JohnQ | OK, I think I have the non-file-browse mode working in a way I can tollerate. | 00:20 |
JohnQ | New question: Is there a way to delete directories from mythvideo? | 00:20 |
Hydr0p0nX | directories ? | 00:22 |
JohnQ | Folders? | 00:23 |
Hydr0p0nX | I know what you mean | 00:23 |
Hydr0p0nX | didn't think it had directories that you didn't create | 00:26 |
JohnQ | Im not sure I understand, but I dont hink you do know what I mean.... I mean, I am in the UI, on my mythvideo file listeings. I see all the video failes, and directories full of video files. It lets me delete an individual file by presing the "d" key, but nothing kappens when I press "d" on a directory... so I end up with empty directories litering my videos folder. | 00:30 |
Hydr0p0nX | ooooh | 00:31 |
JohnQ | *files (not failes) | 00:31 |
Hydr0p0nX | that's a good question since I don't think it's an actual directory on disk | 00:31 |
JohnQ | It is. | 00:32 |
Hydr0p0nX | not sure what you've got setup for that then, mine doesn't do that though | 00:34 |
JohnQ | Its just the "list" view of mythvideo. | 00:38 |
Hydr0p0nX | could be related to the way myth deletes | 00:42 |
Jay2k1 | hm | 00:49 |
Jay2k1 | you could probably do a cron job that deletes empty subdirectories of your movies folder | 00:49 |
Jay2k1 | how do these directories get there in the first place? do you copy them over from somewhere? my point is, if you create the structure from somewhere else than mythfrontend, you probably need to use the same way to remove them, if you don't automate it | 00:50 |
JohnQ | Theyre added automatically by other tools running on other machines. | 00:56 |
JohnQ | Tools which are not very customizeable. | 00:57 |
Jay2k1 | i see | 01:02 |
Jay2k1 | well, if myth can't delete these directories because it lacks that functionality, it should be added | 01:03 |
Jay2k1 | i manage my videos via a samba share | 01:03 |
JohnQ | I agree. I'll find another workaround for now... but where should I provide this feedback so that it might be fixed in the future? | 01:04 |
Jay2k1 | probably #mythtv-users or you file a bug right away | 01:05 |
Jay2k1 | it's not a mythbuntu thing so this is probably the wrong channel | 01:05 |
JohnQ | k | 01:05 |
Hydr0p0nX | anyone have a harmony remote fully working w/ a HP 5188-1667 ? a few keys aren't being transmitted | 01:18 |
Hydr0p0nX | page up / page down and the red/blue/green/yellow buttons | 01:18 |
qwebirc90788 | Got 2 issues 1 i cant get my remote to work. And most important i dont have any sound | 04:04 |
qwebirc90788 | ok i got my sound fixed by myself while i was waiting. Now i just want to get the remote control to work with the myth front end | 04:27 |
qwebirc90788 | I have a hauppage WinTV hvr2250 it has a infared reciever built into it that plug into a jack on the back of the card and a sensor i put about 5 feet from me | 04:28 |
qwebirc90788 | i cant get it to work at all. none of the buttons do anything | 04:29 |
qwebirc90788 | anyone good with remotes? | 04:35 |
qwebirc73580 | anyone good with remotes? I have a hauppage wintv 2250 that came with a remote i cant get to work | 04:45 |
qwebirc73580 | How about that weather lately. Just wasnt sure if i am all alone on this chat window | 04:47 |
qwebirc73580 | how are we all doing tonight | 05:04 |
JohnQ | Im seeing a lot of tearing in my video playback... checked my "Video timing method" and it says "USleep with busy wait". Anyone know the ins-and-outs of getting the nvidia driver to enable DRI? | 05:18 |
JohnQ | Running "LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo" tells me "direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)" but I dont see anything that tells me why. I must confess I dont know what Im looking at. :-/ | 05:21 |
JohnQ | | 05:22 |
JohnQ | Actually... Ignore that DRI output... I think thats the data about the X11 server on the machine I SSHed from. Duh. | 05:24 |
JohnQ | Not sure how to get it from the "real" x11 server remotely. | 05:25 |
JohnQ | My Xorg.0.log : | 05:28 |
=== dkeith_ is now known as dkeith | ||
JohnQ | glxinfo says "direct rendering: Yes" ... but for some reason myth isnt using it :-/ | 06:50 |
JohnQ | AHA... /dev/dri/card0 is missing .. hmm | 08:23 |
mpr_ | Hi everyone | 10:47 |
mpr_ | I upgraded my MythTV machine to 12.04 lately, after it was untouched for years | 11:05 |
mpr_ | Running into problems with the remote control now. Used to work before, from what I could research so far, IR support moved into the kernel in the meatime? | 11:06 |
mpr_ | And LIRC has become obsolete? | 11:06 |
mpr_ | I am trying to get the remote working without lirc, and I seem to be on a good way. ir-keytable shows the remote and recognises keypresses | 11:07 |
mpr_ | Hopefully, all that is left to do is mapping the proper keys as they are configured in MythTV | 11:08 |
mpr_ | And now the question: Where is the keytable file? | 11:08 |
mpr_ | Found it! For the record: it’s in /lib/udev/rc_keymaps | 11:11 |
JohnQ | Is the "Internal" video player suppose dto be able to play mp4 files? | 12:32 |
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