
=== fginther is now known as fginther|away
pittiGood morning04:19
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seb128good morning desktopers!08:06
seb128Laney, good morning09:22
Laneyi rebooted the server09:22
Laneythat'll solve everything09:23
seb128how are the pimms?09:23
Laneyhi seb128!09:23
seb128hey ;-)09:23
Laneypimms is usually served with lemonade which means I don't like it :(09:23
* Laney is a fizzy drink hater09:24
seb128Laney, darkxst, others: robert_ancell has a look at making u-s-d include the old xrandr code, https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-settings-daemon/xrandr/+merge/224548 if you fancy having a look/commenting09:28
Laneyis this more selective?09:28
seb128more selective than?09:29
Laneyforking the whole thing09:29
seb128it's just the xrandr part of gnome-desktop09:29
seb128the lib does other things09:29
seb128like keyboard, thumbnail, etc09:29
LaneyI read some conversation the other day about forking it09:29
seb128is the u-c-c side09:29
seb128the options are/were still to either do what robert did there09:30
seb128or to ship gnome-desktop3.8 as a different source and build u-s-d/u-c-c with it09:30
Laneyyou think this approach might not work?09:31
seb128well, he mp the changes, so he got it to work09:31
Laneyseems nicer to me09:31
Laneyanyway I'll try it out09:31
seb128it just looked quite some code/renaming09:32
seb128and I was unsure if some of those functions would call other gnome-desktop functions and rely on those to not change as well09:32
seb128but it doesn't seem to be the case09:32
seb128so +1 from me09:32
seb128if it turns out to really be an issue over time we can still revisit the approach then09:32
darkxstseb128, idle monitor is not included ?09:38
seb128darkxst, don't ask me, I didn't review it yet, robert_ancell said he would have a look and put those up for review this night09:39
seb128I'm just sharing the info09:39
seb128that would be a good question/comment to put on the merge request ;-)09:39
Laneydarkxst: who uses that?09:42
Laneyoh, u-s-d does, but it's not removed from gnome-desktop 3.12?09:44
darkxstLaney, it was moved from gnome-desktop 3.10 into mutter09:45
Laneywhat's http://sources.debian.net/src/gnome-desktop3/3.12.1-1/libgnome-desktop/gnome-idle-monitor.h ?09:45
darkxstLaney, the api is still in gnome-desktop, but changed to dbus calls into mutter09:46
Laneythen yes, please comment saying that09:47
darkxstLaney, ok, added a comment to MP09:51
Laneywe should bribe Trevinho into implementing this dbus service ;-)09:52
darkxstisnt the whole point of copying the legacy code to avoid a dbus service?09:52
LaneyI think it was more a concern about whether breaking it out would be stable enough09:58
Laneybut having both implement the same interface would be okay, the issue there is lack of development resources09:58
Laneyso this is the path of least resistance09:58
LaneyAIUI anyway09:58
seb128right, my main concern was to add a piece of software that is new/can have bugs without anyone having slots to maintain it10:01
seb128if the unity team is wanting to allocate resources to implement that interface and maintain it, that would be great10:01
seb128but that's not the case atm and we didn't want to block Ubuntu GNOME to get the new gnome-desktop until that happens10:01
darkxstseb128, I am happy for you guys to do it this way, but don't forget upstream are maintaining the new code (and the patches to de-couple it from mutter were pretty trivial)10:05
seb128we should maybe try that standalone daemon yeah...10:06
seb128I had concerns mostly for the LTS because we don't like to introduce new code/architectures just before a LTS10:06
seb128but we are still early in this cycle so we could try it out and see how it goes10:07
Laneyseems like it would be nicer10:08
Laneydarkxst: got a PPA or something?10:09
Laneypitti: what's up with these broken pipe adt failures I keep getting for chromium?10:13
Laney(also, am I really still TIL for that?)10:13
pittiLaney: it's a bug somewhere in the qemu runner, I already retried this10:14
pittiI already spent some two hours trying to reproduce and understand it, but so far no success :/10:14
LaneyI've had it quite a few times though10:14
Laneyokay :(10:14
seb128Laney, so you maintain chromium and libreoffice now?10:15
* Laney is the master of trivial diffs10:15
Laneytkamppeter: have you seen that cups has a failing autopkgtest?10:15
Laneyaha maybe -6 fixes this?10:16
Laneylooks like it will10:16
darkxstLaney, https://github.com/darkxst/displayconfig10:17
Laneyand one for mutter?10:17
