
nikwenSome time ago, this bug was fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/130374607:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1303746 in Ubuntu Reminders app "Performance hit when editing sorted lists" [Critical,Fix released]07:26
nikwenHowever, I'm experiencing it again since utopic r91 on my phone. It turns my app unusable.07:26
nikwenHow should I report that regression? I am not able to update the bug status.07:27
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t1mpnikwen: you experience the bug in reminders app?10:17
t1mpnikwen: oh weird, I also cannot re-open the bug10:17
t1mpnikwen: best ping dpm or mirv on monday to confirm the bug10:18
nikwent1mp: Thanks for your reply. Well, I'm experiencing it on my own app. I'll check it with the reminders app. ;)10:50
nikwent1mp: I've got the same problem with the reminders app.10:59
nikwent1mp: Are you on r91 or later? That's when the qt packages were updated, which introduced the regression.11:00
* DanChapman can't believe it took 3 hours to debug why QQmlListProperty just wasn't working15:06
nik90t1mp: hey is it okay to hide the page header by "header.visible = false" ?17:07
ahayzennik90, we were doing that lol17:11
ahayzennik90, it sometimes didn't work though...so then we would do header.opacity=0 and header.y = - header.height....but tht just made it glitchy so then we just used header.hide() but i think we don't hide the header anymore IIRC17:12
nik90ahayzen: yes but that doesn't necessarily make it legal :)17:12
ahayzennik90, hah17:12
nik90ahayzen: I remember t1mp and zsombi saying that header is an internal property17:13
nik90ahayzen: the new header will definitely support it though17:13
ahayzennik90, yeah they want to make what is public more limited or something ?17:13
nik90ahayzen: well the new headers will support hiding, search and other functions. so we will get more public api functions to use17:14
nik90so more power to the app devs17:14
ahayzennik90, i  see contacts/dialer etc have bottom edge....do u reckon i can hack around that pagewithbottomedge to work with the panel so we get our 3 stage thing in the music-app?17:15
nik90ahayzen: to an extent yes17:15
nik90ahayzen: we use the same thing in the clock app as well17:16
nik90ahayzen: worth a shot I suppose17:16
nik90ahayzen: but it doesn't use the panel component17:16
ahayzennik90, this is what i mean by 3 stage17:16
ahayzennik90, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51QJcIDFuxM17:17
ahayzennik90, yeah i would have to link it with our Panel (toolbar) somehow?17:17
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AceLanhi, is there new scope example for libunity-scopes217:48
AceLanthe api changes a lot, I can't figure out how to fix the scope I write for libunity-scopes117:48
yashwhat is qml ?19:48

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