
GH0I have been trying to install LSI SNMP Agent/SAS SNMP on my Ubuntu server box. LSI provides support for "Linux", but their support is an RPM file, and since ubuntu is deb based, well, there is the issue. I used alien to convert it to a deb file, but when I install it along with some other snmp tools, I get the following: http://pastebin.com/p0p44ZKV and I was wondering if anyone has had success with this type of install before, or if anyone could lead m00:04
GH0e in the right direction.00:04
sarnoldGH0: can you pastebin /etc/lsi_mrdsnmp/sas/install  ?00:05
sarnold(or at least the first 40 lines or so?)00:05
GH0Sure, give me one moment00:05
sarnoldhrm, the next error is line 206; maybe the whole thing would be best..00:06
GH0is there a more convenient way of pastebining an entire file besides copying and pasting then?00:06
sarnoldGH0: the pastebinit tool is handy :)00:06
GH0I recall a cli pastebin tool, just don't remember the name.00:06
sarnoldfwiw, it's been years since I've used alien but I was impressed with the results00:08
GH0I mean thats fine, I just don't really see any other way to install this. I really would like e-mail notifications if something happens with the array, and I am trying to keep tabs since I am seeing weird performance on the array as well.00:08
sarnold[ -f /usr/bin/snmptrap ] && rm -f /usr/bin/snmptrap00:12
sarnoldcute guys00:12
GH0I take it I am better off searching for something else. :D00:13
GH0Especially if it wants to remove a binary file lol00:13
sarnoldthis script appears to do only two real important things; add a MIB to a snmp config file, and write NoOfInstalledController kinds of things to their own configuration file, but that bit is just incomprehensible..00:16
sarnoldit also configures a new service to run the system-supplied snmpd but only for LSI controller cards. I think.00:16
sarnoldnagios-plugins-contrib claims to have a check_raid service that does a lot of LSI checks, but I don't know if any of them are recent..00:17
sarnoldGH0: and the mpt-status package claims roughly the same thing00:18
GH0Alright, I will look into those instead00:19
GH0sarnold, mind helping me with one more thing related to LSI/MegaRAID? http://pastebin.com/MupdnL81 :/00:33
GH0If I try to shut the framework down, I get the following: Shutting down Framework:00:34
GH0sh: 0: Can't open /Framework/shutdown.sh00:34
sarnoldGH0: guh. that's annoying :)00:37
GH0Yup :/00:37
sarnold"cd: /usr/local/MegaRAID Storage Manager: No such file or directory"00:37
sarnold.. and that's practically terrifying00:38
GH0Don't know why they can't just create .deb files. Would make this so much simpler.00:38
GH0Actually, I take that back, dpkg --force-all --purge seems to have gotten rid of it, but, I am not sure it removed it cleanly.00:41
sarnold.. and I don't see any dpkg  options that would ask it to skip the scripts..00:41
sarnoldGH0: oh! hooray.00:41
sarnoldGH0: and half that stupid script is to work around now knowing how to use rpm packages to specify dependencies. annoying.00:42
sarnoldthey'd do better if they didn't try as hard; if they juts had a tarball and  README then surely the suse packagers and red hat packagers and debian packagers would have just picked it up and done the right thing and it'd be less annoying all around00:43
GH0Hm, the smtp part of that package is still broken after upgrading to a new version. Or it just doesn't like relaying data through Gmail. However, postfix is installed on my machine as a relay to gmail, and I am not sure if I want to open it up to allow a single program to use it like that. Unless I can limit what IP postfix listens for it's relay on. Never really done much of this stuff before.01:09
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meccoollJust installed apache playing around with it, it's working and i can connect to the host but i can't figure out how's it's running $ netstat -an | grep :8005:23
meccoolltcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN05:23
meccoolli don't see it listening on regular tcp, yet i can connect to it by going to
lordievaderGood morning.05:47
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twbBind mounts used to ignore -o ro, unless you did a -oremount,ro.  I vaguely recall that issue got fixed eventually, but I can't find any evidence.  Did I dream it?06:15
twbSeems like I did -- even on my laptop running 3.14 it's still read-write by default, though it at least warns you now.06:17
Guest90121hi, my server is being restarted for a reason I dont know, I dont see anything in the logs and the vps provider says they dont restarted anything06:58
