
hallynstgraber: bug 1321854 (in shadow) patch looks good to me.  (you've done the recent uploads so i don't wanna step on toes...)02:55
ubottubug 1321854 in shadow (Ubuntu Trusty) "useradd doesn't add the default shell to /etc/passwd entry" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132185402:55
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pittiGood morning05:03
infinitystgraber: "int i1;"... Do they not have j where you come from?05:14
stgraberinfinity: that's odd, I see that code in there, but I have no recollection of writing it, i1 clearly isn't my coding style (but I'm pretty much the only one who ever touched that code, so I'm likely to blame...)06:00
infinitystgraber: Maybe someone snuck into your place in the middle of the night and changed all your variables?06:13
dholbachgood morning06:19
didrockshey dholbach!06:20
dholbachsalut didrocks - comment ça va?06:23
didrocksdholbach: ça va bien, et toi ?06:23
dholbachtrès bien, merci :)06:25
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mptWhatever happened to the “trivial” bug tag?07:37
mptAh, it became “bitesize”07:37
xnoxbah, my irc proxy lost the game08:35
xnoxand doko is not here now =(08:35
xnoxdholbach: "less funny qt4 apps" how funny are they? do they look like windows 95?08:37
xnoxhallyn: the version symbol doesn't matter, but there are two new functions. Find out which upstream release they appeared in, and add it to symbols file with that version e.g. "2.4"08:40
xnoxdholbach: when qt4 apps look that funny, it most likely means that unity-settings-daemon (or gnome-settings-daemon) are not operational.08:41
xnoxmdeslaur: and in systemd unit file, one can declare what reload command does as a script...08:42
Laneyguten tag xnox08:44
Laneyit's certainly not a lack of *-s-d, you'd notice that way quicker08:44
xnoxLaney: guten tag =) Ich kann nicht sechen wenn ich IRC verlassen habe.08:45
seb128xnox, welcome back!08:45
* seb128 assumes you were off, I don't see I saw you active on IRC this week08:45
xnoxseb128: yeap.08:45
xnoxbut i had to restart the proxy this morning, thus working off irclogs.ubuntu.com08:46
Laneyno logs?08:46
xnoxi have some logs.... not all08:46
seb128well, just assume that if people need something they are going to ping you again08:47
xnoxseb128: but i like reading about funny breakages over the past days =)08:47
Laneymumble's theme is indeed wrong08:48
seb128yeah, I noticed as well with virtualbox08:49
Laneyhow does that work?08:49
seb128not sure08:51
seb128shrug, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.8.6+dfsg-1ubuntu108:51
seb12830M diff.gz, who wants to review it?08:51
seb128Laney, do you look at it? I start looking but I don't want us to dup work08:59
Laneyseb128: was looking, yeah09:03
LaneyRiddell: mitya57: do you know how qt4 gtk theming it supposed to work?09:03
LaneyIt's "Desktop Settings (Default)" in qtconfig-qt4, if I set it to "GTK+" then things look normal09:04
Laneyso maybe it's not detecting right?09:04
Riddellmaybe, it detects the window manager I think to work out what theme to use09:05
seb128Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/130529409:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 1305294 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "QT uses incorrect theme when GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID is unset" [Medium,Confirmed]09:05
seb128get the source, grep for GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID?09:05
* seb128 is downloading, but it's taking a bit09:05
Laneyseb128: indeed, that is correct09:07
Laneywhat was setting that before?09:08
seb128Laney, that is still set in utopic for me09:12
Laneynot here09:12
Laneyseems it's set by gnome-session09:13
seb128it's set in /proc/pidof gnome-session/environ09:13
seb128not in compiz09:13
seb128I bet it's the move to start compiz from an upstart job09:14
seb128xnox, !!!09:14
xnoxisn't GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID the deprecated one?09:15
seb128it is09:15
xnoxor is that current?09:15
Laneyit needs to be set09:15
seb128but see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/130529409:15
Laneyto anything, for this qt detection09:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 1305294 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "QT uses incorrect theme when GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID is unset" [Medium,Confirmed]09:15
Laneyor we could change Qt ...09:15
xnoxwe had an upstart job that sets it to bogus value for Qt.09:15
LaneyI have no such job09:15
xnoxin /usr/share/upstart/sessions/gnome-session.conf09:16
seb128well, that's only for gnome-session09:16
seb128compiz/unity doesn't get it set09:16
xnoxright. hm09:16
seb128which means when you start apps from unity you get no theme09:16
Laneyoh yes, the ordering is wrong09:16
xnoxi thought we did do $ initctl set-env09:16
seb128what ordering?09:17
seb128dholbach, ^ btw, your theme issue is being discussed09:17
Laneyit needs to be set-env but also unity can start before gnome-session I think09:20
