
Guest40109hello everyone having an issue with apt-get update on xubuntu 14.0400:11
Guest40109anyone have an idea how to "restore" the daemon?00:12
ObrienDavewhat is it doing?00:15
Guest40109when trying to run update it errors out and gives the message that it is possible the daemon as quit. when i try to run apt-get it does nothing but cycle back to the prompt00:17
Guest40109trying to get a copy of the message right now to post.00:17
ObrienDaveok, pastebin it please00:18
Guest40109well now it will not error at all it just acts like it is not even recognizing anything. I tried apt-get clean and apt-get autoclean and it does nothing,00:25
ObrienDaveok, just a sec00:29
ObrienDaveyou have synaptec installed?00:30
Guest40109no i do not have synaptic installed00:31
ObrienDaveinstall it from software center, please00:31
Guest40109software center will not open00:32
Guest40109it opens and then immedeatly closes00:32
ObrienDaveumm, wow00:32
bluesabreapt-get -f install00:32
ObrienDaveyea, try that command00:33
ObrienDaveany luck?00:37
Guest40109no it does nothing00:38
Guest40109it just returns to the prompt00:39
ObrienDavedo you have Gdebi installed?00:42
Guest40109no i do not00:42
ObrienDavewhat is the last thing you used to install anything?00:43
Guest40109the software updater00:44
bluesabrels -lrt /var/cache/apt/archives00:46
bluesabrethe bottom most items are most recently installed00:46
bluesabreanything apt or dpkg00:46
ObrienDaveok, i found dpkg works with .deb00:46
Guest40109that is what it comes up with00:49
Unit193Guest40109: How much disk space do you have?  Can you pastebin the error you were getting before?00:52
Guest40109i get no error it just cycles through00:53
Unit193"Cycles through", downloads the lists?00:54
Guest40109does nothing but returns to prompt00:54
Unit193And what does  apt-get -v  return?00:55
Guest40109this is what it returns :http://pastebin.com/zrk5qdN800:57
Unit193OK, that's good.  Now,  sudo dpkg --configure -a00:58
Unit193Also, I presume you don't have any proxy, or apt-cacher?00:58
Guest40109i get nothing when i run that last command00:59
ObrienDavei get nothing also01:00
Unit193ObrienDave: If upgrade has been halted and there are unconfigured packages, that will configure them. (--configure, -a = all.  Not the same as --reconfigure)01:02
Guest40109i still can not run update01:03
Unit193You could try clearing out the lists, but there's not a lot of information for me to go on.01:04
ObrienDavewhat happens with "sudo apt-get update"?01:04
Guest40109it just cycles back to the prompt01:04
Guest40109how do i clear the lists?01:06
Unit193The files in /var/lib/apt/lists/, it's what apt-get update  downloads.01:07
Guest40109ok so can i just go to that file folder and clean them out?01:07
Unit193Guest40109: Also, can you pastebin the output of  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  ?01:08
Guest40109i get nothing when i run the last command01:11
ObrienDavestraight back to prompt?01:11
Guest40109is there a way to restart the apt-get node?01:17
Unit193'apt-get' is a command, not a daemon.01:19
Guest40109hmm well it tells me that the daemon has died01:19
Guest40109when i run software updater01:19
ObrienDavei was thinking of trying to reinstall apt01:19
ObrienDavebut without synaptic, Gdebi or software center, i can't figure it out01:20
Guest40109yea i have software center but it will not open it just immediately closes01:21
Unit193Check .cache/upstart/startxfce4.log for that error01:22
ObrienDavethat's what i mean, none of those are working at the moment :)01:23
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Guest40109here is the post from startxfce4.log :http://pastebin.com/RndU4rSr01:28
Unit1932014-06-19 20:42:11,956 - softwarecenter.backend.reviews - WARNING - error creating bsddb: '(22, 'Invalid argument -- BDB0054 illegal flag combination specified to DB_ENV->open')' (corrupted?)01:30
Unit1932014-06-19 20:42:11,957 - softwarecenter.backend.reviews - ERROR - trying to repair DB failed01:30
Guest40109how do i clear those out?01:32
ObrienDavei have no idea01:34
Guest40109i have tried to run apt-get clean and autoclean and it will not take care of it01:43
MisterAcacia_Don't know if this will work, but have you tried apt-get install -f ?01:49
ObrienDavesudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove01:50
