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axwwallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/134/files#diff-4fd108ff3861516a9ea367ed5e560d50R1534    does this look reasonable?03:09
waiganithumper: sorry I'm late - in hangout now03:10
wallyworldaxw: for the first test, i think we need to load a new machine object on which to set addr1, addr003:11
wallyworldin the before hook03:11
axwoops, yeah, did it in the second but not the first03:11
wallyworldso that we don't mess up the in memory representation for machine03:11
axwwill do03:11
wallyworldah, haven't got to the 2nd test yet03:12
wallyworldaxw: yep, lgtm03:13
axwwallyworld: thanks. will fix the first one and land03:14
perrito666wallyworld: :) please tal at your email I would really appreciate an answer to that last email03:16
perrito666wallyworld: took me 3 days but my background brain thread finally returned the solution03:17
wallyworldperrito666: will do, looking now03:18
wallyworldperrito666: good pickup. my view is that all restore type operations should be run as admin. normal users have readwrite permissions but lack these ones mgo.RoleDBAdminAny, mgo.RoleUserAdminAny. i don't think it's appropriate for users other than admin to have such permissions. i'll reply to the email03:21
perrito666wallyworld: ok, Ill propose a small patch and if we then decide that its the other way around we can reject it03:24
wallyworldperrito666: which lines fail from mongpoEval?03:25
wallyworldperrito666: i'm also confused why it worked when run bu hand?03:26
perrito666wallyworld: at first sight none :| that is none yields errors, but something might be lost when we go from bash trough ssh to go..03:26
perrito666wallyworld: there lies the solution actually03:26
perrito666I realized that by hand I was using admin instead of tag user03:26
wallyworldthat was a bit of a ref herring then :-)03:27
perrito666wallyworld: all thanks to the talk we had the other day03:27
perrito666wallyworld: I take that a red herring is not a fish in that sentence? :p03:28
wallyworldno :-) a colloquial expression for an unintended diversion or misdirection03:28
perrito666well yes and no, I focused on the fact that it worked by hand and tried to replace --eval for a js file and while I was writting that patch I realised I was not using admin on restore03:29
perrito666sadly the realisation of this solution came on a sunday night, so here I am :|03:32
wallyworldso the solution is to remove mongoEval  and run everything as mongoAdminEval?03:33
wallyworldor did you want to keep doing some things as non admin?03:34
perrito666nope, everything as Admin03:34
perrito666or I can try one by one the commands and do as admin only what is required03:35
perrito666which is, as I see it, a great loss of time03:35
wallyworldyep, agreed03:36
perrito666ok, Ill go sleep and send the patch tomorrow AM03:41
wallyworldsounds good, thanks for spending the extra time to find it03:42
davecheneySession closed is getting me down04:09
davecheneyaxw: wallyworld + echo 'Instance setup done:' Mon Jun 23 04:35:03 UTC 201404:37
davecheney^ this is great04:37
davecheneybut there is no other timestamp in the log to see when it started04:37
davecheneywell thre is this one04:38
davecheney[workspace] $ /bin/bash /tmp/hudson2115592101584260118.sh04:38
davecheneyStarted: Mon Jun 23 04:26:02 UTC 201404:38
davecheneyaeriously - 10 minutes to setup a machine in ec2 ...04:38
wallyworlddavecheney: yep :-(04:39
wallyworldcan be as short a 4 minutes04:39
wallyworldthat's why we're looking at using a nailed up instance04:39
wallyworldthere are 3 timestamps in the log04:39
wallyworldtests started, instance finished/tests stating, all done04:40
wallyworlds/test started/ job started04:40
davecheneyInstance has ip ec2-54-84-105-221.compute-1.amazonaws.com04:40
davecheneyWaiting for 22..............................04:40
davecheney+ set +e04:40
davecheney^ there should be a timestamp here04:40
wallyworldcan add one04:40
davecheney  System information as of Mon Jun 23 04:29:53 UTC 201404:40
wallyworldthe apt dance take ages :-(04:40
davecheneythere is this one from the motd04:40
davecheneyi guess its up to date04:41
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menn0wallyworld: can I log in to Jenkins or is there a limited list of people who can? The current build is mine and has failed and can be cancelled.05:43
