
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
AskUbuntusimilarities between N900 Maemo 5 OS and Ubuntu | http://askubuntu.com/q/48571001:17
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WanLeehello everyone04:38
WanLeeproud to be there04:38
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Koheletso I'm attempting to port ubuntu touch to the Xperia Z Ultra and I was wondering about the UCM part of the porting guide...it's sort of vague and I'm not entirely sure what's required for that part06:26
oSoMoNrobru, hey, do we have an ETA on when silo 5 will be merged and cleaned? it looks like everything is in the release pocket now, not sure why the status is not updated in the spreadsheet07:22
AskUbuntuAlternatives solutions for Ubuntu Emulator | http://askubuntu.com/q/48581907:47
mandelElleo, morning! I have the branches you needed for the browser, I need to ensure that nothing goes wrong and I'll request a silo07:49
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Elleomandel: awesome, thanks, I've got most of the other download stuff implemented now so it'll be good to get the header stuff in there :)08:24
mandelElleo, I have a branch ready with the property, let me push it. Could you test it to see if it is what you needed?08:27
Elleomandel: sure, that'd be good;08:29
mandelElleo, here it is lp:~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/expose-property08:29
mandelElleo, if at some time you can give me a hand on how to generate the qml docs I would appreciate it, I have the cpp docs working but I did not quite understand how to get the qml ones when the code is pure cpp08:30
Elleomandel: sure; you'll probably want to use qdoc for that (which isn't great, but it seems to be the best option for QML docs from C++)08:31
mandelElleo, I have doxygen working correctly for the cpp, no idea what is needed to use qdoc + cmake :-/08:32
mandelElleo, I'm sure that I will be able to do it but I'm super busy and will take me longer than it should ..08:32
Elleookay, well I'll happily try and put together a quick branch that generates the qml docs for you if you like08:34
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday and happy Dump The Pump Day! :-D08:34
Elleoit looks like the qml implementation is already using qdoc comments, so I'd guess it's just the cmake integration that's needed?08:35
mandelElleo, yes, cmake is what is missing08:39
Elleomandel: okay, I'll try and put something together while that branch is building08:41
mandelElleo, awesome, thx!!!08:41
Elleono problem :)08:42
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AskUbuntuinstalar ubuntu touch en lg l7 | http://askubuntu.com/q/48586109:37
Elleomandel: I think you'll need to use a QVariantMap for the header property, as your StringMap isn't registered as a QML type09:47
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seb128ricmm, hey, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-location/+bug/1332311 a platform-api issue?10:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1332311 in indicator-location (Ubuntu) "indicator-location-service crashed with SIGABRT in internal::ToBackend::exit_module()" [Medium,New]10:49
ricmmseb128: is that on the desktop preview session?10:53
ricmmor is he somehow bringing up the location-service outside of the unity8 session10:53
ricmmseb128: but yes, thats the platform-api trying to be used without a selected backend10:57
seb128ricmm, it's unity7, I've both sessions installed for testing11:05
seb128ricmm, but installing unity8 shouldn't lead to unity7 to welcoming with you with an apport prompt at every login ;-)11:06
ricmmseb128: why does indicator-location-service autostart in the unity7 session?11:07
seb128ricmm, because it's upstart job doesn't restrict the sessions where it should start11:08
seb128but even, shouldn't that exit gracefully rather than abrt in those cases?11:09
1JTAAIUFEdoes hdmi on nexus 4 work yet?11:09
seb128ricmm, can you triage the bug as you see fit? either reassign to the platform-api with a "shouldn't abrt on desktop configs" or turn it into "upstart job should start it only under unity8 sessions"11:14
ogra_1JTAAIUFE, no ... and unlikely it will for this release11:19
ogra_focus is on getting the phones that go on sale ready11:19
ogra_with a proper phone OS only11:19
ogra_feel free to send patches11:20
1JTAAIUFEsure sure. right after i cure cancer11:21
ogra_you are aware that you need a stable phone OS before you can add fancy desktop toying, right ?11:24
