
ScottKshadeslayer: You've got kde-workspace FTBFS to look at.02:07
shadeslayerScottK: *grumble* arm *grumble*08:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: Riddell I talked with cj last night a bit, he asked me to email ubuntu-devel/release requirements for Kubuntu next08:40
Riddellshadeslayer: I'm wondering if we really want to use the PPA, there doesn't seem to be much advantage over the archive08:56
shadeslayerRiddell: sure there is08:56
Riddellwhat's that?08:56
shadeslayerRiddell: by having the PPA enabled OOTB we can keep up with plasma 5 releases08:56
shadeslayerand KF5 releases08:57
shadeslayersince we cannot land those in the archive08:57
shadeslayerwhich is helpful for upstream08:57
shadeslayerI think that's the big point of having the PPA enabled OOTB08:57
shadeslayerquick feedback for upstream to iterate and improve plasma 5 quickly08:57
Riddellthat's assuming we stay on utopic indefinately08:58
shadeslayeryou don't plan to abandon utopic as soon as it's released right? :P08:58
Riddelldunno, we stopped updating trusty soon with kf5 stuff, if you want crack of the day you have to live with updates08:59
Riddellotherwise we'll be packaging beta stuff for multiple releases which I'm not sure we have the peoplepower for08:59
apachelogger^ packaging for multiple releases should be equal to packaging for one release and then running a script, if it is not then the process is flawed09:00
Riddellapachelogger: then why are you against packaging for 12.04LTS?09:00
shadeslayerRiddell: right, why did we stop packaging KF5 for trusty?09:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: qt09:01
apacheloggerRiddell: because policy09:01
apacheloggerI wasn't against packaging 4.13 for precise, I was against packaging .0 knowing that the policy would then tell us not to package .1 and .2 and .309:02
Riddellapachelogger: then why have that policy?  the reason is it takes time and effort to make backports09:03
apacheloggerno, the reason is that a) you don't want to do backports for 5 years beacuse at some point the foundation requirements will change and a backport becomes either hard or impossibru and half an hour per backport per release also becomes a time consuming effort if releases>=4, so you need to draw a line somewhere which is where this comes in: b) we want to encourage LTS users to stay on the LTS edge if they want to stay on the KDE edge by 09:08
apacheloggerfacilitating early LTS->LTS upgrades to get testing such that once the LTS->LTS upgrade path goes life everything works flawelessly and the LTS release has all major issues ironed out09:08
apacheloggerall that being said, I fail to see what LTS backport support has to do with utopic backport support (which would be 9 months vs. 24months for LTS)09:10
shadeslayernot to mention that just because the build depends are sorted out, doesn't mean things will work at runtime, so then one has to invest time in sorting out bug reports that people report when running applications09:12
shadeslayerwat https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/132480509:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 1324805 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Unable to launch Gnome from KDM in 14.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: flawed process09:15
apacheloggerbeen saying that for years09:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: as in, KDM is broken ? :P09:16
apacheloggerby the time an update lands in a PPA one needs to know that it works09:16
apacheloggercurrently we do not which is already a problem right there09:16
shadeslayerah, PPA thingums09:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, that I've been saying for a couple of weeks09:17
apacheloggerkdm broken09:17
apacheloggereveryone keeps ignoring me asking who is looking at bugs09:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Isjgc0oX0s09:17
Riddellapachelogger: possibly this means nobody is09:22
Riddellshadeslayer: so will you send an e-mail to the release list?09:23
Riddellshadeslayer: or do you want me to?09:27
shadeslayerRiddell: I'll draft up something09:29
Riddellhmm, I can't find where sgclark put kde-baseapps for review09:29
apacheloggerqtcreator with recommends pulls in mir stuff btw10:20