darkxstthat code is ripped from mutter10:18
darkxstits the important bits that u-s-d/g-d need10:18
Laneypresumably you need to turn it off there10:18
seb128if they plan to use the standalone service under gnome-shell, which I don't think they do?10:19
seb128that is supposed to be a replacement for !shell sessions10:19
darkxstright, https://github.com/darkxst/displayconfig/blob/master/src/main.c#L38110:20
darkxstjust quites if shell is running10:20
Laneyyou should rather check for the name on the bus10:20
seb128how is it activated?10:20
Laneydbus activation10:20
seb128what name?10:20
Laneyin my "GNOME" !shell session I'd want this service too10:20
seb128unity steals the shell name on the bus10:21
Laneythe name is org.gnome.Mutter.something10:21
seb128k, that we don't steal afaik10:21
darkxstLaney, no, in GNOME !gnome3 session you want u-s-d10:21
LaneyI have XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=gnome10:22
Laneyso you can't use this to differentiate between shell and not10:22
darkxstok, but you can't use g-s-d anymore, if it even still works!10:25
Laneyit works GREAT!10:25
Laneybut yes I think the plan was to have me using usd10:26
Laneydoesn't seem to have happened yet10:26
darkxstLaney, I have already dropped most of the ubuntu legacy hacks from g-s-d10:26
Laneythe only problem I've noticed is that brightness isn't restored when I come back from suspend10:26
darkxstbrightness api did change slightly, but think that was maybe in 3.1010:27
Laneymaybe you want to look into the upstart jobs to see which sessions get g and which get u10:28
Laneyseems they need tweaking10:28
Laneyokay lemme play with this displayconfig stuff10:31
LaneyI'll give you a patch that makes the exit condition be if the name is already on the bus10:31
tkamppeterLaney, have seen it, pitti told me, and OdyX has already fixed it in -6, which will auto-sync into Utopic soon.10:32
Laneyyeah, saw10:33
darkxstLaney ok10:33
Laneydarkxst: did you give it an inactivity timeout?10:33
darkxstthe daemon? no10:34
darkxstI don't think thats a particularly good idea, it needs to run the entire session anyway10:35
Laneyis -s-d using this API the whole time?10:35
seb128why does it need to run the entire session?10:35
darkxstits pretty transparent to -s-d10:35
seb128it feels like that should only be needed when changes happen?10:35
seb128or is it tracking idle as well?10:36
darkxstseb128, idle monitor!10:36
Laneythen it'll never timeout ;-)10:36
darkxst-s-d still calls into gnome-desktop10:36
darkxstbut gnome-desktop uses dbus calls10:37
Laneydid you clean up configure.ac?10:40
Laneyi.e. does it still need the x libs?10:41
Laneyoh yes I see it10:41
darkxstLaney, cleaned up most of the configure.ac10:42
darkxstits still making X calls, so mostly needs x libs!10:42
Laneyyeah duh10:42
darkxstLaney, also see bug 122876510:53
ubot5bug 1228765 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Implement DisplayConfig dbus interface and transition to gnome-desktop 3.10" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122876510:53
darkxstsome patches are required on u- side but they are all just cherry-picks10:53
Laneywhat about that last comment?10:53
darkxstI never looked into that, however it was certainly working when I tested it months earlier10:55
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darkxstmy guess would be the deamon was not actually running10:57
Laneyokay lemme try it10:57
Laneywhat cherry picks are these?10:57
darkxst - git_xrandr_adapt_to_new_displayconfig_api.patch:10:59
darkxst    Adapt to new display config d-bus api used by gnome-desktop 3.1010:59
darkxst  - fix-cursor-gnomedesktop-api.patch:10:59
darkxst    minor api fix10:59
darkxst  - git-power-update-backlight-api.patch: update gnome-desktop backlight10:59
darkxst    api10:59
darkxst  - git_power_dont_look_for_screens_no_lid.patch10:59
darkxst  - git-gnomerr-output-is-laptop-change.patch10:59
darkxst  - git_wacom_remove_deprecated_call.patch10:59
darkxst  - git_wacom_gnomerr-api-changes.patch10:59
darkxst  - git_xrandr_remove_applyConfiguration_dbus.patch10:59
darkxst  - git-power-simplify-support-external-monitor.patch10:59
darkxst  - git_color_adapt_to_gnomeRR_api.patch10:59
darkxstor I should just say look at the braches attached to that bug!11:00
Laneyyou can just apply them directly11:00
darkxstLaney, they are applied directly on the u- branches there11:00
darkxstwell they should be11:01
seb128Laney, https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/unity-settings-daemon/gnome-desktop-3.10/+merge/208911 might still apply without change11:07
Laneythere's a conflict11:07
