
mappsyay new graceland ep03:47
directhexshauno, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJqimlFcJsM ?07:21
diddledandirecthex: you bad bad man07:27
knightwisemornin dudes :)07:42
directhexis it? :'(07:47
diddledanjee, brain what are we going to do tonight?07:57
diddledanwith a room full of geeks the answer to that question probably isn't that far from the truth ;-)08:00
dwatkinswe already took over the world, it's just getting out of control08:02
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:18
davmor2morning bigcalm08:20
bigcalmHi davmor208:20
bigcalmEarly start for you08:20
davmor2no I have a 09:30 call every morning :)08:21
davmor2I'm just gonna stay on tonight :)08:21
foobarryis stackoverflow dead?08:21
foobarrybeen offline for maintenance both times i've tried going to the site in 2 days08:22
davmor2foobarry: looks up to me08:22
foobarryStack Overflow is currently offline for maintenance08:23
foobarryctrl-refresh ugh08:23
foobarryrefresh wasn't sufficient08:23
davmor2foobarry: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/stackoverflow.com08:23
foobarrywell it was up buit showing mainteance page.08:24
foobarrywhy the main page doesn't expire so easily is strange08:24
diddledanwww.php.net was down earlier08:24
davmor2foobarry: I checked the site first and saw a display08:24
foobarryapparently the internet went down for many yesterday08:24
foobarrysince facebook wasn't working for 15 mins08:25
diddledan15 minutes is forever08:25
diddledanimagine the things you could do if facebook were operational for those 15 minutes08:26
diddledanbtw, whatever happened to the good ol' "poke"?08:26
=== msm is now known as Guest2893
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday and happy Dump The Pump Day! :-D08:34
bigcalmYou're getting rather obscure08:35
JamesTaitI'm completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.08:36
foobarryhappy rumpy pumpy day? must tell the wife08:37
bigcalmShe won't believe you. Wifes are good at doing that08:38
DJonesSomebody will have a headache as well08:38
TwistedLucidityJoyous Sweetmorn, the 25th day of Confusion08:38
TwistedLucidity(What's "Dump the Pump" all about?)08:39
JamesTaitAlternatives to fossil-fuel driven transportation, generally.08:40
TwistedLuciditySo...feet and push-bikes then.08:41
DJonesCould try the electric Harley Davidson08:42
TwistedLucidityCan't. Electric is fossil-fuel unless you can guarantee it was only charged by nuclear or renewable. :-)08:43
TwistedLucidityAnd you can't wear shoes. Plastic is fossil derived too. All leather ones would be OK.08:43
TwistedLucidityNo polyester items of clothing.08:44
TwistedLuciditySee....it gets hard.08:44
bigcalmWill need to extract the fillings from my teeth and pins from my bones as fossil fuel will have been used to in their production and transportation08:47
drussellbigcalm: not to mention all the food you've consumed through your lifetime, the majority of which was transported using fossil fuels08:50
popeyMorning all08:50
bigcalmdrussell: most of that food has been and gone though08:51
DJonesdrussell: On roads constructed using fossil fuels in production08:51
dwatkinscan we start recycling all the plastic now?08:51
drussellbigcalm: but your body is still here, the thing that was built using that food ;o)08:52
popeyWe can fix that.08:54
* diddledan prepares the DIY fake suicide kit08:55
diddledanACME FTW08:55
bigcalmIs it 2nd August yet?08:55
diddledanwhat happens then?08:55
bigcalmChuff chuff08:55
lubotu3rat is The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. Saturday 2nd August 2014 Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2745-real-ale-train-2014/08:55
diddledanI'm not going :-(08:56
bigcalmI guess I should enjoy 5th - 12th July first08:58
TwistedLucidityThat sounds awesome.09:00
