoss 17:16
Ryan6578And it freezes the Ubuntu install.17:16
ActionParsnipgluesniffmonkey: are you using the default Windows CD burner?17:17
gluesniffmonkeyUbuntu. Brassero17:17
biledemonbobRoss: you don't have to reinstall. You can have multiple desktop environments installed at the same time. Choose which one you want at the login screen. All files are shared17:17
ActionParsnipbobRoss: install the xfce4 package and log off, you can log into either session on the login screen17:17
bobRossreally? does it not screw up the basic setup?17:17
TeltariatHow is everyone managing building and hosting in source control their private tree of Ubuntu packages, if you would prefer not to use Ubuntu's PPA service?17:17
mishhey all, brand new 14.04 install, installed chromium-browser and it won't start, any ideas? it just sits there in unity dock with little ">" arrow next to it, can open tabs etc and see them in right click unity dock menu, however it's like the window just isn't rendering...tried running from cmd line, no errors there to see17:17
ActionParsnipbobRoss: not at all17:18
ActionParsnipmish: try launching it from the terminal, the output may give clues17:18
Ryan6578Anyone know what may be causing my issue?17:18
kittykittyanyone know why the ubuntu backup tool tries to backup the .gvfs and .cache/dconf files? lol17:18
ActionParsnipbobRoss: you can install all the DEs you can get hold of and store, then choose what you want at login17:18
mishActionParsnip: tried that, nothing comes back...I mean it successfully runs but no useful info17:19
bobRossi freakin love ubuntu! :)17:19
ActionParsnipmish: could try renaming the chromium config folder which is in ~/.config then relaunch17:19
ActionParsnipbobRoss: your OS is flexible17:19
kittykittymish, i had that problem with chrome once, i just made a new .desktop file for it17:19
sprungActionParsnip, in your opinion should we be using the Ubuntu Backup Tool or are there better solutions you would recommend?17:20
ActionParsnipsprung: I use a cron'd rsync job. Its as old as the hills17:20
sprungActionParsnip, just curious because you've helped me probably about 20 times now17:20
sprungfair enough17:20
ActionParsnipsprung: its dirty but it works17:20
mishkittykitty: will look into that, thank you17:20
kittykittyIve actually got it ignoring the .gvfs and .config/dconf files but it still says it cant back them up... like... what???17:21
TuxRescuecould somebody tell me how i can find out where the popup window "enter password to unlock your key chain" comes from?17:21
sprungActionParsnip, yep and using the right switches will only do incremental17:21
sprung*differential not incremental17:21
kittykittyActionParsnip, nothing wrong with using deja-dup for ssh backups though right? :P17:21
sprungrsync does ssh, just fyi17:22
ActionParsnipkittykitty: not had to use it but i'd imagine it's fine17:22
kittykittyi like seeing a gui tbh, i know its ubuntu but i have a screen on here :P17:22
kittykittyActionParsnip, any ideas on ignoring .gvfs and .cache/dconf?17:22
ActionParsnipsprung: I just need a copy, just updating the changed files on a USB drive17:22
ActionParsnipkittykitty: could use x forwarding ;)17:23
kittykittylol what ActionParsnip ? :P17:23
SchrodingersScat!info grsync | kittykitty17:23
ubottukittykitty: grsync (source: grsync): GTK+ frontend for rsync. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4-1 (trusty), package size 151 kB, installed size 661 kB17:23
ActionParsnipkittykitty:  --exclude /path/to/exclude17:23
kittykittyok :P It doesnt work when you add paths to the ignore list in the gui for some reason... hmmmmm17:24
TuxRescueor the other way around: where did System / Preferences / Passwords and Encryption Keys go?17:25
darkblue_bhi - I have a new 14.04 setup with several hard-disks correctly mounted.. I added a new 3TB disk and did the unthunkable, I hit FORMAT (QUICK) in gnome-disks on the WRONG 3TB disk.. so.. I admit it.. in gparted I chose "attempt data rescue" and let GPART run overnight.. any hints, pages or other info ?17:25
kittykittydarkblue_b, sounds like its all lost tbh17:27
TuxRescuedarkblue_b: there are tools to recover data when you formatted the disk17:29
TuxRescuegparted is not the one i have in mind, hang on17:29
TuxRescuedarkblue_b: what partition type it was?17:30
darkblue_byeah good question.. I suspect it was bsd17:30
darkblue_bkittykitty I have a habit of keeping a text file of `ls -lR` for big disks.. not up to date, but I just looked and I do have a listing like that for this drive17:31
darkblue_bso the GPART output is not very useful ?17:32
TuxRescuedont write to it and use Testdisk is my suggestion17:33
darkblue_bok.. thx17:33
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
ActionParsnipdarkblue_b: use your backups.....17:44
darkblue_bActionParsnip: gparted is not able to do anything constructve?17:44
ActionParsnipdarkblue_b: you could use foremost in a liveCD to maybe recover the data.17:45
darkblue_b"foremost" ?17:45
OerHeksGparted with a 3Tb disk?17:47
OerHeksGparted cannot handle GPT AFAIK17:47
darkblue_bhm ok17:47
Ryan6578I'm having a problem where when I load something from my flash drive (Ubuntu install, DBAN, etc), whenever I make a keystroke, it "disables" the keyboard. I'm not able to type, etc.17:48
Ryan6578And it freezes the Ubuntu install.17:48
ActionParsnipdarkblue_b: why would size a factor in any way?17:48
darkblue_bthe last time I tried the Knoppix cd/dvd it wasnt all that great, actually.. looking again now17:48
darkblue_bActionParsnip: I am not an expert at disk formats, but there is a hard limit of 2TB with some disk setups17:49
DaekdroomHello. I'm having an issue that the GRUB bootloader is no longer working. I have both Windows 7 and Ubuntu 14.04 installed but when I open GParted through the LiveUSB, it recognizes my linux partitions (/ and /home) as unnalocated space. Is there anything I can do?17:49
darkblue_bthis is a single partition with ext417:49
ikoniaDaekdroom: are they encypted ?17:50
Daekdroomikonia: nope.17:50
ActionParsnipdarkblue_b: never seen that in my life.....probably a really old BIOS.....17:50
ikoniathat's odd17:50
JustSighDudesCan I ask about putty here?17:50
darkblue_bActionParsnip: you are confusing a few things.. BIOS is not the source of this17:50
ActionParsnipdarkblue_b: why do you not have backups?17:51
darkblue_bI have extensive backups17:51
bobRossi second the need for putty info17:51
darkblue_bI suggest putty be put to a merciful death17:51
ActionParsnipdarkblue_b: then just restore the data from backup, simples17:52