seb128that issue is not really new09:26
seb128well it is for unity since it didn't have it when gnome-session was running compiz, rather than having an upstart job09:26
seb128bug the bug I listed just before describe a similar issue when using indicator-sound in trusty09:26
xnoxLaney: seb128: should we just stick a GNOME id into e.g. /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ or whatever it is called?09:29
Laneycould just put it in xsession-init.conf09:29
xnoxbut i guess, then we will set it too many times. Do we actually want that always set?09:29
xnoxor e.g. it shouldn't be set on Kubuntu?09:30
seb128we don't want it see under non gnome-session sessions09:30
Laney[ "$SESSIONTYPE" = "gnome-session" ] && initctl ...09:30
xnoxseb128: hm, and xubuntu/lunubuntu etc also want it, no? there is no gnome-session running but it does want gtk styling?09:31
xnox(well maybe not lxqt)09:31
seb128well, historically it was gnome-session setting it09:31
Laneyit's set by gnome-session09:31
Laneyso let's just keep that keying09:31
seb128so if we want to get back to that09:31
seb128it's only a qt4 thing anyway09:31
seb128qt5 doesn't have that issue09:31
Laneywill upload it to xsession-init.conf09:34
Laneyxnox: confirm/deny09:34
xnoxLaney: i think that should be fine.09:34
xnoxLaney: long term, I thought we wanted to patch qt4 to not care about that variable.09:34
Laneyyeah I can't think of a better one off the top of my head09:35
xnoxon my desktop url-dispatcher was held back, instead of removing upstart-app-launch & installing ubuntu-app-launch09:36
dholbachseb128, thanks - I'll have a look at the bug09:43
Laneyxnox: grh, test failed in test build09:44
Laney"104 - ensure job gets given default environment"09:44
Laneyand it's left a stray process09:45
seb128dholbach, well, the bug is not that informative, just take it as "it's being worked by some our best people, so no worry it's going to be resolved" ;-)09:49
seb128cjwatson, xnox: is anyone looking at the daily-live isos not having a boot menu since syslinux 6?09:52
cjwatsonseb128: I've spent some time looking at it but not got very far yet09:52
xnoxcjwatson: should broken cd be stashed and syslinux reverted to 4?09:53
cjwatsonI can see that it gets into gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, since I can insert trace statements there and have them take effect09:53
cjwatsonxnox: I think that would be very intrusive at this point09:53
seb128is there a workaround to start the install mode?09:53
cjwatsonNow that I'm emerging from the livefs work I'll have another look at it today09:53
seb128you can hit enter and it boots in the live session09:53
seb128cjwatson, thanks09:53
xnoxcjwatson: can maybe-ubuntu become the default boot option? cause at the moment the current default ends up as "nothing" e.g. boot into live session09:54
xnoxcjwatson: i didn't manage to trace where "maybe-ubiquity" is set as the default.09:54
xnox(on most products)09:54
Laneyxnox: can you build upstart in sbuild atm?09:55
xnoxLaney: typically yes, one must disable eatmydata & not build on top of overlayfs.09:56
xnoxLaney: just commit things to lp:ubuntu/upstart and I can pull / upload.09:56
Laneyoh okay, the latter could be me09:56
xnoxhence i have e.g. utopic-plain-amd64 schroot config that disables overlayfs & eatmydata.09:57
shadeslayerI don't suppose there's a way to pull all the latest build logs for a package?09:59
cjwatsonxnox: no, would rather not attempt workarounds, shouldn't be too hard to fix09:59
cjwatsonshadeslayer: easy enough with launchpadlib09:59
shadeslayerright, so nothing pre written then :)09:59
cjwatsonthere's a build_log_url attribute on builds09:59
cjwatsondon't know of one09:59
shadeslayerok, I shall write one10:00
dholbachseb128, I like the sound of "it's being worked by some our best people, so no worry it's going to be resolved" a lot10:08
seb128dholbach, ;-)10:08
LaneyI gave up building locally and uploaded to a PPA10:08
xnoxLaney: builds fine here.10:08
xnoxLaney: virt PPA may fail, due to old kernel.10:08
* Laney unleet powers10:08
xnoxion: Built successfully10:09
xnoxLaney: push to lp:ubuntu/upstart, and I'll test build & upload.10:09
Laneywhat is ion?10:09
xnoxLaney: it's "I: built successfully" with color-code from sbuild, copy&paste artifact10:10
LaneyI see10:10
Laneyxnox: okay, pushed10:12
infinityxnox: By "color-code" you mean "it contained a tab". ;)10:13
infinityOr, not even.10:13
infinity"i: foo" in many clients will auto-expand "i:" as if you tab-completed.10:14
xnoxinfinity: "i believe what i see" =))) i've copied green text, hence I called it color coded =))))10:14
infinityxnox: Yeah, I think it was just auto-expansion messing with you.10:14
infinity(Since ion is in this channel and all)10:14
xnoxinfinity: right, silly xchat =)10:14
xnoxshouldn't mangle pastes10:15
GunnarHjpitti: ping?10:16
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dholbachelopio, happy birthday! :)10:21
Laneyxnox: did actually build in $ppa ;-)10:21
