
=== victor_ is now known as Foxito
The0x539I appear to have two Firefox entries in my start menu01:50
The0x539how do I get rid of one01:53
valorieThe0x539: usually right-click gives you options03:21
The0x539valorie: no 'remove' or 'delete'03:22
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safridzalis there a way to change the default apps on firefox? mine keep changing... on FF 29, downloaded pdf opened by mendeley, after i remove mendeley, it get opened by gimp (?) never okular. Now, after upgrade to FF 30, "open folder" triggered audacious to open, not dolphin..07:46
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whiteant83i switched to kde a few weeks ago after not using it for years and don't wanna go back to gnome09:20
whiteant83so good09:20
fayazhi, my BasKet Note Pads seems to be stuck trying to read a very large note (with pictures and stuff). Restarting it after killing it doesn't help. Any ideas?09:32
whiteant83anyone there?09:49
whiteant83got a really simple question09:50
nandhu@whiteant83 post your question09:53
whiteant83i'm trying to set hotkeys for actions09:55
whiteant83but they don't seem to be working09:55
whiteant83set hotkey Meta + B and Meta + V09:55
whiteant83in g lobal shortcuts09:55
whiteant83is there a standard hotkey for this?09:55
whiteant83i haven't been able to find09:56
hateballwhiteant83: What do you mean for "actions" ?09:56
whiteant83ah, in KDE you know how you can use the Action Manager to create 'workspaces'09:57
whiteant83hateball:in KDE you know how you can use the Action Manager to create 'workspaces'10:02
hateballwhiteant83: Afraid I don't use english locale, krunner gives no suggestions for "action manager"10:03
hateballanyhow, using meta for hotkeys should work, does it work for other things?10:03
whiteant83yeah works fine for other things10:08
whiteant83just action manager screwed10:08
whiteant83if you are running KDE4 it's a widget next to menu button10:08
whiteant83three coloured dots10:08
whiteant83awell guess i will just have to use mouse. I try to do everything with a keyboard :P too lazy to use mouse10:11
shadeslayerhateball: I think he means activities10:25
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BluesKaj'Morning folks12:37
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Kartuganyone know if/how i can change which buttons kubuntu will use on my mouse (i have a 7 button mouse, but kubuntu seems to only see 5)14:43
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ShalokShalomcan anyone see the sense in packaging a mpd (music player daemon) GUI like cantata without mpd as dependency ?16:51
tsimpsonwhat package?16:52
ShalokShalomtsimpson: cantata16:58
ShalokShalomdont work without mpd16:58
BluesKajcantata is meant to be used with mpd afaik16:59
tsimpsonseems like a bug17:00
ShalokShalomand mpd isnt a dependency from cantata in 14.0417:00
BluesKaji tried it a while back ..interesting concept17:00
tsimpsonI guess you should report a bug then17:00
tsimpson'ubuntu-bug cantata' should generate the bug report for you17:01
tsimpson(the command)17:01
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ShalokShalomBluesKaj: since only Qt and KDE Players are in my interest, is cantana currently the best choice for me.17:09
ShalokShalomtsimpson: thanks, this is really a nice way to create a bug report :)17:09
BluesKajShalokShalom, that's your decision I don't know what kind of music player you want , but if you haven't looked at this yet it may help your decision http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Cantata?content=14773317:16
BluesKajI'm surprised it's not in the repos for 14.1017:17
ShalokShalommy english is buggy17:17
ShalokShalomi love cantata, its the best player (currently) for me17:17
BluesKajok then enjoy ShalokShalom :)17:18
ShalokShalomtsimpson: your command wont let me put a specific message, just a automatic bug report17:18
tsimpsonShalokShalom: it should let you write a description17:20
ShalokShalomno :/17:20
ShalokShalompackage maintainer: KDE Developers17:21
tsimpsonShalokShalom: well you can always use launchpad (if you have an account) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cantata/+filebug17:21
ShalokShalom*Kubuntu Developers17:21
