
histocuddylier: you should be able to press escape key on that screen to get the menu. I've noticed that behavior on some machines.00:00
daftykinscuddylier: you just made something up there, do you mean you're booting a VM from an ISO? :)00:00
hunt_its really frustrating because no one else seems to have this prboekm00:00
cristobalthere is an ubuntu ISO specially for the mac right?  wounder if he use that00:00
hunt_if i wasnt alone here it wouldnt be so terrifying00:01
cuddylierdaftykins: On a KVM you can have virtual media00:01
cuddylierI have mounted the ISO on virtual media00:01
cuddylierSo it thinks it's a CD00:01
cuddylierI pressed esc and it's on a loading screen now00:01
hunt_basicaklly xboxdrv works, and jstest-gtk detects the controller, but no button or joystick m otions are registered00:01
cristobalfor the control00:02
hunt_cristobal: thats for bluetooth00:03
zykotick9hunt_: do you know how to use a terminal ok (i hope so).  in a terminal (a new terminal) "ls /dev/input/js*", we hope to see a js0 at least, but if there are others, pay attention.  then "cat /dev/input/js0" and press buttons on the controller, do letters get added to the screen?00:03
hunt_im wokring over usb00:03
cristobali used before but the axis on ps3 controler get me crazy00:03
hunt_zykotick9: i actually tried that, and no cahracters were added00:03
tiglionabbitugh.  I installed realmd but I can’t get it to work and now when I say adduser it asks “Current Kerberos password:” and I don’t know what to do.  How can I get rid of this?00:03
hunt_zykotick9: i get  2 lines of undisplayable cahracters and then nada00:03
zykotick9hunt_: what about the sticks/dpad?00:03
hunt_zykotick9: ive pressed everything00:04
cuddylierHow long does the Ubuntu Desktop loading screen usually show for? http://puu.sh/9Hks2/3e46049da8.png00:04
hunt_zykotick9: and rotated00:04
zykotick9hunt_: is there a js1 or js2 or anything?00:04
hunt_cristobal: are you saying it works for usb?00:04
hunt_zykotick9: no, only js0. a day or two ago i was working ont his and someone said to check the usb device error logs, and there was an error there, but i cant recall where the lgos are00:05
cristobalhunt: i had used with the usb cable as well if i am not mistaken on 12.04 LTS  google it just in case00:05
DaekdroomIs it possible to check which app receives a certain keystroke? My keyboard has Sound + / Sound - buttons but only Sound - works. Sound + doesn't work in my default install but works in a LiveCD and I'd like to figure out why.00:05
zykotick9hunt_: the only time i ever had a ps3 controller, it was plug and play over usb... i don't know what could be wrong if the cat test doesn't work???  best of luck!00:05
hunt_zykotick9: do you know where the usb error logs are? i know there was an error when i plugged it in and i think that will help00:06
cristobalDaekdroom, verify the default soud on settings00:06
Daekdroomcristobal, what about it?00:07
cristobalDaekdroom, when you boot and log in verify it have selected the audio device name you want sometimes happened to me that by strange reason it was not the default i wanted00:08
zykotick9hunt_: i'd guess dmesg would show it.  "dmesg | tail -20" after plugging it in _might_ work?00:08
Daekdroomcristobal, but that has nothing to do with keyboard buttons.00:08
DaekdroomMy sound works just fine.00:08
cristobalDaekdroom, sorry i tought i read about sound problem my bad :P00:08
hunt_ok for my usb sixaxis controller im getting the following two errors on plug: can't set operational mode; probe of <addr> failed with error -3800:09
milad191is there a command to locate and delete files at the same time in terminal ?00:15
histomilad191: find can do that00:16
milad191what about locate ?00:17
zykotick9milad191: look into find... as histo just said ;)00:17
histomilad191: find . -iname 'foo*' -exec rm -i {} /;00:17
zykotick9danger wilrobinson! ;)00:17
histoor find with -delete would be easier00:19
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milad191but locate finds all the files related to the name i write - the thing that find doesn't do00:19
histomilad191: becarefull as find will continue into sub directories00:19
histomilad191: what command are you trying00:19
milad191i use locate00:19
milad191for finding00:19
milad191now i want all the that it finds to be deleted00:20
milad191how do i do that ?00:20
histomilad191: you'd have to pipe the output of locate to rm00:20
milad191how ?00:20
histomilad191: what find command did you try?00:21
seekrhisto: had to do something else for a while, but I'm back now - boot from DVD successful, but I don't know how to keep myself out of graphics mode - is there a text-only howto?00:21
milad191i use locate00:21
histoseekr: ctrl+alt+F1 will take you to a tty on the iso00:21
zykotick9milad191: honestly, i had to "man locate" just to find out what it actually was.  i'd strongly recommend you switch to using find, it's a much more broadly used too for this sort of thing (though find _is_ a challenge at first)00:23
seekris that after I get the logo thin on the bottom of the screen, histo?  I'd assume so.00:23
OxDeadC0dehey guys, was the theatre_detect module deprecated? It seems to be missing from the xserver-xorg-video-* packages entirely00:23
milad191histo : how can i pipe the output of locate to rm ?00:23
seekrhisto: I think I need to know what I do at that point, where I see that logo - it must be described someplace - don't want to waste your time holding my hand  :)00:23
histomilad191: >00:23
cuddylierPressing escape does not fix this anymore: http://puu.sh/9HlIw/5b4bd81d8e.jpg Anyone any ideas?00:23
milad191anyone knows ?00:23
DaekdroomWhy is it that setting a keybinding in System Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts actually make it not work?00:24
seekrhisto: and getting into a tty is nice, but I want to run the installer00:24
celrochisto: It's the | character, if I'm not mistaken?  The > is a redirect, isn't it?00:24
histomilad191: that won't work just use find00:24
seekrhisto: I want to install in text-only mode - and then run the system in that same mode00:25
histoseekr: use the mini.iso or the server iso00:25
milad191find doesn't work the way locate does00:25
seekrhisto: now you tell me!  :-\00:25
seekrhisto: I told you earlier that I'd downloaded the desktop system ISO.00:26
histomilad191: yes it does00:26
zykotick9milad191: i'm 99.9% sure it could, with the right switch ;)00:26
milad191what's the right switch ?00:26
histomilad191: find /path/to/look/in -iname '*somesearchterm*' -delete00:26
histomilad191: I would run it without the -delete switch first to make sure what you want to delete is what you are deleting00:27
milad191so there is no other way to this with locate ?00:27
seekrhisto: Is there no way to run the desktop system installer in text-only mode?00:27
histomilad191: there is but it's stupid00:27
zykotick9milad191: histo -iname for case insenitive is a good start ;)  try without the delete first though!00:27
milad191can you show me ?00:28
zykotick9find /path/to/look/in -iname '*somesearchterm*'00:28
OerHeksfind searches in the real system, locate uses a previously built database  unless you perform updatedb00:28
histomilad191: locate dumbway | xargs rm -i00:28
zykotick9histo: nice! assuming that works ;)00:29
milad191i should replace the name with dumb name ?00:29
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milad191i hope it works00:30
celrocmilad191: You should substitute the search expression where "dumbway" is :-)00:30
cuddylierAnyone any idea why my ubuntu live cd just sits on the purple screen with the little man?00:30
histoit will work without the -i00:30
cuddylierAt the bottom00:30
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histomilad191: also you can't use -i  which is confirm with this method as xargs will pass all results to rm as one line00:33
vilambitcuddylier: try booting from cd again, happens sometimes00:33
seekrhisto: Is there no way to run the desktop system installer in text-only mode?00:33
cuddyliervilambit: Already tried 3 times00:33
histoseekr: no00:33
seekrhisto: :(00:34
histoseekr: that's why I was saying way back in our chat to use the mini iso or the server iso00:34
celroccuddylier: How long did it sit?00:35
milad191can i use -rf instead ?00:35
cuddyliercelroc: As long as I left it00:35
* histo hopes milad191 has backups00:35
histomilad191: yes00:35
seekrhisto: oh00:35
milad191i trying it on elinks00:36
seekrhisto: I'm downloading ther server iso now.00:36
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milad191should i be afraid of that ?00:36
celroccuddylier: If it was more then 3-5 minutes, then you may want to reboot and hit the tab key while it is booting.  IIRC, this shows output of what the system is trying to do as it boots.  It might show a better hint at where its getting stuck00:36
cuddylierAh okay, good idea00:36
huntgusy wtf do i do with my controllers00:37
hunti cant get any of them to work00:37
hunteveryone just says it automatically works on plug00:37
huntbut it doesnt00:37
huntthere are some errors in dmesg too00:37
huntsomeone please help :'(00:37
celrochunt: Might I ask which program/game you were trying to use the controllers in?00:39
huntcelroc: i just bought this rogue game in the steam sale00:39
huntcelroc: but the controllers not registering either way00:39
celrochunt: Oh.  How strange.  They aren't working at all?00:40
huntthey are listed in my devices00:40
hunti tried running xboxdrv, which is suggested by loads of people00:40
huntbut no events are registered in my computer00:40
huntwhen i press buttons or move joysticks or do anything00:40
cuddyliercelroc: TAB key after or during this? http://puu.sh/9HmRm/c13c1df458.jpg00:40
hunti cant get it to respond00:40
celroccuddylier: Before, I think.  Although it might work at/after that screen, too00:41
cuddylierOkay as that screen is doing nothing, just sits there.00:41
cuddylierNo matter what I press00:41
huntfor anyone who thinks they can help, heres the dmesg log from the moment i plug in the controller http://paste.ubuntu.com/7692878/00:42
huntit appears theres an error00:42
milad191how can i find all the commands in the terminal  ?00:42
milad191i mean is there a way ?00:43
milad191or not ?00:43
celroccuddylier: Hmm, okay, might need to tap it before that screen, then.  Otherwise, maybe that trick doesn't work with liveCDs00:44
cuddylierI spammed the keyboard and it moved into the loading screen00:44
cuddylierWith the dots00:44
cuddylierShift doesn't work here unfortunately00:44
OerHeksmilad191, compgen -c | more00:44
zykotick9milad191: type a<tab><tab> and it should show you all the commands that big with a00:45
huntI hope i didnt miss any replies, i just quit by accident00:45
zykotick9OerHeks: i'm not even sure what that compgen is showing... but thanks.00:45
huntall help is really truly appreciated00:45
milad191ok and how can i find what each one do ?00:46
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zykotick9milad191: "man foo" ;)  but a better answer, would be read about bash, and the various terminal commands online00:48
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cuddyliercelroc: http://puu.sh/9Hnnf/a02067e886.png00:48
cuddylierFound the issue, but how do I fix that?00:48
milad191mand foo ?00:48
milad191what's that ?00:49
zykotick9milad191: foo is a variable, substitude the command you want to know more about.  like "man locate" or "man find" etc.00:49
celroccuddylier: Sorry, I need to step away.  Maybe someone else here can help troubleshoot00:49
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Todesengel424i need some help to figure out why ubuntu won't install next to windows 700:50
MarcNNautilus used to  be able to let you set little extra stickers on files.  Has that been removed?00:50
milad191it's not working00:51
seekrWhere can I get a checksum for "ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.iso?"00:51
zykotick9!doesntwork | milad19100:52
ubottumilad191: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)00:52
tcstorywho can tell me what is the defference between kde and kde plasme00:52
milad191how can i find what each commands do, with in terminal ?00:53
* zykotick9 ahhhhh !doesntwork removed the "does it hang out on irc all day" part :(.. that was funny00:53
Happyfeetwell you see, one was written in replublican++ and the other was written in democrat#00:53
zykotick9milad191: what's the command?00:54
tay__Hello, I still need help with my problem.00:54
milad191it's about a million i think00:54
tay__Does anyone know how to help resolve the "hda-intel: azx_get_Response timeout switching to single_cmd mode""00:54
tay__message at bootup?00:54
zykotick9milad191: give one example.00:54
milad191should i say all of it ?00:54
HappyfeetI see, and what password are you using?00:55
seekrsorry to repeat the question, but I have to make sure my installer ISO is good:  Where can I get a checksum for "ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.iso?"00:55
zykotick9milad191: so, "man chgpasswd" does it show the manual?  q to quit00:55
Happyfeetseekr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes00:55
seekrThanks, Happyfeet!00:55
tay__So no one?00:56
Todesengel424can someone help with an install issue?00:56
Happyfeetsorry tay, its just that your name makes me think of chocholate rain, and I get all angry00:56
tay__In all seriousness though, I just need a step in the right direction. Most of the causes for this problem seem to be from having two graphics cards, but I only have the Intel HD Graphics one.00:57
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milad191yeah it shows a page of it but it doesn't tell me what does it do00:57
Todesengel424intel SUX00:57
tay__I've tried startx, sudo service lightdm restart, tried updating and upgrading, still no luck.00:57
tay__Got no choice really, it's a macbook air.00:57
Happyfeetyes todes, and why don't you tell us how good AMD is00:58
zykotick9milad191: ahhh, tyically the 1st line in DESCRIPTION, or that section usually ways.  you gave a funny first example IMO, i've never had to use chgpasswd before (BUT... i've only ever had a userbase of one)00:58
Todesengel424more stable, better program response00:58
zykotick9s/usually ways/usually does/00:59
Todesengel424better for games and graphics00:59
milad191maybe because that command do many things01:00
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milad191and it shows everything related to it so it couldn't be one line01:00
seekrwait a sec - I've been writing ISOs onto USB sticks using /dev/sdc1 - maybe I should be using /dev/sdc instead?01:01
milad191so it's like this or you wanna say otherwise mister zykotick9 ?01:01
seekror not01:01
zykotick9seekr: it's the root drive, NOT that partion (with the number) you want.01:01
zykotick9sdc in your example01:02
seekrSo the ISO contains a partition table, label and everything?01:02
zykotick9seekr: yes, ubuntu/debian isos have been hybrid cd/usb for a while now.01:02
cuddylierLiveCD finished loading and just went to a black screen..01:02
seekrzykotick9: ah - well that fact could explain a lot  :-\  :-)01:02
zykotick9milad191: you're welcome (keep everything in channel please)01:04
liveI have a couple questions for you guys01:07
live1) any idea why none of the browser teams have fixed this bug that lets javascript hang the browsers?01:07
causativeI'm curious:  is it possible to boot directly from an iso located within a filesystem?01:08
zykotick9live: 1) <- not an ubuntu support question.01:08
somsiplive: which bug?01:08
live2) any idea why the browser hangs the os which is supposed to have preemptive multitasking and be immune to such things?01:08
rswlink me to an afflicted page live01:08
zykotick9live: 2) <- not an ubuntu support question.01:08
causativecan grub find an iso located within, say, an ext4 filesystem, and mount it, and boot from it?01:08
live3) any idea why the bug happens 100 times more on linux than windows - my guess is its windows nuts doing it to us on purpose.01:09
liveany comments appreciated01:09
ianorlinyes causitive it is I think the grml-rescueboot package was designed for that01:09
zykotick9live: see above01:09
arrubinAnyone have any good or bad experiences with any specific Z97 motherboards?01:09
liversw, let me think a minute, I should have had that handy.01:10
liveZykotick. I appreciate your point of view, but any bug that effects unbuntu users is legitimate for discussion here. if you personally dont want to comment on it thats your choice.01:12
liveAll bugs have to do with this or that code that is developed by someone else. 99% of "ubuntu" is not coded by ubuntu so if you take that perspective you might as well shut down the board.01:13
somsiplive: so lets have some real details about the bug then...01:13
liveyes, working on that . . .01:14
liveI thought you guys would all already be familiar with it.01:14
TJ-live: which browser, version. Which version of Ubuntu, which architecture?01:14
robin__Hi. I plugged an HDMI cable from my HP ENVY 17 running 14.04 and got sound through HDMI. I then removed HDMI and now cannot get sound through my computer speakers.01:17
celroccuddylier: Sorry, I'm afraid that I don't know how to help further.  But maybe someone else knows a solution01:17
cuddylierI got booted to the page saying try ubuntu without installing01:18
cuddylierI hit enter and it has been frozen there ever since, so a bit further01:18
robin__i've tried restarting computer with no HDMI cable plugged in before or after, and still no use. in the sound properties (GNOME GUI) there is only one output option, "analog output"01:18
liveTJ firefox, opera, the most recent, x86-32 also experienced the same thing on about 5 or 6 other distro live cds01:20
liveBasically every 15th or 20th page that I open hangs the browser and in turn the OS01:21
liveSorry, I'm embarassed to say I didnt keep a list of the pages.01:21
liveI did find that a javascript coder can prevent most hangs of this type by essentially instructing his script to 'take a break' every 50 or 100 ms, but a lot of coders never do that.01:22
TJ-live: And the entire system hangs/freezes?01:22
liveThe really interesting thing to me is that when the browser hangs the OS also slows to a crawl.01:22
BARBOSSAxanyone have experience with google's web starter kit?01:23
TJ-live: how many tabs/windows are open when this happens? Is it any one site/page in particular that brings this on?01:23
liveTJ not a total freeze it will slow almost o a freeze for maybe 30 sec, then about 2 seconds of good mouse movement then freeze again and continue for a very long time before a message box pops up asking to cancel the javascript.01:23
liveThe pages that do it, do it consistently, the ones that dont - dont consistently. I tend to open a lot of tabs at once maybe 15-3001:24
liveThat might be exacerbating it.01:25
TJ-live: that will be causing issues, especially if one or more of those pages are Javascript intensive01:26
TJ-live: The fact it is happening across multiple user agents points to the sites you're visiting, rather than the client01:27
livecheck out this page that talks about coding http://blog.movereem.nl/javascript-and-the-runaway-timer/01:27
TJ-live: You might find NoScript useful01:28
liveI'm not a dev and not familiar with dev culture. I had ideas for a couple 'fixes' that might let you keep js on but work around the bug. Can I run them by you to get your idea of how well recieved they might be if I track down the right people?01:29
TJ-live: You're best off discussing specific issues with the browser developers, such as Mozilla devs, but I think you'll find it is a well-understood issue, with well-defined responses01:30
wheresmypaaantsokay, this is getting a bit out of hand01:30
wheresmypaaantsremember the boot hold issue from yesterday?01:30
wheresmypaaantswell, now its getting into past that. my computer is literally freezing now, randomly.01:30
wheresmypaaantsive tried,01:31
wheresmypaaantsits not even an option on my livecd01:31
livewhere.. wasnt here for that. how long has it been since you installed your system? Is your browser open when the system freezes?01:31
wheresmypaaantsi would say i installed ubuntu in may?01:31
Bashing-omcausative: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot <-Ubuntu ISOs are designed to allow booting directly from the hard drive using GRUB 2 .01:32
TJ-wheresmypaaants: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FaultyHardware01:32
livewheres... is your browser open when the system hangs?01:32
wheresmypaaantsTJ-: I'm beginning to suspect my hardware is failing, not the OS, but if memtest isnt an option, even on the liveCD, seemse like its another issue01:33
wheresmypaaantslive: Happens anywhere, but it happens when im in minecraft today just cause im playing minecraft today, but it happens everywhere01:33
livedoes it happen even when your browser is closed? The reason I ask is there has been trouble with javascripts hanging the entire system.01:34
wheresmypaaantslive: My browser IS open when it crashes, but minimized01:34
wheresmypaaantsI just listen to music on myspace (dont judge, myspace is epic.)01:35
wheresmypaaantsbut i leave it minimized01:35
livejust for fun, try and do several hours of stuff with the browser totally shut down.01:35
liveplay mp3s, try learning about some program you never got around to playing with.01:35
djQuery_live, what fun is there to do with no browser, how am I gonna watch pr0n01:36
wheresmypaaantslive: I havent been getting the hangs since before yesterday though01:36
liveIf you have a spare USB key distrowatch can point you to seveal rescue distros that have a boot option memtest.01:36
liveI see what you are saying, and I'm not saying its JS but here is the thing. This must be effecting some people more than others and who is to say whats causing it.  Its one option that you can rule out.01:37
wheresmypaaantslive: I can just disable JS for the time being01:37
wheresmypaaantslive: And just wait and see01:37
liveAnother way of doing it is make sure for one day that you turn off javascript (edit, options, content) on most browsers.01:37
livethere you go01:38
live'systemrescuecd' I think has memtest01:38
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Snappohey guys, so my laptop is just powering off for no apparent reason, where should I start log wise?01:44
SnappoIt seems like it's overheating but it doesn't feel very hot01:44
wheresmypaaantslive: Im gonna install systemrecuecd on my USB now, i'll be back with the result01:44
Snappoit's a laptop, it was running fine for a week hosting Plex media and then I got home from vacation and played with Gnome for a bit and it started doing this01:44
seekrI'm attempting an install of the server system on a broken machine - can't do graphics mode - I'm trying to understand the options I have to set, but am finding myself rather confused.  Seems I have to use "vga=normal fb=false" - but am uncertain how to get to the place I have to insert those params and how to get booting into the installer to proceed once I have.  Is there a howto somewhere I can consult that explains everything?01:45
livesnappo, cant help with the logs cause im a pit of a newb myself, but you could try installing conky01:45
liveanother option is to let the system run for a while then reboot and go into bios. if you happen to have a  nice bios it will give you cpu temp readings.01:46
liveis anyone here good at scripting/01:46
tay__Any way to resolve an unclaimed video card controller?01:47
tay__I ran sudo lshw -C video, and I got *-display UNCLAIMED01:47
livewhat server distro are you using? I dont think you should have to fuss with any of this for a command line install01:55
livetay ^01:55
liveoh sorry tay, I got confused. that was directed at someone else01:56
zykotick9tay__: does "lspci | grep -i vga" return anything?01:57
tay__It returns, VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HAswell.... Integrated Graphics Controller (Rev 09)02:01
tay__I just installed mesa-utils02:01
tay__glxinfo | grep render returns "Error: unable to open display"02:01
holsteintay__: whats the issue? do you have graphics support?02:01
tay__Whenever I try to boot up, I get "hda-intel: azx_get_Response timeout switching to single_cmd mode"02:01
tay__Doing sudo lshw -C videotells me that the display is UNCLAIMED, even though it knows the various details about the hardware02:02
holsteintay__: ok.. do you have grahpics support? where to you "get" that ? is it an issue? or just a message?02:02
tay__What do you mean?02:02
tay__I'm running in tty1 atm.02:02
tay__It's a message that shows up in verbose.02:03
holsteintay__: so, you have no graphics support? then?02:03
tay__If it means I only have Command Line, yes.02:03
holsteintay__: i'll try the vesa driver.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127020902:04
tay__I can't generate an Xorg.config02:05
tay__and I don't have one to begin with.02:05
holsteintay__: you can.. and you should try the one i linked.. it literally wont hurt anything.. it'll force the vesa driver02:05
tay__Manually from vi?02:06
tay__I'm not too Linux savvy, I just know that when I run the command to regen the Xorg.conf, it says the number of screens doesn't match, etc.02:06
holsteintay__: thats one way.. you want me to suggest other ways? cp from usb stick.. wget from internet or local network source.. ssh in and copy/paste.. etc02:06
tay__I don't really know other ways, haha02:07
ianorlinI have a problem with a braodcom wifi driver from dmesg of http://paste.openstack.org/show/8474202:07
holsteintay__: to "Regen"? you said you didnt have one.. do you have one, or not?02:07
ianorlinin my ttys if I login is there anyway I could get it to ignore02:07
tay__I don't have one to start.02:07
tay__Poor choice of words.02:07
holsteintay__: they, you wont "regernerate" one.. if you dont have one.. and shouldnt be running a command to do so.. what have you done so far? anything that can be breaking the system?02:07
tay__Nothing really.02:08
holsteintay__: you can try simply looking for and applying upgrades.. did it *ever* work in linux?02:08
tay__I did a clean install, ran sudo apt-get upgrade, then update.02:08
tay__That's it.02:08
holsteintay__: so, it worked before the upgrade?02:08
tay__This is a completely clean install of linux on this computer.02:08
tay__For reference, the graphics did not work on the02:08
holsteintay__: did it *ever* work with *any* linux in any way?02:08
tay__live disc, "Try"02:08
tay__Not that I recall.02:09
tay__This is a new computer.02:09
holsteintay__: ok.. it may be this simple. you dont have support from your vendor for linux.. so, try the vesa driver, and see if it works at all in any way02:09
tay__All right, I'll do that.02:09
tay__So would you recommend just vi-ing it in? Or can I save myself some typing and just get it remotely02:09
tay__I do have a wired connection.02:09
holsteintay__: you can type all that in, correct.. or use a usb stick to transfer.. or ssh in and copy paste it.. or whatever02:10
holsteintay__: ask if you need elaboartions.. i feel i already made 4 or more suggestions..02:10
tay__I'll figure it out.02:12
sonnoI just booted up an old hdd because my latest one crashed, and I have no sound. I can't remember if I had it before, but I know I've had this card (sound blaster xfi) working on a debian system before, so it's definitely possible.02:15
sonnoFrom what I've read it's supposed to be supported by alsa, but I can't figure out what's wrong.02:15
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:16
sonnoI'm really just trying to use this dead box to give me music in my room, so if I can play cmus I'll be happy.02:16
sonnoAfter doing all that?02:16
holsteinsonno: all what?02:16
sonnoI actually went to wiki.debian02:16
sonnoNot ubuntu.02:16
sonnoBut I've already checked alsamixer02:16
holsteinsonno: ok.. are you using ubuntu?02:16
sonnoAnd tried test sounds.02:16
sonnoAs far as sound goes I don't see how ubuntu would be different from any other debian, but I'm not too keen on it all, so...02:17
sonno(Keen as in sharp, not as in content with)02:17
holsteinsonno: i would, in referring to the link i gave, open the terminal and run "aplay -l" and see if a device is listed.. then, i would run alsamixer in the terminal and not trust any labels02:17
holsteinsonno: ubuntu is not debian.. thats why the documentation may not be helpful.. but the link i gave may be.. depending on what you are running02:18
sonnoI guess I've been miseducated.02:19
holsteinsonno: its pretty common to go to the documentation for the software you are using02:19
tay__Do I need anything else to use vesa?02:21
tay__As in, do I need to run apt-get for extra dependencies?02:22
CaptainRogersGreetings everyone02:23
CaptainRogersthis is a very n00bish question, but I setup my ubuntu server with mercurial and used the web bas scm manager mercurial admin and setup two user accounts02:25
CaptainRogersI am trying to connect locally to the mercurial server which is at ... I am using sourcetree on another computer, how do I connect02:26
CaptainRogersssh:// ?02:26
Blue1!paste | bluefigtoast02:28
ubottubluefigtoast: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:28
Tom23232Hi all, was wondering if anyone has suggestions Re: dictation software for ubuntu/linux. Did some searching online but couldn't find anything that appears to work really well.02:29
Blue1i am trying to compile a programme, but it complains that it is missing DSO from the command line -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/7693182/02:29
xangua!find dso02:30
ubottuFound: tdsodbc, eclipse-mylyn-builds-hudson, libdsocksd0, liguidsoap, liquidsoap, liquidsoap-mode, liquidsoap-plugin-all, liquidsoap-plugin-alsa, liquidsoap-plugin-ao, liquidsoap-plugin-camlimages (and 34 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=dso&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all02:30
Blue1xangua: this is the error:  //usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line02:31
Blue1library is installed02:31
seekrI'm installing the server system, and have come to the point where I'm being asked to identify where swap space should go.  I have a swap partition defined on one or more of the drives already, but don't know where it is offhand.  Is there a way to escape to a shell (I'm in the non-graphics mode installer)?02:32
Blue1seekr: iirc that's done at partitioning time.02:33
seekrBlue1: It is if one doesn't already have a swap partition, which is not the case here.02:34
Blue1seekr: why couldn't you add the information to /etc/fstab later then just use a swapon command?  I guess I am not helping am I?02:36
holsteintay__: no..02:36
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. | Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf | ATI proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd | Nvidia proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia02:37
seekrI am installing the server system onto a machine that already has an old version of Debian installed.  I've defined a partition for ubuntu to use as root and another for home, which do not having anything in them at present.  I want to use the existing swap partition(s), but I don't recall where they are.  I see an 8GB partition and a 10GB partition, but both are marked with "reiserfs" - which could be a misidentification, but I don't want to take any ch02:37
seekrances.  Yes, I suppose I could set up the swap stuff later.02:37
holsteintay__: the vesa driver is already present. the xorg only specifies it to be used.. and tries to start the desktop02:37
Blue1holstein: you might be able to use the xorg.conf file shown here:  http://pkill-9.com/install-nvidia-video-driver-debian/02:38
holsteinseekr: *all* you want to keep in place is the swap partition? why? take the opportunity to wipe the drive and start over02:38
holsteinBlue1: its not me, friend..02:38
seekrholstein: no way am I gonna wipe any drives!  I'm only installing ubuntu for a special purpose - long story.  I intend to keep everything else as it is now.02:39
holsteinseekr: not as i read.. you say, you intend to keep the swap partitions.. and thats all.. is that correct?02:40
seekrholstein: I said only that I want to use those partitions when I'm running ubuntu, which may only be occasionally.02:40
holsteinseekr: you shoud have backups, and be ready for those drives to fail, regardless. but, wiping the drives now, when there is nothing on there is a good idea02:40
seekrholstein: yes, I suppose so, but that's another topic02:40
holsteinseekr: its relevant02:40
seekrholstein: yes only to the bit about having backups - no no NO! to wiping drives!  :)02:41
holsteinseekr: you'll have a backup before you start messing with the drive, and if you have bad or failing hardware or partitions that are mis-reporting, dealing with them ASAP is my suggestion02:41
seekrholstein: I'm not messing with drives - only doing an ubuntu installation in a 20GB partition on an existing drive.02:42
holsteinseekr: cool.. enjou02:42
holstein!install | seekr02:42
ubottuseekr: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:42
Blue1seekr: swap files (type 82) aren't usually reiserfs - but again the information could be added to /etc/fstab02:42
holstein!patition | seekr02:42
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap02:42
seekrholstein, Blue1 - Let me repeat my original question - is there a way to escape to a shell?  That's all I want to know.02:43
