
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
desrtrobert_ancell: 'nobody' account, for example01:32
desrtand nfsnobody, i think also exists01:32
desrtin general, there are a few high-numbered accounts that are not normal users, and we wanted to avoid those01:33
robert_ancelldesrt, they're already blacklisted explicitly01:33
robert_ancelloh, I see you disable the blacklist and use this instead.01:34
robert_ancellRAOF, I forget again, can you cancel uploads?01:36
desrtrobert_ancell: we were trying to move away from heuristics...01:36
RAOFrobert_ancell: No, but if it's still in -proposed you can reject it.01:37
robert_ancellRAOF, how do I do that?01:37
desrtRAOF: hey... how's that mainloop unhate going?01:37
RAOFdesrt: Generating ASIO rage.01:37
RAOFdesrt: But the prerequisites are basically done, so I should be able to *actually* provide you with a manual dispatch option soon.01:37
desrtRAOF: cool.  keep me updated :)01:38
RAOFrobert_ancell: You ask me to reject an upload :)01:38
desrtrobert_ancell: btw: big drawing changes in gdk lately.... seems like maybe you were right to stay on 3.12 ;)01:38
robert_ancellRAOF, right, can you reject accountsservice/0.6.37-1ubuntu4 please?01:38
robert_ancelldesrt, ha!01:38
RAOFrobert_ancell: Sorry, no can do. It's already gone through.01:38
robert_ancellman, it was in proposed seconds ago :(01:39
RAOFHm. Or maybe I actually *don't* know how to do this...01:39
robert_ancellmeh, I'll just do a new upload01:41
robert_ancelldesrt, so what do you do on systems that have 100000s of users and but still have a "nobody" account?01:41
robert_ancellthis is the sort of user who is confused by the change01:42
desrtrobert_ancell: enable heuristics?01:42
desrtthe situation is kinda crap :(01:42
robert_ancellit's compile time right?01:42
desrtyou could also up the max01:42
robert_ancellyeah, that doesn't seem right01:42
desrtthat was possible in login.defs before01:42
desrtbut now it's compile-time01:42
desrtapparently login.defs is not universal01:43
robert_ancelldesrt, right, but if you set UID_MAX to 100000 then the nobody user will show because there's no blacklist anymore01:43
desrtdo we support uids > 65k?01:43
* desrt thought the FS had only 16bits for owner/group01:43
robert_ancellit's undefined. I guess it depends on what fs you are using01:43
robert_ancelluid_t is undefined I mean01:44
desrtso ext2/3/4 support 16bit uids01:44
desrtbut they have an extended attribute for higher numbers01:44
desrtso ya... i guess it's possible01:45
robert_ancellI think we should just consider uid < UID_MIN and a small blacklist of known legacy system UIDS greater than that01:45
desrthmm.  chown doesn't like large-number uids01:45
robert_ancelloh, I'm sure loads of other code falls apart but for the purposes of what is considered a system user to a-s I think it has no concept of an upper limit01:46
desrtah ya... goes up to 2^32 indeed01:46
* desrt had one too many digits01:47
desrtmaybe we should be changing our nobody user....01:48
desrt2^32-1 instead of 2^16-101:48
desrthaving nobody in the middle of the range of normal valid uids is a bit weird01:48
robert_ancelldesrt, since the number is baked into the fs bits we can never move it right?01:48
* robert_ancell heads out for a bit01:58
desrtrobert_ancell: would be a new-install thing02:01
desrtthe number itself means nothing in terms of the fs -- only in terms of existing installs on those fses02:01
pittiGood morning03:36
TheMusoMorning pitti, an early start for you today it seems. :)03:39
pittiTheMuso: indeed, couldn't sleep any more after my wife got up; head full of ideas :)03:39
TheMusopitti: Ah that sucks.03:56
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seb128good morning desktopers!08:11
seb128* Other changes:08:48
seb128- This release changes the default behavior of gtk-update-icon-cache08:48
seb128  to not include image data into the icon cache. Use the new08:48
seb128  --include-image-data flag to get the old behavior back.08:48
seb128GTK2 2.24.24 stable update08:48
Laneyoh yeah was going to look at that one08:49
Laneyare you taking it?08:49
didrocks"nice" :/08:49
seb128go GTK, keep doing such changes08:49
seb128Laney, no, I'm not, I was just reading the ftp list changes08:49
seb128there is a new glib as well btw ;-)08:49
Laneylooks like dspam died in the overnight badness09:41
Laneymeaning that mail was being refused09:41
Laney(with a bounce)09:41
Laneywonder how many subscriptions I lost due to that09:41
seb128Saviq, seems like unity8 migrated, the logout silo is for the next round? ;-)09:56
Saviqseb128, in testing09:56
