MisterAcacia | Jyoung: Have you tried restarting the daemon? | 00:20 |
=== James is now known as Guest9426 | ||
=== Guest9426 is now known as Jamesy | ||
=== Jamesy is now known as jyoung | ||
jyoung | i was on last night to figure out if there was a way to fix a broken apt-get problem | 01:06 |
jyoung | my software updater and apt-get have quit working all together | 01:09 |
SonikkuAmerica | [ sudo apt-get clean && cd /var/lib/apt && sudo mv lists lists.old && sudo mkdir -p lists/partial && sudo apt-get clean && cd && sudo apt-get update ] | 01:13 |
jyoung | i did all of those and nothing works | 01:14 |
SonikkuAmerica | What error does it give? | 01:14 |
jyoung | it gives me a message that the background daemon has quit and that it is because the daemon has died | 01:14 |
SonikkuAmerica | Quitting due to inactivity? | 01:16 |
jyoung | it was downloading updates when it started giving the error | 01:17 |
jyoung | when i try to run sudo apt-get update it returns to the prompt as if nothing was activated | 01:17 |
SonikkuAmerica | Reboot didn't fix? | 01:17 |
jyoung | no it continues on reboot | 01:18 |
SonikkuAmerica | Hmm. | 01:19 |
SonikkuAmerica | [ sudo dpkg --configure -a ]? | 01:20 |
jyoung | tried that as well | 01:20 |
SonikkuAmerica | [ sudo apt-get install -f ]? | 01:20 |
jyoung | tried that | 01:20 |
SonikkuAmerica | [ sudo scream-at-the-top-of-your-lungs-at-the-computer-to-WORK ]? | 01:20 |
jyoung | it is like apt-get or software updater needs to be reinstalled | 01:20 |
jyoung | haha i have not done that but i am an ex windows user so i am used to digging to find the fix to issues | 01:21 |
SonikkuAmerica | You could try a "dirty" reinstall by selecting "Something else" in the installer, selecting the same partition and telling it to NOT format the partition, and typing in the same username and password... | 01:22 |
jyoung | hmm i just did a reinstall that way to upgrade to 14.04 | 01:23 |
jyoung | there is no way to install just a particular software from the cd? | 01:27 |
jyoung | could i just install the software updater from the cd? | 01:29 |
SonikkuAmerica | If you have the Live image selected as a source, you can reinstall apt from that... | 01:29 |
jyoung | hmm i do have the cd as a source | 01:29 |
jyoung | so if i insert the cd would it pick it up from that then? | 01:30 |
SonikkuAmerica | It should.. | 01:30 |
jyoung | ok well i will try that and see if it works | 01:30 |
jyoung | if not i will be back lol | 01:31 |
jyoung | thanks for the help on this. that is the only thing i have not tried yet | 01:32 |
ANTHRATRAX | well i downloaded 11.04 and that seemed to work but when i ran sudo apt-get update, practally everythind 404'd | 02:40 |
holstein | !11.04 | 02:40 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details. | 02:40 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: its EOL | 02:40 |
holstein | you want 14.04.. | 02:40 |
holstein | !download | 02:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Trusty, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 02:41 |
ANTHRATRAX | i cant download 14.04. something about a kernel issue | 02:41 |
ANTHRATRAX | pae kernel | 02:41 |
SonikkuAmerica | holstein: Is that "please-I-beg-you-to-use-the-torrents"? | 02:42 |
holstein | nah.. i dont care if they are direct.. i say, use what works | 02:42 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: you cant use 11.04 | 02:42 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: you can use 14.04 with pae like that.. | 02:43 |
ANTHRATRAX | i got stuck on "configuring bcmwl-kernel-source (i386)" during the installation process | 02:44 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: you can use http://askubuntu.com/questions/450400/install-lubuntu-14-04-lts-on-a-non-pae-processor .. the forcepae option | 02:44 |
ANTHRATRAX | oh o.o | 02:44 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: dont do that during the installation process | 02:44 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: just install.. dont install updates while installing.. dont do the broadcom chip.. just install *then* add wifi support | 02:44 |
