
Cimistarting earlier today so I can watch italy later on  :D07:06
CimiSaviq, I am doing tests07:26
CimiSaviq, found more bugs fixing them07:26
Cimi(some conditions where the layout was breaking)07:26
tsdgeosSaviq: taaaaaaaaags07:31
Saviqtsdgeos, damn :|07:34
tsdgeosno idea how they got to my unity807:34
Saviqtsdgeos, I do07:35
tsdgeosseems they are not upstream07:35
Saviqtsdgeos, they were, yesterday07:35
Saviqtsdgeos, or well, a few days before07:35
tsdgeosbut somehow i ended up infecting swipe_down_close_no_remove_dash07:35
Saviqtsdgeos, Kaleo's branch07:35
tsdgeoscleaning up now07:35
Saviqtsdgeos, I will do some checking again07:35
Saviqbefore the next landing07:36
Saviqooh 5.3 is a landeded07:37
mzanettifacundobatista: hey, was on holiday yesterday07:54
mzanettifacundobatista: if you have an utopic machine now, you can branch lp:unity8 and run ./build.sh in there. Then you'll have a "cardtool" somewhere in the builddir07:55
mzanettifacundobatista: ping when you're around I can give you better instructions then07:55
Saviqtsdgeos, hmm we seem to be missing some  "don't animate height" on the VJ09:57
Saviqtsdgeos, I did http://paste.ubuntu.com/7673731/09:58
tsdgeosSaviq: i think i missed half of what you said10:00
tsdgeosi only got10:00
tsdgeos<Saviq> tsdgeos, hmm we seem to be missing some  "don't animate height" on the VJ10:00
Saviqtsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/dashviews_integration/+merge/222192/comments/53717910:00
tsdgeos<Saviq> tsdgeos, I did http://paste.ubuntu.com/7673731/10:00
Saviqtsdgeos, and there's a small inline comment on the doxy comment10:01
* tsdgeos reads10:01
tsdgeosoh come on, got disconnected again :/10:01
Saviqtsdgeos, no, you're still here10:01
mzanettiSaviq: known troubles with QtFeedback?10:02
Saviq<tsdgeos> oh come on, got disconnected again :/10:02
Saviq<Saviq> tsdgeos, no, you're still here10:02
Saviq<-- tsdgeos has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)10:02
Saviqtsdgeos, you knew it before it happened ;)10:02
Saviqmzanetti, context?10:02
mzanettiplugin cannot be loaded for module "QtFeedback": The plugin '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtFeedback/libdeclarative_feedback.so' uses incompatible Qt library. (5.3.0)10:02
Saviqmzanetti, looks like you didn't upgrade completely10:03
mzanettiyeah... but apt doesn't agree on that10:03
tsdgeosyeah it's kind of weird10:03
tsdgeosi was disconnected when i wrote that10:03
tsdgeosthen reconnected10:03
tsdgeosand client quite10:03
tsdgeosno idea why10:03
Saviqmzanetti, you using a mirror?10:03
Saviqmzanetti, you probably upgraded in-between migrations from proposed10:03
mzanettilooks like...10:03
mzanettiqtsensors coming in noe10:03
tsdgeosSaviq: 4-indented ? you mean with tabs? or 4 spaces?10:05
Saviqtsdgeos, 4 space10:05
Saviqtsdgeos, like my patch did ;)10:05
Saviqtsdgeos, I'll prep one for the other places where that happens10:05
Saviqbut separate MP10:06
Saviqtsdgeos, you know what I meant for resize-on-creation?10:08
tsdgeosSaviq: hmmm, not really10:10
tsdgeoscan't see anything wrong after applying your patch10:10
Saviqtsdgeos, scroll fast10:10
Saviqtsdgeos, expand first category, scroll past it, scroll back up10:10
Saviqtsdgeos, you should see it not being expanded (which it should) and animating height (which it shouldn't)10:11
tsdgeossomething's very wrong10:12
tsdgeosi'm just not getting the VJ :D10:12
Saviqtsdgeos, did you build? ;)10:12
tsdgeosi did10:12
Saviqtsdgeos, did you build your VJ branch?10:13
Saviqtsdgeos, well, it might be grid in fact, it's not like it's easy to discern ;)10:14
tsdgeoswell i replaced the carousel too10:14
tsdgeosand still get it :D10:14
Saviqtsdgeos, so maybe my bug is in trunk ;)10:14
tsdgeosit may10:14
