=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk [16:05] hello [16:05] I'm trying to build a source packgae for a PPA and I'm running into some issues [16:05] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7706616/ === Enlik is now known as Guest43930 [19:03] Hello all [19:04] I'm new to bzr, and I'm looking for some very basic assistance [19:04] I'm trying to push a branch to a new location on another server we have [19:04] the branch seems to be created, but shows a different parent [19:04] but none of the files copy, and I can't bzr push or bzr pull to make the copy happen [19:05] so, in summary, I'm rather confused :) [19:08] anyone there ? [19:17] The parent on the pushed copy probably won't mean anything (actually I wouldn't expect it to be set) [19:17] And what do you mean "none of the files copy"? If you mean "there's no working tree", that's expected. [19:18] I'm trying to branch (unsure of terminology) from server "prod" to "dev", in order for our developers to look into some broken code. They can't have access to the actual "prod" server [19:19] so I did a bzr push bzr+ssh://dev.blah.com/path/to/desired/destination and it created the .bzr file on the dev (destination) server as I wanted it to, [19:20] but there are no files that ended up in the destination location [19:20] besides the .bzr folder and it's normal files anyways [19:21] also in the branch folder in .bzr, the branch.conf lists a different parent_location than where I tried to push from [19:21] probably the original code base from when we pulled the code into prod before I started [19:22] soooo .... part of what I don't understand is what a branch is, whether or not it's considered new code, or a new a new branch of the same code (alternate universe?), or if its something else [19:23] The branch is the history; that's what push and pull move around. [19:24] Generally you don't push to locations people work; you push to a shared location that they pull from there into a local branch to do their work. [19:24] (you _could_ work in a place that's somebody's push target; there's no _technical_ boundary. But it's likely to lead to all sorts of confusion as things change out from under you) [19:26] well yes, I'm pusing to a shared location that they will then pull from [19:26] So you've got all you need. pull only talks to the VCS internal stuff, it doesn't care anything about checked-out files in the working tree. [19:26] ok so push just moves the branch (history) [19:26] ok [19:27] * fullermd nods. [19:27] so how does the developer then get the actual files then? [19:27] When they 'branch' from it, they'll get a local copy with the files all checked out. [19:28] ok, so they'll use 'bzr branch ' and it will then copy the files? [19:29] * fullermd nods. [19:29] nifty, no need to file copy until they want to get the files! [19:30] then they request and bzr takes care of the details === ianbrandt_ is now known as ianbrandt [19:48] so, the working tree would be the actual files of a branch at the original location (parent location or parent branch?)? === Guest8558 is now known as wallyworld === maxb_ is now known as maxb === Guest28217 is now known as wallyworld