mcstr_hey guys... im so happy my bug i reported yesterday got fixed the same day :)10:31
Riddellgo us!10:32
mcstr_yep thx riddell for ya help yesterday10:32
PaliRiddell: packages should be ready, I included also alsa/pa fix for phonon-backend-gstreamer10:34
RiddellPali: awesome!10:35
RiddellPali: you tested them?10:35
Paliyes, now I'm using it10:35
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RiddellPali: ok, I'll give it a test too and copy it over to the PPA10:36
sgclarkRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging-next/kde-baseapps510:42
Riddellah hah :)10:42
yofelthat should be named kde-baseapps really10:43
Riddellyes I think that should be just kde-baseapps10:43
Riddellit's a new version of kde-baseapps bits, not co-installable10:43
Riddellsame for the binaries, dolphin5 should be just dolphin10:43
Riddell(libkonq5 keeps its number at the end as a library soversion)10:44
sgclarkok fixing10:44
Riddellalthough libkonq5 is from kdelibs4 land, it should be bumped for the kf5 version10:45
Riddellwhich could be your second upstream patch :)10:45
yofel*does* it have a different ABI? (I would assume it does, should still be checked)10:46
sgclarkRiddell: also maintainer gave a ship it for my review request, should I push it? Or wait for a KF5 person to also ok it?10:46
Riddellit must do, linking to qt5/kf5 will mess with the abi somehow I'm sure10:47
yofelmost likely, right10:47
Riddellsgclark: oh excellent, push away10:47
sgclarkWhat is an ABI and how do I check it?10:47
Riddellsgclark: it's all the symbols that a library exports, we list them in .symbols files10:47
RiddellAPI is the source code interface like setFont() method and QPushButton class10:48
Riddellwhich is used by human programmers10:48
sgclarkmakes sense10:49
Riddelland ABI is when it gets compiled into a shared library and end up with what you see in .symbols files and is used by compiled programs using that library10:49
Riddellthe rules of what makes changes in the ABI are very obscure, especially in c++, one reason why programming a library is so difficult10:49
Riddellthis is fun to read if you're a massochist http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Binary_Compatibility_Issues_With_C++10:50
sgclarkI am trying to learn everything I can, so thank you, on my reading list10:51
Riddelljust use python, then you don't have to worry about that :)10:52
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:53
Riddellsgclark: before you git push your change to kde-baseapps  remember to git pull --rebase  to bring in any changes already in the archive10:53
Riddellthe --rebase bit confused me for a while10:54
sgclarkRiddell: they gave me a gitup script to do that10:54
Peace-Riddell:  i can't undestand something here does it work or not ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin/+bug/131077310:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 1310773 in dolphin (Ubuntu) "Dolphin not play media in information panel" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:59
Riddellsgclark: who's they?10:59
Peace-Riddell: here it doesn't work but i have asked to some guys and they said me that is working properly10:59
RiddellPeace-: I guess it doesn't work for the bug reporter11:00
Peace-tried with phonon vlc and phonon gstreamer11:00
sgclarkRiddell: KDE folks I working with when I was contributing to their docs11:00
shadeslayercan anyone c++filt this symbol _ZN9KSysGuard7ProcessD1Ev@ABI_4_111:06
sgclarkRiddell: here http://www.davidfaure.fr/scripts/gitup11:06
sgclarkRiddell: and here is the blog on gitup http://blogs.kde.org/2012/10/19/updating-git-checkout-finally-easy-svn11:08
Riddellsgclark: nifty11:13
sgclarkRiddell: so I forgot to ut the review request number in the commit message, anyway I can fix this? :(11:31
Riddellsgclark: no just close the review request manually on reviewboard11:33
Riddelland congratulations on being an elite KDE coder :)11:33
sgclarkRiddell: yay:)11:34
ScottKshadeslayer: I'm very much against any regular use of PPAs as part of what we define as a Kubuntu release.11:52
ScottKIf upstream wants updates to end users, they can produce releases that are suitable for that purpose.11:53
Riddellyofel: hmm, we should sort out this server toot sweet, did you get anywhere?12:38
shadeslayerKarma: 66641 < only 25 more to go12:40
