
hallynsarnold: no, i hadn't.  not really sure where the configure_userns patch came from.  so the bug is that get_defaults() has to happen before the process_flags()?01:27
sarnoldhallyn: oh, sorry, I had assumed you'd be more familiar with it.01:29
hallynoh, yeah.  that is what's going on01:29
hallynsarnold: sorry, no, happy to look into it later tonight but actually i suspect stgraber may know that area of code (the change in subuid values screams stgraber :)01:30
sarnoldhallyn: oh well feel free to poke stgraber instead and enjoy your evening :) hehe01:31
=== airtonix_ is now known as airtonix
hallynsarnold: i'm about to do a test-build and run, but patch looks legit to me02:37
hallynsarnold: i always use adduser instead of useradd :)02:37
sarnoldhallyn: heh, and I add users so infrequently I have to read both manpages several times every time.02:40
mwhudsoni reliably try to use the wrong one first02:48
hallynsarnold: patch works here.  were you planning to push it?02:50
sarnoldhallyn: no; I just thought it'd be easy for it to slip through the cracks and (misremembered) I thought you had likely authored the patch referenced in the bug02:50
hallynwhy is it 'fix committed'?02:51
sarnoldhallyn: I think that's set automatically when there's the 'related branches' thing02:52
hallynok, i'd push it but i don't know what sort of process the shadow tree likes to go through (esp wrt merge requests) so i just marked it 'approve'02:53
ruben23 hi guys how do i change my timezone to DST..?04:07
histo │23:56 Mr-Protoco+| we put in a few requests to him last week04:08
historuben23: ls -l /etc/localtime04:10
ruben23histo: what next to do..?04:11
historuben23: is it a symlink or a hard file I can't remember how debian is doing it these days.04:11
ruben23-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 118 2014-04-22 02:17 /etc/localtime04:12
historuben23: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata04:12
ruben23ok done - next..?04:12
historuben23: did you select a zone?04:13
ruben23yes, but how do i know its DST..?04:18
ruben23histo: ..?04:21
historuben23: what timezone did you select?04:22
ruben23histo:  Australia04:28
ruben23i have that tiemzone already but Australia now are in DST04:29
ruben23so i need to adjust timezone i guess to hit correct time somehow..04:29
historuben23: what is date showing?04:29
historuben23: is the hardware clock set for utc?04:30
ruben23yes it is UTC04:35
historuben23: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime04:43
vedicHey guys, I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and developing a web site. I want to test it on Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, 11. How can I do that?06:10
lordievadervedic: Grab a Windows VM and install IE 8 through 11?06:12
histovedic: there is a test ie package06:18
histovedic: ttps://github.com/xdissent/ievms06:19
histoI can't find it now use that link06:20
=== Guest38922 is now known as hxm
kaitanyaneed help with quota. i'd like to set 300MB for group users on. my current info http://paste.ubuntu.com/7673149/07:08
thanahi all07:09
thanaim trying to set up a 14.04 vm using packer07:09
thana i put "openssh-server openssh-server/permit-root-login boolean true" into the07:09
thana                    preseed file. yet the password loging for root via ssh is still not allowed on the07:09
thana                    resulting system - any idea why?07:09
thanadamn. that should be only one line. sorry07:09
thana"i put "openssh-server openssh-server/permit-root-login boolean true" into the preseed file. yet the password loging for root via ssh is still not allowed on the resulting system - any idea why?"07:10
histothana: preseed didn't work then07:17
histothana: probably packer issue07:17
thanahisto: how do you mean this? preseed did work -- the default value false is changed to the epxected true07:18
histothana: oh sorry misread07:19
histossh -vvv07:19
thanahisto: why ssh -vvv? i do know already that the sshd_config is wrong ;)07:23
sander^workSome how /etc/mysql/debian-start regulary runs. How do I make it stop?07:46
sander^workAnd why does it needs to be run?07:47
kaitanyahow do i chown all files in /home to <user>:users ?08:07
kaitanyafound man chown08:08
thanahisto: FYI: i used some sed magic as a preseed-latecommand to manually change the sshd_config.  works, but is ugly08:08
kaitanyasolution to group chown /home/<user> is: chown -R :users /home/*08:09
kaitanyahelp with quota ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7673149/ ?08:09
ikoniakaitanya: don't need the * and its user:group08:21
ikoniakaitanya: that error message is nothing to be concerned about, it means you don't have quota's enabled08:22
kaitanyaikonia: but i wanted recursive chown to preserver username and change group to users so therefore chown :users08:24
ikoniakaitanya: chgrp08:24
kaitanyaikonia: i dont think u understood my problem. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7673436/08:32
HexchHi anyone know a full dns management system like atomiadns?09:35
HexchI am also open for other suggestions09:35
ikoniakaitanya: what is the problem you want ?09:49
ikoniakaitanya: chgrp will change only the group09:50
RoyKHexch: something like bind9? ;)09:54
kaitanyaikonia: problem solved. solution was to chown :group instead of user:group10:00
kaitanyaikonia: i stated in my paste ls -l and had user:group default and i wanted all of /home/* to belong to group 'users' and ls -l showed changed groupname users10:06
ikoniaas I stated, chgrp will change JUST the group10:07
mardraumkaitanya: fyi, chgrp :D10:07
ikoniai said it 2 times10:08
mardraumI concur ikonia went above and beyond.10:08
