
dariocraverohi all, I have an upstart script that needs some of the user's secondary groups being set and after a while without knowing what was going on I realised that setgid only sets one group for the user. I've found this SO post (http://superuser.com/a/225355/134737) that highlights a few alternatives to it, it's a bit old though, are those still relevant or is there any better way to go about it?11:10
dariocraveroshould I use start-stop-daemon instead?11:12
dariocraverodo I still need to use setuid and/or setgid in that case?11:12
dariocraverothanks :)11:13
PhlogistiqueI'm trying to run an upstart-based system (Ubuntu) under systemd-nspawn12:23
PhlogistiqueDid anyone do that successfully?12:24
Phlogistiquehttp://sprunge.us/LTGD so far I get this in the console. does this "Handling starting/failed event" message mean that mountall has failed?12:25
PhlogistiqueI believe I would have to de-activate mountall but still emit the events that it would emit on success12:25
nikkieHi folks.  I'm having some issues with a pair of upstart scripts.  I'm running several instances of the same job, so I have a start-this-once script and a many-many-instances script.  The jobs stop correctly and start, but when I run start, it hangs on the invocation instead of telling me the job started.  Upstart doesn't have the pid of the N jobs it starts.  Here are my scripts:19:11
nikkieI removed task and it no longer hangs. Not sure if that is the correct fix.  Any commentary would be appreciated!19:26

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