tsdgeosi can't repro though10:14
Saviqtsdgeos, anyway there's a few template defs above as well10:15
Saviqah but that's for special10:15
tsdgeosah i changed the wrong ones10:15
tsdgeossilly me10:16
tsdgeosyeah, why is it doing that?10:17
* tsdgeos checks10:17
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, should be better now, can you check?10:32
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, checking10:37
Saviqtsdgeos, it needs 4 spaces *more* than normal text ;)10:39
* tsdgeos is confused10:39
Saviqtsdgeos, normal text is * foo10:39
Saviqthe ascii art10:39
Saviqneeds to be *     foo10:40
tsdgeosso i'm missing 1 space still?10:40
Saviqtsdgeos, yes10:40
Saviqtsdgeos, make -C builddir doc10:40
Saviqand builddir/doc/unity8/class_responsive_vertical_journal.html10:40
tsdgeosuh oh10:40
tsdgeosdo you guys get http://paste.ubuntu.com/7673886/ on make testShell?10:41
Saviqtsdgeos, looks like it, yes :|10:41
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, same trace10:42
tsdgeosthis crash in valgrind seems veeeeeery similar to the other one we were having10:44
* tsdgeos builds with debug again10:44
Saviqtsdgeos, ACK on VJ10:45
SaviqMacSlow, there's still inline comments in https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/combo-button-support/+merge/221499 that need action (reply at least)10:49
MacSlowSaviq, I'm on those...10:49
SaviqMacSlow, ah ok, thought you were done with that one, too10:49
MacSlowSaviq, was surprised I didn't see them (all) before.10:49
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, they're not easily visible indeed10:49
MacSlowSaviq, the other three branches seem fine10:50
SaviqMacSlow, and then if you change, the diff changes and so you need to switch to the previous diff to be able to see them10:50
MacSlowSaviq, yeah... by now I'm aware of that new LP-diff-comment feature10:50
MacSlowSaviq, after all that new way is nicer for comments... especially for the commenter10:51
SaviqMacSlow, indeed, well, as submitter you can reply to those, so that's good, too10:51
Saviqthere's stuff to improve for sure10:52
Saviqbut it's a start10:52
tsdgeosSaviq: one for the lazyimage test https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fix_lazyimagetest_53/+merge/22389610:53
tsdgeosthen there's the multigreeter one10:53
tsdgeosin which html behaviour has changed10:53
tsdgeossomeone needs to check if we're fine with that change or not10:54
tsdgeosmterry probably10:54
tsdgeosand then the crash i'm investigating10:54
tsdgeosi'll create a bug for mterry and the multigreeter test failures10:54
Saviqtsdgeos, great, thanks10:54
Saviqk folks, taking second half of my holiday o/11:05
CimiSaviq, you off now?11:08
kgunnCimi: i'm pretty sure this was fixed in our latest release, can you double check  it ?11:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1319907 in Mir "Last shell frame isn't sent to the display" [High,New]11:18
Cimikgunn, phone dead at the moment and without carousel11:19
Cimikgunn, let me ask mzanetti11:19
Cimimzanetti, do you remember the bug with the carousel?11:19
kgunnCimi: i can do it actually11:19
Cimikgunn, thanks!11:19
mzanettiCimi: hmm... which one?11:19
mzanettiah... that one11:19
mzanettihaven't seen it any more lately11:19
Cimimzanetti, flick on carousel, no overlay11:19
Cimikgunn, ^11:19
CimiI'll reopen it in case11:20
kgunnCimi: for future...how to reproduce ? add like 10 music files or something ?11:20
Cimikgunn, yes, just flick11:20
mzanettikgunn: yep, just drop some music or videos on the phone11:20
mzanettiand carousels start appearing11:20
Cimikgunn, quite almost every time the overlay wasn't shown11:20
Cimino title/song11:20
mzanettithat said, I think I saw the one in the recent apps category again lately, where whe thought it would be related11:21