holsteinseekr: you'll point the installer to use whatever partitions you have created. and whatever swap you want02:43
holsteinseekr: escape what shell? where?02:43
seekrholstein: yes, of course - forget that bit - I know how to handle it.02:43
seekrI'm in the installer, and I want to know whether I can get to a shell without leaving the installer.02:43
holsteinseekr: no02:43
seekrholstein: thanks - that's all I wanted to know.02:44
holsteinseekr: stop the install, backup your data.. make notes about what partitions are where, and do your installation properly02:44
holsteinseekr: unless tty works.. which wont hurt to try..02:44
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution02:44
seekrholstein: as I said, thanks for answering my question - I'll take care of the rest - don't need that kind of advice, thank you very kindly.02:44
holsteinseekr: i dont even see it as advice, friend.. i think its fact. but i wish you luck..02:45
seekrholstein: I know about ctl-alt-Fn - just didn't know if the installer that's not in graphics mode supports such escapes02:45
seekrholstein: ah yes, installer itself runs in console 1, and I can get to a couple others!  Now I can figure out where the swap lives.02:48
tay__Holstein, thanks for the help.02:48
tay__I managed to finally get graphics up.02:49
holsteintay__: is that with the vesa driver?02:49
tay__Gotta figure out how to set up different resolutions tho in the conf.02:49
tay__I had to install the saucy version of xorg tho.02:49
tay__I think that was the key.02:49
holsteintay__: not sure how much of a long term thing you want that to be.. ideally, you'll sort out how to support the hardware properly02:50
tay__Yes, I'm going to try to see if the new xorg supports my hardware by itself, without vesa.02:50
tay__Just wanted to say thanks for the help though02:50
holsteintay__: you wouldnt want to run gnome or unity with the vesa driver like that..02:50
holsteintay__: cheers02:51
tay__Yeah, figures.02:51
=== AntiSpamMeta_ is now known as AntiSpamMeta
wlrrI am running ubuntu 14.04 trusty tahr and work alot on the command line. I found this color scheme for gnome. https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-gnome-terminal I'm running 3.6.2  However, I run the the bash script in terminal but no changes are visible. Anyone with experience in this, please help.03:00
holsteinwlrr: the best person to help is the creator of the *.sh03:00
MontreseurHey guys I have a simple question03:02
wlrrholstein: Absolutely. That hadn't ocurred to me. I think if I google a different color scheme for gnome, and if that's successful, that will rule out the situation I'm experiencing with this script.03:02
wlrrMontreseur: Not that I know. but just ask your question. That's how this works :)03:03
MontreseurI have a computer with a messed up windows install. Im running ubuntu on persistent mode from a usb. I can gain access to my old pictures folder, but, there are no pictures in the folder heirarchy/03:03
holsteinMontreseur: could be the drive is damaged03:03
Montreseurdamn, any way around that?03:03
holsteinMontreseur: or, you are just not in the correct directory03:04
Montreseurwell its got the full folder strucutre of my old user pictures folder, all the file names, just no pictures in the files03:04
holsteinMontreseur: you can pay folks a *lot* of money to spend a lot of time with your drive and not recover the data.. if thats the issue.. or you can get lucky.. or. you are just in the wrong place03:04
Montreseurnot sure where else i can look03:05
wlrrMontreseur: So you essentially booted off a "live cd" the "live cd" being your usb drive, yes?03:06
holsteinMontreseur: i would just go ahead and rule out everywhere.. and try searching.. after doing a test, and making sure the drive isnt failing. if it is, you could have a time sensitive issue there03:06
holsteinMontreseur: *searching by filename with a search tool..03:06
MontreseurYes, booted a liveCd from a usb on persistent mode03:06
MontreseurI did search for all picture folders03:06
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
holsteinMontreseur: then, you can search by a filename.. or *.jpg or *.png or whatever03:07
holsteinMontreseur: linux is not hiding them.. or preventing you from finding any data.. if it were me, i would want to konw the drive is not failing03:11
Montreseuri think the drive might be failing03:11
Montreseurthere was no reason for the corruption of my windows files03:11
Montreseurno virus or anything03:11
holsteinMontreseur: test it and see03:11
holsteinMontreseur: you can use gsmartcontrol from the usb03:12
wlrrMontreseur: You mentioned in the beginning a failed windows install. Fill in the blanks. So you were re-installing windows on your hdd?03:12
seekrI got over that last hurdle.  I think the reason I can't find my swap partition is that it's buried inside an LVM inside a LUKS partition - which is a symple way to encrypt everything, swap and all (it's been about five years since I did the setup).  The installer is now happily copying system files to the new partitions I've defined for "/" and "/home."  Now I need to know whether I can get the installer to add a line to an existing GRUB2 configuration03:14
seekrto let me easily boot into the new system or one other others already installed.  The alternative, I suppose, would be to let it install a new GRUB thing on the drive where the ubuntu server root partition lives and then use the BIOS to determine which GRUB thing runs at boot time.03:14
Montreseuri wasnt trying to reinstall, it said there was a problem, and it needed to recover or repair03:14
Montreseurit was stuck in a repair loop03:14
Montreseurhow do i run gsmartcontrol to check the drive?03:14
wlrrMontreseur: So, if I'm not mistaken. Your Windows machine booted, but rather than go into a normal boot with the Winblows splash screen (yeah, I said Winblows :)), it took you to the repair screen, where it tries to repair, yes?03:16
Montreseuryes, then it finds no errors, or says it fixed them, reboots, and goes through the same loop03:17
helios_hello everybody! :))03:18
wlrrMontreseur: And those no way of you before it going into windows splash screen to optionally boot into normal mode? I think this has become more of a windows issue and so it's off-topic. I can certainly assist you as best I can if you pm me.03:19
wlrr*And there's03:19
helios_I need some book to programing PIC, help me!!!03:21
vilambithelios_: wrong channel03:23
EvilPualHi i need help. I want install sisimedia driver 100%. I installed  mageia driver but i cant logoff03:24
EvilPualhi nerds  help me. i need install sisimedia video driver03:38
SunstreamAnyone know if the Kindle Fire HD 2012 runs the Ubuntu kernel if it is easy to root/install Ubuntu to it03:44
livetry googling "ubuntu on arm" "ubuntu on kindle" if you come up dry try debian instead03:46
=== Jonii_ is now known as Jonii
Sunstreamokay I will take a look03:46
EvilPualsomebody can help me?03:47
EvilPualwhy ubuntu support dont care users?03:59
vak0160EvilPual: This is a community support, not paid support after all04:00
EvilPualvak0160: ok... where is the community?04:01
vak0160EvilPual: Not everyone can help you with your question, most of them not involved with development of ubuntu04:02
vak0160and I guess more than 80% people here just idling04:02
MontreseurDoes anyone know how I can check if a drive is damaged while running from a liveCd in persistent mode?04:02
vak0160Montreseur: fsck ?04:03
Montreseurim really new04:03
vak0160Montreseur: scratch that, only checking for filesystem04:03
alfab0tYo!, I'm alfab0t04:03
somsip!info fsck | Montreseur04:03
ubottuMontreseur: Package fsck does not exist in trusty04:03
somsip!fsck | Montreseur04:03
ubottuMontreseur: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot04:03
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)04:03
alfab0tTue Jun 24 05:03:49 201404:03
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.04:03
alfab0tgoogle.com resolves to =>
alfab0t33, 34, 45, 23, 49, 304:04
somsipgr33n7007h: please do not test your bot in here04:04
MontreseurI need to check the actual hard drive, not the usb though? does it check all discs?04:04
gr33n7007hsomsip, sorry :P04:04
somsipMontreseur: no, you specify which one04:04
MontreseurFixed my problem!!04:05
sahimHow to upgrade squid 3.2 to squid 3.404:20
somsip!info squid | sahim04:21
ubottusahim: squid (source: squid3): dependency package from squid to squid3. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.8-1ubuntu6 (trusty), package size 5 kB, installed size 138 kB04:21
somsipsahim: so that's the current supported version. You would need to go to a PPA for 3.404:21
sahimssl bumping is not supported in 3.204:23
=== jibran_ is now known as jibran
kinesishow do i find out what package is attached by a referenced binary filename?04:52
kinesiswhat package is attached to*04:52
kinesisfor eample, I want to know if 'javac' is part of, and I want to remove that package and install Oracle's JDK04:53
=== ^Phantom^ is now known as ToonLink
=== ToonLink is now known as ^Phantom^
tay__All right guys, promise this'll be the last thing I ask for a while.04:56
tay__I'm trying to get my WiFi card working now04:56
tay__and it's a BCM4360.04:56
tay__I'm trying the bcmwl-kernel-source apt, but it freezes on "DKMS: install completed."04:57
tay__Running a command reveals it's hanging on "modprobe wl"04:58
tay__What do?04:58
Beldartay__, You have seen the broadcom wiki?04:59
tay__I've been searching through a lot of places.04:59
Beldar!broadcom | tay__ take a look here.04:59
ubottutay__ take a look here.: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:59
tay__Already went through that.04:59
dsnydersHi all!  Is there a list somewhere of which locale setting has which date and time formats?04:59
tay__4360 isn't on the supported list, I believe.05:00
Beldartay__, The link is all I know.05:00
tay__Do you know at least why my install's hanging?05:00
Beldartay__, Sorry I would not05:01
Montreseurim now installing ubuntu 14.04 from the desktop on LiveCd. I went through all the install options, clicked the final install now. Now the my mouse icon is the loading wheel. Is it installing?05:02
tay__Alll right, thanks05:03
NED|kaitanyamontreseur: alt+F1 to tty1 and type top05:03
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away
BeldarNED|kaitanya, why?05:05
dsnydersNED|kaitanya: I much prefer htop to top.05:05
NED|kaitanyabeldar: to see if it switches to tty for first. then see if it uses cpu05:06
NED|kaitanyadsnyders: so do it05:07
dsnydersNED|kaitanya: I was recommending htop to you.05:08
kinesisi got it, real java now no openjdk05:08
NED|kaitanyadsnyders: so do *i05:09
dsnydersNED|kaitanya: Ah!  Okay then.05:09
dsnydersSo... Anyone know where/how to override the locale's date and time format?05:11
=== vayan2 is now known as vayan
Deep6guys if I have an aws vm that seems to be dogging it, what are somethings to troubleshoot05:13
Deep6load average is above 2.005:13
=== jibran_ is now known as jibran
Deep6yet top shows that it's nearly idle everywhere05:14
dsnydersDeep6, maybe check how much memory is assigned to it?05:14
Deep62417 Mb free05:16
bseekinsHello everybody05:20
dsnydersDeep6: When my desktop comes up black after waking from sleep mode, I go into ctrl-alt-F1 and run htop.  I usually find that an app is hogging all the memory: usually sensors or clock.  I kill it and go back to X and everything refreshes.  Then I just restart the killed app.05:20
=== ezhik`_ is now known as Guest21171
=== lexus is now known as lexus00z
bangbangIs anyone on Ubuntu 14.04?05:30
* Blue1 checks05:30
bangbangBlue1: Do you use Google Chrome by any chance?05:31
Blue1bangbang: what's your problem?05:32
bangbangCan you check to see if this works for you in Google Chrome (http://jqueryui.com/draggable/)05:32
bangbangDraggable doesn't seem to work on Google Chrome or Chromium for me.05:32
=== Sagitt_Mac is now known as Sagitt
Blue1it's a chinese site so I wouldn't know.  not worth risk to try05:33
bangbangThat site is not Chinese.05:34
Blue1registrar is chinese05:34
Blue1do a whois on it05:34
bangbangThat means nothing. Haven't you heard of jQuery?05:34
Blue1should I?05:34
bangbangI guess I shouldn't assume so. I apologize.05:35
Blue1no worries05:35
bangbangIt's one of the top JavaScript frameworks out there.05:35
bangbangSome would call it an "industry standard"05:35
Blue1oh I don't do java so that;'s why it made no sense05:35
Blue1I am dealing with this atm:  http://jqueryui.com/draggable/05:36
bangbangIt isn't Java ;) It's JavaScript. :D05:36
jj995I created a ppa for my app, but some people want to install it without admin rights -- is that possible?05:39
Blue1jj995: i have never installed a programme without admin rights -- YMMV05:40
jj995is there a way for a user to download files like /usr/lib/libtbb.so.2 -- can you download them from the Ubuntu website or something?  If the user could just download all the required .so and added them to the search path, then it should work, I just don't want to distribute the .so myself for concern of some license rules05:41
Blue1jj995: apt-get to install again YMMV05:44
ki7mtjj995, if you build the .deb file, and they can install it in thir user dir's, should be ok05:47
jj995ki7mt: the .deb wouldn't contain any of the runtime requirements, like libtbb.so.205:48
ki7mtjj995, shared libs is a different issue, are they your libs or package libs05:49
jj995ki7mt: package libs (libbam-dev, libhdf5-serial-dev, libboost-dev, libgoogle-perftools-dev, samtools, libtbb-dev)05:50
ki7mtjj995, You could always wright a shell wrapper or something and export the libdir and have the DL to the local install dir05:50
ki7mtjj995, It gets tricky with non-free or proprietary stuff, especially if distributing it.05:52
jj995ki7mt: I guess I could write a script to download all the .deb files from http://packages.ubuntu.com/, install them into a local directory, and then run my app with that directory on the search path05:52
jj995it is all OSS dependencies, but I thought even that would be tricky to distribute05:53
jj995but I guess if I just write a script to download/install debs to a local directory from http://packages.ubuntu.com/ I don't need to worry about any distribution license05:53
ki7mtjj995, I work on a couple apps that have simliar issues, Lic to the guy who builds it, but can redist the binary .. so that what we do, dl it, use a script, and export the location.05:54
ki7mtThe apps will never see Debian/Ubuntu repos though as they said we can't have an app that required a download.05:55
=== dk_ is now known as Guest42437
IanWizard-ServerEvening all :)05:59
dotDebianwizard-server looks like no one is on06:05
ianorlindo you have support question?06:06
dotDebI am here to give help if I can06:06
=== ezhik`_ is now known as Guest20327
Baribal_Hi. I've built a .deb of libfreenect from source and installed it. Now every time that the Software Updater runs, it wants to "upgrade" libfreenect. How do I get it to ignore that package?06:09
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
dotDebbaribal_ sudo apt-mark hold <package>?06:10
dotDebbaribal_ not totally sure if that works I would check to make sure06:11
dotDebbaribal_ you can also do it using the UI06:11
dotDebbaribal_ are you using synaptic?06:11
somsip!pinning | Baribal_06:11
ubottuBaribal_: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto06:11
dotDeboh no you said software updater nvm06:11
Baribal_dotDeb, usually, just the apt tools.06:13
dotDebdotdeb ah ok06:13
SunstreamKi7mt, I figured out how to get that login thing I wanted06:13
ki7mtSunstream, ok, you get it out of the script ?06:13
ki7mtlol .. ok06:14
SunstreamI will message it to you since I do not want to violate rules here06:15
bluezonealt + F7 to escape the madness!06:15
ki7mtNo need, I wouldn't use that method anyways, I use SSH for stuff like that.06:15
ki7mtI just Ctrl+Alt+T then F11 :-)06:16
ki7mt== Madness gone06:17
morenoh150anyone know if you can stop a service for an hour? (have it start again in an hour)06:18
Blue1morenoh150: crontab?06:18
ki7mtThat's what I'd do, use cron to start and stop it.06:20
ki7mtor stop, then re-start whatever the case needed06:21
ki7mtOr write a shell script, stop it, sleep for 60*60, then restart it, something like that06:22
lexus00zmore details?06:23
morenoh150ki7mt: yeah something. I need to stop running tor once in a while because my router shits itself when I start torrenting at the same time06:24
morenoh150so it'd be nice to say 'service delay 1hour tor'06:24
ki7mtmorenoh150, I dont use tor so dont know much about it, can't your re-nice it or background it and have it work only when idle or something?06:26
morenoh150ki7mt: probably wouldn't work. I torrent on my laptop. tor is running on my desktop server06:27
morenoh150it's not too bad I'll make a shell script or try crontab thanks06:27
ki7mtmorenoh150, Ok, good luck06:27
ajayaaHi. How does the naming of packages in repo server affect the upgrading of ubuntu packages?06:39
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ki7mtajayaa, the higher the numbers, normally means, a newer / updated package.06:43
ajayaaki7mt: I know that. Is it lexicographical ordering? We are setting up CI in our org. So wanted to know the exact logic. :)06:45
ki7mtajayaa, There's lots explanations but it gets kind of hairy when you add in Debian ++ Ubuntu, I'll go get a simple example or two, it's easier to read than explain.06:47
ki7mtajayaa, here's a simple one: http://www.ducea.com/2006/06/17/ubuntu-package-version-naming-explanation/06:48
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arun__guys, how would I inter a command into dosbox using a bash script or python ?06:56
somsiparun__: you use *dos in a dosbox06:57
arun__somsip: how does that work07:00
somsiparun__: http://www.dosbox.com/wiki/Main_Page07:00
arun__I mean to enter "mount c /opt" with  bash script or shell command07:00
ki7mtarun__, see info: http://www.dosbox.com/wiki/Commands07:00
arun__I think u guys are not getting me up07:03
arun__I mean a shell command not the commands of dosbox07:03
somsiparun__: so explain again what you want to do07:04
arun__somsip: I am wanting to create a bash script to automount /opt in the dosbox and run the specified exe file07:05
somsiparun__: so you need a dosbox script. See above.07:05
arun__somsip: nope, I want a bash script which can run command inside dosbox emulation07:06
wescotteI'm having an issue where my machine constantly becomes unresponsive. The mouse moves around but no GUI elements/programs respond. When booting off my Ubuntu 14.04 live CD it seems okay though. Any ideas?07:14
ki7mtarun__, this may be what your after: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-482648.html07:14
arun__ki7mt: yaa, dude thanks very much !!!07:16
ki7mtarun__, your welcome07:16
DJJeffhow do I report microsoft breaking in to my ssh?07:17
ki7mtDJJeff, call them on the phone?07:17
DJJeffgreat response I love it07:18
Gallomimiatry telling them their operating system gets viruses07:18
DJJeffand the user and passwords they tried are funny\07:18
DJJeffglad I could share this with you guys07:18
DanaG__Odd... approximately 30% of the time my system has to fsck, it just sits there saying:  fsck:/:100%07:19
DanaG__Okay, if it's 100% done, then freaking MOVE ON!07:19
DanaG__Also, half the time, the "press F to fix" doesn't accept keyboard.07:19
santosi need help07:20
zaapielchromium updates too much and flash is jack07:20
Gallomimiai have some pills you can have santos07:20
zaapielrunning straight ubunt gnome07:20
santosi am using natty no software is downloading07:22
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.07:22
somsipsantos: it's not supported anymore07:22
cynicallemonthat might be a good reason...07:22
santosi am trying from 3 days07:22
Gallomimiayup. 3 years old07:22
Gallomimiago to new software ><07:22
santoswhat can i do now07:22
lexus00zwhy not upgrade to 14.0407:22
somsipsantos: upgrade07:22
Luyinsantos: backup your data and upgrade07:22
Gallomimia14.04 is avail. it's pretty nice07:22
TomyWorkexcept kde07:23
Gallomimianew installer, new updates for everything07:23
santosi have no important data how to update to 14.0407:23
somsip!upgrade | santon07:23
ubottusanton: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:23
somsipsantos: ^^^ meant for you - typo07:23
Luyinsantos: or 12.04 if you want more stability. 14.04 still has some edges, might be better/more convenient for you to wait for the first point release.07:23
TomyWorkmy graphics keep breaking, my browser doesnt go on top when i click a link in another app and some other annoying things that weren't there in 13.0407:23
santosshould i have to buy cd07:24
TomyWorkand by graphics i mean the desktop and by keep breaking i mean they break every time i leave the screen for a while07:24
TomyWorksantos you only need a cd if you dont have a good enough line to download it07:25
santoshey how about 16 the latest one07:25
Gallomimiai need some help setting up a custom initramfs. my /boot install hasn't completed properly and im left with an unbootable system. i did some hocus pocus to the partitions and now its really messy. i need dm-crypt and lvm installed to the initramfs now07:25
somsipsantos: 14.04 is the current one07:25
Gallomimiabuy cd is not best way. get network install07:25
santosthx boss07:27
acetakwasbest ide foe web dev on ubuntu?07:28
santoshey guys how long will it take to upgrade07:28
Gallomimiamake sure you backup files first santos07:28
somsipacetakwas: everyone will have a different opinion on that. There are a few and it's best for you to decide for yourself07:28
Gallomimiai like sublime text07:28
santosand i want to direct update from net07:28
santoswhat should i do07:29
ki7mtacetakwas, whatever your favorite test editor is, that the best for you probably07:29
Gallomimiayes its good.07:29
wescotteIs there a way to check what packages update since installing 14.04 from a CD? I'm getting some horrible performance issues since updating and not sure what is causing it.07:29
ki7mtwhoops text not test07:29
Gallomimiathere's a command for typing: do-release-upgrade i think it must be installed first07:29
somsipwescotte: /var/log/apt/history.log07:29
santoswhich is the best way to upgrade07:30
acetakwasOkay I need you to recommend one for me07:30
somsipsantos: backup; upgrade07:30
santosconnection is not working07:30
BlackDexHello there, i have a system with ipv6 and for some reason it resolves hosts which do not have IPv6 to my local v6 address07:30
santosalready back up07:30
wescottesomsip, can I "revert" back to the packages versions I had installed before upgrading easily?07:30
somsipwescotte: generally, no07:30
somsipacetakwas: take your pick. But you're offtopic here so will get no more help from me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_integrated_development_environments07:31
ki7mtwescotte, here's how to find the installed pkgs: http://superuser.com/questions/48374/find-all-user-installed-packages07:32
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wescotteAnybody aware of performance issues in 14.04? My system just hangs for 10-45seconds every couple minutes. The mouse responds but nothing else does. It's driving me nuts! LiveCD works fine though.07:35
somsipwescotte: anything helpful in the logs?07:35
wescottesomsip, doesn't appear to be time/date stamped so not really helpful :(07:36
somsipwescotte: which log are you checking?07:36
wescottesomsip, ops, was looking at term.log not the history.log.07:37
ki7mtwescotte, grep -w install /var/log/dpkg.log > full-list.log ; cat full-list.log |less07:38
kotbezwasowhow does  IRC work ?07:38
somsip!ot | kotbezwasow07:39
ubottukotbezwasow: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:39
acetakwasAnyone knows why Python's idle isn't working properly on Ubuntu07:39
bazhangkotbezwasow, try in #freenode07:39
somsipacetakwas: can you give more details how it is not working?07:39
wescottesomsip, it's hundreds of packages.. Probably not going to be useful. I just reinstalled the OS tonight and it did an update while installing so it is a pretty massive list07:40
DanaG__argh, so much for SAS controllers being reliable...07:41
DanaG__mpt2sas0: _base_fault_reset_work : SAS host is non-operational !!!!07:41
acetakwasI can create new '.py' files fine with idle; but can't re-open for editing07:41
somsipwescotte: so what do you find in the log?07:41
wescottesomip: I can find the packages it updated but it's hundreds so probably not something i can google one by one to see if there was reported issues07:42
D30hi all, do we have a choice of using KDE in 14.04?07:42
somsipwescotte: so you need to take an approach to reduce the possible source of the problem07:42
Amaleshhi test message07:42
somsip!test | Amalesh07:42
ubottuAmalesh: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )07:42
wescottesomsip, right. no sure what to look for though.07:43
somsipwescotte: did I mention logs?07:43
Amaleshubottu : Thanks!07:43
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:43
ki7mtOnly like what, 10 times or so07:43
somsipwescotte: the system will report any issues in /var/log/syslog. Not in history.log - that was just in answer to your first question07:44
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wescottesomsip, oh didn't see that syslog comment. I'll check it now07:45
somsipwescotte: or run dmesg and check for new messages after it's frozen07:45
ki7mtacetakwas, I just tested idle, not seeing this problem your talking about. what version you using?07:45
somsipwescotte: then you need to start disabling stuff I think. Have a look at what services you run, and it maybe a painful process of turning them off, seeing if it freezes, turning others off, etc...07:46
bruce_How to delete recently used07:47
ki7mtdelete recently used what?07:47
bruce_the file in recently used07:48
lexus00Z_wow im chatting in my phone07:48
lexus00zlexus00Z_: really?07:48
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somsiplexus00Z_: yes, modern technology is wonderful. What's your support question?07:49
ki7mtbruce_, got to Dash >> Privacy, set the range or delete as needed07:49
ki7mtwhoops, Go to ..07:49
acetakwasKi7mt: zI'm not my PC now, but I think it's 2.707:49
bruce_my system is xubuntu, no Dash07:50
ki7mtacetakwas, Ok, well, that's going to make it tough for folks to help you toubleshoot it, Im using idle-python3.4 though but should be that much different.07:50
ki7mtbruce_, Ah.. ok hold on one.07:51
acetakwasThing is, whenever I open a previously saved '.py' file, it just opens as a blank document; but the same file opens fine in gedit07:53
acetakwasAt first, I thought it had something ro do with permissions. But even opening as 'root' gives the same problem07:55
Ben64acetakwas: which file07:56
ki7mtbruce_, You may want to ask the xubuntu guru's on this one, as it appears, Gtk3 has some hard coded features that needs to be gotten around, and Im not sure how to do that right off hand.07:57
zipcin ubuntu, is it possible to emulate a touchpad and send the touch events to android? so that you're like swiping/clicking a real android device.07:57
ki7mtBen64, he's using Idle, and sves a .py file, then can't open it again, using idle 2.7 I think he said.07:57
Ben64ki7mt: yeah i got that, wanted an actual filename and location so things can be pastebinned, but it looks like he doesnt have access to the computer right now?07:58
DJJeffmore digging around its not microsoft but its microsoft azure07:59
acetakwasBen_64: it happens with all my '.py' files. My python scripts are in '/home/py_scripts'08:00
DJJeffthat does ssh brute force08:01
somsipDJJeff: that was not brute force. That was 'lame attempt'. Try Fail2Ban if it's a real problem for you08:01
Ben64acetakwas: ok but you need to be able to paste information here in order to get help08:02
DJJeffI do not use fail2ban this is a honeypot08:03
acetakwasOk...what kind of info?08:03
DanaGhmm, after I get a kernel panic (as I do every shutdown, thanks to init being broken)... it takes like 5 reboots before the system stays up.08:03
Ben64acetakwas: ls, cat, other stuff, but it doesn't matter if you aren't at the computer08:04
DanaGHalf the time it runs fsck, once finished, it just sits there doing nothing at all.08:04
wescottesomsip, doesn't look like dmesg has anything logged after the problem occurs...08:04
acetakwasOkay, thanks for your help08:04
somsipwescotte: what other service are you running?08:05
wescottesomsip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7694030/ <--- default 14.04 install really. The only thing I added package wise was exfat support, mplayer2, xchat, and sshd.08:07
wescottesomsip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7694040/ <--- service -status-all08:11
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somsipwescotte: might be worthwhile monitoring top then to see if there is anything obvious that is spiking08:11
wescottesomsip, that was the first thing i tried.. didn't see any spike :(08:12
Ben64wescotte: try atop08:13
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wescotteBen64, installed atop but not exactly sure what I should be looking for as I've never used atop before.08:15
Ben64wescotte: bad things usually show up in red08:15
philanyone tell me a desktop environment where I can put the windowbar along the right hand side?08:16
cynicallemonah windowbar did you mean an app window?08:17
philI meant a taskbar/windowbar - in Windows, you can move it to any edge of the screen but not all *nix DEs seem to allow that08:18
philso probably taskbar is the more technically correct term?08:18
cynicallemonphil, yeah xfce is one where you can move the taskbar08:19
philcool, thanks cynicallemon08:19
philtbh, that all got confusing with the latest Unity/Gnome 3 rehaul...08:19
philI guess "latest" is relative, on my timeline ;)08:19
cynicallemonphil, either install xfce or just use xubuntu08:20
philyeah, that's a live CD, right?08:20
cynicallemonphil, yeah08:20
phildownloading it now...08:20
wescotteBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7694061/ <-- DSK line seems to show up red (or blue) every 15 seconds or so...08:21
somsipwescotte: you did have a lot of disk-accessing stuff in your previous post but I don't know them all well. Could you have disk i/o issues? Or do you have network connections that are blocking somehow? Does iostat give you anything more?08:22
cynicallemonphil, with xubuntu you have horizontal or vertical positioned taskbars, right click on taskbar (panel) choose panel then panel preferences08:23
philok thanks08:23
wescottesomsip, I am transferring files from my thumb drive at the time restoring my music/movies/etc since i formatted the drive.08:24
somsipwescotte: so that's why deja-dup is running is it?08:24
cynicallemonphil, panel dialog box opens and you can set orientation. to move the taskbar just uncheck "Lock Panel" box move if needed then lock it in place08:24
wescottesomsip, no idea what deja-dup is08:24
philok, that sounds a lot like it works on windows08:25
cynicallemonphil, you will like xubuntu :)08:25
philI suppose you can't just drag it from horizontal to vertical though, right?08:25
somsipwescotte: You need to stop other stuff that is running before you can really see what's happening.08:25
wescottesomsip, I was just copying via command line or file browser app.08:26
cynicallemonphil, no just set the orienation to either vertical or horizontal08:26
somsipwescotte: The above still applies. If you have no idea what is making the PC freeze up, it's best not to have other things running so you can discount stuff.08:27
cynicallemonphil, not much hassle really, set once and forget08:27
wescottesomsip, is there a better way to stop services than just ps -aux and killing things at random? Not really experienced at doing this sort of thing in Linux08:28
somsipwescotte: Reboot. Don't open anything. Does it freeze? If not, you've discounted browser, xchat, and anything else you have installed but were not running. If it freezes, you have more fundamental issues.08:29
cynicallemonrandom killing in Linux?08:29
wescottesomsip, yes. it will freeze even on the login screen08:29
somsipwescotte: it;s taken a very long time to get that piece of information from you08:29
wescottesomsip, it's doing it on boot with no apps running except the default Ubuntu 14.04 install (after letting it update packages)08:30
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wescottesomsip, sorry, I'm not very good at this.08:31
ridbowtgood day! Thunar doesn't save bookmarks for my directories. Can you help me solve this problem? I have Xubuntu 14.04.08:31
cynicallemonwescotte, sudo service <service_name> stop/start/restart08:32
wescottecynicallemon, I'm not too familiar with all the services/names.. Just service --status-all and go down the list goggling each one and stoppign anything i don't think is critical?08:33
somsipwescotte: I'd suggest booting to a command line maybe. You could run things like atop from there08:33
ridbowtmaybe do you know where Thunar stores its setting?08:33
sinnayossec-remoted: Process 5840 not used by ossec, removing ..08:33
sinnayossec-remoted not running...08:33
sinnayany advice?08:34
DumbBastardhi all, I love ubuntu. I'm going to marry it soon. Wish us a happy maried life08:37
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dohzerI don't think Ubuntu is of legal age.08:41