ANTHRATRAX | oh okay. so thats all i have to do? just disable wifi in the installation process? | 02:45 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: i just wait til i have the os installed til i deal with drivers like that | 02:45 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: there is no need to do it all at once.. | 02:46 |
ANTHRATRAX | well right now im booted into 11.04 and upgrading to 14.04. you think it will work because im logged into xfce? | 02:46 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: dont upgrade from 11.04 to 14.04 | 02:46 |
ANTHRATRAX | okay | 02:47 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: fresh install 14.04 using the download links i gave before | 02:47 |
ANTHRATRAX | okay thanks | 02:50 |
ANTHRATRAX | holestein it still got stuck even without wifi | 03:36 |
bluesabre | 5 | 03:38 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: what got stuck where? | 03:40 |
holstein | the 14.04 installer? got stuck where? | 03:41 |
ANTHRATRAX | configuring bcmwl-kernel-source (i386) | 03:41 |
ANTHRATRAX | there | 03:41 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: is it stuck? or is it configuring? | 03:41 |
ANTHRATRAX | it looked stuck | 03:41 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: looked? | 03:41 |
ANTHRATRAX | i waited 10 minutes | 03:41 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: i mean, if its configuring, that'll look stuck.. or can | 03:41 |
ANTHRATRAX | is it typical for it to take long? | 03:42 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: ok. what would i do? get the mini iso that will not offer to install that package | 03:42 |
holstein | !mini | 03:42 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 03:42 |
holstein | i would get the 14.04, and install as little as possible during the installation with a wired internet connect.. and the forcepae option | 03:42 |
ANTHRATRAX | i saw somewhere that 14.04.4 supports non-pae machines | 03:42 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: there is no 14.04.4 | 03:43 |
ANTHRATRAX | oh wait | 03:43 |
ANTHRATRAX | 12.04.4 | 03:43 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: there is 14.04 which does.. which is what you are using | 03:43 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: 14.04 is.. and does. and will | 03:43 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: thats not the issue you are having.. or the error you are reporting | 03:43 |
holstein | i would get the 14.04, and install as little as possible during the installation with a wired internet connect.. and the forcepae option | 03:43 |
ANTHRATRAX | how do i enable the forcepae option? | 03:44 |
holstein | then, you can sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 03:44 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: you would need to do that from the live CD you are using | 03:44 |
holstein | otherwise, youa re doing it wrong. and that can break the installation | 03:44 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: http://askubuntu.com/questions/450400/install-lubuntu-14-04-lts-on-a-non-pae-processor | 03:45 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: "you need to boot the Live USB with the forcepae boot option and then add this option to your boot options in GRUB in the installed system to make the change permanent." | 03:45 |
ANTHRATRAX | how do i do that though (im kinda new to linux) | 03:45 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/AdvancedMethods#Pentium_M_and_Celeron_M | 03:46 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: this is not an "im new to linux" issue, though.. this is an, "im using legacy hardware" thing.. this would be the same if you were going to somehting like windows8.. though, windows8 might not support your hardware | 03:46 |
ANTHRATRAX | okay. but how do i boot the live usb with the forcepar boot option? | 03:47 |
holstein | ANTHRATRAX: if you read the link i gave, you'll notice that its an option you add to grub there.. | 03:48 |