shadeslayerScottK: rather than opposing upstream, why can't we adjust our workflows a bit to accomodate faster cadence cycles12:43
ScottKshadeslayer: Shipping things from outside the Ubuntu archive is a fundamental change to what Kubuntu is.12:44
shadeslayerbecause a faster cadence cycle in the beginning is good overall, since upstream will get better feedback12:44
ScottKIf people want to do stuff on top of Kubuntu in a PPA, that's fine.12:44
ScottKWe do that all the time now.12:45
ScottKIt's not a question of workflow, but how you define what the project is.12:47
shadeslayerbtw didn't we decide all of this at the meeting? to deliver things via the PPA12:47
Riddellwe did, but now I'm wondering why12:47
ScottKshadeslayer: We did not for kf5.12:48
ScottKI think we need to rediscuss it for plasma next.12:48
ScottKshadeslayer: BTW, I'm not accepting the 4.13.2 SRU until 4.13.2 is built on utopic.  i.e. you're blocking it by not fixing your workspace upload.12:50
yofelwe did say we would have a seperate image that allows the PPA for kf5 and plasma. We did not talk about adding a PPA in the default setup12:50
shadeslayerScottK: I fixed it, but it's still FTBFS12:50
shadeslayerso not really12:50
shadeslayerfixing it again12:50
apacheloggerppa in default setup? 12:50
ScottKI was going to say, that's an odd definition of fixed.12:51
yofelRiddell: dang no, life got in the way of memory, sorry. There was some paperwork that would allow server account transfer, but maybe best ask the current owner as he'll have to fill out half of that12:51
shadeslayerFWIW I'm not proposing the regular ISO + PPA, I'm talking about a separate ISO than the regular one which has the PPA enabled12:52
yofeldidn't we already decide to do that for utopic?12:52
shadeslayerI thought we did12:53
apacheloggeryes we did12:53
yofelwe did, but we did also note that it's temporary12:53
* apachelogger doesn't understand what all the fuzz is about again12:53
ScottKshadeslayer: Not for kf5 though, that's supposed to go in the archive.12:53
Riddellyofel: do you have any pointers to it?12:54
yofelScottK: IIRC the whole point of the discussion was kf512:54
yofelRiddell: sec12:54
ScottKNo, the PPA image thing was for plasma next.12:54
ScottKAt least IIRC.12:54
apacheloggerwhich will require or at least want a newer frameworks12:54
yofelRiddell: should be http://faq.hosteurope.de/view.php?mode=open_object&content_id=7446 - but it's all german12:55
apacheloggerso the proposed action plan was land frameworks in the archive so people can easily get access for porting12:55
Riddellyofel: and paper, what millenium is this again? :)12:55
shadeslayerwhat apachelogger said12:55
yofelRiddell: please note the "german" :P12:55
yofelwe love paperwork12:56
yofelit does allow fax at least12:56
apacheloggerthat being said, I am also not opposed to the idea of not landing frameworks either and instead add a button in discover that allows people easier access12:56
apacheloggeras not having things in the PPA potentially keeps us more flexiable with packaging changes, but I guess we'd be fine either way, so eventually someone will have to land frameworks in utopic archive :P12:57
yofelwell, I would not land frameworks in utopic at all unless we have a user of it in the archive12:59
yofelif it's in the archive we have to provide some level of support for it12:59
Riddellthis is why I'm currently preferring just putting plasma 5 in the archive12:59
Riddellalthough it does mean renaming a bunch of source and binary packages12:59
yofelplasma5 needs framworks...12:59
apacheloggeryofel: the support is that it doesn't break13:00
yofelapachelogger: + security support13:00
yofelso if we don't really intend to maintain it, I would rather it's not there at all13:01
yofel*not have it there13:01
apacheloggeryofel: security support?13:01
yofelthe rare CVE?13:02
apacheloggeryofel: security support?13:02
yofelupstream security advisory?13:02
apacheloggerwhy would we offer security support?13:02
apacheloggerwe are not even using it13:02
yofelbecause it's our responsibility as maintainer o.O?13:02
apacheloggerand upstream's POV is use latest13:02
apacheloggeryofel: no it is not?13:02
yofelit very much is13:02
apacheloggeruniverse may get security updates13:02
apacheloggeror it may not13:03