wescottesomsip, Thanks for all your help and patients. I think I need to call it a night but I'll spend some time tomorrow figuring out how to boot into command line and trying to disable services to hopefully isolate the problem.08:42
somsipwescotte: best of luck08:43
wescottesomsip, thanks! good nite08:43
XYZAFFA1RSo I am trying to run a full screen game through wine in ubuntu 12.04 on gnome "classic" and the system ui (Such as the bar at the top) doesn't jump out of the way. (this also happens on unity. I have wine 1.708:43
bazhangwhat game XYZAFFA1R08:44
bazhangwhat does the appdb say about that game XYZAFFA1R08:44
XYZAFFA1RON steam08:44
XYZAFFA1RIt runs perfectly08:44
bazhangwine and steam?08:44
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.08:45
XYZAFFA1Rbazhang, but if you want to play windows games you have to use wine version....08:45
bazhangXYZAFFA1R, why do you mention steam08:46
rymate1234hes playing it through steam running on wine i presume08:46
XYZAFFA1RWhich works fine with most games...08:46
bazhangwell try checking the appdb08:47
bazhangthen ask in #winehq08:47
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:47
XYZAFFA1RI know what the appdb is08:47
XYZAFFA1RI already told you I checked it08:47
bazhangthen please be patient in #winehq08:49
XYZAFFA1ROk thank you.08:49
XYZAFFA1Rbazhang, I had to uncheck allow window manager to control the windows in wine cfg under graphics08:54
XYZAFFA1Rthank you08:54
bazhangnice catch08:55
* ifank is back08:55
ifank<bazhang> ??09:00
DJones3/lastlog ifank09:01
[diablo]Good morning #ubuntu09:12
[diablo]I'm getting periodic freezes in 14.04 desktop and dmesg shows http://pastie.org/pastes/9319024/text09:13
[diablo]any ideas please09:13
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DanaGargh, my ubuntu's init sequence is totally disregarding all attempts to fix it.09:16
DanaGboot 'single09:16
DanaGboot normally: resets somewhere along the line.  boot 'single'.... nope, doesn't stop.  break=premount: ignored.  break=top: well, that stopped, but that initramfs prompt is useless.09:17
DanaGBoot normally: fsck runs, then the system sits there doing LITERALLY NOTHING (as in, forced-crash backtrace shows cpuidle_enter), forever.09:18
ifankhelp me ,,09:21
cfhowlett!info dropbox09:25
ubottuPackage dropbox does not exist in trusty09:25
dbuggerHey guys. Sorry if it is not related to the channel, but I am not sure where to ask: My wife has all her customers in a small notebook, and would like to move to a more modern solution. I recommended her to use Google Contacts, but she does not trust Google much. Is there a software solution that we could use in a private server to handle a customer Database?09:31
bruce_you can build a database by using mysql on your computer.09:34
dbuggerhi bruce_ Yes the problem is not that mysql database. The problem is a software to administer the data.09:36
dbuggerYou know, like google contacts have a nice neat user interface, and fuzzy search09:36
exaltHallo wokko09:37
guru_shipuhi, I just installed 14.04. Everything works except brightness up/down keys have no effect. Very high brightness is hurting my eyes and drains power. Please help.09:38
faugusztindbugger: maybe horde ?09:40
faugusztin(to be honest, last time i used horde was sometime around version 3)09:41
dbuggerfaugusztin: never heard of it. Can you tell me moreß09:41
faugusztindbugger: http://www.horde.org/09:41
faugusztinit's a php webmail groupware, and one of the features is turba, the contact manager09:41
faugusztindbugger: then you got owncloud contacts http://doc.owncloud.org/server/6.0/user_manual/pim/contacts.html09:43
faugusztindbugger: that is, if we talk about web based solutions, like gmail09:43
dbuggerMmmm I see. Nothing really that seems properly fit. But thanks for the hint.09:44
faugusztindbugger: alternatively find yourself some good carddav server and then connect your email client to it09:44
dbuggerWhat is carddav?09:45
faugusztinthen you will have centralized database on server, and you can use any client supporting it09:45
faugusztin"CardDAV (short for Card Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is an address book client/server protocol designed to allow users to access and share contact data on a server."09:45
see1hello i get problems on updating my server today09:45
dbuggerI will take a look at that09:45
see1php5-fpm stuff09:45
ubottusee1: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server09:45
faugusztindbugger: you got the list of servers and clients there too09:45
AleksejsHomeHi, I'm trying to install bumblebee by following this tutorial https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee#Installation but I get the message "E: Unable to locate package bumblebee"09:48
Ben64AleksejsHome: i don't think that is preferred anymore, sinec nvidia-prime exists09:48
Ben64AleksejsHome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics09:49
AleksejsHomeBen64: thanks,  I'll try09:50
aleksejs1Ben64: after installing nvidia-331, steam diesn't work anymore: it shows OpenGL GLX extension is not supported by display10:01
clasicoubutu en español ?10:01
DJones!es | clasico10:02
ubottuclasico: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:02
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UbuntuUserHi there. Is it possible to get the last user that accessed a file or is thta not recorded in linux?10:02
cfhowlettUbuntuUser pretty sure, yes, but I don't know how.  Ask in ##linux   ?10:03
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svetaNo. File owner is saved, but not last person who accessed a file. Last access time is saved though.10:04
svetahttps://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/is-there-any-way-to-tell-which-user-last-accessed-a-file-493716/ has some workarounds.10:05
_ethi, Ubuntu keeps using old kernel (3.8.0-31) and does not use newer kernels even after apt-get dist-upgrade10:05
_etany clues?10:05
jpds_et: 12.04 ?10:05
_etIt simply refuses to include it even in the GRUB menu10:05
_etjpds: yes10:06
_etI even do-release-upgraded to trusty. Still using the old kernel. Googled around. No luck.10:07
UbuntuUserthanks sveta ... we have a server that got exploited and the cracker is saying that they have file sytem access - proving it by catting a file, I was trying to work out which user had last accessed that file so I could work out which account was compromised10:07
_etcould it be some kind of version pinning?10:07
jpds_et: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-saucy10:07
jpdsUbuntuUser: Just do: "last".10:08
UbuntuUser I have checked .bash_history and it contains no evidence of a system user accessing the file which leads me to believe it was a php file or something accessing the file10:08
_etjpds: doing it. I remember doing something like this to install docker or vagrant. don't remember which10:08
UbuntuUserjpds. I have also done this and I can find no eivdence of anyone other than me logging in.10:08
UbuntuUserevidence *10:08
jpdsUbuntuUser: In any case, you want to disconnect the server from everything.10:09
UbuntuUserI'm trying to ascertain how much damage has been done as to work out what to do about it10:09
wild_oscarhey. any idea why gparted does not start on 12.04? gksudo gparted temporarily opens a tab "starting administrative...", but fails silently10:10
wild_oscarno message in syslog10:10
ocoxogood day to all! liferea channel seems to be quiet, therefore I hope it's ok to ask here on a problem :)10:11
svetaUbuntuUser, Check all users' bash histories, you'll probably see it in there. But if they exploited a server (such as webserver), it may fail to write a bash history and you may need to look for its logs elsewhere.10:12
ocoxoI cant make feed links open on tabs within liferea. also the feature to post them to social sites doesnt work. both say 'unable to load..problem occured while..cannot resolve proxy hostname'...10:13
UbuntuUserThe exploit came from git, it was only a listing of git repo / history so I cannot work out how the user has gotton a listing of a specific directory. The directory is owwned by the web server user, I wouldve' thought if the server was rooted that they wouldv'e showed me /etc/passwd or something which is why it's strange10:14
UbuntuUserno files have been modified anywhere which is also strange10:14
_etjpds: restart time. I'll tell you what happened if I didn't break anything :P10:15
_etjpds: thank you10:15
UbuntuUseris there a quick one liner I can use to check all bash histories? - there is only about 5 users on the system10:17
jpdsUbuntuUser: cat /home/*/.bash_history10:18
UbuntuUserexcellent, thanks :)10:18
jpdsUbuntuUser: In any case, there's probably nothing there.10:18
AleksejsHomecan anyone help me with nvidia drivers?10:18
UbuntuUserI suspect they don't have system (shell) access, I suspect they somehow got a dir listing of /home and managed to somehow "cat" a file10:18
bcvery!details | AleksejsHome, please ask your question to the channel10:19
ubottuAleksejsHome, please ask your question to the channel: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:19
AleksejsHomeI've installed nvidia-319 and now steam doesn't work, it shows OpenGL GLX extension is not supported by display10:20
bcvery!patience | AleksejsHome, it's a bit quiet atm, try again in a bit maybe?10:26
ubottuAleksejsHome, it's a bit quiet atm, try again in a bit maybe?: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:26
nubuh.. hello?10:26
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bcveryGuest55551, Hello, please ask your support question10:26
Guest55551hey I wonder if you can help me with connection to wpa2 network10:27
_etjpds: thank you. that worked10:29
_etjpds: kernel version is current.10:29
Jac0bz1Hello! I was wondering, is it possible to add a cronjob to turn my computer of every night at 12?10:33
iiopi tried to connect to wpa2 network using # wpa_supplicant -i interface -c <(wpa_passphrase your_SSID your_key) but i am unsure whether i am supposed to sub your_key by my username or password. my password is quite short and the command returns password must be 6..84 characters if the password is sub. If the username is sub it asks for identity (not sure hat it means). advice?10:34
TJ-Jac0bz1: Yes. see for example http://www.linux.com/learn/docs/672849-wake-up-linux-with-an-rtc-alarm-clock10:35
AleksejsHomeso, I removed nvidia-319 and now Steam works but most games have problems with graphics as nvidia card doesn't work. What can I do with it?10:39
MannerManJac0bz1: If you just want to turn *off* you computer you can try something like "0 0 * * * root shutdown -P -h now" in /etc/crontab10:39
TJ-iiop: Given the network SSID mySSID and WPA2 pre-shared key (PSK) "passphrase", "wpa_passphrase mySSID passphrase". So, it seems as if wpa_passphrase enforces a minimum passphrase length10:40
Jac0bz1MannerMan: Yes, that's what I want. But I find diffrent commands when i google, shutdown or poweoff10:40
MannerManJac0bz1: Both should work, I use shutdown :)10:40
Jac0bz1Thank you! :D10:41
MannerManJac0bz1: No problem, good luck10:42
TJ-Jac0bz1: reboot/halt/poweroff without "--force" all call "shutdown" with appropriate arguments10:42
jordi_hello. is possible to configure the free drivers to run like propietary drivers? I have an ati hd3450 and ubuntu 14.04.10:43
histo_jordi_: how what do you mean by 'run like'?10:43
jordi_Sorry for my engish, in lubuntu 13.04 I installed ati propietary drivers and I have 16451 frames and 3290 fps in glxgears, and in ubuntu 14.04 I have 301 frames and 60 fps with free drivers.10:46
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hateballjordi_: Did you try installing the restricted drivers in 14.04 and they didn't work, or what's the issue?10:48
larrypgjordi_, not positive that card is still supported by amd...it is a 2008 card10:49
jordi_i can't find any restricted driver for my card in ubuntu 14.0410:51
jordi_i read that card is not supported10:52
faugusztinjordi_: catalyst legacy10:52
Kartagisjordi_: your English is just fine10:52
faugusztinjordi_: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop/legacy?product=Legacy2&os=Linux%20x86_64 but don't ask me where to get it as ubuntu ppa :)10:53
obiwandkquistion is there a note taking / sticki note thing in last stable10:54
faugusztinjordi_: also probably won't work for 14.04 due newer X10:54
faugusztinjordi_: so in short - stay with older ubuntu, or upgrade your graphics card10:55
ahs80i am problem with ubuntu 14.04 LTS on my computer10:57
histo_faugusztin: or don't use X10:57
histo_!details | ahs8010:57
ubottuahs80: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:57
ahs80i want install controllers nvidia in ubuntu 14.04 LTS.10:59
ahs80my computer is: Pentium IV 2ghz10:59
ahs80Gigabyte GA-8SR533P10:59
ahs80nVIDEA GeForce4 Ti 420010:59
jordi_yes, not run in ubuntu 14.04. Ubuntu 12.04 is not available, only i can find the 12.04.04 version (with support)....10:59
ahs801536 Mb RAM10:59
jordi_and not run in that version11:00
lexus00Zahs80: but is there a drivr for nvidia in linux?11:00
ahs80i found this: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/48996/en-us11:01
jordi_well, thank you for help. I still with 14.04 and free drivers. For play any games I will use Lubuntu 13.04...11:01
hateballahs80: Did you check the restricted driver manager?11:01
hateballIf the driver is there already, it's a lot less pain than doing it manually from nVidia11:01
ahs80@hateball, yes I check and dont found anything11:02
kostkonjordi_, 13.04 is out of support11:02
ahs80I tried to install the nvidia driver manually but it gave me fail11:03
ajayaaHow do I change apt.conf so that a package and its dependencies are downloaded irrespective of system state?11:03
jordi_is the only way to use the ati propietary driver11:03
ahs80LOG: "ERROR: The kernel header file11:03
ahs80'/lib/modules/3.13.0-29-generic/build/include/linux/version.h' does not11:03
ahs80exist. The most likely reason for this is that the kernel source files11:03
ahs80in '/lib/modules/3.13.0-29-generic/build' have not been configured. "11:03
AleksejsHomeso, after experimenting with nvidia drivers, my screen now is 640x480, and I can't change it11:03
AleksejsHomeany help?11:03
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arajparajHow do I install ubuntu 14.04 via netbooting?11:04
faugusztinahs80: Ti 4200 was last supported in 96.43 series of drivers. NVIDIA is at 3xx.xx now. use open source drivers (if available) or just upgrade that thing from 200411:07
faugusztinahs80: nouveau will probably work for 2D, not much for 3D : http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/FeatureMatrix/ (NV20 row)11:09
ahs80i have install gnome classic, this work better than unity11:10
ahs80to me11:10
=== histo_ is now known as histo
ahs80but the streaming videos dont work very good11:10
john_rambo Please have a look at this pic and tell me which download manager(Firefox addon) is this .....http://imagebin.ca/v/1R1CGbuXxNUO11:10
histoahs80: what streaming videos?11:11
ahs80youtube for example11:11
dashow can i turn on my wifi chipset ?11:11
histodas: rfkill unblock all11:12
DJonesjohn_rambo: Looking at that screenshot, its something on Windows, you'll probably be better joining ##windows and asking there11:12
dasin terminal ?11:12
histoahs80: are you running flash or html5?11:12
faugusztinahs80: you realize Ti 4200 is more than a decade old graphics card, right ?11:12
histodas: yes11:13
faugusztin there are many things Linux can do, but it can't bring power where there is none ;)11:13
histodas: install restricted drivers11:13
histofaugusztin: his card is fine11:13
ahs80i run in flash11:13
ahs80yes, my card is very old11:13
`VooDoofrom were can i get a free shell account?11:13
dasdon't happen nothing with command "sudo rfkill unblock all"11:14
histo`VooDoo: you can probably use a search engine to find one as it is offtopic here.11:14
histodas: what wireless chipset are you using?11:14
histodas: lspci  will show you.11:14
dasi can't connect to interneth, so i can't  download any drivers11:14
`VooDoo:\ tell me a channnel11:14
histo`VooDoo: ##linux11:15
dasbroadcom corporation netlink BCM57780 gigabit ethernet PCIe (rev 01)11:16
histodas: type lspci | grep Network     in a terminal11:16
histodas: that's the wired11:16
dasbroadcome corporation BCM 43225 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)11:16
Lunariowhy is my mon1  on channel -1 even though I set it to 11 using airmon-ng?11:21
Lunariowhen I run aireplay-ng it says "Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID) on channel -111:21
dashisto what you think this command will run "sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer" ?11:22
Lunariothough when I set up mon1, I typed airmon-ng start wlan0 11 (to get it on channel 11)11:22
maxxd_salve, qualcuno sa se esiste skype per ubuntu?11:26
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:28
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga11:29
hateballmaxxd_: ^11:29
ahs80i answer in forum11:34
superflati had two kernels(3.13.18 & 3.13.24) on my trusty tahr and then i decided to remove 3.13.24. now my computer boots with any of sound, wifi  or modem not working most of the time...is there a solution for that...11:37
robotdevilI want to move /var off my ssd, can I just mkdir var in my new partition and delete the old /var or will something freak out when looking for old logs? I dont care to keep them11:38
john96i'm trying to ssh into an ubuntu server vm over NAT. the host is also running ubuntu. does anyone know how to ssh from a host to a vm client over NAT. i'm using virtualbox11:38
robotdeviland then update fstab accordingly11:38
edheldilHi, how does compiz test for unresponsive windows (to desaturate them)? I am trying to run firefox under different user, but the window gets dimmed11:38
philinuxsuperflat;~ install the package linux-generic it will pull in the latest kernel11:38
paideiawhat are the conditions to have a community thrive?11:39
philinuxsuperflat;~ which is 3.13.--2911:39
superflatjohn96: okay11:39
superflatoops not john9611:39
faugusztinjohn96: what are you looking for is something like http://sshmenu.sourceforge.net/articles/transparent-mulithop.html11:40
Braden`Is there a way to test if apparmor is disabled?11:42
john96faugusztin: i don't want to ssh to the VM over my LAN 192.168.*.* network. I'm trying to ssh into the VM without reaching out of the host machine. aka. using a network within the host11:42
MonkeyDustjohn96  what's the guest machine?11:43
john96MonkeyDust: an ubuntu-run vitual machine11:44
faugusztinjohn96: over NAT means you either need to ssh into the NAT server and then to the computer  inside NAT, or you need to port forward the computers SSH port at the NAT server11:44
MonkeyDustjohn96  in the vbox network settings, there's 'attached to internal network'... sound like what you want11:46
* robotdevil taps on #ubuntu like an aquarium11:48
john96i changed to network mode to 'internal', however the VM is sitting at 'waiting for network configuration' on boot11:48
histodas: that will install the firmware-b43-installer package11:48
ocoxogood day / night ubuntu community! I couldnt get help from liferea channel for my problem, I hope it is ok to ask it here. I cannot open feeds in liferea tab/browser or external browser, either. I found some reports that the problem was solved in recent versions. but I dont know if I can use recent versions on 12.04. could you please help?11:49
dasthen ?11:49
MonkeyDustocoxo  I have that too, did not find a solution... right click on the news item > open in external browser11:49
histodas: do you have wired internet available to install packages from?11:50
histodas: plug in a wire and install restricted drivers11:50
ocoxoMonkeyDust, external browser used to open, today it doesnt open anymore, either.11:50
histoocoxo: what is liferea?11:50
dasi'm using ethernet now to download that pckages11:50
ocoxohisto, it is a feed reader11:50
MonkeyDustlinux feed reader11:50
histoocoxo: so it's not opening rss files?11:50
MonkeyDust<3 lovely tool11:50
MonkeyDusthisto  no, it opens in the internal browser, not in the external11:51
MonkeyDustautomatically, that is11:51
ocoxohisto, before I installed the current program, it used to open feed items in both internal tab/browser, and external one. now none of these happen11:51
MonkeyDustocoxo  then you have bigger problem than me11:52
ocoxoMonkeyDust, histo, I was wondering whether a higher version of liferea would be compatible with 12.04.4. since the bug mails say that it was solved in recent versions of liferea11:53
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histoocoxo: possibly11:53
histo!info liferea11:55
ubottuliferea (source: liferea): news aggregator for online news feeds. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.3-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 171 kB, installed size 631 kB11:55
histo!info liferea precise11:55
faugusztinjohn96: if you set the mode to bridged, it will join your local network as another computer directly visible on your LAN. of course that expects that you have a DHCP server in your LAN11:55
ubottuliferea (source: liferea): feed aggregator for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.3-0.1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 198 kB, installed size 571 kB11:55
faugusztinjohn96: internal network in vbox means just between the host and the VM, nothing else can see that connection11:55
MonkeyDustocoxo  you have that issue in 12.04? I have it in 14.0411:55
ocoxoMonkeyDust, I used to have it not. but this is a new install of liferea, and it began to happen11:56
MonkeyDustocoxo  in what ubuntu version?11:57
ocoxoMonkeyDust, 12.04.411:57
ocoxoI'd tried installing liferea via ubuntu ppa, but this turned out to be an early version, too. it is 1.8.x, while the current version is 1.10.x11:58
john96faugusztin: MonkeyDust: I got it working bay creating a virtual network between the host and VM. Thanks for your help11:59
MonkeyDustjohn96  great!12:00
iceburntwhy my ubuntu 14.04 cannot browse and send files via bluetooth?12:01
MonkeyDusticeburnt  install and use blueman12:02
histoocoxo: the 14.04 version is 1.10 but as someone else said it's not working for them either12:02
MonkeyDusthisto  yes, it's was me12:02
ocoxohisto, I'm trying to compile it straight from the latest stable..let's see what happens :)12:03
histoocoxo: use checkinstall to create a deb from source12:04
* robotdevil head buts the kb12:04
ocoxohisto, I'd started with the tarball here: http://lzone.de/liferea/install.htm  does it work out with it, too?12:04
robotdevildoes anyone know if I can move the /var partition to another partition without anything freaking out. And then update fstab12:05
robotdevilso many ways in google, different answers,,,,,12:06
bluefrogrobotdevil, done this for my server last week http://pastebin.com/dpSwdsQE  adpat to your need12:07
robotdevilanswer 1 here looks the best12:07
MonkeyDustrobotdevil  a chroot comes to mind, to try it12:07
ocoxohisto, the 'make' command in tarball method isnt accepted, though. it says 'make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.'  but the given command is only 'make'12:08
ocoxotyping  './configure' runs an array of lines, and at the end comes this line: 'configure: error: glib-compile-schemas not found.'  what might this mean?12:20
VidasBDBHello! I'm setting up a dual boot. I have 3 hard drive, two 500gb HDDs in Raid0 with a single windows partition taking up all of them, it is all encrypted with truecrypt. I then have a separate SSD. Can I just install Ubuntu to the SSD and make a /boot partition on it then tell GRUB to install there? I'd like to be able to ESC on my truecrypt booter and be brought into GRUB.12:24
robin__hooked up HDMI to my 14.04 HP Envy 17. sound worked fine before and while hdmi attached. When I detached, my internal speakers won't work. Already checked sound settings, HDMI is gone as an output, analog is selected as an imput, subwoofwer makes noise but none of the 4 speakers do. I get the ubuntu drums on boot-up, but no sound of any kind after I log into Gnome 3 (Cairo Dock edition). I plugged my HDMI back in, restarted, and HDMI still works fine, I12:29
robin__select analog and then THAT work sfine... until I reboot again. Rince-Repeat.12:29
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ocoxoI found a solution on askubuntu, that says 'make' command didnt work as makefile couldnt be created when running './configure', due to missing dependency 'glib-compile-schemas'   it suggested installing 'libglib2.0-dev' to solve this, which I did, but the same error still comes that says the dependency is not found12:36
MonkeyDustocoxo  add to the article that the solution doesnt work12:38
MonkeyDustas a comment, i mean12:39
ocoxoMonkeyDust, the article refers to the dependency within another package, which I think solved the problem in the respective case. maybe a new post would suit better12:40
korst3nhi, i had tried installing mod_mono by apt-get, however, it got stuck during the installation. now i'm having problems with dpkg --configure -a, it gets stuck with the package "libapache2-mod-mono", it restarts the apache2 daemon and then i get no output until i press ctrl c12:42
korst3nthen i get " subprocess installed post-installation script was interrupted". any ideas?12:42
bluefrogkorst3n, you could try sudo apt-get install -f to begin with and repeat what you were trying afterwards12:45
dfrankhi guys. I have ncurses apps (say, aptitude) working nice in plain xterm (or gnome-terminal, or any other terminal I've tried), but if I run it inside tmux session, screen isn't properly refreshed while I do some navigation through the menu, there is some garbage. Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/jKLCX3A.png  but, again, it works nice without tmux. Does anyone have an idea how to make it work in tmux too?12:46
korst3nbluefrog: just tried it's stuck as well, no output untill i press ctrl c12:47
camgunzyou can try setting your TERM environment variable12:47
robin__Can anyone help me with my sound problem?12:47
camgunzsomething like export TERM=xterm-256color12:47
camgunzor export TERM=rxvt-256color12:48
camgunzusually it indicates some other kind of misconfiguration but the hacky fix usually is sufficient12:48
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dfrankcamgunz: thanks for the suggestion, but it is already set to xterm-256color12:49
camgunzhmm, when you navigate through the menu, you're using the mouse?12:50
dfrankcamgunz: no, keyboard only12:50
skinofstarsi'm having issues with my lock screen. cometimes is doesn't display the password field. any ideas how to sort this?12:50
camgunzyou could try setting tmux to ignore the mouse12:50
camgunzman tmux and turn all the mouse-* options to off12:50
camgunzin ~/.tmux.conf12:51
camgunzother than that, i got nothing :)12:51
dfrankcamgunz: ok thanks, will try12:51
ocoxothank you for your help, histo, MonkeyDust!12:52
dardiHi, has anyone used xrdp ?12:56
dardiI am having trouble re-connecting to the same session12:56
korst3ni'm trying to set a upstart process, it should restart everytime it crashes or closes for some reason. this program gives output and stops on keypress, and i'm getting stdin is not a tty in upstart logs12:56
korst3nany ideas?12:56
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Davidvdmhello people12:58
DavidvdmCan anyone advice me on what command to use? I have a text-file containing names, and I want to md5-hash them automatically. The hash should be added at the end of each line.12:59
ocoxoI tried to reinstall liferea, I purged, autoremoved, even manually deleted liferea folder, when I reinstalled, it opened precisely as I closed it, with the same feed and feed item selected..how does this happen?!?13:01
ocoxoand of course all feeds in place13:01
FernandoBassoocoxo: Did your remove ~/.liferea ?13:01
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ocoxoFernandoBasso, yes I did13:01
camgunzDavidvdm: for x in `cat hashes.txt`; do md5sum $x; done13:01
FernandoBassoOkay, you said "liferea folder". I just wanted to make sure.13:01
camgunzif you want to make a new file, you can echo the output to a new file13:02
ocoxoyes, I removed it all, and it was reinstalled as if never removed13:02
FernandoBassoocoxo: I'm on windows at work now. Try looking for something inside ~/.config or ~/.local/share13:02
camgunzDavidvdm: for x in `cat hashes.txt`; do echo "$x `md5sum $x`" >> new_hashes.txt; done13:02
FernandoBassoocoxo: Also, was it something like .liferea-<version> ?13:03
FernandoBassoWhen I had archlinux and ubuntu dual-boot, had two different .liferea directories.13:03
ocoxoFernandoBasso, yes the folder name was mentioned with version. I couldnt see anything related to liferea in these two locations13:04
FernandoBassoWas liferea running when you purged it? Also, try logging out of your DE and do that from a tty.13:05
FernandoBasso(just a wild guess)13:05
NilsonHello guys, if I have a SIM with 3G internet enabled on it, can I somehow use it for my laptop since my broadband is really slow? Is there some sort of device which I can put my sim in to use in on my laptop?13:07
DavidvdmNope, it's not working. I get a textfile with a partial command in, instead of the result of the command13:10
schnitzl-Nilson: just open a hotspot from you smartphone?13:10
Nilsonschnitzl: I have a BlackBerry.13:13
Nilsonand I am not quite sure how to do that.13:13
FernandoBassoDavidvdm: –http://mywiki.wooledge.org/DontReadLinesWithFor13:13
pavlosDavidvdm, I put iso files in that dir. cd /mnt/public/ISO; for x in `ls`; do md5sum $x; done13:13
=== s0meone is now known as someone
schnitzl-Nilson: I have no idea about blackberry, sorry, but maybe google can help you: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/mobile-phone/3441342/use-blackberry-as-mobile-wi-fi-hotspot/13:14
Nilsonthanks, schnitzl! I'll take a look into it :)13:15
schnitzl-first link on my google Nilson  :P13:15
schnitzl-sure mate.13:15
schnitzl-Nilson: but watchout: depending on your data plan this my get expensive. just saying.13:16
camgunzDavidvdm: don't forget the backticks13:17
Davidvdmyou've probably lost me a long time ago, but backticks made me realize it! :-)13:19
DavidvdmI'm going to study first some basics, I guess13:20
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Davidvdmthanks for your patience!13:20
ocoxoFernandoBasso, it wasnt running when I purged liferea, at least I'd closed the GUI...sorry, I dont know what DE is, or tty..13:22
calphey, I am using a package that ships with an upstart script set to start on runlevels 2-5.  I don't want the service to start after installation, and I don't want it to start at boot.  How can I do this?13:22
pavlosDavidvdm, md5sum needs the full path to the file, another example, in this case we go to the sbin dir, execute each command and append to a file in our home dir ...  cd /sbin; for x in `ls`; do md5sum $x >> ~/new.txt; done13:22
DJones!cn | binglong13:23
ubottubinglong: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:23
wheatthincalp, sudo service <servicename> disable13:24
meek_geekbinglong, U ok ?13:24
binglongjoin #ubuntu-cn13:24
meek_geekbinglong, why?13:24
binglongwhy 什么?13:24
cfhowlettbinglong command is   /join #ubuntu-cn13:24
cfhowlett!kylin | binglong13:25
ubottubinglong: Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is a formal part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin13:25
calpwheatthin: I was looking for a way to do it from puppet, I found this: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting13:25
hansforddoes anyone knows if Ubuntu supports an Epson Discproducer PP-100 printer?13:29
jargonwhat pkgs have python-4suite-xml and python-xml been replaced with in 12.04?13:29
meek_geekhansford, try it13:30
AleksejsHomeHi, after downloading updates my touchpad stopped working. In settings it shown No touchpad found. I've added a file /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf with line "options psmouse proto=imps" and now touchpad works, but scrolling on the edge still doesn't work. Settings still show "No touchpad found". Installing synaptiks didn't help at all13:43
phelixSo is it really not possible to play flash games with ubuntu since adobe quit supporting linux?13:44
schnitzl-phelix: which browser?13:45
loaphelix, google supports pepper flash13:46
ocoxoI tried a second time to purge liferea, deleting ~/.liferea folder, too, and to reinstall it. like before, it opened again with all feeds there, and exactly where I left it. what am I missing here?13:46
joke_artmy firefox has force closed13:46
phelixpepper flash never heard of that13:47
phelixdoesit work just like adobe flash?13:47
schnitzl-yes phelix13:47
phelixBut what about firefox?13:49
phelixthis seems to only be for chrome?13:49
phelixI think thats what chrome comes installed with in ubuntu isn't it?13:49
wheatthinphelix, nope. chromium does tho13:50
wheatthinyou just gotta  sudo apt-get install chromium13:50
phelixbut there is nothing you can do for firefox?13:50
wheatthinYou can..13:51
phelixhow? Flash runs like crap on chrome and even worse on firefox13:51
schnitzl-so why use firefox?13:52
schnitzl-just do as wheatthin said: sudo apt-get install chromium13:52
schnitzl-and win.13:52
phelixI just installed chromium and went to a flash game site and it tells me to get adobe flash13:53
