
dholbachgood morning06:42
mhall119dholbach: I finally updated the app dev programme slides to describe the conditional layouts14:27
dholbachmhall119, awesome - thanks a lot!14:37
mhall119balloons: I'll setup the ubuntuonair hangout for the Q&A, already have the website updated14:42
balloonsmhall119, I saw the website14:43
belkinsaHave fun you guys, but alas I can't make it.  Maybe next week.14:43
josemhall119: you guys have the channel set already, airbot is ready for Qs14:43
mhall119thanks jose14:43
mhall119belkinsa: we need to pick a week we can have you on to talk about the Leadership program14:43
belkinsamhall119, I know bout I think need to get all of the wiki pages cleaned up, maybe in a month or so?14:44
mhall119belkinsa: sure, just let us know when you're ready14:45
mhall119thanks :)14:46
belkinsaNot a problem.14:46
jonodpm, howdy15:57
jonoall set?15:57
dpmjono, hey, yep15:57
jonodpm, would you mind sending over a link to a hangout?15:58
jonojust wrapping an email15:58
mhall119it's like deja-vu16:03
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :)16:06
dpmcalling it a day here too, see you all tomorrow!16:38
balloonsjose, where can I report a bug with ubuntuonair?17:16
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joseballoons: with me18:42
balloonsjose, ok, well the feedback is from someone else, but namely it doesn't work on mobile18:47
joseballoons: huh? last I checked it did work on mobile, and it looked pretty well18:48
joselemme check again in 5min18:48
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balloonsjose, kk19:14
joseballoons: http://i.imgur.com/9mB5O3i19:18
balloonsjose, I wonder if youtube streaming doesn't work on the phone19:19
joseballoons: it does, and you can even choose between opening the video on the browser or on the youtube app19:20
balloonsjose, I'll follow up then with jibel19:28
balloonsnot sure what issues he encountered19:28
josecool, let me know19:28
elfyit wasn't a verbose error message to be sure :D19:29
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elfyhey czajkowski20:44
mhall119czajkowski: according to LinkedIn you're celebrating 1 year at MongoDB, congratulations23:07

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