Kartagisdarkblue_b: how are windows guys supposed to connect to *nix then?17:53
ActionParsnipJustSighDudes: yes, if it is te version for ubuntu from the ubuntu repos17:53
ActionParsnipJustSighDudes: you can easily ssh from a terminal, not sure why putty is really needed in Linux...17:53
darkblue_byes,the Ubuntu version of putty is a good topic, agree!17:53
ActionParsnipJustSighDudes: what is your issue?17:55
skinuxI know it's unofficial, but does NetFlix-Desktop have only a custom browser now or is that an old version?17:55
ActionParsnipskinux: I'd contact the PPA maintainer17:55
TeraJLi've download the firmware update for my SSD but it has only an exe, is there any way to install it trough linux?17:57
JustSighDudesActionParsnip: No. I have putty on my work (windows computer). I want it to open links in my local browser instead of w3m when using newsbeuter17:57
ikoniaputty doesn't open links in external applications17:57
ikoniaputty has nothing to do with opening links17:57
NthDegreeTeraJL, most likely no17:59
NthDegreeTeraJL, if it supports XP there's Hiren's Boot CD17:59
NthDegreethat lets you boot to a minimalist Live XP17:59
OerHeksNthDegree, hirens is illegal, so offtopic in #ubuntu18:00
NthDegreeOerHeks, ah, my bad.18:00
OerHeksbetter suggest freedos ;-)18:01
NthDegreeOerHeks, if it's Windows-only, FreeDOS won't work. But there is always Windows Hyper-V server18:01
NthDegreethey gave away 2008 free of charge18:01
NthDegreethrow it on an External HDD and then it's a free, legal Windows18:01
NthDegreeOerHeks, in an ideal world, I'd say camp outside the corporate office of the SSD vendor until they make a way to update under Linux ;-p18:02
OerHeksFor a small number of machines, here is a howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate maybe that ssd.exe can be handled like HP section18:04
darkblue_bJustSighDudes: get a virtual machine setup on your very powerful windows box, install Ubuntu, enjoy18:06
=== Gabi- is now known as Gabriel
=== Gabriel is now known as 1JTAAKG57
ikoniajhutchins: yeah, something wrong with his setup there18:10
jhutchinsLooks like a non-standard prompt too.18:11
* deb netsplit rcks!18:11
afidegnumikonia: I had a website installed which I want it to run on nginx18:11
ikoniaafidegnum: ok, so stop apache, move the content to nginx, start nginx18:12
bubble_beamcan i install a kubuntu over a ubuntu . .both are of the same release (14.04)18:12
afidegnum???? I dont get that part please18:12
ikoniabubble_beam: yes18:12
afidegnummeaning there is a differnt folder for nginx server?18:12
afidegnumI mean different web folder ?18:12
bubble_beamikonia, i wont lose the files right/?18:12
ikoniaafidegnum: stop apache, copy the content to the nginx web root, start nginx18:12
ikoniabubble_beam: if you re-install over the top, yes you will18:13
ikoniabubble_beam: if you install the kubuntu-desktop package in your ubuntu install, no it won't18:13
bubble_beamikonia, so what should i be doing?18:13
afidegnumikonia: another reminder, there are many web folder for different domains18:13
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ikoniaso ?18:13
afidegnumI just want to configure about 2 of them18:13
bubble_beamikonia, i installed kubuntu-desktop package. and  I accidently purged a lot of things. now the desktop doesnt appear fully18:13
afidegnumto use nginx and the rest can use apache18:13
ikoniaafidegnum: you can't - you can't run two web servers at the same tim eon the same port18:13
ikoniabubble_beam: then re-install kubuntu-desktop and it will re-pull in the dependencies18:14
afidegnumlike domain1.com will be on apache and domain2.com will be on nginx18:14
ikoniaafidegnum: can't do that18:14
geniiafidegnum: The problem with that is that there's only one port 8018:14
bubble_beami tried that ikonia , but it doesnt work18:14
ikoniabubble_beam: it does18:14
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* darkblue_b makes some progress with Testdisk18:15
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JamesMc_Tech question about Ubuntu. Any utility or app that support S.M.A.R.T. drives?18:16
ikoniaJamesMc_: smart is the app18:16
ikoniaapt-get --reinstall install $package should work, keep an eye on if it pulls in the dependencies18:16
ikoniabubble_beam: here is an interesting read I just found on it http://askubuntu.com/questions/275719/reinstall-package-and-its-installed-dependencies18:16
bubble_beamikonia, thanks . lemme try18:17
bubble_beamikonia, it doesnt work18:19
ikoniawhat doesn't18:19
bubble_beamikonia, reinsatll18:20
ikoniabubble_beam: did you read/follow the page I sent you ?18:20
afidegnumikonia: genii  what about using proxies?18:20
ikoniaafidegnum: why do you want to move 1 site to a different web application18:21
ikoniaafidegnum: it sounds like you're making a very complex situation, what is the reason for this ?18:21
JamesMc_Thanks ikonia18:21
Sunstream|Ubu14Who here was helping me with Ubuntu earlier18:21
bubble_beamikonia, its showing unmet dependencies18:21
afidegnumikonia: I am installing a web application on apache which seems to be very slow as well as lot of timeout18:21
afidegnumso I am thinking of a faster web server  hence thinking of using nginx18:22
bubble_beamcan i reinstall ubuntu without losing just my data , ikonia ?18:22
geniiafidegnum: Conceivably you may be able to do something with a custom xinetd which directs incoming to whichever httpd is appropriate. But I wouldn't be much help for assisting with that, years since I tinkered with inetd/xinetd18:22
ikoniaafidegnum: right, so why don't you debug that rather than make a terrible setup that you appear unable to manage18:22
GumaI was wondering. 14.04 Desktop I changes one of interface to static IP. This was done System Settings -> Network. After reboots it all works great but /etc/network/interfaces does not have my changes. Is there another place where such changes are stored?18:22
afidegnumI tuned my database configuration, even installed mariadb with TokuDB storage engine18:23
afidegnumI even tuned keepalive on apache18:23
afidegnumbut it still didn't help18:23
ikoniaafidegnum: so where is the performance being blocked ?18:23
Picigenii: The normal way of doing this is to use apache/nginx/whatever to reverse proxy certain requests to other internal web servers.18:24
geniiPici: Ah, OK. Haven't had to learn about that yet.18:24
afidegnumikonia: frankly, I don't know I tried all my best but I suspect the applicaiton heavinness is also making this up18:25
bubble_beamikonia, thanks i got it :)18:25
afidegnumso i am thinking of using nginx18:25
