=== mthax is now known as mthax_ | ||
=== mthax_ is now known as mthax | ||
rick_h_ | evening | 01:00 |
cmaloney | Evening | 01:08 |
cmaloney | BTW: I'm OK. We're getting things pretty squared away for moving them | 01:08 |
cmaloney | sis-in-law needs a little job help | 01:08 |
cmaloney | Didn't mean to worry folks. :) | 01:09 |
cmaloney | I forgot I have the power of awesome friends and caring folks. | 01:09 |
cmaloney | And now I think the main machine gets turned off | 01:10 |
cmaloney | Hello from $newplace. | 20:52 |
greg-g | cmaloney: hello there, how's it? | 21:38 |
cmaloney | OK. Stuff was moved in with some help in record time | 21:40 |
cmaloney | One of our quickest moves ever. | 21:40 |
greg-g | as long as you don't have any strained backs or over exerted arms, I'd say it's good :) | 21:43 |
greg-g | I've done that too many times in the past decade | 21:43 |
cmaloney | greg-g: I can imagine | 22:12 |
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