mzanettibut I didn't really investigate, so... take it with caution11:21
mzanettican't reproduce it right now...11:22
kgunnmzanetti: Cimi yeah...seems pretty solid, i can't repro11:31
mhr3jhodapp, got a u8 crash with 5.3  coming from media-hub http://paste.ubuntu.com/7674074/ sorry for crap debug, don't have all the symbols, but fwiw it should be uploaded to daisy11:35
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Cimitsdgeos, I refactored my card emblem as saviq asked https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/card_emblems_single_container/+merge/22389911:37
Cimitsdgeos, I tested a bit, seems fine11:39
Cimitsdgeos, I am happy to get it merged and wait for bugreports if there are11:39
Cimithere are so many nested cases that there is a chance something is broken11:39
Cimibut I tested most11:40
tsdgeosCimi: i'll be away next week, and i'm having a look at a qt crash right now, maybe you should look for someone else to review11:40
Cimiok Saviq then11:40
tsdgeosCimi: did the new infographics already got merged?11:42
Cimitsdgeos, no11:42
Cimitsdgeos, unity side they work11:42
Cimitsdgeos, but camera app doesn't populate the service11:43
Cimitsdgeos, so we wait next week to talk with pete who is on holiday11:43
Cimitsdgeos, basically you can manually add infographics to the backend and you see them in unity... but there is something broken on the backend11:44
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jhodappmhr3: yeah, we weren't ready to switch to qt 5.312:04
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
facundobatistamzanetti, saw your instructions from some hours ago; I'm currently installing stuff in this Utopic machine for build unity, thanks!12:41
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mzanettidpm_: kgunn: hey, one of you should move the meeting to a different time slot. I don't mind which one :)13:40
mzanettitalking about reminders weekly and kevin/michael 1:113:40
dpm_mzanetti, I can move it, sorry, didn't want to step on your 1:113:41
mzanettidpm_: no... kevin stepped on the reminders meeting13:41
dpm_aha! :)13:41
mzanettidpm_: but I figured we're moving the reminders one often enough to probably move it for real13:41
dpm_mzanetti, yeah, the last weeks have been quite hectic with other things and that's meant some movement there. Let me change the time for the one this week and then I'll find a better weekly time for the one next week13:42
kgunndpm_: appreciate it....i got a lot of guys...so shuffling is a challenge of all the 1on1's13:43
dpm_kgunn, no worries13:44
dpm_mzanetti, ok, moved this one to Monday, as Riccardo pinged me earlier he might not be able to make it today13:45
mzanettidpm_: works for me13:54
dpm_ok, thanks13:58
kgunngreyback: i had a moment to tinker, export renderer_timings & when i tried to relaunch using14:25
kgunnit aborted14:25
kgunnam i doing it wrong ?14:25
greybackkgunn: need to also set MIR_SOCKET=/run/mir_socket14:25
greybackkgunn: if you pulled today, the PPA is broken again, since Qt5.3 landed14:26
greybackworking on fixing it now14:26
kgunngreyback: ack... sorry man14:27
greybackkgunn: np14:27
* kgunn wonders about qt5.3 so close to rtm14:27
greybackkgunn: I'll let you know when PPA back up and running14:27
greybackthe gcc transition also didn't help14:27
kgunnyeah :-/14:28
tsdgeoskgunn: i just discovered a few crashers too :/14:28
tsdgeosin qt5.314:28
kgunnolli_: ^ to keep in mind for discussions about how upstream migrations occur14:29
kgunngreyback: mirserver doesn't seem to exist...14:33
kgunnAvailable platform plugins are: eglfs, kms, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, ubuntu, ubuntumirclient, ubuntumirserver, xcb.14:33