1JTAAIUFEya theyreare plentyof those tho11:25
ricmmseb128: thinking of the best way to deal with it, I'll sort it out11:25
ogra_well, then feel free to develop a desktop for either of these11:25
seb128ricmm, thanks11:26
* ogra_ notes it is friday and stops feeding the troll11:27
1JTAAIUFEogra_, was hoping these devs would. instead of reinventing the wheel11:27
ogra_1JTAAIUFE, we will once we have a stable base for this11:27
ogra_this has nothing to do with reinventing anything ... it is a converged system that works in both scenarios, cant do that with any other OS11:28
oSoMoNogra_, when you have a minute, could you confirm bug #1332122 ?11:34
ubot5bug 1332122 in Oxide "playcanvas games use too much memory and the renderer gets killed by the kernel’s OOM handler" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133212211:34
ogra_oh, that is why some dont start !11:34
ogra_oSoMoN, hmm, cant confirm it for dungeon fury ... works here (and the flicker is gone)11:35
ogra_i can confirm it for the other flickering one "jungle chaos" though11:35
ogra_it never starts11:35
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
ogra_oh, wait, thats 5.311:36
ogra_i dont have 5.3 anywhere yet11:36
* ogra_ upgrades his flo 11:37
ogra_bah, battery drained :(11:39
ogra_that will take a while ...11:39
oSoMoNogra_, it looks like the issue is not 5.3 specific, although it seems to happen more since we switched to 5.311:40
ogra_right, i see it on the last promoted image here11:40
ogra_with the new oxide the flickering seems gone ... but some games dont start at all11:40
oSoMoNogra_, if you could confirm that the renderer process gets killed by the OOM killer, that would be great11:41
oSoMoNthat’s what I’m seeing here11:41
ogra_will check11:41
Elleomandel: put together a branch doing qdoc generation: https://code.launchpad.net/~michael-sheldon/ubuntu-download-manager/generate-qdocs/+merge/22390111:50
Elleomandel: I haven't made any changes to the packaging though, I'll leave that to you as I wasn't sure if you'd want it in the current lib's doc package or a new one specifically for the qtdeclarative package11:50
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ogra_oSoMoN, dungeonfury runs fine here on my freshly upgraded flo :/12:12
oSoMoNogra_, can you test with other playcanvas games?12:12
sergiusensoSoMoN: hey, is the location stuff supposed to be working from the browser now? I recall you telling me it didn't12:15
sergiusenswondering if there's a bug I can subscribe to12:16
ogra_sergiusens, it worked for me in osmtouch in malta12:18
ogra_(only GPS after getting a fix though)12:18
sergiusensogra_: osmtouch is no browser based though ;-)12:18
sergiusensthere was a specific problem with the browser12:18
ogra_i thought its a webapp-container12:19
sergiusensogra_: osmtouch is qml12:19
ogra_ah, k12:19
sergiusensogra_: using that map provider thing12:19
* sergiusens forgets the name12:19
ogra_fun, i always thought its just a webapp12:20
seb128sergiusens, seems like https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/1182658 is about that?12:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1182658 in webbrowser-app "Geolocation is not working in the browser" [High,In progress]12:20
seb128sergiusens, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/0.23+14.10.20140620-0ubuntu1 just landed12:20
seb128sergiusens, which refers to that bug, not sure if that's a partial fix or the real one  though12:20
sergiusensseb128: nice, I'll give it a go later today; I really want to start attaching locations to my beer checkins :-)12:21
oSoMoNsergiusens, support for geolocation permission requests in the browser is landing as we speak12:22
sergiusensI like these responses :-)12:22
Shadow007is ubuntu touch support for Google Maps Service .etc ???12:25
oSoMoNsergiusens, note that getting a first fix with the GPS can take a long time, but it eventually works12:26
Aizenogra_, you there?12:27
ogra_Aizen, only half way ... very busy today12:29
ogra_oSoMoN_, so i cant confirm it for any game on the flo12:30
ogra_the flo also has the flickering again12:30
ogra_i dont have that with the new oxide on mako (but with old Qt)12:30
Aizenogra_, just a quick suggestion. I asked you a day ago about my init process not starting. I think I found the problem. When kernel tries ti run the init process, it get's error -13 (permission denied).12:31
AizenBut the init file is executable, I checked12:31