ShalokShalomno account17:21
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ShalokShalomi am only a user :P17:21
tsimpsonyou can sign up with launchpad17:23
tsimpsonyou'll only get mail about the bug(s) you file17:23
tsimpsonand you can disable it, so it's not going to spam you17:23
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davehi  all18:35
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Guest57457is there anybody to help me in  ubuntu  14.04  LTS version  installing in my labtop18:36
ewlI'm not an expert, but I might be able to help. Have you run into a problem?18:37
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Unit193!it  | tore__19:03
ubottutore__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:03
bpromptbuonasera don tore__  corleone =P19:03
tore__è la prima volta che entro in chat che argomenti si trattano?19:07
BluesKajtore__, leggi sopra19:10
bprompttore__:    /join #ubuntu-it19:11
tore__ok ,ciao19:14
beav_anybody know how to upload GTK app tar ball onto ubuntu? it's for gnome or kde.19:16
beav_It's graphical interface not shell, thanks in advance.19:17
bpromptupload? onto ubuntu?19:17
bpromptwhat do you mean by that?19:18
beav_I want to distribute the application and make it accessable for ubuntu users to download19:18
beav_open source19:18
beav_gnu type I guess19:18
beav_I just don't know how as a developer19:19
BluesKajbeav_, ask in #kubuntu-devel or  #ubuntu-devel , you'll need to have it checked and tested etc etc19:20
beav_Okay thanks19:20
AleksejsHomeHi, I'm trying to install wine on kubuntu, but it offers to remove kde, plasma, touchpad and a lot of other stuff. How do I install it safely?19:26
mcstrdo you install it via muon package manager?19:29
mcstrbest to install wine via muon package manager or synaptic package manager... there it automatically checks all dependencies and you should be fine19:29
AleksejsHomei tried it via ubuntu software manager19:31
mcstrsorry?  you say you run kubuntu.... so thats either muon or synaptic afaik19:31
AleksejsHomeyou can install ubuntu software center on kubuntu19:32
mcstrwhy would anyone wanna do that?19:32
AleksejsHomeI did it to install steam19:32
mcstrokay, but for other installations better take synaptic or muon19:32
mcstrthey are safer19:32
mcstror even safer is start the konsole then enter: sudo apt-get install synaptic19:33
AleksejsHomeit shows that wine depends on wine1.4 but it's not installable19:34
mcstrsynaptic installs everything including dependencies19:34
mcstrid really install wine via synaptic19:34
mcstrthat should make no problems at least it worked on mine19:35
AleksejsHomeI tried to install wine1.4 via apt-get, and it offered me to remove a lot of packages, including kubuntu-desktop, plasma, touchpad etc19:35
mcstrno no no sorry... via apt-get you install synaptic19:35
mcstrthen you run synaptic via your homerun menu19:35
mcstrand on synaptic you look for wine19:36
mcstrmark it for installation19:36
mcstrapply it19:36
mcstrif there are any dependencies they will be included/resolved19:36
AleksejsHomethe same19:37
AleksejsHomea bunch of packages to remove19:37
mcstrhow many/mb?19:38
AleksejsHome64 packages19:39
AleksejsHometo remove19:39
mcstrand you run original kubuntu 14.04 ?19:39
AleksejsHomeno, 12.1019:39
mcstrthats old19:39
mcstryou ran sudo-apt get update and apt-get upgrade ?19:39
AleksejsHomethat's the only one version that works on my laptop without problems19:40
mcstrrun sudo apt-get update and  then sudo apt-get upgrade19:40
mcstrif all is installed and up2date i would just risk it19:40
AleksejsHomethanks, no, thanks :)19:40
mcstrif thats not working you might find an older version of wine somewhere but honestly i dont know19:41
lordievaderAleksejsHome: 12.10 might explain things, that is EOL. So it probably can't get the package.19:41
AleksejsHomeI did upgrade last weekend, after that I spent 1.5 days to reinstall 12.10 from scratch19:41
mcstri also cant believe why 14.04 is not working but 12.10 is....19:41
lordievaderAleksejsHome: 12.10 is EOL since May 16, 2014.19:42
mcstrfor me its quite different... i had problems with kubuntu/mint kde and other distros for quite a while but now everything is fine19:42
lordievaderAleksejsHome: What problems did you face with Trusty?19:42