darkxstLaney, hmm, no apparently I can't read, dialog is provided by gnome-shell, so that bit will need reverted to use g-s-d11:12
darkxst(according to the bug comment atleast)11:13
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Laneydarkxst: no cursor, forgot my resolution :)11:45
darkxstLaney, is it actually running?11:46
Laneyafter I opened the panel (presumably activating the service) they were restored11:46
darkxstno cursor means, no idle monitor11:46
Laneybut my monitors are the wrong way around11:46
darkxstit uses the same monitors.xml11:47
Laneyno dialog on apply11:47
Laneygot a g-c-c crash11:47
* Laney gets a trace11:49
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Laneydarkxst: comments for you ;-)12:09
darkxstLaney, odd, dbus activation should fire on login12:14
Laneyit's probably easier if you/jackson just try it at this point12:16
darkxstLaney, yes I will try it, but won't be until the weekend, possible Jackson messed up the merges12:17
Laneyor me, there was a conflict12:17
Laneyor something changed since the branch was proposed and the merge is borked now12:18
Laney(i.e. it needs rebasing)12:18
Laneyor 3.12 is bad and 3.10 would have worked12:18
darkxsthavent tested with 3.1212:18
Laneythe dialog thing just needs doing though12:18
darkxstyes I will look at that dialog12:19
Laneyanyway there we go ;-)12:19
darkxstLaney, I never saw anything like your crash in testing, probably 3.12 related12:22
darkxstI will run through and get it all working over the weekend12:22
Laneyit could be something that expects the service to be running12:23
LaneyI just saw it in the background, don't know when it happened12:23
Laneybut cool, thanks12:23
* Laney goes back to good old utopic for now :P12:23
darkxstLaney, well atleast assuming you guys want to use it12:24
* Laney is pro12:25
Laneysounded like seb was too12:25
Laneyso thanks for working on it12:25
=== fginther|away is now known as fginther
darkxstLaney, ok, I won't have time to polish it right up, but I will rebase my work and fix any obvious problems12:33
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loolbregma: hey!14:18
loolbregma: we discussed the UI scaling stuff in Malta; I've been using a scaling factor since (previously I Was just xrandr-ing to a lesser resolution and leaving the Ubuntu defaults alone)14:19
loolbregma: It seems to me as if the scaling factor is applied over and over again on each boot; it feels like the fonts are getting bigger over time; now it's to the point I had to reduce the scaling factor under 1 and I get a mix of decent fonts and small UI elements; could it be that something is accumulating the factor somewhere?14:20
loolbregma: is this known and/or reproducible for you?14:20
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bregmalool, yes, it's known and I get it all the time, it's caused by a race condition somewhere and we're trying to track it down14:38
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LaneyTheMuso: someone in another channel just linked http://askubuntu.com/questions/278693/how-do-i-stop-orca-screen-reader which notes that it's quite hard to switch orca off if you start it from the desktop file15:04
Laneylooks like most things look for the screen-reader-enabled gsettings key which isn't set on if you start it manually15:05
Laneyso you have to toggle it on and off to make orca quit (that's all it looks for to shutdown afaics)15:09
Laneypitti: have you thought about testing reverse-build-depends or reverse-test-depends on upload?16:56
LaneyI just saw that pep8 made some stuff fail but they're generally not runtime dependencies16:56
LaneyI guess test rather than build16:57
Laneyor build for build-needed maybe16:57
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
* didrocks waves good evening17:06
didrocksI have to buy beers for seb12817:06
didrocksquestion of requirements :)17:06
LaneyGet him on the hard stuff17:07
didrockswell, he's not really German for that17:07
didrockshe only likes light one17:07
didrocksit's a shame!17:07
* didrocks get out the sake17:07
didrocksso, *maybe* see you tomorrow after this evening ;)17:08
* didrocks really waves good evening now17:08
Laneybest of luck!17:08
Laneyman, that guy's fast17:08
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TheMuso`Laney: Thats purely upstream...22:07
TheMuso`Laney: I.e thatts a decision that was made upstream. Given the way Orca is supposed to be activated these days, I wonder if it makes sense to drop /usr/share/applications/orca.desktop.22:09
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