
Unit193bluesabre: Speaking of which, how much, or what info do you want me to pass along when I get it?00:51
bluesabresuppose I'll take any info available00:55
Unit193knome: So when should we finish those translation things?05:12
Unit193How do you tell who has commit access to an Xfce repo?06:15
cubmorning knome, are you around?07:00
ali1234Unit193: check the commit log basically. and filter out any commits containing the word "translation" - which is about 97% of them07:15
knomeUnit193, "some day"07:42
knomeUnit193, i'll have suitable computer time probably next week07:42
knomecub, what's up?07:42
cubHi knome, I was updating a test installation of the Ubuntu Studio site and have some weird caching issues when doing changes in the theme. Thought you might now something about that?07:53
cubfor instance when I change a colour in reset.css it doesn't apply until later, randomly07:53
knomecub, there's no caching in the theme so it must come from (a) wordpress (plugin)  or the server08:00
knomewordpress itself does not cache08:00
cubthat's what I thought, but I only get this behaviour on the ubuntu studio theme.08:01
cubthanks knome 08:02
knomethat's weird08:02
knomewhat you can do is access the reset.css directly in your browser and hard refresh08:03
cubyup did that. It has the new settings but still the browser show the old colour. Cleared all my caches and even tried another browser08:04
cubthen after I got coffee it changed.08:04
cubSo I did another change...and is still waiting for it to show. :P strange.08:04
cubanyway, then I know there's no secret stuff hidden somewhere08:05
elfyochosi: I did actually see that mail - but didn't say anything :)08:50
ochosielfy: what mail?08:56
bluesabreochosi, knome, any feedback? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeanDavis/DeveloperApplication10:34
elfyochosi: the alpha participation one10:57
elfyjust so you know I'm at that list and watch for those things 11:04
ochosiah good, thanks elfy 11:10
bluesabreochosi, knome, feel free to add support in the Comments section there too ;)11:10
ochosiwill do!11:10
ochosibluesabre: is it on purpose that you don't list mugshot and menulibre in areas of involvement?11:18
ochosierr, areas of work11:18
ochosii mean you do mention them, but a lot more briefly11:18
bluesabrethat section indicated that it was work done with other devs, suppose I should add them anyway11:18
ochosiand after all, two of them you've written from scratch and one of them you've practically re-done11:18
ochosiah right11:19
ochosii guess i should take a look at the template...11:19
ochosibtw, light-locker-settings is missing11:19
ochosiif you wanna mention that11:19
bluesabreoh yeah11:19
ochosiwe can drop the screensaver part of lls in 14.10 hopefully btw11:19
ochosiall hail xfpm :)11:20
ochosithat is also quite good because it means users have more finegrain control over blanking/dpms again11:20
ochosiwith on-ac and on-battery settings11:20
ochosiso yeah, the lls dialog will shrink11:21
ochosiideally the lock on suspend button will also go away in some way11:21
ochosithen there'll only be two more settings left in lls...11:22
ochosielfy: ever heard of slack?13:22
ochosii figured i'd point you to it (since you're the "new team tools" guy). i just started trying it a bit as the elementary folks are using it and invited me to join13:23
knomebluesabre, got to get to that later14:05
elfyochosi: no not seen that - and I was then "new team tools" guy once14:11
ochosielfy: once "new team tools"-guy, always "new team tools"-guy ;D14:19
elfyno thanks ;)14:22
ali1234wheeeeee a bug17:30
ali1234apparently my transer will be complete in ~11 million years17:31
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9743 in core "Thunar incorrectly calc time and file size when copying files" [Normal,New]17:56
ochosiali1234: heh, those dialogs have never spoken "the truth" though20:56
ali1234yeah but this is a straight up bug20:59
ali1234also network copy is broken20:59
ochosii was thinking of this though: http://xkcd.com/612/20:59
ali1234when it fails to copy a file, it delete the failed copy, then uploads it again under a temporary name, then copies it to the correct name. the copy downloads and uploads the file again.20:59
ali1234that is probably a gvfs bug though21:00
ali123411 million years is blatantly an integer overflow...21:00
ali1234the estimate can be innaccurate but not *that* innacurate21:01
ali1234this happens because it thinks the download is more than 100% complete21:02
ochosielfy: thanks for adding the links to the agenda, i guess i was too lazy for that... (as was Unit193)21:03
ali1234which is a bug in itself not related to the time calculation21:03
ochosiso it's a combination of a thunar bug and a gvfs bug21:03
ali1234nah, they are two different bugs21:03
ali1234when thunar retries a download, it doesn't subtract the failed bytes from the total transfered amount21:04
ali1234and when you move/rename a file on a gvfs samba share, it downloads the file and uploads it again under the new name, which is incredibly innefficient21:04
ochosiyeah, that would explain why i've always used scp or rsync for remote transfers in lieu of thunar21:06