mcstrthe newer are really a step forward also considering if you using a amd-radeon graphics card which i  am19:42
AleksejsHomeI have asus x550c with Atheros AR9485 wifi adapter, it's rekognizable on 13.04+ but doesn't work19:43
AleksejsHomeit shows hardware block or something19:43
AleksejsHomeon 12.10 it works just fine19:44
AleksejsHomealso I had problems with touchpad etc19:44
lordievaderDoes it work on a live-cd/usb of 14.04?19:44
AleksejsHomewith 12.10 it is visible and works even on installation time19:45
mcstryeh wlan should be expected to work by installation already19:46
mcstrdid you try any other kde latest distros?19:46
AleksejsHomeit does with 12.1019:46
mcstrmint for example or netrunner?19:46
lordievaderAleksejsHome: Here is someone who got your wifi chip working under Trusty: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222129419:46
lordievaderAleksejsHome: 12.10 is no longer supported though. In other words, you won't recieve any updates. And the repo's will probably dissapear soon too.19:47
AleksejsHomelordievader: thanks for link, bookmarked. I'll try it when I have time for experiments19:48
AleksejsHomemcstr: I tried xubuntu, mint and some others19:49
mcstrimho this is not rly acceptable..... i would file it as a bug on launchpad19:50
mcstror kde19:50
AleksejsHomethe same, works with 12.10, doesn't work with 13.04+19:50
mcstror both19:50
mcstrwlan has to be recognized by default19:50
AleksejsHomeit is recognized, but doesn't work19:50
AleksejsHomeon install I see adapter, but no AP's19:51
mcstr???? so you see your wlan and enter the pw and its not recognized or how shouuld i understand?19:51
PhoenixzEver since the last update on 14.04, I have the process "mediascanner-se" hanging utilizing 99% of my CPU.. The tasks PID changes every few seconds, so it seems to be a process that is restarting all the time, and its parent PID is init-user, and if I kill that, well.. then bye bye kubuntu..19:52
PhoenixzIs this a known bug?19:52
AleksejsHomeno, when you install, it shows adapter and networks under it. That's how 12.10 does. 13.04+ shows only adapter19:52
AleksejsHomePhoenixz: try to disable desktop indexing, I've seen that bug once19:52
mcstr@aleks but if you click on adapter/right mouse button can you chose anything?19:52
AleksejsHomeno, nothing19:53
mcstrfile it as a bug19:53
lordievaderAleksejsHome: Do you happen to know what rfkill had to say?19:53
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: Ahaarrrhh, is desktop scanning on again? Seriously, kill that with fire, tar and feathers..19:53
AleksejsHomeand if I just launch 13.04 live, it shows that adapter is disabled19:53
mcstralso killing a basic service like desktop indexing is no solution... file it as abug too19:53
PhoenixzI thought I had disabled that19:53
Phoenixzmcstr: will do.. 14.04 is VERY buggy though19:54
PhoenixzI'm seriously considering returning to 13.10 and just not upgrading again19:54
Phoenixz13.10 never network problems, 14.04 network driver is borked up beyond.. I cannot have internet for more then an hour without wifi dropping out, and I even have a script that will reload the driver.. I can do that about 10 times, then kernel panic.19:55
mcstr@phoenix sorry to hear... here 14.04 is the best ever  for me..... only the latest project neon is even better.... i have no clue why the indexing there is so damn fast but it really is... i hit alt + f2 then enter some app name and the app appears immediately ... very fast19:55
mcstrand my hardware is not that new19:55
AleksejsHomelordievader: there was     Hard blocked: yes19:55
Phoenixzmcstr: I want no indexing, I never ever use it and it drains resources, and gives me buggy stuff like this..19:55
lordievaderAleksejsHome: That's why it wasn't showing networks ;)19:55
AleksejsHomebut wait a sec19:55
mcstr@phoenix weird... just weird... i have not fast hardware and i know indexing is making running your hd continously the first few days after installation... no matter if kde baloo or windows 7 indexing ... but after that its just fine19:56
lordievaderAleksejsHome: Guy in the forum had the same problem.. might have the same fix.19:56
mcstr@phoenix but yeh if you wanna disable it just disable it19:56