Laneyxnox: uploading myself then10:34
seb128Laney, is that something we should SRU as well?10:39
LaneyCould do I guess10:39
seb128Laney, oh, and seems like xnox already uploaded10:39
Laneythat little terror10:39
Laneyhe took the Changed-By :P10:40
Laneyanyway if they're preparing an upstart SRU then I suppose it could go in there10:40
seb128xnox, can you make that happen?10:40
Laneyjodh: got a trusty upstart sru in the works?10:41
xnoxLaney: i have a few things that need cherry-picking into trusty. enough by now to make an SRU release.10:47
xnoxLaney: does this actually affect trusty as well? didn't think compiz was spawned as upstart job back then.10:47
Laneyit affects the indicators there10:48
Laneysee the bug report, that's from a trusty user10:48
xnoxyeap, i remember that.10:49
Laneybut same root cause10:49
Laneyenvironment not set early enough10:49
xnox(vlc staring looking odd)10:49
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xnoxLaney: "=== modified file 'debian/upstart.cron.daily' (properties changed: +x to -x)" -> why is that?10:56
* xnox skipped that in the review, but now noticed it when cherry-picking into trusty10:56
Laneydidn't do that on purpose10:56
xnoxLaney: for trusty, do we also want adding "unity8-x11" & "unity8-mir" to upstart-xsessions?11:18
xnoxLaney: no bug reference in the utopic upload.11:18
Laneyxnox: hrm, don't think that's worth it11:20
LaneyI think the trusty unity8 sessions are what they are11:20
xnoxLaney: well, pretty crappy without upstart, no?!11:21
Laneyxnox: It ran some script to start unity8 manually11:25
Laneyso it did work11:25
LaneyI don't know if other jobs will require modification too11:26
xnoxright, and I don't want to be testing that. alright.11:31
Laneyxnox: you know the executable bit isn't preserved in the source package?11:31
xnoxLaney: correct, because of source 1.0 format.11:31
Laneyjus' sayin'11:31
xnoxLaney: we typically use $ bzr bd -S, to build the source package.11:31
xnoxLaney: you are the first one to touch it "differently" =)11:31
Laneyit's because I modified it in a source package then cp-ed it back in11:32
xnoxah, even more obscure.11:32
xnox#1317727, #1305294, #1174272 enough for an SRU11:32
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xnoxLaney: can you add tescase/impact/description/etc SRU bits to bug #1305294? Or should i?11:40
ubottubug 1305294 in upstart (Ubuntu Trusty) "QT uses incorrect theme when GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID is unset" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130529411:40
pittihey GunnarHj11:41
GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin!11:41
GunnarHjpitti: Since you didn't respond instantly, I just sent a mail to you and dpm_.11:42
pittiGunnarHj: ah, good11:42
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?11:43
Laneyxnox: there we go11:44
pittihey seb128; gut, danke! et toi ?11:46
seb128pitti, je vais bien, merci !11:46
dpm_thanks GunnarHj for the e-mail, I'll try to reply with my thoughts asap11:56
GunnarHjdpm_: Ok, great!11:56
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tkamppeterOdyX, I have fixed Debian bug 752146 in the GIT of cups-filters. Can you upload it to Debian, so that it syncs in Ubuntu? Thanks.12:18
ubottuDebian bug 752146 in cups-filters "[cups-filters] Missing rastertopdf filter" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/75214612:18
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xnoxcjwatson: i have a "fix" for isolinux =)13:11
xnoxcjwatson: our bootlogo cpio archive only has init, without all other files.13:12
xnoxif all other files are included inside it, then all is fine13:12
xnox sudo cpio -ivd < bootlogo13:12
xnoxls init *.tr *.hlp *.pcx back.jpg gfxboot.cfg langlist | cat | cpio -o > bootlogo13:13
xnoxit appears that file access outside of the bootlogo archive is no longer operational and there is upstream discussion about it13:13
xnoxnot sure where repacking of "bootlogo" file should happen.13:19
cjwatsonxnox: ah, that's a hassle14:06
cjwatsonxnox: thanks for tracking that down, I should be able to sort it out in debian-cd or something14:06
xnoxcjwatson: right, i'm working out on which files to include, cause one also needs *.fnt and maybe others.14:09
xnoxcjwatson: but not just $ ls -1 * | cpio -o > bootlogo, cause then one gets options one shouldn't see. E.g. "back..." -> which does nothing / crashes the installer14:10
cjwatsonWell, that I can probably work out by grepping gfxboot-theme-ubuntu code14:10
xnoxcjwatson: and "Help" button, which i've never seen before, like ever. It has explanation text about each of the Fn keys etc.14:10
cjwatsonFairly limited number of operators that open files14:10
cjwatsonYes, I know about all of this :)14:11
xnox=)))) ok14:11
xnoxcjwatson: i rest my case, and handing over to you =)14:11
cjwatsonThis is pretty problematic because a lot of this stuff we're relying on not having to duplicate in and out of the bootlogo archive.14:11