ikoniaafidegnum: ok, so if you don't know, making a more complex process (when you don't understand it) for no reason is not a wise move18:25
afidegnumbut the fact is many reported performance benefits using nginx18:26
ikoniaafidegnum: you're just being blind, if you want to do this, carry out18:27
ikoniaI strongly advise against it18:27
afidegnumok, what do you suggest?18:27
hsnopiubuntu 10. in rc2.d I have calls to init.d services. specifically apache and tomcat. they do not start on boot. they do start manually when calling directly in init.d. Adding | tee out.txt to all echo command reveals that on boot the "stop" command is being called (echo $1) as opposed to start. no idea what calls the files in rc2.d. help?18:29
lizard__hey.. can someone direct me to the steam channel?18:29
sprunglizard__, #steamlug18:29
geniilizard__: #ubuntu-steam18:29
sprungeither or18:29
sprungor both18:30
hsnopirc-sysinit.conf is set to default runlevel of 2. but the processes aren't starting18:31
hsnopii see no errors in syslog or the specific application logs18:31
lizard__im having a problem with opengl not using direct rendering with steam18:32
hsnopiupstart is being used so it should be calling the rc*.d files as well. which is does but ti seems to send in stop as an arg on boot.18:32
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lizard__here's my glxinfo: http://pastebin.com/BP96mcjM ... and here's the error i get from steam when i launch it and when i try to run a game that needs opengl direct rendering http://pastebin.com/K9ZvpJG718:37
m2khey there18:38
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=== ubuntu is now known as Guest2321
airstrikehi. i tried setting up a git server on my computer, but i set it up so that user foo owns the repo. so cloning foo@domain:repo.git works, but i want it to be git@. how can i change that?18:44
mustmodifyHow can I move a running process to tmux? I was thinking something like ^z; tmux; fg but it's a different PID so that probably won't work.18:45
mustmodifyairstrike: create user git18:45
mustmodifyand have that user own it18:45
jkhlhow can I install a program to be used from the terminal (as programs in /usr/local/bin ? if I have the binaries, do I just put them in there (/usr/local/bin/) ?18:48
jkhlthe program didn't include a make file18:48
mustmodifyjkhl: anywhere in the path will do. You may need to chmod +x /path/to/binary if it isn't already set.18:49
Beldarjkhl, Have you checked the ubuntu repos for this mystery app?18:49
jkhlBeldar: its a parts of speech tagger, probably not there, but how should I check?18:52
Beldarjkhl, If it has a name you have several ways to look.18:52
bluezoneDo all debian-based systems have gnome-terminal OR xterm installed by default?18:53
airstrikemustmodify: i had to move repo.git to /home/git18:53
jkhlBeldar: what is the most common way I can check in lubuntu?18:53
StreuselI'm stuck with an issue, I got a directory structure of foo/foo/bar/foobar, how to I move the last 3 folder 1 up?18:53
SchrodingersScatjkhl: could try a 'apt-cache search package-name'18:54
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Beldarjkhl, I have asked this as in 7 years of using linux, I have rarely had to install out if the repos, but that is my experience is all. When  ask this question 75% or more had no clue that it was in the repo.18:56
joseph07Using 12.04 64 bit I recently started having issues playing youtube videos in both chromium and firefox. Video plays for a few moments without audio and then the tab freezes (firefox dies). Possibly useful info is that chromium reports libGL error: open uki failed (Operation not permitted)19:00
hsnopioffhand, is there an ubuntu server chatroom?19:04
Picihsnopi: #ubuntu-server, oddly enough ;)19:05
hsnopiman, that would have been a rough guess19:05
Fuchshsnopi: just in general for future searches: you can search for channels with alis, see /msg alis help list. /msg alis list *searchterm* looks for channel names containing searchterm. /msg alis list * -topic *searchterm* looks for channel topics containing searchterm.19:09
hsnopiFuchs: goo to know. thanks:)19:09
Fuchsyou're welcome :)19:09
juliohmI have a USB card similar to this one: http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v3/505933490_1/DIY-Blank-Plastic-font-b-Credit-b-font-font-b-Card-b-font-Size-2GB-4GB.jpg19:12
juliohmThe device appears as /dev/sdc on the system, I've created a rule for it under rule.d/, but I'm not able to mount it.19:12
juliohmWhat can be the source of the issue? I'm out of ideas19:13
MarcNjuliohm, it is probably formatted as vfat all on /dev/sda (not the usual /dev/sda1).  Try from the commandline:   sudo mount /dev/sdc /mnt19:14
jasabellaso my understanding of the release cycle is that packages you install with apt-get will be the same version as those found on your distribution version's iso, just with updates from ubuntu?19:15
juliohmMarcN, it's exactly that command that doesn't work19:15
juliohmmount: no medium found on /dev/sdc19:15
MarcNjuliohm, for debugging also try:   sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc19:15
MarcNjuliohm, what does cat /proc/partitions says?  Maybe it isn't /dev/sdc19:16
juliohmMarcN, no output for fdisk19:16
MarcNjuliohm, info also found in "dmesg"19:16
juliohmlet me check /proc/partitions19:16
juliohmMarcN, it's not listed in /proc/partitions19:16
MarcNjuliohm, I had one similar from some tradeshow swag once.19:16
MarcNjuliohm, unplug it.  plug it back and then do dmesg19:17
juliohmyes, this card was from an event my advisor went to19:17
juliohmI did it already, let me check it again19:17
l_h_o_uXubuntu 14.04, i find a file in home "Core". I removed it but he comeback everytime. Thanks :)19:18
juliohmMarcN, dmesg output: http://pastebin.com/MF6RsiST19:18
juliohmThe udev rule I've tried is...19:19
juliohmSUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="090c", MODE="0666"19:19
juliohmAs this is the idVendor showing on dmesg19:19
MarcNjuliohm, should be /dev/sdc19:19
juliohmand the file is create in /dev19:19
juliohmI can ls /dev19:20
juliohmand it's there19:20
juliohmI just can't mount it19:20
MarcNjuliohm, and what about      sudo fdisk /dev/sdc        show?19:20
juliohmMarcN, fdisk: unable to open /dev/sdc: No medium found19:20
MarcNjuliohm,  I've never had to muck with udev for mass storage devices19:20
juliohmMarcN, I did played with udev for my cell phones19:21
juliohmIt worked for two phones I had19:21
MarcNjuliohm, hmm.  yeah for MTP phones and android hacking...19:21
juliohmThis is the official channel for Ubuntu users?19:22
