
TheMusoLaney: Is there plans to add a terminal to ubuntu-desktop-next, or is there already one there that I don't know about?04:15
TheMusoLaney: Other than the VTs of course.04:15
pittiGood morning05:04
Sweet5hark1pitti: Moin!06:04
pittihey Sweet5hark1, wie gehts?06:04
Sweet5hark1great, last day before vacation. ;)06:05
didrockshey Sweet5hark1, pitti!06:06
pittibonjour didrocks06:07
* pitti toddles off to catch his train back home06:08
Sweet5hark1though there is one thing weird right now, and I dont understand that: I just wanted to verify the libreoffice 4.2.4-0ubuntu2 package as is in proposed, so I enabled proposed on a trusty VM and I get all the nice new packages -- _except_ the libreoffice metapackage.06:08
Sweet5hark1The package looks fine on LP and when I download the metapackage manually from the web UI it installs without a problem.06:09
Sweet5hark1pitti, didrocks: any idea how that can be?06:09
pittiSweet5hark1: what does "apt-cache policy" say for a binary package of that metapackage?06:12
* pitti has to leave, bbl06:13
Sweet5hark1pitti: see ya06:14
didrockssee you pitti06:16
didrocksSweet5hark1: let me have a look06:16
Sweet5hark1didrocks: I found the reason. Stupid me of course ;)06:16
didrocks(but yeah, do the apt-cache policy trick)06:16
didrockswhat was it?06:17
Sweet5hark1didrocks: I keep forgetting that some of the binary packages are in universe only -- and I only added -proposed for main. So I had ~all the fancy new libreoffice packages, except for the two or three that are not in main _including_ the libreoffice metapackage.06:18
didrocksahah ;)06:18
didrocksso yeah06:18
pittiSweet5hark1: ah, hah!06:59
Sweet5hark1pitti: ;)07:00
BigWhaleGood Mroning everyone.07:01
BigWhalealso, good morning!07:01
didrocksmorning BigWhale07:10
Sweet5hark1cd saucy-source && the funky bunch07:43
seb128good morning desktopers, happy friday!08:03
didrockssalut seb12808:04
Laneyhey hey08:04
Laneyhappy friday!08:04
didrocksmorning Laney08:05
LaneyTheMuso: I guess when we get clicks we can add the terminal-app there08:05
Laneyhey didrocks08:05
Laneyhow goes?08:05
didrocksI'm great, thanks! Yourself?08:05
Laneydoing good08:06
seb128hey Laney didrocks08:06
Laneyit looks sunny08:06
seb128how was climbing?08:06
Laneyhey seb12808:06
Laneyquite nice, managed to get a new competition route08:06
Laneythen back to watch something on tv, can't quite remember what it was though08:06
seb128football? your team was playing08:07
Laneynope, doesn't ring any bells...08:07
* Laney whistles08:07
* larsu is happy that he gets the reference08:12
* larsu read the news08:12
larsualso the game was running on a tv at the restaurant we ate at yesterday - but I didn't keep track of the score08:13
seb128larsu, that game didn't happen apparently, if anyone mention it, just look in the other direction and whistle08:15
* larsu looks in the other direction and whistles08:16
* Laney creates a distraction08:16
Laneyso GtkHeaderBar is cool, right?08:16
seb128oh, new vala is in utopic08:17
larsuLaney: cool?08:17
seb128let's see if indicator-keyboard is happier08:17
seb128larsu, let's not start troll friday yet08:17
Laneynew qt got in too08:18
larsuit did?08:18
seb1285.3 is in utopic08:19
seb128let's see if gsettings-qt still works08:19
larsuhaha, that's what I was thinking about as well08:20
* larsu tries08:20
larsuapt-cache policy libqt<tab><tab>08:20
larsuDisplay all 205 possibilities? (y or n)08:21
larsuthat's a lot of libs…08:21
seb128is the qt one08:21
seb128if that's what you are after08:22
didrockspay attention that you will be on the very edge, it migrated some hours ago :)08:22
larsuwhere's the difference between the 5a and the 5 one?08:27
larsu5a is on 5.2.1, 5 on 5.0208:27
didrockslarsu: ABI breakage in 5.208:27
didrockson armhf08:27
larsudidrocks: thanks08:27
didrocksyw ;)08:28
* larsu waits to get the new one 08:28
didrocksthat's why the 5.2 transition was "hard"08:28
didrockslarsu: you shouldn't have libqt5core5 anymore08:28
seb128larsu, you should have it available ... or are you on a mirror?08:28
larsudidrocks: I do, though08:28