cjwatsonI'll look at it but it's at least somewhat tempting to patch those functions back in.  Will have to have a design think.14:12
cjwatsonI'm particularly concerned about having to have things like gfxboot.cfg duplicated inside and out.  It will confuse the hell out of anyone trying to customise the image.14:13
xnoxyeah, it is ugly.14:14
cjwatsonAnd the assertion about GRUB in that mailing list post is just bizarre.  GRUB needs no such thing, it has all the filesystem handling code you might ever want.14:14
xnoxthe mailing list thread ended with "anyone please step up and tell us if you need this functionality" shame it only took us a few years to spot the problem.14:14
cjwatsonIs that mailing list available in mbox form somewhere so I can reply to that usefully?14:15
xnoxcjwatson: what are our chances to switching to pure grub2? does it have any gfxboot prettiness we can leverage on par with current theme?14:15
cjwatsonI tried a while back but ran out of time14:15
cjwatsonI'd prefer that ultimately, but it will take a while14:15
cjwatsonOh yikes, it's the whole COMBOOT API?14:16
* cjwatson finds the mbox archives14:18
xnoxwgrant: please join #ubuntu+1-maint for idling & mentoring folks =)14:24
bdmurrayseb128: https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/b0a749da-f7d3-11e3-b432-fa163e707a7214:25
bdmurrayseb128: that now has a link to the bucket / problem in it14:25
bdmurrayseb128: although the retrace failed14:26
bdmurrayseb128: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7674870/ <- missing debug symbol packages14:27
xnoxcjwatson: it's milestone week for flavours next week, and we'll need working images. hence tracking the above regression down =)14:28
seb128bdmurray, thanks14:29
hallynnetcf - fix symbols14:30
hallynask for sync of netcf from experimental14:30
seb128bdmurray, weird, those packages are not in the bt I think, they shouldn't fail the retrace14:30
hallynmy insert key is ging mad14:30
cjwatsonxnox: Yeah, thanks for the effort.  I'll get a workaround in place before I leave this evening, if at all possible14:31
bdmurrayseb128: iirc apport also does a look of stuff in procmaps and install those packages too14:33
seb128bdmurray, k, I'm unsure why that failed, I'm going to try to submit it again to see14:34
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cjwatsonxnox: Right, that's hopefully sorted; with any luck I'll even have time to test that end-to-end before I leave, although I'm racing against the clock15:02
cjwatsonI think there's one remaining bug, namely that the "Other Options" menu will have changed contents for live images, I think15:03
cjwatsonBut that isn't fatal and I can sort it out next week15:03
xnoxyeah, not fatal at all, given that one can specify those by typing anyway.15:07
xnox(well those that are listed there in e.g. trusty images)15:07
cjwatsonThe rest seems to work again in my hacky test harness thing15:08
desrthi.  is there a recommended board config (qemu switch -M) to use for an arm machine that's SMP capable and supported by the kernel (ie: no abort due to unsupported board on startup)?15:14
cjwatsonxnox: Thanks again for tracking that down.  Would've taken me ages15:15
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manjoRiddell, there is a fix in upstream debian for the k3b build break in utopic https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=739312#51 can you please merge that change ?15:30
ubottuDebian bug 739312 in src:k3b "FTBFS with libav10" [Serious,Fixed]15:30
Riddellmanjo: yeah I'll take a look when I can (may be monday, hope not)15:30
manjoRiddell, would you like me to open a bug with info and assign to you ?15:31
Riddellmanjo: sure15:32
manjoRiddell, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3b/+bug/133259115:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 1332591 in k3b (Ubuntu) "[Utopic] Build failure in k3bffmpegwrapper.cpp" [Undecided,New]15:37
Riddellthanks manjo15:38
jamespagestgraber, whats your opinion on bug 1068756 ?15:38
ubottubug 1068756 in procps (Ubuntu) "IPv6 Privacy Extensions enabled on Ubuntu Server by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106875615:38
jamespagestgraber, IMHO this creates alot of complexity if not disabled on server15:39
cjwatsonxnox: OK, it's kind of wonky but we at least get something on server now15:49
cjwatsonkicking a desktop respin, won't be around to watch it finish15:49
cjwatsonI'll have another look on Sunday/Monday and see what remains15:49
manjoLogan_, there is an upstream fix for kradio4 build failure https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=748147#12 can you please sync or merge that change ?15:56
ubottuDebian bug 748147 in kdelibs5-dev "Breaks compilation of kradio4" [Important,Fixed]15:56
stgraberjamespage: right, we had a chat about that during vUDS I think (or something), thing is, privacy extensions do make sense on some kind of servers and clearly don't on other (say a mail server) and it's hard to have it set to the right value everywhere...16:09
jamespagestgraber, it becomes complex in environments with firewalls with egress filtering16:10
