
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys?, hamsters and everything else12:15
lazypowerMornin Ted o/13:35
adomsomeone rate each current OS in order from most bloated to least bloated: Win7, OSX, Ubuntu18:35
adomI'm guessing it's 1. Win7 2. OSX 3. Ubuntu ...?18:35
ChinnoDogIf OSX is more bloated than Ubuntu then why does it run so fast?18:43
adomI don't know if it's more bloated, I rarely rarely rarely use/see it.20:14
adomHence my request.20:15
ChinnoDogLast time I had all 3 loaded on the same system (several years ago) OSX ran fastest, followed by Ubuntu, and then Windows Vista in a distant 3rd.20:35

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