kgunni tried the obvious ubuntumirserver14:33
kgunnFailed to connect to "/run/user/32011/ubuntu-keyboard-info" after 10 failed attempts14:34
mterrykgunn, if you have time today, you could also be my welcome-wizard guinea pig.  Not urgent, still waiting on some test script changes to be reviewed.  But might be a nice Friday activity14:35
kgunnmterry: is there something available now ?14:35
kgunni'm taking off for the day at lunch14:36
mterrykgunn, just install ubuntu-system-settings-wizard and run 'adb shell rm /home/phablet/.config/ubuntu-system-settings/wizard-has-run' to reset state14:36
greybackkgunn: you'd better just hold on until I have the PPA working again14:36
mterrykgunn, again, not urgent though14:37
kgunngreyback: my apologies...i'm a distraction, just ignore me...note: i'm not on the ppa14:38
greybackkgunn: I'm confused, what are you testing? Trunk?14:39
kgunngreyback: yep...just straight devel-proposed image14:39
kgunnagain..just ignore me14:40
greybackkgunn: ok, sorry, "mirserver" threw me off - that's PPA only.14:40
greybackkgunn: QT_QPA_PLATFORM=ubuntumirserver and MIR_SOCKET=/run/mir_socket should be enough14:40
kgunngreyback: yeah that worked...but failed on keyboard14:41
greybackkgunn: those "Failed to connect" messages are normal, as maliit-server hasn't been started (it's usually started by unity8's upstart job)14:41
kgunnmaybe i didn't wait long enough14:42
paulliuCimi: hi. Can you help me review this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/lp1330957/+merge/22377914:43
Cimipaulliu, sure14:43
paulliuCimi: not a large one but fixes some FAILED in testCard14:43
cwayneSaviq: any chance of the vertical journal fixes landing today?14:43
kgunncwayne: i think Saviq is off... tsdgeos might know14:44
Cimipaulliu, is this a typo? headerLeftAnchorHasMagin14:44
tsdgeoscwayne: it's approved14:44
tsdgeoscwayne: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/dashviews_integration/+merge/22219214:44
kgunntsdgeos: do  you just need a silo to land it ?14:44
tsdgeoscwayne: but it needs a lander14:44
tsdgeosnot sure if Saviq has something prepared or not14:44
greybackkgunn: but you're not starting the unity8 job, you're starting unity8 manually. So no dependent processes (like maliit, indicators) won't autostart.14:44
kgunntsdgeos: i'll check and get a silo if not...14:45
paulliuCimi: No. The original code are using that variable. Or I should change all of them?14:45
Cimipaulliu, you can skip the fix14:46
Cimipaulliu, I will add it in my emblems branch14:46
greybackkgunn: you could run "initctl set-env QSG_RENDER_TIMING=1" and then "start unity8" as usual, and the ~.cache/upstart/unity8.log file will have the timings printed there14:46
Cimipaulliu, the entire fix I mean14:46
paulliuCimi: ok. because I'll rebase my another branch about the attribute UI on your emblems branch.14:46
Cimipaulliu, or you can do that14:46
greybackbut that means *every* Qt process will do the same, unless you unset that right after14:46
greybackkgunn: ^14:46
Cimipaulliu, but I think is easier for you if you leave it to me14:46
Saviqkgunn, no, no silo - we could land stuff that's there in u8 queue, unity-notifications could use a landing, too14:47
Cimipaulliu, that code is quite awful to see (that js)14:47
paulliuCimi: OK, maybe I should do that. Because this bug fixing branch is smaller.14:47
paulliuCimi: yours are large.14:47
Cimipaulliu, I mean I can add the fix to my branch14:47
paulliuCimi: ah. got it. Please do.14:48
Cimipaulliu, but you can keep fixes for the card tests14:48
paulliuCimi: actually I need to fix the margin.14:49
Cimipaulliu, ok fix it then14:49
paulliuCimi: ok.14:49
Cimipaulliu, but please rename the variable14:49
paulliuCimi: ok.14:50