Guest40109tried all of those and nothing02:07
ObrienDavei'm out of ideas02:11
Guest40109its ok i will keep digging into the forums to see what i can find everything points to an issue that happened in 13 but not in 1402:14
Guest40109thanks for everyones help i am a windows user gone linux02:14
Guest40109so trying to get a grasp of the terminology and setup on the linux systems02:15
ObrienDaveit just sounds to me like the package DB is corrupted. i have no idea how to fix it02:15
Guest40109is there a way to stop the package and remove it?02:15
ObrienDaveand i'm an ex-windows user also ;)02:15
Guest401098 did me in i am done with htem02:16
ObrienDavewe hear that a lot02:16
SirLagzI'd had it with Windows since XP lol02:16
Guest40109naw i loved XP an even 7 just 8 is for phones not desktops or laptops02:17
SirLagzXP had it's own set of issues02:17
SirLagzjust like 7 did02:18
ObrienDaveif it was not for 2 programs that i must use windows for, i don't even run it anymore02:18
SirLagzthough both had the 'ohmigawd somethings changed, reactivate again' when nothing's changed02:18
Guest40109one of the things i am impressed with ubuntu and xubuntu is the ability to just work02:19
Guest40109even with this issue i can still run programs and do things where with windows it would have been  a "fatal error"02:19
ObrienDaveoh, and when my external HD goes wonky i use chkdsk02:19
akishi all. when in July exactly it will be availab le for upgrade 14.04.1 through Canonical for 12.04 users?04:41
akishi all. when in July exactly it will be available for upgrade 14.04.1 through Canonical for 12.04 users?04:44
baizonakis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule04:46
akisbaizon: ok, thanks.04:48
SamwiseGamgeeI´m in the xubuntu documentation website, http://docs.xubuntu.org/1404/, where do I find information on the installation process?  Which chapter is it?05:04
SamwiseGamgeeI have been looking for it on that website, and I cannot find it05:05
SamwiseGamgeeWill the CD automatically be bootable if I just burn the ISO onto it?05:43
SamwiseGamgeeWhat about the USB stick?05:44
SamwiseGamgeehOW DO i make that bootable?05:44
SirLagzSamwiseGamgee: i believe you can use the same way. 'burn' the iso onto the USB stick05:44
ObrienDaveuse unetbootin05:44
baizonor linuxliveusb05:45
SamwiseGamgeeI have another program that makes usb sticks bootable....05:45
SamwiseGamgeenever tried it before, its on Windows XP05:45
ObrienDaveor tuxboot05:46
SirLagzor yumi05:46
SirLagzthere's a whole host of utilities out there05:46
SamwiseGamgeeIḿ looking for it now05:46
SamwiseGamgeeI tbhink itśś on my jump drive05:46
SamwiseGamgeethat´s weird, I lost the instructions for rufus05:51
SamwiseGamgeeI printed them out and can´t find it05:51
SamwiseGamgeeI found it05:51
SamwiseGamgeewhich file system should I use when I create the bootable USB stick to install xubuntu?05:54
SamwiseGamgeeAfter I created the bootable USB flash drive, and used it to install xubuntu with rufus, can I just format the USB flash drive to use it for other data later on?05:59
SamwiseGamgeeI can keep the bootable ISO on a DVD permanently for backup, instead of my USB stick05:59
ObrienDaveyou just cant save anything to the DVD whereas you can add to the USB using 'persistance'06:02
SamwiseGamgeeIf the USB stick is for installation I don´t think I can add anything to it06:07
kostex"lvremove  snapshot"    is the way to go if I LIKE the changes to my system, am I right? Today a tutorial (http://www.tutonics.com/2012/12/lvm-guide-part-2-snapshots.html) said it should be LVMERGE.. that can't be right?09:00
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j0nesSince I updated to 14.04 my computer just goes to black screen after sleep mode when I try to login.09:53
j0nesAny solution for this problem yet?09:53
j0nesThe same happens to a netbook I installed 14.04.09:54
ObrienDaveneed to add nomodeset to grub entry09:54
j0nesObrienDave: Do you have a guide for that?09:55
cfhowlett!nomodeset | j0nes09:55
ubottuj0nes: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:55
j0nesIm new to linux so I need guide for simple things :D09:55
ObrienDavecfhowlett, to the rescue! lol09:56
j0nescfhowlett: thanks!09:56
cfhowlettObrienDave 'tis all in the wrist!  happy2help09:56