stgraberjamespage: but I think I agree that for cloud instances and default server install, we probably want privacy extensions off. Making sure that we however don't change the behavior for people upgrading.16:10
jamespagestgraber, +1 on that approach16:10
stgraberjamespage: personally I have it disabled on all my servers (specifically for the egress firewalling bit) and on for all desktops and test systems, though representing that through packaging may be tricky (because the definition of server and desktop itself is pretty lburry)16:11
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catbus1Hi, anyone know the difference between the server images downloaded on http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/ and http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud?16:39
hallynxnox: hey, so i'm trying to make sense of libnetcf1.symbols.  each new version of libnetcf1 puts ncf_{get,put}_aug in private symbols (using src/netcf.syms) for the very latest version.  Am I right in assuming that's a problem upstream?16:42
jamespagestgraber, where does it get configured from?16:46
stgraberjamespage: procps16:46
hallynxnox: eh, well they are private symbols so i guess it doesn't matter16:46
xnoxhallyn: well. yes and no.16:47
stgraberjamespage: /etc/sysctl.d/10-ipv6-privacy.conf16:47
xnoxhallyn: it's marked private & thus can change, but it is public since it's exported and I can link against it.16:47
xnoxhallyn: thus the same method should be employed as for e.g. eglibc private symbols. Strict version control on (>= 0.2.4 & << 0.2.5~)16:48
hallynso they're doing the right thing16:48
xnoxhallyn: since you want to force rebuilds, upon new upstream release.16:49
xnoxhallyn: yeap, such that things that used NETCF_PRIVATE (0.2.3) symbol will have to be rebuild with (0.2.4), and 0.2.5, and etc.16:49
hallyncool.  should have a debdiff soon adding symbols to libnetcf1.symbols16:50
hallynhm, sitll have one error (though pkg finished building)16:50
hallyni guess it doesn't like empty sections16:51
xnoxhallyn: checkout e.g. /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6:amd64.symbols, it has example of how to version control private symbols at the very top.16:52
xnoxwell actually multiple examples.16:53
hallynxnox: oh ok - i'd looked at eglibc but it seemed to have nothing16:53
xnoxhallyn: source package has build machinery to gererate common arch & OS specific patches and then generate symbols files based on that.16:54
pebahttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/armhf       #should this link work ? currently I get just timeout error ?16:54
xnoxhallyn: thus it's best to look at the resultant contents generated in the binaries themself.16:54
hallynxnox: what I have so far is:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7675612/16:54
xnoxno, that's not quite what you want.16:55
xnoxthe whole symbols file looks odd, as debian revvision shouldn't be present.16:58
xnox(symver)NETCF_PRIVATE_0.2.4 1:0.2.416:58
xnoxis one thing you want16:58
xnoxand then you want to define alternative dependency template & ask to use that for private symbols.16:59
xnoxhallyn: i think that's more correct http://paste.ubuntu.com/7675655/17:02
xnoxhallyn: not tested, just going off libc6 example and $ man deb-symbols which explains the grammar of the symbols file17:03
xnoxat the moment, anything that uses NETCF_PRIVATE_0.2.3 symbol ends up with a dependency "libnetcf1 (>= 1:0.2.3)" but should end up with an upper restriction as well.17:04
xnoxdue to private, yet exposed symbol, thus infact public.17:05
hallynxnox: so what, the package's symbosl file will be autogenerated by merging that file with src/netcf.syms?17:05
xnoxhallyn: huh, no. src/netcf.syms is used to generate the symbols file of the library. debian/libnetcf1.symbols is used by dpkg-gensymbols & etc tools to correlate that you as a maintainer have assigned desired dependencies for a given symbol usage.17:06
hallynhm, how come https://wiki.debian.org/UsingSymbolsFiles doesn't point ot deb-symbols((5)? thanks )17:07
xnoxexpanded debian/libnetcf1.symbols is stored inside the deb of libnetcf1.deb and on disk at /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.symbols17:07
xnoxand when other things link against libenetcf1, symbols are cross-checked to generate substitues in the ${shlibs:Depends}17:08
xnoxpreviously people had to write out ${shlibs:Depends} by hand =) now, only library maintainer has to do it once, and everyone gets correct deps.17:09
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xnoxhallyn: i think that debdiff is correct, but do check that by e.g. building a dummy package which uses ncf_put_aug symbol17:12
xnoxhallyn: it's shlib:Depends should end up with >> 0.2.4 << 0.2.517:12
dobeyhow do i get the requisite upstart processes running on the user's session bus, without starting a whole new X session? just dbus and upstart only?17:13
xnoxhallyn: and other packages just >> 1:0.2.217:13