holstein | "With the Install choice high-lighted press F6. (This option needs less RAM than installing from 'Try Lubuntu') | 03:48 |
holstein | A menu with a number of options appears. The option 'forcepae' is not there, so press Escape to close the list. | 03:49 |
holstein | Now a string of options is visible, often with 'quiet' or 'quiet splash --' at the end. Add 'forcepae' to the string after the two dashes. | 03:49 |
holstein | ... quiet splash -- forcepae | 03:49 |
holstein | Press return, and the installation begins. | 03:49 |
ANTHRATRAX | oh okay. sorry, didnt see that link you gave me. let me give it a try | 03:52 |
Guido1 | hello, I want to install tight vnc. I downloaded it from the tight vnc page, but don't know how to install it. How can I install it? | 08:52 |
Unit193 | !info xtightvncviewer | 08:54 |
Unit193 | !info tightvncserver | 08:54 |
ubottu | xtightvncviewer (source: tightvnc): virtual network computing client software for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-6.4ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 48 kB, installed size 172 kB | 08:54 |
ubottu | tightvncserver (source: tightvnc): virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-6.4ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 583 kB, installed size 1615 kB | 08:54 |
Guido1 | ubottu: and how do i install it? | 08:59 |
ubottu | Guido1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:59 |
koegs | Guido1: i recommend x11vnc http://seb.so/vnc-from-boot-without-logging-in-ubuntu-lubuntu-xubuntu-and-mint-lmde/ | 09:02 |
Guido1 | koegs: i gues that's a different program? I'm a bit used to tightvnc (on windows and now want to use it on linux as well and conect both) | 09:03 |
koegs | you can use any vnc client anyway | 09:08 |
koegs | but x11vnc is very reliable on ubuntu | 09:09 |
Unit193 | I concur. | 09:09 |
marsupapu | "No running instance of xfce4-panel was found." | 11:20 |
marsupapu | Why I get this error every time I log in? It isn't very big issue, but suprisingly annoying. | 11:21 |
marsupapu | It gives me option to start panel along the error message, but how could I get rid of this error? | 11:22 |
cfhowlett | marsupapu try a second account to see if it recurs. if not, you've got some kind of configuration in your account that's confusing things | 11:24 |
marsupapu | No problem with second account. | 11:28 |
marsupapu | Is there any way to restore xfce4-panel settings to default? | 11:29 |
marsupapu | I tried the first google result but it had no effect. | 11:29 |
cfhowlett | marsupapu delete your .config files from your account. logout/login and they reset | 11:29 |
marsupapu | Everything in ~./config/xfce4/panel? | 11:30 |
cfhowlett | marsupapu yep. | 11:32 |
xubuntu042 | I am new with this, dont know if somebodz read this | 11:35 |
marsupapu | cfhowlett: That didn't help. | 11:40 |
marsupapu | Panel didn't reset, error didn't dissappear. | 11:41 |
xubuntu717 | hi i have a xubuntu 12.04 version while installing it shows a blurred display but after upgrading it seems ok, what is the solution for this | 11:58 |
xubuntu717 | has anyone experienced this | 11:59 |
cfhowlett | marsupapu sorry. I can say "worked for me ..." | 12:16 |
=== mo is now known as Guest60308 | ||
Guest60308 | Hello! Could somebody tell me how to use single unicode-characters by number while typing in a application (e.g. Thunderbird Mail) under Xubuntu? With Unity one would use Ctrl-Shift-U followed by the unicode number ... | 12:45 |
GridCube | Guest60308, should be the same | 12:53 |
GridCube | o: its not working on 14.04 | 12:54 |
GridCube | well, its sort of working, the shift key is making the key all shifted, so if you press ctrl-shift-u + aaaa to ffff it works | 12:59 |
GridCube | but if you try to use the 0-9 it fails because instead of using those it sends the alternative characters | 12:59 |
GridCube | using the numpad does not help | 12:59 |
GridCube | oh wait XD | 13:03 |
GridCube | i have to release the ctrl-shift after the u appears | 13:03 |
GridCube | silly me รด | 13:04 |
GridCube | its working | 13:04 |
xubuntu651 | hello | 13:13 |
