lordievader | Good morning. | 07:32 |
=== Haudegen_ is now known as Haudegen | ||
santa_ | morning. I'm about to be done with my latest mass merge proposal \o/ | 10:41 |
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yofel | ok, with upower 0.99 we're losing suspend | 12:00 |
yofel | Noskcaj: ^ | 12:03 |
yofel | I'll take another look if we can somehow use ubuntu's logind | 12:03 |
=== Haudegen is now known as OnkV | ||
=== OnkV is now known as Haudegen | ||
yofel | shadeslayer: ^ | 12:40 |
yofel | as you looked at that last | 12:41 |
yofel | TBH, I'm wondering why it's broken though, as with your upstart changes this should work.. | 12:46 |
sgclark | santa_: ping | 13:12 |
santa_ | sgclark: pong | 13:13 |
sgclark | what is the purpose of the bin packages? | 13:14 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning all | 13:15 |
sgclark | morning | 13:15 |
santa_ | sgclark: not shipping stuff in the library package which is not the library, this is a good practice in general because if the soname changes you won't have conflicting packages | 13:17 |
santa_ | supose you have libfoo5 | 13:17 |
santa_ | this package ships /usr/bin/whatever | 13:18 |
santa_ | then if you have a soname bump you will have libfoo6 | 13:19 |
santa_ | if libfoo6 ships again /usr/bin/whatever, you will have to declare a breaks/replaces against the old package | 13:20 |
santa_ | and that's undesirable | 13:20 |
santa_ | in fact debian's abi manager was created to avoid that kind of situations | 13:21 |
sgclark | santa_: thanks for the explanation :) merging these now | 13:21 |
sgclark | makes sense | 13:21 |
santa_ | sgclark: regarding binary compatibility soname bumps and everything let me find some links | 13:22 |
santa_ | sgclark: ok, found the stuff, here we go: | 13:33 |
santa_ | http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Binary_Compatibility_Issues_With_C++ | 13:33 |
santa_ | ↑ this one is about binary compatibility in general | 13:34 |
santa_ | http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/libpkg-guide.html | 13:34 |
santa_ | http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/symbolfiles.html | 13:34 |
santa_ | http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kde-talk/2011-March/001574.html | 13:35 |
santa_ | ↑ these 3 are about packaging | 13:35 |
sgclark | santa_: thanks! | 13:35 |
santa_ | when the kde frameworks abi becomes stable, ideally we should inspect the missing symbols from *.symbols files | 13:36 |
santa_ | most of them won't produce an abi break and would be fine | 13:37 |
santa_ | but when they do, they are various possible cases and strategies to follow | 13:37 |
sgclark | ok | 13:38 |
santa_ | sgclark: so when you are done reading that, feel free to give me a ping and I will explain you how abi breaks are handled in debian's kde packaging | 13:39 |
sgclark | santa_: ok great, thank you so much | 13:39 |
santa_ | I worked for debian for a few ¿years? until I got expelled for bad behaviour, so I have some practice dealing with abi breaks and other stuff | 13:40 |
santa_ | OT: " until I got expelled for bad behaviour" -> even acdc made a song about the topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhgt6g78GTw | 13:42 |
santa_ | they forgot to mention I signed the ubuntu code of conduct though | 13:43 |
mparillo | Following the instructions here: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Using_Project_Neon_to_contribute_to_KDE#Installing_Project_Neon_5 and logging into my Neon5 session, under System Settings, I see duplicate Oxygen cursor themes. I assume that only occurs for people with both Plasma 4 and Neon5 installed together? Not a bug? | 13:54 |
santa_ | mparillo: not sure, if I remember I will check in a "kde 5" only installation | 14:03 |
mparillo | TY santa_ | 14:07 |
sgclark | santa_: you only have +Multi-Arch: foreign on some of these -data packages, is this on purpose? | 14:10 |
santa_ | sgclark: nope, I must have missed some, which ones? | 14:11 |
santa_ | ah, ok, fixing kparts... | 14:13 |
sgclark | yeah that one sorry, also santa_: it need Architecture: all | 14:14 |
santa_ | sgclark: resubmitted, let me know if you find more issues | 14:16 |