xnoxdobey: i'm not sure what you mean, you can trivially join existing upstart session. All you need is the matching UPSTART_SESSION variable which are a in /run/user/$UID/upstart/sessions/17:14
dobeyxnox: i don't have an existing upstart session17:14
dobeyxnox: i'm trying to test some stuff in an lxc and it requires upstart17:15
xnoxdobey: oh, i see. You can start a new user upstart session by spawning $ init --user17:15
xnoxdobey: it does need e.g. XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and HOME set.17:15
dobeywon't init --user try to start x and everything?17:15
dobeyand probably cause horrible problems inside an lxc?17:15
xnoxdobey: that will emit startup event and start everything that keys on it in /usr/share/upstart/sessions, which doesn't start X, display manager starts it for us.17:16
dobeybecause with lxc, the $HOME from my host is bind mounted inside the lxc as the home17:16
xnoxdobey: you can choose to pass --no-startup-event17:16
xnoxdobey: then nothing will be running, unless you manually do $ start job-name17:16
xnoxdobey: i'm talking about environment variable. so you can do e.g. HOME=$(mktemp -d) XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=$(mktemp -d) init --user --no-startup (that should work)17:17
xnoxdobey: can you explain what you are trying to test, and why you need a new upstart user session?17:18
xnoxdobey: and minimal lxc container has no user session jobs installed, thus actually in a typical lxc container spawning a new user session will do nothing.17:19
dobeyxnox: i'm trying to test pay-service and i need an upstart user session because it starts the ui via ubuntu-app-launch17:19
xnoxdobey: won't you need a bit more than just upstart user session to start ui? you will need X or Mir as well, no?17:20
xnoxdobey: i'm not quite sure how testable UIs are started via ubuntu-app-launch, since they will be contained.17:21
dobeybug i keep getting errors like error getting unix process id for org.freedesktop.DBus: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get PID of name 'org.freedesktop.DBus': no such name17:21
xnoxdobey: look into autopilot code, it has code to start apps via ubuntu-app-launch I belive.17:21
xnoxdobey: well, you need dbus started as well. so do $ start dbus17:22
dobeyxnox: i have X bound to my host X17:22
dobeydbus is running17:22
xnoxcheck your environment.17:22
xnoxyou may have inherited to much of environment variables from your host.17:22
xnoxdobey: how did you enter the lxc container?17:22
xnoxwhat's your $ env17:23
xnoxbefore starting anything?17:23
dobey** (process:29958): WARNING **: Unable to find job 'application-click': GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name com.ubuntu.Upstart was not provided by any .service files17:23
xnoxyou don't want to be doing lxc-attach --keep-env17:23
dobeyentered lxc via ssh17:23
dobeycom.ubuntu.Upstart is not on the session bus, which is my current problem17:24
xnoxdobey: how did you start session dbus? (note not the system one)17:24
xnoxlet me do a quick script to make it clear17:24
xnoxcause after spawning session dbus, session upstart should join it.17:25
smosercan i get an archive admin to NAK cloud-init in17:25
smoser https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=cloud-init17:25
xnoxdobey: via initctl notify-dbus-address "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" in the post-start of the session dbus17:25
smoseri'm wnting to re-upload with fix for bug 132574617:25
ubottubug 1325746 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Trusty) "dpkg-reconfigure doesn't work as expected" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132574617:25
dobeyxnox: i killed everything and "start dbus"17:26
xnoxdobey: that will start system dbus in the lxc container, unless you sourced and set UPSTART_SESSION environmental variable to operate agains the session init you spawned in the lxc container.17:27
xnoxcause you need a session dbus to be started via session upstart17:27
dobeyxnox: i didn't run it as sudo, so it would be impossible for it to start a system bus without being root17:28
dobeybut it started a session bus17:28
* dobey kills everything17:28
dobeyxnox: do i need to init --user -- zsh or something?17:29
xnoxdobey: well $ init --user &17:30
xnoxdobey: that will give you pid of session init.17:30
xnoxdobey: next you need to fine the session file in the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR of the session init. which will have something liek UPSTART_SESSION=unix:abstract=/com/ubuntu/upstart-session/1000/18004 in it17:30
dobeywhee, that sucked. did pkill -9 ssh in the lxc and it killed my host X17:30
xnoxthen you need that variable in your environment.17:30
hallynxnox: (of course that debdiff should use 1:0.2.4-2 rather than 1:0.2.4-1ubuntu1 :)  building a test.  i've read through a few more readings on the symbosl stuff and it still doesn't maek sense to me, but17:31
xnoxonce you have that variable in your environment, you will be operating against session init by default.17:31