juliohmIt's so low traffic, it's strange19:22
OerHeksl_h_o_u, that file named core, is a coredump for Apport > https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1061619:22
dj_Anybody using dropbox in ubuntu here?19:22
daftykinsjuliohm: hah, that's probably more down to freenode having issues today. it does get manic in here 24/719:23
MarcNjuliohm, hmm, I've had USB disk present as both a CD and a HD.  Both /dev/sr1 and /dev/sdx showed up when plugged in.  Are there other unknown /dev/ devices?19:23
juliohmMarcN, let me check...19:23
MarcNjuliohm, anything show up on the side of nautilus filemanager when plug in/out?19:23
dj_Why does dropbox ask me to restart nautilus?19:24
MarcNjuliohm, trick:     ls /dev/* > x.x ; plug in the device; ls /dev/*  > y.y ; diff x.x y.y19:24
juliohmMarcN, I'm actually running KDE19:24
juliohmlet me do the diff trick19:24
dj_anyone know Why does dropbox ask me to restart nautilus?19:25
OerHeksdj_, after install ?19:25
dj_after turning on the computer19:25
MarcNdj_, probably reload some shared library19:25
dj_So is it normal?19:26
juliohmMarcN, sg3 is also created when I plug the card19:26
MarcNdj_, should be one time needed (until dropbox upgrades again)19:26
MarcNjuliohm, try mounting that.  May be read only19:26
juliohmlet me see...19:26
dj_MarcN: Thanks19:26
bekksMarcN: srX indicates a read only device, not a cdrom in particular.19:26
n1n0installing gdm on 14.04 disabled the ubuntu load19:27
juliohmMarcN, mount: /dev/sg3 is not a block device19:27
Poultraallo toi19:27
n1n0had this problem with 13.10: http://askubuntu.com/questions/223501/ubuntu-gets-stuck-in-a-login-loop19:27
n1n0and also now on 1419:27
n1n0yet, in 13 after gdm installation, could access, now no19:28
cipher___I'm running ubuntu server and connecting from windows via ssh. It seems the more data streamed the quicker the connection fails. (forwarding x11 takes seconds), editing files minutes, idling: hours.19:28
juliohmMarcN, the strange thing is that this device is also being recognized on Windows as if it was a fast storage device19:28
cipher___well, tens of minutes19:28
juliohmMarcN, I used it in the past as a simple pendrive19:28
cipher___It seems to be a software issue, not the network19:28
juliohmMarcN, it worked fine without these fast access interface Windows is trying to use19:28
juliohmnot today19:29
MarcNjuliohm, strange.  It should work...19:29
Beldar!english | Poultra19:29
ubottuPoultra: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList19:29
Poultraunbunrtui is french ?19:29
cipher___Wes hāl?19:30
Poultraubottu is french music-me ok?19:30
ubottuPoultra: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:30
juliohmthanks for the help MarcN19:30
juliohmI'll simply try another card in the future, it may be a hardware issue too19:30
Beldar!fr | Poultra19:30
ubottuPoultra: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:30
PoultraI Am drink intel:ligetnr19:30
dj_My youtube videos does not play as smoothly as in windows, does anyone have a similiar problem?19:31
dj_Is it the flash player or the video card driver?19:31
cipher___dj_ do you have accelerated graphics enabled?19:31
cipher___dj_: try switching to the html5 player instead, too19:32
dj_cipher___, I dont know how to do that. Sorry I am new to ubuntu19:32
Poultrame 197019:32
Poultraok cipher19:32
dj_cipher____ how  do you turn on the accelerated graphics?19:32
dj_yeah poultra19:33
Poultrai am french19:33
Poultradj_ ca va19:33
dj_Poultra, So?19:33
Poultrasoy logique19:33
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:34
Poultray tu dj19:34
bekksPoultra: Do you have a specific ubuntu support question?19:34
alesanhey how can I disable ALL special visual effects?19:34
cipher___I do19:34
Poultrai have 4419:35
Poultrano i have support19:35
=== Le is now known as Lekemite
Beldaralesan, What release and desktop?19:35
alesanBeldar, normal ubuntu 14.0419:35
alesanas it comes on the CD19:35
bekksPoultra: So start asking an ubuntu related support question pleasae.19:36
Beldaralesan, Thanks just pertinent info for help. ;)19:36
alesanBeldar, what do you mean? I just installed, I have not changed the desktop or anything19:36
Poultrawhat is becaome19:36
pete___need help19:36
alesanI just want the visual effects to be gone forever19:36
Poultraa supporter quesrtion19:36
pete___my login pass word19:37
gas-shoje suis une petit singe avec une penis poilu et je deteste la fromage!19:37
bekks!ops | gas-sho19:37
ubottugas-sho: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!19:37
Beldaralesan, What I meant was there are multiple desktops, and releases, and we never know if the use says ubuntu that they are using unity, details are the key here.19:37
gas-shoi shall english19:37
gas-shohey bekk dont be mean19:37
NGC3982I shallt English, me fair maiden!19:38
bekksgas-sho: So watch your language please.19:38
pete___i have forgot it is there any way i can log in19:38
MarcNpete___, you have physical access to the system? Is the disk unencrypted?19:39
alesanBeldar, how do I find out?19:39
Beldarpete___, You can reset the password in a recovery root shell.19:39
alesanI am normally a KDE user, I installed this 32bit Ubuntu on a virtual machine for some reason, how can I disable the visual effects when I open a window?19:39
pete___ok can u help me with that19:39
Beldaralesan, Not sure I have not used unity for awhile19:39
Beldarpete___, http://askubuntu.com/questions/24006/how-do-i-reset-a-lost-administrative-password19:40
Beldarpete___, Do not plead, this info is all over the wen.19:41
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Frizziero77hi all, guys19:58
Frizziero77anybody available for a little question?19:59
Frizziero77i have Ubuntu 14.04LTS 64bits installes, but i need to pass to the 32bits version20:00
Frizziero77is it possible to do that using do-release-upgrade command?20:00
Frizziero77anybody there?20:03
IdleOneFrizziero77: no, you must reinstall if you want to use 32bit version20:03
Frizziero77oh, thanks IdleOne.... i'd like to avoid to download and burna disk for this operation.... too bad :(20:04
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jhutchinsWhat tool(s) is/are used in 14.04 to control daemon startup?20:13
aarcanejhutchins, upstart + service20:16
aarcanejhutchins, the release was getting prepped too soon to switch to systemd20:17
jhutchinsaarcane: What do I use instead of chkconfig?20:18
jhutchinsaarcane: ...or rcconf?  I installed sshd, but it wasn't in the list of Services in the GUI config menu, so I couldn't turn it off from there.20:19