ogra_Aizen, well, /init in the initrd is executable12:31
AizenI know, but kernel can't execute it :(12:32
Aizenogra_, Maybe rootfs is not mounted properly? How can I check it ?12:33
ogra_Aizen, rootfa doesnt come into play at all12:34
ogra_only after /init was processed12:34
ogra_the kernel uncompresses the initrd to tmpfs ... then runs /init in there ... which processes a bunch of scripts ... and then calls the run-init command to switch too the rootfs the scripts before have assembled12:36
ogra_(and run-init executes /sbin/init in the rootfs)12:36
ogra_if it executed /init but fails it will spawn an adb shell and stop the boot12:37
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
ogra_i asume your issue is the first step above12:37
Aizenogra_, yes. I even chmoded it before packing the ramdisk. Still don't work. I'm out of ideas :|12:38
ogra_you shouldnt touch the ramdisk and first make sure it works with the default boot.img your build produced12:39
ogra_(it surely does on other devices as is)12:39
Aizenby default you mean android boot.img ?12:40
ogra_the produced ubuntu boot.img12:40
davmor2pmcgowan: with qt5.3 out are we going to hold the meeting this afternoon still?12:40
ogra_that comes out of your android build12:40
ogra_during build it pulls the ubuntu-generic-initramfs package from launchpad, unpacks it and grabs the intramfs from there ... then it creates a boot.img12:41
ogra_thats the boot.img you need to use for booting12:41
pmcgowandavmor2, I have a conflict myself12:42
pmcgowandavmor2, hows it looking?12:42
Aizenogra_, boot.img built by the kernel.mk file? That doesn't work in our device without modification. That's why we use custom bootimg.mk file.12:42
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davmor2pretty damned good to be honest12:42
pmcgowangood to hear12:42
pmcgowanI am happy to cancel12:42
ogra_pmcgowan, we got a good bunch of test regressions ... but only one per app (except the galler which started to fail in 22 tests even before the 5.3 landing)12:43
davmor2pmcgowan: bfiller needs to push the already fixed gallery app for the header fix but wanted to do some other bits to it as I understand it.  Other than that nothing looks horrifically broken12:43
Aizenanyway that's a good point. I'll take a look how the build produces boot.img12:44
ogra_calculator, calendar, music and messagimg all have one new failure it seems12:44
pmcgowanok looks reasonably good12:44
ogra_sadly not promotable though ...12:44
pmcgowandavmor2, I will cancel the invite12:44
davmor2ogra_: the music app back and forward I've done that this morning it works fine so I don't know why that didn't pass12:45
ogra_davmor2, i assume most of these are simple AP adjustments we need12:45
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ogra_mpt, could we have a mute button iin the sound indicator ...13:02
Laurynasi was too lazy to search... could anyone tell me, if i could try to install it on W7 phone?13:02
ogra_mpt, as we have no quick way to mute your phone atm if it rings while sitting in the opera or some such :)13:03
ogra_Laurynas, nope, we need to use the android drivers13:03
Laurynas;/ sad, would like to try it out13:03
popeythat happened to me this week ogra_13:04
popeyalarm went off when i was at the kids school concert.13:04
ogra_popey, i know thats what i had in mind ;)13:04
popeyI like that you think I go to the Opera tho ☻13:05
mterryfginther, heyo -- did I mention yesterday that I had gotten phablet-config wizard-wizard --disable support branches up?13:14
mandelElleo, superb, no problem13:21
mandelElleo, did you test the branch?13:21
Elleomandel: yeah, I mentioned above using StringMap/QMap<QString, QString> for the headers property doesn't work, as it's not a registered QML type; so you'd either need to use something like a QVariantMap for the property and convert it or write a wrapper object (QMap can't be registered directly iirc due to not being QObject derived)13:24
Elleomandel: I made a quick change on my end use a QVariantMap but I'm hitting a segfault when setting the headers13:24
Elleomandel: that could be due to a mistake in my changes though, so still need to have a bit more of a look at that13:24
mandelElleo, ok, so templates are not welcome in QML.. go an figure :-/13:24
mandelElleo, I'll do a work around, no worries13:25
Elleookay, thanks13:25
mandelElleo, one question, operator overloading, does it work in QML?13:28
mandelElleo, or do I have to add a setHeader(QString, QString) QString header(QString) deleteHeader(QString) methods?13:28