hallynoh, now i see17:31
hallynso the debian/libnetcf1.symbosl file lists all the symbol versions which are in this library17:31
dobeylife was so much simpler when all you had to do was `eval something`17:31
xnoxthen $ start dbus, or to be sure UPSTART_SESSION=unix:abstract=/..... initctl start dbus17:31
hallynthat's why it cant' have the private symbols for older versions.  gotcha17:31
xnoxhallyn: right, well "the debian/libnetcf1.symbols file lists the minimal version constraints one must have on this library when using a particular symbol"17:33
xnoxwhen one starts out, one typically slaps ITP version number on all of them, or if there is good historical documentation as to what/when/where was introduced one can accurately set correct minimal versions.17:34
xnoxthus e.g. ensuring that fairly conservative software can be still installed on older releases.17:34
xnoxe.g. ubuntu-emulator-bin can be compiled on utopic, yet installed on precise. As only a handfull libraries are used and only stable/old symbols from there.17:35
xnoxon all symbols files are properly maintained/versioned.17:35
seb128xnox, you still plan to upload that upstart fix before the w.e right?17:35
xnoxdobey: in upstart test-suite we have python scripts to spawn user session for testing et.al. you might want to look into that.17:36
xnoxseb128: yes.17:36
dobeyxnox: i want our reliance on mir for security on the phone to not make it such a pain to actually develop and test our stuff on a normal system :)17:39
guest27497how to make an os like ubuntu ?17:41
guest27497#ubuntu how to make an Os17:43
xnoxdobey: one should be able to launch things and UI without using ubuntu-app-launch.17:43
xnoxdobey: and without user-session init.17:44
dobeyxnox: yes, i can just run any app directly with qmlscne foo.qml normally17:44
xnoxdobey: and i'm sceptical of dbus service launching UI.17:44
dobeyxnox: the problem is that pay-service always launches the UI with ubuntu-app-launch17:44
xnoxdobey: how is that not sufficient for testing? you'd test pieces individually.17:45
dobeyand i don't know how to test the full process of the service without that17:45
xnoxdobey: sounds very odd, can you not mock it out?17:45
dobeyxnox: because i'm writing code that uses the pay service, and i'm trying to test that my code behaves correctly in response to what the pay-service sends it17:45
dobeyxnox: in unit tests sure, but i'm trying to do live testing17:45
xnoxdobey: oh, so you are not even testing the ui? so yeah, payment service should be better and not try to do silly things with ui, when it's only used on api level....17:46
xnoxdobey: i'd talk to payment-service folks about it.17:46
dobeywell i'm not trying to test the UI, but the UI coming up is part of the process17:46
dobeythere is no way to test my code without that UI coming up17:47
xnoxdobey: discuss it with tedg and the like people.17:48
xnoxdobey: cause it sounds like getting a better testing interraction between the two would be better.17:49
xnoxdobey: e.g. in ubiquity i did make adjustments and made it behave different when driven by testability framework, instead of launched normally, without taking a significantly different code-path.17:49
xnoxBut rather provide hooks for a service to plug into ubiquity.17:49
dobeyxnox: yes i've been moaning about these issues to ted all morning too17:49
dobeybut i don't think there is anything specifically for pay-service to make this easier17:50
dobeyit's a general problem, not a pay-service problem17:50
xnoxdobey: well if you are writting gui stuff you can (abuse) autopilot. If your unit-tests are executed from python autopilot stuff, you have a full blown thing to make things work.17:51
xnoxdobey: also why are you using an lxc container?17:51
dobeyxnox: because i want to keep my production environment on lts17:51
xnoxdobey: i thought you work in R&D =) and not in stable maintenance support teams. I find it's easier to spin up stable releases in VMs, containers, etc. Rather than the other way around.17:52
dobeyxnox: i wish i worked in R&D. we don't have any R&D :) we have D17:53
dobeyxnox: i find it's easier to keep my system working correctly, on lts releases :)17:53
xnoxdobey: working with ubuntu-app-launch only sounds strange, especially when one should be able to launch things on unity7/legacy desktops17:53
xnoxdobey: and I understand that ubuntu-app-launch can only do launching on the converged stack.17:54
xnoxdobey: hehe. I tend to believe that I am in R&D =)17:54
dobeyxnox: i work in stress management ;)17:56
hallynxnox:  yeah, success i think.  symbols for pkg not accessing ncf_get_aug: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5), libnetcf1 (>= 1:0.2.2)18:06
hallyn(s/symbols/deps, obviously)18:06
hallynxnox: for pkg with such access: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5), libnetcf1 (>> 1:0.2.4), libnetcf1 (<< 1:0.2.5)18:06
xnoxhallyn: i think that's exactly what we need =)18:08
hallynxnox: do you mind then updating the version for debian and pushing to experimetnal?18:10
