
Harris_HeWhy I access lubuntu 14.04 via VNC without the desktop? add "lxsession" in the .xstartup ?02:55
Harris_HeI use xrdp but also failde02:55
murdock76hi i'm back!06:55
murdock76just wanted to thank the room.  i have lubuntu on my eeepc which i am on now.06:55
murdock76i even got the wifi to work. :D06:55
markosejicgood day13:06
phillwanyone testing the desktop ISO's for the alpha1 14.10?14:00
sydneyphillw: I havent et;from what i hear tough,it is very unstable,and may not even boot at all. ;)14:03
phillwsydney: you've heard wrong :P14:04
phillwyou are possibly think Qt, which is not going to arrive in 14.10 :)14:04
sydneyphillw: Great for you. :P14:05
sydneyIm out of here...14:05
phillwUnit193: I'll do the amd64 desktop tests, if you will finish off the i386 ones? :)14:52
shumanhmm.. Ok, I have to ask... is installing wine in lubuntu safe? :) there are many apps on the "To remove" list... such as lubuntu-desktop, udev, xorg any many others...17:30
holsteinshuman: shouldnt be..17:31
holsteintry.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:31
holsteinif no errors.. then, sudo apt-get install wine17:31
shumanok, dist-upgrade showed a long list to update so hope this fix this issue with wine ;)17:32
shumanthank you17:32
Unit193 > xorg17:32
shumanif not, I'll let you know ;)17:32
shumanholstein: thanks again, dist-upgrade helped ;)19:13
holsteinshuman: cheers19:23
netg00r00Hey guys...   is there a reason Lubuntu 14.04 LTS is only supported for 3 years instead of 5 like the other LTS releases?21:55
holsteinnetg00r00: most of the flavors are like that.. all, AFAIK21:56
netg00r00most of the flvors are like what exactly?21:57
holsteinnetg00r00: i know, ubuntustuduio decide 3 years, because we use xfce as xubuntu, and xubuntu does 3 years, so we can take advantage of their support for xfce, and not have to do our own support at the end21:57
holsteinnetg00r00: mosts of the flavors are like that, that being what you are stating.. that = supported for 3 years.. not 521:57
holsteinnetg00r00: i know, lubuntu, xubuntu, and ubuntustudio are..21:58
holsteinand i can say exactly why ubuntustudio is..21:58
holsteini can speculate what lubuntu is,..21:58
netg00r00I'm seriously looking to change over to something NOT unity based and just wanted to get some feedback on that..21:58
holsteinteam size, and man power.. this is actually the first lubuntu LTS. they are using only 6 months.. period.. 12.04 lubuntu was only 6 months.. not LTS21:58
netg00r00I know Mint is also supported for 5 years.. so, was just wondering..21:59
holsteinnetg00r00: the main core os is still ubuntu, and that is supported for 5 years21:59
holsteinnetg00r00: what does support mean?21:59
holsteinnetg00r00: its ubuntu core apps support.. the repos are up. kernel patches.. security fixes.. etc21:59
holstein*then* there are flavor specifics21:59
holsteinif there were a specific issue with lubuntu 4 years from now, the team would say, "we dont support".. but, lxde is still getting security fixes from upstream22:00
netg00r00makes sense...22:00
holsteinlxde and all ubuntu official repo applications22:00
holsteinnow.. whats the difference in lxde and lubuntu?.. thats different22:00
netg00r00I can tell ya that..22:00
holsteinbut, if you were to install ubuntu, and then install lxde, you are supported for 5 years.. lts22:01
netg00r00one is only the desktop enviroment.. and one is a full ditro..  ;)22:01
holsteinif you install lubuntu, you only get lubuntu specific tailored fixes and bugs addressed for 322:01
netg00r00I hear what you are saying about installing Ubunt first..  which is what I have now..  but, I prefer to have a clean install instead of a base install and a bunch of other desktops on top of that install..22:02
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:02
holsteinor, you could use the server iso..22:02
netg00r00at this point, I'm not really interested in supporting Ubuntu base any longer...22:03
netg00r00just how I feel about it..  but, I appreciate the help22:03
holsteinnetg00r00: they are *all* ubuntu22:03
netg00r00I understand that,.  but they are not all based on Unity..22:04
holsteinnetg00r00: the mini iso is just that. literally 30mb's, give or take. its not the main ubuntu flavor22:04
holsteinits literally a minimal clean install base that you can add what you like, and not get a bunch of other desktops on top of that install, as you stated22:04
netg00r00ok, I appreciate the clarification holstein  I'm still looing around a bit before I decide for sure..22:05
holsteinnetg00r00: run lubuntu and whatever other ubuntu variants live to help decide22:06
netg00r00yea, I plan to22:06

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