bigcalmTwistedLucidity: there will likely be another one next year. Keep an eye on the mailing list and me spamming this channel ;)09:01
TwistedLucidityAh, now I read "Sold out".09:02
TwistedLucidityI'm a dirty Kubuntu-using heretic though. It'd probably get flogged and strapped to the front of the train unless I repented and declared Unity the one ture DE. :-P09:03
bigcalmI think people are a little more open than that :)09:03
* TwistedLucidity books for next year, starts printing Gentoo pamphlets.09:04
diddledanGENTOO!!! :-D09:05
awilkinsRAT... may be able to actuall ygo09:06
foobarry any given Docker image someone is asking you to run in your Docker setup can access ANY file on your host, e.g. dumping hosts /etc/shadow or other sensitive info, compromising security of the host and any other docker VM's on it09:07
MartijnVdSyay security09:08
bigcalmawilkins: it's sold out this year09:08
bigcalmawilkins: unless you can find somebody to sell you a ticket09:08
awilkinsOh well09:08
MartijnVdSfoobarry: things like that don't really instill trust in "containers" vs "full VMs"09:08
diddledanhow is that possible?09:09
bigcalmawilkins: there are usually people selling their spare tickets on the gate of the evening. But there's no guarantee09:09
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: I thought the whole poinit of a Container was "chroot with bells on"?09:12
awilkinsAre we saying that Docker in LXC can access /etc/shadow ?09:23
awilkins(forgive me if I'm mixing cloud thingies, I'm not entirely up to speed)09:23
foobarry  http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/06/19/docker_security09:23
foobarrysorry for reg link, i feel like reg=dailymail09:23
awilkinsHehehe, yeah, so do I now.09:24
awilkinsSo : it's fixed09:25
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: I wouldn't say "Daily Mail", but they're rarely "hard tech". At least they don't seem to take themselves too seriously.09:29
popeyooh, cheap09:37
bigcalmNot sure what the hook is09:39
diploI was thinking the same, but reviews seem good bigcalm :)09:39
bigcalmI like the music though09:40
TwistedLucidityGoat Simulator isn't on sale. Rats.09:41
MooDoohello all09:41
directhexbigcalm, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOvcNMNQv2Q09:41
bigcalmdirecthex: perfect!09:42
brobostigonmorning boys and girls09:43
popeyI like the train sim games09:45
popeyi like open world games too09:45
popeyand ones where you can crash ☻09:45
popeyLooking forward to No Man's Sky09:45
popeylooks proper bo09:45
foobarryguildford massive09:45
popeyJungle is massive.09:46
* popey is taking the day off next week.. to work on ubuntu stuff ;D09:46
popeyooh, octodad on sale09:46
TwistedLucidityYou are taking the day of to do work. I think you fail to comprehend the meaning of "day off"09:47
popeyi know ☻09:47
foobarryeuro truck sim 2 is £2.2409:47
dwatkinsI went to school in another country once during my half-term.09:47
foobarryhow can i find out which process is bound to which cpu/core09:48
MartijnVdSare they bound?09:48
popeyooh, steam has "Remotely install" option.. is that new?09:49
foobarryor using09:49
davmor2popey: Oh you mean steam testing on Ubuntu right09:49
dwatkinsfoobarry: in "top", press f then j then return, it's the penultimate field09:49
popeydavmor2: installing for later09:50
foobarrydwatkins: clever, cheers09:51
popeyj doesnt work here09:51
foobarry* J: P          = Last used cpu (SMP)09:52
dwatkinsthis is the version I have: ii  procps                                                1:3.2.8-11ubuntu6.3                                   /proc file system utilities09:53
foobarrychoose P field09:53
foobarrytop right09:53
popeyright, but j doesn't work09:54
foobarryi'm on 12.04 still09:54
foobarrytop: procps version 3.2.809:55
foobarryyours has more awesome09:55
