
xubuntu-testerhello everybody, I think that I have found out a bug in Xubuntu 14.0400:05
xubuntu-testerit is related to the point where i have to choose a users password00:05
xubuntu-testerbut maybe i am doing something wrong, so is there anybody who has got some time to help me here?00:06
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adrenaline_xubuntu-tester, cli or gui?00:15
xubuntu-testerwhat does cli mean?00:16
adrenaline_command line00:16
xubuntu-testerwith gui00:16
xubuntu-testerduring the installation process i am choosing a password00:16
adrenaline_Not sure I can help but what is the question?00:16
xubuntu-testerwhen i choose the special character " _ " then its not possible to login00:16
xubuntu-testerit only happens with xubuntu and lubuntu00:17
xubuntu-testerubuntu or linux mint works fine with a password containing the character _00:17
xubuntu-testernow i chose a very short password in xubuntu just to login00:17
xubuntu-testerthen i configured everything how it should be (german language and keyboard input)00:17
xubuntu-testermy inputs work just fine as they shoukd00:17
xubuntu-testerso when i now want to add a new user (with gui) and choose again a password with " _ "00:18
xubuntu-testerthen the login is not possible00:18
xubuntu-testerin this case i chose "123_45" as a test password00:18
xubuntu-testerso when i logg off and try to login with the user2 and the password "123_45" the login is not possible00:19
xubuntu-testerthe same problem appears in lubuntu00:19
xubuntu-testerbut not in ubuntu00:19
adrenaline_try logging in like this for kicks 123\_45 see if that works00:20
xubuntu-testerok, i created a 4th account and used that password00:22
xubuntu-testerfor info: i have a german keyboard layout00:22
xubuntu-testerill now logg of and then come back again00:22
xubuntu-testersee you soon00:22
xubuntu_testerok, im back again. it tells me wrong password, try again00:24
xubuntu_testershall i choose something like 123Abc?00:25
xubuntu_testerim pretty sure that this would work00:26
xubuntu_testereverything works, but not when i use some special characters00:26
xubuntu_testerI know that it never works when i choose " _ "00:26
adrenaline_try that00:30
xubuntu_testeryou mean 123Abc00:30
xubuntu_testerok, im gonna try it with 123Abc00:32
xubuntu_testerinfo: i do it with the gui again. "settings"->"users"->"add"->"username"->password"00:33
xubuntu_testernow i logg off and try it00:33
xubuntu_testerback again00:34
xubuntu_tester123Abc works perfectly00:34
xubuntu_testerso I was able to create a secondary user with that password00:34
xubuntu_testerworks fine00:34
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xubuntu_testerno more suggestions?00:50
xubuntu_testerit only works fine with this simple password 123Abc i would never use00:50
xubuntu_testerbut when it comes to special characters it does not work00:50
xubuntu_testeris it a bug or just something i have to reconfigure?00:51
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adrenaline_sorry at work.00:59
adrenaline_I don't think it is a bug but I couldn't find anything on google about using an _ in a password for xubuntu00:59
adrenaline_try it in  a the cli00:59
adrenaline_useradd test100:59
adrenaline_passwd test100:59
adrenaline_it will prompt you twice01:00
xubuntu_testerok, ill try now01:05
Harris_HeI logout with the "Save the session", but I can login anymore, it just show the login window time and times again. Xubuntu 14.04 LTS  Xfce4. How should I do to login my computer? THX01:20
infinmedHi all. Why won't chromium recognize the flash player plugin01:59
infinmedWhat do I have to do exotic01:59
Unit193infinmed: Simple, it dropped the NPAPI interface.02:02
Unit193!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree02:02
ubottupepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.3ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 9 kB, installed size 65 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)02:02
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infinmedThanks Unit19302:04
xubuntu311HI i need help.... i think... i'm getting xubuntu kernel: [29138.081965] acpi: \_SB_.PCI0.LPC0.ACAD: ACPI_NOTIFY_BUS_CHECK event: unsupported05:42
xubuntu311during install phase of 'configuring bcmwl-kernel-source (i386)05:43
xubuntu311installing via usb stick05:43
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BBLLCChi, I have an epson stylus dx4850 printer and from https://www.openprinting.org/printer/Epson/Epson-Stylus_DX4800 I have downloaded the needed drivers. I canot print, I keep getting this message: there is a missing print filter for printer Stylus-DX4800. What am I missing?10:08