kgunnSaviq: you know time off means off :)...but since you're on, do you mean you want me to create a silo and land everything that's approved+ready for unity8+unity-notifications ?14:52
kgunn(sorry parse error on your last post)14:52
Saviqkgunn, yeah14:52
kgunncwayne: just an fyi...might not land until monday...looks like ci train is unmanned for the moment15:06
kgunnso suspect i won't get a silo until late afternoon15:06
cwaynekgunn: ack, thanks for the update, monday should be fine15:07
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mhr3mhall119, mind running your nice script to update the scopes docs?15:18
mhr3mhall119, or is it running as a cron job somewhere?15:18
mhall119mhr3: no cron yet, the changes are in trunk?15:18
mhr3mhall119, in U even, yes15:18
mhall119I'm still on trusty, so doing it from the branch is easier than from the package15:19
Saviqpaulliu, hey, charles fixed the failure in indicator-session, but unity8 still didn't log out for him15:27
Saviqpaulliu, I kicked a rebuild of everything in silo 00815:28
charlessaviq, I sent paulliu a mail about it on (wednesday?)15:28
Saviqcharles, yes, seb128 fwd'ed it back to me15:29
Saviqcharles, so I don't have a reply, if there was any :)15:29
mhall119mhr3: please check
charlespaulliu, are you able to trigger a logout in unity8 via dbus-send?15:29
charlesI'd like to decouple the testing of the indicator-session parts and the unity parts15:29
Saviqpaulliu, you could test on the phone btw, if your desktop doesn't run unity815:30
Saviqpaulliu, you just need to run the dbus command, or you could even export the UNITY_INDICATORS_PROFILE="desktop" into upstart to get the session indicator on the phone15:31
mhr3mhall119, +1, we moved some stuff to a new unity::scopes::experimental namespace, but it's actually good that it's not in the docs, discouraging use of classes from there was why we did it15:33
seb128Saviq, there was no reply15:33
mhall119mhr3: do any old classes need to be removed?  remember that the import script never deletes things, only adds and updates15:33
mhr3mhall119, hm, even if they were you wouldn't be linked from anywhere, no?15:34
mhr3they wouldn't be*15:34
mhall119mhr3: if you moved things from a supported namespace into experimental, they would still be in the old location15:35
mhr3mhall119, right, but there wouldn't be any pages linking to that now15:35
mhr3mhall119, or wait the index page is hardcoded, right?15:36
mhall119http:// is generated from the API website's data15:37
mhr3where does it get the categorization from?15:37
mhall119mhr3: for scopes, I hand-crafted them15:37
mhall119because the source docs don't have that data15:37
mhr3so it is kindof hardcoded?!15:38
mhall119for QML docs, I can get that from the sources15:38
mhall119mhr3: only the categories15:38
mhall119and those are hardcoded in the importer, not in the api-website15:38
mhr3mhall119, ok, nonetheless, it looks good to me15:38
mhall119ok, I'll push to production15:39
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
paulliuSaviq: yes, I can do the logout by dbus-send15:41
Saviqcharles, ↑15:41
mhall119mhr3: please verify http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/scopes/sdk-14.10/15:41
paulliucharles: Can't you logout with dbus-send?15:41
charlespaulliu, can you paste to me the recipe you're using for that?15:42
paulliucharles: I think tsdgeos also tested the dbus-send already.15:42
paulliucharles: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/130221315:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1302213 in Unity 8 "API to bring down the session" [Critical,In progress]15:42
charlespaulliu, no it didn't work for me when I tried dbus-send from the command line.15:43
paulliucharles: the unity8 didn't kill itself?15:43