seb128Saviq, thanks09:56
seb128larsu, it could be useful if you wrote a https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/gsettings-qt10:02
seb128larsu, just take one of the indicator one, e.g as a base https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/indicator-messages10:02
seb128larsu, something easy, just how you usually test updates/changes, like run the example from the source, one test scenario with settings maybe as well10:02
larsuseb128: make check!10:03
larsujust kidding, will do10:03
larsuthanks for the pointer10:03
seb128btw I'm asking because I just put your changes from yesterday up for landing10:03
larsuah cool thank you!10:04
seb128yw ;-)10:04
larsuseb128: re those manual test cases. Does it make sense to add those to the source and copy them to the wiki as described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/TestCaseFormat ?10:36
seb128larsu, your call, it doesn't hurt to have them in the source I guess (I know ted has been doing that for the stuff he works on)10:37
larsuokay, thanks10:38
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* didrocks grumbles about http://bugs.python.org/issue935112:54
ogra_didrocks, just use go then :P13:00
didrocksogra_: volonteering yourself? :)13:02
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didrocksok, I'm going for a late run, I should be back just on time for the meeting :)13:56
didrockssee you later!13:56
tkamppeterSomeone succeeded to run the current Adobe Reader under the current Ubuntu? I have a highly DRMed PDF file and cannot open it.14:12
ChrisTownsendseb128: Hey, got a moment to chat about https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1281058 for Unity Trusty SRU?14:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1281058 in OEM Priority Project trusty "[UIFe] The system shutdowns when multiple accounts are open" [High,In progress]14:29
seb128ChrisTownsend, hey, sure14:29
ChrisTownsendseb128: Cool.  So I was under the impression that the translations for this is not there for Trusty.  Is this true?14:30
ChrisTownsendseb128: As we'd like to include this in the next Unity Trusty SRU.  I just want to make sure about the translations.14:31
ChrisTownsendseb128: There is some question that the translations are part of unity-greeter and Unity gets the translations for "free" from that.14:32
seb128ChrisTownsend, translations are not included in the current langpacks no14:32
seb128I guess the template got ovewritten by one of the unity SRUs14:33
seb128you could use the translation from unity-greeter I guess14:33
seb128you would need to change the gettext domain for that though14:33
seb128it feels hackish14:33
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yeah, that is hackish.14:33
ChrisTownsendseb128: Well, this is priority bug with a string.  What's your recommendation on how to proceed?14:34
seb128ChrisTownsend, the change is going to be in the next unity SRU?14:35
ChrisTownsendseb128: Well, that's what I'm trying to determine.  I don't think we should include it if it's not translated, but we need to get it in when the translated strings are available.14:36
ChrisTownsendseb128: But we do need to get it in though.14:36
seb128ChrisTownsend, then we need to upload manually a pot include that string to launchpad, then wait for a langpack export14:38
Trevinhoseb128: how long that would take, approx?14:43
seb128Trevinho, not sure when the next langpack trusty update is due14:44
seb128dpm, pitti: do you know?14:44
pittiseb128, Trevinho: we just did one two weeks ago (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA)14:44
pittiso supposedly not that soon, unless there's something urgent to fix14:45
seb128pitti, right, that doesn't help us to resolve the current question ;-)14:45
pitti"whenever someone starts the community verification process"14:45
pittilast time, GunnarHj kindly did it14:45
Trevinhopitti: the problem is that there's this OEM prio bug that needs some new translations (already provided by unity-greeter)...14:45
seb128pitti, they need to add an user visible string to unity, if we don't want to slap in in the face of users untranslated, we need to upload an updated template to launchpad, get translators to do their work and then do an export14:46
seb128then only we can upload the code change in unity14:46
pittiTrevinho: as I said, "unless there's something urgent to fix" - best to create an SRU bug then with specific instructions which translatoins to watch out for, and testing the ones in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/+archive/ppa14:46