menn0on a related note, there's been a lot of mgo panics today during test runs along the lines of "Session already closed"05:44
menn0is this new or could it be related to davecheney's recent close-mongo-iterators PR?05:45
wallyworldthe tracebacks seemed to implicate root.go somehow05:46
wallyworldand then i saw you email to dev and stopped looking05:46
wallyworldcould be related though05:46
menn0no I think these are different from root.go05:47
menn0there's been 2 regular build problems today: root.go and the mgo "session already closed"05:48
menn0I think they're separate issues (probably)05:48
wallyworldcould be05:52
wallyworldwe've looked on and off and fixed several issues05:52
jam1menn0: so the existing test that was failing does show a data race under "go test -race", I'll try to write up a simpler case, though.05:55
menn0jam1: great that you were able to track it down quickly05:56
jam1menn0: well, when the line that has the error is "objectCache[key] = obj"05:56
jam1it gives a pretty good hint05:56
jam1but yeah, I'm pretty familiar with the code since I've been working on it closely.05:57
menn0jam1: note that it was a different test that failed on my machine, but in a similar way05:57
jam1menn0: yeah, it is an API data race (concurrent mutation of a golang map, which are *not* concurrent safe, you have to wrap them in a mutex)05:58
menn0jam1: yep. it could happen at any point right?05:58
menn0any call05:58
jam1menn0: yeah05:58
vladkjam1: morning06:02
jam1vladk: morning. Sorry I'm a bit late, looking into this data race, I'll be there in a couple mins06:02
vladkjam1: go maps and slices are non-concurrent objects, only channels are concurrent and strings are immutable06:04
jam1vladk: yeah, I'm aware, just wasn't thinking about the concurrent access when I was writing the code.06:04
jam1menn0: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/14606:24
jam1it also fixes an only tangentially related race condition in state/api/watcher/watcher.go that I only noticed because the test that was failing in cmd/jujud had 2 sources of race conditions.06:25
jam1"go test -race" is pretty nice, its a shame it slows things down so much.06:25
jam1menn0: you're also OCR for today, so poke for the review :)06:26
wallyworldjam1: not looking in detail, you may have perhaps fixed an ongoing intermittent test failure around watchers perhaps06:26
wallyworldwell at least i'm hoping :-)06:26
jam1wallyworld: so the race for watchers is that it is possible for the loop() to terminate before it actually starts anything06:27
jam1because it calls w.wg.Add() but only *inside a goroutine*06:27
jam1which isn't, itself, protected by a wg.Add()06:27
wallyworldah ok. may not be the same issue then06:27
jam1so you could start a watcher, have a couple pending goroutines, and then exit06:27
jam1although thinking about it, I may need to move something around a bit06:28
wallyworldgood that we found and fixed this before 1.19.4 ships06:29
jam1k, I don't need to move it after all. so my patch is ready for review.06:32
jam1vladk: I'm in the hangount06:36
jam1wallyworld: I wonder if we want a CI test that runs the whole test suite in "go test -race" mode06:36
jam1I don't think we're *quite* clean there, though.06:36
wallyworldjam1: worth adding i reckon06:37
jam1wallyworld: well it doesn't help if it never passes :)06:37
wallyworldsure, so let's get it passing first :-)06:38
davecheneyah mongo, how to you you leak temporary file, let me count the ways ...06:43
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rogpeppe1davecheney: morning!07:42
davecheneyrogpeppe1: ahoy!07:43
rogpeppe1TheMue: hiya07:44
jam1TheMue: morning ! I'm just finishing up lunch, I'll be there in about 5-10 min.08:58
TheMuejam1: ok08:59
fwereadewallyworld, ping09:35
wallyworldfwereade: hey09:35
fwereadewallyworld, hey, I was wondering about proof-of-access for the managed resource stuff09:36
wallyworldproof of access?09:36
fwereadewallyworld, ie "here store this file with md5/sha256" "ok I want the md5/sha256 of <random byte range>" "here you go" "ok cool your file is stored"09:37
wallyworldah that09:37
wallyworldnot implemented yet09:37
wallyworldjust getting basics landed09:37