Elleomandel: not certain, but I don't think so13:30
mandelElleo, ack, methods it is then13:30
Elleomandel: a QVariantMap might be nicer since then it can be set like "headers = { 'Cookies' : 'blahasdfasfd', 'Referer' : 'http://fake.com', etc. } in QML13:34
mandelElleo, ack, then I would have to do something to ensure that the headers are all strings and value<QString> or toString work correctly13:35
Elleoyou can check QVariant.canConvert(QVariant::String) to make sure it's either a stirng type or something that can be converted to a string type13:35
Elleowell "yourVariant.canConvert(QVariant::String)"13:36
loolcjwatson, stgraber: Hey, FYI I've filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-image/+bug/1332538 capturing what I think is a dangerous problem we ought to guard against before we allow production image updates13:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1332538 in system-image (Ubuntu) "No UID checks on rootfs updates" [Undecided,New]13:37
loolcjwatson, stgraber: If you have better ideas on how to solve this, could you add them there?13:38
ogra_lool, hmm, we are planning to use libnss-extrausers ... initially only for non-system users ...13:39
ogra_i wonder if we should probably adjust that plan for system-users13:39
ogra_so that they get created in a writable passwd/shadow/group setup on first boot and dont change theirr UID on the installed system13:40
mptogra_, I have been nagging Richard about Silent Mode since April last year. Unfortunately it’s not in the requirements, except for System Settings13:41
ogra_mpt, ugh ...13:41
ogra_sounds like a serious RTM req. to me13:41
mptyeah, even feature phones have it13:42
mptogra_, if we had a Silent Mode it would also need (2) an easy toggle, (3) an API for developers “play this sound except in Silent Mode” vs. “play this sound even in Silent Mode”, and (4) use of that API by the Clock app (so that your alarm still wakes you up, for example)13:42
mptIt’s not just a matter of adding a switch to the UI somewhere13:43
mptThere’s a partial spec at <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SilentMode> but it hasn’t been touched since August.13:44
ogra_mpt, well, fo rnow i think a mute button that puts the volume to zero would do i think13:47
ogra_i agree that we should long term have deeper integration13:47
Elleomandel: figured out why I was getting segfaults; looks like you either need to be creating the m_download object when the SingleDownload is created or have some intermediate property that can store the headers; otherwise the headers can't be set until after the async call to download() is completed because before that functions that access m_download will segfault due to it still being null13:48
Elleomandel: I can work around it in the browser by having an extra property that holds them until it gets the downloadIdChanged signal, but that'd be pretty nasty for most QML devs, as they'd be expecting to be able to set the headers declaratively too13:49
Elleomandel: so it'd be good if that can be resolved in such a way that the headers property can be set before download() is called13:50
mptogra_, the sound indicator already has one of those — the icon at the left end of the slider. Unfortunately indicator menus take a while to open. ;-)13:50
ogra_mpt, OH !13:51
ogra_not very intuitive though13:51
Elleomandel: also it'd be especially important for cases where devs are using the default download autostart, since they'd have no way of setting the headers at all then13:52
ogra_it should have an ubuntu shape around it to indicate you can use it as a button13:52
loologra_: I'm not sure how it helps to use extrausers?14:02
mptogra_, well it’s a pretty niche function, given that it isn’t Silent Mode…14:02
loologra_: if you like to outline how this would work in the bug, please do; it feels to me that the problem is the desync between what gets applied by updates and files created in writable dirs in the mean time14:02
loolwe dont scan for files in writable dirs today; we just applied the updated UIDs to the read-only parts14:03
mandelElleo, true14:07
ogra_lool, right, we would need to drop everything into extrausers on first boot and then have a process on upgrade that monitors additions/removals to the readonly passwd file and transfer them into extrausers14:09
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loologra_: it seems tricky to do the monitoring on the phone side14:27