seb128Trevinho, you might as well try to hack around by loading that string from the unity-greeter domain then...14:46
Trevinhoseb128: we might yes, let me see14:47
pittiseb128: ah, that sounds like that SRU needs to happen first, then?14:47
Trevinho(not lovely, but still...)14:47
pittiTrevinho: so in short, don't wait for the update to happen, ask for it :)14:47
seb128pitti, the langpack needs to include the string before we can SRU the unity change14:47
Trevinhopitti: ok, makes sense :)14:47
seb128or we can declare the untranslated string fine14:47
pittiseb128: I'm afraid that doesn't work; it only gets imported into LP via an upload14:48
seb128it's going to happen only in case where other users are logged in while you try to stop the system14:48
pittiwe can keep that in -proposed until the corresponding langpacks are in -proposed too, and release both together14:48
seb128pitti, no, we can tweak the template to include the string and upload to https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/unity/+pots/unity/+upload14:48
seb128I did that before14:48
pittiah, if that works, sure14:49
seb128my template just got overwritten by a SRU import since14:49
pittiwhy wasn't it included in that SRU, too then?14:49
pittichanging it *only* in LP is wrong14:49
pittichanging it in trunk and in LP is fine14:49
seb128because dh_translation regenerate the pot at package build14:50
seb128the code change is not there14:50
seb128because of the reason described before14:50
seb128need the translations in place before we do the code changes14:50
seb128though I guess we would have the code in but commented14:50
seb128that would be good enough to have intltool-update to pick the string14:51
pittiI don't understand that14:51
pittiif the string isn't translated now, why can't it be marked translatable and uploaded to -proposed14:51
pittiand then the translations happen on LP14:51
seb128the string doesn't exists in the code14:52
seb128they want to add a new dialog/string14:52
seb128it's not like it was there currently and displayed in english14:52
seb128so if we add it first, we have an user "regression"14:52
pittiright, so we can do that in -proposed14:52
pittior in utopic even, which is what SRUs need to do anyway14:52
seb128just keep the SRU in proposed for ages?14:52
seb128it's in utopic14:52
pittiif it's as urgent as you say, then it shouldn't be "ages", if we have translators already translating it in utopic, and can get some to do the ones we need for OEM14:53
seb128right, the variable there is the time it's going to take to get new langpacks out and validated14:54
pittibut I suppose you could also re-import it into LP manually, if for some reason the code change can't happen first?14:54
seb128but I guess we can take on some locales showing an english UI14:54
pittiwell, we aren't going to get it translated to all ~ 200 languages anyway :)14:54
seb128the SRU team is not so happy to introduce a non translated UI in front of users14:55
* pitti -> ubuntu on air, sorry14:55
seb128so that was trying to find a middle ground solution14:55
seb128pitti, thanks for the chat!14:55
pittiseb128: back in ~ 1 hour, for now it's pitti TV time :)14:55
seb128pitti, good luck with the hangout as well ;-)14:56
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didrockswoot, even time to take a shower before the meeting!15:22
seb128didrocks, just went for exercice?15:23
didrocksyep ;)15:23
didrocksit wasn't that hot today, so running late was acceptable15:23
didrocksseems they shoot a movie in the park btw…15:24
seb128it's meeting time!15:30
seb128qengho, Laney, tkamppeter, desrt, attente, larsu, didrocks, FJKong, hey15:31
seb128ok, let's get started15:32
seb128qengho, you start ;-)15:32
qenghoJust one item that *looks* small.15:32
qengho* Testing cr 35.0.1916.153. Fixing patching bugs: New high-dpi geometry problem. Testing session saving/restoration backport.15:32
seb128is that the current stable? is it landing in Ubuntu this week? ;-)15:33
qenghoIt's upstream's "stable". It should land as soon as it's better than the last version!  Yes, this week. :)15:34
seb128I see that Debian already landed it for a week to their stable15:34
seb128qengho, thanks15:34
seb128Laney, hey15:34
* Laney crawls out of the swamp15:34
Laney• Finish evo/e-d-s 3.12 transition15:34
Laney• Quite a number of merges: packagekit, sane-backends, inkscape, lcms2, others15:34
Laney• Upstream updates (mostly in Debian too): gtk2 glib2.0 folks (see below) vala15:34
Laney• Work with Renato on folks update, do this in Debian15:34
Laney∘ Required some zeitgeist fixes first15:34