xubuntu651 | newbie here | 13:13 |
xubuntu651 | using xubuntu | 13:13 |
xubuntu651 | just installed a few days ago | 13:14 |
xubuntu651 | i have an issue with resume from suspend | 13:14 |
xubuntu651 | after keying-in the password | 13:14 |
xubuntu651 | it accepts it but the screen goes blank | 13:15 |
xubuntu651 | have to restart the machine all the time | 13:15 |
xubuntu651 | anyone can help? | 13:15 |
xubuntu651 | am using asus ul30a | 13:15 |
sveta | someone please find bug number for that issue xubuntu651 described | 13:19 |
sveta | also i found that with light-locker, it says 'this session is locked, i will prompt you for password in a few seconds' or something when i try to switch ttys; this is obnoxiously unconvenient as it does not actually prompt anything and i have to kill Xorg | 13:20 |
bluesabre | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/1303736 | 13:28 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1303736 in xfce4-power-manager "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [Undecided,New] | 13:28 |
Peyam | Hi | 14:14 |
Peyam | When I start my desktop I just see the mouse and nothing else | 14:14 |
Peyam | anybody can me with that? it's xubuntu 14.04 | 14:14 |
holstein | Peyam: i would want to know if its my user config, or the system.. i would start by trying the guest session.. then, if all is as expected there, i would try moving or removing desktop config files from my users /home and test.. | 14:21 |
Guest60308 | @GridCube: Thank you! But here the u never appears when pressing ctrl-shift, and when I afterwards press aaaa or ffff nothing happens either. | 15:10 |
GridCube | Guest60308, this is in thunderbird right? | 15:11 |
Guest60308 | GridCube, anywhere | 15:13 |
GridCube | Guest60308, well, its working here properly | 15:14 |
GridCube | Guest60308, try loging in to a session using a guest account | 15:15 |
GridCube | if that works then you have a setting broken somewhere | 15:15 |
GridCube | guest account automagically regenerate all config files | 15:15 |
xubuntu899 | GridCube, I changed nick ;-) | 15:24 |
xubuntu899 | You are right, when using Guest account, something is different. | 15:24 |
GridCube | xubuntu899, well then, you can remove the ~/.config/xfce4 folder from your everyday user and let the system respawn the config files next login, that will also get rid of any panel configuration you did and most all configs actually | 15:26 |
xubuntu899 | In Guest-session, I used AbiWord, typing Ctrl-Shift-u, released, than 00e7, and after pressing RETURN, ç appeared | 15:26 |
GridCube | but the system should look and behave basically as a fresh install desktop | 15:26 |
xubuntu899 | New to me is, that one has to press RETURN | 15:27 |
GridCube | xubuntu899, or space | 15:27 |
GridCube | you have to tell it you stoped giving it numbers | 15:27 |
GridCube | ๒ see you can make it bigger than 4 characters | 15:28 |
GridCube | the utf8 code | 15:28 |
xubuntu899 | well, with Ubuntu 12.10 I would presse Ctrl-Shift-u and the unicode without releasing (num-block), and the sign appeard as soon as I released the keys. | 15:29 |
GridCube | xubuntu899, i guess its different here | 15:29 |
xubuntu899 | GridCube, my Xubuntu is a few days old, i.e. fresh too | 15:30 |
GridCube | sure, but you see, something is wrong | 15:30 |
xubuntu899 | yes, indeed | 15:32 |
xubuntu899 | Thank you, GridCube. Bye | 15:57 |
GridCube | :) | 15:58 |
GridCube | good luck xubuntu899 | 15:58 |
infinmed | hi bazhang | 16:56 |
infinmed | My furry hamster fat mean #defocus friend | 16:56 |
infinmed | Aye bazhang when ar eyou all unna unban me in #defocus | 16:57 |
infinmed | $njm is +b | 16:57 |
infinmed | Erps sorry man I thought this was #ubunutu-offtopic | 16:59 |
xubuntu416 | Hey people I've got new Acer E1-530 with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS installed. I'm trying to connect it to the Tivoli Audio Pal bt by bluetooth. But it's not visible in the new device setup. I made my computer visible also just in case. Any ideas on what to do to get them connect? And also it doesn't find android phone or the phone computer. Thanks Asko | 17:37 |