AleksejsHomelordievader: I just tried rfkill on 12.10 and see Hard blocked: no19:57
AleksejsHomeon 13.04 it was blocked19:57
AleksejsHomeso, obviously a bug19:57
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: I found that its in another part again.. I've disabled it again, and now running while true; do sudo pkill -9 mediascanner-se; sleep 0.1; echo kill; done to keep it dead, I can't restart now..19:58
AleksejsHomePhoenixz: why don't you disable it in settings?19:58
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: I did19:58
PhoenixzIts not like that process is listening to that setting19:59
PhoenixzAh, now it does.. It's dead and stays dead..19:59
Phoenixzwell, one problem down :)19:59
PhoenixzSo many still to go...19:59
PhoenixzAnybody who might know something about problems with the rtl8192se wifi driver?19:59
AleksejsHomeoh, btw, I have one problem on 12.10: at each restart it offers me to scan disk for errors. I tried to wait until it's doe, but on next restart it offers the same again. How do I disable it?20:00
PhoenixzIf I have heavy system load, my wifi loses the AP, and simply cannot find it anymore.. I have to reload that driver, and I can use it again.. I can reload that driver about 10 times until a kernel panic.. Resuming from sleep also makes the driver drop out20:00
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AleksejsHomePhoenixz: I have similar problem for some days after release-upgrade20:01
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: well, I just upgraded today, I still have it..20:01
AleksejsHomewifi was disabled after sleep/resume20:01
AleksejsHomeI solved it by rolling back to 12.10 :(20:02
AleksejsHomehaven't found a solution20:02
AleksejsHomeI think something wa seriously broken with wifi support since 13.0420:03
PhoenixzKind of weird that something so basic and important has not been fixed for 3 releases already then..20:09
Phoenixz14.04 IS LTS, not?20:10
Phoenixz14.04, PHP now uses php-fpm instead of the old setup, which is nice, if it would work okay, but its very buggy and slow as well..20:12
AleksejsHomePhoenixz: php5-fpm works okay without bugs. But to make it fast, try cgi.fix_pathinfo=0 in php.ini20:14
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: Actually, it hangs for like 60 seconds when PHP has a variable not found notice.. All other errors don't cause this problem20:15
AleksejsHomeit's impossible20:15
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AleksejsHomeonly if you configured some very special error log which slows down everything20:16
AleksejsHomeor maybe some slow NotFoundException20:16
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: Nope.. The bug showed up the second I upgraded to 14.04, before it was not there.. And I've validated that it only happens if a variable is not found. All other errors show immediately..20:18
AleksejsHomePhoenixz: wait a sec20:18
PhoenixzSorry, just heard I gotta run to the bank, I'll be back in about 1 hours20:19
AleksejsHometry to run this in terminal:20:20
AleksejsHomeecho "<? echo \$a;" | php20:20
AleksejsHomeis it slow too?20:21
AleksejsHomeyou need to install php5-cli for that20:21
yossarianukhi - anyone found a good way of preventing hot corners when using full screen apps?20:50
yossarianuki,e Steam games20:50
yossarianukCivilization 5 - when I go to the top right corner of the game it activates the KDE hot corner20:50
yossarianuk*in the game*20:50
AleksejsHomeyossarianuk: try to disable steam overlay20:52
yossarianukAleksejsHome: will try that - thanks20:53
yossarianuk(i mean the linux version not wine btw..)20:53
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: No, it does not do anything at all, actually, it just immediately returns to the command line20:57
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: The echo "<? echo \$a;" | php that is20:58
AleksejsHomePhoenixz: check your php.ini21:00
AleksejsHomethat command should output: PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: a in - on line 121:01
TKffTKDows anyone know where can I enable "emulate 3 button mouse" in kubuntu 14.4?21:02
TKffTKw = e21:02
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: Which it does now, still right away, no 60 seconds hang21:03