Laney‣ In Debian this broke stuff: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=752482 - firefighting of this issue, seems fixed in new upstream release. Pending testing results & NMU.15:34
ubot5Debian bug 752482 in libzeitgeist-2.0-0 "libzeitgeist-2.0-0: Segmentation fault in empathy and gnome-contacts" [Grave,Open]15:34
Laney• Look at theme problems in qt4 in Unity, turns out to be because we're not setting the deprecated(!) GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID any more. Patch upstart to set this.15:34
seb128Laney, thanks15:36
seb128tkamppeter, hey15:36
seb128no tkamppeter I guess15:37
seb128desrt, your turn ;-)15:37
desrtnot the most productive week -- got stuck in a number of debugging-the-compiler/library situations15:38
desrtgot snagged by https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=731509 for example15:38
ubot5Debian bug 731509 in src:eglibc "libc6: provide a way to read the environment in ifunc dispatch functions" [Wishlist,Open]15:38
desrtbut i did manage to get the fast mutexes finished and ready to merge -- they will go in probably today or tomorrow15:38
desrtalso had a fight today with some new optimisations in gcc 4.9... sigh.15:39
desrtall in all one of those "learned a lot of things that i wish i didn't have to know...." weeks15:39
seb128yeah, I was just reading the #gtk+ backlog15:40
seb128compiler bugs are fun15:40
desrtdon't get me started....15:40
desrtthing is -- this is arguably not a compiler bug15:40
desrtthey'd tell me to complain at glibc15:40
desrtand glibc would tell me to complain at the C99 spec authors...15:40
desrtbecause it turns out that you cannot, in the general case, use memcmp() on an array.  go figure.15:41
seb128you are right, I should not get you started on that ;-)15:41
seb128desrt, thanks15:41
seb128attente, hey15:41
attenteseb128: hey15:42
attentework on g-s-d, g-c-c, gnome-shell for the accountsservice patch15:42
attenteg-s-d and gnome-shell work is ready, wrapping up g-c-c work which should be ready soon15:42
desrtattente: if you need reviews, you know where to find me15:43
seb128seems to make desrt happy as well ;-)15:43
attentedesrt: sure :)15:43
desrtattente: at the weston centre, most probably :p15:43
seb128attente, did you have anything still waiting for sponsoring?15:44
seb128I did the gtk sponsoring to utopic, I guess we should also get that to trusty once it has got some testing?15:44
desrtseb128: do we want to discuss the possibility of including the mir backend in the mainline uploads of gtk to the archive?15:44
desrtit's not in super-working form, but it does work.... and it's very isolated, so it's highly unlikely to regress the existing code15:45
attenteseb128: right, i forgot, there's that u-g-m MP that tedg was reviewing, but was blocked by not having that gtk patch15:45
seb128desrt, we should discuss that, but having robert_ancell around when we do would be useful15:45
attenteseb128: and i guess there's just that g-s-d sru, but i don't know if it's been uploaded to trusty-proposed yet15:46
desrtmight be nice to figure out sooner or later what our workflow will look like there, because it's going to be strange15:46
seb128attente, g-s-d has been uploaded/approved and is being tested15:46
attenteseb128: oh, ok, thanks for that :)15:46
seb128attente, feel free to ping tedg ont he u-g-m review I guess15:47
seb128I can do a landing for it then15:47
seb128attente, thanks15:47
seb128desrt, for what? the GTK Mir backend?15:47
seb128well, I guess it's going to be "have it as a distro patch on 3.12" for this cycle15:47
seb128which is already what we have, so no real issue15:48
seb128then depends on what it goes upstream15:48
seb128but we need robert_ancell for that discussion15:49
desrtseb128: ya... just pondering how we track the changes and where we keep them15:49
seb128ok, next is larsu if he's there15:50
seb128he said he would probably be away but send me his update before, but I don't think he actually did15:50
seb128larsu, ?15:50
seb128ok, I guess he's not around then15:50
seb128didrocks, hey15:50
didrocksyep ;)15:51
didrocks* Tweak and finished the category and framework loader functionality15:51
didrocks* Put this under tests and happily reached the bar of 120 tests!15:51
didrocks* Start fighting with the CLI with argparse and shell completion to get auto-registration and generation (and got back to some popular old python bugs…)15:51
