
lazypower-travelMorning o/11:30
lazypower-travelPhilly cheese steak acquired; consumed; and ready for more.11:31
jedijflazypower-travel: jim's?12:20
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys?, hamsters and everything else12:24
lazypower-traveljedijf: yep :)12:30
lazypower-travelI'm sitting at the airport wishing i had another, man that was good.12:31
jedijflazypower-travel: LOL, I always get 2 when I'm done there to avoid seperation anxiety.....12:45
lazypower-traveljedijf: i secretly did get 2. one with provolone one with the whiz12:45
lazypower-traveli have to say, the one wih the whiz was better than i expected. I'm normally not a fan12:45
jedijfwhiz is one of those location things - only works in philly12:45
jedijfi didn't want to edit waltman . and i realize that not everyone can do the wiz thang - usually, i do triple cheeses12:46
jedijfkinda like an everything bagel; why choose? get all12:46
waltmanTriple cheese? Madness!13:37
waltmanWe all have our cheesey preferences13:38
waltmanI will say that, despite what you may have heard, American is BY FAR the most common cheesesteak cheese in Philly.13:39
lazypower-travelwell i've had 2 of 317:02
lazypower-travelnot a bad run17:02
lazypower-travelczajkowski: ping if you're still stomping around over there20:57
lazypower-travels/stomping/lurking/ # edit for correct verbiage20:58

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