larsuoh wait, local08:29
didrockslarsu: apt-cache policy ?08:29
* larsu removes08:29
larsuI wonder where that comes from...08:29
didrockswell, if you used the sdk ppa, they did some packaging errors08:29
didrockson the 5.2 transition08:29
didrocksand forgot some conflicts that I added later on when I reviewed that for the archive08:29
didrocksand the conflicts version was cleaned up to not take care about people using "on the edge"08:30
didrocks(as the version was wrong as well there :/)08:30
seb128ok, clean up indeed08:32
* seb128 cleans 882M of old kernels08:32
seb128one day we are going to clean those automatically for users rather than letting them stack...08:32
larsuis that the reason why I still have the 5.0 package in /var/lib/dpkg/status?08:32
Laneydoesn't u-m run autoremove?08:32
seb128Laney, well, for some reasons those don't get marked for autoremoval here ... and I don't think it does, but I might be wrong08:34
Laneythey're meant to08:34
Laneythat was a slangasek thing08:34
didrocksyeah, they are for me08:34
larsuah, new qt5 after upgrade - seems like my update this morning was too early :)08:34
didrockslarsu: right, seems the transition wasn't fully handled/right08:34
didrockslarsu: see the phone ML08:34
didrocksrsalveti had to rebuild qtbase to unblock that08:35
Laneythe symbols file was a bit wrong08:37
didrocksyeah, I wonder how that built in the silo…08:38
Laneyit did build08:39
Laneyjust made things have wrong deps08:39
* Laney removes oxideqt-dbg, gains nearly 2G!08:39
didrocksoh, it wasn't a FTBFS issue, just a version in the symbols (I didn't look at the change)08:40
Laneyit made depends on something-gles on arches where that didn't exist08:41
Laneyto which britney said NOPE08:41
didrocksmaking sense08:41
* larsu mucks around with qml import paths again08:42
larsuthat shit never works for me :/08:42
tkamppeterseb128, hi08:42
seb128tkamppeter, hey08:42
larsufirst problem: qt 5.3 seems to break the example in gsettings-qt08:43
didrockslarsu: maybe try other apps to see if everything is failing or not for you?08:46
larsuokay, seems to work otherwise08:46
didrockswe do have apps or unity8 using gesttings-qt I think… they would have catched it if it would break it badly08:46
larsudidrocks: the example breaks with an error unrelated to gsettings (which seem to work fine from quick testing)08:48
tkamppeterseb128, it was about the libspectre SRU. but now I have seen, it is all OK.08:49
seb128tkamppeter, ok, great08:50
seb128Laney, stephaneverdy got desktop-next to work on vmware workstation using "mks.gl.allowBlacklistedDrivers = "TRUE"" in his config09:09
LaneyI tried that09:09
Laneywith that vmware was hanging my session09:09
Laneypossibly a nouveau problem09:10
seb128could be yes09:11
seb128it's working for him it seems09:11
* didrocks is quite happy with this commit and the way to test it: https://github.com/didrocks/ubuntu-developer-tools-center/commit/ac194cb812cb76ea6af417efefc55fc1375a7de1 :)09:39
seb128didrocks, ;-)09:50
larsudidrocks: woah, nice test:code ratio09:59
xnoxdidrocks: very nice =)10:07
xnoxi'm yet to be in possition to use concurrent.futures =)10:07
Sweet5harkseb128: oh, forgot that one: 4.2.5 released today (a minute ago or so) and the build (4.2.5~rc2) is already in the ppas too.11:00
seb128Sweet5hark, great, rc2 and release are identical I guess?11:04
didrocksxnox: it's quite easy, the only puzzling stuff is that the "done" callback is by default on its own thread (in the main process)11:22
didrockshence this helper, as I install a main loop, to ensure I can have my callback executed where I want to :)11:22
didrocksseb128: would you have any idea of python3-gi on precise? I don't understand the failure on https://travis-ci.org/didrocks/ubuntu-developer-tools-center/builds/2802832611:24
didrocksImportError: No module named 'gi'11:24
didrocksUnpacking python3-gi (from .../python3-gi_3.2.2-1~precise_amd64.deb) ...11:24
didrocksso, the apt-get install worked11:24
didrocksif you don't have any idea off hands, I'll just setup a precise vm11:25