Guest90121how can I investigate this?06:58
Guest90121syslog is empty about restarting06:59
twbWhen did this start happening?  What changed between then, and when it last worked?  Is there a pattern?  Can you trigger it reliably?  Is this happening for all hosts you run -- if not, what's different about this one?07:02
twbConsider exfiltrating the logs to a host that isn't crashing.  Consider traffic analysis (e.g. tcpdump) leading up to the reboot.  Consider exfiltrating dmesg output to a reliable host (keyword "netconsole").07:03
kaushalI have rsyslog and haproxy running on the system. I need to enable debug logs for HAProxy. Any clue on how to set it? I am running Ubuntu 11.1007:06
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g0ldr4k3hello everyone, is there some one can help me about MaaS I've just one question: I've realized an infrastructure using KVM as Hypervisor and 3 VM: 1 VM for Region Controller (RC) - 2 VM for Cluster Controller(CC), each one with 2 or more nodes installed and manage via virtio. Each VM use different Virtual Network (RC), 'n configured on virsh-manager, I've also added and accepted 2 CC on08:47
g0ldr4k3RC. but in the RC's web UI I see only 2 CC without the nodes associated on them. But which is the Region's goal? seeing just the CC and not manage their nodes? thanks a lot08:47
g0ldr4k3in this case I 've only 2 CC each ones with 2/4 nodes and it's easy to manage that because the nodes are flew, in the case we have more of them How can manage that??? RC should make this function, I mean I think that......08:48
g0ldr4k3in this case I 've only 2 CC each ones with 2/4 nodes and it's easy to manage that because the nodes are flew, in the case we have more of them How can manage that??? RC should make this function, I mean I think that......'09:04
g0ldr4k3anyone can help me?....ops sorry I've pasted that09:04
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g0ldr4k3anyone can answer me?is there a way to manage the nodes of each single CC via RC? or RC can view only the CC on its web ui?09:18
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sander^workHi. How do I add a PPA on 12.04? I can't find or install the command add-apt-repository?09:56
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge09:56
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details09:57
sander^workcfhowlett, WHats the repository for add-apt-repository?09:58
kickinz1the package is software-properties-common:09:58
sander^workAh, I found it: python-software-properties09:59
kickinz1yes, do you know 'apt-file'09:59
sander^workI've used it, a long time ago. I'll use that next time :-)09:59
sander^workThanks! :-)10:00
kickinz1with apt-file you can search a file through packages, so if you need to find a command that is not the package name, it is usefull10:00
kickinz1ok, np10:00
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rbasakmdeslaur: please could you take a look at bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/1334572? I'm not sure if this is a dupe or expected behaviour.10:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1334572 in php5 "php5-fpm upgrade broken after deleting sample config" [Undecided,New]10:44
rbasak(and the reporter has cut the message short)10:44
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vlad_starkovQuestion: Ubuntu Server 14.04 64bit. Is running on KVM with 4GB memory. But top/htop shows only 2Gb. What can be wrong here?11:03
ws2k3hello, i'm trying to install ubuntu 14.04 in raid0(stripe) during the install it complained about unable to install grub so i tryed to follow this http://askubuntu.com/questions/334012/a-guide-to-install-ubuntu-13-04-using-a-raid-0 but that does not seem to work for 14.0411:05
mdeslaurrbasak: well, he deleted the conf file...11:16
rbasakmdeslaur: yeah. What I couldn't see was the reason for the presumed subsequent failure, since he didn't explain that part. I presume his unattended upgrade would do some default thing, but I don't know what.11:16
rbasakmdeslaur: do you want to comment or shall I?11:17
mdeslaurrbasak: I gather the failure is because the package upgrade put the conf file back11:17
mdeslaurI'm commenting11:17
rbasakmdeslaur: I don't think an upgrade puts a deleted conffile back. NOt sure though.11:17
mdeslaurhrm, let me check11:18
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mdeslaurrbasak: right, it shouldn't replace it...how odd11:28
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bekksws2k3: you cannot install grub on a raid0.12:11
ws2k3it tryed to install grub on /dev/sda and sdb12:13