ali1234either one can be reproduced separately21:06
ali1234i just happened to hit them both at the same time21:06
Unit193ochosi: Hmm?21:07
ochosiUnit193: the meeting page, nvm21:12
Unit193I won't be there.21:12
elfyit'll go on the m/l 21:12
Unit193Just informin'21:15
elfyI doubt very much if you'll be the only one21:16
* ochosi will try21:16
elfyochosi: you expecting a vote for inxi and hexcaht?21:16
ochosiwell, let's say i hope there won't be votes, both seem straightforward changes21:17
Unit193Should I say I'm +1 both?21:17
elfyochosi: really?21:17
ochosiyeah, not bad21:17
elfyhexchat won't get a +1 from me atm - even if it is active21:18
ochosielfy: well i presume you'll raise concerns about hexchat, but inxi seems straight forward21:18
ochosithing is, i don't use xchat or hexchat and haven't used graphical irc apps for a loooong time21:18
ochosii'm even wondering whether we should ship one at all, because we have pidgin and all21:19
elfyone of those things I guess21:20
elfyI wonder why we ship gimp - never use that :)21:20
Unit193Hey andrzejr: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10509 and https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10627 have patches in them that are fairly well tested (they're in Xubuntu), would you consider pushing?21:20
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10509 in General "Set as wallpaper doesnt work (xfdesktop-4.11)" [Normal,Reopened]21:21
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10627 in general "Use the new Gtk3 bookmarks location" [Normal,New]21:21
Unit193ochosi: Pidgin isn't IRC.21:21
elfybut it *works* for it 21:21
ochosiUnit193: pidgin might not *be* irc, but it does it21:22
ochosithing is, we want a lean package-set still21:23
ochosiirc is mostly there for support, it's not "productivity"21:23
ochosiso as long as it works...21:23
* ochosi quietly apologizes for the implicit flip-flop on his earlier "both seem straightforward" position21:24
Unit193I'm still +1 to both, but dropping one doesn't sound too bad.21:38
ochosii guess we could try to figure out whether we can set up pidgin easily so that it does what we want21:40
ochosi(connect to freenode and open #xubuntu, e.g. when clicked from the slideshow or whatever other place)21:40
ochosiUnit193: care to take a look at that ^`?21:41
ali1234pidgin is best irc21:41
ochosiali1234: can we set up the config for it to do that by default though?21:43
ochosiseems with xchat it wasn't possible and it isn't with hexchat either21:43
Unit193Because of a shared repo with Ubuntu.21:44
ali1234probably not21:45
ali1234i think we should ship seamonkey instead of firefox :)21:45
elfyI vote for IE621:45
ali1234it's faster, smaller, uses gtk2... unfortunately it's not in the repos :)21:46
Unit193I rather like Xombrero, personally.21:46
ochosioh lord, what have i done...21:47
Unit193ochosi: Started browser wars.21:47
elfyochosi: you said it was straightforward - remember not to do that again :p21:48
Unit193So much worse than libreoffice vs gnome office.  Next up, text editor wars.21:48
elfyanyway - I'm done for today - cya tomorrow21:49
ochosiUnit193: well for text editors we at least have a xfce app21:52
Unit193ochosi: Midori.21:52
ali1234what is the mate gedit fork called? we should ship that21:53
ochosiUnit193: midori isn't xfce anymore21:54
ali1234no, pluma21:55
Unit193ochosi: Still developed by the same people, IIRC.21:55
Unit193But anywho.21:55
ali1234i drank some mate the other day. it is weird21:55
ochosiUnit193: yeah, well, pretty much. i wouldn't mind that, but we'd also have to switch to a different email app21:55
ali1234when you brew it, it's bright yellow21:55
ali1234but if you leave it for like half an hour it turns bright green21:55
Unit193...That's worrying.21:56
ochosiyeah, mate tea is great21:56
ochosihas lotsa caffeine21:56
Unit193ochosi: I was kidding, midori isn't so great and is outdated in Debian.21:56
ali1234tastes exactly like green tea21:56
ali1234probably similar caffeine content21:56
Unit193Has anyone helped review the Suite C testcases?21:58
ochosiUnit193: humm, the ones in the staging ppa all failed to build22:46
Unit193ochosi: Talked to blues last night about that, xfpm is a weird failure that I should fix, parole was a stupid mistake on my part that's been fixed.22:48
ochosiah cool22:50
bluesabrehey guys23:00
ochosirighty, so i've tested slack for a day, not too bad, i have to say23:00
ochosiintuitive ui and good overview, history search etc23:00
bluesabrecool, does it do much more than irc + google drive?23:00
ochosithe history-search is quite useful23:01
ochosiand the backlog is endless23:01
ochosiso ppl don't need a remote login in order not to miss anything23:01
ochosii think you can also somehow group conversations with a topic or something23:01
ochosihaven't looked into that very much though23:02
Unit193You said slack, I'm thinking OS.23:03
ochosiright yeah, not that23:03
Unit193ochosi, bluesabre: You haz mail.23:05
knomepleia2, marketing lead: https://twitter.com/Avanninen/status/47771405552086220823:12
Unit193bluesabre: Danke.23:19
bluesabreUnit193: sure thing23:28

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