baizonObrienDave: this is the wrong solution09:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 1303736 in xfce4-power-manager "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [Undecided,New]09:57
j0nesim switching from windows 7 to xubuntu :)09:57
jasaltj0nes, I had that black screen thing too. Switch to xscreensaver worked for me.10:17
baizonjasalt: or install the update/bugfix :)10:25
xubuntu415does anybody know if the light locker problem has been fixed ? maybe in the latest updates that my xubuntu has been receiving ? I cannot seem to find a detailed description of the updates, nor the light locker bug tracker11:20
xubuntu415thank you11:20
baizonxubuntu415: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/130373611:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 1303736 in xfce4-power-manager "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [Undecided,New]11:24
xubuntu415thank you but, oh... it says undecided and new, but it was certainly not undecided or new a few days ago , hmmm11:25
xubuntu415ah no I see there is two, one high and with a fix let's see11:26
xubuntu415so we are basically waiting for the backport11:44
xubuntu415Ok, hello, when I play videos off youtube FULLSCREEN, the battery seems to run from 30% to 0% in a minute12:09
xubuntu415aka fullscreen (flash?) videos eat my battery12:10
xubuntu415this is an HP12:10
xubuntu415HP Compaq nc6320 on latest stable Xubuntu12:10
deshiputhat's normal12:17
deshipuflash player uses a lot of cpu, especially in fullscreen12:17
xubuntu415but it does not happen under windows on the same pc12:18
deshipuwell, the flash for windows has a little bit more fixes12:19
xubuntu415but don't you think that 30% of battery in 1 minute just by watching fullscreen videos is a bit exaggerated ?12:20
xubuntu415I mean, deshipu, can you reproduce this ?12:21
xubuntu415or you do not use flash ?12:21
xubuntu415Is there any way to monitor the usage of battery by different applications  ?12:24
xubuntu415this way I could at least confirm flash is eating it or ...12:24
xubuntu832En saa vaihdettua näytön resoluutiota Linux xubuntu viimeisin versio. Onko jollain koodinpätkää jolla saisi vaihdettua reson paremmaksi, nyt on 800x600.12:44
svetaxubuntu832, Puhutko Englantia please?12:47
sveta--> #ubuntu-fi :)12:48
brainwashxubuntu415: try the html5 player instead, youtube.com/html512:49
xubuntu832i want to change the resolution but i cant. It is now 640x480. How can i change it?12:57
xubuntu832Can someone give me some kind off code that i can change the resolution off my display?12:59
well_laid_lawnxubuntu832:  have a look at xrandr in the terminal13:01
well_laid_lawnit will let you know the sizes you can use13:02
xubuntu832maximum 640 x 48013:04
xubuntu832but why?13:04
xubuntu832I have a old laptop? esprimo v5515 fujitsu.13:04
cfhowlettxubuntu415 lubuntu is optimized for old hardware.  xubuntu usually works, but consider installing the lubuntu metapackage13:05
xubuntu832I just wanna give him a new life. I need get change that resolution :D13:05
xubuntu832anyway. can i change the resolution?13:07
xubuntu415cfhowlett I am going to attempt live debian xfce for starters, as I am wondering if the exxagerated usage of battery that I experience under xubuntu on fullscreen flash  is normal as some suggest, which I doubt13:07
xubuntu832does anyone have some for that resolution problem?13:08
koegs(fullscreen) flash is a cpu hogger13:08
xubuntu832Some code maybe?13:08
xubuntu415koegs, yes ok but I don't get a 30% of battery aten in 1 minute under, say, crunchbang debian13:09
xubuntu415xubuntu832 have you already tried the frigging appropiate settings menu for the matter you are asking about ?13:10
koegshm, that's strange, but i dont think that even xubuntu can drain 30% of your battery in one minute :)13:10
xubuntu415koegs, well it does13:10
koegshow did you check?13:10
cfhowlettxubuntu415 that sounds more like a failing battery13:10
xubuntu415cfhowlett in that case it would do the same under windows ;)13:11
xubuntu415koegs I unplug the AC cord, I have 30% battery (it says) I watch some fullscreen video and very soon It wants to go sleep13:11
xubuntu415I have it so it lets me know when this happens, then I exit fullscreen and I can see batt indicator on 0,5%13:12
xubuntu415does not happen under windows on same machine13:12
xubuntu415does not happen when not fullscreen video13:12