charlespaulliu, I'm happy to re-test, could you paste the invocation you used, so I can repeat it hee?15:44
mhr3mhall119, oh wait one leftover - "Deprecated List"15:45
mhr3mhall119, should be gone now15:45
mhall119mhr3: the full page?15:46
mhr3mhall119, yep15:47
mhall119ok, gone15:47
mhall119mhr3: removed from staging as well, so it won't cause confusion on a future update15:48
mhr3mhall119, awesome, thx15:48
paulliucharles: ok. wait.15:53
paulliucharles: first, bzr branch lp:~paulliu/unity8/logout and then ./run_on_device.sh  (you might want to adb shell install some build-deps first).15:56
Saviqpaulliu, just upgrade from silo 00815:56
charlespaulliu, thanks. I'll try that here15:56
Saviqstill building latest unity8, but shouldn't be a problem (and should finish soon)15:57
paulliucharles: And source this shell script. http://paste.ubuntu.com/767531715:57
Saviqpaulliu, if you ssh onto the device, that should be there in your env already15:57
paulliucharles: And use qdbus com.canonical.Unity /com/canonical/Unity/Session com.canonical.Unity.Session.RequestLogout15:57
paulliuSaviq: ah. ok15:57
Saviqor use sudo -u phablet -i15:57
charleswell, I was testing on desktop since indicator-session doesn't have a profile on the phone16:00
charlesunless I'm misunderstanding what I'm needing to test here...16:00
paulliucharles: Another way to test on desktop is use KDE, and then run ./run.sh, qdbus will also trigger a kill of unity8.16:01
paulliucharles: I'm thinking if it is because I didn't modify debian/*.install. The plugin might not be installed.16:10
paulliucharles: I'll check the silos16:10
paulliucharles: hmm, no, there is the plugin.16:11
paulliucharles: I'm testing silos right now. But I'll need some time for that. The network to ports and ppa isn't stable.16:14
paulliucharles: Some Taiwan sites are under attack now.16:15
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
charlespaulliu: okay, on my laptop I'm logged into a unity8 session16:22
charlespaulliu: I ssh in from my desktop and run that script to get DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS set16:23
charles(nice script, by the way. I'd been sourcing the upstart file, but this is more convenient ;)16:23
paulliucharles: try "qdbus com.canonical.Unity". It should prints all the objects16:24
charlespaulliu: doesn't exist. I'm wondering if an update I've run since Wednesday overwrote the silo16:25
charlespaulliu: 5 minutes :)16:25
paulliucharles: what? Session might not be there, but there should be some other objects there already.16:26
paulliucharles: I now only have 5000 B/s to ports and ppa.16:27
paulliucharles: Cannot get anything.16:27
seb128charles, paulliu: I'm installing that ppa to try here16:28
charlespaulliu: to answer your question, this is what I see:16:29
charles$ qdbus | grep Unity16:29
charles com.canonical.Unity.WindowStack16:29
charles com.canonical.Unity.Launcher16:29
charles com.canonical.UnityGreeter16:29
paulliucharles: hmm. So Session isn't there. I'll check.16:29
charlespaulliu: but I suspect I'm not installed right from silo 8, so as I said, give me a minut :)16:30
paulliucharles: ok16:30
charlesseb128, thanks :)16:30
seb128charles, paulliu: the ppa doesn't work on utopic unity8-mir-desktop session :/16:31
charlesseb128, do you mean when trying to log out through indicator-session, or when manually sending the RequestLogout call over the bus via dbus-send / qdbus?16:32
seb128the indicator16:34
seb128tryin qtdbus now16:34
charlesseb128, thanks16:34
charlesif that works, maybe there's still a different bug remaining in indicator-session16:35
kgunnmterry: only thing i noticed is that the delay between the wizard and the spinner is kinda big...16:35
kgunnlong enough that as a user i wanted to start punching buttons16:36