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
kaitanyawhat wrong with chown :group vs. chgrp ?10:13
kaitanyasame thing. problem solved10:14
kaitanyasyntax with chown is either chown user:group or chown user or chown :group FYI10:15
danleyHi, I am trying to install Ubuntu Server 14.04 on my System. I have 4 500GB HDDs, all the same type. I want to put all of them in an LVM container, however for one of them, sdb, it can't initialize it, getting the error message "Can't open /dev/sdb1 exclusively. Mounted filesystem?". I have no mounted FS, I dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX all of the 4 drives, dmsetup ls finds no devices.... So I am running out of ideas. Do you guys know what might be11:03
danley happening here?11:03
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
jamespagegnuoy, thinking we might want to push a new snapshot of openvswitch for trusty - there are alot of bug fixes in the branch we track11:12
jamespagegnuoy, I'll see if we can do that under our MRE11:12
gnuoyjamespage, I'd really like to see what the process is for that11:43
jamespagegnuoy, well its broadley https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates11:44
jerrcsyikes, openvswitch fixes11:44
jamespagebut we would do a general regressiont test with openstack to confirm nothing is to badly bust11:44
jerrcsI just upgraded a few kvm/ovs server groups to 14.0411:44
jamespagejerrcs, how did that go?11:44
jerrcsIt went well. We prefer the built-in openvswitch support versus the module11:45
jerrcsThe module was rather buggy at times, sometimes we'd have to reinstall openvswitch modules and it would break our networking.11:45
jerrcsupgrade was very smooth though, and no problems to report.11:46
jamespagejerrcs, ++ excellent11:48
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-lunch
danleyJust an update for anybody who was reading my question: I installed the system without the 4th HDD and added the physical volumn to the VG after install, added it to my LV, resized the FS and everything worked fine then12:51
=== psivaa-lunch is now known as psivaa
MACscrive setup 3 vlans on a bonded interface and i cant get a single vlan to show up. I know the bonding is correct as it worked fine with a bridge, but now i need 3 vlans and actually one of those vlans to be a bridge. LOL14:14
MACscrunfortunately i am not even seeing any errors about it that would help me troubleshoot the issue14:15
MACscrnow the syntax im using on my 12.04 box is the same as what im using on my debian wheezy boxes that work14:16
MACscrah, just spotted: 8021q: VLANs not supported on bond014:22
MACscrhmm, thats odd14:22
jpdsWhat are you doing with your network.14:26
MACscrjpds: well the network is a proxmox/ceph cluster. This ubuntu box is just a backup server and i run a few lxc guests on it for internal use14:31
jpdsMACscr: I think you have to do something like: bond0.42, etc.14:32
MACscrive tried that, no difference14:34
=== andreas__ is now known as ahasenack
GivenToCodehi all, not sure if this is the best place but i am having issues trying to use fuse to mount an fs inside of an lxc container via docker. I believe apparmor is getting in the way14:57
GivenToCodeid like to completely disable apparmor, but the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/apparmor.html don't really seem to disable it14:58
GivenToCodei've tried rebooting, yet apparmor continues to run14:58
tyhicksGivenToCode: you can add apparmor=0 to the kernel boot command line to completely disable it15:07
=== Malediction_ is now known as Malediction
GivenToCodeok, so if I modify my profile to include 'mount fstype=fuse,' then reload apparmor I don't get the 'apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="failed type match" error=-13 profile="lxc-container-default-with-mounting" name="/tmp/foo/" pid=11589 comm="fusermount" fstype="fuse" srcname="/dev/fuse" flags="rw, nosuid, nodev"' message in dmesg15:55
GivenToCodehowever, the operation still fails with 'fusermount: mount failed: Permission denied'15:55
GivenToCode(basically what i am trying to accomplish works with privileged containers, but i am trying to run it as unprivileged and use lxc config and apparmor config to allow only what i need to mount via fuse)15:57
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
mdeslaurhallyn: so, I've filed a demote to universe bug for virt-manager: bug 133261816:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1332618 in virt-manager "Please demote virt-manager to universe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133261816:42
mdeslaurhallyn: can you get someone appropriate from the server team to +1 it, please, and I'll start merging virt-manager16:42
hallynmdeslaur: +1 on that16:42
hallynjamespage: ^ we've discussed that before i think, any objections?16:42
jamespagehallyn, no objections16:43
hallynmdeslaur: in what form do you need the +1? :)16:43
mdeslaurhallyn, jamespage: great, could you comment in the bug16:43
thurstylarkis there a way to do a default user profile on a ubuntu client when authenticating against Active Directory?16:56
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
thurstylarkis there a way to do a default user profile on a ubuntu client when authenticating against Active Directory?17:10
zartooshHI I have installed ubuntu 14.04. I like to start the services one at the time so i can debug an issue. I was told there is a grub option that will do this? thx18:07
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=== kaitanya is now known as FRA|kaitanya
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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