ogra_you just diff what comes with the update against what came with the past update14:28
ogra_(and only act on additions/removals ... not on any other changes)14:28
mterryMacSlow, if you are despondent that there is nothing left to review, I have some testing I need done on the wizard...  ;)  Not urgent, if you have other stuff to do, do that14:59
MacSlowmterry, not that I'm out of tasks, but sure hand over what you need looked at15:00
mterry(This is a general call too anyone else) -- I'd like to enable the wizard shortly.  To test, just install "ubuntu-system-settings-wizard" on the phone.  Then after running through it, to get it back, do "adb shell rm /home/phablet/.config/ubuntu-system-settings/wizard-has-run"15:01
cwaynemardy: i don't suppose there's any update on account-plugins-as-clicks?15:02
mterryMacSlow, ^ just need people to run it through it's paces, make sure it doesn't blow up their system before landing15:02
MacSlowmterry, ok... noted those steps down15:04
MacSlowmterry, is over the weekend early enough or do you need that today?15:05
mterryMacSlow, not today15:07
MacSlowmterry, ok15:07
mterryMacSlow, if you happen to feel wizard-y this weekend, that would be nice  :)15:07
mterrybut no pressure to waste weekend time15:07
MacSlowmterry, well I don't expect it to burn many hours so it won't be an issue15:08
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
popeymtwhat triggers it?15:17
=== oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN
cwaynepopey: how did you get that OOBE screen you put on g+?15:31
cwayneits the system-settings wizard right?15:31
popeyubuntu-system-settings-wizard install that15:31
AlbertAricmm: any idea why media-hub fails in this test for amd64? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7675221/15:33
AlbertAricmm: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/178040425/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.media-hub_0.0.2%2B14.10.20140620-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:34
ogra_jhodapp, ^^^^15:34
ricmmright, jim is better for that15:34
* jhodapp looking15:35
AlbertAjhodapp: this is in relation to this MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~albaguirre/media-hub/use-new-dbus-interface-for-display/+merge/22333815:35
ogra_stgraber, hmm could it be that you forgot -k when you re-published generic_x86 ? the version numbers are off now15:35
jhodappAlbertA: I've seen that before...another bug that only seems to happen on the CI servers15:35
jhodappAlbertA: oh so you don't see this happen before that change?15:36
AlbertAjhodapp: I'm not sure actually15:36
jhodappAlbertA: do you need me to review that change for you and test it?15:36
AlbertAjhodapp: yeah that would be great15:36
AlbertAjhodapp: all other archs built fine15:37
jhodappAlbertA: ok I'll get to that this afternoon15:37
AlbertAjhodapp: this is line 8 in the ci train spreadsheet15:37
jhodappAlbertA: awesome, thanks for updating that15:37
pittitedg: hey Ted, how are you?15:38
pittitedg: did you ever try to use ubuntu-app-launch in a (s)chroot?15:38
pittitedg: I get a neverending stream of shm error messages with that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7675247/15:39
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
pittitedg: but presumably the important one is the "Unable to find job 'application-legacy': The name com.ubuntu.Upstart was not provided by any .service files"15:39
pittitedg: certainly the schroot doesn't have an upstart session running; can I start that manually?15:40
ogra_tedg, on that note .... we got a lot new .crash files in from ubuntu-app-launch_desktop-hook  image testing ... can you take a look at them ?15:40
pittitedg: I'm asking because testing in a schroot (while I develop all the click testing stuff) is magnitudes faster than on a real phone and the emulator15:40
ogra_tedg, http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/91:20140620.1:20140530/8639/sdk/ has one at the bottom (and in four other unrelated tests they happen too)15:40
tedgpitti, It really needs an Upstart user session, I mean, that's kinda how it works :-)15:41
tedgpitti, If you could get a user session running with a dbus session bus, I think that's all it needs.15:41
pittitedg: right, I figured as much: hence my question, can I start that manually?15:41
tedgpitti, But you'll probably need to create a new session type.15:41
tedgpitti, You can do init --user, but that'll try to run all the jobs.15:41
