
Unit193https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X9z9gEpAE8lfNRAZhSpm3c05v6Nau4LY_m0yoQygbVU/edit?usp=sharing Just set this up, currently only myself and James can edit as I don't seem to have belkinsa's or skellat's Google account.02:08
jenni[ OLF 2014 talks - Google Sheets ] - https://j.mp/1romoQ702:08
Unit193belkinsa: Got the email prepped to the lists?  OLF is interested in how many slots it'll have to fill.02:13
belkinsaUnit193, I don't but I will do that today along with that link you showed.11:55
belkinsaUnit193, didn't we have some ideas for talks about K/X/L/Ubuntu from the last meeting?12:03
Unit193Ideas, nobody committed to doing any.12:04
Unit193(That I remember or saw in backlog)12:04
belkinsaSigh, we do indeed need outside the LoCo help and that's my e-mail that I'm writing.12:04
Unit193...We haven't asked the loco yet even..12:06
belkinsaGood point, but we don't have that many active people.12:08
Unit193Won't know until we have something to be active on.12:09
belkinsaGood point again.12:09
belkinsaAnd done.12:19
belkinsaAnd I still need to write up a summary of the meeting and post it on my blog.12:20
Unit193MarkDude: Heya, dude! ;)14:01
MarkDudeHello Unit19314:02
MarkDudeOhio everyone14:02
Unit193'bout that time of year again, yep.14:02
* MarkDude toook a break from IRC, slowly adding back channels14:02
* MarkDude has "new take" some where along the line, despite my nuttiness- I found my opinions are middle of the road14:04
MarkDudeAnythng exciting happen recently?14:04
* thafreak lurks from the shadows...14:04
MarkDudeDarkwing, is like married and I think has triplets or sumthin' XD14:04
* MarkDude knows you- has any hardware offended you recently (some has with me)14:05
thafreakwho me?14:10
MarkDudeJust a reasonable assumption that hardware offends geeks (/me has decided to not small talk weather, unless its mayhemXD)14:18
paultagthe X1-Carbon 2014 offends me14:19
thafreakof course hardware offends me14:19
paultagthat keyboard sucks14:19
paultagand the virtual F keys piss me off14:19
thafreakpaultag offends me too though14:19
paultagalso no thinklight14:19
paultagwhich is crap14:19
paultagotherwise a great machine14:19
MarkDudeWere we to make a list of "people offended by Paul" the list would START with his friends ;D14:20
* MarkDude too XD14:20
* Unit193 is on the list. :D14:20
thafreakany of you use this: http://seafile.com/en/home/ yet?14:21
jenni[ Seafile ] - https://j.mp/1m5jpaa14:21
* MarkDude gets moar coffee, coulda sworn you shared a Selfie link. "let me take a selfie".....14:25
thafreakno selfies dude14:27
thafreaki've taken like 3 in my life...they all look dumb14:27
thafreakthere's just no point14:27
MarkDudeGf, best friend, and too many other folks I know feel otherwise. I have started seeing how bad I can do with this bad art form14:31
thafreakwell, if you're doing it as a form of artistic expression, then I guess you have a point for doing it :)14:32
jenni[ Twitter / TheCommunitizer: #CommunityLeadershipSummit ... ] - https://j.mp/1m5lYZL14:32
thafreakwhat happened to the stache?14:33
MarkDudeYes, me being CUTE is a fail, so hopefully humor starts there. Hello Kitty just keeps it real14:33
* MarkDude reserves the right to have moar facial hair. Besides, I have worn MOST styles, just need to lipcurtain (civil war general look) possibly the Asimov/Danzig14:34
thafreakI like to grow out all the facial hair I can, let it go as long as possible, then slowly shave parts off to try out various styles14:35
thafreakI do take pictures...so I guess  those would be selfies...well there goes that 3 in my lifetime number...i forgot about those14:36
MarkDudeAgreed. My lipcurtain pic was just shaving fun, as was Amish/Abe Lincoln look14:36
thafreakwell thats how I remember you from the one OLF I met you at (was it just one..?)14:37
MarkDudeThose are pics for future generations. I think selfie means STOPPING regualr activites, and taking one.14:37
MarkDudelol- usually its more than 1 conference. Im looking at my long distance planning calendar. After OSCON and CLS, Im seeign whats on the list. Oh, it may be a bit of distance but, check out seagl14:38
MarkDudeSeattle http://seagl.org/14:39
jenni[ Seattle GNU/Linux Conference ] - http://seagl.org14:39
* MarkDude misses that stache. Hmmm lets see how the gf feels about this XD14:39
MarkDudeQuestion; does anyone know any Filipino/Tagalog speakers? /me needs more practice14:43
MarkDudeSpeaking it not so much an issue- my lack of skills make "singing" relative https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152156111003805&set=vb.717333804&type=314:45
jenni[ Mark Terranova - Singing in Tagalog | Facebook ] - https://j.mp/1m5pjb514:45
MarkDudePusong bato means stony heart or heart of stone14:46
Unit193http://www.blitzortung.org/Webpages/index.php?lang=en&page_0=30 :D14:55
jenni[ Blitzortung.org – lightning map USA, Canada – thunderstorms and lightning strikes ] - https://j.mp/1m5rNGH14:55
Unit193paultag: Howdy.  So maybe you've seen I've been working with Asheesh?  Got to talking generally, and he's offered to review something for me so if it'd help you timewise to have him review samdump, I can poke him.20:45
paultagYeah, that'd be great20:46
paultagAsheesh is the bestest20:46
paultagI love asheesh20:46
paultaghe's basically the best20:46
Unit193Yeah, he's pretty great.20:46
Unit193Also converted his svn packaging repo to git-buildpackage format. \o/20:48
Unit193That's the one!20:50
paultagHe's the best.20:50
dzhohis folks run a place about a mile from here.20:50
dzhohaven't met him yet, though.20:50
paultagWait, you're in SF?20:50
paultagYou should go to Beowulf20:50
Unit193Haven't met him either, kind of hope some Debian people show up to OLF though.20:51
* paultag squints20:51
paultagI thought you were in NY20:51
paultagOh, right.20:51
dzhoI am20:51
paultagHe went to RIT, didn't he20:51
dzhosounds consistent20:51
paultagHe's great.20:51
paultagI got a shout-out this year at http://pyvideo.org/video/2631/python-packaging-simplified-for-end-users-app-d :)20:51
jenni[ pyvideo.org - Python packaging simplified, for end users, app developers ] - https://j.mp/1yGtyEh20:51
paultagAnyway, he's great.20:52
Unit193Easy to get along with for sure.20:52
paultagI do enjoy having asheesh around20:52
paultagif you havn't seen that talk, it's funny20:53
dzhoabout 2 minutes in, but need to walk the dog.20:55
paultagIt's hilarious20:55
paultagI love Asheeh's snarky humor20:55
dzhoso, it will live there in a tab for who knows how long until I get back to it20:55
paultagsudp pip install20:55
dzhovirtualenv first and almost always20:56
dzhook, maybe not before pip20:56

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