DJonesphilinux: Are you using 14.04? http://www.webupd8.org/2014/01/pepper-flash-player-installer-for.html Pepper flash isn't included in Chromium by default13:54
DJonesphelix: See above, philinux Sorry nick13:55
phelixyes 14.0413:55
DJonesphelix: I used those instructions about 2 weeks ago and haven't had a problem with flash sites since13:56
phelixk let me try that13:57
robynata:-*love ubuntu8-)13:58
* Hayro nem canal #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman 13:58
* Hayro #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman #hackman13:58
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lexus00Z_whats this13:59
MonkeyDustlexus00Z_  describe "this"14:00
DJoneslexus00Z_: Spam14:01
MonkeyDustlexus00Z_  some bored kiddo14:01
phelixevery page i go to or scroll with google chromium all the text and everything is all fuzzy.. anyone had this problem?14:07
cuddylierAnyone know the command for lftp that allows you to download files?14:08
MonkeyDustphelix  so that's 3 different browsers giving issues, i guess the problem is wider than that14:08
MonkeyDustphelix  and it's aither Google Chrome *or* Chromium (which is not owned by Google)14:09
phelixWell I installed chromium to try and get the pepperflash14:10
phelixbut now all the font and everything is all blurred out with chromium14:10
phelixmust i install a beta version maybe?14:11
MonkeyDustphelix  and chrome and firefox... find some possible common cause14:11
phelixits not happening with chrome or firefox. only chromium14:11
MonkeyDustphelix  i thought firefox and chrome gave similar problems on your machine14:12
ToAruShiroiNekois there an easier way to install something that allows copy paste through Hyper-V?14:14
MonkeyDustToAruShiroiNeko  is that a server?14:15
ToAruShiroiNekoubuntu server yes14:15
a930913I have a ghost GUI fragment like http://superuser.com/questions/150982/ghost-ui-elements14:15
MonkeyDustToAruShiroiNeko  ok, try #ubuntu-server, and explain "easier"14:15
a930913How can I remove it without logging off/restarting?14:16
=== Gycklarn- is now known as Gycklarn
ocoxohello, I was advised to create a deb package via checkinstall. I created it and installed deb package. from here, how am I going to install the actual program that I'd like to use?14:18
ocoxohello, I was advised to create a deb package via checkinstall. I created it and installed deb package. from here, how am I going to install the actual program that I'd like to use?14:21
phelixhttp://i57.tinypic.com/11jaceg.gif look14:21
phelixthis is what chromium looks like on every page14:21
phelixeverything is warpped and distorted14:22
Piciocoxo: If you ran checkinstall from your source's path, then you should be all set.14:22
ocoxoPici, I am not. I dont see the program on my desktop14:23
ocoxolast thing I did with checkinstall was this: sudo checkinstall make liferea-1.10.4.tar.bz214:24
ocoxothen I didnt know how to proceed14:24
g105bHow do I find out when libv8 3.17.11 will be available in Ubuntu?14:24
ocoxoand used sudo dpkg -i package_name14:24
Kenjirohello there14:25
ocoxoand it installed apparently a deb file14:25
ocoxonow there is still no program14:25
phelixMonkeyDust: You have any idea whats causing this problem?14:25
Kenjiroguys, I am having a strange behavior (or so I think) with a DNS server (slave) I just created14:25
phelixthis issue is way worse than having a crappy version of flash lol14:25
KenjiroI followed this howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto14:25
MonkeyDustg105b  in a terminal, type this command and look for a maintainer's name... contact that maintainer : apt-cache show [package]14:25
Kenjirobut my slave server is not creating the zone files in /var/cache/bind14:26
Kenjiroany hints?14:26
MonkeyDustphelix  no, not a clue14:26
Piciocoxo: Err.. I'm surprised that worked.  Typically you need to extract the source, run configure/make/whatever and just run "sudo checkinstall" instead of the "sudo make install" step.14:26
phelixdid you see the screenshot I posted?14:26
ocoxoPici..it may be that nothing worked. I think this whole thing is beyond me. I give up14:27
ocoxoeasier to find a new feed reader14:27
g105bMonkeyDust: there isn't a package for that version14:27
MonkeyDustg105b  no, but there is a maintainer for that package, ask him when the next version will come out14:28
g105bMonkeyDust: apt-cache show libv8-3.17  -  N: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libv8-3.17' E: No packages found14:30
MonkeyDustg105b  find a contact person on this page https://code.google.com/p/v8/14:31
MonkeyDustg105b  and refine your search: try   apt-cache search libv814:33
hehhow to forward client ip/host with ssh reverse port forwarding?14:34
ryu13212if your roter support UPnP,nothing to setup14:35
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Zanguneheh I guess your are talking about that http://www.vdomck.org/2005/11/reversing-ssh-connection.html14:37
=== Drewberto is now known as Garmageddon
priuonhey there. I am on a xubuntu 12.04.04 and the gmusicbrowser won't show the filtered results as applied with the buttons to the bottom left of the shimmer desktop layout.14:40
priuonho can i fix this?14:41
premjitwhere do i find installed applications on ubuntu studio14:41
Flolilahello there, i am looking for some advice. i am running xubuntu right now but my hardware is just too old for it and i would like to change to lubuntu - is there a way to migrate to it without losing my data? what would you suggest to backup my data? thanks in advance14:41
premjitfor eg:i installed unity tweak tool14:41
alazare619does gnome-classic have a built in compostor?14:41
premjiti am not able to find the tweak tool to open and use14:42
mali_premjit: either in the menu, or software centre or do a dpkg -l | less in a term for a list of (all packages)14:42
premjitok mali let me just check that and thanks for the tip14:42
mali_premjit, by perusing the menu, though in studio, you will generally see the programs you have :)14:42
priuonFlolila, do you know how to use the shell?14:44
Zangunealazare619 yes http://askubuntu.com/questions/58172/how-to-revert-to-gnome-classic-desktop14:44
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premjithi mali i can see the app now using dpkg -l14:44
Flolilapriuon not really14:44
premjitbut how do i run it?14:44
mali_Q: I have built an iso from the trusty server, and I add packages, and so on. Now, ubiquity fails due to missing GPG keys.. I tried adding them in the live iso, but it still fails (apt) during install... IF I add those keys to the original image I spin the iso from, will it work or am I in issues here? Since adding the keys on the live iso didn't work, I am notconvinced it will help respinng the darn thing.14:45
Jujumy god. Can somebody help me with recordmydesktop ,please???? I can record Microphone, or Normal Audio of applications, but not both at the same time..14:45
mali_premjit: just type it in the terminal14:45
mali_and try14:45
mali_if it doesnt work, just try typing the first letters of th eprogram and hit TAB14:45
mali_and look for the auto-comnpletion options14:45
mali_else, a bit more manually:14:45
mali_you can do dpkg -L (yes big L this time) name of package14:46
mali_then you see a lit of the files and you can look for the file which is in one of the */bin directories say14:46
mali_you should be able to search in the menu too though, I thought.14:46
priuonFlolila, i've never tried it myself but you can install the lubuntu-desktop package with either apt-get synaptic or the "Software Center"14:46
mali_Juju: you need to use jack server14:46
mali_to do both14:46
mali_it is a bit of a pita to do but google recordmydesktop jack14:47
Jujumali_» sorry, what a jack server is?14:47
mali_you won't be able to run both on same time with pulseaudio, I believe14:47
mali_it is an alternative audio server14:47
ZanguneJuju did you read there? http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/faq.php#I_have_no_sound!14:47
Flolilapriun thanks for the tip i will try it out right now14:47
mali_Zangune: he has sound, his issue is not having both at same time.. you *need* jack for that and not pa14:47
mali_Juju, google is your enemy, but most use it anyway: jack + recordmydesktop ,p14:48
dardihello the xrdp pacakge of ubuntu is broken somehow when I use rdp to connect to my machine it always gives me a new session14:49
Jujumali_ Zangune thanks, i usually use google but the solution i got was to install pavucontrol, but this program only lets me to change "microphone or normal audio".. i can't Mix it.14:50
mali_yes.. you *cannot * use pulseaudio to get both at same time.. iot's that simple.. if you want to do that.. you are gonna havre ot read up on installing jack{,2} it's that simple14:50
mali_it is a bit annoying.. I remember myself spending quite a bit time making it work, but once you got it working, it's all good.14:51
Zangunemali_ can't setup alsamixer fix his problem?14:52
wizbitis there a quick way to make a x application launch like xbmc instead of a desktop enviroment like xfce?14:52
mali_hmmm. yes you do use a sink in the alsa conf14:52
wizbiti want xbmc to run in x without the desktop wasting ram14:52
mali_as its the backend for jack as well14:52
Jujumali_» then, jack... is software, not hardware, yes?14:52
mali_the point is pa can't mix the two channels together, jack can.14:52
mali_jack is software yes14:52
mali_just google it for heaven's sake! <314:53
Jujuthanks a lot14:53
HirotallMy vim has no clipboard14:53
HirotallDoes this mean I need a new version of vim if I want to be able to copy to my system clipboard14:53
mali_http://askubuntu.com/questions/63363/how-to-use-two-sound-sources-while-using-recordmydesktop hit 114:53
mali_should get you on your way14:54
premjitIn order to work properly, Unity Tweak Tool recommends you install the necessary packages14:55
premjiti m getting this error14:55
Zangunepremjit did you try to use Synaptics?14:57
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premjitdo i need to install Synaptics?14:57
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Zangunepremjit it may help, how did you install things?14:58
premjituse Synaptics and search for notify-osd .Install it .14:58
mali_if you tried instaloing a deb and it fails due ot dependencies, there is a simple command to make the dpkg fetch em.. erm I am an arch user which needed to rezspin ubuntu today so I am  a bit rusty but someone here knows it for sure14:59
mali_apt-get -f install -y15:00
mali_there premjit : type that if you had failed deps15:00
mali_should auto-get them15:00
mali_(sudo in front obviously if you ain't root)15:00
Zangunebye :)15:01
mali_that is the answer to : no, you don't *have* to install synaptics.15:01
Jujumali_» Perfect, thanks for the link, i got it too. BYE15:02
mali_goodl uck Juju15:02
mali_also dont forget to get qjackctl15:02
mali_to make it easier for you15:02
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=== ezhik` is now known as ezhik_
sohamHi ! I have a triple boot system. I have Fedora on /dev/sda1, Windows on /dev/sda2, and Ubuntu on /dev/sda3. Do I need to have Grub to be installed on /dev/sda3 as well as on /dev/sda to boot into both Fedora and Ubuntu ?15:05
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matrix1233i have ubunto and i wanna to identify an hidden process wher is sendiding a udp traffic15:10
matrix1233how can i identify it15:10
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faugusztinmatrix1233: netstat -ua15:11
faugusztinmatrix1233: should list the processes communicating via UDP15:12
OerHekslsof -i UDP:<port>15:12
matrix1233faugusztin: no i cnat see it15:12
sohaminstall iftop.15:13
matrix1233faugusztin: my server is sendinf vru 30 a udp packet to anadher server15:13
matrix1233faugusztin: my server is sending evry 30 second a udp traffic , but i cant found it15:14
RuudschMaHindamatrix1233: iftop is nice, must be run in sudo15:15
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matrix1233RuudschMaHinda: ok with iftop is ok i can see the source destination and port but i cant see the pid of process15:16
RuudschMaHindamatrix1233: try this one -- http://serverfault.com/questions/192893/how-i-can-identify-which-process-is-making-udp-traffic-on-linux15:17
RuudschMaHindamatrix1233: the second answer might help you out on there15:18
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=== dfgas_off is now known as dfgas
mali_ Q: I have built an iso from the trusty server, and I add packages, and so on. Now, ubiquity fails due to missing GPG keys.. I tried adding them in the live iso, but it still fails (apt) during install... IF I add those keys to the original image I spin the iso from, will it work or am I in issues here? Since adding the keys on the live iso didn't work, I am notconvinced it will help respinng the darn thing.15:23
matrix1233RuudschMaHinda: with tcpdump i can see the ip/port but no pid15:23
RuudschMaHindadon't use tcpdump, use the netstat -apn thingy15:25
RuudschMaHinda7th collumn shows the PIDs15:25
stan_man_canI have a line that updates the $PS1 so that it adds some more details and is coloured, but when I use SCP it gives me a tput error since it’s not interactive. I found a little if-statement on line that says if [ -Z “$PS1” ]; then ….15:27
stan_man_canHow do I check if that’s negative though?15:27
stan_man_canif -Z “$PS1” means that it’s not interactive, only want to do something if it _is_ interactive15:28
mali_stan_man_can: a simple ! negates btw ,p15:29
stan_man_canmali_ I know that part, but where does it go?15:29
stan_man_canif ![ -Z “$PS1”]; then15:29
stan_man_can ??15:29
mali_[[ ! -Z "$PS1"]] && for example15:30
mali_use a space between [ and !15:30
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Jeffrey_fI installed Hylafax server and client.  How do I test that hylafax is working and then set up a printer to fax from any app?15:33
stan_man_canmali_: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6c7c64d88ec6fe02749a15:36
mali_stan_man_can:  change capital Z to lower case z15:37
mali_and add a space between "]15:37
kvessUbuntu just crashed. Everything froze except the mouse. Googling indicates that this is an issue (or at least a symptom) that has been around since 12.04, at the very least.15:38
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mali_LOL... kvess.. a frozen comp has been around since they came about! ;)15:38
holsteinkvess: we would need to look at more data.. i mean, sure.. machines crash sometimes.. and likely always will..15:38
Picistan_man_can: you may want to take a look at   man test15:38
kvessNot exactly what I meant. :)15:38
mali_then you will have to try and figure out how to express what you mean, kvess ,x15:39
stan_man_canmali_: Worked for login, but when I do SCP (not interactive) I get “syntax error near unexepected token ‘else’15:39
mali_then find your syntactical error, and proceed15:39
bnutzerhello. is there some sane way to partially upgrade a LTS release, like 12.04 to include some newer components, like the graphics stack?15:39
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holsteinkvess: what testing have you done to isolate? did you install ubuntu yourself? or is this a machine that you were promised linux support for?15:39
stan_man_canmali_: No idea what it could be, there is no “else” in the whole .bashrc15:40
kvessI was really hoping for suggestion on how to try to track down this.15:40
mali_post your .bashrc15:40
kvessIsolation is tricky, since it seems to happen quite randomly. Was running 2 x browsers, thunderbird and hexchat. And yes, installed ubuntu on my own, personal desktop.15:40
holsteinkvess: i'll run live CD's to remove my internal system from the equation.. i'll try as other users, to remove my users config from the equation.. i'll isolate hardware and test.. have you ran memory and hard drive tests?15:41
stan_man_canmali_: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6b143ad8bf499c8669ea15:42
jeeves_mosshow do I change Bind9 to log to it's own log file and not syslog?15:42
kvessholstein, I suppose I could all that. I've not had similar issues on windows (dual booting for the time beeing), so I don't think hw issues too likely.15:42
holsteinkvess: the windows support is actually quite irrelevant. you were promised windows support, and the company you purchased the hardware from has funded the testing that you may have to do now on your own to run linux on that hardware. you can see if the hardware is functioning properly by running windows on it15:44
kvessIs /var/log/syslog a sensible place to look?15:44
holsteinkvess: i'll ask again.. have you added any ppas?15:44
kvessholstein, yes, pretty sure I15:44
jeeves_mosskvess, I'm trying to get it not to log there.  There's too much other crap in there.15:44
kvessPretty sure I've added ppas, yes.15:45
holstein3rd party sources can introduce intability, kvess ...you can try removing them, and get back to using ubuntu15:45
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kvessI had the same issue back in 12.04 and 12.10, but it's so random, and doesn't even happen every day. But it's still annoying, and one of the few annoying things I've not been able to figure out15:46
kvessBut I'll give the livecd suggestion a go15:46
holsteinkvess: "some issues" ? on the same hardware?15:46
holsteinkvess: consider, in the future, using the same model you do with windows.. try purchasing a machine from a reseller such as system76.. they will have done all of the testing and configuration for you for the operating system you are interested in using.. otherwise, it can be quite challenging to take the task on personally with some problematic hardware15:48
kvessFrankly, building my own machines are more fun. Even with the occasional crash.15:48
salecIs there any easy way to tell if my computer is hung because it attempted to go to sleep or because of some weird crash/kernel issue?15:48
holsteinkvess: you can also purchase hardware that is promised to use and run linux, and build yourself, rather than fighting with hardware that is promised to run windows specifically15:50
kvessThat true, and something I'm likely to try the next time around. Had some questions about my next graphic card here a while back.15:51
HawkeyeHow can I turn off the guest account in Lubuntu?15:52
mali_stan_man_can: sorry I was busy... hmm, lol only that? well ye, I can't see anything wrong there... :/15:52
stan_man_canmali_: no worries. Yeah that’s all it is. Super strange..15:53
holsteinkvess: intel is typically well supported, though, if you want more performance, you will likely want ati or nvidia, which cannot promise the same level of linux support, but, is getting "better" all the time, since steam and other are getting involved15:53
mali_well, actually, you might have an issue in /etc/bashrc15:53
mali_because you are loadfing it from your .bashrc, and the error is prolly in that file15:53
holsteinHawkeye: its still lightdm, correct? http://askubuntu.com/questions/451526/removing-guest-session-at-login-in-ubuntu-14-0415:53
stan_man_canmali_: I don’t have any issues if I remove the second if statement15:54
stan_man_canmali_: Do i Need to provide $PS1 with some default value15:54
Hawkeyeholstein I've tried that but I still see the guest option at login15:55
holsteinHawkeye: so, you are not using lightdm?15:55
HawkeyeI dont think so15:55
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kvessholstein, currently running this on an Intel i7 920, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 275, a few plain WD disks. Asus motherboard. Pretty ordinary stuff.15:56
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holsteinkvess: "ordinary" is not the issue.. its not promised that you get linux support from the manufacturer.. the nvidia is where i would be looking.. i would even try a vesa driver to isolate. i would try the open drivers, the proprietary ones, and ones from the xswat ppa as well as vesa15:57
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mali_well PS1 does have some issues when invoking directly or in a script.. I remember bumping onto such things, but I don't remember now what they were15:59
mali_it has to do with some parsing so you might be right, that it has to do with how you invoke the script15:59
mali_but I right now, won't be able to help you any further as I can't recall.. sorry. :)15:59
Hawkeyeholstein: how do I know if I'm running lightdm16:01
kvessholstein, I get what you're saying. The reason I mentioned logging earlier was in the hopes of seeing some indication of exactly stuff like that: Driver complaints just before the crash. I'm currently running the 331.38 proprietary driver, but I've previously used a couple of other ones. But I've not switched systematically to try to narrow in on this problem, in part because it happens so infrequently.16:01
holsteinkvess: sure.. but all of that can be built into software that the manufacturer is welcome to provide.. and if they are not providing, then you may not get the debug you want or are looking for16:03
holsteinkvess: it can be challenging, and frustrating, for sure16:03
fydelHi there! I am looking for a software to manage virtual domains for web and mail for a small root server with five domains. Is froxlor still a good idea? Or are there better alternatives?16:04
kvessholstein, anyway, thanks for the help. I might give the livecd suggestion a try at some point.16:06
holsteinkvess: the open driver is running there.. and ppa's as well.. really, whatever drivers the steam community recommend..16:06
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.16:07
holsteinkvess: i know, when i run steam, i am suggested a ppa.. though, i understand the risks in running ppa's, and that the code is not supported officially here, the drivers and modules can address what you are mentioning16:07
OEPIs there some way to have the USB/CD installer use a later kernel than what is in the .iso?16:08
YamakasYanyone mount webdav using gssapi ?16:08
holsteinOEP: you can install, and change to what you like. you could try and roll your own installer with whatever kernel you want16:08
OEPholstein: e.g. once I have a my ubuntu installation, run usb-creator-gtk ?16:09
loki27_I have question about charms deployment and juju .. If i deploy the same charm , on different machine, (Let's say mysql and rabbitMQ) , how will the deployment work their relation, will the mysql instances be standalone , or are they going to replicate the same data trough all instances ?16:09
loki27_wrong channel ;)16:10
holsteinOEP: you want an iso? to run live? with a particular kernel? or a USB stick booting a certain kernel?16:10
NerdEschewingtonanyone here know if WGET could possibly extract and crawl links out of arbitrary HTML tags?16:11
menturiHello! I'm trying to do a {sudo apt-get update}, but it looks like it just keeps timing out when requesting from packages.medibuntu.org. It also looks like the website was up in the past but is no longer up. I'm on Ubuntu 12.04. It looks like it has done nothing for the past 5 minutes. on the last line. http://pastebin.com/rMpLFn0c Any ideas how to resolve this?16:11
OEPholstein: well we have an automatic deploying system which requires network for the install to work; a new batch of machines we got have a NIC which is not supported by the kernel on the installer (but later kernels do have support for it)16:11
OEPholstein: the installer works just by downloading a kickstart config file and going from there, though I think we are forced into booting from a USB stick for the moment16:12
holsteinOEP: i would probably just deploy an image in that scnario16:12
MonkeyDustmenturi  medibuntu is dead, like in: not breathing anymore... for over a year now16:13
OEPOK, well thanks for the help :) I'll see what I can do about hacking in my own kernel.16:13
holsteinmenturi: i would run "sudo apt-get update" and deal with whatever old sources there that are dead16:13
holsteinOEP: you would just do an install, get it as you want, and mirror/clone it16:14
dsnydersHi all!  Why doesn't the language/regional preferences window have customizable date/time formats?16:14
holsteinOEP: you can always make your own live CD/installer, though, i have personally had a challenge customizing the kernels16:14
menturiIs there a new source? If so, how do I change the source? If not, how do I easily skip them?16:14
OEPholstein: it's a bit before me why we're not using an image, but I think it's because we're having Puppet provision from a minimal installation16:14
MonkeyDustmenturi  statrt with ubuntu-restricted-extras16:15
menturiOh, it looks like it started and finished the {sudo apt-get update} :) I guess I needed to be patient. Question still applies, I guess.16:15
OEPholstein: oh well that's right, we can't use images because not all the machines will be built the same16:15
Beldar!restricted | menturi16:15
ubottumenturi: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:15
holsteinmenturi: 3rd party sources are just that.. i would do this.. first thing, deal with your failing sources.. remove/purge them.. then, get your updates working.. *then* look for whatever sources you might need to add for whatever functionality16:15
holsteinOEP: but, similarly enough.. i mean, the live installer is a default that wont work on all machine either16:16
Beldarmenturi, You can turn off and remove sources in a gui software sources16:17
OEPholstein: well we install from a mini.iso and add on the packages we need based on which Puppet node it is16:17
OEPapparently that works well enough :P16:17
holsteinOEP: you can customize that mini iso then, and change the kernel16:17
Beldarmenturi, The repo called can be changed in that gui as well. There is a ppa-purge option if needed.16:18
holsteinor, do a *very* minimal install, and clone that, and have puppet look at the clones as it is going to look at the installed systems16:18
OEPholstein: yeah I was just going to drop in a kernel and see what happens; it looks like it could be something special so I was just trying to save some headache if there were some blessed set of kernels you are to use on USB installers16:19
MontreseurHey guys, I am having problems installing ubuntu from a USB liveCd. It runs in persistent and live mode. During the install i get the errno 5, bad input/output?16:19
holsteinOEP: the repo ones16:19
OEPapt-get download and I'm good then? :)16:19
holsteinOEP: stock kernels.. if a stock kernel fits your needs, install, upgrade,then clone, and use puppet as you are16:19
menturiOkay I used the `Software Sources` gui and removed `Medibuntu` sources from `Other Sources`16:19
BeldarMontreseur, When and where and do you have the errors to post?16:19
Montreseurafter the actual install starts16:20
OEPholstein: ok, thanks!16:20
iran4everi need help with security onion please16:20
Montreseurive tried different downloads, and recreating the usb livecd16:20
holsteinOEP: apt-get download gets you a newer kernel.. i dont know if that kernel is new enough for your needs specifically16:20
OEPI think it will be but only testing will tell16:20
BeldarMontreseur, Have you checked any md5sums, use the nick of anyone you answer or address as a preface.16:21
holsteinOEP: well, i would do an install and test that, and know what kernel works, and what i need before building anything.. a clone or a special installer.. or whatever16:21
MontreseurBeldar, no I have not, i am new to bash commands. Could you walk me through it?16:21
holstein!md5 | Montreseur16:21
ubottuMontreseur: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:21
Beldar!md5sum | Montreseur16:21
alexeyHow is it going?16:22
Beldariran4ever, Way into 3rd party technically not supported, you may get help if you can detail it and someone knows what is up.16:22
MontreseurBeldar, it says even not found16:23
Beldaralexey, Do you need support?16:23
bob324whats upppp16:23
iran4everi am trying to use the security tool inundator in security onion but it gives me connection error16:23
dsnydersbob324: a script to activate ppp?16:23
BeldarMontreseur, Your answer was to quick, did you read the the wiki?16:23
MonkeyDust!info inundator16:23
ubottuPackage inundator does not exist in trusty16:23
alexey<Beldar>, no, just testing IRC client :D16:23
bob324Which profile picture should I choose?  http://i.imgur.com/84zLVI5.jpg16:23
iran4everi can use the tool to the outside network but i cannot use it on the internal network16:23
MontreseurBeldar, Reading now16:24
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/16:24
Beldaralexey, This is support, you do not have to use the channel for your testing, what you posted was off topic.16:24
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alexeyBeldar, sorry.16:25
Montreseurwhat is the command to display my folder hierarchy?16:25
Beldar!topic | alexey read any channels...16:25
ubottualexey read any channels...: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:25
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:25
holsteinMontreseur: are you looking for ls? in a terminal?16:26
Montreseurholstein, yes i think16:26
iran4everinundator uses snort rules to perform attacks16:26
iran4everi created a cloud environment here in the lab16:26
MonkeyDustMontreseur  tree -ad16:26
iran4everand changed the default 22 port for a specific one16:27
bsaberidI have ubuntu 12.04 and I have a strange application running on my desktop side bar, which restart by itself after closing it and I can not open it to check what is inside it16:27
iran4everand i dont know if that has somenthing to do with me trying to use the tool on the internal network16:27
bsaberidits name is shown as _crx_nck....16:27
holsteinbsaberid: maybe you  were compromised,and it is malware16:27
Montreseursomeone told me to do a command last night, it showed a list of the main folders on my mounted drives16:28
holsteinbsaberid: you can check running processes.. but, if its something malicious, everything you use to test could be missing it16:28
Montreseurlike sda3 was /media/Windows/etc/etc16:28
holsteinMontreseur: there are logs of the channel16:28
daftykinsMontreseur: "df -h" perhaps16:28
MonkeyDustMontreseur  tree -ad is not what you want?16:29
Montreseurdaftykins got it16:29
lordduneHello everyone, I am experiencing a problem where every time I download a file now, my system tries to save it to the (now defunct) Ubuntu One. I removed Ubuntu One last week after it went down fyi. Any ideas on how to stop this?16:29
holsteinlorddune: remove ubuntuone16:29
lordduneholstein: I already did16:30
solidus-riverlorddune: how'd you remove it :)16:30
dsnydersHi all!  What region setting do I use for ISO8601 date/time formatting?16:30
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Mellownick/ Rooie-Hans16:30
lordduneI removed Ubuntu One with the Ubuntu Software Center as specified on an Ubuntu help file.16:30
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bsaberidso how can I track it?16:31
solidus-riverlorddune: whats the behavior your experiencing that looks like its still trying to use ubuntuone?16:31
bsaberidI also guess it may be malware16:31
holsteinlorddune: could be a browser config as well..16:31
solidus-riverlorddune: yeah, you might just need to update your default download location16:31
bsaberidrunning process does not show anything16:31
lorddunesolidus-river: well, when I download a file, say a pdf or whatever, It endlessly loops where it tries to save to the cloud16:32
solidus-riverlorddune: nomatter where you try to download it to?16:32
holsteinbsaberid: well, *if* it is malware, then, no. you would have to assume the machine is compromised. meaning, anything you would use to test would be able to have been compromised as well.. but, i would just try looking at processes... look as sources.. try and think when what exactly happened and how16:32
lorddunesolidus-river: it downloads to my "Download" folder and then I guess tries to shoot a copy to the cloud too16:32
lorddunesolidus-river: I saw some other people having trouble with this too, but haven't seen a solution for my specific problem16:33
solidus-riverlorddune: try downloading it somehwere else16:33
holsteinlorddune: it? you mean the browser? something left behind from ubuntuone? or did you setup the backup client to do so?16:33
sebbasttianHi, everybody. I need help solving an intriguing problem: I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and every time the screen locks after 10 mins of inactivity when I wake it up the greeter reappears and I have to log in again. Can anybody give me some advice on what to check, please?16:33
solidus-riverlike try the desktop or your home folder16:33
lordduneholstein: no, I never set up the backup to do that16:33
solidus-riverlorddune: i've never used ubuntu one and not even ubuntu desktop much so i'm not the best sounding board but my guess is it left a hook around in your fs or nautilis thats trying to upload it or left a deamon running when it uninstalled16:34
holsteinlorddune: i would copy soemthing into /Downloads and see.. i would try wget to /Downloads.. just isolate and see what is causing the issue16:34
lorddunesolidus-river: yeah it's weird because I know it can install an extension in your browser, but I checked and I never did that either16:35
bsaberidsilly, it was for google talk!!!! no way.. I am working on ubuntu for the past 3, 4 years ; have never sees something like this until last night I did update16:35