aarcaneI've heard of chkconfig, but never used it.  it's an archaic and barbaric tool.  You'll have to either ask someone else (they'll respond soon enough if they know) or be more specific20:19
aarcanetry service sshd stop; or service ssh stop;20:19
jhutchinsaarcane: chkconfig manages the symlinks in the rc?.d directories to enable/disable dameon start/stop in various runlevels.20:20
jhutchinsaarcane: I don't mean start/stop, I mean enable/disable at start/stop.20:20
jhutchinsaarcane: I'm not sure what tool to use with upstart.20:21
* jhutchins ibeing dragged kicking ans screaming into the 21st century.20:22
ThatGuyhow to I stop xubuntu starting when I turn on my server20:22
ThatGuyI installd to use when I need a Graphics internface20:22
aarcanejhutchins, I haven't done it in a while, but this article from google looks right:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/19320/how-to-enable-or-disable-services20:22
k1l_!text | ThatGuy20:23
ubottuThatGuy: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode20:23
jhutchinsThatGuy: figure out whether you have lightdm, gdm, xdm or whatever, use the article above to disable it.  Start/stop manually with the service command as required.20:23
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ThatGuythanks jhutchins20:24
aarcaneI miss the olden days of well established runlevels :(20:26
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jhutchinsaarcane: The RH branch still uses 'em.20:37
aarcanejhutchins, the rh people also still use RPM.  There's olden days, and then there's barbaric.20:38
junkmechanic_hi...i tried installing ubuntu with dual boot on an efi ...20:39
junkmechanic_as it turns out i forgot to install the grub on the efi partition...20:39
junkmechanic_so then with a live cd session i tried boot-repair...it finally said "an error occured"20:39
junkmechanic_i have the pastefile...20:40
halberddo you truly have the pastefile20:40
junkmechanic_should i share the paste file?20:41
junkmechanic_oh yes...why would you say that.. :D20:41
alazyworkaholicI need a little bash shell help. I recovered files and they're mixed with useless ones in many folders. I want to delete all image files less than a certain number of pixels. I found this command which will list the files.             find . -iname "*.jpg" -type f | xargs -I{} identify -format '%w %h %i' {} | awk '{if ($1<300 || $2<300) print $line}'20:44
alazyworkaholic             How to I adjust it to move the files to a temporary directory for inspection before deletion?20:44
junkmechanic_halberd, any help?20:44
alazyworkaholicAnyone proficient with BASH here?20:48
junkmechanic_alazyworkaholic, is bash a necessity? i would suggest python scripting20:49
SchrodingersScatalazyworkaholic: try stating your problem, someone might know, there is also #bash20:49
SchrodingersScatoh, you did20:49
junkmechanic_you can use os.walk() and then simple conditions for checking the size of the file...no biggie20:50
aarcanewhat's the ubuntu way to purge ubuntu host ssh keys for reimaging a system?20:51
alazyworkaholicjunkmechanic: no, not necessary at all. Suggested bash because I have a command that does most of the job, but I'm not a programmer. (Working through python at CodeAcademy, but not there yet).20:51
alazyworkaholicAnyway, if someone knows how to pipe the command I wrote to mv "cmd_output", I'd much appreciate it.20:54
junkmechanic_guys...anyone up to glance at my grub install error pastebin ?20:54
tolokoban_@alazyworkaholic if you just need to move file that have less that a number of bytes, you can use this :20:54
tolokoban_find . -name '*.jpg' -type f -size -1024c20:54
tolokoban_The c suffix is for bytes.20:55
tolokoban_You can move such files like this :20:55
alazyworkaholictolokoban: thanks, but it's actually important for me to do it by image dimension. And where in your command is the move-to direcotry?20:56
tolokoban_find . -name '*.jpg' -type f -size -1024c -exec mv {} ../garbage \;20:56
alazyworkaholicThis will find the files. I just don't know how to delete them: find . -iname "*.jpg" -type f | xargs -I{} identify -format '%w %h %i' {} | awk '{if ($1<300 || $2<300) print $3}'20:56
alazyworkaholicor move them20:56
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alazyworkaholictolokoban: ok, I have very little idea of how to use bash, but do you think if I take that last bit of your command and add it to mine, it would work?20:58
alazyworkaholicfind . -iname "*.jpg" -type f | xargs -I{} identify -format '%w %h %i' {} | awk '{if ($1<300 || $2<300) print $3}' -exec mv {} ../garbage \;20:58
alazyworkaholictried this, but no good:21:01
alazyworkaholic~/Desktop/RECOVERY ARCHIVE/IMAGES$ find . -iname "*.jpg" -type f | xargs -I{} identify -format '%w %h %i' {} | awk '{if ($1<300 || $2<300) print $3}' -exec mv {} ../garbage \;21:01
alazyworkaholicawk: cannot open -exec (No such file or directory)21:01
alazyworkaholicxargs: identify: terminated by signal 1321:01
jkhlwhen I try to extract a file which extracts correctly in windows, an apparently randomly named empty folder is created21:02
jkhlin lubuntu21:02
jkhl(and the files are nowhere to be found after the extraction 'completes')21:02
tolokoban_@alazy... Your command is perfect. Just add this to the end and you will have what you are looking for :21:04
tolokoban_ | xargs -I{} mv {} tmp/21:04
netametais there a way to increase the lines showned in putty i mean i am at a point where the output of some code is bigger then my scroll screen - my question is there a way to increase that ?21:05
netametahow ?21:07
Kartagiswhy would sudo service smbd start say failed to start?21:07
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netametafuuqumist thanks found21:10
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jhutchinsKartagis:  Because the service failed to start.21:16
jhutchinsKartagis: You might try testparm to see if your config is ok.21:17
Kartagisjhutchins: nothing in the logs, testparm says config file is okay21:17
=== Bashing-1m is now known as Bashing-om
bonez2046I need help transferring data from one machine (fyrenice over to another machine (knecht What's the best tool to get this done?21:21
halberdwhy not just transfer them on a flash drive?21:22
Kartagisbonez2046: rsync21:22
bonez2046Kartagis: ok, can you point me to a tutorial?21:23
bonez2046or is it pretty simple?21:23
Kartagisman rsync21:23
phelixAnyone know how i would go about getting the workspaces in the top bar at the top of the screen? instead of in the launcher bar? that make any sense21:33
ObrienDaveKartagis, or Grsync for a gui frontend21:33