didrocks* Try to fix and finally disabled Travis CI as it's running under 12.04 and we depend on python 3.4. Unfortunately, there is no pypi python-gobject and so, no virtualenv 3.4 on 12.04 to use system libs… I'm fallbacking at running the tests manually on my machine until 14.04 is available in Travis.15:51
didrocks* Some MIR-review work (some more onthe list)15:51
seb128oh, didrocks having some free slots again for archive activities, nice ;-)15:52
seb128didrocks, do you know when Travis plan to provide 14.04? waiting for .1?15:52
didrocksseb128: seems it's "in the work" since the last couple of month, but no ETA yet15:52
didrockshowever, it's a popular topic on their bugtracker15:52
didrocksso I guess it will come soon :)15:52
seb128I can imagine ;-)15:52
seb128didrocks, thanks (and good work on the tests front ;-)15:53
didrocksthanks ;)15:53
seb128FJKong, hey, do you have anything to share this week?15:53
happyaronhi, late...15:54
seb128happyaron, hey, same ... if you have anything to share, now is the time!15:54
happyaronI'm working on the git migration, package auto-release for Sogou, and is waiting to see what to do for cinnamon15:55
Laneywhat is the git migration?15:55
happyaronwe decided to not use bzr anymore for the project15:55
seb128what project?15:55
seb128oh, ok15:55
attentedoes that mean we no longer need to work on the fcitx-transition for unity?15:56
happyarondon't think so, just being too busy15:56
didrocksthe package auto-release shouldn't use/be coordinated with the CI team?15:56
happyarondidrocks: for CI I think maybe, for auto-release no.15:56
didrockshappyaron: not sure I understand exactly what you mean by "auto-release" then :)15:57
happyarondidrocks: well, that's preparing packages for all commits with different version of components for QA15:58
didrockshappyaron: yeah, that's exactly what we do in CI and what the CI team is in charge, hence the "you should talk to them"15:58
happyaronbut hell, the project we are working on is tightly following Sogou's normal development/release procedure15:59
seb128ok, let's discuss those details out of the meeting15:59
seb128happyaron, thanks15:59
seb128ok, my turn then16:00
seb128sponsoring (g-s-d/trusty, gtk3, eog)16:00
seb128• desktop updates (eog)16:00
seb128• handled CI landings (indicator-keyboard, u-g-m, ubuntu-themes, libdbusmenu-qt)16:00
seb128• landed the u-s-s wizard and then some bluetooth improvements16:00
seb128• debugged unity8-desktop issues (online accounts segfault, packagekit issues, indicator not starting, platform-api/backend issues)16:00
seb128• looked at some ubuntu-system-settings bugs, fixed a few UI issues in the updates panel16:00
tkamppeterseb128, sorry, I have missed it.16:00
seb128with the usual "reviewed errors.ubuntu.com, launchpad, kept an eye on SRUs, etc"16:00
tkamppeterseb128, here is what I did:16:00
didrocksseb128: how is that handover for u-s-s going?16:00
seb128tkamppeter, ok, your turn16:00
tkamppeter- Mentoring of GSoC students16:01
tkamppeter- Some organizational stuff for OpenPrinting Summit.16:01
tkamppeter- Bugs.16:01
seb128tkamppeter, thanks16:02
FJKonghey I am still working on sogou Input method project16:02
seb128FJKong, ok, thanks16:03
seb128didrocks, not so handed over yet, I know Pat is looking at the bug and trying to organize work16:03
seb128well, we have people doing work16:03
seb128cyphermox did some bluetooth improvements16:03
didrocksseb128: hoping for you it's happening soon to free you more cycles ;)16:03
seb128Ken is looking at some ofono changes16:03
seb128to be honest we didn't spent to much efforts on it recently, I mostly ignored it for over a months16:04
seb128just did some landing recently and looked at some UI issues/bugs today16:04
seb128but yeah16:04
seb128is there any other topic?16:04
seb128seems not16:05
seb128let's wrap then16:05
seb128thanks everyone16:05
didrocksthanks everyone!16:06
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seb128jdstrand, thanks for the work on adding an apparmor profile to ubuntu-system-settings ... do you plan to do a merge request with the changes?  (you added debdiffs ... do you plan to upload directly?)20:35
seb128robert_ancell, hey20:45
seb128how are you?20:45
seb128robert_ancell, desrt mentioned today, during the weekly meeting, that we should discuss landing the GTK Mir backend20:46
seb128what do you think? does it same ready for that?20:46
desrtspecifically, in the standard gtk packages in the distro20:46
seb128right, sorry, landing = upload to utopic20:47
desrtif we want this in by U we need to figure out the workflow20:47
desrtie: periodically generate one mega-patch from an upstream gtk branch, or what?20:47