ws2k3and i saw people on youtube doing that with 13.10 in virtualbox12:13
ws2k3then how should i setup so i can install ubuntu on my raid012:14
kickinz1ws2k3, you can create a little partion in raid1, and an other in raid0, on raid 1 you put your /boot, and grub will install fine12:14
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bekksws2k3: grub needs more than just the MBR. And those files cannot be located on a RAID.12:14
ws2k3https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTAh53AXSXA#t=394 then how this guy did it12:16
ws2k3he has one raid0 and installed grub just fine12:17
ws2k35:29 you can see him picking raid012:17
* kickinz1 watching12:18
bekksI dont care about videos, since technically, it cannot work using a RAID0.12:19
peetaur2When I build a kernel with Ubuntu server 14.04, even with same config, even if I use the same initrd, it won't boot. It fails to mount root, and the initramfs prompt it gives does not work... keyboard input doesn't show up, and ctrl+alt+del doesn't work. What did I do wrong?12:26
ws2k3kickinz1 did you view the video ?12:26
bekkspeetaur2: How do you build the kernel actually?12:26
peetaur2bekks: first I tried a simple "make -j8 deb-pkg", and also tried this howto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel (which is dreadful and out of date)12:27
kickinz1yes I'm trying, to install to see, but it must not work, normally grub works only with raid1 or hardware raid12:27
kickinz1not clear: yes I've seen the video, and I'm trying to install to check12:27
peetaur2bekks: in both cases, I ended up with a .deb file that I could install, but they can't mount root fs, either by lv path (/dev/mapper/vg-lv) or UUID    (root=UUID=...), and the initramfs prompt hangs like that12:28
peetaur2I was hoping to ls /dev to see what was there ...12:28
bekkspeetaur2: And whats the exact error message? And why are you tryong to compile your own kernel?12:29
peetaur2bekks: I have 3 machines where it randomly crashes due to a known bug with this fix https://lkml.org/lkml/2014/5/8/27512:30
bekkspeetaur2: So which kernel are you using currently?12:30
peetaur2bekks: and I'll try to get the message in a sec12:30
peetaur2bekks: when I compiled with "make deb-pkg" it said it was, and when I do the wiki procedure it says 3.13.0-2912:32
bekkspeetaur2: And which ubuntu kernel (non self-compiled) are you using?12:33
ws2k3kickinz1 did you view the video ?12:35
bekksws2k3: Did you implement the proposed solution yet?12:36
peetaur2bekks: last part of boot screen  http://bpaste.net/show/WwVEyrGOZ6WAA93VfXk6/12:37
ws2k3the make one volume with raid1? no cause i see somebody else doing what i want but people here says thats not possible that confuses me12:37
bekksws2k3: Well, the people in here actually do know what they are talking about. Why dont you just trust them, instead of believing a random video?12:38
kickinz1raid0 is stripping, so data is part on disk 1 and part on disk B, so it is not possible (from what I know) for grub to get data in the good order.12:38
bekkskickinz1: Thats correct.12:39
kickinz1so you put a raid1 little partion and mount it as boot, so grub copies all neede in that.12:39
ws2k3i know. md0 is my raid1 but why i cannot install grub just on /dev/sda and /dev/sdb12:39
ws2k3how big does /boot need to be ?12:39
bekksws2k3: About 512M.12:40
kickinz1raid 1 is mirroring, so partion on diskA equal what is on disk2 part 1, so grub understand it even if raid is still not mounted12:40
OpenTokixws2k3: I usually have it at 256M12:40
peetaur2bekks: I just tried booting the stock kernel, but edited the boot line so it has the wrong root device, and it does the same except the initramfs shell works fine.  So what does that tell us?12:44
ws2k3whousld that 512 mb just be ext4 ?12:45
bekkspeetaur2: that your kernel is broken.  How did you create the config for your own lernel?12:45
bekksws2k3: Yes.12:45
peetaur2bekks: when I did the "make deb-pkg" method, I just did  cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config   so it should be the same as the working kernel.12:46
bekkspeetaur2: And did you use make oldconfig after copying the config?12:46
peetaur2bekks: yes12:46
peetaur2I know what I'm doing when building the kernel... just not whatever extra undocumented thing I need to do with Ubuntu apparently.12:47
ws2k3i have made a raid1 with /boot but still the grub installation fails13:05
ws2k3it tryes to install grub on /dev/sda en /dev/sdb13:06
bekksWhats the exact error message?13:06
ws2k3executing grub-install /dev/sda failed13:07
ws2k3this is a fatal error13:07