apacheloggerthere is no rule that says whoever puts something in universe must provide security support13:03
yofelI think our opinions of support differ here13:03
apacheloggerwe do not offer support, it's there, if you want to port your software to frameworks you can use it, we do not provide support13:03
yofelwell duh, lets just call the whole release we provide unsecure then13:03
apacheloggerit is in universe13:04
apacheloggerthat's all13:04
ScottKapachelogger: Most of KDE is in Universe.13:04
yofeland who but us cares about that?13:04
yofelif we put something in the archive, someone will use it and complain13:04
apacheloggerThe universe component is a snapshot of the free, open-source, and Linux world. It houses almost every piece of open-source software, all built from a range of public sources. Canonical does not provide a guarantee of regular security updates for software in the universe component, but will provide these where they are made available by the community. Users should understand the risk inherent in using these packages. Popular or well 13:05
apacheloggersupported pieces of software will move from universe into main if they are backed by maintainers willing to meet the standards set by the Ubuntu team. 13:05
yofelso if we're not using it, don't put it there13:05
apacheloggerupstream wants it easily available13:05
yofelupstream also wants it up to date13:05
apachelogger[14:56] <apachelogger> that being said, I am also not opposed to the idea of not landing frameworks either and instead add a button in discover that allows people easier access13:05
apacheloggerand Scott doesn't want it in the PPA13:05
yofela button in an archive package that adds a PPA isn't allowed AFAIR13:06
apacheloggerso what we discussed at the meeting is: put it in the archive so it is available, develop plasma in PPA for possible adoption in 15.0413:06
yofelthat was about the rejection reason for ubuntu tweak13:06
yofelI don't quite remember the discussion ending like that, but maybe my memory is buggy13:07
yofeland I don't see how a PPA is not "easily available"13:08
yofelit's not like we're requiring a dozen of them13:08
RiddellPali: 4.13.2 working well from your archive, but you've missed out a few packages, maybe you're using an old package list, the games and utils and oxygen are missing13:13
Riddellor maybe there's no upstream changes and so the scripts didn't backport it13:15
Riddellthe plasma 5 image should be called a remix anyway, we want to make it clear it's not fully stable13:17
Riddelloptions 13:21
Riddelloptions are 1) use neon 5 scripts to make an image using the PPA and call it kubuntu-not plasma 5 remix13:21
Riddelluse the ubuntu-cdimage scripts with ppa and call it kubuntu-not plasma 5 remix, but the ubuntu-cdimage scripts with ppa code is not yet merged and untested13:22
Riddell3) whatever the heck unity 8 are doing, something with derived distributions is it?13:22
Riddell4) put it in the archive, involves renaming packages and marking that it won't get updates13:23
Riddelland call it kubuntu plasma 5 remix13:23
RiddellI like 1) and 4)13:23
ScottK4 is close to what we did with KDE4 4.0, right?13:30
ScottKThat seemed to go OK (from our PoV of the packages).13:30
ScottK4.0 itself was horrible, but that wasn't our fault.13:30
ScottKThe more I think about it, the more I think both KF5 and plasma 5 should just go in the archive and be done with it.13:37
ScottKNow that Qt5 5.3 is in, we actually have that option.13:37
shadeslayernote that if we go with our own scripts, we probably won't get UEFI support13:37
shadeslayerneeds some magic that I don't fully understand13:37
ScottKSo I vote #4.13:37
* shadeslayer proposes 213:38
Riddellshadeslayer: but that can't happen unless colin or someone wants to merge those patches in and test them, seems like making life harder on us13:39
shadeslayerRiddell: actually, I talked to Colin last night and he asked me to send him details on requirements13:39
shadeslayerso he can write code on the cdimage size13:39
shadeslayer*cdimage side13:39
Riddellyep, might be do-able, but I'd still be nervous since unity8 people have considered it and decided not to13:40
shadeslayerI think that's because they have different requirement than ours ...13:41
shadeslayerColin said that as long as we don't mess with packages that are required in the debootstrap stage, it should be fine13:42