gry2_Hi. How do I install iwl4965 module please, it is gone after updating.10:14
well_laid_lawngry2_:  have you tried using sudo modprobe ?10:15
gry2_well_laid_lawn: Empty output.10:15
well_laid_lawnmodprobe does have a verbose switch -v10:16
gry2_well_laid_lawn: Empty output with -v too.10:16
well_laid_lawnnormally no news is good news - check with lsmod | grep iwl10:16
Unit193gry2_: linux-image-extra-3.13.0-24-generic (the current kernel) should have it.10:16
Unit193(which is installed from the meta, linux-generic.)10:17
gry2_Unit193: I am on 3.13.0-24-generic. well_laid_lawn: https://pastee.org/h7g2210:17
well_laid_lawnlooks like it loaded10:17
gry2_Are all 4 of them loaded?10:18
well_laid_lawn"lsmod is a trivial program which nicely formats the contents of the /proc/modules, showing what kernel10:18
well_laid_lawn       modules are currently loaded."10:18
gry2_I'll assume it's normal for it to show no output then? I think it showed version and few things when I did modprobe, before.10:19
kostexis this also a place to ask something about Thunar?10:46
cfhowlettkostex sure ask10:47
kostexthanks, well it's something general and I guess it applies to more filemanagers.. but when in Detailed Mode and the directory listing is 1 screen or more, you've got no space to 'right-click' an empty area... is there a way to this?10:49
Unit193BBLLCC: English please.11:07
WLMHey, this "Verve" plugin is interesting, but why can't I use my aliases?12:04
WLMI've set a few aliases in normal terminal12:04
WLMOkay nevermind, found another way12:05
xubuntu490hello ppl, i cant access the tty 1-6 with ctrl+alt +F# , that happend after i installed nvidia propertiery drivers, any ideas ?14:00
zeraccaxubuntu490, i dont think its the function keys you use, but ctrl + alt + 1-814:20
luisja1006It is possible to install MS Office 2010 using PlayOnLinux on (X)ubuntu 14.04?15:48
goneeuroDoes anyone know what i could use to open a .sna file? I need a file from a backup I took with drive snapshot from an old windows machine+15:48
baizonluisja1006: yes it is15:51
geniiluisja1006: Apparently. http://www.playonlinux.com/en/commentaires-1038.html  second one down15:51
goneeuroAny one on the sna file?16:00
xubuntu490i cant access the tty 1-6 with ctrl+alt +F# , that happend after i installed nvidia propertiery drivers, any ideas ?16:01
baizongoneeuro: well its a windows thing :(16:02
baizonyou can try wine, but i dont think it will run good16:02
blizzowAny time I want to resize a window, it has to be from the upper corners.  I'm able to do so on the lower corners, but the tolerance is annoyingly small (1 pixel maybe).  Is there a way to adjust the resize or window border size?16:04
blizzowI couldn't find anything in the settings.16:04
mx0rpres and holt alt-key and then you can resize the window by holding the right mouse button and move in the direction you want to resize the window16:06
jasaltHello ppl, I switched to xubuntu from archbang a week ago and I'm having problems getting horizontal mouse scroll to work. Tut's I've found cover the fix on Ubuntu 14.04, but theyre not working on xfce.16:17
GridCube!find synaptics16:18
ubottuFound: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-dbg, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-dev, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-dev-lts-quantal, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-dev-lts-raring, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-dev-lts-saucy, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-lts-quantal, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-lts-quantal-dbg, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-lts-raring, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-lts-raring-dbg (and 3 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/sear16:18
GridCube!info synaptics16:18
ubottuPackage synaptics does not exist in trusty16:18
jasaltTP X220 is the machine I have. I love the trackpoint scroll.16:19
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad16:19
GridCubethere jasalt ^16:19
jasaltok. thanks, will read16:20
blizzowmx0r: thanks.  I'll start using that.  I'd still like to know if there is a way to resize the area on those lower corners.16:45
amigamagichi guys do you know how to disable the mouse combination ALT+RIGHT CLICK to resize the windows? It goes in conflict with a windows program that I launch with Wine, so I should disable the shortcut when I run this win program on xubuntu...16:54