xubuntu832there is only option: 640x48013:13
xubuntu832i cant change it bigger.13:13
xubuntu415I am downloading xcfe debian live to see if it works well there, because if it does, then it is a xubuntu thing I'd say13:13
xubuntu415xubuntu832 I assume you tried other OS with this computer and they allowed you to change resolution is this correct ?13:14
koegsxubuntu832: could you please nopaste the output of this command? "lspci -nnk | grep -i VGA -A2 "13:14
xubuntu83201:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter [1039:6351] (rev 10) Subsystem: Fujitsu Technology Solutions Device [1734:1110] 02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Qualcomm Atheros AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:001c] (rev 01)13:16
koegsxubuntu832: the SIS VGA chip is the problem13:19
koegsmaybe staying with 12.04 and this helps: http://ajoliveira.com/ajoliveira/uk/software/xorg.php13:19
xubuntu781any hint on how to have a system-wide new menu directory and some app-launcher inside (14.04) already played with /etc/xfd/menu files and /usr/share/applications and desktop-menu, with NO LUCK any ideas ?13:41
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PwnnaCan anyone confirm this bug for me? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blueman/+bug/130459915:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 1304599 in blueman (Ubuntu) "bluetooth indicator is always white regardless if bluetooth is on or off" [Undecided,New]15:16
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daviatori have a little trouble with ubuntu distros19:22
daviatorin one moment my screen becomes white or black without any error19:22
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:23
holsteinthough, it can be an issue with the graphics device support19:23
skribblezatcha1with ALL ubuntu based distros that you have tried using so far daviator?19:23
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daviatorit was xubuntu 12.04, then i upgraded ir to 14.04, then degrated it to 12.0419:24
daviatorthere are no sounds, some troubles with network :(19:25
daviatoris it  bad luck?19:25
holsteindaviator: luck is not the factor.. its hardware supportm or configuration19:26
skribblezatchawhy did you move back to 12.04 and not stay with 14.04?19:26
holsteindaviator: i say, install 14.04, and troubleshoot.. start with the graphics.. then the audio.. test the hard ware if possible in supported operating systems to make sure its not broken19:26
holsteini see no good reason to use 1204 over 14.04 unless there is just some specific kernel module that only supports 12.04's kernel that is a deal breaker..19:28
daviatori degraged it because i have some problems with main apps like network mng, and other ones that i cant remember so i decided to move it down.19:29
holsteindaviator: you should upgrade, then, and get more specific about support.. run 14.0419:29
skribblezatchado those things work when running 12.04 though daviator?19:30
skribblezatchaok cool.19:30
daviatorafter degrade it has some other defects19:30
daviatorlike screen white and no audio19:31
holsteindaviator: i say, choose 14.04, and deal with them specificially..  12.04 support is nearer EOL for desktop19:31
holsteindaviator: the audio and screen *can* be failing hardware..19:31
skribblezatchawell then if things are working for you when using 12.04 thats a good thing. i have another suggestion for you daviator. you may also want to check out debian..and give it a try.19:31
daviatorwhat advantages have debian?19:32
daviatorthen ubuntu ofcourse19:32
holsteindaviator: the hardware support should be quite similar.. failing hardware will fail with either..19:33
daviatorabout hardware.. its works properly. i played World Of Tanks on it :)19:35
daviatoron windows19:35
daviatorbut on linux i have such probs19:35
holsteindaviator: and you may.. no one has guaranteed you otherwise.. you are not promised linux support19:36
holsteindaviator: have you tried looking for and installing a proprietary graphics driver? are you running 14.04?19:36
skribblezatchait very well could be a driver issue.19:38
daviatori wasnt looking for drivers directly form the hardware company site. i look for in Aditional Drivers in Main menu19:38
skribblezatchadaviator: do you have inxi installed?19:38
daviatorwhat about sound. is it driver fail to?19:38