bsaberidshould look at it in more details.16:35
MontreseurI cant figure out how to check my md5sum. I am running ubuntu from a liveCd usb, There is no iso on the computer.16:36
MontreseurI created the liveCd on a different computer16:36
holstein!md5 | Montreseur16:36
ubottuMontreseur: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:36
dsnydersHi all!  What region setting do I use for ISO8601 date/time formatting?16:36
holsteinMontreseur: you get the md5 for the iso, then, you run an md5 sum locally on the file you have16:37
holsteinMontreseur: dont overthink it.. its not a fix... you can use "integrety check" on the media as well16:37
Montreseurholstein, should i just use persistent mode, download an iso onto the computer and run the iso to install?16:37
_1_guzaI am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=39.06793013567699,-76.9687330652210316:37
holsteinMontreseur: you cant "run the iso" to install16:38
holsteinMontreseur: there is not definite "should" for you to do.. you just have to sort through what is going on.. what are you trying to do?16:38
Montreseurholstein, I just want to install ubuntu ontop my laptop. I am running it in persistent mode from a USB, which I configured on my other computer with the latest version of ubuntu from the website. I put it on the usb with LiLi. I get through the install setup, and about halfway through the install, I get the input/output error16:40
dsnydersWho is responsible for the abomination of language/region  settings?16:41
bnutzeram i the only one experiencing a lot of bugs and hangs/crashes on 14.04/x86_64?16:42
Beldardsnyders, Interesting use of words, a externalizing of your frustration in the form of blaming.16:43
dsnydersBeldar: There is no way to set the date format.16:44
menturiIt looks like I'm having some other apt issues when I was trying to get g++ & gcc working. {sudo apt-get install -f} resulted in "E: Internal Error, No file name for libgcc1". http://pastebin.com/wKX8UryK . Any ideas how I can fix this? (Thanks in advance)16:45
bnutzermenturi: why -f?16:45
Beldardsnyders, Not sure when where or why in your main inquiry with just googling it16:46
majodhey. anyone knows how can i enable tray icon for skype 4.3 ?16:47
majodit works well in gnome but doesn't show in unity16:47
menturiBecause I'm having some issues with broken apt stuff. When using the software center, it comes up with "Items cannot be installed or removed until the package catalog is repaired. Do you want to repair it now" but after trying that, it says "Failed to remove essential system package" (specifically libncurses5:i386). I'm trying to fix this.16:47
OEPSo I tried a handful of different kerenls but I wonder if the initrd.gz was not matching since a lot of things break (e.g. the display and keyboard); I think now I'm essentially tricking the 14.04 installer into installing 12.04 since I slipped in its kernel and initrd.gz; we'll see how that goes...16:48
Beldardsnyders, might be the answer. http://askubuntu.com/questions/237941/how-to-configure-the-clock-date-format-to-iso-8601-in-unity16:48
Beldardsnyders, helpful info probably. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+package/libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl16:50
bnutzermenturi: tried reinstalling 'ubuntu-minimal'?16:51
BeldarMontreseur, So why the persistent for an install usb?16:52
MontreseurBeldar, I get the error when i boot to install as well16:52
MontreseurBeldar, Errno 5 input/output error16:52
Montreseurat about 3/4ths the way done16:53
Montreseurtried multiple isos16:53
menturibnutzer: No I have not. What would that do, though? I'm concerned that might mess other things up.16:54
BeldarMontreseur, Try another usb loader there are handfuls check the md5sum of the iso, as already suggested there could be any number of issues, a plethora of variables t obe honest.16:54
MontreseurBeldar, I cannot figure out how to check the md5sum16:54
bnutzermenturi: it would ensure that you have at least all the essential libs and tools installed16:54
BeldarMontreseur, That error really means nothing is this scenario so continuing to focus there is a waste of time.16:55
MontreseurBeldar, didnt you just tell me to check teh md5sum?16:55
BeldarMontreseur, Check it on another computer you can't check it in a booted version.16:55
dsnydersBeldar: What I don't get is why there is no facility in the language support dialog for choosing date and time formats.  Seems like a fairly obvious thing to include.  (Especially since the official date format here is ISO8601, but the locale settings specify something else).16:57
BeldarMontreseur, Basically you are in no mans land, you have to do some basic critical thinking and knock out variables.16:57
menturibnutzer: there was an issue. http://pastebin.com/Cw6q5bEe -- I was also getting this when I tried doing `sudo apt-get autoremove`.16:57
Jonyijoehey yall16:57
Beldardsnyders, In you mind yes.16:57
Jonyijoeanyone on ubuntu 14.04 gnome 3 and multiple monitors?16:57
MonkeyDustJonyijoe  that's a yes/no question16:57
BeldarJonyijoe, the gnome shell? all of ubuntu has gnome 3 under the de16:58
Jonyijoeas in the GUI16:58
Beldarcept maybe kubuntu16:58
JonyijoeWas wondering if anyone else has experienced the other monitor stealing focus on workspace change?16:59
bnutzerJonyijoe: i think i had programs opening up on secondary monitor17:00
sebbasttianHi, everybody. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and every time the screen locks after 10 mins of inactivity when I wake it up the greeter reappears and I have to log in again. Can anybody give me some advice on what to check, please?17:00
bnutzerbnutzer: can't recheck, switched to kubuntu17:01
Beldarsebbasttian, Are you sure it is not going to suspend?17:01
JonyijoeHmmm its annoying as hell ill have a movie/youtube on one screen and IDE/MySQLWorkbench/Browsers and termals in the other. You flick up and down to get to diff workspaces but have to manually click focus everytime cos the second screen steals focus17:02
sebbasttianBeldar, no I'm not... I check those configs, thanks!17:03
Beldarsebbasttian, You can set the time for that or turn off, and have a no password return. ;)17:03
JonyijoeI dont supose you know any other shell that can create diff workspaces for diff displays? thats literally the only reason im on gnome317:04
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Beldarsebbasttian, Look in brightness & lock gui17:07
commander_how you build your apps for ubuntu ?17:09
sebbasttianBeldar, no I'm not... I check those configs, thanks!17:09
Beldarcommander_, Be specific, this is support.17:10
sebbasttian*I'll check17:10
commander_i checked the documentation on web but it seems fucked up , old and shit . tried hard to get static build of my package but got nothing after a digging of 5 hours17:10
commander_Beldar: i checked the documentation on web but it seems fucked up , old and shit . tried hard to get static build of my package but got nothing after a digging of 5 hours17:10
Beldar!language | commander_17:10
ubottucommander_: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:10
IdleOnecommander_: no swearing in here please17:11
IdleOnethank you17:11
commander_I tried asking this question at StackOverflow, but the dead silence that followed made me wonder if some more Ubuntu-specific expertise might be required.17:11
commander_so i came here17:11
commander_my question is : how one can build apps for ubuntu ?17:12
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holsteincommander_: you can build whatever you like.. but, are you trying to get an application you made into the sources?17:13
holsteincommander_: i mean, you just run your code on your computer, and *boom*.. your app is on your ubuntu.. if you are talking about in a larger sense, you may want to consider upstream debian https://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging17:13
holsteincommander_: if your application is in debian, it trickles into ubuntu.. if you want to sell it commercially in th ubuntu store, that is yet another thing17:14
fishcookerthere is process running process after window screen "screen" closed accidentaly.. but i can't continue it .. but still the process running .. there is dpkg running background(apt-get -y dist-upgrade).. how to continue them?17:14
commander_i have written a good app that am able to run on system and even on a vanilla ubuntu /mint box but when i ldd mybinary it comes with a list which contain the local  libs from my qt install dir path17:14
JCM83I'm trying to get my epson 3540 scanner/printer to scan to my linux box here. I can wirelessly print to it but not scan from it. Any ideas on this?17:16
commander_i created a deb package too that is working fine but i need the package root inside /opt . so i did that now when i created my deb file and opened it with gdebi it coming up with errors17:16
Beldarfishcooker, Do you mean the desktop crashed when this command was run in the terminal, and it is still running?17:16
Beldarfishcooker, Ah, then explain it more clearly please. ;)17:17
MonkeyDustcommander_  try #ubuntu-app-devel17:17
holsteincommander_: sure.. you will need to provide support for the app you create, and make it work.. or, you can follow packaging proceedures and get it into the debian repos.. thus, making it available to ubuntu17:17
fishcookerthe command #apt-get -y dist-upgrade is still running after i close window "screen" command17:17
SpamiI'm currently running on Ubuntu sever v12.10, how can I upgrade to the latest version ?17:17
commander_holstein: i wnt publish it for ubuntu via developer.ubuntu.com17:17
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:17
fishcookeri cant ssh to the virtual machine so i cant explain with copy paste link for you Beldar17:17
BeldarSpami, look for the eol upgrade specifics in that bots link.17:17
holsteinSpami: i would rather do a fresh install, personally, and regardless, i would backup my data before either17:18
commander_i want it to be a proprietary app17:18
Beldarfishcooker, ah ssh and a virtual, no idea, and that info was rather important at the start rather than a cryptic post.17:18
holsteincommander_: it either is, or isnt.. doesnt matter what you "want".. so, you are asking, how to make your application aviable in the commercial store?17:19
fishcookeris it ok to kill dpkg command Beldar?17:19
commander_holstein:  its my app http://ktechpit.org/2014/05/ktechpit-to-release-supercalc-for-ubuntulinux/17:19
fishcookerbecause there is process that post-install the grub installation17:19
ToAruShiroiNekoI am receiving conflicitng errors: "System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/openerp already exist." and other "openerp: unrecognized service"17:20
holsteincommander_: http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/ http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/apps/other-forms-of-submitting-apps/commercial-software-faqs/17:20
ToAruShiroiNekoI am following http://www.techreceptives.com/install-openerp-ubuntu-14-04-lts/17:20
fishcookerso i think the dist-upgrade process still running till the grub installation.. but i cant continue them, Beldar17:20
commander_holstein: i want it work properly on all systems ,17:20
ToAruShiroiNekoI am at step 8.17:20
ToAruShiroiNekowhat exactly am I doing wrong? any suggestions?17:20
holsteincommander_: nothing is preventing you from making the app do that17:21
commander_holstein: i checked those links , but i want to know how i can achieve a static build of my package on ubuntu ?17:21
commander_i want know how others are doing apps for ubuntu with sdk ubuntu sdk17:21
commander_do they have to dig 5 hours to publish a app ?17:22
holsteincommander_: you achieve what you like, friend.. make the static build, and release as you please17:22
holsteincommander_: others are reading the guides  and following proceedures to be included.. you dont have to do that.. you can put out what you like as a .deb or whatever.. but, if you want to be in the store, or repos, you read and follow proceedure17:23
commander_when i switched the root for my app to /opt the deb binary file showing error , and so my app will not be approved there17:23
m1dnight__ /go info17:23
holsteincommander_: "they" likely spend *much* longer than 5 hours on the process17:23
fishcookerhow to continue the process that still running inside the box?17:23
commander_holstein: all is ready i have code i have builds i wan package it in a proper manner , and the guides there only teaching me to put all in /opt nothing else17:24
holsteinfishcooker: i use screen, to "re-attach". but, if you didnt use something like that, the process could be dead, or half-complete17:24
holsteincommander_: then, read, and package for debian, or for ubuntu, or for the software store as indicated17:24
OerHeksfishcooker, to bring a process to foreground:  fg %117:25
commander_with dpkg -i mypack.deb all working fine package installed on my system , it runs fine . all good but why gdebi showing error17:25
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holsteincommander_: then, you can release "mypack.deb" as you please, and troubleshoot the errors as needed, and support the package17:26
commander_again no help from ubuntu's official channel :(17:27
commander_ok am trying it again17:28
OEPcommander_: what error did you get after switching your app to install to /opt? Was it from lintian?17:29
fishcookerOerHeks: if there is a "perl*" command .. then i should input #perl* fg %1?17:29
commander_OEP: yes17:29
commander_it is from lintian and also from gdebi17:30
ninthBitUbuntu 12.04 and 14.04 (server&desktop).  I am wondering if /etc/hosts can be configured like /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ where a hosts configuration can be split into multiple files to group configuration and possibly make editing with scripts easier?  for example add a new 01hosts type file that would contain the changes i would like to make and later update that by just output and overwrite the file instead of editing the /etc/hosts file17:30
OEPcommander_: oh, the Debian policy manual forbids installing things into opt, so lintian was just letting you know that. Your intent is to release it to Ubuntu or Debian?17:30
commander_gdebi saying package is broken17:30
ninthBiti am working on DNS solutions later but don't have a DNS server to flush things out at this time17:30
holsteincommander_: would you like to file a bug about gdebi?17:30
commander_for ubuntu17:30
holstein!bug | commander_17:30
ubottucommander_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:30
commander_no holstein17:31
cyborg_i need help getting drivers loaded for usb midi controllers17:31
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holsteincommander_: i would try and isolate, however, your application, which will recieve support from you, and not main ubuntu17:31
Piciholstein: he is trying to package his application. Not get support for the app itself.17:31
Jordan_Ucommander_: What is the exact error message from gdebi?17:31
holsteinPici: i'll leave it to you.. cheers17:31
cyborg_can someone help me with usb midi drivers17:32
commander_Jordan_U:  it saying wrong file permission or broken package , while when i tried it installing with dpkg -i pack.deb it work fine17:32
Picicyborg_: The folks in #ubuntustudio may have more experience with those that we do...17:32
commander_app installed correctly worked fine17:32
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cyborg_okay thanks ill try there17:33
holsteincyborg_: they are typically just class compliant, and work "out of the box".. what device is it?17:33
A1ReconIs the Nvidia GPU always-on problem in Laptops solved in Ubuntu 14.04?17:33
cyborg_they are the open labs dbeat pad controller and mixer controls17:33
OEPcommander_: so Debian and Ubuntu both have really high quality standards for their packages; you should probably double check the files that lintian is complaining about and make sure their permissions are not some sort of security problem and either fix or override them.17:33
holsteincyborg_: do you see the devices in "lsusb"? in a terminal...17:34
cyborg_yes but no manufacturer name or product name17:34
commander_OEP:  lintian not showing any error regarding to app/file permission17:34
holsteincyborg_: i like the way sooperlooper easily allows choosing a control, and letting you configure control by hitting the key or button on the controller.. you can try just routing the device in JACK like that..17:34
cyborg_jack doen't see them at all17:35
cyborg_holstein - i've looked under alsa and not there either17:35
holsteincyborg_: not in the midi tab of qjackctl "connect" ? midi or alsa?17:35
OEPcommander_: you should probably find a pastebin and paste the exact error message because your previous comments are confusing17:35
holsteincyborg_: ok..17:35
commander_i have spend more then 7 years being with ubuntu am 20 years old , and still unable to package app for ubuntu , so how ubuntu / team considering a bright future of linux :P lol17:36
cyborg_im attempting to bind the usb midi or snd driver but not sure what steps should be taken17:36
Picicommander_: packaging is a non-trivial task.17:37
commander_OEP: E: supercalc: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath opt/supercalc/bin/supercalc /home/commander/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/gcc_64:/home/commander/Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/gcc_64/lib17:37
ToAruShiroiNekoI am strugling to figure out what to do with the 8th step of this: http://www.techreceptives.com/install-openerp-ubuntu-14-04-lts/17:37
cyborg_holstein any other ideas17:37
holsteincyborg_: if its not properly supported and showing up with *anything*, you wont "bind" it.. i would just work on getting jack to see it, then go from there17:37
commander_OEP: this is one of error that is terrifying me lol17:38
OEPcommander_: generally if you Google those lintian tags, the first result is from lintian.debian.org and it explains how to fix each one of those errors17:38
ToAruShiroiNekoit is telling me to type "sudo update-rc.d -f openerp start 20 2 3 4 5 ." which gives the error "System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/openerp already exist."17:38
commander_OEP:  am giving up . here :(17:38
holsteincyborg_: i usually try live CD's.. i like the AVlinux live cd, since it has a differnt kernel than ubuntu and ubuntustudio.. i'll try older versions of ubuntu, 12.04, as well as dailies, and see if suupport is there17:38
cyborg_holstein : i maybe a little clouded on how to do that since i am not seeing the device bound to a driver17:38
ToAruShiroiNekothe second command "sudo service openerp start" gives the error "openerp: unrecognized service"17:39
ToAruShiroiNekoI am badly confused17:39
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holsteincyborg_: if i get it working, i'll note kernel versions and modules working that are facilitating support.. othrewise, you can try #opeensourcemusicians17:39
commander_5 hours is the time i spend today , its been a month actually since i have started writing my app only for ubuntu , no am feeling exhausted17:39
BeldarToAruShiroiNeko, That is way into 3rd party not technically supported here, you might contact them.17:39
cyborg_holstein: do you have one the open labs machines?17:40
ToAruShiroiNekoisnt this core linux?17:40
ToAruShiroiNekoto add a service17:40
BeldarToAruShiroiNeko, This is ubuntu support for stuff installed from the ubuntu repos17:41
commander_when i talked to ubuntu they said we are offering you a deal , and it was : we will pack it for you just send us the tar.gz file of your code and 45$ ..... i said fuck you ubuntu17:41
holsteincyborg_: no.. but, i have lots of odd audio equipment, and run ubuntu exclusively for audio production.. though, i do analog audio mostly17:41
holstein!language | commander_17:41
ubottucommander_: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:41
BeldarToAruShiroiNeko, Maybe ##linux might be better help17:41
IdleOnecommander_: I asked you nicely earlier not to swear in here17:41
commander_yeah am leaving friends thanks for the time :(17:41
IdleOnePlease don't do it again17:41
commander_IdleOne: okay :)17:42
ToAruShiroiNekoBeldar fine but everybody is redirecting me :/17:42
BeldarToAruShiroiNeko, So what does that tell you?17:42
fishcookeri've tried the #perl* fg %1 .. there is a  message .. resource temporarily unavailable, OerHeks17:42
ToAruShiroiNekoBeldar how should I know17:42
cyborg_holstein: cool.  i just switched over to ubuntu not long ago and decided to begin proucing on it as well17:43
ToAruShiroiNekoall i wish to do is add openERP service to the system and start it17:43
BeldarToAruShiroiNeko, My definition would be to use a app or packages easily supported. ;)17:43
commander_i know i respect you guys , cause i know am not alone , its my fault that am unable to pack it , cause i can see millions of package those are in .deb format .:D17:43
ToAruShiroiNekoBeldar I would be a CEO of a very large company if I didnt have constraints :p17:43
BeldarToAruShiroiNeko, Really, well go for it. ;)17:44
cyborg_holsteinn: i just want a system that is stable (more stable)17:44
ToAruShiroiNekoYeah, they arent hiring CEOs17:44
cyborg_holstein: thanks for y our help so far I will check the other ch17:44
Beldarmost ceo's start as grunts and work there way there, and generally have a higher % of sociopaths17:45
commander_okay one more question :P can i build my apps statically on ubuntu-sdk ?17:45
ToAruShiroiNekoBeldar sure17:46
ToAruShiroiNekobut the reality is I am trying to figure out openERP, snappy comments may be fun to you but not for me17:46
commander_cause i installed official Qt 5x binary from qt's website on ubuntu , and i was unablr to build apps statically with it , i asked about it around and i come to know that it will need a licensed Qt creator17:48
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, I just cam in, so what version of Ubuntu are you using, and where are you stuck with installing OpenERP?17:50
ToAruShiroiNekoI am using the most recent version of ubuntu server17:50
ToAruShiroiNekoI am following the steps here: http://www.techreceptives.com/install-openerp-ubuntu-14-04-lts/17:50
ToAruShiroiNekoI am at step 8.17:51
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, ok, and is the service not starting ?17:51
ToAruShiroiNekoI am not entirely sure if I set the service correctly17:52
ToAruShiroiNeko"sudo update-rc.d -f openerp start 20 2 3 4 5 ." which gives the error "System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/openerp already exist."17:52
ToAruShiroiNeko"sudo service openerp start" gives the error "openerp: unrecognized service"17:52
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, Make sure you have the "." at the end of the step 8 line17:52
gdoteofso when i am iterating on dockerfiles i sometimes run into this issue where the initial apt-get update is cached from a day ago or something, then an apt-get install ends up trying to download from what appears to be an IP from a stale dns entry17:53
ToAruShiroiNekoI have the .17:53
ToAruShiroiNekowhen I type that it requests my password which I type in only to get that error17:53
gdoteofis there some way to do apt-get install, without doing a full update, that doesn't use whatever dns caching apt-get is using17:53
ToAruShiroiNekoki7mt which folder am I supposed to be in while typing that command17:54
ToAruShiroiNeko*folder -> directory17:54
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, that should not matter, it's just setting up the service runtimes17:55
ToAruShiroiNekoI also get this error17:56
ToAruShiroiNekoupdate-rc.d: warning:  stop runlevel arguments (none) do not match openerp Default-Stop values (0 1 6)17:56
ToAruShiroiNekofor the first command17:56
ToAruShiroiNekonot sure if thats relevant17:56
majodcan i somehow make launcher to hide when window is maximized on trusty?17:56
Beldarmajod, Unity left panel?17:57
majodBeldar, yes17:57
Beldarmajod, right click the desktop it is in a tab17:57
strangrMajod you can compiz config maybe you will find something there17:57
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, I see openerp in the uUbuntu repos but not 7. There may be some issues with 7 on 14.04, not sure still looking.17:59
ToAruShiroiNekoI just want to finish this installation18:00
ki7mt.. openerp6 in repos18:00
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, Yes, understand.18:00
ToAruShiroiNekoalso, I need to use version 7 :)18:00
ToAruShiroiNekoeverything should be ready except the service18:00
ToAruShiroiNekomaybe restarting may help18:00
marianne_hello... quick question -- I'm on 12.04 and was wondering when the next LTS will be available for upgrade18:01
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, According to the openerp folks, this is the Debian / ubuntu method for install: http://nightly.openerp.com/#debian18:01
Beldar!lts | marianne_18:01
ubottumarianne_: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)18:01
Beldarmarianne_, Officially in july18:02
geniiJuly 2818:02
ToAruShiroiNekoki7mt for that I need to delete my existing setup18:02
ToAruShiroiNekocan you help me with that?18:02
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, Just reverse the steps you took form the How-too18:03
ToAruShiroiNekoI am not familiar enough to do that18:03
ToAruShiroiNekojust deleting the openERP folder would probably be sufficient18:03
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, However, I would warn against removing any of those python packages, as they may be needed elsewhere.18:04
ToAruShiroiNekooh, no I only am going to delete /home/openerp18:04
ToAruShiroiNekois that okay?18:05
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, Yes, should be fine18:05
ToAruShiroiNekowhat command should I use for this? rm -rf * ?18:05
majodBeldar, desktop? what tab?18:06
ToAruShiroiNekohmm that seems to have worked18:06
Beldarmajod, the desktop is the gui that covers your whole screen, right click it and look for tabs, I have not used unity for years so you will have to be somewhat self sufficient in this as always.18:07
ToAruShiroiNekoki7mt deb is not known18:07
ToAruShiroiNekooh sudo apt-get install openerp18:07
ki7mtBefore that ..18:08
ki7mtYou want to remove the init script from the old18:08
majodBeldar, hm ok. i only found it can autohide, but not when windows are maximized. thanks tho18:08
ToAruShiroiNekoki7mt how can I do this?18:08
ki7mt update-rc.d name remove openerp18:08
ki7mtsudo  update-rc.d name remove openerp18:09
Beldarmajod, should hide at anytime.18:09
BeldarI thought anyway18:09
ToAruShiroiNekois there a way to verify that it did it?18:09
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, sudo update-rc.d -f remove openerp <-- correct line18:09
ToAruShiroiNekoa way to list openerp init scripts?18:09
majodBeldar, i meant that they hide -always- and i want them to hide only when windows are maximized, not automatically everytime18:09
Beldarmajod, Ah, probably a hack for that I suppose18:10
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, If it returns an error, then you know it wasn't installed properly to begin with.18:10
ToAruShiroiNekoit didnt give an error18:10
ToAruShiroiNekoits saying it removed18:10
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, Ok, now following the other guide, add to your soure list, update, and install18:11
ToAruShiroiNekoyeah I have never done that before (still learning) :)18:11
ToAruShiroiNekoIopened sources.list with nano18:11
marianne_<Beldar> thank you18:11
Beldarmarianne_, no problem.18:12
ToAruShiroiNekoI am supposed to add deb http://nightly.odoo.com/7.0/nightly/deb/ ./ in here somewhere I presume18:12
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, add this line: deb http://nightly.odoo.com/7.0/nightly/deb/ ./18:12
ToAruShiroiNekoto the end?18:12
ki7mtCtrl+X, then save18:12
ki7mtYes, at the end is fine18:12
ToAruShiroiNekopermission denied, probably I should do this with sudo18:12
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, then sudo apt-get update18:13
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, :-), yes, to edit source lists, you need sudo18:13
ToAruShiroiNekosudo is like administrator mode in windows I imagine\18:13
ToAruShiroiNekosudo apt-get update updates possible downloads and extensions I presume18:14
ToAruShiroiNekoand install... well installs18:15
phelpsusing Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (3.13.0-24-generic), why have all the updates recently required server restarts ?18:15
lpkio Hi all. Do you know about any application allowing one to do diagrams like this : http://wayland.freedesktop.org/x-architecture.png I want to do a presentation/schema like that. Looks gorgeous and and pretty18:15
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, Before installing, you need to be specific about which packager, as there are more than on in the repos18:16
ToAruShiroiNekoI am overwriting old configuration file18:16
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, to do this, type: apt-cache searh openerp18:16
phelpslpkio: graphviz18:16
trismlpkio: looks like either dot from the graphviz package or maybe just with inkscape18:16
ki7mtwhoops, apt-cache search openerp18:16
ToAruShiroiNekoits already installing a bit too late for that :p18:17
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, then, pick the vern you want, 6 or 7, etc, then sudo apt-get install <desired version name>18:17
ToAruShiroiNekooh I picked 718:17
ki7mtThat's ok, seems 7 is the latest18:17
ToAruShiroiNekodeb http://nightly.odoo.com/7.0/nightly/deb/ ./ can only be 718:17
DraginIs there any way to play Windows based games in Wine in full screen, instead of half screen at best? (i.e. Kings Quest V) Every time I open it in Wine, it only plays in half the screen. I might as well be playing it on a small tablet.18:17
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, 7 is from their site, the Ubuntu repors also have v618:18
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ToAruShiroiNekosure but I am looking for 7 anyways so its all good18:18
ToAruShiroiNekonow what do I do?18:18
ToAruShiroiNekois it a service already?18:18
ki7mtInstall it.18:18
ToAruShiroiNekowhat do I need to do for that?18:19
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, sudo apt-get install openerp18:19
ToAruShiroiNekowhat do I need to do for that?I already have18:20
ki7mtThen you need their documentation to configure things18:20
ToAruShiroiNekoI already have18:20
ToAruShiroiNekoI am faimiar with the config file18:20
ToAruShiroiNekoI just need to dins it18:20
ToAruShiroiNeko*find it even18:20
ki7mtThat I dont know, maybe /etc/openerp.conf or something18:21
ki7mtOr maybe opernerp-server.conf, somthing along those lines, refer to their docs for that portion.18:21
DraginAny place I can go then to get help with my question?18:22
ToAruShiroiNekothat file is there18:23
ToAruShiroiNekoit is my older file18:23
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, you could try: locate openerp* and see if it pull the .conf file and where it's located.18:23
ToAruShiroiNekolI am badly confused alread18:24
ToAruShiroiNekoin etc\openerp there only is the config file18:24
ToAruShiroiNekoshich mostly is empty18:24
ToAruShiroiNekoki7mt how exactly can I find the install directory of openERP18:25
yigalhello, I'm setting up KVM on my server with a working bridge.  I also use a VPN to secure information, however the VPN doesn't appear to be working.  Anyone know a good tutorital on this type of setup?18:25
OEPI'm now trying to build a custom ISO installer using the debian-installer source package (to patch in a 3.5 kernel). I'm running into a "Disk full" error on one of the mcopy commands that the build process runs. My machine's disk is not full. Any ideas? (http://pastebin.de/128263)18:26
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, This how too is for 12.04, but it's a bit more clean, start at the section where you edit the conf file: https://www.odoo.com/forum/Help-1/question/How-to-install-OpenERP-V70-on-Ubuntu-1204-from-sources-256218:26
ToAruShiroiNekothere is a lot of text18:27
ToAruShiroiNekoI am badly confused18:27
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, The install directory can be spread over several folders, it is not like windows wehre everything is in one spot.18:27
ubottuivanpatri: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:28
ToAruShiroiNekoki7mt how do I unistall this18:28
ToAruShiroiNekosince I need to reinsall it a 4th time18:28
ToAruShiroiNekoI cant believe how difficult this is :(18:28
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, sudo apt-get remove openerp18:28
yigalI'm having issues using a VPN with a bridged network - for KVM.  Does anyone know a good tutorial for a setup like this?  I suspect having a bridged device is causing issues, but I don't really know how to fix it.18:29
OerHeksdo not forget purge, as you would turn up with the same settings18:29
philip741yigal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN that one has helped me in the past18:30
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, it's not really that difficult, but I presume your rather new at Linunx / Ubuntu, that's making making it a bit confusing for you.18:30