seb128didrocks, you use python3.4, did we build for that version in precise?11:25
didrocksah, good one11:25
didrocksthat or the virtualenv doesn't use system libs11:26
didrocks(which is unfortunately quite needed as pygi isn't in pypi)11:26
didrocksah, there is an option in travis to set using the system libs11:33
* didrocks tries11:33
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didrocksyeah, doesn't work… need to compile pygi I guess in the virtualenv11:37
xnoxdidrocks: you can rebuild it once in a ppa or some such, and add ppa as a dep to your travis job.11:38
didrocksxnox: I've done that for apt, not sure it's python3-gi itself which is broken or something else, but I can give it a try…11:38
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Sweet5harkseb128: yep, rc2=final11:59
* Laney lunch (going to town to buy a last minute birthday card), biab12:05
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
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seb128didrocks, hey, maybe you can help, there is no CI lander around, how does one reconfigure a silo to drop a component? ogra_ is trying to do that12:52
ogra_seb128, looks like i get it sorted12:52
didrocksnot sure ogra has the creds to do it, but I can12:52
didrocksok, good then :)12:52
ogra_seems i only need a watch build anyway12:53
ogra_(if that doesnt work i'll come back and nag you)12:53
didrocksok, please do :)12:53
* didrocks will wait for Travis to support trusty12:54
didrocksenough time spent on this pygobject not in virtualenv :p12:54
jdstrandbregma: hey, fyi bug #133252913:13
ubot5bug 1332529 in unity (Ubuntu) "unable to unlock screen because keyboard grabbed by gcr-prompter (gpg password prompt)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133252913:13
Laneydidrocks: AIUI core-dev got all permissions recently13:14
didrocksLaney: yeah, we discussed that with seb128, I checked that they did it the right way as well :)13:14
seb128Laney, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro/trunk/revision/606 is what didrocks pointed at for reference13:14
Laneyso I think that peopleshould have the permission to reconfigure?13:14
seb128that's where the change was made13:15
Laneyoh is that just for assigning?13:15
seb128we already had permissions to reconfigure before13:16
seb128that change added permissions to assign13:16
seb128which was the restricted action13:16
xnoxseb128: hm, so core-dev can assign silos now?13:17
seb128xnox, yes13:17
xnoxseb128: cool.13:17
seb128well, they have the acl13:17
seb128not sure it's socially accepted13:17
xnoxseb128: and are there any docs about citrain somewhere?13:17
seb128one reason they organized things with that way was to have some people handling assignments according to available resources and current status of the image13:17
seb128not that I know13:18
ogra_didrocks, so it didnt work out ...13:19
didrocksogra_: so, what are you trying to do?13:19
didrocks(just tell me your use case)13:19
ogra_didrocks, i tried to remove ubuntu-touch-session from silo 1213:19
didrocksremove == the package or from the spreadsheet?13:20
didrocks(package in ppa)13:20
ogra_didrocks, i removed the branch from the spreadsheet and did reconfigure ... i also deleted the package from the PPA ...13:20
didrocksyou shouldn't need to delete the package from the PPA, it does it for you, when you reconfigure13:20
ogra_and then did a watch rebuild13:20
ogra_it still thinks the ubuntu-touch-session package should be there though13:20
didrocksogra_: do you have the line and the reconfigure your launched?13:21
ogra_i only used the UI13:21
ogra_no "lines" involved13:21
didrocksogra_: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-012-0-reconfigure/13:21
didrocksseems reconfigure failed13:21
ogra_rather seems it didnt even start13:22
didrocksERROR:root:unity-system-compositor was not in the initial list of components for that silo. You can't reconfigure the silo yourself. Please ask the landing team to reconfigure it for you.13:22
didrocksbut the reconfigure was by stéphane13:22
didrocksdid you really run it?13:22
ogra_thats not mine13:22