daviatorwhat is inxi?19:39
skribblezatcharun this daviator: sudo apt-get install inxi19:39
skribblezatchawait,  you are using 12.04 right now huh?19:39
daviatorhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/284635/inxi-installation-on-ubuntu :)19:40
skribblezatchaok, i dont know if inxi is in 12.04 repo's yet.19:40
daviatori found how to solve that trouble19:40
skribblezatchabut i can get you right to a .deb for it and you can install the .deb daviator, let me get you a link.19:40
Unit193skribblezatcha: It's in the repos starting with Trusty.19:41
skribblezatchahttp://packages.linuxmint.com/pool/import/i/inxi/inxi_1.7.33-1_all.deb here you go daviator.19:42
skribblezatchaonce you install that daviator..run sudo inxi -U to update inxi..and tell me when you have done that please.19:42
skribblezatchathats what i thought Unit193..although i thought that it started with saucy.19:42
skribblezatchathanks daviator.19:43
daviatori have done it19:53
skribblezatchaok cool daviator, and have you run sudo inxi -U19:54
daviatorskribblezatcha, yes19:54
skribblezatchaok cool, run sudo inxi -U once more to update your manpages too daviator, and tell me when thats done please.19:54
daviatorskribblezatcha, done19:55
skribblezatchaok cool, now here in this channel daviator run this command: /exec -o inxi -Gx19:56
daviatorGraphics:  Card Intel Mobile 4 Series Integrated Graphics Controller bus-ID 00:02.019:56
daviator           Display Server X.Org 1.11.3 drivers intel (unloaded: fbdev,vesa) Resolution 1280x800@60.0hz19:56
daviator           GLX Renderer Mesa DRI Mobile Intel GM45 Express x86/MMX/SSE219:56
daviator           GLX Version 2.1 Mesa 8.0.4 Direct Rendering Yes19:56
daviatordo i have to reboot?19:59
skribblezatchadaviator: in synaptic enter: xserver-xorg-video-intel and tell me if you have that installed please.19:59
skribblezatchai am sure that you do..but i just want to see.20:00
daviatoryes it is installed20:02
skribblezatchaok thanks.20:02
daviatorthanks to you :)20:03
daviatorand what about audio20:03
daviatori cant listen to music20:03
skribblezatchaaudio doesnt work when using 12.04 either?20:04
skribblezatchait does or doesnt, sorry daviator?20:04
skribblezatchaok thanks.20:04
skribblezatchaok, go to your volume icon and right click on it and then go to run audio mixer and tell me when you are there please.20:05
daviatorwhy after degrading i cant hear sounds?20:05
skribblezatchai dont know daviator..thats what we are going to try and figure out. :)20:06
daviatori have no volume icon :)20:06
daviatorbut some how i execute mixer in terminal20:06
daviatorlike audiopulse or mixer20:07
skribblezatchaok, cool. right click on your panel and go to panel, add items. when the window pops up go to audio mixer and hit add daviator.20:07
daviatoryes sir20:07
daviatorthere is no item like audio mixer20:08
skribblezatchaok daviator, in terminal run this command: sudo apt-get install xfce4-goodies20:09
skribblezatchatell me when that is installed please.20:09
daviatordone, sir20:12
skribblezatchaok great, brb daviator, in like a minute man. one sec.20:12
skribblezatchaok back, thanks.20:15
skribblezatchaok, now that you have that installed daviator. right click on your panel and go to panel, add new items, and find the audio mixer click on it and then go to add..and tell me when you have done that please. :)20:16
daviatorthere is no such item20:17
skribblezatchathere has to be daviator.20:17
daviatori was looking for that after installation20:17
skribblezatchais there anything sound related there daviator?20:17
daviatorthis situation makes my smiling :D20:18
skribblezatchaok run this command daviator, sudo apt-get install xfce4-mixer20:18
daviatori found it!20:19
skribblezatchanice..go ahead and install that to your panel and tell me when you have done that please daviator. :D20:20
daviatorit woks!! a can hear sounds :)20:21
skribblezatchaok great daviator..well then you are now good to go. lol  YAY!! lol20:21
daviatorthanks alot!!!!!!!!20:21
skribblezatchayou are very welcome daviator..i am glad that you got it working.20:22
daviatoras you helped me i must to help you some how20:23
daviatorwhat can i do for you?20:23
daviatori have some knoledge in developing, maybe i can help you like that?20:24