Riddellso advantage is we could update after release, we wouldn't have to rename source or binary packages.  disadvantage is it goes against lots of policies so we'd need to mark is as not really kosher13:43
shadeslayerI don't think it's a matter of policies since it will be a remix, just that it'll be built by the official CD image infra ... we still call it a remix in release13:46
yofelwell, there should be a big red UNSUPPORTED banner13:48
shadeslayerwe won't provide security updates, sure, but support is limited to fixing bugs in our packaging and updating it whatever upstream releases13:53
yofelhm, I might've misunderstood how the renaming was intended13:54
yofelmight be fine13:54
apacheloggerwe don't provide support for anything because no one ever reads bug reports, so I guess it's fair if we stick the banner everywhere really14:01
* sgclark giggles14:04
sgclarkI actually want to learn that, where is a good place to start?14:05
apacheloggerthis list gets aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll the launchpad bugs we care about14:05
sgclarkok ty14:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: I fixed all the bugs there14:25
shadeslayerso lies14:25
shadeslayerwe don't have any bugs14:25
Riddellshadeslayer: I think for now e-mail colin to see if he's happy to implement images with PPAs and if it'll be available before too long (a month or less I'd think)14:37
shadeslayerRiddell: I'll draw up requirements, post them here, we can discuss on Monday and I can send them off on Monday14:38
Riddellokay dokay14:43
ScottKshadeslayer: Can we use the same derived distro thing phone is using?14:44
ScottKIf it's going to be !in the archive, we might as well be as consistent with other stuff as possible.14:44
shadeslayerScottK: we could, but CD image is going to take quite a bit of time14:45
shadeslayer( for the derived thing )14:45
ScottKDoes that have to be done for phone anyway, or would it be just for us?14:45
shadeslayerI thought phone images go through jenkins14:46
shadeslayerdon't know enough about those though14:46
ScottKThey still have to create the images some way.14:46
shadeslayerScottK: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/19/%23ubuntu-release.html#t22:1314:50
ScottKshadeslayer: Thanks.14:52
ScottKSend your mail and let's discuss.14:53
shadeslayerI hate ARM14:53
shadeslayerhate it hate it hate it14:53
shadeslayerstupid missing symbols again14:53
Riddellshadeslayer: are you looking at 4.13.2 in utopic?14:54
shadeslayerRiddell: not really, workspace has managed to give me a headache14:54
* shadeslayer sighs14:55
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/plp2mx8zi14:56
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/p6p9vwcke14:56
shadeslayeryofel: any clue what's going wrong there14:56
shadeslayerhm nop15:00
shadeslayeryofel: ok so, what's wrong? :P15:00
yofelhm, good question15:02
shadeslayeryofel: found it15:02
shadeslayershould be dest='series'15:02
shadeslayerI hate optparse/argparse in python15:03
shadeslayermakes so little sense when you read the docs15:03
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, wordpress appears to be able to post to g+ somehow15:03
apacheloggerso there must be some sort of write input for it15:03
Riddellit may be these sodash people are just lying and they haven't implemented it15:06
Riddellshadeslayer: remember I have an arm machine if you need one15:09
shadeslayer"You have exceeded the login limit. Please wait a few minutes and try again."15:10
shadeslayerI have possibly forgotten my blog password15:11
apacheloggerRiddell: dunno, sodash does more than just post stuff somewhere from what I understand, so it may entirely be that it doesn't provide else they need, I am just saying xD15:13
shadeslayerscru u too armhf15:31
Riddellanalitza not happy, 3d symbols disappeared15:32
Riddellon arm15:32
Riddellalthough you wonder why they were ever there since arm doesn't do gl15:33
apacheloggersomeone should make the ubuntu planet not list old posts because the <updated /> date has changed 15:35
genii-borkborkHi, is ksplash currently broken on Utopic? It doesn't even come up right now after latest dist-upgrade15:43
genii-borkbork( sits forever on lightdm background picture after login)15:44