fwereadewallyworld, I'm wondering what impact that will have on this layer, because it's starting to feel like the right place for it09:37
fwereadewallyworld, maybe I'm wrong09:38
fwereadewallyworld, but the lower the layer that implements it the less opportunity we will have to fuck it up09:38
wwitzel3perrito666: nice job :)09:38
fwereadewallyworld, the higher the layer the less we need to thread the challenge/response stuff through, I understand it's a tradeoff09:38
wallyworldfwereade: it will impact i think, may need an extension to the current api. workflow will be controlled by a layer above but primitives to make it work will be in the current layer09:39
fwereadewallyworld, ok, cool, so long as it's on your mind and coming soon I won't worry about it for this CL09:39
wallyworldfwereade: well, next on the todo list is the ToolsStorage fascade so we get get rid of the http storage stuff for manual provider09:40
wallyworldso it's on my mind but not on the very immediate next to do list09:40
wallyworlddoes that work for you?09:40
fwereadewallyworld, I worry that we'll want that functionality for all facades, and that changing the tools facade to accommodate it *as well as* the managedresource stuff will exert subtle pressures to do it less cleanly than we might09:41
wallyworldfwereade: ok, i can add some new apis to the current design spec and do the proof of access stuff first then09:42
wallyworldafter i land the current pull request09:43
fwereadewallyworld, great, thanks09:43
fwereadewallyworld, yeah, was starting to look at that, that was what made me think of it :)09:43
wallyworldlol ok, i figured as much09:43
menn0jam1: sorry I had finished up for the day... I'm actually OCR tomorrow not today anyway09:51
jam1menn0: I must not have refreshed the page09:52
menn0jam1: it did the same for me too, at first it said I was and them recalced09:52
menn0then even09:52
menn0jam1: it's good that you pointed it out anyway. I hadn't realised I was on tomorrow :)09:53
wallyworldfwereade: what did we want for the challenge-response policy? retain the current Put() where the caller has to provide all the data (and it is de-deduped on the server) but also add a *new* API where they provide just the checksums and then are issued a challenge for a segment checksum and if that passes they don't need to upload anything?09:54
wallyworldnot thinking too much, the new api will necessarily be stateful so we'll have to consider a timeout etc after the initial request09:56
wallyworldie if they don't respond soon enough the acceptable response expires and they would be issued with a new challenge09:56
fwereadewallyworld, in my mind the main goal is to avoid having to send the bytes at all in the common case, so what I'd like us to *expose* is the stateful case, and only fall back to sending bytes in response to a never-heard-of-it result from the first call09:57
fwereadewallyworld, yeah, we'd want a timeout, indeed09:57
wallyworldfwereade: "avoid sending bytes in the common case" assumes there is a high chance the data is already uploaded09:57
wallyworldi guess the caller can optimistically try and use just the checksums09:59
wallyworldand if the server doesn't have the data, the caller is requested to upload everything09:59
perrito666morning everyone10:00
fwereadewallyworld, I think that globally there is a high enough chance that the (low) cost of even quite a lot of back-and-forths will be reasonable compared to the (high) cost of even a few ~gig-sized uploads10:00
fwereadewallyworld, remember this is closely aligned with the fat charms case10:00
fwereadewallyworld, those can often end up gig-sized10:01
wallyworldfwereade: agreed. i'm just stating the obvious to e really explicit we have a shared understanding10:01
jam1dimitern: can you take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/14610:01
fwereadewallyworld, cool, I think we do10:01
dimiternjam1, looking10:02
wallyworldfwereade: both Put(supplyTheData) and Put(supplyTheChecksums) will be exported so i guess the caller can decide which one they want to use10:02
jam1morning perrito66610:05
natefinchjam: morning10:05
jam1morning natefinch10:06
perrito666mm, we no longer have a way to say "this fixes bug lp:#######" ?10:08
wwitzel3perrito666: I think if there is  a lp issue, it is nice to mention it in the pull request comments10:09
