Budoy | hi! i want to ask how can i connect my laptop into projector? | 03:05 |
holstein | Budoy: usually they accept a wire.. vga or hdmi. i just plug in and treat it like a second monitor | 03:06 |
holstein | arandr can help.. | 03:06 |
Budoy | im using VGA, how can i do? can you give me what i can do | 03:07 |
holstein | Budoy: plug the cable in, and run the display tool | 03:08 |
holstein | Budoy: it may not work, if the hardware dosent support linux | 03:09 |
Budoy | ok | 03:09 |
Budoy | i try now to install the arandr | 03:09 |
holstein | Budoy: why? | 03:09 |
holstein | Budoy: did you run the included tool? | 03:10 |
Budoy | nope i install the arandr via apt-get install | 03:10 |
holstein | ok.. use it then.. but, the included tool works as well, typically | 03:10 |
holstein | !dualhead | 03:10 |
ubottu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 03:10 |
Budoy | ok.. wht tool i include? | 03:18 |
holstein | the included one, friend | 03:19 |
holstein | try the display tool | 03:19 |
Budoy | i dont see display tool | 03:20 |
Budoy | i only see monitor settings | 03:20 |
Budoy | i try to open the montor settings i see DVI monitor | 03:21 |
holstein | sure.. monitor settings | 03:21 |
holstein | dont trust the labels | 03:22 |
Budoy | ok | 03:22 |
Budoy | ok thanks :) its work now | 03:26 |
Budoy | another question | 03:26 |
Budoy | i have a pc and have 2 HDD | 03:27 |
Budoy | now itry to connect into pc via xrdp but i cannot access the HDD | 03:27 |
holstein | just use a live CD | 03:28 |
Budoy | hi! | 03:50 |
Budoy | hi! | 04:13 |
sydney | hi!! | 04:20 |
Budoy | can i ask you | 04:21 |
Budoy | about for access to the secondary HDD via xrdp | 04:22 |
sydney | Budoy: im sorry,but i have to go.either ask your question here,or on #ubuntu if you dont get an answer here. :D | 04:23 |
lyh | How to set tty as default startup? | 07:20 |
Unit193 | Add 'text' to /etc/default/grub's CMDLINE option after 'quiet splash' and then update-grub | 07:27 |
lyh | thank you.i am try | 07:28 |
marc__ | hey there, i have a little problem... i accidentally clicked on "never show again" when the wifi-notifaction popped up (sucky trackpad)... how do i get it back? anyone here who knows how to do the trick? | 13:36 |
marc__ | uncle google doesn't seem to provide lxde answers | 13:37 |
Gulibuf | hi, can I have a question here about my diffulty with update manager? | 21:37 |
holstein | sure | 21:38 |
holstein | i suggest, in a terminal "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 21:38 |
Gulibuf | ok, is it better than "sudo apt-get clean" and retry? | 21:40 |
holstein | Gulibuf: the above is what i use | 21:41 |
Gulibuf | ok i see its downloading well... Another question. I get problems using my lexmark printer. Ubuntu doesnt work with Lexmark printers well? | 21:45 |
holstein | well, its likey the other way around | 21:47 |
holstein | lexmark is or course welcome, encouraged and able to provide support for linux.. but they may not.. though, linux and ubuntu are quite capable of printing documents | 21:48 |
holstein | Gulibuf: you can share your specific model and i can search a bit.. or another volunteer might know or have first hand experience | 21:48 |
Gulibuf | OK I have a X5075 Lexmark all in one printer and fax scanner | 21:50 |
Autoclesis | lubuntu worked fine with my airprint system set up with macs and HP printers | 21:50 |
Autoclesis | in fact this Ubuntu stopped working for that | 21:50 |
Autoclesis | [dual booted win and ubuntu] | 21:50 |
Autoclesis | oh wait no | 22:03 |
Autoclesis | Lubuntu stretched and deformed the printing | 22:03 |
Autoclesis | or squished it, rather | 22:03 |
holstein | i have seen that as well.. i always just try other drivers, or force them, til something works | 22:03 |
holstein | *if* it doenst work right out of the box | 22:04 |
Gulibuf | can u install windows drivers with wine app or something like that? | 22:05 |
holstein | nothing about ubuntu is preventing drivers from working with it | 22:06 |
holstein | its just not the right place to put the burden.. its not indtended, or guaranteed to work with linux. so, how can linux bridge the gap? | 22:06 |
holstein | it does a great job of providing suppor through generic kernel drivers.. i typically, literally try about 20 drivers or so til i give up, on problematic printers | 22:07 |
holstein | if you have literally pluggged it in, and went with the defaults, consider trying a few other drivers.. close in model #.. | 22:07 |
Autoclesis | thanks holstein | 22:11 |
Autoclesis | I like how fast lubuntu is | 22:11 |
Autoclesis | I put it on an old Sony Vaio | 22:11 |
Autoclesis | and it's ready within one minute of turning it on | 22:12 |
phillw | Autoclesis: is for this reason that bugs for 'hibernate' are no longer high priority. | 22:26 |
Autoclesis | okay! | 22:26 |
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