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, Not to mention, server administration is not as easy as some would like to say it is, unless they've been doing it for a long time.18:31
philip741yigal:sorry I thought you meant openvpn sorry this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM18:32
yigalcurrently I'm just trying to get the host to work with the vpn, while configured with a bridge.18:33
OEPheh I can't even find documentation for the mcopy command18:33
ToAruShiroiNekowell I have been doing that for a long time as in since morning :p18:33
OEPer the -i flag18:34
ToAruShiroiNekoit felt long :)18:34
philip741yigal: yea you probably want a bridged interface like br0 unless you setup static routes18:34
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, yes I can imagine :-)18:36
rsvpwhy do the MAC addresses differ between "arp -a" and "ip link show eth0" ??18:37
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, Just for suture reference, if package exists in the repositories, it's probably best to use it, unless there's a pressing need to build from source.18:38
philip741rsvp: the arp -a may have the mac of your router not your local interface18:39
bekksrsvp: arp -a doesnt show you local mac address, but the known mac addresses of remote hosts.18:40
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rsvpphilip741: which one does an observer like Google see on the internet?18:41
bekksrsvp: the mac of the wan interface of your router.18:42
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philip741rsvp:if you are saying like a server on googles side yea they would see your gateway/router mac18:42
rsvpbekks: please kindly explain the diff between local and remote in our context.18:42
bekksrsvp: "local" is the computer you are on, "remote" are other hosts on the same network.18:43
bekksrsvp: thats why you dont see some google hosts in arp -a18:43
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rsvpphilip741: does "$ macchanger" work on the gateway/router mac ??18:44
bekksrsvp: It may work, but why are you trying that? What do want to happen actually?18:45
cyborg_need help getting drivers loaded for usb midi controllers18:45
philip741rsvp: If you are using some kind of linux box as a router/gateway yea probably18:45
eoinhas anyone here ever installed diferior18:45
rsvpso my main objective is to spoof my MAC to confuse snoopers -- what's the best way??18:46
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bekksrsvp: on the internet, the mac ist most likely irrelevant.18:51
Jordan_Ursvp: Google never sees your MAC address. MAC addresses are link local, meaning that any time your connection goes to a router (as opposed to a switch) any information about your MAC address is "lost" (just the ip packet is passed through, not the ethernet frame).18:51
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
philip741rsvp: I would agree with bekks on that one18:54
rsvpJordan_U:  and philip741: wow guys, that clears up a lot, thanks18:55
MonkeyDustrsvp  star here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198494218:55
Jordan_Ursvp: You're welcome.18:55
mjuszczakHow can I find out what depends on an installed package?  For instance, ruby 1.9.1 is currently installed but it's saying I can remove it -- is there a way to verify no packages installed are depending on it?18:55
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innocent95I'm not able to see my hard drive partitions after a fresh install of XUbuntu ?18:56
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rsvp( so our discussion might be useful when my laptop connects to the café router while it checks for duration online, right ??)18:57
trijntjeinnocent95: how are you looking?18:57
bekksrsvp: No.18:57
innocent95trijntje, looking fine18:57
MonkeyDustmjuszczak  try apt-cache depends18:57
x0011BFIs there any way to list all the LateX packages that are installed on Ubuntu?18:58
x0011BFUbuntu doesn't seem to include tlmgr or a GUI equivalent.18:58
eoinAnyone here every install diferior locally? i need help18:58
Jordan_Umjuszczak: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get remove ruby1.9.1".18:58
trijntje!ask | eoin18:58
ubottueoin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:58
innocent95trijntje, what do you think ?18:58
trijntjeinnocent95: I'd like to know how you are trying to 'see' your partitions18:59
Jordan_Umjuszczak: MonkeyDust: "apt-cache rdepends" (don't forget the 'r') will tell you the reverse dependencies throughout the archive. There's a way to figure out the reverse dependencies from the subset of packages you actually have installed, but I can't remember it at the moment.18:59
innocent95trijntje, Opening the file manager and looking for them18:59
innocent95as anybody here do19:00
trijntjeinnocent95: which partitions are missing?19:00
innocent95trijntje, Two partitions of hard drive19:01
innocent9513 GB and 14 GB19:01
trijntjeinnocent95: can you put the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' on pastebin.com?19:01
Jordan_Umjuszczak: Looks like "apt-cache --installed rdepends ruby1.9.1" should do the trick, but the output of "sudo apt-get remove ruby1.9.1" should also explain why apt refuses to remove the package.19:01
=== ezhik` is now known as ezhik`_
krabadorhi people, from 12.04, how can i update to a 3.11 or 3.13 kernel , correctly?19:02
JoniiDid Ubuntu 14.04 mess up multi-touch gestures?19:02
JoniiI can't seem to get most 3-finger gestures to work19:02
innocent95trijntje, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7696579/19:02
genii!info linux-image-generic precise19:03
trijntjeinnocent95: so it looks like your internal harddrive only has linux, and you also have an usb drive plugged in19:03
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB19:03
innocent95trijntje, Oh you mean i have no personal files :p ?19:04
bekkskrabador: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:04
krabadorbekks, thanx19:04
trijntjeinnocent95: yes, exactly. If you don't have a backup you need to shutdown your PC right away and join this channel form another PC, maybe then you can recover some of the files19:04
innocent95trijntje, Gigs of memory, do you think that it can be recovered ?19:05
trijntjeinnocent95: some of it, not everything. And the longer you keep using your pc, the more data will be lost forever. Shut down *now* and join from another PC or boot from a live cd/usb19:06
majodwhat should i update to make totem thumbnailer not crash everytime i open directory with mkv video?19:06
kdzhi there19:07
MonkeyDustmajod  methinks restricted extras19:07
kdzwhere can i find the .htaccess file?19:07
majodMonkeyDust, i already have it :/19:07
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bluefrogkdz, sudo updatedb && locate .htaccess19:09
JoniiSeems like it has something to do with Tablet support19:09
JoniiTouchpad support taken away to deal with touchscreens19:09
cabritoxhi =)19:09
kdzthnkas Blue19:10
kdzi get a red bar on my browser when i visit my own site19:13
ToAruShiroiNekoki7mt if you have the time can you step by step guide me19:13
kdzsomeone said its a bad .htaccess19:13
ToAruShiroiNekothis should be simple but it isnt19:13
ToAruShiroiNekoit is very frustrating because I spend hours etting everything up only to delete it because the last few steps it just wont work19:13
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bluefrogkdz local or on the web?19:15
olsohello, what is the shortcut so the terminal slides down from top?19:15
kdzon the web19:15
bluefrogkdz address?19:16
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kdzbluefrog its an rutorrent service19:16
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: are you installing openerp from a guide someone linked you to earlier?19:16
phelpsusing Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (3.13.0-24-generic), anyone know why all the updates recently have required server restarts ?19:18
phelpsIts just a simple LEMP stack19:18
holsteinphelps: kernel updates would19:18
faugusztinkdz: you mean invalid SSL certificate ? is the time on your computer set correctly ?19:18
bekksphelps: Because of the kernel updates.19:18
phelpsI've had the same kernel version 3.13.0-24-generic19:18
kdzfaugusztin how do i check this ?19:18
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP I have installed it so many times today19:18
holsteinwell, its not a requirement, unless you want to use the newer kernel...19:18
phelpsthrough all of them19:18
ToAruShiroiNekoI am badly confised19:18
faugusztinkdz: check your local date & time ? and check what date range your SSL certificate is valid for19:19
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: oh I was just trying to see what failed in the last few steps; I was looking at the guide and thought I might understand how to help19:19
kdzfaugusztin time and date is correct yes19:19
ToAruShiroiNekoI amnaged to start the service19:19
kdzfaugusztin can you help with checking ssl cert?19:19
ToAruShiroiNekoI am clueless as to what port it is running on19:19
ToAruShiroiNekoor is it running at all19:20
faugusztinkdz: well click on it in browser and check if it is for correct domain name, for correct timeframe etc19:20
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP I would apriciate any help19:20
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: does `ps -ef | grep -i openerp` turn up anything19:20
ToAruShiroiNeko 1453  1340  0 21:20 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i openerp19:20
faugusztinkdz: browser usually tells you what it doesn't like in the certificate19:20
kdzfaugusztin its expired a few days ago19:20
ToAruShiroiNekothats all I get19:21
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: I guess that means it's not running then19:21
bluefrogphelps, have you rebboted already?19:21
faugusztinkdz: well, then get a new one :)19:21
kdzi never created one before19:21
phelpsbluefrog: nah19:21
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP alright so what should I do?19:21
bluefrogphelps cat /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs19:21
phelpsyeah, looks like a kernel update19:22
phelpsI wonder if this will fix the io wait bug19:22
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: I'm not familiar with openerp specifically, but usually when a daemon fails like that on me I check /var/log/syslog first, then look for an option to run it in the foreground and hopefully in verbose mode19:22
phelpsjust a proc thing, no real issue, messes my munin graphs up though19:22
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kdzfaugusztin even if i use just http i still get the same "reported attacke page" in firefox19:23
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: sometimes /var/log/kern.log can be useful to determine if a daemon is segfaulting19:23
faugusztinkdz: well then you know why, there is not much we can do with that19:24
faugusztinkdz: find out what is the problem and fix it19:24
ToAruShiroiNekoI do not have the slightest idea what any of this remotely means :(19:24
kdzfaugusztin eaiser said than done, im a linux noob19:24
ToAruShiroiNekoI am very new to linux19:25
faugusztinkdz: open this page (with domain.com replaced by your domain) http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=domain.com - it will tell you what they don't like at your site19:25
ToAruShiroiNekoAll I want to do is install and run OpenERP on ubuntu-server19:25
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: those are all log files where stuff usually gets logged in Ubuntu. You can use `less /var/log/syslog` or `less /var/log/kern.log` on the command line to view htem19:25
faugusztinkdz: but there is not much we can do with your website being infected with some malware or hacked or whatever...19:25
ToAruShiroiNekoI understand they are logs, their contents dont mean much to me19:25
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* innocent95 looking for the man who was helping him19:26
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: oh, well just run a `grep -i openerp /var/log/syslog /var/log/kern.log` and see if anything turns up19:26
kdzfaugusztin what i see is there was a problem a long time ago but they not detecting anything now19:26
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* innocent95 looking for the man who was helping him last session, and is name starts with r19:27
innocent95please log guys19:27
ToAruShiroiNekonothing in syslog either19:27
faugusztinkdz: did you read the last line too ? "If you are the owner of this web site, you can request a review of your site using Google Webmaster Tools. More information about the review process is available in Google's Webmaster Help Center."19:27
trijntjehi innocent95, that was me. Have you booted from a live cd/usb?19:27
innocent95trijntje, awesome, live usb19:27
innocent95what should i do now _19:28
alazare619whats everyone in here use to transcode video to mp4 with AAC on ubuntu 14.04?19:28
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: well that's the best I got for general daemon trouble shooting; did you compile openerp yourself or is it installed with apt-get ?19:28
kdzi dont want to link my site to google19:28
ToAruShiroiNekoI tried both19:28
trijntjeinnocent95: you will need an external harddrive to save the recovered files to, it should be as large as your main drive19:28
ToAruShiroiNekoneother got me anywhere19:28
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: are you currently having trouble with the compiled version or the packaged version?19:29
innocent95trijntje, alright, i have an external hdd19:29
ToAruShiroiNekolast install was with commands like bzr co --lightweight lp:openobject-addons/7.0 addons19:29
ToAruShiroiNekoI think thats packaged?19:30
innocent95trijntje, Next19:30
trijntjeinnocent95: you can use the program testdisk to try to recover your files: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step19:30
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: huh, well bzr is a source control management system (like Git, Svn, Mercurial); I'm not exactly sure what's going on there19:31
trijntjeI haven't used that program myself, so you'll have to read the manual yourself, or ask someone else here19:31
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: just for my own sake do you know what was going on with the version you got via apt-get ?19:31
ToAruShiroiNekoas in saw it install19:32
ToAruShiroiNekoto where, not sure19:32
innocent95trijntje, How about personal files, can i recover them _19:32
ToAruShiroiNekoI unstalled that19:32
ToAruShiroiNekoshould I reinstall it?19:32
shai5472Hello, I installed ubuntu 14 LTS and moved my new website to the server, but it seem the server not support php short brackets "<?" its now working just with "<?php" any idea how to solve this?19:32
trijntjeinnocent95: if you are lucky. The fact that you created new partitions will make it harder to recover files, but I'm not sure how much harder19:33
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: I almost always prefer to use the packaged version (from apt-get) so long as there's not a known problem with it; it generally does make life easier; I bet the one you installed from source went into either /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin19:33
innocent95trijntje, Do you have an alternative to this tool19:33
innocent95because it looks wired19:33
innocent95it looks wired, my bad19:34
trijntjeinnocent95: what do you mean it looks weird?19:34
innocent95trijntje, I dont know, windows feeling19:34
trijntjethe screenshots are from someone using testdisk on windows, but you can install it from the software center19:35
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP okay so19:36
ToAruShiroiNekois this a good idea?19:36
innocent95trijntje, I have just a little images i really need recover them, but i dont care for the another files19:37
innocent95for the other19:37
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: well Ubuntu has a version in apt-get; on 12.04 I see the packages openerp6.1-core and openerp6.1-full19:37
ToAruShiroiNekoI am using ubuntu 14.0419:37
ToAruShiroiNekothats 6.1 I am using 719:37
trijntjeinnocent95: you can select which filetypes you want to recover if I'm not mistaken19:38
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: so what shows up if you do `apt-cache search openerp`19:38
ToAruShiroiNeko7 is stable 6.1 is old19:38
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OEPToAruShiroiNeko: I see19:38
ToAruShiroiNekoit suggests openerp 6.1 core19:38
ToAruShiroiNekoand lastly openerp - OpenERP Enterprise Resource Management19:39
innocent95trijntje, why you told me to go to another pc before, while i need to run on a live usb or cd19:39
ToAruShiroiNekono versions for that one19:39
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP should I follow the directions on http://nightly.openerp.com/ ?19:39
trijntjeinnocent95: you needed to stop using that pc as soon as possible. Computers are always writing files to disk, and every file that is written overwrites more of your lost data19:40
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: I worry about installing anything for production use called a "nightly"; you might check if the developer has some official release for 7.019:40
SunstreamI need help19:40
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP 7 is stable release19:40
SunstreamI need to find a IDENT program so I can IDENT with IRC19:40
ToAruShiroiNeko8 is dev19:40
eoinhas anyone installed diferior locally before or know a lot about php need help19:40
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP I will do as you ask19:41
ToAruShiroiNekowhat should I do?19:41
trijntjeeoin: dont ask if people have used php, ask what you are trying to do and where it goes wrong19:41
ToAruShiroiNekowhat coammand should I type, what guide should I follow19:41
innocent95trijntje, and what should i do when i am on another pc rather than the mine19:41
trijntjeinnocent95: you dont need another pc, you just cant use the harddisk that has the lost data19:42
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: OK it's really weird that they call their stable release a nightly but: https://www.odoo.com/forum/Help-1/question/Getting-Stable-Release---A-concern-on-Nightly-releases-928019:42
innocent95oh okay19:42
innocent95trijntje, I started the analyse19:42
eoinwell i'm trying to install diferior a bittorent cms locally on LAMP and it's throwing up a few errors: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead (#8192) in /functions/pear/smarty/Smarty_Compiler.class.php on line 27019:42
ToAruShiroiNekoyou dont need to convince me with links :/19:43
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: hah, I'm more convincing myself; I guess if the developer wants you to install from there then that's probably the best you can get19:43
innocent95trijntje, i can see a bunch of linux linux linux19:43
ToAruShiroiNekoso nightly is stable release19:43
ToAruShiroiNekorunning sudo apt-get install openerp19:44
innocent95trijntje, does it has a graphical user interface19:45
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP leftovers are causing issues19:45
ToAruShiroiNekohow can I remove remains of old attempts19:45
trijntjeinnocent95: I don't think so19:46
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: do you still have the old source folder? if so you can go there and try ``make uninstall``19:46
SunstreamNo one knows?19:46
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ToAruShiroiNekoI dont19:46
ToAruShiroiNekoit registered something19:46
ToAruShiroiNekoI really do not know linux19:46
ToAruShiroiNekochown: cannot access ‘/etc/openerp/openerp-server.conf’: No such file or director19:46
ToAruShiroiNekoetc etc19:47
ToAruShiroiNekois openERP a running service?19:47
ToAruShiroiNekohow can I check19:47
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: you can try `ps -ef | grep -i openerp` again or `service status openerp`19:47
ToAruShiroiNekohow can I check if it is a registered service19:47
SuperHyperMetaHi, I was previously running Windws 7 and installed Ubuntu 14.04 just now over Windows.19:48
ToAruShiroiNeko1585  1340  0 21:48 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i openerp19:48
ToAruShiroiNekoI just have that19:48
SuperHyperMetaI was able to access the rest of the drives during testing the OS but now when it is installed I cannot access other partitions.19:48
ToAruShiroiNekois that any good?19:48
SuperHyperMetaHow do I access them?19:48
holsteinSuperHyperMeta: access what specifically?19:49
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: that means it's probably not running19:49
ToAruShiroiNekoI get this19:49
SuperHyperMetaholstein: I have got two partitions on my HDD.19:49
SuperHyperMetaBoth of them19:49
guide_Xwhen you minimize a terminal window in ubuntu 8.04, where does it go?19:49
eoinnobody can help me i'm completely alone on this one19:49
holsteinSuperHyperMeta: the ubuntu installer will make 2..19:50
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: does `ls /etc/openerp` think that directory exists ?19:50
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guide_Xoh wait, 11.0419:50
trijntjeSuperHyperMeta: can you run 'sudo fdisk -l' in a terminal and put the output on pastebin.com?19:50
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support ended on May 9th 2013. See http://ubottu.com/y/hardy for more details.19:50
SuperHyperMetaholstein: yeah well except that.19:50
guide_Xor so this doc says, but I could have sworn it was 8.0419:50
ToAruShiroiNekoI am on that directory19:50
SuperHyperMetatrijntje: sure. wait a minute19:50
ToAruShiroiNekono files in it19:50
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.19:50
guide_Xtrintje:  what can I do? I have tried to re-create this dev environment multiple times, and failed19:51
dnezHello, I need to install Windows on a separate HDD. I have Ubuntu installed on the other. Windows doesn't want to use any of the disks because of GRUB. What happens if I unplug the Ubuntu HDD and install windows?19:51
guide_XI've tried 11.04, 12, 13, 14, fedora... all failed to house the needed components for this php zend website19:51
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: it's possible that the developer hasn't packaged it correctly; at this point you're probably best off talking with the developer about it or seeking support from the OpenERP community19:51
guide_XI just have to keep running with 8.04 for the entire existance of the site...19:51
trijntjeguide_X: what do you want to do exactly? Its no use to install unsupported versions of ubuntu19:52
ToAruShiroiNekothat got me nowhere19:52
ToAruShiroiNekohow do I uninstall it19:52
SuperHyperMetatrijntje: and holstein http://pastebin.com/dA8tMbRZ19:52
guide_Xtrijntje: well I have been trying to replace this environment for a long time, but I am unable to.. then when I look for support on 8.04, there is none19:52
SuperHyperMetaon sudo fdisk -l19:52
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: apt may have backed out of that installation but `apt-get remove openerp` would normally take care of it19:52
guide_Xtrijntje: this keeps happenign with ubuntu19:52
trijntjeSuperHyperMeta: you removed your windows partitions when installing ubuntu19:53
guide_Xit expires, then i'm in the dark on support19:53
SuperHyperMetaAll of them?! trijntje19:53
trijntjeSuperHyperMeta: yes, except the parition on the external 4G drive19:53
ToAruShiroiNekono it is removing stuff19:53
SuperHyperMetaso my HDD is competely clean now?19:53
ToAruShiroiNekoyeah it removed 260mb of garbage19:53
trijntjeif you don't have a backup of all files shut down your pc now and join this channel from another PC or live usb/cd, and maybe you can recover some of the files19:54
SuperHyperMetatrijntje: Whoa, thats a disaster in a way.19:54
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP so I am at square 119:54
dave_sI have LDAP running on Zentyal and am trying to get LDAP auth to work on my other VMs, but I can't seem to login.19:54
trijntjeSuperHyperMeta: yes, shut down now if you don't have a backup19:54
dave_sI feel like I need to have joined the domain first, but can't seem to find out how or even if this is necessary.19:54
SuperHyperMetatrijntje: Shutting down will fix what? My backup was 2 weeks old. I could have saved a few more things had I known.19:54
trijntjeSuperHyperMeta: if you keep using your pc you will overwrite more and more files, if you shutdown now you might be able to recover some of the files19:55
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP how do I remove a user?19:55
ToAruShiroiNekoI want to remove the openerp user19:55
SuperHyperMeta trijntje: Alright. I have shut it down now. You have a recommendation or a link about how can I recover the data?19:56
holsteinSuperHyperMeta: how you can "attempt" to recover19:57
SuperHyperMetaholstein: I had three drives, Windows on C and the other stuff on rest two. I'm currently going to follow trijntje's link to recover the data from the other two partitions if I can.19:58
holsteinSuperHyperMeta: no.. to *attempt* to recover the data.. im only making the distinction so you have realistic expecations19:59
cristian_cI've a doubt regarding this wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics19:59
guntbertcristian_c: ask your real quesion please20:00
SuperHyperMetaholstein: Hah, alright. I'm just a little surprised because I didn't expect that. But if I loose that data, that won't be very huge trouble either because I have a backup.20:00
BeldarSuperHyperMeta, Are you mixing the term drives and partitions drives here mean HD's?20:00
cristian_cif anyone would like to disable the discrete graphics, what command he should type?20:01
cristian_c(two gpus)20:01
holsteincristian_c: that depends. ideally, it could happen in the bios..20:01
SuperHyperMetaBeldar: Yeah probably. I meant paritions by both Drives and paritions.20:01
kdzon intel chips specially laptops u cant switch them off20:01
kdznewer gen intel tho20:01
cederfja1dafter latest boot, keyboard shortcuts don't work. both custom ones and default, like ctrl + alt + t for terminal. anyone recognize this?20:02
holsteincristian_c: on my machine with dual nvidia and intel, i decided to use custom code from PPA, since, there were no options in the bios20:02
cristian_ckdz, two amd gpus20:02
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: deluser20:02
BeldarSuperHyperMeta, Be really careful there not all helpers will recognize that off that bat, and that is intrinsic info.20:02
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cristian_csorry, vga_switcheroo20:02
cristian_c'Using vga_switcheroo'20:02
kdzcristian_c genrally the bios would automatically switch them off20:02
SuperHyperMetaBeldar: oh alright. I'll keep that in mind from now on.20:02
kdzu could look in the bios for vga sometjhing pci20:03
cristian_ckdz, no, for this reason, there is vga_switcheroo20:03
kdzyou should choose pci20:03
kdzok well im going to sleep20:03
cristian_ckdz, but in the command list in the wiki page, it's not clear what command to type20:04
cristian_cecho ON > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch20:04
cristian_cecho IGD > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch20:04
kdzyou need to be a member of mensa to understand the ubuntu wiki20:04
kdzi just google till i find what i want20:04
cristian_ckdz, mensa?20:04
kdzwell its clear ur not a member20:05
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP that isnt working20:05
ToAruShiroiNekoI really dont understand20:05
guntbert!ot | kdz20:05
ubottukdz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:05
cristian_ckdz, this is a suport channel20:05
ToAruShiroiNeko[sudo] password for openerp:20:05
ToAruShiroiNekoSorry, try again.20:05
MonkeyDustkdz  thank you for calling us intelligent, much appreciated20:05
ToAruShiroiNekoi get that constantly20:05
ToAruShiroiNekohow do I remove this account?20:05
kdzMonkeyDust ;) no problem20:05
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: what are you doing to get that prompt?20:06
cristian_cAny ideas?20:06
ToAruShiroiNekosudo userdel openerp20:06
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: type `whoami`20:06
ToAruShiroiNekoI was user openerp20:07
fpghost84Hi, suddenly (as of today) my usb ports are no longer working under ubuntu 14.04. USB mouse lights up but cursor non-responsive, and usb memory stick does not show. Maybe it was the updates idk.....anyone know how I can fix this?20:08
ToAruShiroiNekohow can I search for every mention of openerp?20:08
ToAruShiroiNekoI want to make sure I have fully deleted it20:08
Beldarfpghost84, see if they work in the guest account as a comparison, and or a live dvd/usb.20:08
guide_Xis there a way to install leafpad on an old ubuntu?20:09
OEPToAruShiroiNeko: you can try `find / -iname "*openerp*"`20:09
Beldarguide_X, 8.04 is not supported why are you running it?20:09
fpghost84Beldar: ok, I'll give those a go20:09
bekks!hardy | guide_X20:09
ubottuguide_X: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support ended on May 9th 2013. See http://ubottu.com/y/hardy for more details.20:09
guide_XBeldar: the web app I need to support doesn't seem to work on newer ubuntu20:10
guide_Xit's a old zend/php app.. i've tried many times to upgrade, and failed20:10
guide_Xi'm stuck on 8.04 :(20:10
bekksguide_X: Is it a proprietary app?20:10
guide_Xit's a web app20:10
bekksguide_X: That doesnt answer my question :)20:10
guide_Xyes priprietary20:10
ToAruShiroiNekoOEP mind if I pm20:11
ToAruShiroiNekoits too busy here20:11
yigalif I'm using /etc/network/interfaces manually and not using network-manager is there a simple way to update the resolvers in /etc/resolv.conf, after updating /etc/network/interfaces?20:11
bekksguide_X: No chance to update the app?20:11
guide_Xbekks: I don't know why it doesn't work on newer ubuntu, but I always run into issues20:11
bekksguide_X: Define "doesnt work" and "issues" please.20:11
yigalif I'm using /etc/network/interfaces manually and not using network-manager is there a simple way to update the resolvers in /etc/resolv.conf, after updating /etc/network/interfaces?20:12
guide_Xbekks: it seems the supporting components don't function on newer ubuntu, the components memcache and old version of zend framework20:12
Beldaryigal, No slang swearing here please, or any type.20:12
guide_Xby don't function, I can't really explain, more than they don't complete install20:12
guide_Xfailure installing, half functioning afterwards, etc20:12
guide_Xthus i'm stuck20:13
yigalBeldar: ah, it's just 'ifdown br0 && ifup br0'20:13
yigalBeldar: or supposedly it is http://askubuntu.com/questions/203261/editing-dns-nameservers-in-etc-network-interfaces-without-a-restart20:13
yigalBeldar: I will find out shortly20:13
guide_Xisn't there alternate ways of installing things?20:13
guide_Xfor instance by just downloading/compiling manually?20:13
san13guide_X u can do that20:14
MonkeyDustguide_X  you can apt-get download20:14
guide_Xoh hmm20:14
guide_Xi keep getting failed to fetch20:15
guide_XI Guess because it's very old ubuntu20:15
jhutchinsguide_X: From which repository?20:15
MonkeyDustguide_X  or even apt-get source20:15
* genii takes a wild stab at Feisty20:15
OerHeks!info leafpad20:15
ubottuleafpad (source: leafpad): GTK+ based simple text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 106 kB, installed size 710 kB20:15
OerHekssame version as in 200620:15
MonkeyDustguide_X  what'qs the output of: cat /etc/issue20:15
BeldarMonkeyDust, 8.0420:16
guide_Xubuntu natty (development branch) \n \l20:16
compdocwow, thats old20:16
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MonkeyDusteven windows xp was still supported at that time, go figure!20:17
geniiHeh, Natty EOL was  2012-10-2820:17
Jordan_Uguide_X: Is it the packages that fail to install, or is it your web app? The former is much easier for us to help with than the latter.20:17
dave_sI've followed the guide in the Ubuntu docs for setting up LDAP client auth, but can't seem to authenticate with LDAP running from Zentyal (OpenLDAP).20:17
guide_XJordan_U: the install says it succeeds, but then they don't function as in 8.0420:18
san13guide_x: are other things working on terminal like update and upgrade?20:18
MonkeyDustdave_s  i guess #ubuntu-server is more the channel you want20:18
guide_Xsan13: upgrade/update stopped working a while back20:18
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dave_sMonkeyDust: Ah, good call, thanks. :)20:18
guide_Xalso I have this issue, it says i'm in 11.04, but I know this is 8.04.. this thing is so screwed up20:18
JesseHInstalled the latest nvidia driver for my card, and that fixed the first issue I was having with this opengl game (low fps, choppy, etc). But now in game, my mouse is stuck pointing up-left. No idea how to fix.20:18
guide_Xwhat do people like me do when experiencing this issue?20:19
san13do u use a proxy wherever u belong from?20:19
guide_Xwhen you're stuck in an older ubuntu I mean20:19
geniiguide_X: The sane thing would be to go to at least 12.04 on a clean install20:19
san13well guide_x there arent so much people like that:D20:19
guide_XI've tried that and failed.. i've also tried 11 and 1420:19
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Jordan_Uguide_X: Is the only evidence that they "don't function as in 8.04" that your webapp fails, or are there specific pieces of functionality you can point to that are behaving differently?20:20