mparillo | Just in case it is a bug, I created https://bugs.launchpad.net/project-neon/+bug/1332825 P.S. Launchpad no longer routinely crashes Rekonq. | 14:19 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1332825 in Project Neon "Duplicate Oxygen Cursor Themes" [Undecided,New] | 14:19 |
santa_ | https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/118865/ | 14:28 |
sgclark | santa_: sorry I am not clear, you do want depends -bin on the debug packages as well? | 15:00 |
sgclark | err recommends | 15:01 |
santa_ | yes, that was the idea | 15:01 |
santa_ | but probably I forgot some | 15:02 |
sgclark | ok ty | 15:03 |
sgclark | I will look out for others now | 15:03 |
santa_ | ok | 15:03 |
sgclark | santa_ now I see one with -data package also recommend -bin which I have not seen before, we need all to recommend -bin? | 15:38 |
santa_ | sgclark: nope, -data shouldn't recommend -bin, which one has that? | 15:39 |
sgclark | kconfig | 15:39 |
santa_ | sgclark: ah no, -data doesn't recommend it, but the other library | 15:43 |
sgclark | santa_: plasma-workspace and kauth will need to be reviewed by Riddell or someone else with more experience. They have items I am not well versed in yet and can't review properly. | 15:43 |
santa_ | I think each library should recommend -bin | 15:43 |
santa_ | but not -data | 15:43 |
santa_ | sgclark: ok, thank you for all you merged so far :) | 15:44 |
sgclark | santa_ oh my eyes playing tricks o me, my apologies.. merging | 15:44 |
sgclark | santa_: kmediaplayer needs information if you could | 15:49 |
santa_ | done | 15:53 |
sgclark | gosh it doesn't remove you merge request when merged? this is hard to keep track of what is done :( | 15:54 |
santa_ | nope. but should mark it as merged | 15:55 |
santa_ | in any case this link https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/+activereviews shows only the active ones | 15:55 |
sgclark | santa_: I have to step out for a bit, I think I got most of them though. I will check back later this afternoon (I am in the US) | 15:56 |
santa_ | i.e. not merged or superseedeed | 15:56 |
santa_ | sgclark: ok thank you. have a nice day | 15:56 |
sgclark | oh nifty, thanks! | 15:56 |
sgclark | np, you too | 15:56 |
sgclark | santa_ kde-baseapps tar is up in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/next/+packages, please note that this has not yet had full review by Riddell. But suggetstions welcome, ok really gone now. | 17:03 |
Noskcaj_ | yofel: Thanks for looking into kde upower. Now i only need someone who maintains sugar | 20:37 |
yofel | meh, upower also broke the device notifier | 20:57 |
Noskcaj | Is that with a rebuild of the kde parts or just updating the version of upower in the OS? | 21:02 |
yofel | latter for now, AFAIK kde uses mostly the dbus interface, not the lib | 21:08 |
yofel | although I'm rebuilding kde-workspace too | 21:09 |
yofel | kdelibs is also on the list | 21:09 |
valorie | I've gotten two comments on my G+ repost of apachelogger's post about our ISOs for testing, that download is extremely slow | 23:36 |
valorie | perhaps we should have a torrent file available | 23:36 |
valorie | ? I would seed a torrent, and I'm sure others would as well | 23:36 |
apachelogger | valorie: yeah, we talked about it briefly the other day, problem is we'd need an initial seed for which we have no setup right now | 23:45 |
apachelogger | valorie: you could poke kde-sysadmin perhaps they have an idea how to speed up things, currently it all runs over the same server, if we had a couple of mirrors it would probably work a lot better | 23:46 |
valorie | ok | 23:46 |
valorie | I'll file a ticket if I don't get a reply in channel | 23:50 |
valorie | also, from #kde-multimedia: | 23:58 |
valorie | [14:36] <apachelogger> http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2014/06/21/phonon-4-7-2-phonon-vlc-0-7-2-and-phonon-gstreamer-4-7-2/ | 23:58 |
valorie | [14:36] <apachelogger> longest title ever | 23:58 |
valorie | [14:38] <valorie> apachelogger: will we see this fixes backported to kub. 14.04 ? | 23:58 |
* valorie hopes so | 23:59 |
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