
=== naught102 is now known as naught101
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lordievaderGood morning.07:32
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cjaewhy is the always reports of unable to connect to ibus07:57
lordievaderIs ibus installed?08:04
lordievadercjae: ^08:05
RatabuntuI got that on my old laptop after doin a dist-upgrade08:15
jugo00hi all! is it possible to run hd movies with 60fps ? i managed to do that on windows 8, but i decided to switch to kubuntu and i'm wondering if there is a way to achieve this effect in kubuntu too.08:20
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Ratabuntuwell jugo, depending on your gfx hardware you may need to install a manufacturers driver for it. try out xbmc or vlc see how you get on. there are options in system settings for nvidia and amd GPU's08:46
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RodNICEI'm on Kubuntu wondering if anyone has ever connected Base to MySQL09:56
johnfluxIt's really frustrating when you google a question, find the top result is the ubuntu Q&A, click on it, and find out that the mods have deleted it for not being a suitable question09:59
johnfluxseems to happen quite a bit09:59
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BluesKaj'Morning all13:15
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SouL___Hey guys, I have a DVD with a family film. Do you know how can I grab it and put it into a USB stick?18:27
bpromptSouL___:     I use k9copy to rip dvds18:28
bpromptbut surely there are other tools for that18:29
SouL___When I search for that on the Internet, I only get answers about installing Ubuntu18:29
bpromptwell...kubuntu IS ubuntu, just using the kde window and desktop managers18:29
bpromptas opposed to ubuntu using Unity and compiz  or lxde or xfce18:30
SouL___When I search for that on the Internet, I only get answers about installing Ubuntu18:30
BluesKajSouL___, use k3b to rip the dvd in "tools" or http://k3b.plainblack.com/videoencoding18:36
bpromptone may note that "ripping" takes about 10times less time than encoding18:37
BluesKajwell ripping implies data loss and compression18:38
BluesKajhence lower resilution18:38
BluesKajSouL___, use k3b to rip the dvd in "tools" or http://k3b.plainblack.com/videoencoding18:39
SouL___BluesKaj: hey, thanks, where it will save the data if I press Start ripping?18:42
BluesKajSouL___, usually to your /home dir , but I haven't done one in a while18:44
SouL___ok, I'm trying... THanks BluesKaj18:45
BluesKajSouL___, look there to see if there's a "part" file18:46
jonathanvernerToday I've upgraded my !2.04 installation to kde 4.13.2 (from kubuntu-backports); the upgrade probably went horribly wrong (for some reasons the installed libraries contained junk); I tried reinstalling all of the upgraded packages (from /var/log/apt/history) and now at least kde starts. But upon starting apport goes crazy on me and indicating that quite a few programs crash19:31
jonathanverner http://imgur.com/Gcs6PrX (is the my current systray, when I click on one of the ! icons to show apport, this usually leads to another crash and another ! appearing, eventually crowding out all my top panel)19:33
jonathanvernerdoes anyone know what to do to fix the problem19:33
jonathanverner(and what I could do to find out the reason why the upgrade went so wrong...)19:34
BluesKajjoshwambua, did you update and upgrade your existing packages before doing dist-upgrade19:36
BluesKajoops jonathanverner ^19:36
jonathanvernerI am not sure, I was using muon (I think)19:40
jonathanvernerI was previously at kde version 4.13.019:41
BluesKajwhat about upgrading now, jonathanverner19:43
jonathanvernerwhen I upgrade (apt-get upgrade) it does nothing19:44
jonathanvernerI had to apt-get --reinstall install the packages to even get a partly working system19:44
jonathanvernerHmm, now I wonder, if this could possibly have something to do with the fact that my system partition is on btrfs and I only have around 1.4 Gb free space left... I heard btrfs had some problems with gracefully handling out of space conditions19:46
jonathanvernerbut I am on a 3.5 kernel and I think that by then, btrfs was reasonably free of these problems19:46