* genii-borkbork makes a fresh pot of coffee15:46
shadeslayeryofel: hurray : http://paste.kde.org/psjkrex5u15:46
shadeslayernot sure why it's happening15:46
yofelyou're the error master today15:49
shadeslayerI know15:54
shadeslayeroh wait15:54
shadeslayerno I don't15:54
shadeslayeryofel: it's weird, error indicates that the file is not fully written to the disk15:57
shadeslayercan't imagine how that happens15:57
yofelis your code any different from the old buildlog fetching script?15:58
yofelor well old code, there was no seperate script IIRC15:58
genii-borkborkGoing to tinker and return.15:59
shadeslayernot really15:59
* Riddell publishes http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.13.216:02
RiddellPali: ↑16:02
RiddellPali: thanks much for the packaging, do stick around if you want to continue to be an elite kubuntu ninja16:02
BluesKajhmm, splash screen doesn't load and the process stops completely, unless I use the virtual konsole/tty,  login and startx ... any other similar reports?16:13
lordievaderBluesKaj: genii reported it just now.16:16
BluesKajlordievader, ok good16:17
BluesKajgenii logged off tho16:20
shadeslayerwe tried to boot the 8.04 64 bit ISO16:20
shadeslayerit doesn't boot16:20
shadeslayerat all16:20
shadeslayergrub fails16:20
BluesKajshadeslayer, maybe the HW is too new and not recognized16:24
sgclarksanta_ kde-baseapps is still a major work in process and not ready for human consumption16:40
Riddellshadeslayer: feeling retro?16:41
santa_sgclark: I guess, but I think my merge request is right anyway16:42
sgclarksanta_ aka that branch is being removed altogether16:44
sgclarkdropping the 5 as suggested to me by the authority. Also several other changes in the works.16:46
sgclarkI can apply your change or you  can wait for merge requests when I complete the new one16:47
santa_whatever works better for you16:48
shadeslayerRiddell: heh yeah16:56
Riddelldebian change to k3b to compile "Disable the FFmpeg plugin" I guess we need to follow16:58
Riddellit doesn't compile currently16:58
santa_Riddell: hey, if debian's people doesn't reply to your epoch vs renaming question ... which way would you take? epoch?16:59
Riddellsanta_: I don't know, no epoch would be the safe one I guess as it's harder (impossible?) to remove an epoch16:59
santa_yeah, because, well, when I'm done with the mass merge proposal I was planning to release this in an experimental repo of siduction and see if I get useful feeback from users17:01
santa_so I would need to to figure it out, tbh I think I will go with a renaming (which could be reverted later)17:02
santa_for the reason you mentioned: it can be reverted17:02
BluesKajPower Management settings are totally disregarded after the last update/upgrade ...shuts everything down when the laptop lid is closed no matter what the settings are.17:04
BluesKajdicsconnects the wifi, blacks the scrn etc17:05
BluesKajthere's no delay , it's instant17:06
BluesKajit's seriously broken17:06
yofeldo you have a running kded4 process?17:08
BluesKajyofel, none that i can see in sys mon17:09
yofelthen that must've crashed at some point17:09
yofeldoes anything happen if you start it now?17:10
BluesKajstart ?17:11
yofeljust open konsole and run kded417:11
BluesKajalready running17:12
yofeluhm, just now you said it's not running, or did you start that yourself?17:13
Riddellwhat's the script to retry all the kde sc packages in the main archive?17:13
yofelkubuntu-retry-builds from kubuntu-automation17:14
Riddellhmm, doesn't want to work17:24
Riddelljust says Can't retry for every package17:24
Riddelland if I add --force I get a backtrace about an AssertionError17:24
shadeslayerScottK: I think kde-workspace should be fine in utopic17:25
shadeslayercan you please approve 4.13.2 ?17:25
* Riddell discovers --forcedepwait17:34
BluesKajkded4 QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.17:48
BluesKajKDE Daemon (kded) already running.17:48
BluesKajApplication may misbehave.... heh it seems that it is 17:49
sgclarkRiddell: can you  take a look at https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/118851/17:54
sgclarkRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging-next/kde-baseapps ready for review19:01
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