robert_ancellWe just need the overlay scrollbar changes to land really and then we might as well. It's not amazing but there's no real cost to releasing it20:48
robert_ancellI'd say one mega-patch20:48
seb128that seems the easiest way to include it yes20:48
seb128robert_ancell, why do we need the overlay change?20:48
desrtone thing to consider is that this causes gtk to take a dependency on the mir client library20:48
robert_ancellIt would mean that libmirclient is included on the image, has anything else pulled it in yet?20:48
seb128robert_ancell, I'm going to make that land tomorrow20:48
robert_ancellseb128, otherwise that GTK+ module will crash20:48
jdstrandseb128: working on it now. awe is going to coordinate the landing20:49
seb128jdstrand, ok, please go through the CI landing, otherwise you are going to invalidate silos/force them to rebase20:49
jdstrandseb128: yes, he said he would do that20:49
seb128jdstrand, thanks20:49
robert_ancelllibmirclient seems fairly lightweight20:49
seb128robert_ancell, shrug, that's going to be an issue20:50
jdstrandI'm just doing the lowlevel stuff for the feature they wanted, they get to land it :)20:50
desrtrobert_ancell: only crashes if you run with the mir gdk backend, right?20:50
robert_ancelldesrt, yes20:50
seb128robert_ancell, ignore what I just said20:50
robert_ancellthese modules were just assuming the GDK backend was the X11 one20:50
seb128mir is already in main20:50
seb128I though it was not20:50
desrtseb128: but CD?20:50
desrthah.  "CD"20:51
robert_ancellyeah, it's not the mainness, just the image size and any related dependencies20:51
seb128desrt, adding a small library to the iso is not an issue, we have libwayland there for example20:51
desrtcool -- didn't know if it was properly split out20:51
seb128robert_ancell, how much dependency/space are we talking about?20:52
seb128can't be more than a few hundred kbs20:52
robert_ancellInstalled-Size: 62920:52
seb128that's fine20:52
desrtbut any depends on gtest/gflag/boost/etc?20:52
desrtyou're going to be taking at least boost asio... dunno if this is already in the image for something else20:52
robert_ancell+ Installed-Size: 162 for libmirclientplatform-mesa20:52
robert_ancelldo we already have boost on the images?20:52
robert_ancelllibboost-system1.55.0 is Installed-Size: 8320:53
robert_ancellso, that's approx 874 total I think?20:53
robert_ancelloh, plus 393 for libmirprotobuf020:54
desrtand protobuf itself...20:54
robert_ancelland 1083 if we don't have libprotobuf8 already20:54
robert_ancellWe might?20:54
seb128you guys are doing it wrong20:54
desrtsurprised not to see asio on this list...20:54
* seb128 boots iso and run apt20:54
desrtseb128 is so damn high tech :p20:55
robert_ancelldesrt, asio is all templates I think20:55
desrtwith his VMs and ISOs20:55
robert_ancellWhat is installed size units again? k?20:55
jdstrandseb128: you probably saw the profile and the changelog, but just to be clear, this isn't about confining system-settings. this is about having it run with an apparmor label so that ofono is able to allow it access on DBus (phonedations wanted to restrict access to ofono's DBus interface to only a few services, excluding unconfined)20:56
jdstrandthis should effectively be no change for system-settings20:56
seb128jdstrand, ok, that makes sense to me, thanks for explaining it ;-)20:56
seb128robert_ancell, yes20:57
seb128robert_ancell, desrt: that install the 3 libs previously listed and that counts for 243kb of deb and 1Mb installed20:58
robert_ancelldo we have image budgets anymore?20:59
robert_ancellso that's probably acceptable thewn20:59
seb128we try to be reasonable though20:59
seb128yeah, without doubt20:59
desrtlarsu: dunno if you followed, but removing "schema" property didn't go over too well....20:59
seb128there are other stuff we would axe before that20:59
seb128robert_ancell, ok, so i'm going to land the scrollbar change tomorrow ... then what, is the GTK patch good to go, or do you need more work?21:00
desrtseb128: almost all of the 'more work' required is blocked on mir changes21:00
robert_ancellthat's it - we can just keep updating the GTK+ patch as needed21:00
seb128desrt, that shouldn't block us to land "what we have"21:00
desrtnope.  certainly not.21:00
seb128robert_ancell, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8-desktop-session/+bug/1300925 btw21:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300925 in unity8-desktop-session (Ubuntu) "Unity 8 Desktop Preview session does not show (most) installed apps" [Medium,Triaged]21:00
seb128robert_ancell, that has that mention "   * Show desktop applications when CLICK_SCOPE_SHOW_DESKTOP_APPS is set"21:01