guide_XJordan_U: well the memcache fails, and then all apps requiring memcache fail along with it20:20
guide_XI get errors in the apache log etc20:20
Jordan_Uguide_X: Fails in what way?20:20
guide_XSaying that I need memcache to run this app20:20
MonkeyDust!info memcache20:21
ubottuPackage memcache does not exist in trusty20:21
guide_Xoh, and not memcached20:21
guide_Xthat's different20:21
yigalBeldar: well that almost worked, had to restart the server to actually get a connection to the net for some reason.20:21
trijntje!php5-memchace ?20:21
ubottutrijntje: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:21
yigalBeldar: not exactly sure why20:21
Jordan_Uguide_X: So what is the exact piece of memcache software you're trying to use?20:22
trijntje!info php5-memchace20:22
ubottuPackage php5-memchace does not exist in trusty20:22
guide_XJordan_U: I think it's called php-memcache20:22
ki7mtthere's twp php5-memcache anc php5-memcached in Trusty apt-cache search memcache20:22
Jordan_Uguide_X: And for a more general answer, most companies that have in-house software keep at least one developer employed to ensure that it can be updated as needed.20:22
ki7mtwhoops .. Two .. .20:23
sorendilHi everybody !20:23
Jordan_Uguide_X: Please figure out exactly what package it is.20:23
guide_XJordan_U: in this situation, the guy who built this app, and the  8.04 vm doesn't support it anymore..20:23
guide_XJordan_U: I'm able to maintenance it, but not able to get a newer ubuntu vm with the needed software installed20:24
yigalIf I'm using /etc/network/interfaces manually and not using network-manager is there a simple way to update the resolvers in /etc/resolv.conf, after updating /etc/network/interfaces?20:24
guide_XI can replace this vm with the same one, 8.04, and it works fine20:24
MonkeyDustguide_X  in short: you're using unsupported software on an unsupported ubuntu release20:24
guide_XMonkeyDust: that's my continueing issue, I can't find support for the os20:24
yigalI've simply ifdown <dev> && ifup <dev> but I didn't get internet back doing this20:24
MonkeyDustguide_X  then use a supported os20:24
yigalalthough it did update the resolvers in /etc/resolv.conf20:24
geniiguide_X: For releases which are so old their mirrors have been moved, change the repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list   from something like uk.archive.ubuntu.com to old-releases.ubuntu.com20:25
Jordan_Uguide_X: Does your company employ any developers?20:25
guide_Xoh hmm that's an idea20:25
sorendilMy girlfriend have a problem with his Ubuntu 14.04, it works fine at the beginning but after a few minutes, the left menu and the top menu of Unity doesn't work anymore. I mean it's still displayed but clicks don't work anymore... Any Idea ?20:25
Guest22358trijntje, Im not getting any results20:25
guide_XJordan_U: yeah, but a little light on the php/linux type stuff.. moving away from it really , but this app needs to be suppiorted still20:25
Guest22358trijntje, Im not getting any results20:25
yigalah I think it has to do with the maximum number of DNS servers that can be added to /etc/resolv.conf which is defined in resolv.h, # define MAXNS                  3       /* max # name servers we'll track */20:26
yigalwell this is rather interesting20:27
Guest22358trijntje, what to do20:28
bekksguide_X: Can you define "dont work"? I have a working memcached in Ubuntu 14.04 - so whats the exact issue you are experiencing?20:28
Jordan_Uguide_X: Then as a general thing, your company should really either be trying to move away from this app, hiring a new developer to support it, or helping your existing developer learn what's needed to support it. Having a mission critical app with code that *nobody* actually understands is a disaster waiting to happen.20:28
guide_Xbekks: memcached isn't the same thing as memcache20:28
bekksguide_X: And whats the _exact_ issue you are experiencing? "Dont work" is a general statement containing 0 information.20:29
guide_Xbekks: the web apps which I need to maintenance require memcache (as stated by the apache logs) then I see a white screen where the web app should be20:29
Guest22358trijntje, Foremost _20:29
bekksguide_X: And did you check the logs of your webserver? Did you increase the php logging? Did you investigate the php error log?20:30
guide_Xbekks: the apache log tells me memcache is required to run this app20:30
Jordan_Uguide_X: You meantioned apache logs, pastebining those logs would be very helpful for us to determine what problem you're having.20:30
trijntjeGuest22358: what was your previous nickname?20:30
Guest22358trijntje, innocent9520:31
guide_Xwell I just get the one error regaurding the memcache, saying "memcache is required to run this app." and then I get a load of zend (older version errors) (which I can look into with the folks in #zftalk, if I can get through the memcache issue)20:31
yigalooh, now I have another question, I used, 'dns-search google.com' for configuring dns in /etc/network/interfaces but 'google.de' is being used instead, I live in the US, any takers for why this is occurring?20:31
guide_Xof course on 8.04, everything works fine installing it in the same manner20:31
bekksguide_X: It would be helpful to actually pastebin the logs...20:32
guide_Xhmm ok20:32
bekksguide_X: Without the logs, we can only provide generic answers which wont help you in solving the "issues".20:32
guide_Xhmm ok20:33
guide_Xit'll take me a while to create a new vm and such, I've already trashed my attempts20:33
trijntjeGuest22358: I'm not sure what to do, maybe ask on the forum? As I said I dont have much experience using testdisk20:33
bekksguide_X: Without having a system with "issues", it is impossible to investigate and solve the "issues". :)20:35
ki7mtguide_X, while your at it, look into using Snapshots & CLones for VM's, will save yourself allot of time.20:35
guide_Xbekks: ah ok, it's just I've already spent so much time on that issue, I was simply truying to instyall leafpad on my 8.04, not troubleshot the other issues20:36
Guest22358bekks, do you recommend using foremost recovering files20:36
guide_Xki7mt: I make backups of my 8.04.. but the others just end up in unstable states so I just delete tjhe,20:36
bekksguide_X: It entirely depends on your very exact use case.20:36
bekksguide_X: create a snapshot before changing the stable into an unstable state. Thats what snapshots are for :)20:37
guide_Xthat's true20:37
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yigalthis is super interesting, it has to do with the VPN I'm using, that google.com -> google.de20:42
yigaleven though the VPN is local, in the US city I'm in.20:42
OEPyigal: this is off topic but I know of at least one other American university with a VPN exit in the Czech Republic; I think it's a strange practice...20:45
yigalOEP: I checked all of the hops and they're in the US, although one is in New York, so it goes from TX -> NY -> CA (Google), it's odd20:46
bekksyigal: Faking the geo location is the most easy thing ;)20:47
yigalbekks: true that, but why?20:47
bekksyigal: For faking the real location, most likely.20:47
OEPthat's weird, now I wonder if the one I'm thinking of is faked20:48
yigalbekks: that makes sense :) , it's an "anonymous" vpn20:48
krabadorcristian_c, get the fuck up.20:48
bekksyigal: they made you believe it's "anonymous". :)20:48
cristian_cplease, ban krabador20:49
yigalbekks: yes, what I mean by "anonymous" is that they're fooling Google into thinking I'm coming from Germany.20:49
yigalbekks: lolz20:49
bekksyigal: No jokes involved - do you know for sure where the routing end point of your vpn is located at?20:50
deidyomegaHey all, I am trying to install ubuntu 14.04 on one of my servers, but it can't find the hard drives (raid 5 config), centos installs fine on the machine.  Any way of telling what is missing from ubuntu, then using centos "drivers" to make it work?20:50
yigalbekks: no, only the entry point, and what I'm getting off of traceroute20:51
bekksdeidyomega: try using the ubuntu server iso.20:51
deidyomegabekks:  I am.20:51
Jordan_Udeidyomega: Is this FakeRAID (dmraid), Software raid (mdraid), or true hardware RAID?20:51
bekksdeidyomega: the desktop iso is most likely just missing the raid controller drivers. which hw is that in particular?20:51
deidyomegaJordan_U: Hardware Raid20:51
Jordan_Udeidyomega: What controller?20:52
deidyomegabekks: I am using the server ISO.20:52
deidyomegaJordan_U:  I'll look, its an HP controller20:52
krabadorcristian_c, nobody can.20:52
cristian_c!ot | krabador20:52
ubottukrabador: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:52
Jordan_Udeidyomega: Real hardware raid doesn't need special drivers, at least for basic functionality.20:53
krabador!ot > cristian_c20:53
ubottucristian_c, please see my private message20:53
krabador!ot > cristian_c20:53
krabador!ot > cristian_c20:53
lblumedeidyomega: HP have supported OS lists for their servers20:53
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:53
Jordan_Ukrabador: Please watch your language, treat people here with respect, and stick to productive support discussion.20:54
ki7mtdeidyomega, should also check here to see that it's supported: http://h17007.www1.hp.com/us/en/enterprise/servers/supportmatrix/exceptions/ubuntu_exceptions.aspx20:54
deidyomegak17mt, dang it... I have the B120i Dynamic Smart Array Controller...20:55
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deidyomegaBut Centos seems to work... can I somehow magically get the "drivers" from centos and shove it into ubuntu?20:55
bekksdeidyomega: Which ubuntu release do try to install?20:55
n1n0had this issue with the lighdm display manager in ubuntu, always went into the login loop, even when 14.20:56
deidyomegabekks:  14.04, but 12.04 is fine...20:56
n1n0...04 distro installed20:56
Jordan_Udeidyomega: "Eliminating most of the hardware RAID controller components, and relocating advanced RAID algorithms from a hardware-based controller into device driver software lowers the total solution cost..." in other words, FakeRAID.20:56
notorei have been using fedora with some probably custom made dot files but now once i log in to ubuntu it opens gnome but its incomplete, there are no icons for closing window there are no toolbars, so i belive its ebcause of some maybe special window manager dotfiles, can you advise which of those i should delete?20:57
deidyomegaJordan_U:  Well, that's dandy... lol  Anyway around this?  Or should I just cry and use centos?20:57
bekksdeidyomega: Get a HW raid controller, like the P520 or P410.20:58
n1n0now the display goes black whit tiny stripes on the edges. thought it was maybe an error on the display itself, but happens with second monitor via vga as well.20:58
deidyomegabekks: To understand, buy a hardware raid, and replace the one I have, and it should work?20:58
zerowaitstateor an LSI MegaRAID20:59
n1n0is it the display manager issue again, or the hardware?20:59
ki7mtYeah, what bekks said, upgrade or change the controller to a supported version. SW works, but not ideal for enterprise application / use20:59
Jordan_Udeidyomega: FakeRAID uses software to implement the RAID, but uses proprietary junk for metadata. mdraid uses software to implement the RAID, but uses an open, efficient, well thought out metadata.20:59
bekksdeidyomega: Yes.20:59
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bekkszerowaitstate: Actually, thoe HP P-Series are MegaRAID controllers. :)21:00
notorehow does linux determine what window manager to load? is there some dot files for it? how are they called?21:00
zerowaitstatebekks: marked up, of course21:00
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module000notore: with the xinitrc file21:00
zerowaitstatebekks: with lockouts for certain hard drives cause they are too legit to quit21:00
Jordan_Udeidyomega: What you actually have in the way of hardware is essentially just a SATA controller with more ports than most, which means that you can wipe the proprietary raid metatata that's currently on the drive and instead just happily use mdraid instead.21:01
module000notore: if you're using GDM, lightdm, or another login manager, then it determines your window manager and (usually) disregards xinitrc21:01
module000notore: see this for more information: https://wiki.debian.org/Xinitrc21:01
notoremodule000: what will happen if i remove it? will i get just command line?21:01
deidyomegaJordan_U:  how does one go about doing this?21:01
notorei have problem with loading crappy window manager and idk what kind of login screen i have so i jsut wnat to remove xinitrc21:01
deidyomegaJordan_U: You are talking about wiping the actual raid device?21:01
OEPholstein: thought I would update you with what I ended up doing since you helped me earlier; couldn't just plop a kernel image in so I followed instructions on building an iso myself somewhat akin to this, though the instructions are different for 12.04. Thanks again for your help! : http://developer.rackspace.com/blog/using-a-custom-kernel-with-cloud-servers.html21:01
notoremaybe tehres a default xinitrc somewhere on the system? like in /etc or so?21:02
module000notore: if you remove it X will start, but with no window manager. if you just wanted a blank "desktop" with a command terminal, then the ocntents of xinitrc could be 'xterm'. that would start an X session with nothing but xterm running21:02
holsteinOEP: cheers21:02
Jordan_Udeidyomega: First of all, there is no actual "RAID device", in hardware all you have is a bunch of disks.21:03
deidyomegaYes, there are 4 hard drives sitting in the bay, however the devices are connected to a "thing" that21:04
deidyomegais connected to a motherboard21:04
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notoremodule000: do you know whether theres a default xinitrc somewhere? for example there was .bashrc in /etc/skel/21:05
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falloreHi everyone. I'm installing the latest version of Ubuntu on a pc that is going to be used by relatively computer-illiterate teachers to do basic email checking, web browsing, etc. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to "tamper-proof" it so that they won't be able to break anything important?21:06
module000notore: it's under /etc/X11 or similar21:06
Jordan_Udeidyomega: Do you have enough connections to just connect the 4 drives directly to the motherboard?21:06
deidyomegaHmm, I do indeed.  So just directly connect them, then use ubuntu's software raid?21:06
deidyomegaJordan_U: Hmm, I do indeed.  So just directly connect them, then use ubuntu's software raid?21:06
Jordan_Udeidyomega: Yes. You can do it with them connected through your fancy fake hardware too (if you want more SATA ports available), but getting rid of the fakeraid will avoid confusing future humans.21:07
EthosYou can do it with SATA ports21:08
Jordan_Udeidyomega: You'll probably notice that Ubuntu's installer won't list those disks when they're connected directly either (another piece of evidence that your "hardare" isn't doing anything).21:08
deidyomegaJordan_U:  Ok, I will try it, thanks so much.21:08
OEPfallore: we run student labs and I think what's key is to just make sure it's not a privileged user; we have additional concerns like not turning the computer off or locking the screen21:08
bekkszerowaitstate: I built several hundreds of HP server until now - and literally had only one issue: a dead cache backup battery. From my point of view, those controllers are pretty reliable.21:08
falloreOEP: yeah, i'm definitely going to set up an unpriveleged user account for them, but I was wondering if there was anything like "deep freeze" or whatever is available with Windows machines, so that when it's rebooted it's returned to the "blank slate" so to speak21:09
OEPfallore: we do run into a lot of botched dotfiles from time to time but that's about it21:10
ki7mtThat's all out data centers use, HP servers, I guess they hav good marketing, CIO bought into the sales pitch fer sure.21:10
Jordan_Udeidyomega: The reason is that the fakeRAID metadata (which is bits stored on the drives themselves, not in any other hardware) is still there, so the drives still look to the installer to be part of a FakeRAID array. To get Ubuntu's installer to be willing to work with the drives you'll need to remove the proprietary metadata.21:10
falloreOEP: I'm pretty uninformed, what is a botched dotfile?21:11
OEPfallore: config files in the user's home folder that occasionally get messed up (typically prefixed by a dot -- hence dotfile)21:11
ki7mtJordan_U, But how do you do that, is it a low level format or what?21:12
Jordan_Uki7mt: The dmraid command has options for deleting metadata.21:13
ki7mtJordan_U, Ok, will go look that one up, didn't know about that.21:13
skinuxI installed Ubuntu onto a second partition, now both boot entries go to second installation. I need a little help getting the right info to put back into 1st boot entry? So I can access previous installation.21:13
falloreOEP: cool, thanks for the information.21:13
jhutchinsskinux: What else is installed?21:14
Ethoscan someone tell me how to enable samba share as mount point by default on fstab?21:14
mikeg3Hi I have an older (about 5 yrs) HP desktop 2GB RAM, on which I am trying to run Ubuntu.  I seem to be having graphics problems with the graphics card (nVidia GeForce 6150 SE) in terms of running Ubuntu.  Any tips if I want to install?21:15
Jordan_Uki7mt: I believe "sudo dmraid -rE" will delete any proprietary raid metadata on any drives currently connected, though you clearly want to be very careful with that command as if there is any data in the array you will instantly lose it that way.21:15
geniiskinux: sudo update-grub  ...should find any viable installs you have and make entries for them21:15
skinuxPartitions are: Ubuntu Trusty, Ubuntu Trusty, Windows 8.121:15
Ethosskinux: do you make the first partition /boot/efi, then those?21:15
skinuxI think what happened is installation tried to write to MBR, but my system has UEFI so it didn't work right.21:16
jhutchinsskinux: You might have trouble telling which trusty is which.21:16
Jordan_Uskinux: Do you have a separate /boot/ partition?21:16
Jordan_U!bootinfo | skinux21:17
ubottuskinux: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).21:17
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ki7mtJordan_U, yes, that's what the manpages says too, -r recursivem and -E for --erase_metadata21:20
ki7mtmy bad, -r| --raid_device21:21
clearcoatbencan anyone help me with a gparted question?21:21
mikeg3Hi I have an older (about 5 yrs) HP desktop 2GB RAM, on which I am trying to run Ubuntu.  I seem to be having graphics problems with the graphics card (nVidia GeForce 6150 SE) in terms of running Ubuntu (scren freezes, mouse freezes).  Any tips if I want to install?21:21
vilambitomg i just bought a retina macbook pro (on which i will install ubuntu :))21:23
clearcoatbenhaving trouble resizing partition in ubuntu 14.04 if anyone would like to help21:23
ki7mtmikeg3, Im not gpu guru, but this box has 3 9800GT's in it, had to use the Nv drivers to stop the glitches21:23
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jhutchinsclearcoatben: back up date, repartition && reformat, restore data.21:23
jhutchinsmikeg3: An older system like that should be pretty well supported by the nouveau driver.  I would check for hardware problems - reseat ram and other boards, make sure the case is clean.21:24
ki7mtmikeg3, It's using 331.38 Nv driver, seems pretty smooth here for old Nv cards.21:24
clearcoatbenjhutchins: is that the only way to create a new partition table? I've only got up through sda3 currently. Is there no way to shrink sda3 and add an sda4?21:24
zerowaitstateclearcoatben: you have to shrink the filesystem before you can shrink the partition.21:25
jhutchinsclearcoatben: Theoretically, and the software works pretty well these days, but there's always a chance for an "oops" so you need the backup anyway, and as long as you have the backup that method's the fastest.21:25
clearcoatbenok, thank you.21:26
jhutchinszerowaitstate: I thought parted could resize both, but I use the old school method.21:26
zerowaitstatejhutchins: what partition table type is it? MBR or GPT?21:27
KnightSnakehi everyone21:27
jhutchinszerowaitstate: Ask clearcoatben21:27
clearcoatbenI believe it's GPT21:27
clearcoatbenhow would I check?21:28
Jordan_Uzerowaitstate: clearcoatben: Gparted runs resize2fs (or the relvant command for whatever filesystem you're using) before using parted to change the partition table, so it's one step in the GUI but two steps behind the scenes.21:28
falloreI just finished installing Ubuntu, having selected the option to erase the 250GB disk which had Windows Vista on it, and I've run into a few questionable events. When the install was done, it informed me that I only had 17MB or GB (don't remember) left on the drive. It also asked me to restart my computer before I used it, so I hit the reboot button. It's hanging on the ubuntu shutdown screen21:28
fallore(logo with the dots under it). Is it still working, or did it freeze? And should I be concerned about the lack of disk space? I know an ubuntu install doesn't take up the majority of a 250gb drive, lol21:28
Jordan_Uclearcoatben: sudo parted -l21:28
clearcoatbenyes using GPT21:29
rootpthello ppl, i've got errors in my console when i try to install a app, can someone please help me? see the error -> http://postimg.org/image/57f9lmbsx/21:30
zerowaitstateclearcoatben: k21:30
KnightSnakei got a question, I have a problem with my C: drive which has windows on it, I had a black screen... yes not blue :D and it would become totally unresponsive... Tried to restart it but it went into the diagnostics mode but that can't fix anything... even chkdsk says that the drive is unreadable, though it can count the files on there. In knoppix the drive is not accessible, but the D: partition is. Any idea what to do?21:30
KnightSnakeThanks by the way21:31
nectaryshi, how to make conky effects only appears on desktop. When I have set it to start on the startup of the PC via "conky" command. it's been displayed on the front of all of the windows21:31
clearcoatbenwhenever I attempted to use gparted to shrink sda3, it would only allow me to do so by 8mb21:31
nectaryshi, how to make conky effects only appears on desktop. When I have set it to start on the startup of the PC via "conky" command. it's been displayed on the front of all of the windows. How to deal with this, please ?21:32
notoredoes default ubuntu come with any of the web server software (like apache)21:33
clearcoatbenimage of current partition here http://goo.gl/WGbjQ921:33
Jordan_Ufallore: If you recieved a message about running out of space before you rebooted, then that message was about your live environment running out of space, not your installed system.21:33
falloreah, i was hoping that was the case, Jordan_U! Any idea about being hung on the ubuntu logo + the dots (not moving or blinking)? It seems frozen but I don't want to interrupt it if it's doing post-install pre-shutdown stuff21:34
KnightSnake i got a question, I have a problem with my C: drive which has windows on it, I had a black screen... yes not blue :D and it would become totally unresponsive... Tried to restart it but it went into the diagnostics mode but that can't fix anything... even chkdsk says that the drive is unreadable, though it can count the files on there. In knoppix the drive is not accessible, but the D: partition is. Any idea what to do?21:34
Jordan_Uclearcoatben: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l", and please don't link to websites requiring login to view their contents.21:34
Jordan_Ufallore: Press Enter.21:35
falloreLOL! My hero, Jordan_U!21:35
Jordan_Ufallore: It was supposed to be prompting you with "Please remove the Ubuntu CD from your drive then press Enter" or similar.21:36
rawrmonsterIs there a support irc for questions on nm-applet?21:39
belkinsaWhat is the name of the spell checker program that is pre-installed with Ubuntu?21:39
ki7mtbelkinsa, aspell many?21:41
ki7mt.. maybe21:41
falloreI just finished installing Ubuntu, and after restarting it when prompted it's just giving me a black screen. Any idea on what to do?21:41
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:42
Jordan_Ufallore: What do you see before the black screen?21:42
falloreJordan_U I just walked into the room and it was like this. Would it be safe to do a hard power off and turn it back on?21:42
belkinsaki7mt, thanks.21:43
Jordan_U!sysrq | fallore21:43
ubottufallore: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:43
geniifallore: Are you able to do ctrl-alt-F1 and gain console login there?21:43
ntiyin makefiles I often see a line: objects=a.o b.o c.o etc. And then later one of the rules would be using variable $(objects). This implies that whenever I add new source file I have to add the same object file to the list of objects. What is a better way to compose makefile to avoid this? (and is there a better way?)21:43
falloregenii: no, no effect. the screen is kind of "fuzzy" if that makes it any clearer.21:44
falloreJordan_U, to do the SysRQ do I need to hold alt and print screen while typing those letters?21:46
Jordan_Ufallore: Yes.21:46
OEPntiy: sources=$(wildcard *.c)   objects=$(sources:.c=.o)21:46
geniifallore: I would suggest a reboot, by keyboard combination first if possible. And then to try the nomodeset boot parameter21:46
geniifallore: Is your graphics card an NVidia?21:46
belkinsaki7mt, yup, it's aspell. Thank you.21:46
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belkinsaki7mt, peace out.21:46
OEPntiy: (on seperate lines)21:46
falloregenii: yes, Nvidia geforce 6150 SE21:46
ki7mtbelkinsa, now If I could get it to work automatically in Xchat, id' be good to go :-)21:47
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geniifallore: The black screen issue is most common with the NVidia, unfortunately21:47
ki7mtand older Intel embedded gpus21:48
falloregenii: can you point me toward where i might find more info on troubleshooting it?21:48
jhutchinsfallore: Do you have the ability to connect to it via ssh?21:49
ki7mtfallore, there's several with more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto21:49
geniifallore: The usual method is to use the nomodeset on the kernel loading line from in grub. This usually allows a boot with vesa resolutions. Then to install the nvidia-current driver to get it going properly.21:49
c4i0Hello for everyone.21:50
ki7mtfallore, and another: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/VideoDriverDetection21:50
fallorejhutchins: i'm not sure, it's literally the first boot after a fresh install21:50
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jhutchinsfallore: On reboot you might want to try adding various things to the boot command in grub such as noacpi,  noapic, and removing "quiet".21:50
fallorethank you ki7mt for the links, and genii for the information, i'll look into that and report back with any questions21:50
c4i0Anybody know the pirate bay's channel?21:50
genii!warez | c4i021:51
ubottuc4i0: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o21:51
jhutchinsfallore: If it's just video not working, the system could be up and running without a display; ssh would allow you to switch to console mode and/or do a normal shutdown.21:51
geniijhutchins: I don't believe sshd is installed by default on a clean install21:52
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ki7mtYeah, PB is a bad one to go searching on.21:52
jhutchinsgenii: No, probably not, and I don't think most people have second computers to connect from, but if it's there it's nice to have.21:53
ki7mtgenii, correct, to install sudo apt-get install openssh-server21:53
geniiki7mt: Unfortunately, that's not useful in fallore's current situation, since they can't gain a console, just a black screen.21:54
ki7mtgenii, no consile at all? that's no good21:54
Jordan_Ufallore: I'm still waiting to know what you see before the screen goes black.21:55
amiloxaI've updated the mysql-server keeping my old config file. no it is not able to start anymore. how can i make the system install the default config?21:55
jhutchinsfallore: You did check to see if you could Ctrl0Alt-F1 didn't you?  (We suspect not, sounds like it's hung on video start.)21:55
entrerihello, I want to extract some audio files from a CD, but the default software only extracts the files in ogg format. I would like to extract as pure wave or flac files. How could I achieve this ?21:56
SymphonymWould a shared library (.so) file for SDL from the Ubuntu repos work when linked against on other linux distros? (Meaning I can include it with my project and use rpath)21:56
ki7mtSymphonym, possibly, but depends on how it's was built and what functions it's calling as to whether it would perform the same on different distros21:58
ki7mtSymphonym, If the target distro is the same disto / arch, they would probably be ok, but if diff arch's, you made need mutiple .so's21:59
Symphonymki7mt Reason I'm asking is because I was browsing I found an SDL .so file in the directory of the game "Monaco" (installed through Steam). Which I would assume is from Ubuntu since, like with most linux games on steam, Ubuntu is the recommended distro.22:00
ntiyOEP: thanks!22:00
ki7mtSymphonym, Not familiar with it, but you should probably make a proper drbian/rules file to pull in the arch / distro version of the .so as a build / runtime dep.22:01
ki7mt.. debian/rules .. ..22:01
ki7mtSymphonym, when distribunting packaging, following the Debian Packaging guide(s) will say you allot of oain in the end.22:02
ki7mt.. s/pain/oian/22:02
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entrerihello, I want to extract some audio files from a CD, but the default software only extracts the files in ogg format. I would like to extract as pure wave or flac files. How could I achieve this ?22:03
ki7mtSymphonym, on the other hand, if your build the .so then it's up to you to determine what is needed for each arch / distro, and build it accordingly.22:03
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
falloregenii, ki7mt: I've been trying to enter the grub settings or w/e to enable nomodeset without success by hitting shift after the BIOS splash, and after a few runs I've booted into the black screen but this time I have a mouse cursor. Does this give more information or change what the root of the problem might be?22:05
fallorejhutchins i did try ctrl alt f1 without success22:06
Jordan_Ufallore: Is your computer BIOS based or UEFI based?22:06
jerome_ubntun, wh do you break something that were working on every update?22:06
falloreJordan_U: before the black screen I see a black screen with the blinking text cursor indicator, at which point I'm able to type stuff but i don't know where it goes so i haven't messed with it too much. then i see the ubuntu splash screen with the logo and the dots, and then the black screen. this time my mouse cursor shows up, though22:06
falloreJordan_U I believe BIOS based22:07
Jordan_Ufallore: How old is the computer? What version of Windows did it come with?22:07
DoverMohow do you give a user permission to use shutdown reboot options, such as via upower22:07
falloreJordan_U I don't believe it's anywhere close to new, it came with Windows Vista installed22:08
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ki7mtDoverMo, one way, create a group, add the user to the group, give the group permission to run the function.22:08
DoverMoki7mt, so there is no default group?22:09
Jordan_Ufallore: OK, BIOS then. You should be holding shift, not pressing and releasing it. You can probably start holding shift before you even turn the computer on.22:09
ki7mtDoverMo, yes, Sudoers, but that's makes it wide open to administration22:09
falloreI'll try that now, Jordan_U. I just attempted to boot it back up to verify that I gave you the correct visual information pre-black screen, and this time it's stuck on the Ubuntu splash (with the logo and the dots, which aren't moving)22:09
DoverMoki7mt, my user is already in sudo group22:10
Jordan_Ufallore: Try selecting "Advanced options for Ubuntu" then "Recovery Mode" at the grub menu.22:10
falloreJordan_U: holding shift worked, I'm looking at the grub screen22:10
ki7mtDoverMo, then they should, in theory, be able to run that function.22:10
falloreJordan_U: my keyboard doesn't seem to be working at the grub screen, up and down arrows do nothing, E does nothing22:11
falloreit's connected via USB, i have an old PS/2 one i can try if you think that would be better, Jordan_U22:11
DoverMoki7mt, GDbus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Operation not permitted22:12
e^DoverMo: use sudo shutdown -r now22:12
kiw1Heya. My wireless 360 controller works flawless with xbmc and skyrim (using playonlinux), but not in steam. Anyone know where i should start look for a solution? Steam or Ubuntu? Oh, and im using the native client and not wine for Steam.22:12
Jordan_Ufallore: The reason that the grub menu showed up was probably because of a detected failed boot, not because of you holding shift. It sounds like your BIOS doesn't support USB keyboards, so you'll need to use a PS2 keyboard to access the grub menu (or your BIOS menus).22:13
