
rick_h_heh, busy day when now is the first time I've loaded up the dell order status page fo the first time today00:33
rick_h_and still building :)00:33
rbasakbac: thank you for doing the SRU justifications for me. I'm working on the Trusty SRUs now.09:08
rick_h_rbasak: awesome thanks11:13
bacmorning rick_h_11:30
rick_h_bac: morning11:31
rick_h_bac: talked with wallyworld last night. They're building a CI setup for several of the small libraries around juju11:31
rick_h_bac: we talked about having the charmstore CI be located there and in the same place as the other libraries used11:31
bacrick_h_: progress this morning! axw discovered i was encountering two bugs with juju.  one just committed to trunk and the other on the critical list.11:31
bacthe latter has a work-around11:31
rick_h_bac: and I think everyone is on board with that. 11:31
bacrick_h_: cool11:31
rick_h_bac: oh, very cool 11:31
bacrick_h_: the other bug i think only affected us east.  everyone says to use us west11:32
rick_h_bac: so I'm tempted to say our goal is to work with them to get things up for now. 11:32
rick_h_bac: ugh, sounds like nutty bugs11:32
bacrick_h_: to complete my day of frustation i found my car battery dead.  and when i used my neighbor's car to jump start it, his car died and wouldn't restart.  should've stayed in bed.11:33
rick_h_ouch, taking down the neighbors with you? That's not good. 11:33
bacrick_h_: is wallyworld working with anyone who overlaps with us?11:33
rick_h_bac: martin I believe is running the show from his team11:34
bacwhich martin?11:34
bacnicks, man. proper names due me no good.11:34
rick_h_bac: packman? /me goes to check spelling11:34
bacmgz.  cool.11:34
rick_h_I'm not sure on his nick :P11:34
bacand best, he's in a proper time zone11:34
rick_h_there you go, mgz :)11:35
rick_h_so he's doing the actual CI setup and overlaps with us. 11:35
bacok, i'll ping him when i come back.11:35
* bac bbiab11:35
rick_h_have fun11:35
bacrick_h_: so the goal is to just move charmstore over there, not the others?11:58
bachi rbasak, i've put in SRU info on the three bugs for quickstart.  can you have a look and tell me if i need to make changes?11:59
rick_h_bac: yea, the gui and private tools I think we'll keep with the current setup and be aware that we should rebuild CI at some point due to juju issues12:03
rick_h_bac: but core folks will also work on the charmstore and it makes sense to have that together with the other juju tools12:03
rick_h_bac: and rbasak is looking at the SRU, he commented before you joined irc this morning so rocking on woo!12:04
bacrick_h_: ever see this on azure?12:04
bacjuju-quickstart: error: bad API response: cannot assign unit "juju-gui/0" to machine 0: unit placement is not supported with availability-sets-enabled12:04
=== rogpeppe3 is now known as rogpeppe
rick_h_bac: oh hmm no. But we got CI up before the availability set support landed in juju12:12
rick_h_that's going to be interesting12:12
bacrick_h_: yeah, the old instances don't have a.s.  my new one does and it is pissy12:12
rick_h_bac: yea, I wonder how that effects machine view12:13
bacrick_h_: i'm going to tear it down and file a bug against quickstart.  we can reassign later if needed12:13
rick_h_that sounds a LOT like we need to support doing something there in order for MV to work in the GUI12:13
baci have done some mighty fine juju QA this week.  :(12:13
rick_h_bac: https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/85 says there's some docs on the feature in juju-core/doc/azure-provider.txt12:15
rick_h_bac: yea, availability-sets-enabled is a new attribute at bootstrap time and kills manual placement12:17
bachey, i found a work-around to a juju annoyance:12:27
bacjuju destroy-environment `juju switch`12:27
bacno more juju nanny state12:28
* rick_h_ relocates to the coffee shop to get over the shock of the news12:33
rbasakrick_h_, bac: I made a couple of very minor changes to meet SRU requirements for the "Support trusty environments" backport: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7710956/12:36
rbasakJust FYI. Tests still pass, and I'm happy that this should be fine.12:36
rbasakI think you've improved processes quite a bit since that commit, so this should be easier next time - just one issue per commit, please :)12:37
bacrbasak: thank you12:38
bacrbasak: so it'll go in as version 1.3.1?12:39
rbasakbac: yes - because I'm cherry-picking from trunk, and I think I'm missing at least one commit that went into 1.3.2. So I can't really call it