BluesKajjonathanverner, ok , dunno anything about btrfs and it's quirks19:52
jonathanvernerBluesKaj, well never mind; the upgrade kind of ruined my day, but I guess thats the danger in using 'unsupported' repositories :-) The worst thing about it is that I don't know what the cause was and I don't even have a clue about where to start looking19:58
BluesKajkubuntu backports are supported repos, jonathanverner, afaik20:03
jonathanvernerBluesKaj, hmm, didn't know that. However, I did check 'unsupported' updates in the 'Configure Software Sources' (and thought that meant kubuntu-backports, my bad)20:07
BluesKajjonathanverner, hmm seems I'm mistaken , the new kde 4.13.2 is a ppa , hence not officially supported20:15
BluesKajaltho I dunno why it didn't muck up my setup, but I update and upgrade everyday since I'm testing 14.1020:17
jonathanvernerBluesKaj, I think it wasn't the kde 13.4.2 itself but something which interfered with the upgrade process; at first, some of the installed files contained junk (e.g. libraries didn't even have ELF headers) and had to be reinstalled; and I guess that some of this breakage still remains and causes the crashes;20:19
bpromptkde 13.4.2?   woohh... jonathanverner  must be coming from the future20:21
jonathanvernerI'd love to know what it was, that killed the upgrade, but now, after the fact, I don't have much hopes of answering this question :-) Oh, well... time to go back trying to put the system in a workable state20:21
jonathanvernerbprompt :-D, I admit that is a funny typo20:21
bpromptso I wonder....     what makes some folks think that if an app is not using libs from say kde 4.13     and instead 4.8    .... it wouldn't be borked?20:23
jonathanvernerbprompt, who thinks that?20:24
bpromptI did install 14.04 btw.... and some apps weren't in the repository or wouldn't install because they needed some old kubuntu lib or older kde version..... and this was a fresh install of 14.0420:25
bpromptjonathanverner:     some apps not working I find that quite expectable, if not the "norm" rather than the exception20:25
jonathanvernerbprompt, hmm... like kde not even starting up? a buch of processes I didn't even know are running, crashing on me? Apport crashing when trying to report a crash?20:27
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side-kickplz come join /server RavFree.EuropeIRC.eu #EuropeIRC21:24
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dbromhello all21:45
dbromI have a hard drive with music that has been downloaded over the last few years. I would like to go though the drive and remove any emphty21:59
Perzeusso wieder da22:41
valoriedbrom: you never finished your thought?23:22
dbromid like to get the command to find empty folders and remove them23:23
valorieI think I'd just look at the drive in dolphin, arrange by file numbers, and select the empties and delete23:25
valoriedolphin is slow at a lot of things, but deleting empty folders isn't one of them23:26
crudsondbrom: find . -type d -depth -empty -delete23:27
crudsondbrom: -delete implies -depth, but good to run a destructive command like this first without the "-delete" to be double-sure it's doing what you expect before you pull the trigger23:32
VladimirVilimaitHello guys, I have a small question.23:37
VladimirVilimaitWhy isn't Kubuntu 14.04 shipped with Adept Manager? Has it been deprecated? What is an alternative, in that case?23:37
VladimirVilimaitSo, nobody is here, eh?23:39
dbromtried that but it didnt work23:40
crudsondbrom: who are you responding to?23:42
crudsondbrom: are you sure the directories are empty? "ls -la" a directory that you think is empty to check, or "Show Hidden Files" in dolphin.23:45
dbromill check23:45
dbrom2 question   can I remane a audio file from mp3 to avi and it still work or do i use formatjunkie23:57
valoriedbrom: renaming doesn't change the type of file23:59
paradoxajdi've installed this theme but didn't got buttons like this :(23:59
paradoxajdand icons23:59
paradoxajdcan any1 help me please23:59
dbromok...stupid question, but thuoght id ask23:59

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