bekksSo switch through the TTY and see which more detailed error you can find.13:07
peetaur2as root? that's all it says?13:08
peetaur2I guess you can only mean in the installer... in which the TTY answer is the one13:08
ws2k3so what file should i check in the tty13:09
peetaur2or alternatively, find a text TTY and run that command yourself.     And as a side note, is it a GPT disk? If so, you need a bios_grub partition (not the same as /boot) or it will fail.13:09
bekksws2k3: I told you waht to do with the TTYs. :)13:09
peetaur2ws2k3: he means try all the TTYs until you find one with a log... and then still look in the rest in case there are more (in some distros one has dmesg and another has more install logs)13:09
ws2k3syslog only say grub-install /dev/sda failed13:12
kickinz1alt+F4 gives you the logs13:12
ws2k3it does comeplay something about gpt13:14
ws2k3also it seems he tryed to install grub on the wrong partition13:15
peetaur2so if it says you need a bios_grub for GPT and something about refusing to use a hack called blocklists, then it's the error I'm thinking of, and you need a bios_grub partition.13:15
bekksws2k3: "something"? Whats the exact error message?13:16
peetaur2or regardless of what it says, if you are using a GPT partition table (eg. >2.2 TB disk), then make a bios_grub.13:16
ws2k3this system was only ssd's of 200 gb13:16
ws2k3its saying warning this HGPT partition label contains no BIOS boot partition13:17
peetaur2yeah that's the message.... make a bios_grub aka bios boot partition13:17
bekksSo you need to create a boot partition first.13:17
peetaur2bios_grub .. not just /boot partition13:17
ws2k3cause i already created a partition in raid1 with /boot13:17
bekksws2k3: Which isnt a GPT boot partition.13:18
peetaur2parted /dev/sda mkpart ....blahblah... ; parted /dev/sda set $n bios_grub on       (where $n is the partition number, and ideally it is before 2.2 TB on the disk, and in number order ... I've seen it fail where the partition numbers are out of sequence, so I just always make it first partition)13:18
ws2k3how can i get out of the alt + f413:20
peetaur2guess at more nubers to find the one you were in before (likely F1)13:21
peetaur2text mode is F1 in Ubuntu installers... and maybe non-text is F713:21
kickinz1ws2k3,bekks,  it seems surprisingly possible to boot directly on a raid0 on trusty, I just created a vm, with a lvm on top of raid0 and it just worked.13:36
bekkskickinz1: with /boot on a RAID0? It doubt that.13:36
peetaur2kickinz1, ws2k3: it is documented as supported to use metadata 1.2, raid10, raid0, etc. with grub2. However, it is very unlikely for it to work reliably. (eg. I know that raid10 will just make it fail when degraded, but seems to work fine otherwise)13:37
kickinz1yes, just a big raid partition on each disks, a lvm on top with two logical disks, one for swap one for /)13:38
peetaur2kickinz1, ws2k3: but for a surefire simple solid system, use raid1, and for metadata I know 0.90 works, and I knwo that on openSUSE (grub2) 1.0 works, and on Ubuntu (grub1.99) not sure if 1.0 works.13:38
peetaur2(just checked and Ubuntu 14.04 uses grub 2.02~beta2-9)13:40
ws2k3yeah well the reason i wanne do this is cause this systems are part of a cluster13:42
ws2k3and i need high io over relayable13:42
ws2k3so basicly your saying you cannot use raid0 for the OS ?13:43
peetaur2no, just /boot matters13:44
peetaur2OS can be on anything13:44
ws2k3hmm okay13:45
ws2k3so /boot can be on a raid1 right ?13:46
peetaur2and in my experience, metadata 0.90 is a good idea (side effect is that mdadm.conf can't control the /dev/md* number so you'll likely end up with /dev/md127), or metadata 1.0 which I have only tested in openSUSE. And 1.2 is a bad idea. (grub2 officially supports it, but never worked when I tested it). And sadly the installer will not ask you which version you want. (openSUSE is smart enough to set /boot to 1.0 instead of 1.2 though)13:47
ws2k3what does this means peetaur213:49
peetaur2it means that 0.90 metadata (mdadm --create -e 0.90 ...) works best for /boot.13:49
peetaur2and after you install, if you care about it, test it. If it doesn't work, you could consider manually changing it. I always do. Others don't care.13:50
peetaur2I think it's not well known that metadata 1.2 and grub are buggy together.13:50
ws2k3odd i have made a partition and mounter it as /boot in the installer14:04
ws2k3but it still does grub-install --force /dev/sda and that is failing14:04
ws2k3at least that is what the logs show me14:06
SchallaHello folks. Any hint what could be the issue when imklog moans at the /var/log/syslog about a bad file descriptor? My rsyslog goes upt o 80% CPU usage. Ubuntu 14.0414:07