seb128robert_ancell, we might just want to export that in the unity8-desktop script21:01
seb128I didn't test it yet21:01
robert_ancellthe main issue blocking for it to be usable is bug 133302921:01
ubot5bug 1333029 in unity-scope-click "Only shows applications with X-Ubuntu-Touch=true" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133302921:01
seb128robert_ancell, see what I just wrote ;-)21:01
seb128if I understand correctly that changelog, exporting that env should make unity8 not require the desktop key21:02
seb128need testing though21:02
robert_ancellthat's a dupe right?21:02
seb128though Saviq/mhr3 were unsure if we still need that filter or if it's the right way21:03
seb128the intend is to not list a ton of entries that don't work21:03
seb128we are still going to have the issue that if we don't filter we show e.g libreoffice21:03
seb128or java stuff21:03
seb128or wxwidgets apps21:03
seb128or gtk2 ones21:03
seb128not sure how we can best resolve that21:04
robert_ancellit's a bit tricky, because you really don't know unless you whitelist and that's not practical21:04
seb128the desktop key might be the best way21:04
robert_ancellwe need to ld_preload something and detect if your accessing a blacklisted library and stop and show a dialog in that case21:04
seb128it means somebody has to review that the app works under Mir21:04
seb128or we need to get XMir21:04
robert_ancellI should talk to RAOF and see if I can help out there. That would open up more options for us21:05
seb128if we get XMir we solve the issue21:06
seb128if we don't, I would say the best solution might to flag things that are "known to be working"21:06
seb128either by patching those, or building a whitelist21:06
seb128either way would work but is work21:06
seb128the whitelist might be less work than carrying delta on debian packages21:06
robert_ancellseb128, right, I was thinking of patches for each package but just a big-ol-whitelist in unity of .desktop file names would work fine21:07
seb128+1 for the whitelist21:08
seb128or export the variable and deal with the fact that stuff in the list are going to not run21:08
robert_ancellanyone working on that? Shall we have a go?21:08
seb128until we get XMir21:08
robert_ancellI think that would be worse21:08
seb128can you get info on how likely XMir is for trusty?21:08
robert_ancellYeah, I'll ask21:08
seb128if it's not, so let's do the whitelist thing21:09
robert_ancellAnything else higher priority?21:09
seb128not that I know21:10
robert_ancellseb128, oh, what happened with that branch you wanted me to review21:10
* robert_ancell tries to remember what it was...21:11
seb128when was that?21:11
robert_ancelllast week sometime21:11
seb128oh, making u-s-d include the old libgnome-desktop code?21:11
robert_ancellYou take a few days off and you loose track of everything :)21:11
robert_ancellyes, that one21:11
seb128that didn't happen21:11
robert_ancellYou want me to look at that one?21:12
seb128I looked at it, but u-s-d uses gnome-desktop for other things in other plugins21:12
seb128it's not easy21:12
seb128if you want, sure21:12
robert_ancellare those other things changing too?21:12
seb128but I think we should just ship libgnome-desktop3.8 as a separate source and build u-s-d with it21:12
seb128but it makes a lot of code to copy21:12
robert_ancellI thought there was some reason we couldn't copy the lib, but it is just basically helper functions right?21:13
seb128we can't use the system lib and a local one, or we need to rename symbols21:13
robert_ancellwas there a bug?21:13
seb128it's quite some code/functions21:13
seb128not sure, I don't think so21:13
seb128the reason for not copying the lib was "let's try to avoid having another lib copy in the archive", but that's not a blockerr21:13
robert_ancellI'll have a look.21:14
seb128robert_ancell, thanks, let me know your conclusion after looking at it, mine was that the copy of the old lib is the easiest way21:15
seb128on that note calling it a day21:15
seb128good night (or day for those on the other side of the world) everyone ;-)21:15
robert_ancellbtw, this is my list of things blocking gtk-mir https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporte21:15
robert_ancelldesrt, were you happy with the a-s solution I put into utopic for large UIDs?21:16
seb128robert_ancell, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=gtk-mir21:17
seb128nicer url21:17
robert_ancellhah, I was just trying to find a nicer url21:17
seb128ok, on that note, bye21:18

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