skribblezatchanothing daviator, i am good to go friend so no worries. i am going to enjoy this cup of coffee and chat a bit..and watch a good documentary or something while doing so. :)20:24
skribblezatchano i cant code or anything daviator. i am blessed to be able to use my laptop. i didnt even know that the internet existed until 2004. i was 24 yrs old when i discovered the internet existed and was actually real and not just a rumor or something to come in the future.20:25
daviatoryou maybe study a lot20:26
daviatorand have no time to look after such things like internet20:27
skribblezatchathen in december of 2012 yahoo chatrooms closed daviator, and i ended up looking for new places to chat..and found irc. a female on freenode told me about linux and i said 'yeah right, i am content with windows 7'. she said i think that you would like it from how you talk..and directed me to another channel on a different network.20:27
skribblezatchai hung out on that channel for a few wks while using windows, being made fun of..but accepted as part of the group. lol20:27
skribblezatchathen i decided to give linux a try and to dual boot with windows and accidentally erased windows as well as my recovery partition from the laptop. i was stuck with linux. then i learned how to get windows 7 back and installed it and booted it to be sure..and then put linux back on it. i havent looked back since. :)20:28
daviatorits a great chance to be a part of a big team where you can talk with profesionals20:29
daviatorthough i have dual boot with windows to20:29
skribblezatchawell during that time daviator, i did other things. i didnt see the computer as anything of interest. my idea of fun was being outside..riding my pedal bike..running through the woods..things like that..and at home i didnt have a computer to mess around on..only at school..and even then i tended to stay away from them as much as possible..i preferred to use a pencil and paper to write my papers..etc.20:30
skribblezatchai agree, well now that i use a computer a bit more often and have learned a few things daviator, i do see how the internet is a valuable tool..as far as information at the fingertips as well as being able to network with others within the same field as you that you otherwise wouldnt be able to communicate with..or build relationships with.20:31
skribblezatchaok cool..yeah i decided that i didnt need windows anymore. i am actually using debian sid daviator.20:32
ANTHRATRAXthe installation process wont go past "configuring bcmwl-kernel-source (i386)" what do you guys think i should do?20:32
skribblezatchaare you sure that you are able to boot a pae kernel ANTHRATRAX?20:33
daviatori have to have dual boot, skribblezatcha, because i developing under windows20:33
daviatoron C#20:33
skribblezatchaok i see daviator..nice.20:33
ANTHRATRAXexcuse my no00bness, but i have no clue what that is20:33
skribblezatchayeah, since i am just a home user daviator, i am good to go with using linux on the daily.20:34
daviatorme to :)20:34
skribblezatchaok, well let me ask you this ANTHRATRAX, how old is your system if you dont mind me asking?20:34
daviatori can see too, skribblezatcha, that ubuntu is more powerful then windows20:34
ANTHRATRAXit's an old vbrMatrix... it's from the ( i wanna say ) early 2000's. it came stock with xp so it must have been after that released20:35
skribblezatchai agree, in many ways linux is way more powerful..or atleast gives the user way more freedom to control what happens within the system than windows does.20:35
ANTHRATRAXit has a pentium 4 processor @ 2.53ghz with a gig of ram20:35
daviatorbut i like to develop different apps under windows, skribblezatcha, but i cant understand why :)20:35
skribblezatchaok thanks ANTHRATRAX. it very well may not allow for a pae kernel to be installed on it ANTHRATRAX. there are ways to force a pae kernel to be loaded on a system..but no guarantee that it will still work. what are you using right now if you dont mind me asking..do you happen to have an older version of xubuntu installed?20:36
skribblezatchawell i guess thats your niche daviator. some prefer to develop under linux and others like to develop under windows.20:37
ANTHRATRAXi was using microknoppix then i switched to luninuxos for like a day and i got tired of it because i couldnt figure out how to extend the desktop without the screen looking corrupted.20:38