AleksejsHomethen try to make a file with that code <? echo $a; and open it via localhost/file.php in browser21:04
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: Also, if I run some command line stuff from the same project, using the same libs, etc) and do echo $a;, I also get the same notice, quickly21:04
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: so this seems to be limited to php-fpm and missing variables only21:04
AleksejsHomemaybe it's framework-specific problem. Try that test with single file21:06
AleksejsHomeor something with vhost config21:07
yahyaadoes anyone know how to get the audio working for skype on kubuntu 14.04 LTS?22:32
yahyaaIm sorry, not the audio, my mic?22:32
robotti^I have problem with sound. I cannot hear sound when watching youtube videos or any other flash content. sound is working fine using normal desktop-applications.22:50
robotti^I think it is because alsa/flash is using my analog or spdif  output. And I am using outputting sound my graphics card hdmi output.22:51
robotti^So how I can fix my sound on flash/alsa.22:51
robotti^there is my sound devices22:53
robotti^by default alsamixer show my INtel sound chipset22:54
robotti^and I would love to use HDMI output for sound.22:54
PhoenixzAleksejsHome: Well, I tried single file, I tried with framework, all same results..22:55
robotti^speaker-test -c 2 -r 48000 -D hw:1,3 <-- it works nice. but how I can set default?22:55
robotti^I have try different approaches.22:56
robotti^but no sound22:56
robotti^or I am totally misleaded?23:02
robotti^dmix or hdmi?23:02
robotti^nobody does not know?23:21
rcw2robotti^, again23:25
icskappagood evening23:27
Resist_/usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon --no-daemon I tried to kill it under user root but it just keeps comming right back up. Anyone know how to kill this for good?23:29
Resist_It shows up over 60 times on htop.23:30
robotti^rcw2: again?23:30
rcw2robotti^, ya, i didn't read your original message23:31
robotti^rcw2: http://pastebin.com/4wxs6N8h23:32
robotti^so no sound using alsa applications. I would guess that system is using onboard soundcard23:34
rcw2robotti^, so its only in browsers ?23:34
robotti^basically no sound on youtube23:35
robotti^no sound in firefox23:35
rcw2chrome is ok?23:36
robotti^I have not tested. Because I do not have chrome23:36
rcw2skype voice chat?23:36
rcw2how about oera23:36
robotti^I am not using skype23:36
robotti^and no opera :923:37
robotti^I can install chromium-bsu23:37
rcw2what version of kubuntu\23:37
robotti^that was not browser23:37
robotti^it was game without sound23:37
rcw2what version of kubuntu you runnin23:38
robotti^kubuntu 14.0423:38
rcw2try chrome23:38
robotti^basically. I think I have no sound using alsa applications23:38
robotti^so how I can fix my audio output23:40
robotti^because every application will output using my onboard sound card?23:40
robotti^rcw2: no sound chromium23:41
robotti^so sound is broken23:41
rcw2outside browser is ok with sound tho23:41
rcw2outside browser use sound no?23:42
robotti^yes. video player is outputting sound23:42
rcw2use alsa sound23:42
rcw2video player is alsa/23:42
robotti^no, pulseaudio23:42
robotti^rcw2: alsa apps are using my onboard soundcard23:42
robotti^and is coming from onboard sound card23:43
robotti^I want to output sound my HDMI23:43
robotti^using my HDMI output on GPU.23:44
robotti^no my sound is just basically broken23:48
robotti^I should try reboot23:48
rcw2reboot works a lot23:49
rcw2try #linux too23:49
rcw2and #ubuntu23:49
rcw2there are kubuntu masters here sometimes, but for not try those other channels23:50
robotti^this is kubuntu problem.23:50
rcw2ubuntu ppl may help23:50
robotti^only sound I am hearing is volume control sound :D23:51
rcw2robotti^, go to #ubuntu and ask23:51
rcw2could be issue for both distros23:52
robotti^rcw2: it works on ubuntu 14.0423:53
robotti^but not in kubuntu23:53
robotti^I have no sound issues in arch, ubuntu, linux mint or elementary23:54
robotti^only in kubuntu23:54
robotti^so I am betting this is issue with kubuntu23:54
rcw2robotti^, ah, wait for a kubuntu master then23:55
rcw2they are around later i bet23:55

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