xnoxhallyn: nah, i provided the patch to the maintainer, he can do the rest =)18:11
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hallynxnox: haha, but i don't have the rights to push :)  but ok, i'll integrate and ask someone else to sponsor (who may then find somethign else i messed up while he's at it :)18:13
hallynxnox: thanks18:13
xnoxhallyn: well, you can push to the git repo right? and dput .dsc onto mentors.debian.net?18:14
xnoxhallyn: i'm happy to do the sponsoring & upload it into experimental and/or sid.18:14
xnoxhallyn: but I don't want to like NMU it, nor take credit for testing, I threw that together without even test-building it.18:15
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hallynxnox: another thing wrong in the pkg i think - there isnt' actually a git tree for the packaging18:18
hallynI'll remove that18:18
xnoxhallyn: oh, yeah. Better to not point anywhere, if that's not up-to-date / actually really used.18:19
hallynperhaps i should request a tree on git.debian.org.18:20
hallynxnox: thanks again :)18:21
dobeywell finally managed to get upstart and dbus in the lxc18:23
dobeybut launching the app fails with a SIGABRT :(18:24
xnoxdobey: yeah \o/ and no /o\18:25
dobeybecause aa-exec-click :(18:29
hallynbarry: hi!  would you mind sponsoring http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf-src-0.2.4-2/netcf_0.2.4-2.dsc into debian experimental?18:31
xnoxdobey: which brings us back to -> payments service should be able to avoid things.18:48
dobeyxnox: i still don't think this is a pay-service issue18:52
xnoxdobey: replace aa-exec-click with e.g. #!/bin/sh \n exec $@ ?18:52
xnoxdobey: lxc container, may not be capable of apparmor confinments, unless set up to work with those. I'm not sure which capabilities the container should have for apparmor to be operational.18:53
xnoxand well, debug aa-exec-click itself, as to find out what's failing. Missing installed policies? or some such.18:53
sarnoldxnox: you guessed it exactly, apparmor doesn't yet do nested profiles18:54
stgraberxnox: currently apparmor doesn't support profile stacking, so containers can't set a profile for things running inside them. It's something jjohansen1 has been working on for a while though and we should have this finally implemented for 15.04.18:54
stgraberxnox: until then, you may be able to run a contained app inside an LXC container if you turn off apparmor for the container (lxc.aa_profile = unconfined), set "lxc.cap.drop =" (so that mac_* aren't dropped) and then in theory apparmor in the container will be allowed to load new profiles into the kernel and move tasks to using it18:55
jjohansen1xnox: so currently its an either OR situation. Either lxc has apparmor enforcing on the container (current situation), OR you can disable the lxc mediation on the container, and set up an apparmor namespace for the container and have apparmor mediation in the container.18:55
jjohansen1the second option isn't directly supported atm, so it takes a little work18:56
xnoxstgraber: or like fix payment-service to be testable without requiring (A) upstart user session (B) session dbus (C) graphics (D) ubuntu-app-launch (E) apparmor (F) doing all of above on LTS machine using development trunks.18:56
dobeyxnox: i'm ok with exec $@, but one can't just do exec $@, as the arguments to aa-exec-click are in fact arguments to it. what to actually run is passed after --18:56
* dobey doesn't quite remember how to deal with that in shell18:57
xnoxdobey: man getopt18:57
stgraberdobey: loop through $* and call shift until you see --, then exec with $* ?18:58
xnoxyeah, ^ sounds better18:58
stgraberfor arg in $*; do18:59
stgraber    [ "$arg" != "--" ] && shift && continue18:59
stgraber    shift && break18:59
stgraberexec $*18:59
dobeyeh, but i'm still back to the problem of the click not finding the included c++ module; the same as if i just run qmlscene foo19:01
dobeyyay, finally got it19:12
dobeyor not :-/19:14
dobeyu-a-l still aborts when it tries to launch the app19:18
ionstgraber: I think you want to use "$@" (also: ‘for arg in "$@"’ is equivalent to ‘for arg’).19:26
stgraberion: shouldn't really make a difference in this case, but yes, $@ is usually better19:28
ogra_using case instead of [] too :)19:30
stgraberogra_: I wanted it to be compact, case, entry, default, esac is pretty long for the same result :)19:31
ogra_true ... if its only one thing you match it wont make much of a difference19:31
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slangasekstgraber: you certainly should be using "$@" here instead of $*; for anything that takes arbitrary arguments you can't assume there are none that require quoting (e.g., arbitrary filenames)20:28
slangasekand therefore one should always use $@ in such constructions instead of $*, because people are prone to cargo-culting bad habits ;)20:28
ScottKrbasak: I think if someone merged pycurl, then python-tornado could be a sync.20:40
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