rbasakThis is pretty common in SRUs - no process issue here. I just shouldn't bump the version unless I'm taking the whole new version wholesale, and I'm not doing that because it's easier for me to SRU-justify fewer changes.12:41
rbasakWell, for *you* to SRU-justify fewer changes. Thanks for doing those bugs :)12:41
bacnp rbasak. i felt my 'regression rationals' were a bit weak and transparentl so.  :)12:43
rbasakbac: we'll worry about that if the SRU team object :)12:44
rbasakI've got the juju-quickstart SRU ready for upload now, but we can't get it landed or tested without the juju-core MRE SRU in place. I'll work on that now.12:45
bacrbasak: ok.  just let me know if you need anything from me.13:00
bacrick_h_: it is a little bit of a non-issue now, but i did just get a quickstart launch on azure with gui running.13:02
rick_h_bac: yay? :)13:02
bacrick_h_: while i wait on mgz i'll see if i can get a jenkins slave to work13:03
rick_h_bac: do we have bugs/links/etc for the stuff you hit that caused us grief?13:11
rick_h_bac: just want to make sure we're good citizens and when I say we've had issues they're logged13:12
bacof the two juju ones, one is fixed in trunk, the other was on the critical list for 1.20.  i have not filed one for the availability-sets impact on us13:13
rick_h_bac: yea, that'll be one of my goals to look at what we need to do for that across our tools13:14
bacrick_h_: i'll open a bug limited to quickstart just for tracking13:14
rick_h_bac: ok thanks13:14
rick_h_bac: I think the bug needs to be two-fold. One to make sure we don't colocate by default on azure (like lxc) and second that we allow that flag to override the bootstrap is part of quickstart as well. 13:15
rick_h_bac: which kind of falls into an existing quickstart bug of not being able to pass extra bootstrap config already13:15
bacrick_h_: qs could look at the yaml and error if azure without that setting13:16
rick_h_bac: don't follow? 13:17
rick_h_which yaml?13:17
rick_h_bac: well we want them to use availability set13:17
bacazure without availability-set-enabled: false is an error13:17
rick_h_it's enabled by default because it's the only way to make sure your env doesn't fall over on yo13:17
rick_h_what they did makes sense, it just puts us in a bind as far as user interactions and how our tools currently work13:18
baci shall write a descriptive bug and the proscriptive part can come later13:18
rick_h_so I can't really even argue against it, just have to get it fixed for users13:18
bacrick_h_: bug 1335121 filed, maint card created13:23
_mup_Bug #1335121: Azure availability set support causes failure <juju-quickstart:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1335121>13:23
rick_h_bac: ty 13:23
bacrick_h_: fwiw, i finally got jenkins and jenkins-slave up in the new azure env and the slave does show up in the config.  recall it did not on our current environment.  but the new azure uses work-arounds that are not appropriate for production.<shrug>14:14
rick_h_bac: yea14:15
rick_h_bac: ok, I think it's good that we leared a lot, we know that we need to update CI at some point, but can't today due to azure issues. Maybe we can when 1.20 hits14:15
bacrick_h_: so our current ci is a little brain dead but we dare not tear it down!  :)14:15
rick_h_bac: but should hold pattern for now and coordinate with martin/ian on CI for charmstore14:15
bacrick_h_: mgz does not appear to be around today14:16
rick_h_bac: ok, let's add a tracking card to the charmstore lane and bring it up next week14:16
rick_h_maybe by email cc'ing me/ian as we had the conversation14:16
rick_h_bac: did you get rogpeppe's branch to pass tests and build properly?14:17
bacok.  mgz works with ian and axw, so no one around until monday14:17
rick_h_bac: if so can you LGTM it and rogpeppe can land it and move forward. 14:17
bacrick_h_: i'll double check14:17
rick_h_bac: sounds good (on the mgz/monday work with the net week)14:17
rogpeppebac: make sure you pull juju-core and godeps to update its dependencies first, please14:18
rogpeppebac: because it needs to work with juju-core's deps14:18
hatchjujugui I'm still in need of a review https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/40714:19
rick_h_jcastro: or Makyo or kadams54 ^ ?14:19
rick_h_sorry, jcsackett ^14:19
rick_h_thanks kadams54 14:19
rogpeppehmm. there's an awkward ambiguity in charm urls with respect to the store URL name space14:33
rogpeppei was thinking that it would be logical to allow https://charmstore.com/precise/wordpress/any/file/path/in/the/zip/file14:34
rogpeppefor retrieving contents of charms14:34
rogpeppesince https://charmstore.com/precise/wordpress currently retrieves a zip file of the whole thing14:35