deningradgood afternoon everyone :) could I ask a question? :)16:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:56
deningradI use xubuntu 14.04, I am going to buy a scanner or a printer+scanner, is there anyone that can suggest me a fully compatible scanner? furthermore is there a list with all the compatible devices? thanks16:57
jasaltCurrent Chromium version in Ubuntu repo has bug with horizontal scroll. Fixed problem by using newer version..16:59
xubuntu269Hey I was just wondering how to create a hotspot by sharing my ethernet connection... any ideas?17:07
ubottuScanning software: simple-scan (GNOME), Gwenview (KDE), Xsane. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR17:14
GridCubedeningrad, ^17:14
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Parisi am trying to go on the internet using a computer stick but it's not loading when i put the computer stick into the computer what should i do21:09
Poultrawe are love21:11
SamwiseGamgeeI am trying to download xubuntu full 64 version, but I don´t know how to do a torrent.  How do you use torrent download?21:14
holsteinPoultra: please use an offtopic channel to share videos.. thanks21:14
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: you can use a torrent client..21:14
Poultrapv holstein21:14
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: should be as easy as downloading the torrent file, and clicking on it.. you should be prompted.. really depends on what operating system you are in21:15
Poultrati have no penis video holstein21:15
SamwiseGamgeeI am using Kubuntu 12.04 and I have Bit Torrent Client installed, but don´t know how to use it21:15
Poultraj'aime la musique holstein21:16
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: open the client.. point it to the torrent file..21:16
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:16
bekks!offtopic | Poultra21:16
ubottuPoultra: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:16
SamwiseGamgeeOk, I will try Bit Torrent again21:16
ObrienDaveSamwiseGamgee, you download a .torrent file which describes the main (.iso) file and retrieve it21:17
Poultraj'ai mal au dos21:17
Poultraubottu toi21:17
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:17
Poultraits me21:17
Poultrai am drunk21:17
holsteinPoultra: please use another channel, friend..21:18
Poultrasi je te deranges ca va?21:19
Poultraholstein germane attitude?21:19
Poultraholstein grosse fermme21:19
bekksPoultra: Can you please stop it in here? Thank you.21:20
Poultrabekks me?21:20
bekksPoultra: Yes, you. Please stop it.21:21
Poultrai am 4421:21
Poultrayes you21:21
bekksPoultra: Yes. You. Stop. It.21:21
Poultrabeck you stop21:21
crimsonduskcall ops?21:21
Poultrabeck stop21:21
crimsonduskthis guy seems he'll have fun time tomorrow21:22
Poultraonly german musicque21:22
crimsonduskwell, that's a plot twist21:22
SamwiseGamgeewhich ISO encoding should I use?21:22
crimsonduskuhhh, for torrenting..?21:23
SamwiseGamgeeI will be burning it onto a CD using an old Windows XP desktop PC21:23
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: you should obtain the iso you want.. then, create the installation media21:23
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Trusty, and help keeping the servers' load low!21:23
ubottuXubuntu Trusty (14.04) torrents can be downloaded from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/trusty/release/desktop/xubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent and http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/trusty/release/desktop/xubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent21:23
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: you should not alter the iso in any way.. just obtain it, and then create your installation media21:24
SamwiseGamgeeI have to choose the ISO encoding, and I do not know how to create installation media.  But I do know how to burn a CD21:24
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: burning a CD *is* a way to create installation media. you will use the iso you obtain as the source, and a disc as the destination21:25
SamwiseGamgeeI still need to choose the ISO encoding.  there are way too many choices.  I need to choose an ISO encoding for the latest imgburn or for an old Nero burner, using Windows XP21:26
SamwiseGamgeeso, it probably needs to be an old ISO text encoding21:27
SamwiseGamgeeI have no idea which ISO encoding to choose: there are about 100 choices21:27