GridCube | xubuntu416, go to the settings manager and find the display setting management program, there you can activate the stream to the secondary device | 17:42 |
GridCube | also if that fails you can tryinstalling arandrd to do the same | 17:43 |
xubuntu416 | Hey GridCube. I didn't find that sort of settings. I did installed the program mentioned but there was nothing of that sort either. I am wondering what screen setting has to do with bluetooth anyway :) Thanks anyway :) | 17:55 |
GridCube | oh | 17:56 |
GridCube | right sorry XD i missread | 17:56 |
xubuntu416 | okay :) | 17:57 |
GridCube | no idea on bluethoot thingies sorry :( | 17:57 |
woteva | help, i can't connect using usb modem huawei 1550 with networkmanager. it connects for a while and then when i browse wweb pages won't open. in windows this modem works just fine. any idea why? | 18:55 |
ramrebol_ | Hi. How can I open each window (program) on the current desktop? I use xfce | 19:03 |
ramrebol_ | when I run a program this start in a different desktop (I so must check in which desktop is open) | 19:05 |
ramrebol_ | I think that every program opens on the desktop where it was open in the previous session | 19:07 |
nephalim | Hi guys! | 19:53 |
nephalim | is it possible to have a desktop session completely saved? | 19:54 |
nephalim | just like it works with apple laptops | 19:54 |
nephalim | you put it to sleep | 19:54 |
nephalim | and the next time you power it up, you get the exact same state restored | 19:54 |
holstein | yes | 19:55 |
nephalim | how? | 19:55 |
holstein | nephalim: when closing, using xfce, you should see "save session".. that will try and pull the desktop backup the way it is.. or, set startup applications.. | 19:55 |
nephalim | but does this keep "everything", including, say, not just the URLs in the browser, but the exact state of the windows | 19:56 |
nephalim | it's just a restart | 20:03 |
holstein | nephalim: try it.. im personally not interested in that functionality, so i actually do everything i can to keep xfce from saving those sessions | 20:07 |
holstein | nephalim: have you tried? its at logout/shutdown.. you can check the box that says "save session" | 20:08 |
nephalim | yes, I've tried that | 20:10 |
holstein | ok.. i know of nothing else to address that funcitonality other than implementing it from scratch yourself | 20:10 |
nephalim | it's different from Apple, where the content of the RAM is saved to disk and then reloaded | 20:10 |
holstein | nephalim: you can save to ram in ubuntu | 20:10 |
holstein | nephalim: you can save ram to disk.. hibernate | 20:11 |
holstein | !hibernate | 20:11 |
holstein | http://askubuntu.com/questions/462472/xubuntu-14-04-how-to-enable-hibernate | 20:11 |
nephalim | thanks! | 20:11 |
holstein | nephalim: have you tried hibernate? or "suspend to disk" to see if that addresses the work flow you seek? | 20:12 |
nephalim | it seems that there are some issues with this functionality, though | 20:12 |
holstein | sure | 20:12 |
nephalim | uyes, 'hibernate' would be what I'm interested in | 20:12 |
holstein | there are issues with it in OSX as well | 20:12 |
nephalim | I didn't think of that term before | 20:12 |
holstein | with most things like that, there is a trade-off | 20:12 |
nephalim | this seems a bit too risky right now, so I don't want to try it | 20:13 |
nephalim | but thanks anyway! | 20:13 |
nephalim | I'll make a note and will periodically check the status of that feature, maybe with each release | 20:13 |
holstein | it will not be added by default likely | 20:13 |
holstein | whats the risk? | 20:13 |
nephalim | messing up the state of my machine would be the risk ;) | 20:22 |
nephalim | I'd rather shut down cleanly | 20:22 |
nephalim | when I know what I've been working on before | 20:22 |
nephalim | instead of having the previous state imprecisely restored | 20:22 |
holstein | i cant imagine what would break by trying it. but, i have proper backups since *all* hard drives fail | 20:22 |