dwatkinsDescription:    Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS09:55
popeyheh, Euro Truck Simulator coming down the pipe at 11.5MB/s!09:56
popeyHONK HONK!09:56
foobarryruns on linux?09:57
MartijnVdSETS 2 too09:57
popeywell,. 2 is what i got09:58
MartijnVdSAlso.. X-Com now being available on Linux09:59
MartijnVdSSuch awesome09:59
foobarrydid you see the ETS2 gold bundle10:00
foobarryincludes "going east"10:01
diddledanooh, lotsa messages since I last looked10:05
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
awilkinsOh hooray, the HTML5 player on YouTube fixes the stupid "Focus goes to window on other screen so I stop being fullscreen" bug10:28
bigcalmI think flash still suffers from it though10:32
awilkinsWhatever the last flash update did, the performance went back to being extra-sucky on Linux10:32
awilkinsNoticably jerky10:32
awilkinsAnd Firefox doesn't support HTML5 on Youtube....10:33
awilkinsWhich is a little sad10:33
awilkinsBut that means Chromium is now my browser for .. i) Youtube and ii) Spotify   because they don't work on Firefox (Spotify / Firefox doesn't work for me behind a SOCKS proxy, Chromium does)10:34
foobarryoffice365 kills firefox10:35
foobarryis it worth me learning how to do the rubiks cube?10:44
foobarrydoes it take long to learn?10:44
dwatkinsI recently bought myself a 3x3x3 cube so I could learn how to solve it, foobarry.10:44
dwatkinsThere are a few simple techniques to learn, there's an excellent tutorial on youtube about it.10:44
dwatkinsthe techniques all boil down to the same movements, though: http://www.wikihow.com/Solve-a-Rubik's-Cube-(Easy-Move-Notation)10:45
awilkinsI learned as a kid but I've forgotten most of the algorithms10:46
awilkinsThe ones I learned were pretty slow10:46
dwatkinsI think that's the one.10:46
awilkinsThey concentrated on formulae that moved a single cubelet10:46
bigcalmSpotify client is for Spotify ;)10:48
diddledanthere's some really funky stuff in the kindle firephone10:49
awilkinsThing that vexes me about the spotify client is that it wants to be your only music player, but doesn't support local OGG files10:52
awilkinsThe majority of my local music is encoded as OGG Vorbis... and so are Spotify's streams!10:52
awilkinsBut it won't play them10:52
davmor2diddledan: yeah but do you really want a phone that is on fire?10:53
bigcalmSpotify is my only music player these days. Ever so rare that I listen to oggs or mps3. When I do, it's with VLC10:53
bigcalmI pay the subscription, I use it pretty much constantly10:53
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
mappsis it possible to get replacement p60s?11:44
mappsive paid my student loan back but they wont stop taking every month without my p60..and work never gave me it..but im sure they'll say they did11:44
mgdmI believe you can11:47
mgdmmight depend on HR being cooperative, though11:47
MooDooI think if you contact your tax office you can get one.11:48
MooDooaren't all the details you need on the p45 they gave you ?11:49
MooDoomapps: - http://www.taxfix.co.uk/forum/articles/ow-to-get-a-copy-of-your-p60.html11:49
mappshah p45 is end of employment?11:49
mappsso no:P11:49
mappsvery funny ;] so email payroll11:50
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
diddledanmy last p60 said that I am unable to get replacements if I lose it11:52
mappsi didnt lose mine..never got given it ;[ and p45 is end f employment aka being sacked?11:55
mappsmean MooDoo11:55
MooDooI was just saying if you had your p45 then most of the details you need if you want a p60 are on it as far as i remember, so if it's just numbers then look at that.12:00
mappsMooDoo but isnt a p45 only got when you leave or get fired? thats all i mean - why would i have one:D12:41
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
popeyyou generally dont hae one12:42
mappsyea thought so12:42