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: where did you get the torrent file?21:28
crimsonduskbut.. isos are binary files and aren't encoded as anything21:28
SamwiseGamgeeI need to choose the text encoding21:28
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: you shouldnt have to, friend.. where did you obtain the torrent?21:29
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: what client are you using? where? and how?21:29
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: why not use the normal download? it wont save you any bandwidth to use the torrent.. seems like you could save yourself lots of time and hassle here by using it21:30
holsteini use transmission.. i download the torrent file.. i open it with transmission.. i click through a few destination prompts and it downloads21:31
SamwiseGamgeeI don´t know what a normal download is.  But I am familiar with the ISO format from using Nero21:31
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: a normal download is, just download it, *dont* bother with the torrent.. use..21:31
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Trusty, and help keeping the servers' load low!21:31
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: download directly21:31
SamwiseGamgeeNo, the nonrmal download is too complicated: there are about 100 files I need to download separately21:32
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: im not suggesting you get anything other than an iso file to work with. just that you stop bothering with torrents21:32
SamwiseGamgeethe Iso is just one big file, much easier21:32
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: no, friend. there are not.. its the *same* iso21:32
SamwiseGamgeeMay be I used the wrong link, Iĺl try your link....21:32
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/14.04/release/xubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso for 32bit21:33
holsteinhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/14.04/release/xubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso for 64bit21:33
SamwiseGamgeeoh, thatś better21:33
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: torrent or direct download, you get the *same* iso file21:33
SamwiseGamgeeis that the full version of xubuntu?  913 MB?21:34
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: this is the *only* xubuntu version, friend21:34
holsteinyou can use a DVD, or usb stick..21:35
SamwiseGamgeeI got a 465 GB drive, AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+, 2 Ghz and 1.41 GB of RAM, will that work with xubuntu?21:35
ObrienDavevery well21:36
SamwiseGamgeethe full xubuntu version?21:36
holsteinSamwiseGamgee: there is *only* the one version of xubuntu, friend.. there is no "full" version, vs lite.. and, those specs should support xubuntu fine21:36
SamwiseGamgeeWhat is the point in testing it first?21:37
ObrienDaveto see if it meets your requirements21:37
SamwiseGamgeeCan I use it with Netflix?21:37
SamwiseGamgeeI got Silverlight for Ubuntu21:38
ObrienDavethere is a netflix viewer that works21:38
SamwiseGamgeeFor example, would thise command lines work on xubuntu:      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipelight/stable Then, install Pipelight using the command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pipelight-multi21:39
SamwiseGamgeeIs that the viewer you were referring to?21:39
ObrienDaveonly difference between Ubuntu and Xubuntu is the DE (desktop environment)21:40
SamwiseGamgeeIḿ using Kubuntu right now, but it is slow on the internet21:40
ObrienDaveno i'm referring to the compholio PPA with a customized Wine for Netflix21:40
ObrienDavethat's not usually a Kubuntu issue rather a communications issue21:41
SamwiseGamgeeIḿ usin wine right now, but I really need a clean install of my whole operating system21:41
SamwiseGamgeeIḿ ready to do it today21:41
ObrienDavethe custom Wine for Netflix?21:41
SamwiseGamgeebacked up my files21:42
SamwiseGamgeeNo, just Wine21:42
SamwiseGamgeeI just used it for BabasChess21:42
ObrienDavenot familiar with that program21:42
SamwiseGamgeethanks for your help21:46
ObrienDaveok, good luck21:47
ObrienDavehello, may we help you?21:52
ObrienDavenote to self: SELF make sure they're still online before replying ;P21:53
lighta\j #fedora22:03
ObrienDave" /j "22:04
lightayup ObrienDave sorry about that22:09
ObrienDaveno prob22:10
xubuntu629alguem fala portugues?22:30
xubuntu629alguem fala portugues?22:31

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