didrocksseems you didn't ;)13:22
seb128sometime you need to click twice13:22
ogra_well, i clicked the build button13:22
seb128on first click jenkins does auth13:22
seb128and reload13:22
seb128without doing the action13:22
ogra_let me try that then13:22
seb128well, once should be enough now13:23
seb128watch the jobs on the left13:23
didrocksissues with the sso plugin, RT opened for 2 months now13:23
seb128you should have one active13:23
ogra_yeah, now it started13:23
seb128it worked13:23
didrocksINFO:root:Removing ubuntu-touch-session from ppa and configuration13:23
didrockssee :)13:23
ogra_it should say "click twice" at the top or some such :P13:23
didrocksit's telling you everything!13:23
didrocks(it would have removed the package from the PPA if it was still around)13:23
ogra_so i guess i need another watch build now ?13:24
didrocksjust do a watch only build13:24
ogra_didrocks, thanks13:24
didrocksyw ogra_ ;)13:24
* ogra_ will cheer for france tonight ... as reward for all the french help today :) 13:24
didrocksogra_: well, not sure that football as any impact on me, but well :p13:25
seb128didrocks wishes they would loose, less noisy people outside ;-)13:25
didrocksthat's not untrue :)13:25
seb128Laney, xnox, mterry: you upstart masters, I need help figuring why unity8-mir is stop/waiting in upstart since today's updates14:41
seb128do you know how to debug such things?14:41
mterryuh oh14:41
seb128if I start it manually it runs fine14:41
seb128that's desktop session, and I don't have ubuntu-touch-session installed14:41
mterryseb128, what are the start on conditions?14:42
seb128mterry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7674947/14:42
seb128start on xsession SESSION=unity8-mir and started dbus14:42
seb128that's quite limited, not sure why that wouldn't be valid14:43
Laneyis dbus started?14:43
xnoxseb128: what's the status on dbus, and can you check/know if xsession event was ever emitted?14:43
ogra_wow, that differs quite a bit from what we have on the phone14:43
seb128dbus is start/running process 177614:43
xnoxseb128: the latter can be check with e.g. edding a job which does: start on xsession \n exec env14:43
Laneytry emitting the event manually14:43
seb128which one? the xsession one?14:43
ogra_why didnt you just add the extra "xsession SESSION=unity8-mir" to upstream ?14:44
ogra_start on ((xsession SESSION=ubuntu-touch) or (xsession SESSION=ubuntu-touch-surfaceflinger)) and started dbus14:44
Laneythat comes from bregma's desktop-session package14:44
Laneydon't know how it came about14:44
ogra_you could just replace the surfaceflinger stuff14:44
seb128"initctl emit xsession SESSION=unity8-mir" ... is that correct syntax?14:45
seb128that command "hangs"14:45
seb128should it return?14:45
ogra_you probably want to "initctl set-env SESSION=unity8-mir" and then "initctl emit xsession"14:46
Laneythe hanging is because something else is trying to start on that condition14:46
ogra_dunno if the var is handled the was that seb used it above14:46
seb128and failing?14:46
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Laneyit is, that's how the job does it14:48
Laneyseb128: edit /etc/X11/Xsession.d and change STARTUP to add --verbose at the end14:50
Laneythen 99x11-common_start to exec $STARTUP >> $HOME/upstart.log or something14:50
seb128Laney, xnox: .xsession-errors has "init: process xsession-init pre-start (4464) exit with status 1"15:00
seb128(that's translated so wording might not be exact)15:00
Laneyoh god wait iwath oaiwhtaoih15:02
seb128Laney, I bet it doesn't like  [ "$SESSIONTYPE" = "gnome-session" ]15:02
seb128if SESSIONTYPE is empty15:02
* seb128 random guess15:03
xnoxseb128: *sigh*15:04
seb128deleting that line makes it work15:04
Laneythis is heinous15:04
xnoxseb128: so we emit an empty var and that is fine with upstart. *sigh*15:04
Laneyit's not because it's empty15:05
seb128but it's that line15:05
seb128deleting it makes the session start15:05
Laneyyes I know15:05
Laneyit works if you invert the test too15:05
Laneymake it != and ||15:05
* seb128 hates scripts15:06