popeyyou get given one when you leave your employment, and then give it to the next place12:42
popeyso unless you're between jobs, you rarely have one, unless its a mistake12:43
MooDooit: marcushaslam]13:09
MooDoohuh what?13:09
mappsso hot outside13:28
mappssweating buckets after walking to sainsburys;/13:28
dwatkinssimple solution: don't go to Sainsburys ;)13:31
wheatley_ind_There is that... oh... and open the windows!13:31
dwatkinssometimes opening the windows makes it worse13:31
mappsi was outside..!13:31
wheatley_ind_Helps in a hot stuffy office :)13:32
wheatley_ind_Although now looks like rain here!!13:32
dwatkinsreminds me of a joke about a genie in the desert who grants a wish of a car door so the guy can wind the window down when it gets hot13:32
mappsget flys  when i open windows too13:32
foobarryicedtea seems to fail for loads of remove viewer apps provided by vendors13:39
wheatley_ind_foobarry, which vendors? I know some you can run the Java applet directly13:41
brobostigonhttp://pastebin.com/a5JE2qum anyone recognise this error, i cant find much information on it. please.13:45
MooDoobrobostigon: http://techblog.tgharold.com/2013/08/tls-sslread-failed-error14094418ssl.html13:46
brobostigonit only happens when i try and use roundcube to connect to dovecot, using k9-mail, no error.13:46
foobarrywheatley_ind_: APC, IBM, etc13:47
foobarryhave an APC IP KVM switch13:47
MooDoobrobostigon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217772613:48
brobostigonMooDoo: thank you,13:48
MooDoono sure if any of them are relavent though13:48
foobarrynet.sourceforge.jnlp.LaunchException: Fatal: Application Error: Unknown Main-Class. Could not determine the main class for this application.13:52
TwistedLucidityDear ubuntu-type super-peoples; can I install from a live CD/USB when I have no keyboard or monitor on the target machine?14:23
TwistedLucidityI don't want to have to rearrange the office to do an install....14:23
mappsi think yes but notusing the defaut14:25
mappsyoud prob have to do some kinda config file14:25
TwistedLuciditymapps: I was afraid of that. Hmm....this monitor doe PIP, I wonder if the cables are long enough......14:28
TwistedLucidityAbout 5cm too short...rats14:30
mappsthis might help TwistedLucidity14:30
mappsah bit old may apply tho14:31
TwistedLucidityThe config file stuff looks interesting. Might need that later. For now I'm going to see if I can shoogle this thing 5cm to the right14:32
TwistedLucidityShoogle achieved!14:33
mappsso how you going to do it?:D14:38
mappsfound out?14:38
foobarrymapps: what's your net profit losson the world cup so far14:44
foobarryanyone near a redhat 6 server please cat /etc/redhat-release please?14:58
TwistedLuciditymapps: Yeah, I moved some furniture and shifted in 5cm to the right. Now have a monitor connected. Spare keybaords etc located.14:59
foobarryah, think i got one14:59
dwatkinsTwistedLucidity: do you have a serial cable? ;)15:13
bigcalmMy elephpant just threw itself off of my monitor15:15
bigcalmIt's Friday, be happy wee elephpant15:15
dwatkinsbigcalm: pics or it didn't happen!15:20
dwatkinshehe, a php elephant :D15:37
bigcalmAn elePHPant15:38
dwatkinsbigcalm: where can you get them? my brother wants one15:39
bigcalmNot sure if they are available any more15:39
dwatkinsebay, then ;)15:39
bigcalmThere are occational different colour ones from events or kickstarter15:39
bigcalmI'm currently waiting for a purple one from supporting PHPwomen15:40
diddledanI want a elephpant!15:40
dwatkinsdiddledan: http://www.elephpant.com/content/latest-available-elephpants15:40
diddledanI placed an order - they're gonna email me or so they say15:42
dwatkinsgood luck!15:42
bigcalmIs Octodad playable/enjoyable?16:03
bigcalmOr just plain weird16:05
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