rogpeppeyou can't tell if charmstore.com/trusty/precise/foo is a file called precise/foo in the charm called trusty, or a file called foo in the trusty version of the charm called precise14:36
rogpeppeso perhaps we're best just serving individual files from a different root14:37
rogpeppesay charmstore.com/contents/trusty/wordpress-2314:37
rogpeppeand we could accept only fully qualified URLs with a specified series and revision14:38
rogpepperick_h_, hatch, bac: what thinkest ye?14:38
bacrogpeppe: juju-core dependencies.tsv reference errgo but it isn't in my tree.  why doesn't 'go get -u' fetch it for me?  or is it not really required?14:39
rogpeppebac: you probably need go get -t14:39
bacdamn that -t14:40
rogpeppebac: but godeps -f -u *.tsv14:40
rogpeppeshould do the job14:40
rogpeppebac: if you do that, you shouldn't need to use go get at all14:40
baci didn't know of -f14:40
rogpeppebac: it's a new flag14:40
rogpeppebac: you might need to go get -u launchpad.net/godeps14:40
* rogpeppe is minded to get rid of -f and make it the default. possibly with a -F flag to supress automatic get14:42
rogpeppeit's almost always what you want14:42
rick_h_rogpeppe: I think that we can't allow a charm to be named a series. 14:42
rick_h_rogpeppe: and that will avoid any confusion/issue.14:43
rogpepperick_h_: is that actually enforced now?14:43
rick_h_rogpeppe: I believe it's an error on charmworld ingestion14:43
rick_h_rogpeppe: I don't know about the charmstore14:43
rogpepperick_h_: that does mean we can never add a series that happens to mirror an existing charm name14:43
rick_h_rogpeppe: but I think it's sane to enforce and helps us keep things clean14:43
rick_h_rogpeppe: we'll end up having a nice conversation with the charm author :)14:43
bacok, rogpeppe, i've done all of that now.  so i'm in my GOPATH for juju/charm.  how do i fetch your version for testing?14:44
rogpeppebac: git add remote rogpeppe git@github.com:rogpeppe/charm14:44
rogpeppebac: git fetch rogpeppe14:44
rogpeppebac: git checkout rogpeppe/bundledata14:44
rogpeppebac: wait!14:45
rogpeppebac: it's no longer in juju/charm14:45
bacrogpeppe: well i want the exact version from your pull request14:45
rogpeppebac: it's in gopkg.in/juju/charm.v214:45
bacrogpeppe: we're not talking about https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/914:45
rogpeppebac: so, first do: go get gopkg.in/juju/charm.v214:45
rogpeppebac: yeah, we are14:45
rick_h_rogpeppe: but I think this is why I want to do the api space spec and planning. To hammer all the rules/etc out in the merging of charmstore vs charmworld apis. 14:45
* bac is totally confused14:45
rogpeppebac: gopkg.in goes to github.com to get the code14:46
rick_h_rogpeppe: because precise/wordpress doesn't return a zip in charmworld, but a json of the charmdata14:46
rogpeppebac: the actual branch is "v2" in juju/charm14:47
rogpepperick_h_: i see14:47
rick_h_rogpeppe: so we need to plan out a v4 api that makes sense of both ends and update clients/etc 14:47
rogpepperick_h_: planning the url name space is what i've been doing14:47
rick_h_rogpeppe: and I'd rather do it once vs ad-hoc14:47
rogpepperick_h_: yup14:47
bacrogpeppe: so do i keep $GOPATH/src/github.com/juju/charm ?14:48
rogpeppebac: you do need to keep that for a while, because juju-core still depends on it14:48
rick_h_rogpeppe: ok, can you share out a doc then with the current store api endpoints and the charmworld ones and we can go through them in a call and resolve conflicts/plan updates that make sense?14:48
rogpeppebac: but if you go into $GOPATH/gopkg.in/juju/charm.v2 and follow above instructions, you should get a copy of my branch for testing in the right place14:49
rogpepperick_h_: yup, sounds good.14:49
bacrogpeppe: ok, will do.  pulling from a rogpeppe remote seems dangerous, though, as i dont' know it is really the one under review.14:49
rick_h_rogpeppe: http://charmworld.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html has the info for charmworld14:50
bacrogpeppe: what if you had two branches in flight?14:50
rogpeppebac: i suggested "git fetch", not git pull14:50
rogpeppebac: that fetches the branch data but doesn't actually update anything14:50
rogpeppebac: then you can check out the branch you need14:51
bacrogpeppe: ok, i didn't see that bit14:52
rogpeppebac: of course, it's git remote add, not git add remote14:52
bacrogpeppe: yeah, i figured that out14:52
rick_h_jujugui call in 514:56
rick_h_kanban please14:56
bacrogpeppe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7711514:56
rogpeppebac: The Paste you are looking for does not currently exist.14:57