perrito666wwitzel3: yup, I just wanted to know if there is a way to trigger the "fix committed" status10:10
wwitzel3perrito666: not that I am aware of10:10
wwitzel3perrito666: I've been doing that manually10:10
perrito666ok, Ill use what I see for other bugs10:10
dimiternjam1, reviewed10:12
perrito666natefinch: wwitzel3 wallyworld https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/14710:17
perrito666there are things that upset me and then the fact that this bug is fixed with so little.... :p10:17
wallyworldperrito666: \o/ thank you for fixing10:18
perrito666:) now back to write a decent restore10:19
wallyworldi bet you are sick of backup/restore now10:19
perrito666wallyworld: no, I am actually very fond of it, I really look forward to have the new one implmented10:20
wallyworldyou have a lot of patience :-)10:20
perrito666I am a bit sleepy tho, I slept only 4 hs last night10:20
rogpeppe1jam1: on further reflection, i don't think i understand your commonLoop changes10:24
rogpeppe1jam1: i'm not convinced they're right10:24
rogpeppe1jam1: specifically, i don't see how the changes ensure anything happens before the outer loop terminates10:25
jam1rogpeppe1: so the race as detected by 'go test -race' is that 'NewNotifyWatcher' does a defer w.wg.Wait()" before calling loop. And nothing has been Added to the wg at that time.10:25
jam1we then call "go w.commonLoop()" internally10:25
jam1which will, eventually, call w.wg.Add() for the two goroutines that *it* spawns10:25
jam1however, the 'go w.commonLoop()' hasn't actually incremented anything and can return out of "loop" before we've started it.10:26
jam1I believe there is a secondary channel of information in the "w.in"  so that the for{} loops never actual exit until commonLoop has entered.10:26
rogpeppe1jam1: i see.10:27
rogpeppe1jam1: a better solution (i think) is to avoid calling Wait in NewNotifyWatcher10:27
rogpeppe1jam1: but to make sure loop waits for in to be closed before returning10:27
jam1rogpeppe1: I personally felt like wg.Wait() should probably be called inside the loop() functions10:27
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jam1rogpeppe1: so in the case of "w.tomb.Dying" we can return without checking w.in10:28
jam1is that ok ?10:28
rogpeppe1jam1: the original scheme was the wg is for commonLoop's internal use only10:28
rogpeppe1jam1: it's kinda weird that commonLoop is doing the Wait itself10:29
jam1rogpeppe1: if it is internal to commonLoop, couldn't it just use a local var ?10:29
jam1rogpeppe1: I certainly originally thought to change "go commonLoop()" to just be a synchronous "w.commonLoop()" and then wait outside10:29
* rogpeppe1 checks10:30
jam1but that closes w.in in a defer10:30
jam1so we could change it some other way10:30
rogpeppe1jam1: yeah, that was my initial thought too10:30
rogpeppe1jam1: i'm not keen on the current change as it adds more stuff that each caller of commonLoop must remember to do10:30
rogpeppe1jam1: yes, i think wg could/should be a local var10:32
jam1rogpeppe1: so 'must wait until in is closed' isn't quite true today, because of stuff like "the tomb can die first"10:35
rogpeppe1jam1: yup10:36
rogpeppe1jam1: if the tomb dies, we should wait for the in channel to be closed10:36
jam1rogpeppe1: I'm not sure that it means the outer loop must not terminate before then10:36
rogpeppe1jam1: because that's the way commonLoop signifies that it's finished10:36
rogpeppe1jam1: it's instructional to see how the code has changed since the original version (state/api/apiclient.go in rev 1235)10:44
jam1TheMue: standup ?10:46
perrito666yay fix committed10:49
jam1vladk: you dropped out? Is everything ok?11:41
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jam1it would be nice if they had a very soft ding when someone connects12:47
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bodie_morning all12:54
perrito666morning bis12:55
perrito666ericsnow: wallyworld I will go back to the new restore, what are you guys doing? I don't want to step on your toes12:55
bodie_anyone have a free minute to scope a PR or two?12:55
bodie_https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/140 and https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/14112:56
ericsnowperrito666: I'm still working on the backup client code12:56