nephalim | one my harddrives failed yesterday, literally 30 minutes after I had completed a backup | 20:35 |
holstein | good timing | 20:35 |
nephalim | was pretty surreal, to be honest | 20:37 |
nephalim | restart the machine, strange noise from the harddrive, done | 20:37 |
nephalim | was my last regular (non-SSD), so was probably overdue | 20:37 |
xubuntu295 | Hello everyone!!!! | 21:05 |
xubuntu295 | I just installed xubuntu 14! | 21:05 |
xubuntu295 | Looks really cool | 21:05 |
marsupapu | It is nice. | 21:05 |
marsupapu | Are you new to linux? | 21:06 |
xubuntu295 | yes | 21:06 |
holstein | 14.04 | 21:06 |
xubuntu295 | wow this is so cool | 21:06 |
xubuntu295 | so fast | 21:06 |
xubuntu295 | I have only one problem so far | 21:07 |
ramrebol | all new is awesome and nice | 21:07 |
xubuntu295 | cannot shut down the computer | 21:07 |
holstein | xubuntu295: open a terminal, and enter "sudo halt" and see if the machine shuts down.. if not, note the error | 21:07 |
xubuntu295 | somehow it freezes when shuting down | 21:08 |
holstein | xubuntu295: when runing "sudo halt" in the terminal? it freezes? | 21:08 |
ramrebol | xubuntu295: do you have a "log out button"? | 21:08 |
xubuntu295 | I deed some searching... | 21:08 |
xubuntu295 | i tried: sudo shutdown -h now | 21:09 |
xubuntu295 | but it still freezes | 21:09 |
holstein | xubuntu295: how about, "sudo halt" ? friend? | 21:09 |
xubuntu295 | ok | 21:09 |
holstein | xubuntu295: please open a terminal, and run "sudo halt" and note messages and share them, please | 21:09 |
xubuntu295 | i will try it now | 21:09 |
xubuntu295 | ok thanks | 21:09 |
psx_ | Hello guys I'm back | 21:17 |
psx_ | I tried te 'sudo halt' command but still the cumputer freezes | 21:18 |
psx_ | on shut down | 21:18 |
holstein | psx_: any messages? | 21:19 |
holstein | psx_: what hardware are you using? | 21:19 |
psx_ | no error messages, just the xubuntu splash screen | 21:19 |
holstein | psx_: you can try entering from tty, and see messages. but, what hardware are you using? | 21:19 |
holstein | psx_: please take a moment to relay what hardware you are using | 21:19 |
psx_ | I have a fujitsu siemens epsrimo | 21:20 |
psx_ | AMD x3 triple core | 21:20 |
psx_ | 1 gig RAM DDR2 | 21:20 |
psx_ | nVidia geforce 6200 | 21:21 |
psx_ | amd x3 phenom 2.1 ghz | 21:21 |
marsupapu | So you have installed the system, you are not running from live disc/stick? | 21:22 |
psx_ | yes I installen on dual boot with win7 | 21:22 |
holstein | psx_: are you up to date with upgrades? | 21:23 |
holstein | psx_: in a terminal, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 21:23 |
psx_ | yes after installation of xubuntu I updated | 21:23 |
holstein | psx_: ok.. open the terminal, and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" please | 21:23 |
psx_ | ok | 21:23 |
holstein | psx_: i would try this as well.. seems likely | 21:25 |
holstein | line in /etc/default/grub, change to "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=off"" from "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"" | 21:25 |
holstein | #4 here.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2217602 | 21:25 |
holstein | psx_: igrnore the first few. they are not correct.. | 21:26 |
psx_ | I did the "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 21:26 |
holstein | psx_: ok.. so, try the other suggestion.. #4 from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2217602 please | 21:26 |
psx_ | ok | 21:27 |
holstein | psx_: you'll edit /etc/default/grub | 21:27 |
holstein | psx_: sudo nano /etc/default/grub | 21:27 |
holstein | psx_: then, you run "sudo update-grub".. then, "sudo reboot" | 21:27 |
holstein | then, test, of course.. | 21:27 |
psx_ | so to edit the /etc/default/grub I have to put the command : sudo nano /etc/default/grub | 21:28 |
holstein | psx_: thats one way | 21:29 |
psx_ | ok | 21:29 |
holstein | psx_: sudo is "run as root, which you need permission to edit the file.. nano is an editor, and that is the path to the file you need to edit | 21:29 |
holstein | you can use "gksudo mousepad" or whatever else you choose.. | 21:29 |