ByT3b0N3hey guys, have installed gimp 2.8 from ppa on 12.04 but getting "segmentation fault" (nothing else). could one help?21:35
ByT3b0N3no working solution on internet21:35
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge21:35
chimeracoderdoes anybody know why I might be getting " wlan0: deauthenticating from <MAC> by local choice (reason=3)" even if I have power management off?21:35
holsteinByT3b0N3: i would launch from terminal.. try as the guest user, or another user, or by removing/moving the user config. try the default supported version..21:36
ByT3b0N32.6 works21:36
ByT3b0N3but 2.8 not21:36
holsteinByT3b0N3: well, not 2.8 from that unsupported ppa..21:37
ByT3b0N3which one is supported?21:37
ByT3b0N3for 2.821:37
ByT3b0N3this one i have21:39
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ominomihello. whenever i try to press shift  l, the ctrl r key is also triggered even though i'm not pressing it, and when i press shift r, the ctrl l key is triggered without me actually pressing it.21:43
ominomii can't used the shift key for uppercase letters at all anymore21:43
ominomi*can't use the21:43
JustSighDudesAnyone dual boot on a yoga 2?21:44
ObrienDaveominomi, sounds like new keyboard time21:48
ominomiobriendave i hope not, i havent been using it that long21:50
ominomithis is what it looks like when i run it through the keyboard layout chart. the left shift key is the only one i'm pressing down http://i.imgur.com/kQscujP.png21:50
ObrienDaveominomi, might try changing keyboard layout21:51
ominomiObrienDave, it does that for every layout iäve tried. iäm trying the swedish layout right now21:52
ominomiObrienDave: Okay, I'm using my old worn out IBM keyboard right now. It doesn't seem to have this problem like the Logitech one does.21:55
ominomiIt appears you were right that it is a keyboard-specific problem.21:55
* ObrienDave wonders if you might need a driver?21:56
unholycrabsomeone hath summoned me21:57
unholycrab(\/) ;; (\/)21:57
unholycraband has cowered away21:57
JustSighDudes /join #linux22:12
blade57hi all22:14
blade57im want to know where i can get the apache webserver22:15
k1l_blade57: install the apache package?22:15
blade57where do i get the22:15
blade57thank you by the way22:16
k1l_"sudo apt-get install apache2"22:16
blade57thank you22:16
k1l_!apache | blade5722:16
ubottublade57: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.22:16
MrSendovaYou can also install components separatly but it depends on your needs (eg: do you need php or you will host only static content)22:18
blade57im trying to by pass my fire wall for work so i can stop it from happing22:18
MrSendovablade75: Can you explain more precisely?22:19
blade57i was reading on a form and one person was talking about using apachy and a script22:19
blade57we are having a problem with the dell sonic firewall at my work22:20
blade57me and my IT guy are trying to find ways around it so we can stop it in the future22:20
MrSendovablade57: Sorry I can't help you with that22:20
histoblade57: find ways around what?22:21
blade57where do you think a good chanel would be to help me with that22:21
blade57histo: the dell sonic firewall22:21
babetybooquick question, anyone point me in the direction of how to install google chromoe on lxle?22:21
babetyboofrom terminal?22:21
k1l_babetyboo: ask the lxle support how the recommended way is22:22
MrSendovausing apt-get?22:22
babetybooyeas please22:22
MrSendovayou can install chromium with apt-get22:22
babetyboowhat sudo apt-get googlechrome?22:23
MrSendovababetyboo: Chromium is the open-source version of chrome22:23
yandexrudoes ubotnet work to make winows xp bootable on usb?22:23
babetybooyeah i got that, i want to make use of html5 though?22:23
MrSendovababetyboo: Chromium include those functionnality22:24
MrSendovababetyboo: In fact, all modern browsers do...22:24
babetybooso then what is the best blogging tool for chromium?22:25
babetybooincorporating html522:26
MrSendovababetyboo: what CMS/Blog engine do you use?22:26
babetybooim using wordpress.om but want to customize more22:26
MrSendovababetyboo: What do you want to customize?22:27
babetyboomainly using the html5 templates found here http://html5up.net/22:27
babetybooonce i download the template how do i incorporate it in wordpress?22:28
histoblade57: use a proxy22:28
MrSendovababetyboo: I'm not a wordpress expert but if you want to add wordpress templates you have to find templates made for wordpress. Anyway, if you have more wordpress questions i suggest you to move to #wordpress or go google it22:29
babetybooa proxy app?22:29
k1l_babetyboo: that is not a ubuntu or chromium question, that is a wordpress question22:29
blade57histo: we have most poxy blocked22:29
histoblade57: can you ssh out?22:30
histoblade57: what is it blocking exactly that you are trying to circumvent?22:30
blade57histo: some site but not most22:30
k1l_blade57: i would suggest you talk to your IT department about that22:30
babetybooif you can point me in the riht direction i can take it from there to ssk out22:30
MrSendovablade57: Is using tor an option?22:30
histoblade57: sshuttle is a nice way out.22:31
blade57im working with my IT department but they don't know anything about linux so i told them i would see if i could get passed it using it now that it is gitting more press because of windows 822:31
blade57not to say that a bad thing i love ubuntu22:32
babetyboobingo!  shuttle is the way forward me thinks.  thanks blade22:32
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kingbeowolfI have a software raid how can I improve performance?22:33
blade57histro: what is sshuttle22:34
wolfy1339i'm running server 14.04, and i'd like to enable coloring on the terminal, on debian it was colored by default, any way to change this22:34
histo!info sshuttle | blade5722:35
ubottublade57: sshuttle (source: sshuttle): Transparent proxy server for VPN over SSH. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.54-2 (trusty), package size 46 kB, installed size 192 kB22:35
k1l_kingbeowolf: buy a real raid adapter22:35
babetybooreal raid adapter?  is what?22:36
histowolfy1339: edit your .bashrc  and create an alias for ls pointing to ls --color=auto22:36
kingbeowolfk1l_, got any recommendations ?22:36
kingbeowolfI am using a software raid and i have 4 SSD disks and it isn't as fast as I would like22:36
histowolfy1339: echo 'alias ls='ls --color=auto' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc22:36
k1l_kingbeowolf: no. but am sure the #ubuntu-offtopic will have recommendations if you explain your setup there22:37