popeyit is both16:12
popeyits playable, controls are hard, like surgeon sim16:12
TwistedLucidityAnyone used devstack? Any ideas on why it's impossible to login with the correct user/pass? No errors, just doesn't leave login page16:13
bigcalmI found I sucked beyond belief with surgeon sim16:13
bigcalmI want it to be 6pm so I can knock off and play beatbuddy16:14
Laneyspotify's "gapless playback" is a filthy lie16:17
Laneyit doesn't even try to buffer the next song before getting onto it as far as I can tell16:18
TwistedLucidityI give up. Declaring devstack "unfit for purpose".16:20
daftykinswoop woop, time to do the ghetto LGA775 upgrade ^_^16:32
bigcalmDats the sound of the police16:34
Laneyfirst sustained use of fan this year16:35
Laneyachievement unlocked16:35
Laneyrocking out to the four seasons might have had something to do with it16:35
popeyTempted to light the bbq16:46
popeyyes, screw it, lighting16:46
davmor2popey: I think you missed the n there dude, Lightning !  It's what you'll doom us too if you fire up the BBQ :D16:48
popeywell, lighting16:49
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
mappsworld cup on17:12
popeychicken on bbq \o/17:22
brobostigonbeer o'clock17:26
* popey resists checking on the chicken17:31
bigcalmAnybody played Rage?17:32
bigcalmVideo looks a little gory17:33
mapps<foobarry> mapps: what's your net profit losson the world cup so far -- not sure17:50
mappsbut +about 800 on this match17:50
mappslayed Italy/backed unders and backed costa rica at 1-017:50
mappsfree yen17:50
daftykinsaww yeah that's a nice little speed boost for an aged machine18:08
MartijnVdShmm.. steam servers are hjaving a hard time18:13
MartijnVdSI'm only getting 1.4MB/s instead of the usual 1118:13
daftykinsMartijnVdS: silly billy, buying steam sales is to collect, not to actually *play* ;)18:16
MartijnVdSdaftykins: But.. X-Com!18:19
daftykinsMartijnVdS: looked a bit basic to me18:23
mappgah its so hot18:24
daftykinsmapp: hehe18:26
MartijnVdSdaftykins: it's a bit basic but it's so good18:27
MartijnVdSas in.. lots of the exciting18:27
diddledanmapp: unzip and stand in front of an open freezer18:35
diddledanwhen did I become an expert at PHP? I don't recall being good enough to be referred-to as such18:40
diddledan'nother network: [19:38:36] DP110is rusty n had to check with an expert18:40
mappheh diddledan18:50
mappi was paying like 2.62 a pack of marlboro in cz18:51
mappand here 8.5018:51
diddledangotta love the cancertax18:51
mappseems like everyone smokes over there18:51
mappevery single hot girl is always lighting up18:51
mappits totally diff tho..can smoke anywhere..even the staff behind bars smoke whilst serving you18:51
mappcan smoke in the airport etc lol18:52
mappthat and the fact we were paying 80p-1.50 a pint18:52
mappid be dead by 40 ! :)18:52
daftykinsi don't think i'd like that18:53
mappi wouldnt be able to help myself..if i earnt my wages now and lived there18:54
mappthere's a 24hr sports bar 2mins from another 24hr bar 5mins from where my mate lives..my mate went to watch the nba finals at 2am ..i couldnt be bothered..too tired18:54
mapphe gets home 830am LOL18:54
daftykinsthat's something that sucks about the channel islands, stuff wraps up very early18:55
daftykinsthere's still no sunday trading too18:56
mappi can imagine some bad nights out if we had a 24hr sports bar18:56
mappbad enough the casinos serving till 630am;p18:56
mappwakeup feeling horrendous18:56
daftykinspubs are done by midnight here18:56
mappno 24hr supermarkets?18:56
daftykinsno sir18:58
daftykinsthe big ones that got bought by Waitrose aren't allowed to open on Sunday due to their size18:58
daftykinsones by me in the town centre close at 10pm every night18:58
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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