tedgpitti, So you'll need to navigate through them by setting the desktop.15:42
pittitedg: ubuntu-app-launch said it was creating a session bus by itself (it complained when dbus-x11 wasn't installed), but I can try15:42
tedgogra_, looking15:42
tedgogra_, Cool, honestly that's what I was hoping for. Put new crash points in to try and find this DB error :-)15:43
tedgogra_, Well, not crash, recoverable errors. It recovers.15:43
ogra_right, but it makes our image less green15:43
pitti$ /sbin/init --user15:43
pittiinit: dbus pre-start process (9360) terminated with status 12715:44
pittitedg: ^ I guess that's not healthy? (it's running, though)15:44
tedgUhg, there's not the data I was expecting :-(15:44
ogra_only a dependency list it seems15:45
tedgpitti, You might need to grab stgraber here, he set up the early upstart session stuff.15:45
seb128pitti, see #ubuntu-desktop recent backlog if you are on utopic, the upstart update from earlier is buggy15:45
tedgMight be able to help you navigate those waters better.15:45
pittinope, still the same "com.ubuntu.Upstart was not provided" error, even with init --user running15:45
seb128pitti, ignore that15:45
seb128pitti, our issue was with xsession-init, your looked similar but is not15:45
pittitedg: ah, thanks15:45
tedgpitti, You'll need to get a login that is setup with that dbus session bus as well.15:46
tedgpitti, I think you can cat ~/.cache/upstart/dbus-session unless ogra_ has moved it already.15:46
ogra_i havent yet15:46
ogra_(next week)15:47
tedgCool, then it'll be /run/user/32001/upstart/dbus-session, right?15:48
ogra_i was pondering to just export it into the the upstart env15:48
dpm_pitti, I tried to change my locale to 'ca', but it seems it's not added to the seeds? I thought it had made it to the cut-off in the end?15:48
ogra_instead of using a file at all15:48
pittidpm_: we need to rebuild ubuntu-touch-meta forthat15:48
tedgI think people want it to ssh in and test things.15:49
tedgI guess they could pull it out though.15:49
ogra_if people test things they will have to do that under the upstart session anyway15:49
ogra_and the profile.d scripts we have make the phablet user end up in it by default15:49
ogra_even on console15:49
pittitedg: ah, it looks different now: Unable to find job 'application-legacy': GDBus.Error:com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Error.UnknownJob: Unbekannter Auftrag: application-legacy15:50
ogra_as i said i was *pondering* ... i wont land it if it doesnt work :)15:50
pittitedg: "Unbekannter Auftrag" == "unknown job"15:50
ogra_(and fall back to use a file in /run)15:50
tedgogra_, Cool, what ever works :-)15:51
tedgpitti, So that means that it can't find one of the job's path when asking upstart. Which would be odd.15:51
tedgpitti, Is there a /usr/share/upstart/session/application-legacy.conf ?15:52
pittitedg: yes15:52
pittitedg: ah, wait -- I just set the dbus session of the already running init of my host system, but that's wrong15:52
pittiit shuld be a completely separate init and dbus process15:53
tedgYou should also install UAL on your host system. It's great! ;-)15:53
pittibut width dbus-launch; export D-S-A= ... /sbin/init --user & u-a-l I still get the ServiceUnknown: com.ubuntu.Upstart error, hmm15:54
pittiok, stgraber isn't online yet, I'll ask him next week15:55
pittitedg: thanks so far!15:55
tedgpitti, Cool, that guy knows containers pretty well too ;-)15:56
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dpm_thanks pitti. Is this rebuild to ubuntu-touch-meta to include the additional languages something planned, or does it need to be requested?16:06
mhall119pmcgowan: it would be nice if there was a way to enable "Demo Mode" on the phone that would make it re-run through the "how to use the edge swiping" every time you wake the phone or something16:10
mhall119has that been discussed yet?16:10
pmcgowanmhall119, there is such a thing16:10
pmcgowanfrom command line as I recall, one sec16:10
pmcgowanmhall119, there is a dbus command to renable it, would that suffice?16:11
dpm_hi mterry, I think you might be responsible for the new setup wizard, so nice work! :) I'd like to start pointing translators to it - in which project are its translations hosted?16:12
mhall119pmcgowan: having in it system-settings would be nicer, but I could manage dbus16:13
stgraberpitti: ?16:13
pmcgowanmterry, does that demo-edges thing still exist or is there some other property now16:13
stgraberogra_: hmm, looking16:13