wallyworldperrito666: i'm not working on it12:57
perrito666wallyworld: I meant wwitzel3 sorry12:57
perrito666wallyworld: I am used to you not being here at this time :p12:58
wallyworldcan't sleep12:58
perrito666wallyworld: try watching a movie, works wonders for mi wife, in almos five years together I think she hardly saw more than 3 movies to full extent12:59
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wwitzel3natefinch: standup14:00
perrito666natefinch: taxes in MA are really low14:48
rogpeppe1mgz: ping14:55
natefinchperrito666: what's funny is that most people around here call it Taxachusetts.  However, I presume you're talking about sales tax14:56
natefinchperrito666: sales tax in the US is done per state, Massachusetts is pretty middle of the road for states at 6.25% ... California being the highest AFAIK, at 10%, and several states have 0% (notably New Hampshire, which borders MA).14:58
TheMuein Germany we’ve got 7% for food and books, magazines etc, but 19% for the rest15:00
alexisbfwereade, having an issue with my hangouts, will be there shortly15:03
perrito666natefinch: I am talking about the tax amazon collects from me when trying to ship you stuff :p15:03
fwereadealexisb, oops, forgot we were meeting, omw too :)15:03
perrito666man, lenovo really makes it hard to find a replacement battery15:05
baccmars: ping15:06
cmarsbac, pong15:07
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mgzrogpeppe1: hey15:12
rogpeppe1mgz: in a call currently, but are you around for a chat in 30 mins or so?15:12
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mgzsure thing15:13
rogpeppe1mgz: also... did you manage to get around that godeps problem?15:13
mgzrogpeppe1: yeah, should all be fine now15:13
rogpeppe1mgz: what was the issue?15:13
mgzunrelated repository issue on the bot15:13
rogpeppe1mgz: which was?15:13
mgza repo is shared between a bunch of different things, including godeps apparently, and we hit a bzr bug which made every branch using the repo unhappy15:14
rogpeppe1ah, i wondered if it was something like15:16
perrito666brb lunch15:42
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rogpeppe1mgz: hey15:53
mgzrogpeppe1: hey15:53
rogpeppe1mgz: hangout?15:53
rogpeppe1mgz: if it's a hassle, np15:54
mgzsure, lets use juju-core-team15:54
rogpeppe1mgz: link?15:54
mgzrogpeppe1: in the calendar for thursday or just ...plus.google.com/hangouts/_canonical.com/juju-core-team15:55
rogpeppe1mgz: hmm, i get 40415:56
rogpeppe1mgz: will try the link in the calendar15:56
mgzafter the _15:56
mgzadd /15:56
mgzI mistyped15:56
sinzuiabentley, Juju-ci will fail juju for the wrong reasons.16:03
sinzuiabentley, ppc and arm64 access was restored, but ci missed the opportunity t make the debs. all those arch tests will fail16:04
sinzuiabentley, aws has 6 old instances still running, causing the manual test to fail.16:05
sinzuiI will restart the revision if no revision lands in the next hour16:05
sinzuiperrito666, I am resting the current revision. CI ran of our AWS resources and ppc64 and arm64 machines. Many tests couldn't be run. Looks like the restore is working when there are resources16:10
perrito666sinzui: \o/16:17
natefinchfwereade: you around?16:19
natefinchI love getting happy birthday emails from websites I don't even remember visiting16:21
perrito666natefinch: is it your bday?16:22
natefinchIt is my birthday and my twin sister's birthday and my wife's birthday today.16:22
perrito666uhh, that is a cool memory space saver16:23
perrito666natefinch: well happy bday (and why is you bd not in the calendar for bdays?)16:23
natefinchit's in my calendar, I dunno16:23
natefinchand my aunt's birthday is tomorrow and Wednesday is Zoë, my younger daughter's birthday16:23
natefinchand a couple days ago was my sister's step son's birthday.    My mother went to the store and bought 6 birthday cards last week :)16:24
perrito666"I will not get friends with people that have birthdays outside this week" great technique16:25
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
rogpeppeon reflection, i'm not sure that using gopkg.in/juju/charm.v2 gives significant advantage over using github.com/juju/charm.v216:54
rogpeppemgz: %16:54
rogpeppemgz: ^16:54
natefinchrogpeppe: I actually thought of that when Gustavo proposed gopkg.in16:54