holstein | gksudo gedit.. whatever | 21:29 |
starrats | I use mousepad or gedit | 21:30 |
psx_ | ok now I have to add: 'acpi=off' to that line right? | 21:31 |
holstein | psx_: no | 21:31 |
holstein | psx_: you read the 4th post as http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2217602 and make it *identical* | 21:31 |
psx_ | ok | 21:31 |
holstein | psx_: share your file, and your changes if you have any question | 21:31 |
holstein | !paste | 21:31 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:31 |
psx_ | exuse me but I am new to linux | 21:33 |
psx_ | I cannot edit the code | 21:33 |
holstein | psx_: sure.. but, you need to ask a question, with detail. thats a statement | 21:34 |
psx_ | So Iam trying to replace the line : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=off" | 21:35 |
psx_ | how can I do it? | 21:36 |
holstein | psx_: thats what i read at the link i gave.. is that what you read? | 21:36 |
psx_ | yes man | 21:36 |
holstein | psx_: i would use "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" and edit the line | 21:36 |
psx_ | i did that | 21:36 |
psx_ | how can I edit the line, | 21:36 |
psx_ | sorry I am new to this | 21:37 |
holstein | psx_: if its odd, use something else, friend | 21:37 |
holstein | psx_: gksudo mousepad /etc/default/grub | 21:37 |
holstein | psx_: does that look more familiar? | 21:38 |
psx_ | the program 'gksudo' is not installed | 21:39 |
holstein | psx_: ok? are you comfortable installing it? | 21:40 |
holstein | psx_: if no, just try this.. | 21:40 |
holstein | sudo mousepad | 21:40 |
psx_ | ok I got it now I am editing the line with nano | 21:40 |
psx_ | I edited the line, should I save it now | 21:42 |
holstein | psx_: you'll need to, in order for the file to be edited | 21:42 |
holstein | control o should save | 21:42 |
psx_ | ok | 21:42 |
holstein | or, offer to save | 21:42 |
psx_ | then I will run: sudo grub-update | 21:43 |
holstein | no | 21:43 |
holstein | "sudo update-grub" | 21:43 |
psx_ | than it is wrong in th tutorial | 21:44 |
holstein | psx_: how about this.. open a terminal, and run them both! | 21:45 |
psx_ | ok | 21:45 |
holstein | psx_: one will work, and one wont.. | 21:45 |
holstein | then, you can reboot and test.. | 21:45 |
psx_ | thanks for your patience Holstein! :-) | 21:45 |
psx_ | you were right | 21:47 |
holstein | :) | 21:47 |
psx_ | now I will reboot | 21:47 |
psx_ | see you in a bit | 21:47 |
xubuntu413 | Any network configuring manual for beginners? I want tol | 22:22 |
xubuntu413 | Any network configuring manual for beginners? I want to make my files and printers available both ways windows xubuntu | 22:23 |
holstein | !samba | 22:24 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html | 22:24 |
xubuntu413 | many thanks obottu. I'll use those links. | 22:26 |
xubuntu413 | for this, do i should consider my xubuntu as a server? | 22:27 |
meek_geek | how r u ? | 22:28 |
SonikkuAmerica | Is the Quassel tray icon no longer compatible with XFCE? I know it's not with Unity, but it does work in GNOME | 22:30 |
Unit193 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/quassel/+bug/1205903 | 22:32 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1235754 in indicator-application (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1205903 quassel-* entry missing from indicator plugin (envelope), and tray icon doesn't work." [Undecided,Confirmed] | 22:32 |
psx_ | Hello people | 22:38 |
psx_ | back again :( | 22:38 |
psx_ | with the shut down problem | 22:38 |
psx_ | Holstein I tried everything but nothing worked | 22:39 |
psx_ | maybe I shuld install the 64 bit version | 22:40 |
xubuntu413 | too difficult for a beginner like me <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html | 22:52 |
xubuntu413 | any other idea? I tried but with no success at all | 22:52 |
starrats | holstein did psx_ get his grub problem fixed? Just curious, had to leave for a bit and missed the tail end | 22:55 |
holstein | starrats: not sure.. | 23:12 |
starrats | ah okay | 23:12 |
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