pmcgowanmhall119, we could I suppose, or at least put it in phablet-tools16:13
mhall119pmcgowan: whatever it is, we need to let people who might be showing it off at events know how to use it16:13
mhall119even loco-team events, it would have been nice to have for my last release party16:14
stgrabercdimage@nusakan:~$ bin/copy-image ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed ubuntu-touch/utopic generic_x86 87 -k -vvv16:14
stgraberogra_: ^16:14
stgraberogra_: so no, I did pass -k16:14
popeymhall119: pmcgowan we should just have a click which is unconfined which resets back to factory16:14
stgraberogra_: maybe I passed the wrong number though?16:14
popeyjust launch it, and it restarts unity with everything reset16:14
mhall119popey: I don't necessary want everything reset16:14
pmcgowanpopey, well not factory reset, thst  a little different16:14
robruoSoMoN, well it's merged now16:14
mhall119it's my daily driver afterall16:14
popeywell, you could have options for what to reset16:15
pmcgowanthat will be in settings16:15
popeywelcome screen, initial tutorial, reset user metrics16:15
pmcgowanbut re-enabling the wizard seems different to me16:15
pmcgowanpopey, stop making work for me!16:15
mhall119I'd even be happy with an app that just triggered the wizard16:15
pmcgowanlets see what mterry says16:16
nhainesdemo-content should include infographic metrics.  :)16:16
mhall119In Soviet Canonical, employees give work to managers16:16
ogra_stgraber, hmm ... thats weird then ... i checked my history too and had the -k everywhere16:18
stgraberogra_: ok, let me check what's the state of things and how we can fix it :)16:23
stgraberogra_: hmm, looking at http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/utopic/ I see the same versions for all devices16:24
stgraberogra_: it's utopic-proposed/generic_x86 which is out of sync with the others, but that's very easily explained (very likely caused by someone respinning only the i386 rootfs for whatever reason, resulting in a new build only for the x86 device)16:25
stgraberwe could do a nasty version hack on all other devices to get the versions back to sync, or you could just respin armhf only which should have the same effect (without the system-image hackery)16:26
mterrydpm_, ubuntu-system-settings16:29
mterrypmcgowan, demo-edges still exists16:29
mterrypmcgowan, I'm adding a new option to phablet-config -- phablet-config welcome-wizard --disable16:29
AskUbuntuDoes ubuntu touch support desktop convert desktop convergence yet? | http://askubuntu.com/q/48603016:29
mterrypmcgowan, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/phablet-tools/welcome-wizard-disable/+merge/22376616:30
* mterry goes afk again for a little bit of lunch16:30
dpm_mterry, nice, thanks16:30
ogra_stgraber, oh, then it is probably rsalveti's fault :P16:31
ogra_stgraber, right ...16:31
ogra_will check if we can do that during the next week (we dont have planned builds atm)16:32
rsalvetiogra_: not my fault :P16:34
ogra_i guess there were failed armhf builds at some point but x86 finished16:34
msvb-labAnyone succeeded with the dualboot.sh script (Ubuntu Touch on Nexus via recovery) on Cyanogenmod 11 yet?16:36
dobeyhow do i get the requisite upstart processes running on the user's session bus, without starting a whole new X session? just dbus and upstart only?16:36
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dobeyno love17:13
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cdepauwI've been using ubuntu touch for about 5-6 mo18:17
cdepauwand my phone no longer associates with a carrier18:17
cdepauwI went to a store owned by the carrier t-mobile and they told me the service and card are working18:18
cdepauwthey put the card into a different phone and were able to send/recieve calls18:18
cdepauwis there a reason ubuntu touch does not show a carrier in the cellular configuration screen?18:19
cdepauwI've tried 'choose carrier:' and 'Manually' from the Cellular configuration screen18:19
cdepauwand from the 'Carrier' screen, I choose refresh18:20
cdepauwbut no carrier appears18:20
pmcgowancdepauw, your modem may be off due to a recent bug18:23
pmcgowanunder ubuntu that is18:24
pmcgowancdepauw, check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/urfkill/+bug/132162718:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1321627 in urfkill (Ubuntu) "Wrong WWAN value in saved-states" [Critical,Triaged]18:25
cdepauwpmcgowan i followed the steps that last person gave in the thread there18:36