Laneyneeds an || true15:06
Laneyotherwise set -e fails the script15:06
seb128or proper if [ ] ... then15:07
seb128rather than [] && magic :p15:07
didrocksthe proper if won't help for that matters :)15:07
Laneyxnox: want to fix it directly?15:07
* didrocks is a lover of [] && magic ;)15:08
didrockseven [] && magic || magic2 ;)15:08
didrocksjust to annoy seb128 :p15:08
xnoxLaney: i love != || better, but [] && shouldn't fail on set -e15:08
* xnox checks what we uploaded.15:08
Laneyfalse && anything = false15:08
xnoxright, hence a bad return code. *sigh*15:09
seb128xnox, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/178043745/upstart_1.12.1-0ubuntu8_1.12.1-0ubuntu9.diff.gz15:09
Laneylaney@raleigh> ( [ 0 = 1 ] && true ) || echo "YOU FAIL"                                                                                    ~15:09
LaneyYOU FAIL15:09
Laneyit's that15:09
xnoxyeap, nice hostname by the way.15:09
xnoxLaney: i'll go with != || combo15:09
seb128didrocks, if then always helps :p15:09
Laneythe hostname scheme is university of nottingham student accommodation15:10
* Laney has raleigh cripps sherwood15:10
xnoxLaney: very meta, cause i bet they have accomodation nameing scheme as well.15:10
Laneythose three are 'nottingham things or rich guys that have donated a lot of money to the university'15:10
desrtdoes anyone know how to convince qemu to let me do smp with arm?15:11
desrtit seems that the 'versatile' kernel doesn't support any boards that have SMP available in qemu15:11
desrt(ie: some versatile boards have smp as supported in qemu, but then the kernel refuses to boot)15:12
seb128desrt, you might have better changes to get a reply on that topic on #ubuntu-devel15:13
seb128Laney, xnox: is one of you going to upload a fixed upstart?16:25
Laneyxnox said he would do it16:26
Laneyor at least implied that16:26
seb128I've the feeling he's going to say he though you would do it16:26
Laney20/06 16:09:50 <xnox> Laney: i'll go with != || combo16:26
Laneythat line made me think this16:27
seb128makes sense16:28
seb128let's wait for him to pong16:29
xnoxseb128: i will upload it.16:31
xnoxseb128: just got side-tracked into upgrading my unity8-mir laptop to play around with it.16:32
xnoxI mean test it =)16:32
Laneyjust HAD to test the flappy bird click app16:32
Laneyyou're a good QA guy16:33
xnoxLaney: we have flappy bird game in the store?!16:33
xnoxLaney: you don't know what you have done.16:33
Laneywe might have tried this at the sprint for a while16:34
Laneywhen enabling click on desktop ...16:34
mdeslaurseb128: you don't care about virt-manager, right?16:42
mdeslaurseb128: re: bug 133261816:42
ubot5bug 1332618 in virt-manager (Ubuntu) "Please demote virt-manager to universe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133261816:42
seb128mdeslaur, no I don't ;-)16:46
seb128it's creating menu issue and stuff, can we just drop it? :p16:46
mdeslaurseb128: it's in the supported-desktop-extra seed, could you please +1 the bug?&16:46
mdeslaurseb128: hey :)16:47
seb128mdeslaur, done16:47
mdeslaurseb128: we can drop it if I don't need to test security updates anymore :)16:47
mdeslaurseb128: thanks16:47
Laneykind of a shame to have no supported virt gui16:49
Laneybut yeah16:49
* seb128 uses virtualbox16:50
seb128but yeah, in an ideal world we would have resources to support a bit of everything16:50
LaneyI use virt-manager, initially because it was our supported one16:51
Laneynow because it works well enough16:51
Laneydoesn't have fancy resolution scaling though as far as I know, which I do miss a bit16:52
seb128does it do 3d?16:53
mdeslaurLaney: we're not dropping it, in fact putting it in universe will allow me to update to the latest version of it16:53
LaneyI know16:54
Laneyright got to go get a train down south16:55
Laneyhappy weekend!16:55
seb128Laney, thanks, same to you!17:00
seb128have fun in the south ;-)17:00
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
* didrocks continues a little bit offline, meanwhile, good week-end everyone!17:17
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