seb128charles, trying to get qdbus to work first...16:37
charlesseb128, you have qdbus5 installed?16:37
* charles is waiting on apt-get upgrade :)16:38
seb128charles, installing it16:38
seb128"qdbus com.canonical.Unity /com/canonical/Unity/Session com.canonical.Unity.Session.RequestLogout" doesn't do anything to unity816:40
seb128charles, paulliu: ^16:40
paulliuseb128: ok.16:41
paulliuseb128: I'll check. I'm still on apt-get update.16:41
paulliuseb128: what does "qdbus com.canonical.Unity" say?16:43
seb128charles, paulliu: unity8-mir.log has "Signal QQmlEngine::quit() emitted, but no receivers connected to handle it."16:44
seb128displayed every time the dbus request is emitted16:44
seb128paulliu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7675560/16:45
seb128paulliu, is the "no receivers connected" error helping? what code is supposed to be the receiver?16:51
paulliuseb128: let me check.16:56
greybackthat usually means in the main.cpp where the QQmlEngine is created, that no slot was connected to the QQmlEngine::quit signal to actually call QGuiApplication::quit()16:56
paulliugreyback: yes. I think I did that already when you told me.16:57
paulliugreyback: But might be cleaned after some trunk merge. I'll fix it.16:58
greybackpaulliu: you've a better memory than I do. I don't remember saying that :)16:58
seb128paulliu, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/178057888/unity8_7.89%2B14.10.20140618-0ubuntu1_7.89%2B14.10.20140620-0ubuntu1.diff.gz is what we got in the ppa upload16:58
seb128ups, sorry16:59
seb128launchpad seems confused16:59
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paulliuSaviq: I push a new commit to logout branch based on seb128 and greyback's comments.17:04
paulliuSaviq: add QObject::connect(view->engine(), SIGNAL(quit()), application, SLOT(quit())); in main.cpp17:05
seb128Saviq, charles, paulliu: I'm kicking a rebuild for unity8 so it picks up that change17:07
seb128paulliu, do you know how that code got dropped/why you had it in your local version and no in the branch?17:08
paulliuseb128: My local branch also dropped sometime after merge trunk. But I don't know why it still works on all my devices. Even on phone.17:09
seb128ok, let's see if that rebuild makes it work for us17:09
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seb128Saviq, charles, paulliu: ok, works now with the unity8 signal connect change17:39
charlesseb128: \o/17:40
seb128well "works", it logout without asking for confirmation17:40
Saviqseb128, yeah, that comes later17:40
seb128but I guess that's what that change is supposed to do?17:40
seb128Saviq, so feel free to land the silo17:40
charlesseb128: right, i-session tries to pull up the dialog, but when it gets a failure response, that's treated as confirmation now...17:40
Saviqseb128, Monday ;)17:40
charlesseb128: thanks for being the scratch monkey17:41
seb128Saviq, yeah, I was thinking the same/going to add "if you feel adventurous" ;-)17:41
seb128charles, no worry!17:41
Saviqseb128, I'm even on holiday today ;)17:42
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seb128charles, btw did you see my ping about reviewing cyphermox's bluetooth setting changes? do you think you would have review slot for that?17:42
seb128Saviq, stop being on IRC then, go enjoy your extended w.e ;-)17:42
charlesseb128, no sorry I didn't see that ping. Yes of course I'll take a look17:43
charles(cyphermox: ^)17:43
seb128charles, thanks17:43
charlesseb128: are there any others you want me to look at besides https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/ubuntu-system-settings/discoverability-annd-fixes/+merge/22395517:49
seb128charles, no, that's the one, thanks!17:49
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