bacrogpeppe: oops: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7711522/14:57
Makyojujugui call in 214:59
rogpeppeand that's after you've done a "godeps -u dependencies.tsv" on the latest tip of juju-core?14:59
rick_h_jujugui call now jcsackett Makyo (ant is out) 15:00
* bac joins15:01
bacrogpeppe: es15:06
bacrogpeppe: yes, i'd done the updates as you requested15:07
hatchjcastro marcoceppi you can now hide the charmbrowser with a shortcut key :)15:28
hatchmarcoceppi ctrl+alt+h will hide it, you can see all the shortcuts with shift+/15:42
rick_h_hatch: or ?15:43
rick_h_I thought ? worked for shortcuts15:43
hatchwell to get a ? you hit shift+/ :D15:43
rick_h_well ? seems a lot easier than shift+/ :P15:44
hatchhaha I always say shift+/ because I just assume people will hit / thinking of ?15:44
hatchmaybe I'm the edge case :D15:44
hatchkadams54.....the test is still running......15:46
hatchoops I ordered something from amazon from a third party....16:12
hatchdarn, it's going to take a couple weeks to get here :(16:12
hatchnext time I guess I should pay more attention16:16
hatchit's just so easy to buy things sometime16:17
* rick_h_ goes to get lunch16:23
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
hatchMakyo so I'm working on getting the ghost inspector to show on drop again and running into an issue where if you open an inspector 16:39
hatchthen close it, when you deploy it'll re-open that inspector16:40
hatchI remember you fixed this once before do you have any pointers?16:40
MakyoDoesn't sound familiar to me, hmm... May be in the deploy callback?16:41
hatchwell you worked on the 'on deploy switch to a service inspector' bit16:45
hatchmaybe it's in the inspector code16:45
hatchahh I think that's where it is16:46
hatchgo sounding board go!16:46
hatchthese ads....hilarious... http://www.autoblog.com/2014/06/27/colorado-washington-pot-dui-psa-ads-video/ 17:04
Makyojujugui https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/406 QA steps are a little more extended now.  Works in sandbox, but requires a bit of a wait - feel free to do something else in the meantime.17:17
kadams54Makyo: I'll take a look.17:21
* rogpeppe is done for the day.17:24
rogpeppehappy weekends all17:24
rick_h_have fun rogpeppe 17:25
hatchcya rogpeppe  have a good weekend17:26
hatchjujugui lf a quick review/qa on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/40817:56
hatchrick_h_ any preference for another card for me?17:56
rick_h_hatch: sec looking17:57
rick_h_hatch: no preferences. take your pick. the bundle delay thing might be a short/sweet one in maint?18:03
hatchsure that sounds like a good small one18:04
rick_h_Makyo: branch land failed. npm bit the farm18:07
rick_h_jujugui just tried to walk a person in #juju through machine view to do some work. |-| far from getting it working like he wanted18:11
hatchrick_h_ just read the backlog.... his comment about wanting to drag to the container column was something I was thinking about too (remember the hover over machine to show containers?) I think the issue we are solving is one of massive scale, if you have 10-20 containers total we can easily show them all at once18:16
rick_h_hatch: yep18:16
hatchthis is a UX discussion of course18:16
hatchwithout UX18:16
rick_h_hatch: definitely, I think the main thing is that there's not much unknown/new. The lxc/container syntax threw him off18:17
rick_h_hatch: and the fact that machine 0 doens't show any services because it's node 0 and has gui hulk-smashed on it I guess?18:17
rick_h_The 'root level' threw him off. So we need to correct that18:17
hatchI never really thought of this, but if you were a noob and were presented with machine view, how would you know to click on each machine to see the containers18:17
rick_h_and some things that are in trunk that he didn't have in his gui deploy18:17
hatchdefinitely a UX problem there18:17
rick_h_hatch: right, but that's why we've talked about having the column just say "select a machine to view container details" or something by default18:18
hatchright right18:18
hatchbut maybe showing all containers is also a possibility18:18
hatchand then when you select a machine it filters the list18:18
rick_h_overall felt good but was interesting to grab someone off the irc street and have htem walk through it :)18:18
hatchI think I'll send that idea to peeps18:19
rick_h_hatch: do me a favor, grab that chat maybe and just put it in a pastebin and put it up?18:19
rick_h_hatch: and we can break it down from there at some point18:19
hatchhmm my client does not copy/paste well heh, investigating18:21
hatchhmm and no logs18:23