rogpeppemgz: the main disadvantage of the latter that i can think of is that github.com/juju will show several more repos, one for each api version16:55
rogpeppenatefinch: what do you reckon?16:55
mgzrogpeppe: it's mostly a benefit with lots of api bumps, and keeping a sane git branch workflow16:56
rogpeppemgz: i think that the git workflow can be pretty similar in both cases16:56
natefinchrogpeppe: that you could make your own foo.v2 and not need his magic.  However, it does clean up the juju repo list16:56
rogpeppemgz: there's not much difference between a remote branch whichever repo it's in16:57
natefinchrogpeppe: his magic does let you do v2.1 v2.2 and let import foo.v2  work with all of those16:57
natefinchnot sure how necessary that minor revision bumping is though16:57
rogpeppenatefinch: that is true16:57
natefinchit keeps the code separate, I guess, but there's little difference to the end user from it all being in the same branch16:58
rogpeppethe thing is, the code will need to live in two separate directories anyway, because that's the way go works16:58
natefinchI mean, it keeps the v2.1 separate from v2.2 in git16:59
natefinchyes, on disk, foo.v2 will need to live separately from foo.v116:59
natefinchI think it's worth using gopkg.in to keep the juju repos cleaner16:59
natefinchit's already getting a little noisy17:00
rogpeppemy main inclination the other way is that it's nice to have all the juju packages live under github.com/juju in my $GOPATH17:00
rogpeppebecause i'll often do a recursive grep inside that dir17:02
jam1alexisb: you dropped out at "lets say"17:04
alexisbjam1, yeah17:04
alexisbI am trying to get back in17:04
perrito666oh the sweet looks of passing tests http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/functional-ha-backup-restore/213/17:05
natefinchperrito666:  beautiful17:10
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sinzuialexisb, natefinch, jam, 1.19.4 release is blocked by bug 1333357 which was introduced earlier today17:30
* perrito666 facepalms17:32
alexisbooo the saga continues17:33
natefinchahh, it's only gccgo, who cares?17:33
* natefinch is joking, mostly17:33
alexisbIBM does17:33
perrito666sinzui: do you really think that revision is the one that introduced the bug?17:36
sinzuiperrito666, it is the only rev that changed apiserver/networker in the last 2 days17:37
perrito666the output of gccgo is less than useful17:38
natefinchso, that's a compiler error, which means it's a gccgo bug not a juju bug... not that we don't still have to fix it in gccgo (and perhaps try to avoid it in juju)17:41
perrito666natefinch: If I were a compiler dev, I really would like to have better error reports than that17:42
perrito666do you know what the $ mean?17:42
* perrito666 takes a quick look at the code17:42
bachi sinzui, for deploying to prodstack one of the webops mentioned a while back that we should transition to storing charm dependencies in an bucket somewhere. can you point me to one of your deployments that does that so i copy the hell out of your work?17:43
natefinchperrito666: it has the exact line number and everything, though the message itself is not very useful17:44
sinzuibac, I don't have an example.17:44
sinzuibac swift post charmworld-deps17:47
sinzuibac, the charm can call swift download charmworld-deps <object>17:49
bacsinzui: thanks17:50
sinzuibac, you will probably want to make the container public so that the charm doesn't need creds. swift post -r '.r:*'17:52
jcastronatefinch, do you have the URL handy for the inprogress API documentation? I believe you gave it to me before but I didn't bookmark it.17:53
sinzuibac, I don't trust canonistack's swift this month. I got canonistack tests to pass by avoiding it. You probably wan't have a problem intermittently uploading files to it.17:53
perrito666natefinch: I was curious of what line of go triggered the .cc to crash17:56
natefinchperrito666: no idea.  the error doesn't really say, and I can't imagine "String()" would do it.18:07
perrito666natefinch: the only nested something is on the test18:10
* perrito666 buys new guts for his computer18:34
alexisbnatefinch, I need a quick break and will be a few minutes late for our 1x1, I will ping you when I get back18:53
natefinchalexisb: okie dokie18:53
