
rwwban exemptions are obnoxious00:17
ubottuIn #ubuntu, admin-pc said: ubottu: Than which on is good for LAN messenger07:46
ubottuIn #ubuntu, g0ldr4k3 said: ubottu: I've read that and this type of infrastructure is already configured on our DC but I don't understand the Region Controller's goal if it can see only the CC and I can't manage their node via RC....08:36
DJones [notice(tomaw!tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)] [Global Notice] Hi all. I'm going to reroute a hub and then18:48
DJones          restart a client server for a few updates. It'll be noisy but should be brief!18:48
DJonesI'll wait for half of #ubuntu to disappear18:49
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=== tomaw is now known as 5EXABH90N
=== 5EXABH90N is now known as tomaw
=== rww is now known as rwd
=== sveta is now known as svetlana
=== rwd is now known as rwwcoin

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