[01:36] * krokus is away (Linux is culture.) [04:05] i recomend using gnome in ubuntu studio [04:05] for gnome copy sudo apt-get install gnome [04:14] wat [04:14] i would rather [04:14] use sudo apt-get install gnome-shell [04:14] to only install the shell [04:14] and xfce4 is by far superior because its lightweight === daniel is now known as Guest98401 [17:35] * krokus is away (Linux is culture.) === god__ is now known as Guest76733 [21:06] hi! I have a service icecast2 in my /etc/init.d/ folder.. but don't want it to start at boot-up, so I've created an icecast2.override (with 'manual' in it) in /etc/init/ but the service starts anyhow.. am I forgetting something? [21:10] Yes, you're mixing upstart config with init scripts, edit /etc/default/icecast2 [21:10] answer to my own question: it's not a Upstart [21:10] ah! [21:10] I have an upstart unit file for it, if that'd help. :P [21:11] kostex: Did you enable it at some point? It's disabled by default. [21:11] not to my knowledge? it's started at bootup? [21:12] Anywho, there's an ENABLED var in the aforementioned file. [21:12] what I did now is "update-rc.d icecast2 disable" is that too harsh? [21:13] I don't see why it would be. [21:13] not familiar with upstart unit file I'm afraid.. [21:13] could I take a look at it? [21:16] I found it! [21:16] niiice [21:16] https://sigma.unit193.net/icecast2.upstart [21:18] got it! thanks.. let's see what's inside ;) [21:19] I could also add an xmllint check, but haven't yet. I also have a simple systemd service file. [21:22] I'm too big of a newbee to understand all that, sorry ;-) [21:24] * kostex wondering why I ever left unix.. well.. the money what was in dos ofcourse.. but now I'm back.. [21:25] the learning curve is somewhat vertical.. ;-) but I have the time now.. anyhow thanx for the file, I understand it perfectly.. [21:27] It doesn't take much of /etc/default/icecast2 into effect, btw. Sure, hope it helps. [21:28] It does.. thanks again.. [21:28] (does help I mean) [21:28] now for a reboot to check.. [21:38] Which version of icecast2 were you using? [21:55] Unit193 sorry, was away for a while, my wife needed some attention.. friday night shmiday night ;-) [21:57] icecast 2.3.3