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
natefinchalexisb: are you in the call? I'm there but it says no one else is20:02
alexisbI am there20:03
alexisbvideo call20:03
natefinchI'll rejoin20:04
alexisbtrying call in as well20:04
perrito666ok, EOD, bye ppl20:04
natefinchthe bridge ID said not valid20:04
alexisbnatefinch, are you on the video call?20:05
mattywthumper, morning21:15
mattywthumper, fwereade asked if you could take a look at this https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10821:15
thumpermattyw: ok, and otp21:15
mattywthumper, no problem, just wanted to let you know21:16
mattywI'll be heading to bed soon so anytime today is fine21:16
menn0perrito666: ping21:17
perrito666menn0: pong21:17
menn0perrito666: I'm wanting to understand how the native backup solution is looking.21:17
menn0just the high level design21:17
menn0how much is committed already and how much is to come?21:18
perrito666menn0: you have my divided attention between you and my merienda :)21:18
perrito666if what you want is backup, its inner parts are already committed and not likely to change much21:18
* menn0 had to look up what merienda means :)21:18
perrito666I looked up and wp does not have a translation for it21:19
perrito666menn0: as for restore is being done, I pretty much know how it will be but not yet completed21:19
perrito666we had a few days setback bc of a bug in the old restore21:19
menn0so will backups be stored server side with the option of downloading or did your team go with the direct download to the client option?21:20
menn0yeah I saw the discussions about the problem that was breaking CI21:20
perrito666menn0: if you give me 5 minutes to remove my toasts from the fire we might solve this faster with a hangout21:21
menn0sounds good21:21
perrito666menn0: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/moonstone?authuser=321:25
perrito666menn0: ?21:27
menn0perrito666: missed you21:27
menn0try again?21:27
menn0perrito666: party is over. try this: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g3qbgajp7bnquq576ulbflvdvia21:28
perrito666menn0: I did not call :p that is the url for the moonstone hangout21:28
bodie_anyone familiar with the permissions stuff in apiserver?21:35
bodie_I'm trying to write a failing test for a unit without perms21:35
bodie_but, I can't quite figure out how to find a suitable unit to try to query that I won't have perms for21:36
bodie_I'm in state/apiserver/uniter21:36
bodie_UniterAPI suite21:36
bodie_sorry, uniterSuite21:36
bodie_and batch Actions query is in21:45
bodie_sorry, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/14021:45
bodie_ActionsWatcher API endpoint would be great to have a review on as well :)21:46
bodie_PR 14121:46
=== Guest38543 is now known as wallyworld
menn0bodie_: I'll take a look at that PR today22:23
bodie_sweet, thanks menn022:25
sinzuiwallyworld, We got another regression while ppc64 testing was down. I don't think perrito666 or natefinch made progress with it https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/133335722:31
wallyworldsinzui: ok, we'll fix today22:32
sinzuiwallyworld, I will grab the tarball and installer the moment I see CI pass to start the release proc22:33
wallyworldrightio. this release really is cursed so far22:33
dpb1is there an equivalent to juju run, but for transferring files?   like, send this file to "--unit <unit list>"22:34
wallyworldsinzui: we also have bug 1333098 that has not been fix commited yet afaict22:35
_mup_Bug #1333098: API panic running test suite <api> <panic> <regression> <juju-core:In Progress by jameinel> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1333098>22:35
wallyworlddpb1: i think juju scp22:35
wallyworldyup, type juju help scp22:36
dpb1wallyworld: yes, but I have to iterate, right?  I have a big file, and I was looking for something that could copy once into the cloud, then distribute that to the units I specify.22:37
wallyworlddpb1: ah i see what you want. no, sadly you have to iterate22:38
dpb1wallyworld: k22:38
dpb1np, I was just wishing. :)22:38
wallyworldraise a bug if you want22:38
* dpb1 nods22:38
wallyworldwe may be able to do something22:38
perrito666I did not, I just took a look at it23:20

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