DoverMowhat is the default time daemon used in ubuntu?22:13
ki7mtDoverMo, what was the command you ran ?22:13
DoverMoki7mt, i hit "reboot" button in the upower menu22:13
cuddylierAnyone any ideas on how I delete this raid partition? http://puu.sh/9IEEJ/e229ab62ff.png22:13
e^DoverMo: if you want to schedule a reboot you have to type sudo and give a password... so it isn't going to work unless you remove the need for sudo for "shutdown"22:14
ki7mtDoverMo, lets back up a bit, what version of UB are you using here?22:14
e^you have to edit the sudoers file22:14
DoverMoki7mt, 14.04. lxde22:14
Jordan_UDoverMo: Are you using Lubuntu, or did you install LXDE components on your own?22:16
DoverMoJordan_U, lxde on their own22:16
DoverMono lubuntu22:16
Jordan_UDoverMo: What DM are you using?22:16
ki7mtDoverMo, maybe this bug relevant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxsession/+bug/130079822:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 1300798 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "LXDE shutdown menu needs to check CanSuspend/CanHibernate" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:16
cuddylierAnyone know why ctrl + alt + F2 doesn't work on my ubuntu install?22:17
DoverMoJordan_U, i have lxdm22:17
falloreJordan_U: i've successfully entered the bios menu with the usb keyboard, so i think that the bios does indeed support USB keyboards22:17
ki7mtDoverMo, while that is hibernate, it's producing the same results.22:17
entrerihello, I want to extract some audio files from a CD, but the default software only extracts the files in ogg format. I would like to extract as pure wave or flac files. How could I achieve this ?22:18
DoverMoki7mt, yeah. looks right22:18
Jordan_Ufallore: Confirm that "legacy USB support" (which basically means, support the interfaces that bootloaders and DOS use for accessing keyboards) is enabled.22:19
ki7mtDoverMo, Unfortunately, I dont know of an immediate work around for that. I suspect it's a polkit issue, but getting around it, is another problem all together.22:20
falloreJordan_U: would plugging in a ps/2 and seeing if that works settle the issue? i'm not exactly sure how to do what you asked me22:20
fallorealso, Jordan_U, the ubuntu option in grub has an * to the left of it (*Ubuntu), does this mean anything significant?22:20
ki7mtDoverMo, at this point, unless someone else knows a quick fix, you should file a bug for this and see where that goes, or maybe try in #lubuntu as Phil and crew may know a quick fix.22:21
falloreJordan_U: I plugged in the ps/2 keyboard and it's working.22:22
Jordan_Ufallore: The '*' indicates which menu entry is currently selected.22:22
falloreAh, good to know Jordan_U. I went to advanced options and selected recovery mode, I'm now at the Recovery Menu with (filesystem state: read-only)22:23
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DoverMoki7mt, okay22:23
tarball_13How do I get a log of my conversations from IRC?22:24
holsteintarball_13: copy paste..22:24
ki7mttarball_13, they are all logged in this channel: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/22:24
Jordan_Ufallore: There should be an option to try continuing boot normally. See if that works (it probably won't, but it's worth a try and will likely give leave you with an error message we can use when it fails).22:24
ki7mttarball_13, Also, Xchat has a logging option in Preferences if your using that.22:25
tarball_13holstein: they are not stored in my computer somewhere?22:25
Jordan_Utarball_13: It depends on how your IRC client is configured.22:25
tarball_13ki7mt: what about if I'm using irssi?22:25
holsteintarball_13: if your client does that, they could be.. all of these official channels are logged as ki7mt stated22:26
Jordan_Utarball_13: irssi can log conversations, but I don't think that it does by default.22:26
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ki7mttarball_13, Old post, but think it still works: http://www.junauza.com/2008/08/recording-irc-chats-in-linux-with-irssi.html22:26
cuddylierAnyone any idea how to open the console during the Ubuntu 14.04 install?22:27
holstein!tty | cuddylier try tty22:27
ubottucuddylier try tty: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution22:27
tarball_13Someone helped me today and gave me some good advice on securing my machine, but I queried him so we had a private conversation and I was wondering if it is possible to get that log?22:28
Ethos_afktarball_13: not sure, irclogs are updated every often22:29
Jordan_Utarball_13: Did you quit irssi between then and now?22:29
Jordan_UEthos_afk: PMs are not in channel, and thus aren't part of any channel log.22:29
tarball_13Jorday_U: unfortunatelly I did quit22:29
holsteintarball_13: it is, if your client was setup to do so. if not, then, its gone22:29
tarball_13It's okay I think I'll see him around, thank for your help guys!22:30
Ethos_afkI thought this channel was logged 24/7?22:30
holsteinEthos_afk: in PM22:30
Jordan_Utarball_13: Then it's probably gone. You can check ~/irclogs/ though, as that is where they would be if logging were enabled.22:30
tarball_13Jorday_u: will do22:31
cuddylierholstein: None of the F keys worked apart from F4 which seems to be read only22:31
entrerihello, I want to extract some audio files from a CD, but the default software only extracts the files in ogg format. I would like to extract as pure wave or flac files. How could I achieve this ?22:31
=== Ethos_afk is now known as Ethos
falloreJordan_U: I selected resume normal boot at the Grub menu and it appears to have booted into the desktop! I see the bar of icons on the left and the Keyboard Shortcuts screen popped up. What does this mean for fixing the problem long-term?22:31
Jordan_Utarball_13: You can use Jor<tab> to tab complete my nick.22:31
cynicallemonentreri, take a look at asunder22:32
holsteincuddylier: f4 seems to be read only?22:32
cuddylierholstein: It shows this http://puu.sh/9IGbU/43763d07e7.png which seems more of a log22:32
ki7mtentreri, More info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping22:32
cuddylierI'm trying to delete the swap software raid22:32
Jordan_Ufallore: One possibility is that the graphics problem is related to the plymoth boot splash (which is disabled in recovery mode). If that's the case, you can likely fix the problem permanently by disabling the boot splash.22:33
entrericynicallemon: thanks, I think it will do : )22:34
cynicallemonentreri, yeah it should do you fine, i have used it many times22:34
tarball_13Jordan_U: thanks for the tip!22:35
Jordan_Ufallore: "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub" and remove "quiet" and "splash" from the list of kernel parameters, so that GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" becomes just GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="", then run "sudo update-grub", shut down, then try booting normally.22:35
falloreI'll try that Jordan_U, thanks! I really appreciate your ongoing help22:36
holsteincuddylier: try the others.. if not, then, i dont know fromthe installer22:36
Jordan_Ufallore: You're welcome.22:36
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Jordan_Utarball_13: You're welcome.22:36
cuddylierholstein: I got it on F3 but tried this guide http://mikebeach.org/2013/10/25/cannot-delete-a-raid-swap-partition-during-ubuntu-installation/ and raid device still won't delete o_O22:36
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tarball_13Until a couple of days ago it's been a while since I visited IRC, was afraid that everyone would be gone, but glad to see I was wrong :)22:37
zykotick9!cookie | Jordan_U22:38
ubottuJordan_U: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:38
falloreJordan_U: separate from fixing the graphics issue, I'm pressing the X to close the keyboard shortcuts window and it won't do anything. Right clicking the desktop works fine and the mouse moves, but not hitting the X22:38
DoverMoki7mt, okay i edited polkit.. gonna reboot and test it22:38
falloreis there a default keyboard shortcut for opening the terminal in ubuntu 14.04?22:39
resistHello all.22:39
peyamHow do I activate "tile window up" in ubuntu?22:40
e^fallore: ctrl+alt+T22:40
EthosIf you can't use GUI, how did you arrive here?22:40
holsteincuddylier: so, whats the question?22:40
resistJust testing out weechat on tty122:41
EthosIt Works!22:41
resistI like it.22:41
* tarball_13 waves, why is my whois command not working?22:41
cynicallemonfallore, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:41
cuddylierI got it resolved, I used that guide to turn swap off then I force stopped the raid then went back to the installer and deleted the software raid.22:41
cuddylierSo all good now.22:41
tarball_13neither does /help22:42
ZelbinianI'm trying to upgrade to 14.04 from 13.10, and every single time I get the warning "The upgrade needs a total of 58.8 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 8,315 k of disk space on '/boot'."22:44
ZelbinianI have 700 GB free on the partition /boot is a part of (I think, if I'm interpretting things correctly), so I don't know what it's on about22:45
holsteinZelbinian: did you?22:45
holsteinZelbinian: you can try emptying trash, would be nice it it were that simple..22:45
daftykinsZelbinian: can you pastebin the output of "df -h" ?22:45
ki7mtZelbinian, du -sh /boot see how much space is left, or maybe remove old kernels && headers before upgrading.22:45
daftykinsoops didn't notice you holstein, apologies for the toe treading :)22:45
tarball_13is the help command /help?22:46
Jordan_UZelbinian: Please pastebin the output of "df -h".22:46
holsteindaftykins: nah.. no worries.. :)22:46
daftykinsi was thinking along the same lines as ki7mt fwiw, (btw ki7mt i'm still trying to work out how to pronounce your nick)22:46
ZelbinianOne at a time, fellas :p22:46
ki7mttarball_13, no it's simply: help in the terminal22:47
ZelbinianI have used sudo apt-get clean and cleared trash before, as it requests. At least I think I have. I'll try again, though.22:47
ZelbinianHonestly, I wish it would just give you the option to clear trash and continue.22:47
ki7mtdaftykins, kilo-india-seven-mike-tango :-) .. has not real pronunciation :-) it's a call-sign.22:47
tarball_13ki7mt: I tried that and it just prints help22:48
daftykinski7mt: ^_^22:48
tarball_13ki7mt: I mean help for IRC, is it still /help?22:48
daftykinsZelbinian: just "df -h" then "ls /boot" should help22:49
ZelbinianI just cleared the trash and stuff, so I don't think the output you're requesting will be good anymore. :/22:49
tarball_13ki7mt: for some reason when I do /help or /whois those commands don't work for me.22:49
ZelbinianHow do I restart the upgrade process?22:49
ki7mttarball_13, Oh, ou want channel help, or IRC Client help22:49
tarball_13ki7mt: IRC client22:50
ki7mttarball_13, which client22:50
tarball_13ki7mt: irssi22:50
efiBSGreetings, I'm experiencing a very annoying problem trying to install ubuntu through EFI. If i get it right, i need to boot the liveUSB in UEFI mode. The problem is that there's no way i can boot anything (DVD & USB) in UEFI properly : Despite the fact that "UEFI : LIVEUSB" boot option is available after pressing "echap" when the computer is starting, the computer will handle this option by simply switch to the next bootable choice. (O22:50
DoverMoki7mt, no luck. still working on it22:50
ki7mttarball_13, See info: http://www.irssi.org/documentation22:51
efiBSmy eyes starts bleeding. I though you might have some hints22:51
ki7mtDoverMo, did you ask in #lubuntu ?22:51
tarball_13ki7mt: thanks and whois command is /whois?22:51
daftykinsZelbinian: it would make more sense to confirm there's some free space before trying to just blindly restart the upgrade22:51
DoverMoefiBS, did you check your bios options, such as something like 'allow uefi from usb'22:51
daftykinsZelbinian: are you seriously still running desktop 10.04 though?22:52
ki7mttarball_13, idk .. haven't used irssi in a long time22:52
Zelbiniandaftykins: Did I say 10.10? I meant 13.1022:52
tarball_13ki7mt: okay thanks.22:52
ZelbinianEr, 10.0422:52
efiBSi dont have such option. But i do have an option letting me disable the usb legacy boot.22:52
ZelbinianI am running 13.10. There. That's correct. [/rough typing day]22:53
Jordan_UefiBS: Your message was cut off at "choice. (O"22:53
daftykinsZelbinian: can you run the above and share via paste.ubuntu.com then? shout if you need an explanation of any of that22:53
dw1so google earth requires ia32-libs that was discontinued as of 13.10. meh22:54
efiBSJordan_U: yeah, the rest of the message was sensless. You know the main problem :)22:54
dw1http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/ia32-libs-multiarch it is22:54
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Zelbiniandaftykins: Happy to use a pastebin, but I can see from the output that my available space on /boot is 49M even after emptying trash :/22:54
ki7mtZelbinian, 49M is not allot of space left22:55
Zelbinianki7mt: No argument there22:55
daftykinsZelbinian: can you also share the "ls /boot" one?22:56
efiBSDoverMo: so since I have the choice about booting in uefi mode for each separate entry (ex : "Usb flash 300" AND "UEFI:Usb flash 300")22:56
ki7mtZelbinian, having said that, I think the average image size is what, 20-25MB each or so?22:56
daftykinski7mt: there are definitely multiple on there22:57
efiBSDoverMo: i think my bios is set up to boot in uefi what it can boot22:57
Zelbiniandaftykins: My bad, will do22:57
dw1ok that didnt work... damn it22:58
ki7mtZelbinian, The odd thing is, if you didn't create a /boot partition, that's all under the /root partition and should not be causing issues though.22:58
Jordan_UZelbinian: Why do you have a separate /boot/ partition?22:58
efiBSAlso i'm a 25 hot blonde female.22:58
dw1how can i get ia32-libs for google earth on 14.04?22:58
DoverMoefiBS, make sure you only have 1 usb plugged in22:58
daftykinsZelbinian: ok run "sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.11.0-14-generic linux-image-3.11.0-15-generic linux-image-3.11.0-17-generic linux-image-3.11.0-18-generic linux-image-3.8.0-34-generic"22:59
cynicallemonefiBS, sorry, prefer brunettes :)22:59
Jordan_UefiBS: Please avoid such comments, they are unhelproductive and offensive.22:59
Zelbiniandaftykins: Yessir22:59
Jordan_UefiBS: s/unhelp/un/22:59
efiBSDoverMo: i appreciate your perseverance. However, i can assure you that there is only one usb plugged23:00
daftykinsZelbinian: oh it might be worth confirming you're currently booted into 3.11.0-19 by running "uname -r"23:00
cynicallemondw1, oh well more google spyware...23:01
Jordan_UefiBS: So disable legacy usb boot and boot an Ubuntu LiveUSB prepared for UEFI.23:01
Zelbiniandaftykins: I am, and I did.23:01
ZelbinianK, 183M available. That ought to satisfy the Ubuntu monster23:01
daftykinsZelbinian: :)23:01
dw1cynicallemon: they can already see in your house with infrared satellites - get over it :p23:01
ZelbinianNow, to my earlier question: how do I restart the process of upgrading?23:02
cynicallemondw1, but can they see me in my undies?23:02
daftykinsZelbinian: "sudo do-release-upgrade" should do it23:02
daftykinsor... might23:02
Jordan_U!ot | cynicallemon dw123:03
ubottucynicallemon dw1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:03
ZelbinianTo answer earlier questions I didn't see, Jordan_U no idea why I have a separate /boot partition. It doesn't SEEM separate... but I guess it is.23:04
ZelbinianNo memory of doing that. But I guess I did.23:04
efiBSJordan_U: if the media is recognized by the BIOS, and if the BIOS ask me if i want to launch it threw the UEFI mode, i guess whats inside is recognized as UEFI friendly. when legacy usb boot is disabled, it does exactly the same thing that when i try to lauch it threw the "esc" method. I can see UEFI:liveUSB and select this choice. BUT it just wont load and skip to the next boot order option. That's the main problem :-/23:04
Zelbiniandaftykins: Thanks, seems to be working smoothly now23:05
ki7mtZelbinian, if you wnet through using the LiveCD install, without custom, should create 2 partitions, /root and swap if I recall.23:05
ki7mtthen /boot and /home are dirs under /root23:06
daftykinsZelbinian: np :)23:06
ecod3any intrusion detection software for ubuntu 14.04?23:07
=== veebull_away is now known as veebull
Zelbinianki7mt: It's a mystery to me. Boot sure looks like it's a folder underneath the root directory and not a separate partition in Nautilus, but it might be misrepresenting the file structure for simplicity23:07
veebullanyone here familiar with virtualbox host-only networking?23:07
cynicallemonecod3, snort comes to mind23:08
efiBSdo i need to start thinking about leaving ubuntu and stick with (sigh) windows ?23:08
ki7mtZelbinian, Just run gparted when your back up and running, select the HD and it will tell you for sure.23:08
ecod3cynicallemon, something more graphical23:09
holsteinefiBS: or, purchase hardware with specific ubuntu/linux support..23:09
ZelbinianOH yeah, I always forget about gparted because it's not in the system settings panel for some reason23:09
ki7mtveebull, host-only? not sure what you mean there.23:09
Zelbinian(Or, I should say, I can never find it in there.)23:09
veebullki7mt: specific networking mode in VBox23:09
cynicallemonecod3, if its basic firewall intrusion detection then possibly gufw23:09
Jordan_UefiBS: That's up to you. Please stick to productive support discussion only though. (If you were hoping that the idea of someone switching back to Ubuntu would get people to flock to support you, you were mistaken).23:10
Jordan_UefiBS: s/back to Ubuntu/back to Windows/23:10
ecod3cynicallemon, what about security onion... it's running on ubuntu 14.04?23:10
efiBSholstein: i have a regular asus n76vz, i know some peoples are running it with linux properly. If i can't even install it, even if i have some light background on linux, im not sure this fits very well. I might be too dumb after all.23:11
ki7mtveebull, no, I guess Im not, Im sure somebody knows though. Lots of hits from googling though.23:11
efiBSJordan_U: Despite what u think, holstein bring a solution.23:12
veebullki7mt: yep... almost all of them going the other way - getting a guest VM on a host-only network on the Internet, or connecting from a windows host to a linux guest.23:12
veebullBeen googling this one for a while before I asked here ;)23:12
holsteinefiBS: i dont think youare dumb in any way.. support is challenging.. a team of proffessionals were paid by asus to do what you are trying to do.. they just did it with windows support in mind23:12
daftykinsefiBS: sorry i wasn't following the convo so far, you said it doesn't boot when legacyis enabled, what does your ubuntu flash drive do when legacy is off and EFI only is on?23:15
ki7mtveebull, What's the actual problem, maybe others will know it that way?23:16
daftykinsveebull: you're not supposed to use host-only if you want the VM online...23:17
veebulldaftykins: I don't want it online; I want to be able to connect to the guest VM (server) directly from my desktop host23:17
daftykinsand what's stopping you?23:18
daftykinsyou just need to know its' IP and then... go!23:18
veebulldaftykins: great in theory, not so much in practice  - or I wouldn't be askin ;)23:19
veebullrunning a django devel server on on the guest VM23:20
veebullcan't connect to it from the host using the appropriate ip of
mikeg3Hi I have a Windows Vista system with a manufacturer's recovery partition. I wanted to install Ubuntu alongside my Windows partition, but at the last minute the GRUB install didn't go right.  I had an errror message asking where I wanted to install GRUB; I chose /dev/sda.  I can still boot Vista, but not Ubuntu.  What do I need to do to fix this?23:21
daftykinsveebull: "netstat -tuln" on the guest confirm it's listening as 'tcp' and not 'tcp6' ?23:21
veebulldaftykins: everything looks good for tcp23:22
HelpSeekerHello, i need some help with the gnome-terminal; Description of problem:23:22
HelpSeekerWhen trying to create new profile, gnome-terminal crashes (probably due to segfault in libgio-2.0.so.0.3600.0 (error 4), but new profile 'Unnamed' is created). Editing profiles also results in terminal crash. Hpe you can help me :/23:22
rswI use dwm and don't want nautilus drawing its fullscreen desktop background.  ive set org>gnome>desktop>draw_background to false and it still insists on painting the wallpaper23:23
veebulldaftykins: I can connect to the server process from the guest VM itself @ and view the pages, just not from the host23:24
HelpSeeker* I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS23:24
daftykinsveebull: perhaps it's down to web server listening interfaces?23:25
Jordan_Umikeg3: Do you have more than one hard drive?23:26
daftykinsveebull: is django its' own thing or does it run via apache?23:27
ki7mtveebull, are you able to ssh into the box?23:27
veebulldaftykins: before I was just running the devel server via 'python manage.py runserver', but am trying 'python manage.py runserver' pretty much straight out of the django tutorial23:27
cynicallemonveebull, are both machines actually on the same network segment?23:27
daftykinsveebull: does said tutorial claim it's totally open to the network on all interfaces?23:27
veebullki7mt: yes, I can ssh from host to server23:28
mikeg3Hi I have a Windows Vista system with a manufacturer's recovery partition. I wanted to install Ubuntu alongside my Windows partition, but at the last minute the GRUB install didn't go right.  I had an errror message asking where I wanted to install GRUB; I chose /dev/sda.  I can still boot Vista, but not Ubuntu.  What do I need to do to fix this?23:28
ki7mtveebull, that custs the problem in half then, probably not a network issue.,23:28
Jordan_Umikeg3: Did you see my question?23:28
veebulldaftykins: yes, that was the point of the '' to make it available on all public interfaces on port 800023:29
holsteinmikeg3: you can try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair unless something about your hardware is specifically preventing you from changing your boot loader23:29
daftykinsveebull: i appreciate running commands and *expecting* them to mean something :D but of course the reality differs.23:29
daftykinsveebull: what was your host OS again?23:29
ki7mtmikeg3, Jordan_U Just a data point,m I had to use EasyBCD to get the one Vista box I had to dual boot, could nto get grub to work no-way-no how with Vista.23:30
veebulldaftykins: I haven't  tried using the runserver command with the *actual* ip of the guest... the docs for runserver shows that as an option23:30
ajfUsing Ubuntu 14.04. Installed libgmp-dev. Where are my headers?23:30
HelpSeekerHello, i need some help with the gnome-terminal; Description of problem:23:30
HelpSeekerWhen trying to create new profile, gnome-terminal crashes (probably due to segfault in libgio-2.0.so.0.3600.0 (error 4), but new profile 'Unnamed' is created). Editing profiles also results in terminal crash. Hpe you can help me :/ using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS23:30
cynicallemonajf, you referring to kernel-headers?23:31
ajfNo, GMP’s headers.23:31
ajfgmp.h specifically23:31
dw1ajf: updatedb; locate gmp.h23:31
daftykinsajf: sudo updatedb && locate gmp.h23:31
ki7mtveebull, unless your running dns somhow, you have to use IP addy's from other box on the intranet (local lan)23:32
Jordan_Umikeg3: Try changing the boot order in your BIOS, it's proabably just not booting from the drive that grub is installed to.23:32
daftykinski7mt: IPs are being used as it's host-only23:32
trismajf: dpkg -L libgmp-dev; they are in the multiarch dirs23:32
ki7mtdaftykins, ah ok, I must have missed that somewhere.23:33
ajfIs that why #include “gmp.h” won’t find it in C?23:33
mikeg3yes jordan have more than one hard drive but it gets tricky…the ubuntu installer disk never saw the second drive during the install23:33
veebullki7mt: the whole virtualbox host-only thing puts the two machines on a 'virtual' switch with its own dhcp server - completely separate from the physical LAN that the host is attached to.23:33
holsteinmikeg3: use the boot repair to put grub where you like23:34
daftykinsveebull: i'd be port scanning it from the host OS, i'd also flush iptables just to be sure.23:34
trismajf: actually in that case it would be because you are using curly quotes, not ""23:34
ki7mtveebull, then how is it getting the 192.168.x.x.. IP's .. those seem like Local Lan IP's23:34
ajftrism: I’m using OS X and typing this in IRC23:35
Jordan_Umikeg3: Still, try changing the boot order in your BIOS. It will probably allow you to boot Ubuntu, and is generally easy to do.23:35
ajfOS X has a habit of curly quoting, but it doesn’t affect the terminal23:35
ToAruShiroiNekocan someone explain me why the default file is missing?23:35
holsteinyeah, i agree with Jordan_U ^ boot order ^ , mikeg323:35
ToAruShiroiNekoI am following the instructions on http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/ce18-and-ee113-installing#install-prereq-software-ub23:35
cynicallemonveebull, whats the ip address of server and client machine?23:35
holsteinToAruShiroiNeko: not without more information23:35
trismajf: although actually it should be <> not quotes anyway23:35
veebullki7mt: they are... class c non-routable ips.  The 'network is strictly virtual, between host os and guest VM23:35
ajfEr, right23:35
ToAruShiroiNekothe /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file isnt there even though I used apt-get install apache223:36
ajfThough they’re the same except for a different set of include paths?23:36
veebullcynicallemon: (host) (guest)23:36
ToAruShiroiNekoholstein naturally :)23:36
ToAruShiroiNekoI am running ubuntu server23:36
daftykinsToAruShiroiNeko: it's probably 000-default or some similar name23:36
ToAruShiroiNekosuch a file indeed exists23:37
ki7mtveebull, ok, I guess that's magic from the host-only mode stuff,23:37
ToAruShiroiNekobut it is mostly empty23:37
ToAruShiroiNekois that to be expected23:37
cynicallemonveebull, both of them on a /24 subnet mask?23:37
ToAruShiroiNekoI cant locate the mentioned content23:37
daftykinsToAruShiroiNeko: can you use paste.ubuntu.com to share the terminal output of "ls" within /etc/apache2/sites-available/ ?23:37
ToAruShiroiNeko000-default.conf  default-ssl.conf23:37
ToAruShiroiNekojust those two23:38
veebullcynicallemon: yes ssh & ping work from host to guest, but can't access web page on guest23:38
ToAruShiroiNekocontent is entirely comments within <VirtualHost *:80>23:38
cynicallemonhave u tried setting that listening address to your server ip rather than
daftykinsToAruShiroiNeko: is this 14.04 64-bit server?23:39
veebullcynicallemon: yes23:39
trismajf: finds it here either way without any extra paths23:39
ToAruShiroiNekoit should be the latest since I recently downloaded and updated it23:39
daftykinsToAruShiroiNeko: "cat /etc/issue" would confirm23:40
cynicallemonveebull, so no firewall stopping port 8000?23:40
daftykinscynicallemon + veebull - i did mention flushing iptables to confirm23:40
veebullcynicallemon: wasn't when I was just running on
veebulldaftykins: if I had the first clue how to, I'd give it a try ;)23:40
daftykinsveebull: you could've asked! :) re-run your prog as all IPs again, then "sudo iptables -F" and "sudo iptables -X"23:41
daftykinsveebull: also what's your host OS again? not sure if you replied23:41
ToAruShiroiNekoUbuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l23:41
cynicallemonveebull have you tried to telnet to that server on port 8000?23:41
veebulldaftykins: Mint1723:42
daftykinsToAruShiroiNeko: just to confirm, can you run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "pastebinit /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default" ?23:42
veebullcynicallemon: huh... thats odd.23:43
daftykinsdid it banner grab ok?23:43
veebullI can ssh from to, but I can't telnet to
veebulltelnet: could not resolve Name or service not known23:45
cynicallemonveebull, if port 8000 responded then telnet should have given some sort of acknowledgment in a positive way23:45
daftykinsi don't think you can specify a socket in that form with telnet?23:46
daftykinsveebull: can you install nmap on the host please23:47
cynicallemondaftykins, you mean you cant do a telnet <ip> 8000?23:47
veebulldaftykins: downloading...23:47
daftykinscynicallemon: veebull mentioned doing host:port , not space separating them23:47
daftykinsveebull: is that accurate? ^23:48
ToAruShiroiNekodaftykins it cant read 000-default23:48
ToAruShiroiNekosince it is 000-default.conf23:48
veebulldaftykins: yes23:48
ToAruShiroiNekoI imagine you want that23:48
veebullmonte@machin-shin:~$ telnet 800023:48
veebulltelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host23:48
cynicallemontry telnet <ip> 800023:48
daftykinsToAruShiroiNeko: oh sorry, just my late night slightly drunk brain23:48
veebullmonte@machin-shin:~$ ssh
veebullmonte@'s password:23:49
veebullLast login: Tue Jun 24 16:43:16 2014 from
veebull[monte@ishamael ~]$23:49
daftykinsveebull: what's the guest OS again? :)23:49
veebullTold ya once... ;023:50
daftykinsnah that was the host i asked for last23:50
veebullah.  CentOS 6.523:50
ki7mtHas enabled any sites yet? : sudo a2ensite <some-site-name> ??23:50
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:50
ki7mtSo we're talking about a Mint-17 Host a Centos Guest here?23:51
veebullki7mt: yup.  looking for help where I can find it.  #centos won't touch anything in a VM, and #linuxmint-help... doesn't have the depth this place does.23:52
tonesfrommarsGreetings all, having boot issues in 14.04. Install has been working fine for months, I chose to use encryption on main drive, I suspect that is the issue now. Here is my output after running boot-repair from a thumb drive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7697692/23:52
veebullWould it make you happier if I re-install my python virtualenv and django on an Ubuntu 14.04 server? ;)23:52
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, just for reference, setting up sites: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/httpd.html23:52
OerHeksgood point to switch to ubuntu23:53
holsteinveebull: you can tru using ubuntu.. its not an issue of being "happier", its just not supported here..23:53
cynicallemonveebull, so we have the real host and a guest vm correct23:53
OerHeks* and drop the mint install23:53
veebullOerHeks: ran it for years... got tired of certain things, so I took a hiatus.23:53
ki7mtveebull, doesn't matter either way to me :-) I run both, but to the channel it matters.23:53
veebullki7mt: fine.  Time for me to head into work anyways, so I gotta jet.23:54
eurythmiahey folks ... I want to reverse the button mapping on my trackpad. The setting to switch buttons through the UI has no effect. "xinput --get-button-map <device>" lists 12 buttons, but there are no descriptions, so I'm not sure which ones to switch using "--set-button-map". Google only seems to show results for reversing scrolling directions. Does anyone have23:54
eurythmiaany ideas?23:54
daftykinsveebull: still pretty sure the port isn't listening on the interface23:54
daftykinseurythmia: 1 and 2? :)23:55
ki7mtthat's my guess too or somthing close to it, as he can ssh to the box.23:55
veebulldaftykins: looks that way from here.  May be a django problem after all23:55
daftykinsveebull: i'd be happy to assist with nmap port scan syntax briefly, but if you have to go...23:55
cynicallemonveebull, if both the real host and guest vm is on the same (real) network segment then your vm's network card in best in bridged mode23:55
ToAruShiroiNekowhat exactly shgould I do?23:55
daftykinsToAruShiroiNeko: oh sorry, i went off on a personal errand... let's see...23:56
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, follow the server-guide for setting up sties.23:56
veebullcynicallemon: I could probably try that just to rule out the django angle, but this has got me seriously curious as to why it won't work... supposed to be clickety-clickety-easy-peasy.23:57
ki7mtSetup a site, then ln -s whatever-whatever to ../www/site-folder23:57
daftykinsi'm sure the file doesn't look like that as standard, let's see23:57
ki7mtlol .. veebull I wish VM networking was easy-peasy :-)23:58
cynicallemonveebull, i have lots of vm's connecting to my home network and their all bridged23:58
eurythmiadaftykins: nice try, but 2 appears to be "middle click" and 2 is "right click" ... so it may be 2 and 3. I'll let you know after I try it :-)23:58
ToAruShiroiNekosure :) daftykins: http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/ce18-and-ee113-installing#install-prereq-software-ub23:58
ToAruShiroiNekoConfiguring Apache for Server Rewrites23:58
ToAruShiroiNekothats the part I am at23:58
daftykinseurythmia: hehe, gl23:58
ToAruShiroiNekoI can simply add those lines but I am unsure such a default file is a good idea :/23:59
FlorianHi everybody !23:59
daftykinsToAruShiroiNeko: ok so what i would suggest you do, is first copy 000-default.conf to your /home/username as a backup... then add what the guide says *after*, but put /var/www/html/ instead, as that is the real path for the document root for apache2 in server 14.0423:59
ki7mtToAruShiroiNeko, again, this is the Ubuntu 14.04 official server guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/httpd.html23:59

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