histowolfy1339: echo 'alias ls='ls --color=auto'' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc       <<< corrected typo22:37
histokingbeowolf: software raid is not as fast as a raid controller. What type of raid do you have?22:37
kcdehimposterHey guys I have a problem.  I just installed gnome, and didn't like it, so when I went to go uninstall it (I am on Ubuntu 13.10), it didn't go through all the way.  I am now try to run ubuntu, but it is very glitchy, I can't see my desktop and such.  I can't find anything that will fix my problem.  I'd really appreciate some help so I can get back to the steam summer sale :)22:38
kingbeowolfhisto, raid 022:38
MrSendovakcdeh: What desktop manager do you want to replace gnome with?22:38
histokcdehimposter: what do you mean you can't see your desktop?  what happens when you login?22:38
histokingbeowolf: By what means are you measuring speed?22:39
blade57histo: thank you i well try that and see what it dose thank you all for all you help i well be back on to tell if it worked22:40
kcdehimposterMrSendova: I want to replace gnome with unity again22:40
wolfy1339ok, i checked out a post on askubuntu and they had TERM=xterm-color and mine is TERM=cygwin, how do i change that22:40
kcdehimposteror whatever the default ubuntu de was22:40
k1l_kcdehimposter: how did you install gnome?22:41
MrSendova kcdehimposter: do ctrl-alt-f2 and then login into the terminal. Then, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:41
kingbeowolfhisto, gnome disk utility using the benchmark funciton22:41
kcdehimposterOk I will try that, but I followed this link :http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/12/upgrade-gnome-3-10-ubuntu-13-1022:41
kcdehimposterBut the uninstall part didn't work for me22:41
marknewHow do I disable GRUB.  I don't need it.22:41
k1l_!ppapurge | kcdehimposter22:42
ubottukcdehimposter: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:42
k1l_marknew: do you have a bootloader besides grub?22:42
histomarknew: what are you going to use in place of it?22:42
kcdehimposterkil_: I tried ppa purge, and it doesn't work :(22:42
k1l_kcdehimposter: please put all that into a pastebin so we can see "what" is not working22:43
marknewNothing.  I just want the computer to boot into Ubuntu when I turn on the power.22:43
CooLBALLim stuck with ubuntu installing kernel source22:43
CooLBALLhow long does it take?22:43
marknewI have replaced Windows.22:43
marknewwith Ubuntu.22:43
histomarknew: well you need grub then22:43
k1l_marknew: then set the timeout to 0. but if ubuntu is the only install it should not display grub22:44
CooLBALLhow long can the installer take on kernel source?22:44
k1l_marknew: or run a "sudo update-grub" that will renew the grub menue and make ubuntu the nr.122:44
marknewIt displayed GRUB because there was bootloader information for Windows on a second hard drive.22:44
histomarknew: remove the windows entry and timeout and regenerate your grub.cfg22:45
marknewIt was placed in a "System Reserved" partition on the second drive.22:45
CooLBALLplease i am bugging out22:45
wolfy1339i checked out a post on askubuntu and they had TERM=xterm-color and mine is TERM=cygwin, how do i change that? Ubuntu Server 14.04, i added the alias ls for ls --color, uncommented the line with force22:45
k1l_marknew: you need grub for booting.22:45
marknewHow do I remove the Windows entry from GRUB?  I'm very new to Linux.22:45
wolfy1339*force_colors yes22:45
CooLBALL /boot/grub.conf22:46
k1l_marknew: run "sudo update-grub" that will write the new grub table and if windows is deleted from the disk it will scratch that22:46
kingbeowolfhisto, gnome disk utility using the benchmark funciton22:46
marknewThanks.  Is it safe to remove the "System Reserved" partition from the second hard drive?22:47
kcdehimposterkil_: Here is a paste of what happens when I try to do the uninstall: http://pastebin.com/PsL3Me6e22:47
histok1l_: is os-prober enabled by default after installing?22:47
histokingbeowolf: what sort of result are you getting and what are you expecting?22:47
CooLBALLi am bugging out please help me should  the installer take 20 minutes on something kernel source?22:47
daftykinsmarknew: you don't want to boot Windows anymore?22:47
daftykinsthen that partition can go, yes - as long as GRUB isn't installed there22:48
k1l_histo: yes22:48
marknewHow would I know that?22:48
daftykinspull the disk... does the other boot? :D22:48
histomarknew: how would you know what?22:48
rodney77Hi, old Ubuntu install disks I used to use had an option at the beginning where you could install or try ubuntu, or you could boot with these different flags (like nomodeset). I put the 14.04 installer on a USB stick and when I boot from it, it boots straight into the desktop. Is there a way I can still boot with flags?22:48
k1l_kcdehimposter: please show a "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" in a pastebin22:49
marknewOK, I'll try this.  Thanks.22:49
kcdehimposterk1l_: Here you go: http://pastebin.com/470fLhfZ22:50
histo!who | markthomas22:51
ubottumarkthomas: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:51
fmShadowHi I installed 14.04 and also gnome fallback.  It seems I can't add any additional workspaces in the workspace switcher though.  When I try to add workspaces, It always only gives me 1 workspace.  Any ideas?22:51
kingbeowolfhisto, i can't run the test as I am booted into my OS, but last time I ran it I got only about 500MBps22:53
histokingbeowolf: and you're disappointed with that?22:53
markthomashisto, can I help you with something?22:53
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histomarkthomas: wrong hilight22:55
kingbeowolfhisto, with 4 SSD disk yes22:55
histokingbeowolf: http://lucatnt.com/2013/06/improve-software-raid-speed-on-linux/22:58
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histokingbeowolf: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-raid-increase-resync-rebuild-speed.html22:59
k1l_kcdehimposter: try a - instead of the / in the ppa name?23:01
kcdehimposterk1l_: It was unable to find the package23:02
k1l_did you already remove the packages?23:02
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kcdehimposterk1l: How can I check? I don't think I have.23:03
k1l_see the apt log in /var/log23:03
k1l_well, need to leave now, gl23:04
kcdehimposterok thanks23:04
dcrkHello all23:06
dcrkI've installed ubuntu on an encrypted volume with unencryped /boot mounted (dm-crypt with luks). Can someone point me to how I configure the os to prompt me for password on boot?23:07
samlhow can I lxc-create without sudo ?23:07