peetaur2mswart: grub-install doesn't touch /boot... it touches the MBR and bios_grub14:11
peetaur2mswart: update-grub and update-initramfs touch /boot14:12
ws2k3during install i cant get it to work14:18
ws2k3so i will install ubuntu normale and change to later to raid14:18
peetaur2ws2k3: did you make a bios_grub?14:19
ws2k3no how should i do that ?14:20
peetaur2nearly the first thing I said was it will fail if you don't...14:21
peetaur2just when you say "use as: ..." instead of saying raid, or ext4, or whatever, say something like "reserved bios boot area"14:21
ws2k3cant recall you sad that14:21
peetaur2third thing I said:  [15:09] <peetaur2> or alternatively, find a text TTY and run that command yourself.     And as a side note, is it a GPT disk? If so, you need a bios_grub partition (not the same as /boot) or it will fail.14:21
ws2k3and how do i know this is a gpt disk ?14:22
peetaur2you can only guess ;) it stupidly will not ask, but will automatically make it GPT if it is large enough14:22
peetaur2or it will leave it GPT if it is already GPT probably14:22
peetaur2and you said earlier:  [15:14] <ws2k3> it does comeplay something about gpt14:23
peetaur2[15:17] <ws2k3> its saying warning this HGPT partition label contains no BIOS boot partition14:23
cfhowlett!info gpt14:23
ubottugpt (source: gpt): G-Portugol is a portuguese structured programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-2ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 71 kB, installed size 260 kB14:23
peetaur2which are hints that it is gpt.14:23
peetaur2cfhowlett: :D14:23
cfhowlettpeetaur2 yeah, that one is obviously wrong14:24
peetaur2!info GUID14:24
ubottuPackage GUID does not exist in trusty14:24
peetaur2!info GUID Partition Table14:24
ubottu'Partition' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed14:24
ws2k3back i was dissconnected for a second14:27
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ws2k3so how do i know the installation sees my disk a a gpt ?14:29
peetaur2ws2k3: ubuntu cds are retarded and don't have parted, etc. in CLI, ... so just make a bios_grub, install, and look afterwards14:40
peetaur2parted /dev/sda print     says the type, but parted doesn't work in the install. It should work in rescue mode though.14:41
sander^workHow do I compile a .deb package normally again?14:48
ubottusander^home: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall14:54
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luminoushi! what is the best way to debug upstart when the service looks happy, but fails with nothing in the upstart log?15:18
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thebwthow do we flush/empty ufw preouting rules?17:55
thebwtwe've deleted the /etc/ufw/before rules17:55
thebwtbut can't get the rules to actually purge17:56
RoyKufw disable ; ufw enable ?17:59
thebwtRoyK thanks18:02
thebwt/lib/ufw/ufw-init force-reload18:10
thebwt/lib/ufw/ufw-init flush-all18:10
RoyKI thought just restarting the thing should do it18:10
RoyKworked for me...18:10
Phibsis there a way to mirror a PPA locally?18:16
thebwtwget -m ?18:19
thebwtsince it's still just a debian repo with a web server18:19
Phibsyeah, wish it had rsync or such18:19
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fridaynextis it okay/safe to delete old linux kernels?20:16
bekksKeep at least one older kernel, as a backup :)20:16
fridaynextgotcha - i have 11 right now, so i figure i can afford to delete at least a few20:18
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PhibsAnyone know of an rsync target for ppa.launchpad.net20:31
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RoyKPhibs: why not wget?20:35
PhibsRoyK: why not ... drive a tricycle to work20:38
RoyKPhibs: if there's no rsync, well, what can you do?20:39
zartooshHI I am using 14.04. During boot, the name of ethernet interface is changed from eth0 to device controller name: "systemd-udevd[155]: renamed network interface eth0 to em1"   is there anyway I can stop this? thx21:29
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xibalbahey folks, when i run dmsg i see what looks like a timestamp [1381034.102975] . how can i convert this into a regular date/time stamp?22:40
bekksxibalba: Using this tiny script e.g.: http://linux-funda.blogspot.de/2013/10/convert-dmesg-timestamp-to-human.html22:42
xibalbabekks, thank you much. worked well22:43
bekksyou're welcome.22:44
bekksIt reminds mind to write an alias for dmesg, printing human readable dates :)22:44
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