ANTHRATRAXbut to answer your question luninos20:38
skribblezatchai went with debian because i get all of the benefits of ubuntu without some of the things that i dont agree with concerning ubuntu. even the meaning of the name 'ubuntu' has deeper implications and meanings than most know about..so i decided to use debian.20:38
ANTHRATRAXwell that was my first try after microknoppix20:39
ANTHRATRAXit wouldnt install20:39
koegsis this #xubuntu-offtopic now? :)20:39
skribblezatchaok thanks ANTHRATRAX..and is it an independent distro or is based on something?20:39
skribblezatchasorry koegs.20:39
ANTHRATRAXit's based on ubuntu20:39
skribblezatchaok thanks, what version of ubuntu is it based on ANTHRATRAX..if you dont mind me asking?20:40
daviatornow i working at university as system administrator, and at that stage when i get that job, skribblezatcha, all computers in university must be with linux os, and i have to learn more about linux `cause i have to administrate them, so this is my first exp with linux administation20:40
ANTHRATRAXi think it was based off of (and i could be wrong) 13.04 or something like that20:40
skribblezatchaok cool daviator. well thats a good thing really. it gives you a chance to 'spread your wings' and to be comfortable no matter what kind of OS you are using.20:41
elfyANTHRATRAX: open a terminal and then run grep pae /proc/cpuinfo20:42
elfysee if pae is shown20:42
skribblezatchaok ANTHRATRAX. thanks. i wish that you knew for sure because i am trying to figure out if you can run a pae kernel..but if that is what its based on then you can run a pae kernel.20:42
skribblezatchanice elfy.20:42
ANTHRATRAXalright (crtl+alt+f1 right?)20:42
ANTHRATRAXokay thanks20:43
elfyor super+t20:43
ANTHRATRAXit froze... >.>20:43
ANTHRATRAXshould i restart the installation process. it seems to be locked up. or should i just boot from the live cd into xfce20:45
daviatorhow long does it locked up?20:47
ANTHRATRAXit's been locked up sfor a few minutes now. cursor disappeared20:48
elfyANTHRATRAX: http://askubuntu.com/questions/459527/installation-hangs-up-on-14-0420:48
daviatori think that you have to wait for few minutes20:50
ANTHRATRAXthank you very much20:50
daviatorif its wont do anything about 2 minutes try to break it up, but it`ll have some bad effects20:52
ANTHRATRAXbreak it up?20:52
daviatorbreak it and do update again20:53
ANTHRATRAXahh okay20:53
elfyANTHRATRAX: if you're using a livecd - did you check the burn was good? hit any key when you're at the boot screen with the pic of a kbd and 'human' at the bottom20:55
elfythere is an option there to check the cd20:55
elfyalso did you check the md5sum of the image you downloaded? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM20:56
ANTHRATRAXno i did not20:57
ANTHRATRAXchecking for defects now20:58
daviatorthanks skribblezatcha for a big help and all users that helped me to hear sounds on linux :)20:59
skribblezatcha you are very welcome daviator..i'm just glad that you got it working man. :)20:59
daviatorgood night guys V21:02
ANTHRATRAXnight daviator. thank you for your help21:02
kostexhi! I have a service icecast2 in my /etc/init.d/ folder.. but don't want it to start at boot-up, so I've created an icecast2.override (with 'manual' in it) in /etc/init/ but the service starts anyhow.. am I forgetting something?21:04
ANTHRATRAXim just gonna go ahead and download 12.04. you think it will work?21:26
skribblezatchayou can go for it and see whats up ANTHRATRAX..and you may be able to even try and upgrade from there to 14.04..but choose to boot in to the older kernel once its all upgraded. that way the newer kernel wont be an issue and yet you can still use the newer software and system upgrades.21:29
ANTHRATRAXokay sweet. i have strong hopes with this one21:30
skribblezatchai do too ANTHRATRAX..hopefully that works for you.21:30
ANTHRATRAXthank you for all of your help21:30
skribblezatchayw ANTHRATRAX.21:31
skribblezatchabe back in a few.21:42
Guest21887Having an issue with xubuntu 14.04 apt-get and software updater it tells me that the background daemon has crashed and it seems the daemon has died. any help?22:09
=== Guest21887 is now known as Jyoung
Jyoungi have tried to run apt-get clean and autoclean and autoremove and nothing will correct it22:20

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