rick_h_hatch: ok, np. I can pull it.18:23
rick_h_delegation fail! :)18:23
hatchif you could that would be awesome - the logs werent' enabled for that channel for some reason18:24
hatchand copy/paste fails hard because of the layout I guess18:24
hatchit puts each thing on a new line and skips names sometimes so it's very hard to read18:24
rick_h_hatch: https://gist.github.com/9f0f521c60ca7a15fd13.git18:30
hatchrick_h_ do you remember if we brought up to them already about having a onboarding message in the third column?18:31
rick_h_hatch: no, but I've got a UX meeting monday and will bring it up18:32
hatchok so I won't send this email then? Or should I send it so you have something to reference?18:32
rick_h_hatch: you can send it, we can chat about it on monday18:32
rick_h_start a conversation and all that18:33
hatchrick_h_ email sent, sorry it's lengthy 18:53
hatchjujugui lf a quick review/qa on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/40818:54
bacrick_h_: throwing the poor new guys at amulet in the first week.  brutal.18:55
hatchbac lol18:55
hatchoo rah!18:55
rick_h_hatch: heh all good19:00
rick_h_bac: :) well I was hoping to find papercuts in charms that had amulet tests since they audit I thought there'd be a bunch 19:00
bacrick_h_: it'll just be funny when the ask the rest of us about amulet and we all shrug and say "dunno, haven't really ever used it."  :)19:01
rick_h_bac: look ok overall?19:02
bacrick_h_: yeah, nice19:02
baci think i'd be happy to get such an intro doc on my first day.19:02
rick_h_bac: cool, yea we'll see how it goes19:03
hatchit took me a year to get invited to all the right mailing lists! lol19:03
hatchthat's half the fun!19:03
kadams54hatch: still need someone to look at 408?19:09
hatchI do!19:10
kadams54I didn't mean I was going to look at it.19:10
* rick_h_ steps away for a few 19:11
hatchkadams54 hah damn uuuuu19:12
kadams54hatch: shipit19:15
hatchdun! thx19:15
hatchjujugui looking for a quick review/qa https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/40919:37
arosalesis lp or git the recommended way to file bugs against juju-gui?19:43
* arosales doesn't see "issues" on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui19:44
Makyoarosales, lp, I believe.19:44
arosalesMakyo: ok, thanks. Are you still doing proj mang. and releases out of lp?19:45
hatchyep lp plz19:45
hatchwe are19:46
hatchwell the charm19:46
bachatch: you ok?19:46
hatchbac lol what?19:46
Makyoarosales, hatch the charm is through lp, but can pull gui trunk from github now19:46
bachatch: well, that last flurry of comments made no sense.19:46
* arosales will submit bug in lp -- thanks!19:47
hatchbac haha sorry19:47
rick_h_arosales: what's the issue?19:48
arosalesrick_h_: I had a user report http://paste.ubuntu.com/7712762/  but I was uable to reproduce myself19:49
arosalesso I was going to suggest he open a bug if it continues to plague him.19:49
rick_h_arosales: right, he filed a bug and I triaged it19:49
rick_h_arosales: it's FF only atm and filed but low atm19:50
hatchwhat the....19:50
_mup_Bug #1335192: Drag and drop sidebar text to itself navigates in firefox <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1335192>19:50
arosalesah ok, good to hear it was filled19:50
rick_h_yep, actually someone I know...used to work for him ages ago19:50
hatchrick_h_ ohh ok - there is a e.stopImmediatePropogation() missing somewhere there19:51
rick_h_hatch: something with drop target/etc something19:51
hatchthere was an issue with that in FF before with dropping on the canvas19:51
rick_h_hatch: yea19:51
hatchstepping out for lunch bbl20:12
kadams54hatch: looking at PR 40920:13
bacjujugui: i'm toast so i'm calling it a day.  have a nice weekend20:15
kadams54bac: have a good weekend too!20:15
rick_h_bac: have a good weekend20:15
Makyojujugui quick review, slightly longer QA: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/41020:18
kadams54Makyo: I'll take a look in just a moment. You and hatch are killing it today.20:19
MakyoFeels good to be off that stupid upgrade task for a day or two20:26
rick_h_I'm also going to run away. Have a good weekend folks!20:47
hatchkadams54 isn't confirmation the religious thing21:18
hatchvs conformation21:18
hatchor did I mix those up? hah21:18
hatchyeah I'm pretty sure it's conformation :)21:18
hatchmaybe it's confirmation21:20
hatchoh, confirmation is the religious thing and the act of confirming 21:20
hatchlong week I guess21:20
kadams54hatch: yeah, "confirm" is the root word, so "confirmation". Which is also a religious ceremony. Yay weekend!22:48

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