cdepauwand now my service is back18:36
cdepauwpmcgowan: thank you so much!18:36
pmcgowancdepauw, thats great and sorry for the trouble18:36
dobeyhow does a click app know to load the c++ qml plug-in code from inside it's click folder?18:37
sarnolddobey: iirc, there's a LD_PRELOAD set before the application is launched; this might also be useful for you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ApplicationConfinement/#Launching_applications18:42
dobeysarnold: is there an env var or something one can set to make aa-exec-click not simply abort when trying to launch an app under X?18:43
sarnolddobey: I think -x will do the job18:44
cdepauwpmcgowan I'm just glad there's a good shell on touch for making changes like that18:44
pmcgowancdepauw, indeed18:44
cdepauwthe keyboard seems great always, but for the terminal it seems lacking somehow18:44
cdepauwI guess that's just how it is though. I doubt the experience would be better on other platforms18:45
pmcgowancdepauw, there are some options in terminal with long press and such18:45
pmcgowancdepauw, if you are not on it the ubuntu-phone mailing list has such issues as you ran into18:45
dobeysarnold: hmm, with that i get "aa-exec: ERROR: Permission denied"18:46
sarnolddobey: oh, is this inside an LXC container?18:50
sarnolddobey: apparmor doesn't yet support nested apparmor profiles; since lxc uses apparmor to enforce some aspects of the container, you can't also use apparmor profiles within the container18:50
dobeysarnold: hmm. :-/18:51
jjohansen1dobey: if you turn off apparmor confinement on the container, you can setup an apparmor namespace for the container and use apparmor in the container18:52
jjohansen1dobey: note: that it will take some manual changes to do, as this isn't something supported by lxc atm18:52
sarnoldjjohansen1: heh, elsewhere xnox suggested replacing aa-exec with an "exec" shell script. that's probably the path of least hassle :)18:53
jjohansen1so currently its either one or the other, with the ability to stack profiles scheduled to land for 15.04 atm (it could be 14.10 but it would probably be experimental)18:53
asachow long idle before the phone is supposed to switch off the screen?18:55
AlbertAasac: 60 secs18:56
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jdstrandbfiller: hey, I was redoing my contact sync. I have contacts in google. all I need to do on the phone is add the google account, then select it and check Contacts, correct?19:59
jdstrandbfiller: yes, that seemed to work. something got messed up so I removed the google account, stopped lightdm, blew away all the syncevo and evo folders, started lightdm, added the account and it worked fine20:03
jdstrandnot sure why it happened, but I had the old way of import and an alternate account in there20:04
ubot5You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices20:07
lotuspsychjethatsmekaustubh_: check this site, or xda forums for fonepad20:07
thatsmekaustubh_<lotuspsychje> can i pm you?20:10
lotuspsychjeyou can ask here20:10
thatsmekaustubh_I want to stay updated about discussions here from my android phone20:14
thatsmekaustubh_it is low end android 2.3 phone20:14
thatsmekaustubh_how do i stay connected?20:14
thatsmekaustubh_question not so related to ubuntu touch20:14
thatsmekaustubh_thats why i wanted to ask you in private20:14
lotuspsychjean android irc app?20:15
thatsmekaustubh_yes sort of I have already installed andchat20:17
sarnoldthatsmekaustubh_: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/20/%23ubuntu-touch.html20:18
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lotuspsychjesarnold: did you see the gallery app error yesterday, i was on irc from my n720:19
sarnoldlotuspsychje: oh yeah, that sounds a little familiar20:19
lotuspsychjesarnold: crashes on several version of touch on my nexus20:20
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bfillerjdstrand: I think if you did the sync manually from the old days it would mess up the new way of adding the google account20:28
jdstrandyeah, that is what I figured20:29
bfillerjdstrand: but yes, simply adding the account and switching on the contacts setting should be all you need to do20:29
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AlbertAjhodapp: so for http://paste.ubuntu.com/7675221/, which is the first test in the suite, I suppose gstreamer takes a while to start the first time - increasing the timeout helped out21:07

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