samlnot as root23:07
marknewIs there a substitute for iTunes in Linux?  I want to sync with my iPod Touch.23:09
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kingsleymarknew: apt-cache search itunes23:09
marknewIs this done in Terminal?23:10
marknewThanks very much. I have 14.04.  I'll give it a try.23:10
histo!ipod | marknew23:11
ubottumarknew: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:11
histosaml: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/lxc.html23:12
samlyup thanks23:12
marknewI had to hurry and copy the above info you provided so I could try this later.  Thanks.23:13
smrtz|nixI'm trying to get upstart to run a bash script as root at boot.  Can someone help me out please?23:19
marknewI have bought and paid for Dashlane, a password manager.  Will it work with Ubuntu 14.04, and if not, what are my alternatives?23:20
ObrienDavemarknew, keepassx23:21
marknewWhat is "keepassx"23:22
daftykinsbased on your question is it not obvious?23:23
marknewSorry, never heard of it.  I'll take a look.23:24
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pavi45how to access windows 8 uefi filesystem from ubuntu live cd ?23:27
Deihmosuefi file system?23:28
Deihmosfat32 partition?23:28
ObrienDaveuefi is more like legacy BIOS23:28
kcdehimposterDoes anyone know how I can switch my primary desktop environment? I think it's set as gnome, but I want to set it back to unity.23:30
ObrienDaveshould be able to select it from the logon screen23:31
kcdehimposterI have it switched partially over to the unity login scren, but I still get the loading gnome screen on startup. Unity is really glitchy and I can't see my desktop.23:32
pavi45Deihmos: I think NTFS , the one which comes default on those windows 8 machines . I had to manually select disable uefi boot and use normal boot to boot via a live usb  . but I cant access the filesystem23:32
cody__A while back I installed xmonad on my xubuntu install and have been using it ever since. I'd like to use xubuntu now though but it isn't working. I try to select it at the login screen and it tries to login then takes me back to the login screen.23:33
cody__I'm guessing maybe I hardcoded xmonad somewhere for some reason, but I'm not sure.23:33
pavi45Deihmos:  also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI tells about how to install ubuntu on uefi mode, but I am not interested in installing , I just wanna access those files from windows , back them up and format the damned windows 8 machine to freshly install ubuntu23:36
daftykinspavi45: what do you want to do with the EFI boot partition?23:37
pavi45daftykins: there are some files in windows C partition , I am not sure if its actually normal NTFS partition as I was unable to access the files.23:39
pavi45or am I getting it all wrong about uefi , windows8 ?23:39
daftykinspavi45: are you trying to backup the Windows install so you can put it back later?23:40
ObrienDaveuefi is more like legacy BIOS not a file system23:41
daftykinsthere are still EFI specific partitions though23:41
pavi45ObrienDave: just one question , if there are EFI partitions can be accessed from ubuntu the normal way ?23:42
daftykinspavi45: tell us what you're trying to do, i think you're confused...23:42
ObrienDavethat i don't know. wife has threatened me if i mess with her 8.1 laptop LOL23:42
ifellasleepI'm very confused o_o23:43
ifellasleeplive in a constant state of it lately23:43
daftykinsifellasleep: that's nice, but also off topic23:43
ObrienDavego back to sleep ;P23:43
pavi45daftykins: my friends damned windows 8 is messed up . I just wanna backup his files and install ubuntu on that machine .23:44
pavi45First thing I wanna do is back up just some documents using the live cd , later I want to deal with the uefi installation issues.23:44
daftykinspavi45: so you should be able to just boot a LiveCD and mount any partition fine23:45
ifellasleeprephrase: ubuntu has left me in a constant state of confusion lately23:45
pavi45daftykins: it gave me some errors while mounting the partitions from live cd.23:46
daftykinspavi45: ok, do you want to share them via pastebin?23:46
FuuqUmiistis it possible to get a WD MyBook external hard drive to work on Ubuntu?23:47
RandomGuy5432perhaps you need a way to run chkdsk first?23:47
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ObrienDaveFuuqUmiist, i have 2 running on Xubuntu23:48
celrocFuuqUmiist: It should be, yes.  I use an external HD in Linux Mint23:48
daftykinsFuuqUmiist: sure.23:48
FuuqUmiistthe hard drive works on windows computers, but not on linux, the hard drive is password protected23:48
FuuqUmiisti think the problem might be the WB software, it only runs on windows23:48
daftykinsFuuqUmiist: oh you're using WD SmartWare to encrypt it, yeah i don't think that's going to happen23:48
prageeth_will it work on wine23:49
celrocFuuqUmiist: Sorry.  I don't use the password protection feature on mine.  I don't have any experience to offer on that one23:49
FuuqUmiistthe wine didn't work, might i should try un updated wine or something23:49
ObrienDaveuse Smartware to decrypt it on windows23:49
daftykinsFuuqUmiist: i would consider it game over, decrypt or it's Windows only23:49
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FuuqUmiisti think before i was able to unlock it with wine23:50
prageeth_why you can't now?23:50
FuuqUmiisti don't know, maybe it was an older version or something23:51
ObrienDaveFuuqUmiist, http://askubuntu.com/questions/285267/how-can-i-get-my-western-digital-hd-to-work23:51
prageeth_i would decrypt my data with windows machine and leave without encrypting againa23:51
prageeth_sry again23:51
FuuqUmiistokay i'll try that out23:51
harryso I remember installing ubuntu with the virtual drive stuff enabled. I got a new sata drive today. How do I raid them?23:52
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prageeth_is anyone know about python celery23:53
daftykinsLVM != RAID23:53
morenoh149prageeth_: what about it?23:53
prageeth_i'm trying to understand how to call  defined tasks from different server23:53
morenoh149daftykins: really? because I asked when I chose that option and ppl told me it would make a soft-raiding much simpler23:53
daftykinsmorenoh149: where are said people? :)23:54
morenoh149prageeth_: I would try #python. seems like an advanced use of python23:55
morenoh149daftykins: the ether ;)23:55
morenoh149pretty sure it was this very channel. but yeah looking up lvm now. seems like a softraid is doable23:56
prageeth_morenoh149 : thanks mate23:57

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